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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
,THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, FSSHUARY 10- 1ZZZ. 31 IS BAD SAY ML f,M INTO POSTOFFICE f,IAYI5 I7AV TO CLOSE DIVES VOalD'S.DILL FOR x I ' FROPERTY OWNERS IS TO EXPENSES WOT PAID t - ..J ii Taxpayers on Russell Street In sist Improvements Wera Not -; ,,- properly Made. : NOT ENOUGH CEMENT -; IN THE FOUNDATION Remodeled Building to Be Ready Sheriff WodrPta Into Practice Payment of Small Sum' ; Ex pended in Gambling Raids . Deferred by County Court. ' for Occupancy Long Before Contract Limit. f ' ---- , . ", FURNITURE ARRIVING ; , - Method That Had Not Been Tried Before. MORE LIGHT ON THAT TRUE GREATER PART USED IN . ' FOR THE DEPARTMENT - BILL;AGAINSTJ3REYMAN r KEEPING HOUSES CLOSED .,. v- Expert Lawyer -andVSpokesrrian " H eard by .Committee of Cityy- v Executive Board. . J .; Property .owners interested In vitrified brick pavement'pn UuimII atreet ap -nesred before- thft street committee of -, Jh city executive board yesterday with another remonstrance against the ac . V - nplaow of the work. They have ceased '. theln obleetlona to the quality of tha ' brick for ltshas been found to comply Z': with .. tha speclficatlona. but they now , clarar, that the cement foundation for V-the pavement la-defective, and ia pot "'" of tha thickness raqulrad. ... - W. McMasters waa apokeaman for tha , delegation, and Attorney J. M. Long apr V peered aa legal advlaer. orge Rae. .';ivtl engineer who waa engaged. by the ' .! property ownera to make an tnveatlga ; tlon of tna improvement, gave a ;da tailed report.- - - ' " - ' ;W. McMaatera cava a hletory of tha . Improvement and concluded by stating V. that the brlcka wera poorly-laid, . the .-' surface of the afreet waa Irregular, and -that tha Joints between, tha brlcka wera not properly broken. Mr. - Raa explained that -therounda- thm did not contain aafficlent cement. and that Inataad of being six Incnee ' thick. It waa only five and one-half Inches. He also -stated that grouting . -waa defective. 1 ' -i - Inepectora O. W. Bodman and A. FlemlnV-wto-ad charge of tha work, elated that the plana and apeclflcatlona had been followed. Mr. naming said .r tha cement would grow much . harder 'r- "When It vm thoroughly set. -. Whitney L. Boise aaked the protestors ' 1 - why they ha not Informed tha commlt xi tea before-of tha alleged defects in tha foundation, and tha property ownera replied that they did. not know bf It -until recently, r.. . -.. -v 'City. "engineer". Charlea Wanser i waa v Instructed to go over the atreet very . -' thoroughly and report to tha committee aa aoon ae convenient ' T'. Mr. McMaatera atated to Mayor WIU , . lama that if the work did not comply ' . wlth.- apeclflcatlona that the property -. owner dealred tha atreet taken up and VhmrnnA Wllea and W. T.I nil were tha Vntractoi-e who did tha work for the najderatloa of I8.J0O. . "r . e ....j.w. ... . , SAXf AXXOW Hit O. -Bevr-Mri McClelTand bf, tha Presby-4 terlan church will apeak at the Salvation Army camp meeting! lJi'Flrat atreet, thl evening. - Lsat night Rev. M. M. Bledsoe of ttlo Baptist church gave a very interesting talk. Oood singing .and. music.: rnaamoala and (trip rollowa tha : tiattve .Rraow Quinine prevnts paramonls nJ erlo. fr the tun ia i look toe 230-232 MORRISON iiiiii AT BARON'S Men's hand-sewed vicl,' velour, patent calf (J 5 Q ' and patent kid Shoes, reduced to... ....... . .PaVaOJ Men's good Working and Dress Shoes,' if -5 reduced to. ................ . .'.. . . ... . . . . pl aO0 Men's Strongest Shoes made, as good as anyf h P -for $5; reduced to ."rrft.vr-i vri-rrr:t v-i tz Vsnfs 1 O Women's best makes of Shoes, in all Jeather ; f 3 f" deduced to ...... , . . ... . . . , . . . ........ . .ij) I OU Women's Shoes, as good as gold, reduced to. ................. Women's best E. P.: Reed's reduced to. v, ..v; .,, BbYS'jCALP SHOES atr, ....' ., GIRLS'. CALF AND KID - Highncut Shoin Black and Tan at Sale Pticcs All Shoes GREATLY Reduced BARON'S -V r 230 -232-MORRISON STREET - - - Beauty and Utility Join to Make ; Structure Ideal for .Goy ''' ernment Purposes. : . Not later than May II tha remodeled postof flea 'building will be fit for oc cupancy, and tha department win begin moving In. . The ntnor -dtalla of tha work-.wtU be completed by Juae'irrtwr tha federal court and other departments' of the government will occupy their quart era. j --'--'v' r- ' ' ' Plasterers are rapidly finishing their work this week, and tha electric 'wiring ia'nearin '"completion. " The current could be turned on now tf necessary. The rough coat plastering la done, and the "white coat la being laid on. .Tha stucco work ia completed In tha mala corridor, and on the celling of ; th federal eourtroora In- the aecorid . toryl: Tha terraaa flooring, an Italian com position similar to that used for tha lower floor of the new cuatom house, will arrlve-nett week.. Tha reat of tha building will be floored with pine. The walla of tha addition to the building are being white coated, and will be left In that condition until tney . Become stained. ' Tha old walla will be hard- finished and, painted white. The federal courtroom la practically, new. although located In tha old building. According td theilrat pirfna tha new wing waa to contain the federal court." and tha con tractor tor out the old courtroom. Afterward -the'-p" were altered; amj the courtroom waa relocated-in tna oia building. A new room had' to be made.' with white walla and nigh celling, on which la a large stucco decoration In the form of a wreath. ? , ;. .- Long and finely finished oak counters for the-new poatofftce haver arrived, and are atored In the cellar and furniture and equipment are- constantly received. Tha furniture la to be the beat, and win greatly, enhance-the Interior appearance of tha old building. : j.:-.. nOK TUB TO . From the Editor and Tubllsher. A London writer say a tllaf k' German naoer manufacturer at Kaaenthal has Just made an experiment to see . how rapidly It la possible to transform a tree Into a newspaper. Three treea In tho neighborhood of his factory wera cut down- atX:4,n morning. They were Instantly, barked . and "pulpedT-und the first roll.of paper wa ready at :. It waa lifted into an automobile that stood waiting and conveyed to . tha machine, roorn of the nearest daily paper. Tho paper being already aet the printing began at vtmee. and by it o'clock pre cisely ihe journal waa on sale in the streets. The entire ' process of trans formation had taken exactly two hours ST. NEAR SECOND make, $1.45 SHOfiS $1.25 Indictment Was Found Some :: Days Prior to Appearance .1- Before Grand Jury. -. After two grand Juries baa taken ac tion against tho notortoua Parla house. and certain councllmen ' had exerted themaelvea to prevent licensing the sa loon that waa conducted there, and the circuit court bad freed tha owner of the building, and there ' aeemed to be no uinnvr in which uiv i. w wuiu w .ii'utu to bar lta doors. Sheriff 'Word elmply closed lt,- -4 . i. ' . i w,w ... I i .a aMii.j Manager "Jim . Phillips last evening algned an agreement to una tha building aa a lodging house for men only, . paid $200 fines, and agreed not to question tbelegallty of tha demands made upon him by the sheriff, ' And ao enda the. ca reer of tha most disreputable diva' that ever flourished on tha Paclflo coast . Tha official records of tha city, council the municipal court, the -police depart ment and -the circuit court are filled with notations that Indicate a remarkable ear nest endeavor by aoma persons to effect tha closing of the place. -Tha grand Jury that ended its labors on January 7; 1106, was not the'flrst that took atepa to bring to Justice thosa- who were responsible for the maintenance of tho Paris houst The grand Jury of the March terra, ltOI, had the matter before it and returned a true blir egalnet A. H.- Breyroan and John Bummervllle, ownera of tha build ing, but they rescinded their action, ana. the men who leased tha atructur went t ree. Tu record.ot.lha. .l grand-Jury ahowa: - - - , . Oronad and X-oftr Tumbling. "Monday. April 4. 1804. All members of the grand Jury, ware presents Phil Metschan, foreman; T. JJ. Honeyman. U. M. Clay. W. MXllllngaworth, P. J. Neu- berg. ,C Fernau -and Henry Hewitt. A true bill waa found agatnat A. H. Breyman and John Summerville, owners of tha Paris house... Tuesday, April . All members of tha grand Jury were - present. - Mayor Wil liams waa present by invitation. Ha ad dressed the grand Jury upon the subject of restriction of gambling and Immoral housea. giving his views -and going; Into tna maxier stjuengm, The grand Jury then voted" upoji're- conslderatlon of the true blj),s found against. A. H. Breyman and John-Suna- merville, the vote being in favor of tha reconsideration, t. -. ' v r When the indictments .were -voted upon asaltvJhe grand Juryjoted notto indict- -them. It - waa further , voted not to Indict any property owners leasing buildings 'for gambling or for .immoral purpoaea." ' ..' v - ' Thla record la official. - Date of Sreymaa's ZndiotnanV Testtrday afternoon, after the clftse of tha actUe Workf tha day, George H. Thomas, who was secretary of tha late Oeorge, and called to hls-attantlon: the facta relating to the Indictment agalnat A. It. Breyman. which waa quashed by Judge George on tha motion, for tha de fense by Carey Maya, who held that a constitutional, right of- the defendant had been violated when ha ws.Y called before the grand Jury to teatif y, alleging Tn-Teetnedr--aTi c was a norennant. .- --Mr. Thomas reviewed tha chronolog ical record as published In Tha. Journal ? eeterday. showing that Breyman and Summerville wera indicted nine days be fore Breyman waa. called aa a witness. and that be was called then merely that the"ury might learn what other persons were concerned In the Parla house. Mr. Breyman waa Informed that ha need notf- teatlfy to anything that might tand to incriminate himself. Breyman waa indicted November 11: the' Indictment was banded te tha dis trict attorney on the following dair to be drawn In form to present to the courtri Breyman waa called aa witness. Novem ber Ii; and tha district attorney handed back the -Indictment- properly signed on November 28. , ---Wag STot rroe Answer. So that It waa shown that Breyman was Indicted nine daya before ha waa called aa a witness. - Tha records of the grand Jury disclose ntthlng to indicate that Breyman waa forced to anawer any questions, indeed, it seems that ha gave information -voluntarily, having been as sured -that he was not expected' to aay anyimng na .wished to Keep to himself. in spite of the numerous attempts to elicit a decision of tha court regai-dlng tna applicability or tha public nuisance statute to those who lease bulldlnss for Immoral purposes, ths question remains opefnAn indictment agalnat IX II B c ha nan for leaalng a bulldlna- 'for nmb. ling purposes has withstood tha attack of tha defense, a motion to quash having Deen overruled -Dy - Judge George. Tha indictment agatnat M. U Bauve. on the same charge, cornea on for a hearing net Monday n a similar motion, However, aa to persons leasing build ings for immoral surnosea. and aa tn applying section 1S. tha publlo nui sance statute, no pronouncement has been mads. Tha case against Breyman. which waa dismissed on a technicality, was -referred to tha district attorney, who la expected to take action- soon. , SONG BIRDS WARBLE . V lC IN UNGILDED CAGE The harmony of '"Old . Black . Joe." "My Old Kentucky Home."-"Sweet Marv CGrady-'-and other popular songs en tertains the prisoners in tha county Jail nowadays, when a quartet of male voices geta Into singing form. 'John Howland. In-lafl .. for lirnnv: 1 rBachellor, for arson; Ed Emerson, vn oer nqnam to keep tha peace, and W. & Wllaoh, recovering from a bad case de lirium tremens, . compose tha musical rga nlaat Ion, -- - r Emerson and Wilson are theatrical men. Wilson Is known as one of the best singers on tha vaudeville ataga on the coaet. -Business -of alt sorts -: ceases - when the four men collect In . the corridor and begin to alng. Lawyers who have come to the Jail to visit clients poet- pone their consultations- deputy sheriffs who come down from tha office above forget their hurry, and It requires only a minute or two to aaaemble -an- au- dlece of a score or mora when the quartet begins' the rendition of one of lta programs. , -Everybody's liable tor Itrhlna vile. Rich and poor, old and young terrible the torture they sHlTor. Only one autre cure. Dnan'a Ointment. Absolutely saiej m i iaii. . refer led Stock Oaaayed Ooodg. ', "Lewis Best Brand. , Sheriff Says the Amount Is Due and That He Will Insist on -r-r-h" -Collection. ' Sheriff Word's claim of 1471.49. for expenaea Incurred In watching gambling housea closed by him after 'raids and held by special deputies' while caaea wera pending before' the gamblers paid their fines and algned agroementa not to violate tha law, was laid over until an other meeting Jry tha county court. .. The claims . wera before tha . court yester day. ..', .- .a-.';-... ; Tha court also deferred action on tha claim of Llda-Dawson, for 11.300 dam ages and 157.90 costs, for Injuries re ceived In 1103 by falling into a hole !. county road, Thla claim waa brought into tha circuit court.-where Judgment for that amount waa given. " Like action waa taken in the matter of the claim of XT. A. Locke, to whom $3,000 is due for injuries received by-falllnr-into a ditch on, tha Foster road. Locke is a plasterer, living at Lenta. 1 1 Bherltl Words claim or in clude4w4171k for Jaaper Fuller, -for watching the ..Warwick, turf exchange; 10 for E.: W. Wlse.-ror watching tha Portland, club, and 4i for premiums -on three bonds tha aherlff gave in appeal ing damage eases brought against him by owners of property Involved. In tha gambling caaes. . .. Mora than 13,600 haa been collected tn fines from persona who have been proeo euted by Uia sUarJJT ta his anttl-gambUng campaign, ao that tho expenaea incurred in employing special deputies have seen mora than offset by the revenue re ceived. - ! r . Sheriff Word 111 Insist upon ths. pay ment of these claims. Other expense bills filed bv htm hava been paid this month, although on . several occaalon they have been held up and 'the money denied tha aherlff for a long time. These claims are for money paid by the aherlff from his own funds, snd ho belle vea that ha shSuld be remunerated by the county. -"I expect to collect thoaa tillls,"- Sher iff Word said today, "i am eniiuea to the money. I paid It -out in -the : per formance of my duty, and I have more than made It tip-to the. county by . the fln th.t .heen .forced from the 1 a-mntilera and owners of tho Paris housed These casasJiava,.been ended in most instances without trials, vand therefore there has been no 'expenses for Jurora, and the time of the court has not been consumed, excepting for a. few minutes required to listen to a plea Of guilty and to enter in the 'record the proceedings of the defendants' plea. What action I shall take to gei me money win ap pear later." ' -V ' ' "' ' '"-;' NIMBLE SAILOR IS BELGIAN GIANT ''l ' - -' '...If ' ' Eighteen-YeaNOId Ship , Ap: - prentice Licks FourTars l- Before Seven 6ejls. On boara Ah BrltlBlLShlD JJolt-HlU Is a giant. John . Vuylaeke by nam. who stands f H feet with his boots off. And these boots are wonders they are Na . 13a. John Is IS years old and tlpa the beam at ISO pounds- He is an ap prentice, and Joined the ship at BgJglum three years ago. ills father is one-or tha old . country's mllllonuire4 manufao turera. ' - - ' .. .:'''' Notwithstanding hla - weight -' and clumsy appearance, he la aald to be the most nimble sailor . In the crew. , Nona of his mates - can ascend to tha dlssy heights in the rlggihg more quickly than he. In fact, when -a difficult Job has:; to be performed quickly Vuylseke Is the lad who Is Invariably plclted out to do It. In the language of one of his ad mirers: "He gets there with both of those feet In a Jiffy regardless at their splendid proportions.' r -- Many a friendly bout Is held on deck to pass away the time.' In these en gagements the Belgium giant haa an' op portunity to snow nm airengtn and prowess. . it requires ths combined ef forts of . four of tha sailors to make It anything- like -Interesting to--- him. Three of them laat about one round each. with tho proper training it is said that he would soon become a match for tha unconquered Jeff. - ' Hjhompson Automatic r i Roller Window screen One of the Createst Inventions of the Age Adjustable ' to AU Windows. Extraordinary opportunity of- : fered to agents to sell the screen -tr to "sell territory in the United States. Any information gladly furnished by ' W. J. COOK At Muck ITsrdwsr Comnany. Second .nd Morrison -streets, rortiand.' Or. - . thttr.m.,, . I - 1 I ii 111 1 J. !'.. . . '." .. .... -. LOSS j.z: --Choice of i:.'' '"'"''in our Choice of , ui vw Choice of ( J " 1X wlti .i7; yoii jgrasp it 7-7f WHEN "F '.;-. Until Question Settled No Money Vnil-fes Paid for Mor-y , . rison Street Bridge. , . .: MATTER GOES TO CITY - ATTORNEY FOR OPINION George H." Howell JBIocksDe- rrtand " of Construction Com- f y. party on Executive Board. . - Oeorre K. Howell blocked the pay-. ment of tSt.OOa to tha Faclflo Construc tion company for bulldlna; tha Morrison street brid-rs at'a meeting of the city executive board yesterday. City Attor ney McNary was aaked to e-ive an opin ion on. tha legality of the city awarding tha contract for over $(1,000 of extras on the bridge before any additional money Was paid .the contractors. The -amount due the company la .- tit. , City Engineer . Wanser recom mended In hto report on tha bridge that tst.000 be paid, and that tho remaining I8.m be held back until final settlement,:-.. , ., --. ". . ' : Rodney Ix ' GUsan aald , tha amount which - the : City engineer recommended be held back would be sufficient to guar antee tha completion of tho contract and als to adjust differences existing between tha . committee .and tha con tractor! ' . . - "I do not believe this money should be paid at this time," aald -Oeorge II. Howell. '-Tha statement I mada befora this board on December XI - regarding the excessive eoet paid -for extras, I believe to be true. I also believe that this board entered Into an Illegal con tract for JUse extras, and that we can be held responsible for this money.' If these extras were ordered according to the. original contract ., the ' contractor should not be allowed more than -It par cent profit. ' My contentions Have been substantiated by -Charles Blhler, tha ex pert - employed by ths council, and by other competent engineers.'. I 'ask that thla matter be referred to Jhe city, at torney - for- his" opinion regarding . tha legality of these contracts before we pay this money. - ; : ; "I do not mean . to renect any Dis credit' upon my colleagues, but I am acting in tho interests or tha elty In this matter." , . ; -I do not approve of tho policy- of "holding tip contractors," said .Mayor Williams, "after they hava completed their work. It reflects on tha city, and we cannot expect to get work dons at a reasonable price If we keep contract-ore out of their money." ' - , "I eec-nd the motion of Mf. Howell." siatldT 3. D. Curtis. Tm not technically opposed to allowing thla money, aa is my colleague, yet I hava not arrived at any decision In thla matter. ' t am not pre pared, to vote on It today. 1 deelre to hava t nnlnlon of tha eltv attorney." "If you had any such Idea aa thla. whyl did you not say so. before, and not wait and Vprlng it In order to hold -up this !,eaT" queried Oltsen of Howell. . "As t said before," replied Howell, '1 waa actuated by a desire to act In the In terests of the city and not to cast dis credit on my colleog-uea, ss Indicated ia iiiiiiiS EXTRAS 4IAY HOT DAVE- DEEM LEGAL at prices that , mean an absolute to us. any $20 OVERCOAT stocks.: any $15 OVJ2RCOAT awvA ..,.., any $ld OVERCOAT ' JQ K BfcWteesi a ae a a' 4 'e M s-a ete-iee t Opportunities like mis coirie r. about once ina lilto YOU SEE IT IN AD, THIRD! AND OAK Boston Painless Dentists " m. xosmzsov min. " . Known tho world over, arp tha only dentists In Portland havlns- ' thla world- renowned painless system for doing dental work. our up o - data system . savea Aia time and .you money. ' This is the secret why. we . give the - best work for the lowest prices '411 work guaraateed fox IS years. ;' SILVER F1LLINU8 nni.n rr-LtLiNau '.'. i and tio ooli crowns. to.00 We have a speclallaf W i each department. - Beet artlnclal teeth makera. best crown and bridge work men and gold fUleratln the world. . obowv aim nxoan yromx A ; . We 'sre first In point; of perfection and durability of work in the dental buslneaa of Portland. v. . . ' - YeOIde Tried and Reliable;. PAINLESS DENTISTS stiM Koasttsosr min, ' Opp. Meiex m rraak aad Old PosteStoa. Hoars :! a. m. to t p. m. Sunday, .1:30 a. m. to 1I;J0 p. m, - . . . ' Be yox are ta ke right plaee. . but It did tist Inform ma of It until after the meetfns.".. , "You made your report to ths board without -consulting . us,''- heatedly . re turned Ollsan. "and wa did not, think that you desired to st tend bur meeting." ' , There is no doubt In my mind about the locality of these contracts," said tha Mayor. - "We had a less I right to enter Into these contracts for extras. I do not think It necessary to advertise for blda. This brldss was tit under special act of tha legislature, and was not con structed under tho provisions of tho city charter. ) I may be narrow la my opinion bu 1 am willing tt submit this matter to thelty attorney. . When the vote was taken It waa Unani mously decided to aak ths city attorns for hla opinion. . '.'' - Regarding the dredging of tha channel at Morrison, street Jjrldse. Mayor Wll llama stated that many communications had been received front tha government and that he dealred to have tho contro versy qeclded. He wss- of ths opinion thst tha government had nothing to. do with the dredging of tha river, and that the work lay within the Jurisdiction of ths slate. Ha asked the board to hava a communication addressed to the government-stating that tha city would dredge tha-aWer aa sdbn as convenient 1 ' Orandeet display of fma scenery sver seen--Portland at tha comer of Third and Alder streets. On-exhibition from t la ths morning till t at night. - . Pi ef erred Bteek Oaaaed tMeU, 'Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. - , ... , TEETH mi 7 ill , jS-aais-- sM Mk BOSTON .$I2.3S": vyli si '. ;,t 1 IPS S0- :'," -- ' . ' U ', t -,- ..i i Vi":-V''A--'-'-;;-;' LAST DAY! Torhorrow (Saturday) is the . last" day-- of our y. : - That means the reduction of 25 "per cent that has been given on all : goods except our $3 Shoes, will terminate, and next week we wilLle : .... :" yj. - Showing.' :--.--:.'. .; SPRING STYLES' That economical buyers will find "to their advantage to , yi .- yP!!Lup'.; " A heavy winter weight Net tleton , water-proof Corona .y tolt, regular $6.00, for $5.95 We have also other water proof -ShcslutUi-tyIeoV and lasts, $8.50 values for mm . .- yKtws sr.?ts ixatsrvtty : "J : -J. - -j- FEfeir FtTTCRs ;: y K 270 yl-hin-jton Street Between Tnird and Fourth. Clearance Sale Saturday Bargains Mr. Butler' a communication. -' I dealred to meet this committee on this matter, -. " .-7,.' y - . i .. . -,. -. tr