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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
L ..-.- . " . . - ' , , , THE OREGON DAILY fJOURNAi; POTLANItFRIDAY EVEIIIKQ, FEBRUARY ' 10,' UCX V K TODAY'S f ! VOOt CONTRACTS 1 v .: 'niiAinnAAn TAUT f , x Eastern Buyers I In Eastern' Ore: gon Are Very Active Wjl Their Purchases. "TRADE SURPRISED AT V - THE DECLINE INSUGAR f "Dealers AreBuying-Tancy Po- tatoes Changed Conditions v i in the-Hop, Market. " Vwrt Street," feW 10. --Th principal to tarn .; .... f the Fori Is n wholesale Mrtm -today. are; i'; Iter searket le heM Sraarr. '..',- . . t ... CklokeB eeppHea Breton small. ' " '.,'. ' ; Smelt recetnts ara nominal. , ; Trada enrprlaee at' ausar aeellnev ---- -:' ; i, j. Meay-aalra of wool reported. " v Fresh aieeta alow, fa arrtrlne;.: ' .-f, '!'-; . Apfile market la overstocked. ' ' . ' - V 'eelere am kayluf fancy potator. . ; liealer report Bale of.. bod. V''-,-; ''. Onloa- auufcetta fao4oap.. .' Sals W Wel Ara Heavy, v Woel contract ara esla- eas-crly soap-nt la Hka mtcn portion of the elate and darinc 'the awl few ears bust sale of the ltf"o clip bare bora reported free that arctlea. Accenting ti lal Ukrrtnr HfiM tba wool -jp ot that eousty tba comlns -arseon will jaaauaatt a boot t,ooo,Us) ananda and of tbla ' iemnant (ally three fonrtna 'ef tba ciaa has al 'raady baaa coaticted for. by aaitara and .ij. rarlfa eoaat oralrra. Tb aaiouat aai ta that awllna ta awit inatanraa la Mi mi pound, an third of thai brine paid to tba wool aiaa M tha tlaw ot a.klnc tba raarract. la tba ,Lakelcw aretloa Ballry Masai iif III, baycra "for aa ra.trro oral, haw ahraady aarpbaard . aboat MO.OuO aonnda ot tba coming rllp by V .matrarta;' f. It.- lUllar, aaothar oailrra aayor, haa aarchaaad aboat STU.0UO poanda la tba au aaftloa; tba total porehaara ot thaaa two - araw bring l.aUO.000 poanda. Tba ronilng dip .... tbrnagboat tba rairgra aarrloa of Oregon and Waahlnftoa, aa'writ aa wcatcra-Idaho, will ha canal (Jrrably In airaaa of tba clip of tba araaaat aaaaoa. tba pat wlater bclag a vary Billd ona ' for ahaop. If wratbar condition! do not , cbanga asatartally tha productloa tba coming ' Waaaoa la tba wool Una will be a raeord breaker la toe. PactAe northwest. : . i-' , , " - " ';. Egg lUrkat U Hald riraiw.. . The egg aiarkrt waa held artner today on J arcoont .of the change la weather coadltiona.. ('Id weather ranaed a lack of receipts la thla .iaBarkat.t'Heaa today ana practically la blgbar. ' Ohiakaa gwppUaa Ara Taa taall. . ' ' ftappMea ot rhlckena la thla market ara-" far abwrt of tba doiaaad and present Talaea. are being held vary arm. No wild gaaw cama la : thla aaornlngr bat thera wa l-jtod denvaad. Room dressed tarkers aoatiaaa to straggla la : ' aad ara aalllng at tba top prices. . Tama darka aad geaas show as latpraTaawnt la tba too. .. " Trada amatlsad at ngfir Oacllaa. ' The decllna of lOe per hundred poanda in j ' the notations of all jgradek of refined sugar la , thla - market, which waa azrlualrrJy predicted and told laTba . Joaraal yaatardly, was a ."real siirarras to the trade, as jweryona had ' ibeca led to ballera that m material (draaco waa . -ta ardrr. ii--wri-T.-f.- :"'. . lalt Jtarkat Had Batter Toaa. :v:'' ." -' Ths recent advances la the salt market has caused a better and armer tone to mlo hers " and tba retail trada hi tnt beginning to boy salt .- again. . raeas anensngea loaay. - Sadists-Asp Baying Taaoy " Oat la tba ooaatry thera haa been coaaldembla : '.. bnjrlng of fancy potatoes daring the past dew daya aronad Tnir(gOc per hnadred ponnda, cnon- try points. . The onhnv market- la la good abapa and present ralaea are easily balng maintained. Saalara Ara Baying toma Hspa. - 1 Tba. ho situation haa taken oa a changed "than oa accoant ot, the attitude af Krebba Woa. la announcing la the Jonrnal yesterday ZSzpbMt-$)B&jmiimfr--tlfcvntti4X7,om' weak jholdlnga and aare th storka, from being thrown " r foa' the markeit. - The bearsare" la the acid - morning, aona and night, talking of lower prices, bat they all seem willing to purchase ' - at present-va men. Tha following purchases ara . reported by the dealers themselves frank .Miller to g. 7. 'Mtaer. 40 hales of primea-at ZKe per 4oaBd: Jalioa Wolf, through Harry Hart, nrchaead T bsW-a of prlasea from T, A. Mresley 'of nslem at 2iic par pound. Mr. Wolf eaye that ha haa also purchased Z2r, bales of primes from anntner aource, aat reraara tar glre tha . prtra paid, - ;- ; ; ''JWi -sTte'"lir-'iB"AfTitog; All grhdea af fresh meat a with the eiceprtnn .1 'of basf aad asnttoa ara being eagerly sought gttar. by. tba retail trad, bat receipts are , . not aa good aa .tha dtrmaad. Present prices . -ere- wB(7-wr Today's wholceala auotatton aererlerfl. ara , W 1WIV.V. . ; , .. .. . - '0raia," Tloar aad FaalT" ." ' WHKAT tioh and red, 85c; hlnestrm, OOQ -lc: aaller. HTArMc. . , PAHI.EV Feed, (22 50Q23.00; rolled, g23.T 'ajzs.wi; orewing, fza.utfc tENWhol4i6 nittcj crack ed.. tIT.OO -sr-toa; .. . ... OATR- Prodn cers- price No 1 white,' $21 JO: 'gray. t28.oni 27.00. .OlH Kastera Oregon patents,' $4.M; Jtraighta.a.Tn: aalley. 4.10; graham, M. 1": ft 45; rye. 50a. (S.OO; bales, tin. MIlXeTCKFS Bras, gio.oti per ton; mid dlings, $23.00; aborts, country, f23.00i.rbop, fia.oa. , . HAY Producers' price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy, f H.nO.ilJ.O": ordinary. fA.ont 14.00; eaatera h-egon..flnii icon; mined, ' fiS.noffis.nn; norar, fll.mai2.00; . grata. , fll.OOtt 12.00; cheat, f lL(KrlXvu, . , Batter,. Zggs and Poaltry. v ' . UlTTrrt VAT Rwaet.- Sic; acmr. c. WTTT. ity creamer, beat. 32Hc; second grade, STSe: oatlle fancy, ffle;- orJl ' nary, 27Mic; lalirornla, 26tj30c; atora, 12, 14c. - ...... Erjc.ft ;. j fresh Oregon, 27fJ2Sc; eaatera. - S42sc. , - ; t IIKtRB New Full cream ' twin. tficr Toons Antertca. lWe: eaatera. lofilSWc: theddar. 15c 1 - - - VUVWrwi rhlckena.. Billed. 12H per lb; hens. , I2,e pee lb; roosters. old, 'Ite per lb; young, 121M per lh; broilers. lT4c pee Jh; fryers, IV per lb; docks. fl.OtisJ lo on per da: geese. .so per 1h; tarkeya. JTc per th: dres-ed. 20f22'7 ne lb. WILD tiAMB Tesl. fl.Tft; widgeon, fl.00; . mallard. f3.SU; eanraabacka, f4.fc.0O. .... ! .Hopa. Waal aad Hidaa. ' i HOPS loot, TTisfl for rhotee; SiSZTKe for nneass and mediums. " WMM-4Vmtrscta ions -ep. ISWtdrr-wgney;" coarse to meolnm, lfljlTc; Bne, ligl8e; east- em Oregon. Idc. ':. IIOHAIR !W." SOc. ' . ! v ailKKPHKINS aiosrlng. )f2nc; abort "woof." - . TAIXOW Prime, per lb. dQ&e; 'Ke. S aad grease. HITTIM BABK 4e per lb; buying price -inOEaVscPry bJdea,'So. 1. 1 ls ,d Bn, IMtlOSe per lb: dry "kip. No. 1. to IS lhs, IV; dry calf. No. I, under f lhs, lac; y salted nulla and slags. i- leas than dry flint; ' sailed hldea, steers, eound. 60 lbs or erer, fUc; n to 00 iba. Sc; under 0 lbs aad eowa. H 84e: aousd. 10 to 14 the ec . eeir v anand. aader 10 Ids. Se; greea lunsalted) 1c . pee Kb lean; rulle. le per lb leas; horse hides, salted, each. tl.23ai.7o; dry each. tl.OOCil.Bo; - colt hides, each, 2aeue! goat skins, eommoa,!5,4ei Angora, with wool oa. each,: i. ZOrfl.O0 , Fran had Tagatablaa. "" POTATOKS Best Oregnar." aolfl.o0: bay. era. TBtiSOe; second grade, an per sack; buy. , Ing price. 75c; sweets, best, fl.; crated, fl.notjI.dS; new California, XH-Tc per lb. ONONK t2.eo72.7n: bnysra' prices, eoaatry, fS.lnttlaS; garlic. Kfjlne per k. ' ' FhlNll rRLITH Apples, ertra fancy. . fliO fancy Uregoa. fi.oo per box; cheap - grades. Tfte per boy; oranges. .. aassk. f I.Bf.wi HI - per hoi;" seedlings, f I 00 , per bog; tsngerines, ft.fS per bug; Jap srangea, 04ithe per boa; hananaa, ac pee lh; teaaosa, chols-, f.rM per log; fancy, fl.7f per hex: llmea. aleilcaa, aoc per ion; pine. . anplea. f!2S; crsji berries, eaatera, fll.oo r T bttl ' ' ' ' VrxlKTABI.FS Tnmlpa. f 1.00 per sack; ear rots, fl.oa per aark: beets, fl.25 per sack; Oregon rsdhinea. lAe per dns; cabbage, Oregoa. !l 73 rwf' t'allfarnla. fl.ltA; lettuce, bolhuoae, I 2.11. 7 crslei greea penpsrs. Je per lb; chill rmws. Sc rr tti celery. Sort lie per dos; oiatnee, rsllferata. fS.00; parMlue. flic .!'; erg Ust. I?tr per th; string beans. Iii-; cenllftoorr. flSAefl.TB crate: halter beana r; puetphlo. le per lh; horseradlah, lefe per MARKETS ..-... k. . . . TODAY'S PRICES IN 4. THE WHEAT MARKET i.-. a a a a a d d May Option,. Chtoafe ....i MUwaukea St tioula . Kansaa City , New TPrk atlnnngpnllg , . ..II.HHB .,- 1.1IHA ... l.ltHB . 10H , it 1KB -Duluth r; d San f"rnclaco a "Par caiiUU , th: sprout a, Tc; artichokes. fl.O0Ctt.S5 per dog; praa, 10c per lb; (acuuxbera, California hot house, f 1.79 dog. .'. .. ..v.cs- l)RtEI KR1 ITS Apples, anorated. TOSc pat4bi aprleota. ftrtlnc-per-thr aacka, - He per lb leas: peaches, tiiyiSe per lb: pears, i per lb; prunea. Italian. 8Hs41c per lb; I'rench. SMWe per lb: - tsllfornla black. 6rHc per lb; California white. . per lh plnms. pitted, per lb dates, golden, fc par lb; tarda, fl SO par IS-lb bo. . y ..'.' r.T Oroosriea, ,.-:.jjta, Eta.'' 1 SnOAB Sack bsals -nhe. ,f..10; powdered. S.1S; fruit granulated. fd.Oft; dry granulated; .; Wl granulated. - fS.SS- cttra C, W M; golden C. W.45; bhls. Itic; M bbls. J5c; holes. 60C adranra oa each basis, less 2Se cwt for cash. IB daya; ample, 14fle per to. ' .. HONKT-.14M,lSc. ' IDKl'M-Package hraada. flB.SS. ' . ' . ft ALT Fine Its lee. 2a. 3s, 4a. Ss. 10a. fl.M; table, dairy.; Sua,. fll.Oft: . loos,. flO.TA; Im ported I.1rrpnol. .-flt.OO; loos, f 18.50; i-JM. fld.OO;. eitra fine.' bbls. Sai: Sa. fta. KM,; bulk, K Iba, fi.oo 36,00; hacks. Sua. ftStfNOc. , SALT Coaraa Half ground, 100a, per ton, rt-Sfl; BOa. per ton, $7.00; I.Iyer pool lamp rock, 1.S0 per toa;BO-lh reck, fa. 0: 100a, $.3S. f A bo re prices apply to aa lea of lass than eat lota. Car lota , at special prices subject to Suctuatloos.) ' .GRAIN BAOfr-Calrutta. $S.T5.0tf per 100. KICK Imperial Japan. No. I, 4e; No. J. 4c; New Orlcana. - head. SV.loc: ,. idlax. Vl Creole, sc. , BKANS Small white, scr lsraa white. S"Ac: pink. !tc; bayoa; 2c; Li mas. Be; 3fexlcaa reds, -i'Tv' -i. e - L'iT Paaaata. 1W. Juniboi- e er nil raw, PQiOe per lb; rotated. ; cocoaauta. 8St80e per dog; walnnts. 4416c per lb; pine auta. 104i,12c nee lb: hlckorr ants. 10c par I In cheat nil Is, eastern. ISfjlAC per lb: Brasll nata, 15e per to: Slberts, lSfiac per lb; fancy pecene, jttjuM per n; alniooua, isiae par in, -: .-. Paints, Coal Oils, Ite. BOPB Pure Manila. 14c;. atsndsrd, 12e; (tsal. 10c; Istle-hraeeV Waal, 4c, - : COAL OIL iVsrt or Astral Caaea,- 21a per gal; water whit,-iroa bbla. ISSe per gal; wooden, lie per gat; headlight. 170-deg, cases 23e per gal; Iroa bbla, llhe per gsl. I.lS'HRgu OIL Para raw In bbla, Bdc per gal, cases die per gal: genuine, kettle boiled, cases doe per gsl, bhls1 SSc per gal; ground cake, car lota f 21.00 par ton, less than car tota $30.00 nee ton. I -OAKOUNE -deg. cases S2e per gal, Iroa odis aoc per gai; store, cases Hftc pey gat. Iron bbla the per gaL - rlE.vy.INB tW-deg. caaea , 35 ,er gkl, Iroa bbls. It4 per gsL . . - TURPKNTIN'B In rases. fft per gaL wooden bbls, Sle per gal, Iroa bbla, 70e per gal, 10-lb ease lots 84c per gsl. - , WJ11TB I.FADrToa trrta, tUe Per lb; BOO-lb lots. 74e per lb; less Iota Re per lb. . WIRE NAILS Present base at tZSO. - : . Vaata, Piah and PrsrUlena. FRRSH MEATS front street Beef, ateera. 4SHc per lb; pork, block 7c per lb; parsers. tiCTc per lb; bulla, 2 He per lb: eowa, Sf!IVfce per lh: mat too. -wethers and lam be, i7c: ewes, '4tQUe; yesL extra. Kn c per lb; ordlnsry, 8 We per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland ntck (local) hama, 10 to 14 lba, 12e per lb; 14 to IS Iba, iji4c per id; is to ins. ixkc per id; eottage. a per Mi; breakfaat bacon, lSstloe per lb; picnic. SHa per lb; regular abort clears, in amoked, SAte per lb; smoked.' 1044 Per lh; clear nacae, nnsmoked. oc per id; eaaoneuV - loc per lb; Union bolts,' 10 to It Iba, naemoked, Sc per lb; amoked. Be per- lb; clear bellies, aa moked. 11c per lb; amoked, 12e per lb. I.IM AI. LAHO Kettle leaf. 10s. loUe nee th: fia. lOHe -oer-lbrort-tb tins. lOUe per Ur. team rendered. We. pe per lb; be, Vie per Ift.tnba. ftsc per lb: BOc. e per lb. CASNBD HALMOJf-iColtifahnl rtTerl-ih-ta'Ha. fl.NS; S-lb tana, 12.0O; fsncr lib Bate. 12.00: H-lb fancy Sata. Si. 2ft: fancy 1-H orals. 12.78: Alaska Ulla. pink, S590c; red, fl. SO: nominal Wz-teHr aHrO:- ' F1HH ltock cod. Tc per lh: Bounders. Se per lb! halibut. mc per lb; era ha. fl.2S per dog; sxripea nasa. iosrizc -per 10: cainsn. ie lh: aalmoo. Columbia rleer. r Chinook." 12Uc. ateelbeada. Oc per lb: fresrn alyerldeat7e per.; miLmuap us pee in 1 aeies. c shrimps. 10c per lb: ahad, dressed. per lb; porch. Sc per lb: ahad roe. per lb: ahad. Be per Th; black cod. e per Ht -Columbia rlrer smeit, ae per u: atieer ameit, oc per H; loostcra. imc . reesa macaerei. ' ac per m rrawflsh, 20c per dog; flounder, Se per lb; atnrgeon.-'Te per Ib. OYHTERK Sboalwater bay,per gal, t2.; per eaca. senai art: uiympia, pee escc. sa.zn. CLAMS Hard ahell, per box, f 2.00; rasor ciama, az.w per nog. r TONE IJ, HOGS flUtksZ. : , VERY FIRM TODAY Portland Tnloa Stockyards, peh. 10 The hog market la Tery firm at the aplrlted adrance of - yeaterdayv-Tiere la ta - good--tone .to -the fettle market, while abeep are allghtly weaker with a dull tone.' Tha recelpte today 127 bog anu iff aneep. ' - r Today's official ruling 11 restock price: - Hogs Best eaatera Oregoa. fS.7Befa.00; light blockers and China fats. ft.T&QS.OO; stock srs ana reeacr.. pe.ouina. 10. Ckttle-cBest eaatera Oreron itcera. v f4.00 light -and medium ateera, fS.S0t cows, f3.0t; medium cows. S2.50: eld and light rows. SX.OO: toe Iter and feeder,. f2.0oQ2.25;, bulls, $1,50 U2 00. Kheep Beat fancy aheep, $4.50; ewes, $4.00 -, ;-.-; - - ' ' 7- ; , : CHICA00 HOPS HIOHZbT" ' Chicago. Peb. 10. LI restock receipts: Hoga Cattle Sheen Chicago ....... s.ntsi S.nno Kansas City. ..... k .7 lo.ono .. l.soo 1 ,oni Omaha 2.000 TOO . 2.000 llnara onened be higher with B.OOO left oyer. Prices: hd. f4.Noi4.nTHi rough. $4.5364.75; mlied. f4.SS4.05;, light, $4,SA44.SO. t'attie atrrmg. , r . theea Steady.; , ""' k COTTON IS ELEVEN 'W. TO TWELVE LOWER (furnished by Oyer beck. : Starr A Conk Co.) Sew York. February 10. Cotton fntnres were weak and the market today closed 11 to 12 yplnta lower. , i r-. Juuay s otociai cortoa maraet: ... Onea. High. Low.' Close.' rrbraery ..." ... ; Tin21 March .....v.. T2S t SS- 721 . 7i2S April ..;.'.,.yiv.'i-t T:ts , 7:t2 T:t2 T2:ii2S May .... ...'.-...";. T!H;iT42 T24 J T2K2S June ,, Ttl 11 741 T2xt Jnlyv-,, T40 Trio T3i T.12..1S August T ToS'rl.'W Semptettiber T4T T4T T4T T twoi 41 October ............. T51. T61 TS . ,148344 -r-4Jw.rnet Cettoa ttaady. '"'" : Llrernonl. Feb.- to. The eloae- of ' cotrma , la f to 10 point, lower. Market steady. ';;W T0E COTTIE . XAJtXXT. . j' Kew York.- Feb. 10. Coffee futures elnasd 15 to 30 pnlnta np. . , Today irnctai corrce-. market: i Bid. Aak.-. .-BlA..ak: . a. a. a newst I, 1 W M41JI Marcs . April ,. 7.0B T.1 Keptember ,, T.TB T.Hti T.15 1.21 K-toter .... T.Xn T HO Msy ... June .. T.90 T. 3.11 December ... S.OO 8.05 T.40 7 S Jsnusry, . .'OS S.S5, S.10 7.50 T.65 . i ; - j ... July .. .'Bear York Cash Coffee.. New York. Fob. 10 Cash coffee: iCa. T Bio. tec; No. Santos, te. .IW TOBK STnfMAlT. , New -York; PrbC 10. fansr. Jones A Ch. 'aa! Lontlon at'jcka are allghtlr better for. AmerW cane and are about parity. The Japanese bonds are strong and In eery gone; demand, - Twelve Industrials-declined 2S per cent; So settee In dnetrlsle declined If per cent. Bealneas pros necte and uthiek are nod to ail lines sf trade. . BeW York-Loadea Sugar. - "'Tsew" York. Feb. 10. Keflned - ugf. Wn changed. London beet augers firm; February aad March, 15a 4., ... . . , , Llrsrpoel Orala Xarket, Llrernonl. Feb. 10. Close: Wheal. ' Ware, 7a 4. vi down: May, Us HHd.-H down; July, as ltd. Vid down. torn-Marc a, as, A.4 UT. a 2Sd, ap. . ..- . , t l.T - . a TENNESSEE COAL UP FIVE DOLLARS Entire Stock Market in New yorli TSt rongTlfThrough J7- -'; ' Session, v '' ' j REPUBLIC STEEL MAKES VERY HEAVY ADVANCE All' Industrials Are Showing Big Rise - Car Foundry a V ; vf;1' Bull. Feature. :;va"V-V . STOCK ADPANCESr-f asBaigamateQ ..a .to 1111. t enirsi -. ...a .w Atcblaoa, com . .25 Manhatufa . .... .7 Sugar' .... .SXU, Mexican Central Afi Smelter .12 VilNorf. Wealc. .37 1 r m rpaaa g.ixk racinc maii ;.i xu Brooklya L .... .60 Pressed Steel ear S.SS' Bait. A Oblo :..37H Rep. Steel, com. 2.00 Lonl. A Nsah, ; ,M7HUep. BleeL pfd. 6.00 Metropolitan ... .STiilTrun. Coal .4.., 612V, Missouri Pee ... .25 1.'. P.. con .i...' .62W Ont. West .. .TS'lMteel, com -....1.60 -Gaa .12MIMteel, pfd l.STH Cole. Fn,i .. l.Bl'VsiKocg la., coal. .12Vh St. Paul ..... C. A K. W... Krte, com , . . : oTVslSouthara By,...'." .25 '.26 IS. P.. com J .S7H)Leather, 'coat .25 ., .25 (North Am . .... .. 00 .25 1 .,. STOCK LOSSES. : Krle. 2d pfd . Erie, let pfd . Atcblaoa. pfd. $ .25 I Smelter, pfd .12U Canadian- fee. XT U Ores t North ... .tri Beading, com.!. .12',, Leather, f(4... .50 (Furnished by Orerbeck Starr A Cooke Co.) Kew Vrh. - reb. IO. This wsa a dsr of aeoahtlonal kdeaace oa the stock eichange. ine Bieei, uosi and Iroa Indnalrule were the icaiures .sna aoms big adeeneea were mde. Tennessee Coal A Iroa closed H liu b tehee. while HepnbUc Steel common rose $2 and the preferred $5. Car A Foundry 'wa exceedingly trong and at the close made a ast gslB. of $1.12lt. Colorado Fuel closed op the earns amount. The entire market was bullish and .. eovwo. StTSW UfrSSW SOI smaller. Today official stock market: T, , ' r s h -: . '. "-., dischptiomI , . Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Co..... Atcblaoa. com.,,,,,,.,, do preferred..,. ...... Am- Car A Found., om. do preferred. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., coal. - do, preferred..,,,... Am. Ic com... do preferred.......... Bait more A Ohra, com.. do aref erred . . . T4'4 TSH S7I4 102 8.154 08 J 143 fejv, llHi a - , Brooklya Rapid Transit. 6214 v ansaiaa , racine. com Chi. A Alton, coat.... 13XS 1J 224 tni. at ut, west., eomj int., mil m Bt. raiu.v. Chi. Terminal Ry...... Chesapeake A Ohio.-.,... Colo. Fuel A Iroa, earn. Cole. South., com...... do Sd preferred....,,. d 1st preferred..,,,', Delaware A Hudson..... Dela., Lack, A West.. D. A B. 0.7 P Erie, com....,...,,,.,., do-2d preferred..,,.,. ' do let preferred....;. IlllDola Crntril. VXi, Louiarllla A NashrlUeT: 175y.17 17SU: 17 I 25 8714 fri SdW inn 12 ' Metro. Tract ma Co. Manhattan K ley a ted I Manhattan Elerated.,. 174 J174T4 -rMertcaa rntrl -Trrig 22C jM.. St. r. A Ste. M....I10L 108 -i do preferred . 1S9V, 1A0 Missouri Pacific.. ., si.. K. A T.. com. 10TH 1074 do preferred, cTew-A"orh- fvrn 85 a 4 ea4 T-.lTtl4T-tr4T Norfolk A Western, North American . ... . .l 24 S24I S3 ..1UM' N. Y.. Ont. A Westernl 4N FeBhaylranl- ttr. r, ;vr, 1140 r. w. u. or ti, JLO, . . . , !l(s nessea nteel car, comi oo pcercrreo . Paclftc Mall S. S. Co... 4ft U Aesuinar, etimmony . , , , do second preferred do first preferred... SHfoA Rep. Iron A Steel, com no pre erred..... ...... Rock, Island, common L do preferred.,,., T2 4A SI Southern By.. ; commoa 34 ?. oo prererred.... Southern Pad He do preferred St. L. A 8. P.. 2d nfd 'flit St. L. A 8. W.. common 2flu 20 ; iBS do aref el red . . . . .j ;vt Texa A Pacific......! 1 so 78H Tenneaaee coal A Iron 81H Toledo. St. L...A IPTVcl do preferred.... J. ....I 55 56 vt rnloa Psclftc. , eotntaonliai 122W oo preierrea ,.M L, .... TJ. S. Leather, common f 1S4 do preferred 10SU 144 lnnmimt). t'. S, Rnbber, common! 88444 JO Ttl so ao preierrea. . V. 8. Steel Co com.. SOS do preferred...., S'4 Wisconsin Centrsir" com . 22'4 da nreferre.1 . 4044 W. IT, 1 Telegraph mhi Wahaah. common...... 2S I do preferred 444 Total aaka for day, 1.00LOOO snares. Money, per cent. . v. sax rAMci$co xnta stocks. , Sea Francisco. ah- -10. Official mlnJna eloa. ing, morning aessitm: Bid. r Bid.. Seeage ........$ .40 Potoal .13 I'nloa Cob ..... .H4 Trllow . Jacket.. .2.1 Etcheoner ; . . . . .50 lisle A Norcroe 1.45 Andei; , ,.33 Bnlllnn ......$ .27 Belcher ..... .20 Con. Cal.-Va... 2.15 Onhlr 7.25 Caledonia .7 Mexican 2.15 Con. Mercur . .. .ia3 TOKOPAH STOCKS. " , Bid. Hid. 3.T0 .21 -.10 ; ". .TS .02 .114 $.no .is ; - .48 . Ada ma '..'. .....$ .14 Columbia Mt .. .4.1 A Montana . Red Top Rescue i,rrtr Hold Anchor-; fluid Field ,, Mohawk . ... .84 .11 ; .so ,6T 'Sf .05 Sandstorm ... Belmont 7, . Ne-rada Ton. Kxtea Jim Butlet ',, Jumbo . .... 1 Jnmbo Bxtea JoM Mount .. Mchamara ,. North Star .. Midway...... Bay O Biiea , Kendall : TMtM YBABCISOO LOC AX STOCKS. '4tB-- rtnurtftn ft" Local tnck tin. Bid. ! 54 , :. '. tn ; Ask. -'. . - 6014 65 d o 21 Contra Coat Water Mutual Electric Pacific Lighting ." San Frnnrleee Oa A Electric ... fttant Powder ......., Ilawallaa Sugar ............... Honnkna Sugar , Hutchinson Sugar . ll llahawas asasi ST 88H raanbaa nugar ......... Alaska Packers' . 22T4 . so . OS -. TT . .100 . m 100 so 14 : OH California a-rnltcaaner' . California Wine Oceanic Steamship t'aclne State Telephone... BOSTOB OOnXB STOCKS. Bostoa. rea. -10. JDfaelal. copper closing:. ' Bid. I - Bid. Adventure ...$ S.fCHilal Boyal ...$ 25.00 Atlantic ..... .18.60 1 1. S. Mining. 2:1.50 Bingham :tT4 Phonelx . J K) Calumet $76 tai guincy mt.i lot.ia- Centennial ... IN. 25 Sanfa f 2.00 Copper Rdaga. 8S.2S Hhaaaon ..... T on 15.76 20 00 12.HTH 1H I2S 52.00 I taa II Ml Trinity ..... 11.25 llaly West ... bireene pper. Wulverina . . 111.00 Ma as Mining.. OM Horn .... , 20.25 Michigan ...... l'arrottjL5J.Lt87.uo Mohawk, ,.7.. 'Demand Sterling, Sea- - York. Feb. , 10. Demand ' steritac. 46.75, 80 day. 4S8. " . BOBTLABD BABK STATEMXVT. Clearings Balaace .,.....,..m.....;.S2.0tl 5S 4S,lll.t4 Heavy Purchasing of This Yv' Wool Con Vtractt Reported From Eastern Oregon Point, at Good Price Hogs Quoted Very' Firm. ' CASH DEMAND IS SHOVIfiC DECREASE Primary Receipts of Wheat Are Small--- Tone , Was Rckle. MAY AND SEPTEMPER - t ARE AN EIGHTH UP Feeling Jn Corn Strong All Day Packers Selling Pro- f V' '''j .TODAY'S WHEAT MARKET. jfV- 'Onea - . Chjee ?aoa' ''-Foala' t - Todag' Todae Tho. erodaT May... ...... .11.114 Il.lni4B Il.lHi A .(Mill July l.oo4 ' J.oosi 1 J.OO14 .00 .,,,...,. V2 : .24 ., -JttYt s ,00J$ (Furnished' by brerbeck. Starr A Cooke Oa.) ' CklM Wk .IA 1 b B .... , ' e, , . - m es svrso wmf la. wheat Mlnneanolls stocks 'decreased dm...' 000 bushel lor the week. All primary aur- keta report a Markealug la the caah demand. Primary receipts are aa-ata small.- but ao com. Krlsoa 'can be aiade, aa 1 a year egoi was a llday. Thla baa beea a tickle market today, showing 'great - strength early, auuaequently eaalng emTfaiid closing little aoc hanged from jreeterdaaT final ptirea. Th actloa reflects a aeetaeaiy atnang uadertone. Thera I ao getting away from the fact that tha eltuatkra fa wheat la extraordinary. There la an alga of the bulla being routed. - They hay taken advantage of the" extraordinary conditions pre- Tailing, wsirs are noi o ineir anaaing tney merely-taking advantage at taeax, Thla dull ness may be th caluiUuc of th storm and fcwka ominous. . . .liir Can AtrtM hHreag. All through the aseslon the earn market maintained a eery firm andertone4. which looks quite encouraging. . The caah altuatloa eoatlauea unchanged, but In view of tba amall recelpte coming to tbla market It won Idtake only a eugni improyement in the ahipping demand to bring better price In tha auecuIatlTa moya- ' Largs Oata Stooka. . Considering the large visible anpply of eate wa feel that the consumption must Increase and cbosa-e material cut .la tha stocks oa hand beforB aa Improyement caa take place. Taa market- A likely to be governed by tha actloa af coca. ; . -4.- rackets Bail Agate. In' prorlslona ths actloa af tha market would Indicate that prorlsloas 1 were bought for sup porting purposes a few day sgo and were anletly put out oa the better feeling af the run on hoc. Wa continue to Icel that pecker ara not likely to do. anything laj tha specula, tire market aside from aupportlng prlcaa oa the weak spots. It attU looks to aa like a scalping market. - . .. . Today' official markets: r . WHEAT. . -' v ' '.' Opea. May.....$ I.isu High. "Low, Close. $ I 1H $ 1.1V4 $1.1814B r)M,. LOO 3 1.00A July. Sept.,... .02 H Feb.. May 1 .464 , .45, ' i .464 Jury..... -.46!4 , ,45 . .,, ieoi Sept..... .4'a., . OATS. a. j BtlL . a a as a., a a ...a May..... .snti .so July j.SOV4 ..-r- ,tn cDt..L. .zu4i .a . r ' ,-. MESS POBK. Feb...... Ml,T... 12.02 J2.S5 ; Jluly...,. 18.00 18.00 .. y. ' LARD. ti.i,i... .... - May.,...- tS '". S.S5 , July..... 7.PS 7.05 JgVf -e -.iBHOBT bibs: Feb... . .. s.rav m ST-t S.ST- July...,, T.02 A 7.08 T.00 T.UO B BEARISH FEELING RULED JNFRISCO 1 furnished by Oyer heck. Starr A Cook Co.l i . can r raaciaco.. r ro. m.-r-g. r. tutuuL uv. aay: - May wheat opened week at t ander laat night' close and a bearish feeling preytlled all day. The abort eold It dowa (o $l.4T, Where It cloaed. December wa traded la to aoms ex teat ana - aocunoo, y,e la. yoiptby win slay. Barley waa freely offered, the lack nf eat. side.. business causing -Msy to decllna 1 aad December l4e. Receipts are egala amall and tbe only cane .for the break was the hulls getting mgnteaea. . tm crop altuatloa remain ncuangca. .. . - j . Today' facial J1:0 a. m. aiarket :. - ' WHEAT. . . - ..Opea. High. ' Low. Cloae. May ....,....$1.48 SI. 48 -S1.4T S1.4T December .... 1.28 . lJWVt 1-27 , 1.28 May ......... LISA, 5 L1Sa4 j.iT 1.1TH Uecetaber s, n- 0 -x- .sovi -rr .SO - .90 ... , ; 1,. ... pxucaby, Bnmrrs amd cliabajicis. Chicago, ' leBT' 10. Prtmarjscetpt : Tear Ace linsh. Wheat Corn ' ........ ...... ... Shipments: . nesn. Holiday ,S.aN1.00r) . oie.ouo uouaar Wheat 103.000 Holiday Oern . S03.000 Holiday viesranccwi v oral ami mnir. a,iaj nnaaew cure, esslwv vusovis, vaia, ii,ww enBBTie, v mcHioAjr whiat azvoax. ." netrolt, Feb. 10, Mlcblcan eras report Wheat Buffered only a little damaae In Jann.rv Thera was some Injury from Ice la the smith. western part. It Is said there la only 2.5O0 aasneis 01 re 1 nortnern worst m store here, nd only 271.01s bushel No. S red. The rest of th contract stocks I eicloelyely , Kansas wneai,- ..- s.--.1 .i AAQtHTIlIZ' OBAPf H0TZ8. " ' V I.leerpnol, v"eb.-t 10, Broomh all 'ears: The Araentlne wheat market la firm. The com market la now (tends with tb demand for ei pnrt aomewhst Improved. Cora la saaturlu favorably .w. " It Is estimated that the einortahle snrnrna will no only aboat 48.000.000 bos he la a aloet 100,000,000 boshcla exported laat yr. . atosxav Arnxu bzaxibb. - . St.- Ixmls. Feb. 10. -Mortem Miller ear: Vner- or in winter wneac ernp is ander cover, (now Bavin mica aa rar eoutn aa Tenneaaee and throafb the eouthweat. Protection la aaanred from predicted., eold sreather,- and tbere will be sbnndant moisture with thawing weather. ' Ohlcafe Orala Car XetaT " Chics fo, Feb. 10. Grain tar lot: , ' ' . Car ' Orarls IV h ea t .............,.'. 10 . . . . - '. 11 Cora ..ttli 1 211 0la..,,X :,.. 07 .11 j,,. 67 Wheat cars today: Mlnaeanolla. 100: Da- totb, T, . 1- . . VMM OOlTaTTaflTB. Prom the Wall 8treet Journal. srs is uns twraun wnoss Tmsrsarin the matter of railway rate legislation has not been adequately conaldered. He la the oonaumer. Much la said about the rights of the rallroada. the rlffhta of the blar ahlppers, the burdena of the small shippers, the duty of the- tovemment to protect the shippers asalnat the rall- roadn. and the small shippers aralnat the bis shlppera. Eventhe lnvestochas not been forgotten.' . - But where does the consumer come In? How a ha 11 his Interests be serredT Su perficially the consumer Is - concerned only In setting his needa supplied ss cheaply aa posnlble. . Orantlnr that. It mistit aeem immaterial to the consumer whether the rallroada were a monopoly and whether one shipper got' a'4etter rat than another. Indeed, there Is much In the prcaent system that seems to work to the ad ran tare of the consumer,! What matters It to .him If the big ship. per gets a reflate that hurts the -small shipper, provided this rebate Induces the big nhitiper to lower the- nrlce of his product - to the consumer - The latter might perhaps complain that , the doing .4.1 If .4548 -.4i,B 6A .... -,S04I .SOVh . . .3o4A .soij .',.at4A .2$ .20)4 A .T." ' 12.T0 N 12.8T 12.ST - 12.ST; 15.00. .... 8.TT M 8.l 8.M -. T.o'j--- t.os- T.15 B GROCERf SNAPS !8.:j3. s:; 17!oar To introduce aqtced to be -$1.3i to4 5taatiard Cora, Tomstoes, Striae Boaas, Lsbss Peas, Oystfers, : . "' ; ; P0TAT02S Best Burbsink PoUtoes on the Market, per : TOJ.1AT02S Standard, per dozen' .. ;k....ri...,. eV ('4A )itM.fl5c '"t ... " - - This Is Not. Hot Air T3t, But Good :Tqrnato 'Talk. -tU. 1f 1 r. , TONATOSS-rHigh Grade, any brand, per 4ozen..v.;..:.... ..... $ 1 .35 : - - M TV bava aacurea additional spaed on sams, floor aad doubled the else ' of our main.' salesroom.: " Now that we have a room-SOxtO-and a JMsaavc' ment of -the aame slsa, w are able to wait upon you quicker and more aatlafactorUy-than ver before.-JVv'e .offer a few-4nducement,s: ' ' '., 100 boxes Red Apples (wrapped), worth, for...... S4TT . . -. SO kits HUaher Herrtne;., fof... ;,,.. 95 ''i - '. ... 100 dosen fltrlngleas Bean. worth$l.J5,-for....... ..... 95 , - 85-loaen Sugar Feara, worth $1.40, for r. . . .1. . - 9S4:.' j too dosen Extra Tomatoes, worth, for. 854r'."i ; 1T( dosen Queen of - the West Corn, worth 11.10, for. ..9I.OO -4000 lbs. French Prunes, worth to lb.(. It lba. for, ..... . 25 ' 'I J v "-, S00 lbs. Popcorn, worth 7Ho lh., I lbs. for. 254 . 7 , 1-T. Rice (Beat Jap), worth to lb., -11 Jba. for.. . . . .. , .fl.OO- '.7 " . 10 doaen Broom , worth 46c, each V. 36 - ' t We; call ouraelvea Cut Rate Orocers. Taklnf for (ranted that you eama ' ( from Mlaaourl we submit the above prices M a few 'samples of what wa are, Annw. - - '' . - . . . .-".i. .; - e . .- ' F. H .-REEVES, nonuu MENTION. THIS LIST, WHEN ORPBRINO. r- , 1 ; ' . V j- ,; ' ' ' 1 ; .- 3HtW Chickens for Saturday : 14c and 15c i".: BAXBT iBTTTaTaV-. ...... Creamery butter-....,... Beet creamery butter . . . Renovated butter Eggs, per doaen Beat sugar-cured hams Picnic hams '........-,.. Breakfaat bacon Cheeee ., Bwtsa cheese (Oo tea for, per pound .. Java-Mocha coffee Arbuckle's Lion coffee.. X . . .90e and SSe ...too and 55c ...0o and 6io ...40o and 45o ...260 and loo ...........llo .lie . . .14o and led lOo and llUo !','i!!!.;;i9c ....... ....tOo pounds forJJc LA GRANDE CREAMERY 4 THHIM BTeUTBT. away with rebatei'WOUIct Injure him by making prices higher. Why, then, should he trouble himself about the wrongs of the amau shipper, who, after an, doing bualneaa on a retail baala, should not expect, some think, to compete with the big corporation which Is able to ship one hundred cars to his oneT . v It-should be remembered, however. that the relationships of business .are very1 complex, and that no man is almply A producer or a consumer, a shipper or a common carrier. The fact Is that pretty nearly all business men are engaged all the time In both shipping and receiving. In tooth producing and consuming,. Jn both, lendlna and borrowing. This- com plicates the problem. The consumer has other-Interests besides those of cheap prices, and they may be more Important. Therefore any. system that produces monopoly In transportation and monop oly in production may ultimately work injuriously to consumer, However ne might be benefited by low prices pro-due- by cheap transportation the re sult of secret, rebates to favored ahlp pers. In the final analysts -no ope Is benefited by any system that Involves WrtngrTTieTBeAWSraDBro ab solute level of equal opportunity In busi ness is the Ideal condition by whloh the good of the greatest number Is secured. Any system that"glvea to one person any advantage over another Other than the advantage which belongs to superior Intellectual endowment and superior In dustry Is vicious and works Injustice and ultimate disaster. - such a system la that of the secret - rebate, and Its - injustice cannot b concealed under the pretense that It Is a wholesale rate. - - Unrestricted competition 'results tn prices below the cost of production. The consumer Is temporarily benefited; but In jh end be, too, suffers by the pros tration to business caused by - trade wars, r r. r t- . - , --- - - The concentration of capital Into bla monopolies cheapens the coat of produc tion, and the consumer profits thereby. But what matters this prof If if in the end lie finds that all his liberty Is gone, and that hd has tm other protection agalneH oppression than that which may exist in his limit 01 endurance. What Is wanted Is a system In which every one for 2 d:yj O.ily Sclcrday c:.t! J.:cnt!uy: a Mew A-l hard wheat Flour, every sack guar- ("V T ' aa good aa any brand in this market, arid sells at II m ij per saxk; we will sell this fidur, Sot 2 dy tit.:. r ur w ' l- rl.' TabIa Syrup. .i ' -404 ) H ami. Tabla Syrup. ........ .20 Log Cabin Maple Syrup, par sat.fl.lB ' Quart jBottla Maple By rap, botUe. .S5) : ; , v.- :. ',-,, smn ja. siuiL ii r- .-. - ' . x . ...... t , .;',--??1-rA'' Cut Rate Grocer ISTat AJTB WAaUUJI wTUIT.' Your Sunday Will be t a , good pne if your get .fheJnfTedientt from Pellowtv-It is at this store you'll find all your appetite may crave and it's the best, top. Here are some special prices for tomorrow i . 17sbs.7Pry Granulated Bugsxr - ... zst . , .Two 1-lb. cans Pork and Beans. . .. '- 40 OalloBv .can Choice Table Syrup; H-gaf- ; Ion cans 10a - . 60 Gallon can Fancy fcusar Byrup; H-gal-. . Ion cans le cfnts. . .. . . 81.00. -'-, " .....Oallon can Pure Maple Syrop. '. t-lb. caa Solid Pack- EastmTomatoes. -15a ' i- - t cans Standard Tomatoes. 25 - rt cans Table Peaches or AprleotAp ' i Pound Good . Gunpowder Tea. : Pound Fallows' Blend Costarica Coffee. Fellows Grocery Co. rkose Kata ISM . 74 Waikuagwj St OU J KIEND, THE EUCKSIttTH Will And everything In the line of tools he requires In thla establish ment rotary blowers, - aledges, r latere, punches, hammers and all he rest. He will find our prices st abOTtr-right;etng'ine judge. Agents : for McCalfrey's Bles and rasps. . ,. . v ; , (, t ery(SV Co. WMMMX. ,V. . haa A fait -ahow. and" ench Interest e curea a reasonable profit Anythlng- of the aature of graft, or blackmail, or re bates, or exclusive privileges snd dls-' crimination ot every kind Is not -only hostile to tha American Ideal of eaual- 4ty before the law, but it Works for cor ruption and decs y. , , flfririAtf QVERBEGIt, STARR' COOICE CO. . .... - .- Members Chicago Board or Trade. : wBAUT, PBOTXBIOaTS, COTTOST, tJTtKTata AJT9 BOaTDS. . 101 Third Street, MaKay Building. PorUand. Or. " .--" Was 1K A BTBjIOTIjT OOafBnBBtOaT BTTBIaTBBS. . Contlnuoua Mlrketa by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ja.IJ ; Tlitos, bankers, aad United SUtes National Bank of Portland. With, fivcry Purchsise of $2.0QT or more t5f Groceries we will give '?;'10 , Pounds; of rt.-.'.ejL. 4. f rt ' High Orads Cora. TomattMA, B. X Pms, 5irlaclesA Bcssns, ay brand, -- , ' 2 tor 25c t r, -sack J :$i.i5 XA-f ata AeV AVAAA i MOWNSEND & . VAN SCIIOOiVIIOVEN . " woiMAis kirs aiiAix.'' Grcceries end ProvIslDns New Store I4T riret St., bet Morrison -and Alder.-Phone Main 12t. r BiOtr wi Egs A SpecUIity ' - Our rocr!es and nrovlalona ara al. 1 ways that r KEaH. s There la something In! Western D. G, Bugr. ber sack. . ,, ,8.0 One sack good hard wheat flour. .. .il.OO pounds good rice ............... Boa) New crop dry prunes, per lb.. ...... ao 5- pounds Italian prunea ISo I pounds seedless raisins SSo t pounds best cleaned currants .... SAo New crop tomatoes, standardav ' 1 cans. .16o Two l-lb. pkgs. Gold Dustr........ SSe One t-lb. pkg- Armours Washing Z. : Powder. . ............ e. ., ,.7. 15e Fela-Napt-ha soar - . 11 bars Koyat Savon soap. ,.,... B5o .bars Baby Elephant soap , SSo t bottlea Knidar' catsup aso 1 lb. aew crop English Walnuts... 16e 1 lb. white honey ., ........ ... lso 10-pound pall pure lard..-.. ..... ase 1-pound pall pure-lard..'.-... ....... Boo Good Oregon creamery butter .... aoa 1 cans Primrose iCream 15o lb. English Breakfast Tea.. lso lib. Gun Powder Tea,...,.,..,.... BSe 1 can Baked Beana --"So' Two t-lbi cana Hominy' .......... BSo cans Corn, Peas rtr String Beans. . BSe r pkg. Postum or Fig Prune : Cereals- -BOe Bast aide DeUvery Tuesday and rrlday. A.J. FARMERi Wholesale and Reta9 Grocer; K fou caa aave 14 pare cent by dealing i with Bra, - ' .' i,. . t pkgs. Grandrnether'v Mush i...,;iBe.' 1 cans corn .......... ........ ..26o I 1 package Booteh Oats . ........ lOe I Freeh Oregon Eggs, 1 dos. .......... SooJ Fancy lemons, dos. ................10oi r-oiaioes, naca . .11.15 1 lb. Schilling's Baking Powder. .... ISo Smoked Balmoru lb. .n...l2Uc 1:1b. Arm Ac Hammer Soda ......... to I bar Naphtha Soap ...... Se II bars Royal Savon Soap, ...... ...ISe t bars Babr Elephant 8oap..,.....l I Combs Honey ......26o bare Owl Soap .. ....... ...... ...ISo 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca ...... ......1(0 1 lb. good English Breakfast TeA...,15e Best sugar-cured hams, 1 lb. ......13a 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ....... ........Ite 1 cans Prlmroee Cream ........ ...lta It Ibc D. G. Sugar ............. ,. 00 1 aack beet V. O. Sugaf . . . . . .. ..15 t 1 sack good Hard-Wheat Flour.. . . 1 1.00 10-lb. pail beet Lard .....11.00 ! 10-lb. pall pure Leaf LarfT ...ij...l.oo -lb. pajl pure Leaf laird ........ .too bottles Bnlder-a Catsupfcs.eessj.150 gal. can Table Syrup ............ 40o Jib. new Soft-shell walnuts v. lo lb. Rloe Popcorn ................ So t lbs. fancy Italian Prunea ........ 16a lib. lmon Peel ..................ISo I lb. Orange PeeJ ta Deliveries oa East Side, .. Tuesdays and Frldaya. .-,.' .-r.-j WASHINGTON MARKET 11 rim treat. Bet, 'Veanlnsitaaf aad -Stark. prime rid iioaats in. 8trltla Staeka ...e,c.,.....,....,,,,.Ai2Hs Tenderloin Steaks "aj Porter souse Steaks ................ .Vty tn 1S Bound Steaka ISUn lala Steeka, lb for ................. I. ;.s55L Lea Mnttoa ,.....,.,.1114 Le- Lamb ........ ...v.....l2t4e Cnttoa t-hons. 8 lbs for 1..;'...Be ln or Rib Ohona .(..o llu to ISo i Shoulder nf Mnttoa i i......?.f te Se Mutton Stew 5e "5 . v.10 te llite! Pnrk Cnona ... .... ...... i. .. . .,.12U j Veal Boast .1214 te 4e. Tesl ("bona .S.. ........... . .12 to lIVjl Saaaaire Meat. S Ihe for .......1,.. .....ISfli Mambarifer. S lbs for-..-i.-i,..,,.,.,..,,-jft6f Snaar-Oired Breakfaat Paeon r.,.,.....,.,! ' nm. Mimn wni.i ,.isresi asBOS a ,4e Beat Creamery Putter go to) eah Ranch fcia Breed. 1 loavra for m Chickens lo to IT i 'TAPIXB atBAIJUO, rraps. Standard MarKet B1AXCH MABKtT 1ST BAST BTJBWUM. -. - . ' ' . . near Bast Tt. All telepkoa orders promptly . atteaoad t.! fThere Are (fiiy- Better Meats Than those sold at CENTRAL MARKET) meat; flail or fuel'iiu ruatlcr WhTcTVT of the three It be, you'll And the beat I at CENTRAL MARKET, where prices are low. Twill pay "you to trada thera,! KINDORF BROS. ISO Oraad Are.- Pheae 41t. IrOWBTIBTO, sopzm ft CO- - " .. .(Established Hit.), r . rsoiA Ajra btock asoxxms. ;'r'e bmoss stream Vtoor. ;' -T ' . fiwiirm o ooiacnoa. A i , ..t 17;- i :. C. -1