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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
-V;' BOLD MOVE BY c 't $ i GREATEST CLOTHING STORE T Of GREAT V. X f. ... t w, '. i cuiiom xoinm optxoia a At- i v 'Tiniu oiui worn roMMxnn vobtc- "Mr . , - - i .'iff Jt Ej . M,v . . ' ,J r :') v' lr""" ji ' x .;-;... 4";;: ..vr-, -.,:. v . 7; " ; , .,- . TIi Chtct, -?l-Tt Third-' Btrt , Vbet Mil O aad Pine), known the ' lz Btor In the middle of the block." . created tlr la the Chlc0 w holeaale , 1 cipthtais aurket by eonaumaiatloK the largest epot'cuh deal of the fail eeasoa by matting the entire maantaoturcr'a " ."wholeaale " reaerye clothlur- atock of ' Cohn, Wajapold Jt Co, one ot the 1argeat v wholasaie tailor , In - America. : The , stock eonatat ot npwarda of 10,000 far- . aoenta, -antta,- orerooata, ' panta, coata, , Teata. odd - coata and odd pente. Th backward ' eeaaon throughout the eaat ; la respoaalble for thla bl deaX. Sixty oenta oa Via dollar wu accepted aad the entire Block waa bought by The Chicago. The shipment la conceded to be the 1 arr est that baa erer croaaed the "Rockies" la. one lot - ,----i;.-.--- Another -bold move waa the buying of the wholesale reaarre nock of youths' boys' and children' line hand-tailored clothes of .the great "and" well-known Arm of Davld M. PfeJaer Co. of Chi cago at less than (0 per cent on the dol lar value. This stock consists -of 6,400 garments. ; suits . overcoats and pants. The sals of both stocks Is now oa at The Chicago, offering a saving of from 1-1 to H on-prlcea, besides' having the largest stock and all new goods to be found oa the coast .o aelect from.,',;;1"."-, ., ,.'v '' ; rortland'aexporia for the' tnonth-'of ' Ootober are valued .at l.ltt,llt. ae oordlng ' to ' a statement Just prepared by custom, nous officials. The figures are almost twice as high as they were ror the preceding month., Tml rail con siderably . ahort for tha corresponding period or laat year. - The wheat .shipped from,, Portland during .October' of this year amounted to only 492.121 bushels. as against 6,ll bushels during the same month la 10. vBut the shortage 1 explained by the fact that the bulk of the cereal Is being sent to the eastern markets this year. , , j... , .- . .-. ) Thirty-one vessels entered from for eign ports tt the October which has just com to a close, and their cargoes netted the government In the form f imports the sum of 111,111.11 "Adding to this th fines, penalties, forfeitures, etc., and the- entire . receipts collected amount to 1(1,974.14. There were -HI vessels cleared for foreign porta. - The ooaatwlse trade waa Jiot so brisk aa. usual, . only three vessels entering from domestic sorts and eight clearing. , the transactions for th month la detail arras foltowa: Vessel entered from foreign porta II Vessels, cleared for foreign porta.. 1 Vessels entered from domestic porta 1 , t Vessels cleared for domestlo ports. , I Rntrlea of merchandise for duty. 101 Bmtiies of merchandise free of duty 41 Entries for warehouse. .r.. ( mtrt-for export-t- adjaoeat Brlte-- lab provinces ........... it 1 1 Entries from l,warehoue for i-.oon-- . .vfW . M. .....I. 1 1 Entries from warehouse for export.- tion . ...,.. i .' 4 . -1 Entries 'for immediate transporta- - Uoa without appraisement......... 1 Total number of entries) of all klnda 14 j&ntnes for consumption liquidated, tl Bntrie for. warehouse liquidated.. ; S vuiicsaea J or enrollment granted. . j Licenses for coasting trade granted. -7 Llcanses to vessels under so tons granted , ..V. ... I .. .L. . . . T Total number, of document to ve-J , sal Issued li ' Value of exports Domestic, l,18,t8S: foreign, 811. . . . r - ' . . , .. ti AQSOIP TEST FOR - THE TAIIt IH JS35 TMOM . mxm a mosTArTa, ottxciaxm ui vnovtxna arm or A tioonmroa th summer season would be very favor able to a contest of this kind. s. -- Until " Mr- Good returns front 8t Ixuls nothing definite regardlngth matte will be announced. . ' A contest of airships for a 110,000 prise at th Xwl and Clark fair next year 1 what th fflclala are working for at present , ; .''';";':- ' 1 Proposal frpm three inventor of air ahios to Cr their machines la a eon I .-test to be held during th fair next year ,1 f il . have baen received by th management. and President Ooode. who la now la Bt Louis, will- InvestlgatV th matter, and the proposition will be taknup at meeting of th executive commute oa President Ooode wUl see T.- S. Bald win,'' the Ban Ttanclsco manwhoa ship mad th uocesaful flight In 8t Louis, with a -view to getting him to bring Bis airship ar next year, and if this could be accomplished and a sufficient number Of reliable machine entered In : th race there . wotild be no doubt but th management would provide thf prise Th airship contest has been a great drawing card at the St. Louts exposi tion, and th fast that a Paclfie coast man is th Inventor of the successful machine adds Interest 'to th probable contest for the Lewi and Clark fair next year. The machine which Mr. Baldwin Invented ha mad twe 'suc cessful flights In St. Louis, and expert pronounce u perreet. as control was -'complete throus-hout both trips. . i Another Important Item In this air ship contest Is the possibility of bring).! ins; bshtos immoni, wno naa spent ao many mlllkma of , dollars In building - a tana - experimenting with airships, to -r .V" Portland. afr. Dnmont did ' not ntr ,f-. th St. Loul contest, although ha had . mad arrangements to fly his big ship, - , but vaadala entered the building in which It waa stored and cut the silk j;'. Into stiips. Secretary Rend said that If . President Ooode reported faorably from Bt Louis they would tnak aa attempt ' T.., to wring him to Portland. ' Ther are a number of Paclfie coast . I Inventor who would be ready enter - v ; an airship contest atd the atmospherical . ? conditions prevalllnc in Portland during 4 ' JUDGE IIOCUE-LIKES TOASSESS ."DBUriKS'? - BMatpta Prat AU aVmrosa, DuUe on import. . . . 'MUCLSi Fin, psaaltto and forfeiture , .to Miscellaneous custom w!elntalsJO Storage, labor and cartage.... . 23.60 Official -feast i at.00 Total ,'.-....,..... Amount f refunds and T ' 7 ' drawback paid , 10J.H TARIFF IS AT STAKE 7 (Continued from Pag One.) ' "L want to" hav a . chanc to Una ' drunk once ' in a while, and you at change that eharg from spitting on th sidewalk to drunkenness, said Munlcl pal Judge Hogu to Deputy City Attor ney Fits re raid this morning, speaking of Robert Orr. Tha latter was arrested by 101 Iceman Kay yesterday afternoon. The asm patrolman arrested stile West for beinsr drunk. This morning Chief Hunt released West, but permitted the ether prisoner to -com before th court on the charge named. -i ' - "I And you guilty of being drank, and Una you IS, said Judge Hogus to Orr, urr paid ni nn ana went away nappy. Judge Hogu remarked that It seemed good to be able to fine a . drunk once more. Chief Hunt usually release them alt' -. ;t-..; . ...... Increased BusIbcm ni Direct Buying From eastern tanneries enables us to give yon men's good fewed oak sole at (So; th best tn the world for too. ' Men's heels fixed Slo. Ladies soles 40o and tOo. Ladles heels fixed 10c. We put on th following brand of whole or half rubber heels:. CrBulllvan. Fotr Anti Slip, Nerve Ease, Ees Walk and Morgan 4t Wrlxht's. : . '-.i. Work don whil yM wait is Our specialty. Ooodyear Shoe Repair Fac tory, Yamhill street, near Oa company's office. ,. We call for and deliver free. 1 ' sura-ij caxs upoxtxt. ' (levraal flpseisl Se let.) ' New fork, Nov. I. Reports thst A. Helnse had sold his copper proper ties to th Amalgamated Copper inter ests were persistent today and ' gave solor to recent statement that he bad been negotiating ' for the - sal -of th mine to th Standard Oil company. dispatch from Butte, Montr yesterday said th transaction was closed June 10 through John W, Gate. -i i , ooicpAjrr aMouro.-.'. "''' . : learaal apeeud Berries L:Z' Auburn. M. T Nov. t It Is an nounced that th harvester' concern of D. U. Osborne A Co. ha passed Into th control of the International Harvester company, but will contlnu business on a larger seal. -, .'- j Belle". - : n of Anderson 77 n W AA AA Special: $ 1 .00 a Full Quart ThU WhiskeV i regular $1.25 value and ii one of the best known brands in the market. For medicinal use it has up : superior. Its fine flavor and rich mellowness have gained for it wide popularity. Best for coughs, colds and the grippe. ' Now only 9 1.00 a full quantvpvt';,''lVi-,t' ? : ' COins Dros. Family Liquor Store THIRD AND TAYLOR. . Phone Black 83L. : i M.' Milllillilii cm3 CJVl it- r a.' AYNT we have ths pleajurs of a visit from you? Coma when you'ra h ti tzr-l ta r enjoy seeirj pretty things. WeVe a bij awkaf ttttee thta raort ccr. --'s ti t-t fnun of mmd so necessary to the thorough rrsreciation of tha besatifU tz.i trtl: " You .can awing comfortably in .the big aettaa 'vht wa spread before you a rteautlfuTcw cf . dainty draperiea and artistic decorative fabrica; Even if ypuVal not already deckled to rn:'. any changes, wa want you to "coma and seeV -WeH rely upon the pretty thin waa' show vou ta i uSt cnanges tnat vw benent us mutually. ' T S.IJl,New I'ural Fabrics Well show you ery effectiva tSesirns in '"Jute DmM'Umriiel'-t7l H Jl, Wotton uamasics and suk uamaaksv taps" are a novelty : so appresriai weu atjow you ery ewectiva cesis in Juta Damasks, IlercerUei ;';frr II rf v " kaT' All absolutely 1 1 iati lor chlldw bedroom or playroom. For Kbrary and dihia j rom . .' lp : ' . r i O be, In Canada, a return to th high tariff and the absolute doing away with the aemblano of free trad that' now exist between tha-United States and tnat country. The Hon. John Bordeni la th present head of the Conservative party.. He la a newcomer In dominion, puuuca, out nas oeea tor many years .prominent In politic In th provlno of xnew. lrunsvlcsV . . , ' ; In th eleotlon today the Interest centers around th provlno of Quebec This province furnishes ti of 'th lit member la th dominion house and la conceded to hold th balance of itr. It defeated the Conservative under Sir Charles Tapper In 1811 by going solid neiorrn in opposition to th then aov ornmenf policy of doing away with the separate schools In th province of Man itoba. Thar now, aa then, th Catholic ana rroteatant children are du ited separately. Th Protestant school are mows aa tns puoiic schools. Th fact that Mr. Borden, th Con servative leader, is .'' a native of tha lower provlno and a man of treat Jibll- ivy ana popularity, nas ted the party leader to believe that th tide will turn and victory may one again seroh on in -ory oanner. ,s , , ;, , . ... ' rather of Ooafederatloa. '' - Not only wa Sir John A. Maedonald the first premier In the administration of th Conservative party under th act of confederation, but he waa father of thla act, which consolidated th Cana dian province into on government in lifl. tie wa known for year aa th 'grand old man" and his administra tion did much toward bringing tha Do minion of Canada 'into promlneno th world over, i HI Idea, of th transcon tinental .railroad was an early one. and on ' of th. first . measures Introduced Into th dominion parliament In th early 70S .was that which., evantuallv built the Canadian Paclflo railway. In 1171 bis government waa defeated. oa this bill on the score of a bribery scandal. Th Reform nartr waa then airectea Dy sir 'Alexander Mackenzie, who became premier. The Reform party held power for four year, then the Conservatives got In again, Three suc cessive election war carried by them on national policy and protection and aunng tneir incumbency-the Canadian racinc railway was built. During this time fllr Alexander Mackenzls died and Wilfrid Laurler wupchosea a head of the Reform party. . ' v At th death of Sir John Maedonald. In ltt, ' tha Conservative party , was neaoea auoeessiveiy ny tn Hon. J. J. C Abbott, Sir John Thompson, 61r Mao- ensie noweu ana air cnanes Tupper, Sir Charles Tupper headedthe nartv when th election of ! saw th over throw of i th party and the aaondency . of the Laurler following. Mr." 'Borden Is now at' th helm and under 'lilm ths Conservatives expect to carry todajr election. - '.' ,, 4 Th yriasaf a dmlaletratloa. .-- The. present -.administration of tn Laurler government Is la ths hand of th fouowlng: . v . . Premier and president of th privy oouncik air w urria nner, u. c. M. o. Secretary of state. -Senator Richard W. Scott. " . , - - Minister of trad and oomlnerea. Sir Richard Cftrtwrlght, O. C M. O. ' Minister of Justice, Hoa. Charles Fltt- patrick. - - -'--. '.' - -'. ' i - ' Minister of marine and fishcn, Hon. K. prarontains. . Minister of militia and defenaa. SI Fred W. Borden. K. C M. O. ' Postmaster general, .Sir William Mu. lockrK. C. Ol M. V v Minister of agriculture, Hon. Sydney A. Fisher. . : ...... . ,.; Minister of publle works, Hon. James Sutherland. - - '. v - . - Minister of flnanos, Hon. .WlllUn 8. Felldlng. ; r- Minister' of railways ana canals, -va cant. , - .' Minister of interior. Hob, Clifford Blf- ton. ' rf-.f . " Minister of . customs, H6n WUUam Paterson. ' ' . - Minister of internal - revenue, Hon. Michael B. Bemler. '.' . ' ,.. Without portfolio, Hon, W, Temple;; man.. - . -. : , : - Solicitor general, Hon. H. 0.Carroll. At lha lat.aaral lecvion. UUl ln : we've brought out a lot of French Mdrman Tapestries,' exact replicas of tha most Vtiquea in' the ContineniaJ ffe v? ;. v , ; New Deaign Florentine, ChiW and Cbinji Silks offer attractive 'jl nejcpior corrDinauons are most enecoye, ana, tna aesijns, new fasious an-;. c- ive novelties ; in; wi Nouyeau designs .. t, vary eiiecuve wnera sort toned ugns are chaired. vTrfj: Our collection: of Oriental Draperies is the most extensive . on the coast. : ; 4 . sorts,' portieres, table covers, piUow covers couch covers and yard goods from Japan and India. . Making Cory Corners is a Ipecialty in our Drapery Department -;-"; '"'.''.-.' t T 1 i-w?Arabish;':;;! Ovarfrapes of -rfA tces are more beautiful than avef . this year. ; We've aome atunning curtalna v Point de Calais. Point de IfOaa and Point de Braze Laces. : And we've a verv larre assorWent ' . of Lace Insertions And Motifs for making up apecial curtains and door and window nanelh Tn fact, rnatine all sorts of draoeries tol order is a hobbv of 6urs. Wa think we A It wii; 'w .". "t Interior Decoration bis fbrVeyrs been, aubjeef of special study, with us and wa ara fully : ' prepared ,to furnish. designaand estimates', for any decorative acheme you may haya In mindV - All , we want "to know is your; general colorscheme. ' Then well submit you sketches ot tha work' - ; be done and aamplea of the be used." ItVrio ttouble L;;&:Mit-this.aort.ptwk Period Decoration Wya made a specialty qf foi-aome time; ; Every one knows the infinite' t T., -' ' -a . ' ' . " a - . ' v)-i". "'.' . . ' . - e " .' ' - ' - -' '.' ' care that must be exercised 1nthia. work in order that no disturbing e,lernent may creep into the .Mm1 JuiMMiln. t Aii Tt.4 Smm" tm ... 1.1....... ' T ..1 t-.-. .' 'l.' mWDl PTR HOI TCCCI IDMICHDnCj; 7 ' .. : ' " . ? -r-'.-w it... - nr- !' T V V -aw . A . V Canada? ther were but tit constltu enclea in th dominion, but thla r there ara three more making tit. and divided aa follower Ontario, ; Quebeo, (; British Co lumbia. T; Nova Scotia.,. It; Manitoba, 1; New Brunswick, 14; northwest ter ritories, 11 Prince Edward Island.. 4. Ia past election all . th provlnoe excepting Quebeo, have been about equally divided between th twe par ties, .and today, as. In th peat, it all depend on what Quebeo doe whether th Keforra party -wm remain in power r th Conservative com back. what they believe la their THREATENED ATTACK" L ON REED WILL ' ', ' . ' ; r t. ' '"','; ; '' ; .. 1. m''' i V, ' (Continued from Pag On.) " ' tributlon In accordance with Mr. Reed's wishes, but admits that dlssatlafsotloa exists among other of th relatives of the testatrix. Indeed It la rumored that th first move toward a contest waa made by on of th relatives la this city. While it 1 not deemed Essential by Mr. Dolph or - Judge Beilhiger to prove that Mr. Heed's legal residence waa hi thla city, there seems to be ample evi dence that euoh waa th ass and that shs waa only temporarily domiciled In California.. Mrs. Reed habitually referred to Portland aa her -home and tn the legal proceedings attending th probating of her husband's will sh gava this city a her residence. Numerous charitable in' Ututlons f this elty were the recip ients of bequests In her own win. Her beautiful home in Pasadena was plainly regarded by her only aa a temporary resi dence- - n u '- - -; ''"-. Martin Winch, th executor f the es tate, has as yet received no notlc of any legal steps by th dlssastlsflod 'rol atlves of Mrs. Reed, but advise from Los Angeles leave little) doubt that pro deeding will be Instituted. ; PRINCE OF WALES IS EARXONSU'OTlOa jV ' - (learsal BseeM Ssrrke.l ?. lhiotr. J4ov. t. Rumor that v th Prince of Wale la la delicate health have bee sr confirm ed.' Th prlno' lungs are weak and he ha every indication of eon- sumption. - A consultation of physicians was held last week, and a long aea trip advised.' The prince will probably visit Portugal.' Egypt and possibly Amerloa. While no . Immediate serious con- Sequence ara felt, th condition revealed at the consultation, was of a nature to determine Immediate actios). - r Mad Teaag Agai"-'-'.' On of Dr. KlnCa New .Ufa Pills each night for two weeks ha put t" la yr keens' -aaslu," writes IX -H.- T ufimt f Dempseytown, Pa Theyrethe best n the world'' for IJver. Stomach and Bowels.- Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 2a at the Red Cross Phar macy. Sixth and Oak streets, on ths way o vae pswuue. .. . i f TRID1H AT 'FRISCO aaomaa a. tmAiorauxsi ' BsUHS TO CUTI'S SSOCSACT XS urns sfsT srxa wnn cox- ; wiBaan i oar ana aovan Oregon' popular governor toached a responsive ohord In California whea he appeared aa tha chief orator at a great Democratic rally In San Francisco, Oc tober II. in a page artioie. illustrate by. a fin photograph ' of th. emerald state' chief executive on me piauorm in aharaeterlsU speaking atUtuds, ths Saa Francis oo Examiner pays many neat compliments. Several horns thrusts appealed witn peculiar xoro to in uaii fornlaas. and th splendid' ovstlon they accorded at the eoramenoement of -th address was outdone in approving ap plaus during it progress. . . W hen tn leaaer oi union jnemocracy id. . "Under Demooratlo . admlnlatraf tions th proatag t increase along th line -of population, aa wall as of wealth, war greater than under Repub lican - administrations," n had unani- mouf Indorsement, aad again TCher la n longer any oompatltloa between the American industries. Now ther ar upward of 804 so-called .V Industrial trusts," end Th tariff is a tax upon th family practically nothing but a par capita tan -upon the population of th united mat." . t, , Th monetary eummary wa also ap proved democracy In 'California in th following: , 'Nature herself .has settled th money question, by openlitg np her storehouses and pouring Into th channel of trad and oommarc a supply of th yellow Roosvelt customs la 'campalsnlat war arraigned as follow: "We listen In vain for the volo of th leader of th grand old party wh In times past were wont to talk about Its virtue Th rale 1 now for cabinet officers not nly to tonr th country, but to act- as oampalgii ttanagtrrs. j , . ' -' Ta aixamiBsr muoauctory is very expressive,-and will interest all Ore gon iana: i . ,- '. , .:j . ' .. , - 'ISfaay TQssassiaUi Oat, ' . . 'Oovsmor Chamberlain of Oregon wa th prlnoipal speaker at the big rio cratlo rally that took place last night at . th Alhambra theatre. , It waa- In dead fctbtf rally and drew th biggest house ot th present campaign. Despite the counter attraction of rtstlo con test In Msohanlcs' pavilion, ther were Democrats enough in the Alhambra to glv emphatic denial to th report which appear to find favor with the Republi can party, that tbl is an nmisnaUy quiet campaign. ' "Ther were three speakers, two local favorites and th stranger from ths ad- Joining stat. j Franklin K. Lane, wh opened th meeting, aid 0 wUh the ! .t - mm. I general decorative acheme. v That wcare,, is our pleasure. :'. Let us plan a roohV f or you o tha atyla ' s A V 'onraarioa"-whoaa'' artfstictiaaagitiea you -Af ter-youVa seen our, sketches and,4 V I vrV'" .-the materials we propose to use, weVe inclined to iink. you'll make a few-changea in the house. ''-'.r;v.--'- 1 Izx VHh -But t all events, come an4 have a look Afsomeof rtha'neV'.DrapryaWcfc I C v'worth- looking iK&X'si 1 pmmmmmmimmmm&sm p -: t. ' i ".-''. i'-M ' 1 . . " 'AV . Sill It',' S, K l,B n s , : " declared Intention of hot 1 making speech. But th . temptation , wa ' too strong ror him. aad talked at length and well. Jama D. Phelaa. who fol lowed, mad a stirring-campaign speech, ia which ha described to th people of California judge Parker aa h really Is. and showed him to b th true friend Of th peopl. despite all th campaign nMvna maojgea m or ni opponsnua Then, at nlt a lat hour, oam Or. gona governor, -i - . ..''; -,i- Cantissrlala' BaA &CU. "Oeorg B. Chamberlain ' ta not fervid. Impassioned orator. ' He ' la - to practical, too good natured. to be that H likaa to pnt hi audleno in a good hnmor anoTwln Ita approval by sound logte and hard facta, with few good stories thrown Into th discourse ta re lieve th tension. Laat night he opened modestly, and hbwsncee a a. speaker was, for th moment. In doubt. , Bnt h wanned to his work, and ha wag so particularly . happy la th shaft h hurled at th opnoalUon that hi audi- ence recognised In. hjm a master of hi subject. - He .has as fre and easy -de livery, and -appears without f fort to protluoe th effect h dealrea, ,', ' "Oovernor Chamberlain In hi, aood- hnmored way pointed out th shallow pretentiousness of ths claims set up by ta Republican party. He asked:. Wbat has Theodore Roosevelt don to be Called th people's champion? And h answered tha question la telling fashion. us sai a. ror instance: -, " "Roosevelt Is said to b an eiemnlarv nnaband an rather. so Is Alton B. Parker. He Is said to b , Of gentl birth, v So I Alton B. Parker,' and ao 1 very plebeian eltlsen of these United States. H Is said to b th friend of th laboring population of this country, Ifh to'.aorriitfMlr. so Is Altoa B. Parker. ' For, even allowing that 1 h bronaTht th coal baron te tire la th trouble of two years ago, snrsly it waa not a alom who did la. but th great American paopl - who ware f oread by nunger nd eoid to exact drastic ma are. Oa th other hand,' hera is what Alton. Bv Parker has don: , 't'A a ludg of th hlxheat oourt la New Tork state be sustained ths lht- hour law.' Whew th oourt of Pennsyl vania decided tha,t aa employer cannot be held llabl for Injury to art employ through tn negugenc or a fellow ser vant, Jodg . Parkar ' characterised th decision aa monstrou .. Judg Parkar also utinad ,th , law which - aires laborers in tha employ of taw-govrn- meni u ruling rate or wag in -their tat. The thing may be not sea- ralfy known, but they ara facts. "It was not nn oratory;' but it ti ths-sort 6f stuff good peopbi like to hear. - Oovernor . Chamberlain's speetoh was full of good things, and It received the cordial and attentive hearing to which It waa entitled. Oovernor Cham berlain Is a weloom guest . of th Democracy of California." , . . i . - 1 i v , .- . atona oxosxa soona. ' . (spselal Dlseatek t ns'lesrsat) .;' ' . ITnlon, Or., Nov. I, J. B. -Shanka proprietor of Shanks' hotel, ha closed hi doors, swing to Inability to meat his obligations, amounting to 100. It is not as ret decided what steps th c reta ilors will take la tb matter.', . IF IT IS THE PRICE f,-A ,v . t'lf No Reespa Vhy That Should $ Stcnvl Lon-f la the Yy. now is tna Time for Buying the . ; PlsB-Oar PrtMMt Display of V 7 Fine InstrumenU Without Par: - alltl w Prices MederatiC i j ; : ' '..v7i"'v ( ' ,-' ' ' Good blano,' moderate price and easy '' -payment g hand la hand at Kllers Pt- . an Houaa Thirty make of th finest planoa that th world wreduoe ara sold ' -by as at prices ranging ail th way from lit! to tl.100. ; ... , - Among them all ther. ar planoa t- : ' suit vrybody in price aa well aa -ln . styls and -ton, and whether you aelect .' th on for th leaat or for the greatwat , , prlo. you ar not paying much, consld-. ring ta value yo . aacure. -Not so ' much, in faot, by fully a third, a you . would hav to payalMwhar foe a piano'.-: of th same grade. The coming of th Ktlerr house wss . tha coming of low prloes and reliable, standard Itistrumenta to th paopl of ' ; the North west. - It ia aa easy to buy. . for four large stores aa it la for one, -and It secures for us the greatest of factory discounts. It tat aa aaav to sell all theea nlanoa. ' too. nravlded niicea and qualities are" right, ' And incident ally, w might here remark we and no dltnoulty in disposing of every one- of, them, and the more we sell the easier It le to make the little price which hav . helped to make our fame. i Eoonomloal methods of conducting ouf business hav contributed to Mi stio- cess of our broad-gauge Way of doing r th)nga.- Our immense warehouse down' on the railway track th larssst and ' most modern one on the coast, whore . cars r switched tiwt to our door and ' arroa toaaea ana uiMOsaea ciireci, wun ' ittl risk of damage and small expense; , - our . owa - stable, our own dray and teams, our own economical, exoluelve 4 war of ahlDDlns' danoa. all contribute f ,i an Item of aavlngln the coat of a piano '-and, coupled with our "many aalee at you lowr price than any other piano . '. eonoarn. -. , ,; 'TnaiPiANos , .y ; Th Chlckerlna. for Over 1 1 vesr a "' ' perfect Instrument. It Is the plane whose founder's status Is the only on , '. )f an American piano manufacturer .-' - eoted by th eommleainneui for exhl- bltlon at th St. Loul Pair; th Web-r, whose. matohhMSlv aweet and avmna. - -' thetlc tone ha made, it the-fevorlte of , . th world' greatest musicians: , the t KlmtmlL on of the most famous and popular pianos made: the Hasalton, the long-time New -Tonr arlatocrat: ths - Lester, th oridar of all Phitsdalnhlanai ths wonderful Crown, th piano of many luniwi ittm awriara sni ni'oie xlODarc Y M. Canie: the Story Clark, the 1st est addition to our wonderful iln of high" " est grede piano, and many others. Onr prices on them all will ha found moderate and payment so easy anyone v can afford ti on most to tneir llkmg. Full guarsntees always and money back In every Instance where there I not ab- V solute aatlsf action. Kllers Plsno Hons. Washington street, corner Psrk, V - S61 I-re stores tleO San Prannlsi.a. Mtnok. ton and Eureka. CaLl Bnokin. mnA u-. 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