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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
-..G, . I. wix ; : :or cc::v r to cc: zz to t::-. . . . . . 'tr-v vntm iWAf ITS. expert ' v, . '-A ' 'f i.' ".:, 1 ' ' ' V 1' . .dc:::g du:::::3 o:i tnzzz floc-2 c? newtsixth stres VrIITIUS KCIe ZZSL . KSV ELEVATOrS-LARGEST ON Til ( -1 - Of I ft I If I Bi;i;tvi;tif . . rrTT bio 9 a e 9 8 B-BlBlf laaXBTi 18 8 fl BB T AIJIZJSrTCIIZ-rrV-'--' Ailti CTOVEmtWEST ANNEX STORE, TIimD FLOOR. BEDS," BEDDING. CURTAINS .I.D 11 MW 11W I M"Ml, I"""' ArtHS .nrVSH lUuma- nmanl Mn 1rT T n limftM a E COAST START TO TXTJ IIOITDAY tTT. FIRST FLOpitST ANX;pPSN , 1 1 i i ' ' 1 1 .. ,i i. . ! ' iv jfii r o nattrv ,'i-:jx - - i i i- t ii i it ' i BB8it: e33( rep 1"m an ; o88 fJ. in 11 Pertoifi urip, Fcrrr. liiiMSiii . . it. "... : , : , . the;crowning 4 t.. - ( ;.'f- N WEEK! ,T f . . ; S r A Boon to Bonnetless Women fa Wbxt tha Great ; Qeadn? t Sale of i.iiumtiM.Y. Amounts to I . roBMr wih in r priMt. v-. f. llnarr tock this wk : .... ,v, ; th rniU fair prlcM oif which thla tof la famoua. W prlctod th eaaalv prlo hubbl long mo In th nilUlnrr tor.. Ttm waa - when tha wtft'a anUllMry bill oauaad hubby to male wry facaa, but all that la ofcangal nir tluuika to ua. Paaarfamlllaa oomea In and aaya tha bill, with a faea that baawa with prlda and aoataatmantv And now.wahra lopped aft a part srtoa mi avary hat to tha atora from H to L. Not a hat raaarrad. nana Jan. aaldx8 tba plaaaura o paylnar tniuinary bflla will lnereaaa aa tha-. prlcaa gaoraaaa. , Buy two or tftraa tutm, ;twur pay you at auca raauouona. 1M Htv aiail BTtyllttfk WomtB'i RM4tto-Wur HftvU. tiv toita-v t Mdlor and drM hpfl0 and all th popvUrr wanUd oolor valmM In Um lot $!.; init m m r(Af fm tlM'boTM fhar .: aama "In ait 'tt' off racnlaf Drlca. papartmant ta aa apraar, aaaato at hands wa wotft npak thanvfor usual dlaplay. .out aana-taam ,ta jyou. jawnwaaa,'" niar. arownn, nvjm ana mmm. tot,,: efcildron'a Bat Baada, with Ftaaldawt'a naaaa , In gala, , Hata aad Caps ..,...., .r THH -'TUBBT - TIMKKT -,: TO AMBatlCAIf " MAI RONS NEGKWEAR AND MAID8 AT TWO' BWnCIAM FOtf TBItkiT AT THB NBCKWBAA COUNT Eft FIB8T A lot of swell Jabota, Stola Snda, Parisian Stoeka, mbroldara Zilaa Stoeka, Foldad Batln Btocka. Stocks with- bows, Crepa Stocks, a bl yarlaty. . taenia LM. $141. and 1M valuaat apactal f Booootny Bala prlea,.aach ;v.4..;.08 ! f'38aj r0 STLK STOCKS 'WORTH 5a aBdTlo-l, SAdlaa' Btlk p'tooka with atola front, whiu allk wita ran ay piping; vary ortaay, ragwar pnea saa .v-' and " tlcj apeolal Economy gala prioa, aaoh..39 RIBBONS WORTH Ma'AKD tlo FOR SOw AU. i Bilk Taffeta Ribbons, 4 Mi and Inohaa wlda, Una quality, all oolora, will anaka pratty ties, ragular . ' 0o and S Talus; apaclal Boonomy Bala prlca, yard - .iM..t...... 20a) EKBROIDsTRIES Baautlful gwlaa Camhrja . Nalnaock :, Bmbralderiea, soma medium 'width, othara aa wlda'aa It laches, , Bvan - U you don't need thank now you should araH yourself of thla opportunity and pnt in a supply for future use.- These Embroideries are worth from itc to Cto ,Va yard; special for' Friday .Economy gala only, yard i. ............. ,25a) AT THB tACB COUNTER Hand soin Medallions. Persian Banda, Venlae ., Banda, Oriantal nat top edxes, many beautiful patterns, and well worth . tha regular prloea, iOa, 0o and Tie, but thara ara toa ma ay of them and , wa -giva you tha benefit! apeolal Economy Bala prlca only,, yard. .... .334 BPECIAL FdB FRIDAT ECONOMY gALB-AJo of .Cotton ; NotUncham .,Edes and Insartlona at, tha rard.,,,,,....... UUk.. ....... ....r'f HANDKERCHIEFS Lad lea sheer linen Handkerchiefs, aeml-laundered, H Inch boTdara, worth llo; apaclal Economy Bala prlca, hanokarehlafa in ' box, for A. ,..M, . ...... 4. . ........ ..63a T Best Stovfes aiidHeatefs V MADE IN AMERICAWANT ONE? . : MEW SIXTH BTBEBT ANNEX STOVE STORE FOURTH FLOOR, ." V How jo wa Jmowihey're baatrT Brary. aallar of atoraa clalma that" Right: Ldbk back through life you'ra met all aorta o people yon think of one, somewhere, aometlrae, whom yon always bettered implicitly and ha (or aha) nerer betrayed that' trust. Think of thla atora. with yrftt for tha beat part or your whole lifetime, have wa erer lied to yout Not knowinglyra awaar. We prora by test. Hire or buy tha moat expert Berries la America ta explore Into all tha hidden myaterlea of aterea, they pronounoa one "beet" wVsecure it to go with other beat sort o stocks carried by thla quality -atora, 'Tla known aa tha -QUICK MEAL RAKaiO. Constructed on modern lines, embreoee all features that ara beat ta other rangea and aoma identical with Itself. Its work la quicker dona and orer than that of other rangea by reaaen of construction. Thla beat af KITCHEN RANGTES oa SPECIAL BALE HOUSE HEATERS, TOO ! S,; ? GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF RANOES ' AND WiaXD HEATERS FOR FBI' . DAT AND SATURDAT ONLT FLOOR, . . , ,' QUICK MEAL STEEL RANOB, WTTH HIGH- CLOSET Value dttTO; special for Friday and Saturday.... .......... ................ ..S30.94 1TJBO FOR COOK. STOVES WORTH IlltO Qalok Baker , Steal Cook Uteres, with IMaob Oreo, regular I.Q raluo; apactal. each. ., ...fJlTO --. WOOD HEATERS. . ' -y. -- 38.90 FOR HEATERS WORTH 1110 Oood alaa Wood Heaters, east Iron top and front, doer, beary steal lining, Talua fa. 10: special for Friday and ''Saturday only, each r..- ,... .S5.90 LIBBBT CUT OLA8S If PER CENT OFF . DURtNO . . FRIDAT , ECONOM"! e, "Wa ara aheat t remodel our dlaplay of Cat Olaee and la order to aara tnerlng any mora of it than la absolutely necessary, wa make thla especially liberal offer cor.maay oory -t -.-: r Water BotUea, worth l 80; apeolal at....... sh..a ii rM&Ma afOij 11.10: anaolal ad". a-inah Bowla, worth .ti apeciaj at,.....-. - Erary article will be eold at tha aama reduction tl per oerrt off original price, so yen will be wise If jrou anticipate yor Thanktglrlng. and Christ maa wants, -at tnia time., ,j. . . Ah" Old Merchant "In large cMtern city tald the other day: ' "This ig store business will come to an end after' a v , . mm . . . i , . . ,. f . a : . . ... . . wnue. ine nvaurj auaong grores lor Dig tuuaugs Dig; crowas ano itrgg jnenoon 1 wm resca Its limit Big stores now sell without adequate profit, -Know what I'm talking about?- bet I -dot Take this,- for instance (pointing to a doUar-purchase) never ; made for a dollar In the world. X know' that vast quantities of goods are sold every day at a loss. ' Advertisements, as a rule today, exaggerate-gome a littles some lot Of course, gome few don't-4i few. There's s lot of truth In these latter sort- Now, thenlet's dissect thU-VraHguilty of selling at a loss ometime; not always OUR loss tho. ; Iots of merchandise gets into wrong hands. Holder must get rid of it in a hurty needs money--big. stores Have it they're sought quickJy, goods change hands and you profit, but big stores don't lose. The great purchasing, community never . had such service as the modern store gives. Money never went so far aa. now. -Long study and experience afford comfort-and safety la shopping" never before known-aa , now. The modern. big store is not a mere matter of walls and counters . floors and Jwindows TheTe'sthelighy. ventilation, safety from fire, servicearid but we. couldn't tell it on this page. Suffice is this.' The new Olds, Wortman ft King store -the larger store, ready in two weeks complete will af ; ford physical comfort and pocketbook safety as never before known. 2. Fair prices -that pa you ' and pay us will always rule. . Bargaina'often, and lots r of 'emat somebody's - loss; but- these 2 losses are scattered. ;Extra Friday Economy Sale Specials printed ,bekw will add sest to the interest in American week. J''t,:i'rf:,-A;ii'vl;y tvyJ-. -frirjv'rr." Y . ft e s r I f I -two last . 1 1 1 l v raiuea in I I 1 .1 I r good -ecu J J I HERB For the Sfibpjrsg TOOOERY1 SHOP, -M"-1 7. eVeV4CBj0aV W Add to , tha ouartette v.ot bargalna that feature . ' mew un extra . apaclal thla printed you find mighty Tor a call TOMORROW. . MEM S ti l UNDERWEAR FOR TOf . A una 01 man a extra, line quauty Marino Shlrta and Drawere. oamels hair color, made In America and aoM - by almost all-retallara at tttl a i garment; our regular prlca la !! X paoiai Aotancaa aaia price ia; a garment ...... ....7U BAR AND WAITERS COATS Bar and Waltere Coata, American make. In plain .white, black and white etrlped. and plain white with stripe .collar? and cuffs i, apaclal American aaie prloea. regular I to for TO. .' tl.0 value for 85. ILtl value for y f 1.05, fl-lt valua tor f 1415 MEN'S V BOX FOR 10f Msn'a auperflna fashioned aeamleaa Sox, .; black, with natural gray feet. Amer loan make, and extraordinary raiue "-at Itc 1 apaclal American sale . prioa, the pair 191 BOYS' L SWEATERS FOR 9f xt A Una of Boys' Wool Sweatera in navy and red, and acariet and green, i, ataea 14 ta i regular I La -grade, ' apeolal Amerieaa aala prioe, , ; - ,only, each .....69 31.45 FOR MEN'S OOLF SHIRTS WORTH v ttaa Men'a high-grade Oolf Shlrta, In plain, tan and blna ' Oxford chariot made In coat atyla with eaffa- attaohsd ' tha blggaat bargain la men'a Oolf Bhlrte over V offered in Portland, as they are all y thla aeaaon'a goodat t regular 1 raloe and rery reasonable at that prioa;. apeolal for American aala, ,: only, each ,... rt....t.S1.49 t04 FOR MEN'S LINEN HANDKER- CHIEFS, WORTH . 0o-A small Hna of Men'a -Pure Linen Initial . Handkerchiefs. , Regular tprice la 20a For Friday Boonomy Bala they ara one-naif price; each. , ...... 10 31.49 FOR MEN'S ' WORSTED 7 SWEATERS, WORTH 1 $1.00 A : Una of Men'a high-grade Worsted , Jleraay Sweaters, full faahloaed; In nlala or fancy a tripes; raluea up to X- it.0 In the lot. Bpeeiai Economy - prlca tor Friday only, aach..fl49 A Fridtiy Bargain vwv: Triol '. ;'. u. -'i ' ' i ',-." - r That lend atrength - to tha .week' a chorus of ralues la tha Dress Oooda Annex and 811k Store First Floor Fifth -treat.., . ISO Maaaallna finished Paao da Cyme: .; very soft, pretty allk.. for waists and r aultst all eolora to choose from. Special for Friday, yard ...,f49f t IS-laoh an-wool Vanatlaa ' Cov erta and Rainproof Meltons, in good v. color assortment; the beat ll.Ot . raluea la town, Speaial for j. ' Friday, only, yard 394 It-Inch att pure wool Black Mel. ton and Kerseys; fine for shlrta and - Btreet suits.- Special for Friday. -, only, yard .,.,.,,..y..T9f A MONSTER TRIPLE BARGAIN ATTRACTION IN. THE ; ' : APPAREL SALONli SECOND FLOOR. 150 Satripl? Silk Petticoats, $15.00 to $28.50 values,; at ; ; EVERY DRESS SKIRT IN THE HOUSE ON SALE $8 .95 Vi At Half Price $10 FUR NECKSCARFS AND BOAS $6.48. A MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE OF HANDSOME NEW BILK PETTICOATS, RBALLT REMARKABLE BARGAIN ROUSING VALUES. Our Miss Bernard, bouse buyer for, tha ag- v pare! aeetloaa, arrived homo on Wednesday . , last from her aanon trip of tha ' aeaaon ta New York and other-leading "eastern atyla . marta. Her riaH was timely and enabled her to secure many remarkable raluea from maa. . efactarere whoaa aeaaon haa closed and who ,' were- ready to aall sample llnae and ends of ' Iota that hare proven tha aeasen's beat sell ers or farorltea rua Brst. Wa plaoa on aala ' tomorrow, aa aa opening wedge to ' a lively , winter camps I gn la this seat Ion, one af tha ' Julcleet bargain plama ' aka picked . whUa 'j away It handaoma, new SUk Petticoats, na two alike, -tha aample Una ef one of New j-'. Y eric's beat kaown standard aklrtmakera. - A -- ' galaxy af tha newest atylea af tha later see. son. . Tha bargain la super-wood errul. Not a petticoat under 111 la value rsore of them . at flllO. tlt.ta. Ill.tO. ttl and f Tha material la beat taffeta allk, la black and every wanted eolorlng royals, hello, cham pagnes, drabs, ail vera, greens, -pinks,- bluea. -etc.. In- plain and changeable affects. Superb ' workmanship eharaeterlsee the skirts; the va. nety emDracea nouncea ana aocoraion piaits. Circular, flounoaa, tucked elreular flouncaa, with raehlnga, aeotloa ruffles, eto. The great, est barsala we've ever known offered in Port- lend In pettlooata Friday only, Q g p :,!:.Dixjfeli for One Half ;j i ' YOUR ABSOLUTE CHOICE ON FRIDAY. AN UNPREJlTOENTEDOFFERt . TAKE ANT DRESS SKIRT IN THE HOU8E AT JEXACTLX HALF PRICE v Immensity and variety preclude extended description,. As well try to tell of the glorlea ef every flower la a vaat hothoase .aa to- wqrd-palnt these very awell dress skirts. Every woman patron knows tha Olds. Wortman King stocks all i thafa newest . and beat. Broadcloths, Staminas. Cheviots, Can- t . .iviii., wf lu w, wmnv vuwrh iiraiwini Drown., oiues ana grays easo, ox course, piau Btaoas. in auiea erreata. tucks and allk- trimmed, Regular ralues start at I J, running eaelly to y s- 1100.90 choose aa you wUl tomorrow ii -.-x '-'"ffiCe SCHOOL VOTE 'H FOR AWARD OF V';'.:-;PANaMA-.''.'T. CANAL .MODEL -s. ...... Aa ara In en Uy American educational feature. Have you Master and Miss sent In your composition , yett There' Xmad money in It. ; The vote at S . aa, yaatarday aoodi Hlgli School ....... ..,,,,.( 10.101 8U. Marya Acad amy ......... 11,101 Harrison School . ....... Tt.ttT Portland Aaademy It.Sfl Park School IT.TIT Atkinson School It.ttt WUllamaAAvantta Scaaot ,.... tt.ltt Falling School . IWH Sunnyslds Sehoot ,,M....... 11.141 Holladay School k. ...... lt.UI .' Total Volea .... r ,... Select Fur Scarfs $6.48 Instead of 110 Friday only. Bona and Far Neck ' . Pieces, Electric Seal a a d Martens, handaoma ahadinga, . se lect akin, beat' tla ', value : long Boaa or shorter Neck, pieces. , extra, special. Friday oniy a - : i $6.48 ?1m fL 'Pin IMM UNUSUAL ECONOMIE8 FOR ' FRID AYPATRONS, XN HE WOMEN'S Knit Underwear and iSHoSriei r FOR FRTOAY ECONOMY SALE - 31,78 1 FOR WOMEN'S UNION BUTTS WORTH W.TS. . woman a union aurtav nne naoea, au wooi. meaium weight, non-en nnxa Die. oneita style, anlandld. value: very special price - for Friday . Economy only, ault .... 4 .4....51.TB- WOMEN'S L0t UNDERWEAR .FOR ' 65 Women's Bwtaa ribbed Vests and Pants, wooL winter weight. In White, vasts with long alaevea, panta ankle (engtb. .with French- banda, regular 91. amy Bala prioe, each . Ot value; special Boon-. , . . . . , . . . . WwS7. 594 FOR MISSES UNION BUrTS Misses white eot . ton Meroda Union Suits, allghtiy fleeced. - long sleeves. -.ankle length, regular prices life, too and e-o; special Economy Sale prlca,;. ault .,, 4.. .,....... 59af .WOMEN'S l0o CASHMERE HOSE FOR 3T Women-s . , plain black cashmere Hose, with finished foot, double ... soles, spiicea neei ana -oe. our rerr osax see varae; atpeoUI Economy BaIa p1o, ptUr e e a VoaeJ FeisVa) 3T XsVORDWiAO Stationery; ) 1 ArtidesTat .'-' .C7;d:i4'" -aTBaW FLOOR AISLES.1 V '.;"' v WRITINO TABLETS WORTH He FOR 9 Extra large stae.' ruled Writing Tablets, pocket sue. whila, value Itc; apaclal Boonomy 8a la pries, COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES WORTH so. S PACKAGES FOR 5a Plain --' white Commercial Envelopes, ta la package, valua tci - special Eoenomy ' Price, t paokagaa for,.... ....... ......... 6e FINEST QUALITY ENAMEL BACK PLATING CARDS; , special . Eoonomy prl09a peBa3aw3ffJssV a0, a a e ) ' eaaeatattk 3a eF HAND BAGS WuHTIt ILU FOR 994 Hasd Bag, with bratded a airem handles, in black, brown or tan leather. Inside filling, value l.(t apeolal ' , Economy prioe. each es 4S4 FOR BAG TOPS WORTH Tlo Fancy oxide spring gate Bag Top for ..... opera or ahopplng bags, ralue 75cj apaclal Economy price, each ... ,. .434 P4 FOR BEAD NECKLACES WORTH lie Whiter pearl or turquoise head Naeklaoaa, value tie; Economy Bala price, each ..................... -X BEaUTT FINS WORTH llo FOR 31a1 Fancy blue enamel Beauty' Pine. -pin to get. valua llo; apaclal Eoonomy prtoa, set ....Rlgv 94 FOR BROOCH PINS WORTH X&4 Fancy" gilt axlda" and alrrar en snameled Brooch Pina. valua Slo; apaclal Economy price, each.. ltvg 194 FOR BELT SETS WORTH tlo Fancy gilt and exida Belt Buckle, Seta, . with front, back and aids pleoaa. valua tc; apeolal Economy prioa, sec 104 t SPOOLS THREAD FOR B54 American Spool Cotton, beat aaellty. 10a yards thread to tha spool, black or white, for hand ar machine use, all aian: apeolal Economy price, 7 spools for. llo OIL CAN FOR 94 t-ouBoe beet gualtty Sewing Machine Oil in combina tion all eaa, value lto; special Economy prioa, can ..94 34 FOR NEEDLE BOOKS WORTH 1 la Needle Book containing a good as sortment of sewing and darning a sad lea, valua Mo; apaclal Economy prioe. eaah ......,.3 "134 TO HAND BRUSHES WORTH 194 Hand or Nail ' Brushes, all , brteUea, wood-baoka, value llo; apactal Bcqnomy price, eaoh IX 3 FOR 54 FOR TOILET SOAP WORTH lo Fancy Toilet Soap, hard milled, - a One soap far home, boarding houaa ar otel, valua to; special for Econ omy Sal for C4 104 FOR VIOLET PERFUMED TOILET SOAf Violet perfumed Toilet Soap. I cake la box, fancy hard mtllod eoap; apeolal Economy price, - box 4 . ....104 94 FOR TALCUM POWDER WORTH llo Violet "perfumed Talcum Powder for th toilet ar tor use after snaring, . valua lie; - apeolal Economy price, can ............... .............................. ...., ............. .94 $1.97 Buy- the $175 Pctti : co3ts if the Buy Comes r ..- Friday ;". t UNDER-APPABEL SECTION. ANNEX, ND FLOOR TH ST.). r A Valuabie Recipe for Housdcecpcrs, Hotel ftnd '-ResUurant Men K :Vv,; "-i FIRST FLOOR. '. -cv" To) th Hat Ot value enumerated In 'the Great AntrBat. Thanksgtrtos; -gale of Table Linena printed from time to time during thla "Amerieaa -Week, add three parte economy, aa listed be low. and shake welt ' Tha more yoa take th mora (money) you make at these Friday y prtoaa, : Domestic aad Llnea Aisles, ., '-. f ; " HUCX AND DAMASK TOWELS, ' . WORTH too, FOR ............294 10 ' doaen Hemstitched Hu k ' aad Damaak Tewelsi sold regularly at too each. Special for Friday . Eoonomy Bala: eack .f ... .304 54 BACH FOR LrKEN DOlUES. , T WORTH TO 11 Ho. x ,, 10 doaen Ponies, fringed, hemei! or hemstitched ; sixes and t-lnchf In ' all white, damask-or -. platrt linen. Value ta llHo. Special for Frirt-v Ladle black T -Gored Fat t af . extra fine Itallaa ale i ' Ing fleuaoa, aluatera if I i ' . strapping an I thre- l i with, under t .' fl.H pec'' Eoonomy Sale, each Outr.j F Tl:Crrct cr J , T.x... : : t. I r 1 1 v :