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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
iLLit MTHE 1 U v a A r- V..1 P r O JAVAR1 A. kllwl -.iiatll rr.-V f Ml iwJ :WJL J U II f ' ' III. .. -- r-,a... 1 ... a t t '.ami . , ( . - t ..... t biiua , t .? r- OAFT. ZZZr " fact rr: I'm CZXTKM VATS j Jlzzm 'zzxk most ZXM C1D1- The Wrijrht u xrrtr vox 7k FACZFZO J AI-WU9DIM For t i p ( two wee' ro t"! r-"o rivloes i txg roived 1 I iiior our u r"n t"t rnouu or river on ace t tf to 1 out be1 t down. f 4 Je way thi.s ar rd : 1 ser r j. ; it 1 : Lead a n v & ( inv of men at one and I t t-.e I- 1 1 - ,. ,. , pair! aa q-ickJy aa fo-' . Aeco. 1- ln to an t-' -,. Lr. Ei4 plaiaa, t . ciu. 4 Unfovil urpoi io x t.. i i lq re.,ir. but r- oti weary "la w .:tit for ti .at to . ' do th necary wort be d ..,iare that . ih WMfhAW hlllVlu 1 A I . I - - . . alliens. I aia . (hit t .aula ..... oommunlo tn will a b a-'.. It sl .... in & f W it .vs ' ! kvth. I . rwi wnta tM tlfrji wir . again goes s j iciepnone ervlo. 4 , -j. . . s The novelty of haarlnsr an Alaska In dlan braaa band reader th onerry com. . positions of Aouaa anl other muter ' win ... .. . wi nam raniun i bout iNOvemDer i la, when 40. Indiana front MaUa v kahtla, Alaska. ' under the leader ship, of. Joe - -Nelon. will reach, thla city. Vacoordlng to ; their . chad , ule published In .north countrv nanera. They are booked to rive three perform ancea bare, and hav planned to continue aouin aa far aa Ban Franolaco. Tha In dlana are said to be fairly wall trained In the art that ba always been credited wiin chhihi ro lumiDi inm nvin oneH. . ' Their expedition has not. Mi designed aa a nnanclal enterprise, tut la an ed- The Bailey Gert,,the boat vou want . lav i r wam' r n.iiM -tmm any way point. 1ht'. "wra craft ia '. tha atanchest, moat rir"ble and moat cemiortaDia piyina; i let, en roruand and The Dallea; ,nhd.iably Ythe boat " for a comfortable, and safe Journey. Ask enjr or your frienda -who hava; taken the " trip on; the Oataert and they'll tell you 1 ' what a dellhtfol one it - x Steamer , leavea Aiaer-atreet wnarr JkX 'l a. m. ' every Monday, Wednaaday and Frldsr. -' Steamer Reultor, anof-.r serlft boat. : leaves' aama kow on' Alteraatlns; daya. - Take either boat with, assurance of , . safe,, apeedjv ooaofortahle .trip..; Phone -X Main Lii 1. a - '.""'W; f ' .W ' V f ' .raaenu wku ware m this ana noon at 1:30 o'clock- under the aualcea of f- tne- siasonie fraternity- ror John Duke ' . hart, late member of Orttgoa oommsnd- "plaat Tuesday,' of heniorrhaVe, ai bJe resl- 'dence. (64 Yamhill street. Mr. Dukehart ' - waa 68 yars ef ace. and had been a real : r from Maryland. Ha waa highly esteemed i ' br hla brother In tha Maeonie fraternity .: and by a larre circle of business friends, ' ' He waa a salesman for the firm of Prael, ' HeirHe Co.. He la arrived by a widow j and four children. . . . ; ... . ' Thouirh If' way rain In Portland.- there V la aunshlne en at of tha .Cascade range 'Tf "-mountains. ., X new nd beautifully ! "furnlahed steamer Charles R. Bpencer r leavea from foot of Washlntrton street a. m, aalllng up the picturesque Colum - ". his. tkrough the grandly ' magnlfloent vascaeie movainevie ins iwm vmw lag at way landings, returning; on alter " 1 'rate day : Passengers -for Portland should takar' tha steamer at The Dallas, tnm uvm ym nia mini mm mn Invlnr th. delight, pt -tha anoat wonderful soeaery ; In tha. world.' TaL Main IMi.'- , All meir .Jim or the Brooklyn school Aluntnt aesactetlon- are expected . to. be present" th next meoMng ef th ao ', clety. Trlda.-onl n g, Nevember 4. The 'meeting; will be bald In tha schoolhouse, , and It ia planaeol tai make It on of th . most enJoyaW held -this fall. Th 1 . following program will be given: Ic . tare. Mlaa Ntosa Daue; recitation, Mia Kthel Adajia; vocal solo. Miss Bylvl i Oakea; lmpreniptu, atlas-Huld Nelson; recitation. Jama Uavely; vocal solo, ' Lyrald TUden; spelling match; v ; x- '-(. TmrnvMiMManl, A VaittMM ' AnkiMn. I u.r. v. v.uv.v.w, . w m church on Michigan avenue have been t completed, and - th church will be re opened tomorrow evening with special ' service. A new concrete . basement contain .Sunday school rooms. , kitchen ' and ether conveniences of a modern ehumh.: - The remodellnsr imm ttuirama1 tha capacity of th - building, and th member, ar much pleased with th - work. which, has been don under leader- . ship of their pastor. Rev. Asa Sleeth. . ' Suit-for damage fat. th amount of .. f 4.160. twas antereo . in tn circuit court ; yesterday against th Deep River Logging ' company by James Harvey, a peddler. ' He allege that last September 1. while '.. riding on tha logging road of the company ' In Wahkiakum county, Washington, he was -thrown off as th result of, a col lision and sustained severe Injuries, , .' HI II II, mm . w, .'uh t"i '.., tmi mi - - lory, Simon Oeaiin. have filed suit In the circuit court . against tha. Portland ...... Tgm.m-m.. 1lMlil, nnhiH UaI- liUmber company for $1,1.80, wlthln - trrest. It ia alleged that this amount hi due as th remainder of - the purchase ' on board th train at Portland. Th n- gin gold for J,0fl. ; ' . 'Mies Janetta Smith, residing 'at' HI " Bast Seventh street north, waa assailed . by a thug at Grand evenue and Everett Street at 7 o'clock. laat night and her ' ' puree , was taken. It contained t40. OOTribPATtlY Oars So-eallefl) tacnr. abi Siseaseev ' . DRS. ACIX & NORTKnUP 1 Sektua Bmnd'ag. ' koaa. aZAJgZaTATXOV J. nitoMl Stree : J:''t, V . ;;T.wtal 11 v -'- I I SWOB X .'.,'. to, r ' 4.' aVwja aTloaj ' iiltkm 444. ;;-V T N rrwwrmA- ''-S. . ITuniclpal Jutfl Hogu's code rela f a to majrrl." e was delivered thla r mlng from tu bench and la as fol -m. r -n art woman hav a rlgbt to f . t l n If they se lit, without In terforenc ty a rug of hoodluma "1 Sev ar entlued to th protection of th poi.o. and, If needed, they certainly aball hav It. "It Is bifi tlms tha barbarian custom of th eharavarl, as for yaara conducted by hoouiuma, shall bo broken. x "I iiereby order that all boy partlcl paling In charavarls. be arrested and vig orously prosecuted. .. "Too many more important things ar waiting for attention In case of tnar liage for ceremonies to b molested by hoodlums. v. Th charavarl 1 to be broken up In Portland by order of Judge Hogu. and th first stroke was taken, this morning in the municipal court when . John Hoover and Fred Varrer, arrested last night by Policeman Adams for disturbing-a wedding ceremony at Sit Mason atreet, Alblna, war ordered to jail until they give th came of th other partici pants in th affair. Judge Hogus's com ment on the matter were addressed to Deputy City Attorney FitsgeraldV .- ' Policeman Adams was called to th residence where., th wedding ceremony was in psogreaf at I o'clock laat night. xi louna a gang ox aooui is do ye insr. Case, bells. In fact, everything . .that could b used to produc noise, - was' brought into play to create turmoil And attract the bridal couple-- toward - the crowd long enough to-satisfy their de mands.- - ":--. -r-r ,wirrf-r y Two war cgught 1 They told -th namv of their companions, who - vU pmr miviv auugv nufuv wwurniwi About the bum time ' Henry Weygant. living at East Forty-third and Division streets. . was held up and robbed: of a similar sum ef money. At I:l(Ho'cloek this morning th police war notified of the noldu and robbery -of J,. Thorn ton. a coon av am vuaiio, wno ioi , - Th Cathedral fair, opens tonight tn Merrill' new building at seventh and Oak streets. . Tha building Is beautifully decorated and all preparations hav been mad to aceommodat larga crowds. Th fair will hold forth from tonight to Sat urday night and an anjoyabi evmnng is assured to all those . who may attend. Tbera .wia b a grand-r-muslcal pro gram each vnlng as well as voting con tests for 'popular people. truncheon served from ll:J0ft J:I0 and during th evening. "Meet mt In th tea room." East Burnstd street, from ih bridge to Qrand avenue, -is being Improved. Dill . 4k Toung, th contractors, . began laying- planking on four blocks Of th street Monday and BechlU Brothers, whs have th contract fop th remaining two blocks, will commencs shortly. . Th street was In uch poor oondltlon that It was a menace to 'traffic. Th eatir im provement wlU coat IM7L ; . ' :,-:; The 1 Tooeka.' Kan.. Commercial cl&b ha adapted a reselution congratulating th people or Oregon on their enterprise In Dromotlnar tha Lewis and Clark expo sition and orental falrr and urging th people of Kansas . to attend.' A special party from Topeka has already been de cided upon, and wiil s organised oy MaJ. Thorns J. Anderson of that city. tr '-' assssaaessssiBi . - . ,V " V" ' J; I wall realise th difficulty' a new Arm meets to' lntroduoe it good, and I am willing to pay for It Therefor. I will for ashort time give you prtoas and terms on. pianos that no other Arm can afford to meet. Make comparisons and be convinced. A. W. Meyer, 1 4 Sixth St. ,1 H. VV. Scott will preside at th rally to be given Saturday evening at Burkhard'a hall br the- Republican city ana county committee. Mayor William will also be present and make an address, urging all citizens to oU .that th inoreas of pop ulation may b shown --n , . i "Belsimssar." or ' "Th" Fall of Baby lon." biiL a chorus of .76 Jaws and Baby- tonlans, In oriental " Costumes, - at th Marquam Grand. - Monday , and Wednes day evening. November' 7-. Popular prices, 2c : 60o -76o, $1.00. Box . office opens November t, ; .... . t.l .-.. 's .... A AmmA has beeiY rcorded at th court house by- the terms of which E. L. Har mon and' Elisabeth H. Harmon, hi wife, transfer to Joseph H. McDonald th west on half t lots 17 o4 It, In block 101, Couch's addition. The consideration Is Strenuous pursuits - in men and ar duous social duties In . women cause much nervou debility, c c. c. Tonic I all th corrective For sal at Knight's t07 Waahington.. ; ; ,, ; Rev. J. J." Stanb ' and Rev. B. Nelson AllerTwlll speak at a union local option mass meeting - tonight at : Sunnjrsid. Methodist church. , . ' , Tfiver hear George R. WendltngT Toi mht he give hi noted lecture, "Saul of Ttfrsus," at th T.-M. C A. J Wa-Hoo Tonlo. Tn great blood pari- fler, nerve tonlo aiid liver regulator. Just what you need thee oara ror sai oy all druggists. ;' ;"r '.!,'". ' George R. Wendllng giree hi greatest lecture tonight, "Saul of Tarsus " at th M. C A. " " j ' ' '....'.'. ' a -Chew Den-Tal-Oum, hav pearly tth and prevent decay. For sal vry wher. t ' V 6eoergrt Wendllng. nT th greatest orator of tha day. .. -, i Kr, ', '. ' For Sign se W. P. ' Serger eV Son. 184 Tamhlll;-phon Red tOei.; . J , . ... - . . r.s . Hear -Oeorg 'R. "Weadllng tonight at th T. M. C .A. ' -..?-, - J' - i ) ' C::r fHzxn lr:!irSsoker;".''.. Friday night promises, an entertaining evening for those saember of th local Cigar Makers' union. A horn Industry free smoker 1 seneduled to take place In Eagle' hall.- Second aad Tatnhlll streets at I o'clock at-which there will be -horn Industry" talk. For amuse ment several vaudeville turns hav been cured. Th occasion will be a merry on and all ar Invited to participate In the, good , time. Refreshment - wlU be served. - -' ; , . .' . I I. V... r-4 I Professor "Eaios opened Ms dancing Class Monday. October I. and, will con tinue Monday and Thursday evening for six month. Oentlemea lit. ladle M. Arton ball. Second and Oak-, 'Phone West 7 l, -. . ; . ) ..J.-. 1 joek Caased SesodsV ' " AXea aaS Ltwlg st Eiraadi t .. ' rrt rr "So far as freight is ooncerned. this haa been oa of- the moat successful steamboat seasons in the history of th upper Tukon," says Captain George M. Shaver, who has lust returned from th north. -While there wr not so many Steamer in commission- they handled a greater Quantity of freight than dur ing any previous sum mar. ,: Th Seat be longing to tn BrltiaA-xukon naviga tion company was mads up of eight boat and nv of then were used for towing scows which were woJghted down with good of vry- description." -, Th captain state that th soow prop osition does not give th beat of satis faction tn thos water and th com pany . intends to buUd an addlUonal steamer to place . in commission - next season. .It wUl be '110 feet long and It feet across tha beam. - Th new craft will hav a carrying capacity of IS tons.' Ths beau ply btwn Dawson and Whit Pass, a dlstsnos of 464 mUs. Itv usually require about -,'a week 1 to make th rous 1 trip. Tha steamer Whit Horse, which is ppred as a passenger boat,, frequently completed th run of t0 mUes In less thaa. a wec- Sh Is said to be, on ot the llneat vessels In aiasia. and whsn . th Weather con ditions were faverable she naa mad as high aa II -miles an nour. uyuu Shuia ms her-allot daring th past summer and Cantata,'. B,' Sanburri was master. r- .S'1 it!' '. -More-gold has been shipped out of th Tukpsj tsOuntry Curing tn past xew months,', continued th captain, ' tnan during any-prvku yeari '-At tha asm time 4t was bard to get men to-work in th mines a good part of th time. Everybody aeegied to M wild about -the new discoveries maa up in ihww river, alinost 104 Bilsr nortn of Daw son.- It .14 stUnatd taat nearly , two thirds .of ; th populao of . th latUr plac. hav left for the mew digging, Consequently ., th output of the mine was Decessaul more limited than would otnerwtss hav bean th cas.M .' . Th retut 1 atavigator of th north gav Ik as h.eplalon that tha gaining Industry and other, pursuits up there will 'continue to' flourish for years to com. Me-declares tnat tn wages paia keep up to almost the same staaaara as they were a year A4-0V and tha popula tion of U country la increasing right along. 7 V J. T. Kent, a marlp' ngjns who has also. returned from, Alaska, dsclares that an old Scotchman worked on tho same boat with' him this summer -wno nas reside- along the Tukon eontlnuoualy since, 1961. H la llved to .be. th earliest pioneer af th country. . . As Xeag . At Waaat Oos : Bast Zk U Unpcofltabla T 9iag Salps . .- Local aaents't)f ships say that It Is almost ImpossiM thee days to charter vessels to load at European port , for tn Pacific coast ' Th owners invaria bly reply to eUl. those making offers to them for tonnsge tnat tnere. is no in dueemenfat in pcesettt time to send ships to Portland. Sam Francisco, or Puget sound.. ;f Bboald thsy do so, they explain. ,thay - are iiiceiy to o ooiigea to brine them horn in ballast, as all tit wheat grown her is evidently oeuig sent- to th eastern at tea instead of being exported. -.-.'. ''"',.: ' ' W could secur Sresseis to. load at Antwern or Hamburg." said on Of th asenta. "bv oaylasT an unreasonabl rat (.for her, but of course we (00411101 afford to do it- tn owners ar wanting It S for ' bringing cargo this way, whoreaa th rates av year ago war down to lOs or svan. lower. . Th only way that th owners could axwept such a iow figure ws-because of th fact that they .war reasonably well assured that they could oastly gt cargoes for the return trip. But sine than th situation has chaqged, -and they ar as suming no small risks whan they end vessels her now." . . - - Th statement was also-mad that th high "freight" which th owners want for bringing-cargo this way might be paid and th brio of tho goods raised In order thst th Importer might com out even OH th deal war It not for th high protective tariff which is In fore. In thla country. Thblgh freight rat ana th government duty, it was explained. combine aa -to make It' impoaalbl for them to compete with, domaatlo manu facturers. --. -..".i A'-- ' 80 the whol um and substance of th matter appears to b that If th grain from tho Pacific coast continues to go east there will he but very iw more ships -put on at European ports to load for th Paclflo coast. , . v . "AXOVO WATsmrxowr. ' Ah additional length of . II feet U being mad to th steamer Jessie Hr- klna. owned br tha Washougal 1 Camas Transportation company.' The work is being oono on- tn-t m of th river by J. H. 'Johnston, th boat builder. ' r-- - ' . There is aom talk that th gasoline launch Fox, now being operated as a harbor boat' , will soon b placed In commission as w ferryboat alongside of th Morrison street bridg, In opposition to the line recently established by th Merrill " Bros. ', Th latter charg , a far of 1 center but tf th Fox goes on tha run It Is believed hat the rat will b eonldrably - lowered, . . Officer on th Alliance report that the steamer Toledo is tied op st Eureka and th crew haa been paid oft. Thla la th veaael that th Fay Bro.. th owners, stated that they were going to plac on th run betwaaa Portland and Tillamook. It fi - now generally be lieved that they hav decided to aban don the plan. . .. .. -t '- xoeal united Bta teg inspector Kd- mmrAm atiit Vn 1 1m- are In A mlnrim tiulfl Inspecting th gasoline Schooner Delia and th steamer Lottl. ; . .,.. ;'.' m i - A M - roBssov run wats n pod. .. , i I. f'.' ' Three more foreign flags were repre sented 1n th harbor this afternoon upon th arrival of th French, bark Aal. th Italian chip 8. Celesta and th British ahtp Durbrldg .from h mnuth of th river. The B. clt is th- first Italian vessel to visit th port thla eaaon. Sh cam from Antwerp with a general cargo consigned to Taylor.' Toung Co. Th Durbrldg and Aal cam. In ballast, th former from San Francisco and tho lat ter from San Pedro.'. -, . .. .. .-m-.:. TOWXsTO) to ni. la tow of th Harvest Queen the French bark Duplets and schooner Andy Mabony left this afternoon for th sea. TLhe Frenchman carries a cargo of grain aad Is bound for Queenstown or, Fal mouth for orders. She ta feeing dis patched by the Northwestern Warehouse company. The Mahony is bound for fluni Francisco-- with 720.000 .fee of lumber. which WIS supplied by the ' Inman Poulsen . milt. Th schooner Iran I also loaded- at th earn mlU and WlU ra jt-9 xrrrrrra. Whn Father Jam H. JP';',rf iiun..hin th Paclfo States II .V. .W " Telephone company was Introduoadr by Councilman Fleget peior tne ull',v""" cuyeaurday it wa mm - 1.n' ,f erred to thai Judiciary oc-mut . whr . . in nnaldara.tlon. 1 her IB llttl likelihood of Its over b brought before the eouncu again ir -consideration. Nearly every member or that body i of th opinion tnat nwou.a t ..... . l I tWm nsnr be impossiDi to oasir.i-t "'" VThsr Is a possibility. Bowevr, that another company will b riven an op portunity to com to Fort.-" 1 and put In a plant During th me' at 7' ; f" day President Zimmerman recelv J a telegram from F. F. Oravaa. general manager of . th . Emplr ConatruoUou . Ui Anseles.' stating that kl. M.m. mm mmmAm BlAkft a OrOD' 111. WIUl.i mjmmm . - - - osltlon. It waa th general opinion of: th council that if th company oouiu show th proper credentials in th way of a its.oot bond, its proposal for franohls would b considered. . Miliar 4k Bauer" a Salmon street Wood block pavement Created another heated discussion. Tha contractors dsslr their money. ' The eouncllmea say they will hav to investigate first where th trou ble In paving th street lies. Mr. Miller says h followed th plans and specift catione. Th matter was held up an other two wkg pending. Investiga tion.. '.'. " ... Wv. . 'i . 1- v r'' '- Tha'slot maehin ordlnaao wag T pald ad aa to allow counter merchan dise machines to run on payment of tS a quarter. The, proposed barber ordl naao" was referred to th polio - and health committee. Councilman- Flegel asked that th proceedings for Improve ment of Will lama, Portsmouth and Al bert avenue with bltullthic pavement be discontinued. . probably leave down for th mouth of tn rjvr. tomorrow. - , 1.'- '. . "r ; luuia ar aTroav. Stumer Mas Trying Trte from Ooog Bay . -: . '' r' to Astoria r. . ; -. Delayed tnor than a day by towing; a small vessel-from Cooa Bay to Astoria, the steamer All lane arrived la port at It o'clock last night, -V-UO ,iu .At Marsbflld th ateamer Wanona, a now craft belonging .to th Simpson Lumbar company, was taken in tow.- An hour alter putting to sea th lines broke and th small vessel went drifting away at a rapid rate on the rolling bosom of the ocean.. : The Alliance started lnpm' suit of her charge, and after an exciting chase which tested more than- an hoar, the i wayward boat- was overtaken and again made fast' ' V, - But the sea wat rough and there was a constant jerk on th tow line. Finally on or them again snappea in two ana it looked as though th. Wanona would one more make her cap. -.The crew waa not Idle, however, and managed to make th necessary repairs before it was too lae. All want well than, until th Columbia bar was reached. That Sheet of water was not so smooth aa It might hsve been, and one of the hawsers again parted. Th Alliance kept on going; and just as -she reached the Inside th re maining Una broke, but It was not long until the small craft was again picked sp and taken tar Astoria In safety, in the mlxup the tatter's wheel ropes war carried away, bat new ones were soon rigged up to take their Plac. . Th Alliance hag had her full share Of trying experiences sine sh was test at Portland. On th outward trip she was barbound at Coos Bay 14 hours, and on the return voyage she had to remain there almost three days before It was considered saf to put to se..' sn was lying at Marshfllad on Sunday whn a storm was raging along th coast at the rate of tt miles an hour. ' . .- Among tho freight sn brought from th south are 41 tons of frosan salmon. which will be shipped from here to Ham burg. Germany. 8h also brought S.too case of salmon from the Colqullle river; 600 cases of condensed mils from Marsh field and 11 carloads of doors and win dows from Eureka. v. :, OTJXBS zs OsXAmTxmXS. During th next month or two th steamer Hereule will be operated la tha grain trad between - Lylev Wash., and Portland.;- She has been chartered by th Regulator lln and left up th river this morning to bring down a cargo of th cereal. On account of th heavy Wheat shipments being mad from that point. It has been Impossible for the Bailey Oataert to handle tho business properly and maintain a regular serv ice. . Th Hercules belongs to the Co lumbia Contract company. . -. '. CLAXJC V Claiming that they were shanghaied st Hongay. four sailors from th British ship Langdsle appeared before British Consul Laldlaw yesterday afternoon and filed -charge against . Captain Jones, master f th vessel." ': Upon Investiga tion of the - matter, th - consul looked upon th charges ss being a flimsy pre text of the men to get ashor and n ordered them back, to th ship. " Astoria. Nov. t Balled at 7:61 a. m- steamer O. W. Elder for San Francisco. Arrived at 1:10 a. m., ateamer Asuncion from San Francisco. St Helena. Nov. t. Passed np. at 14 a.' m, British ship Durbrldg; French bark Asle. . At 11:10 a. ro., Italian ship & Celeste- a-- f . ; San Francisco, Nor. -Arrived at I a. m. steamer Aberdeen, steamer North land, from portiana. - .' Astoria, Nov. t. Arrived at t:IO pvtn.. schooner Mahukona. from Redondo. Ar rived at noon, schooner Halcyon; - from Ban Francisco. - ,- . , ' v San Francisco. Nov. I. Balled at I p. m.. steamer Radondo,' for Portland. 1 Eureka, Nov. . J.--Arrlvd. i ateamer Despatch, from Portland. - San Francisco, Nov. I. Steamer Co lumbia sailed for Portland at J 1:10 a. m. Astorla. Nov. I. Condition of th bar at I ." m.f moderate wind, eoutbesst; wearner. cioiHiy. ' , " BE A TS ''E VERY SA LE s ant Boys' Salts and Overeoata, rignt up - to - oat styiea. New, fresh gooda Frloe 10 pes eamt lea in ootnpart- - I wm alva with tha nureham I of a Butt or OvevooM a , CC TURKEY PRnn of charge.. W glv you an crdeY to call for It when read v...- t. Compare- stock or anoee rrom uo to II n less comparison other atorea .-m-mmm-m SBA. SAs anil Sl.OO- Vwt yon lust double el wher. ynt xtu mn -raata rrom soa to 1A0 saved, " comparison high - rent torea - We sr ,w .,.-'. JOaTaT DBUAJ6. " oomlnw raurr ajtb taiotcu. wa Way" . Every time one of our old customers makes a purchaae ' we give It particular atten- tlon, because It'e from a per son wbos . confldeoo we've ' alned and wish . to retain, very-time a new customer, i make a purchase w give it particular attention because " It's from a peraon whose eon- " fldenc w'v partly gained and ' wish to attain still further , We glv particular attention " . to all sales treating each on -as If it were the only thing . ,, 1n th world at the moment., IT 1. 1 a. .,.ln.,l.. . . . . . I m Ull 1IUVUI VllVfllllin we : glv explains .our . pvpuiartty.. A'MWRIGHT 293I1ORRIS0N-5T' AJnTsTSXTOT. fee. X. Baker, Xgr. ' Psese Hal 11. yearteeath aad WaaUagte Iweets. RAFDSOMiat 'XMMtXtM Of TXS wTIT. m 1 ' or thx crrr Avomm . 'OKOWSXS MOOTS JJUT nKT. tOFtSKT-A- t:li AJTO ATX Tmt-'WTrX. V As beaUeat Osaasasy, Fiessaliag " It . was writta ' by Aagaseaa ThesMS, ' Aa :' the ef "Arlseaa," easeeiaUy fas , . , . , Ha O, Qeei wis ' t - ' - m TOtrs tXATt sabxt oa to wxll si - SOUtT. tafensatisB resajg srtoae sad kew as sssai Pistes guiilnx. ' IBc, S5eT.' t6e.,r tOef : gl ry. 16. fcUuaee. 10c. ISO as4i gal rf, lOe. " " ... All Sav.eowa tnra Tlekat' efflee see at Bewe A Martin's druastare. Sixth sad Wskb- lagtaa. freat 10 a. wk. te 7 p. m. afaia llc After T s. at the theatre, roarteenth d Wasalottsa, 7 to 10 p. a. - fken 111. An Kext ' Weak Starttag iatlnataaday. ..... ... aeveaer , - - Bslaaee aad Fylea' ftraat MOitary Flay. . ' The Girl I Left Behind Me ManjMin Grand Theatre 5SSS; "raaBS r- TOFIORT . I last aUte Mtl FlXDAT XiaHT letsssay Mat ...... Wine by a Lerge Iftjority.'' v SaarrW. Savaga- EOKOX Osaiat Offer -. I ASIA OsSMdy On OUUalTI CTaTS Tatars ST.- r Klgbt prices JO easts to 11 60. MaUnee srloaa U easts U i.00. . . : . OOKOBAT-g . TlTATm-aoray Baseeu, Maaagers. 1-ortlasd's ato- malar plax l mrwm mi go cm, s-aruas nufDi tnov. II. statlnse gatnrday, Uacoln (scoin I. Carter's areat apeetaetiiar proouetioa. "TBI HIAAT OF CHICAOO." asoUMir Mg sareeaa. Klegant . special ecasei r. Wesde-ral aMehaaleal Se ' vleea. Mraterisas elertrteal effeeto. A TV-Id - stetsr ef the grsat Br. gee the stmku ' sppraaehiag train. A sewerfnl eetapasy ln- - wodaeing a special Use ef aiga-clsss aseeial- IMS. -- .Weak eransesclng . Sunday swtlaee, Kev. , S. matlaee Saturday, speclsl enaga ef Uteat soceeasfal musical eamedv. "FITX mlmmum uii auui, ia sura M. aid SB its." ouwrtioa er ataasrs Broad knrst ssd Otrrls. 40 Taa ptemotara la. The grssd singing ehoras. ft aw. nrlaht an. teal number. New scenery, costosiea and nroperaae. Nothlag sut laagha froai rise te tall ef eortsia. ... Prleea, 10c. toe, tOe; spedsl rasarv seats, Oe. atstlnee. tee te say part ef to soaee; cslldrea tsneelal seaUt. Me. journal coupon- No. 20-COUPON-N6. 20 f STAR ." THEATRB ;a Friday atatlnee, Bovembea' 4, ltOa, This coupon snd to entltlee holder 'to on sdmisslon whsn presented at box ofnoa. ..... . ........... . , BAKER THEATRE Third aad TeaOUll eta. Keatlag A rised. sists. isrpn Taan-Tim ttmimm ta aaenok TsTB IOOUI ', . , , FBTS BAKZB , BTTBABT AT SAXJWXsT n . TU' OUAT BIOsTBT . ; , . - mxsabt ajtt scaenc. . '.' M'OVBB AJTO CHtABTT. ti . - aVATBtOsTD O. BALOWnr v ' aUiLi BAUwijr. . . ... i., TsUI BXOOaVAFaT. - - Admawlea, loe. PerfaraMBces, iutX f :t0. t JO. BIJou Theatre aiitb st. Opa. Oicseoiaa -mia wm i vmsrani: ; ' -. Boatwri, mrri'aoTTgT - ' . ; anas BTaTBX TOSSIC7X ' -V ntOHa IVAMObTT . ,, ' XBIiSaTT MOOU - - v- btalBbt nwaug - j- ' Kras riiki, bbtsoit -a u aioviaTO nomrmss. 'AI for ,10 cents. . Artmeoa, from t:J0-ts 4J0i evealass. frees T:0 to 10:10. The Atcadc Theatre.. ' Th Origteal rsafly Taadevflie Beans. ; ...'..' ; This wees r ' - :- t."-i-r- i-aum aniisys , ;.. '.. i. ' aTAJABT BOYP ... ,- ' -1 erTiTTyOaVD AaTD SlaTTO , .' . . ivllt m mut . .: -:;',. xatb oorr-a ; " , . n Biosoora. '".-.-.''' ' Ibews t?M te 4:90 p. .. 7 M t 10:30 . at- Aamlaaloa, loo, te say east. . THE LYRIC THEATRE BevenOl snd Alder Btreeta - ' - This Weak.- '. ' wsDinoar abs nATrsa, : SOIVA, BBaTO ABtS go I. A. ' BBX.MAS AJTD DBTUTB, ; .; eOB AXT-atOaT, . : ... : . rata tita6owb. ., swnmssees t:Su t 40. I: t M:t . as. AdBtofioa 1 U ktcae. . COMCEBT BALL , , '' " uses anawsma - CUTLERY CL(UML3IA lliillSiil : r .- .-'N -at TAILORINfl CO. . iOC .and 287 Wa THE PRICES WE QUOTE FOR TOMORROW "ARE ON NEW FALL GOODS IN BROWN, BLUE AND BLACH " COLORS, ALL SIZES, BUT A LIMITED NUMBER OF EACH. THE EARLIER YOU COME THE BETTER YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE THE SIZE YOU. r ?T NEED OR THE COLOR YOU MAY DESIRE. $7.45 taf ' A PF - For choice of aJf .taj Overcoats, 35 to 40 only. ..' j. ... , mr. 5 ' Graven:ettea' $4.95 Jt I vO lavender and . lavend' barnii "f. - -w barnin in Hats .j j ....... l For choice $t:95 'Fine Sample worth up to. lVecIcwear- j t For choice of hundreds of new, swell ta3 iDylC shapes and silks, in English Squares, Puffs, ""- Ascots and Four-in-Hands 3 for ?1.C0 ..:-'-v'- . Bargain Friday Only. ; i . ; " j ::.,..sw; 'i- $2 aV . For choice , tailor-made HU vvn, TH ESE GOODS Are for BARGAIN FRIDAY ONLY 1H) A mm TAILORING GO 2845 : and 287 Washington Ct KespGIsan It's godliness to 4o so. If you ' send ns - your washing, - no mat ter what kind, we do i It Hght We are prepared to v waeh th common, eoars, ' colored clothes, a a wall ss th" finest lloen all jw do la done well to your sat Isfsetlon. .W call . for and ' promptly return all work. ' W will : appreciate . a trial. Tele phono ae your , order. . ; . 'a ' ' . y GEO. c: loin r t IU Vara Q sural r . 11. imnko. i - 4 West S14U OfrVM US V3 Xaadr7, Vate SUeea, r CU. For choice of about ti fine uncalled-for. tail or-made Suits, in sixes S3, 84, S3 arid S3 only; they are 'worth up to a high as. $35. . , . f ; t- about 43 new, roelVfall wei in blacks and grays only; Mixem For choice of 3 Genuine PriestleyvCrmven--. ette Rainproof Coats. ? J ..-Nuff said. - , - Underwea :- For Silk Underwear, about 50 suits, in blue, pink; the greatest underwear town. of about SOO ;':r:. Hats;" S3. f ;Pants:St?t of 800 pairs of tine uncalietwor Pants; valuer up to $10 look - . -i ... ...i ,..:i.., v V, .' . .-. ! . . : BUSINESS . COLLEGE ,V".''..rCHT SCHOOL i ' t ' Mondar and Thursviar avenlnga from seven .to nlna . . , . ..,'.v j aOOXarnrarO (Laboratory . Method). r-.-,- (Pernln Systeja). tiff sUTIS 0( Touch met bod) cttatsrsaA& AMxraaomo, ' ITOUlSi . -'' ' ' j-;' SsTOUSat aad , m, n .jrutMVZtm ,Toay. sr4a-e . snd Friday evenings irv to nlns-thlrty. , . By th B ' S rat mo tor the four ( .. r. N SmrHAaTSXXF A ...V i .