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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
s I : J for Tcrti Flour Again C?ring Up i i 'Cr- Eait ALa Want All Our Wheat- ; ' la Down Again Freah Egja Are Up. tail w V- . , . v r J 1CtttAmA a tK aaata af Pnrtlaad. for Uair-orutWa tLrouaa til aMue a- ..eill.e oil Iter. l oum tot atael rapt a t Te ult Ith page yeuer.1, east; 18 I M ansa. . 1 ' 44 p, tosta. I - nufiam. ' ' i rditwtav rmt ,. .... ro r IWU O.ica.T. .v...... r.Jif.i.w., 0 roaxiax ATiiK2-ir aiMisnrrATiTa. VreelaaB-Benginttn Bpectal Aweertleleg asey. 100 .. iiml, Tarfci TriBuae ', "ft tauvege, -;: - ,. . T i- iuaecairrioa? bat , The ltMy Jnarnil, with Bandar, I Jeaf .V.BT 0 Ta Nfir Mml, 1 yr.. 22 Tl billy or,ral, with ItmUr. 9 njontll. f " Jl Tatlr Journal,' Month.. i , Tat r., r imirnal. with Bunder. Math. t W I? t""T Jonrnnl. I nienthi 1 : The tl.lljr Joral. wltb Boadaf. L -neata. , . Th rtftllv .w.. -A anKAlff M .v. , inc5uda r...".7.7,;.."::. .-."t:. . . TH" Dally, aw -rek, 4eU-re4. Bundaf . v-ilM j,;.. , . Terau r Kail. . ' The rally JneraaL wttr Bandar. 1 7'"''Z5J J Ttai Pally Joaiiuj, 1 rear J . Tba Iallr Joernai, vltb Bnaday, BOBtM. 9T8 . : TH I)ally Journal, 4 anon ma ..fU - 1h Daily Jonrual. with Bend, I month. i Tb Uailr Jaw ail. t month!. . ... ... .) .60 . ... .,. JBf Bunaif Jr-artoal. l raae ... ... ...... Sundae Jeer nil, moatha e.00 Th Berne-Weeklr AtMaW Te eteml-WeeklT Jearnal. to IS Bete . i lmu ii..uui a.,11 M..kH raw - port, i ' T??... .,. Th Weefeljr Jenrael. . , Ta Weekl Jour nil. 104 enlunint et road. 1 1 1 TI . . ... ...11 k lap aacn aaaua, UiUUti.u. ihu waw riwta. -1 yaar RmittamM abanld ba na4a by drana, poatal aotra. aicraal trim a ad araatl amoaata ara aoctrptabl la i ao4 -nt jwJollAitt, P. . Hoi 4J1. . whzu tax iouutax. mat sn town . Tha Joarnal caa ba ftmnd oa aala t th tal- Kwinr flaofii ' -. BOI8K. lliAHft Waaaar hook ttnra. ' C11ICA0O- Poatutaaa Jjiawa aampaaj. 1T( Da DENVKR. COtX. KahartCk Ba rWatary romuany. BIS BTntrnth atraat; 3. Black. - Blitwnth J Curtla atraala. lON0KLRl S. Cardnaf. B" Joath Hrn atrn-t; OHfr 4 Halnaa. SuO.Soath , MINNafAFOLlS It. ,' J. Kayaaaagh. BO Third. . ' ' t . VEW TORK CTTT Rraataan'a. Cnlo - OMAHA Mill. rJ Hotal aawa ataadi tfaath atatlaoary cotanaay. 1108 firaaRa arraaa. ALT LAVK CITT Krayaa hotal aawa ataJ -B Hm a Wm awmia arraat. Boat Bairmr Bma.. 43 Waat Ifnw IT LniTia nhlirw ttAm aia Bl Laraat atravt. BaV rBANCIStO W. B. Vdloa, ialaa Hotal awa ataad: Q1flaal Fma.. sia runia ' alraat; rrad W. Pitta. 10M Uarkat atra-t IMkUiKa av.att t.k. w nMhn A (Ta. TACOMA. WASH. Caatral Naara caaapaay. 1111 Pari Be (Tai. t-J !1X-U 1 MATS JtOTICI. a.aa.ahiwa.' VAN 1 BI'I.U VAN ta thla rtty. Norr-mbar 1. 1, at Ma lata raaiaanra. To Wllltama araana, v. a. . BuiiiraB. a(rt 60 yaara. faaaral aoUca latay. - flraaa omit BftWara; ' --- - rVVMJR. H0TICX. hKYRlilk at Hm raatdiw af hla ana.- NoVwdV . har-1. IIKX. JaaBar BayhnM. ara M yaara. ' mimtlK and daya. Fanaral will taka plara Thuraday. Norambar , at I p. an., from tba ' rraldrai-a of hla aoa an Wrrt ayanoa and railraad trark. frtaada Ihaitad. r.-laHy aid - aiMlara. intarrnant lna nr ftiwrwy. v wiAnaa unit. WaaUor rondltlooa and aeaara1 foraraat far Orayoa. Waabloytoa ami Idaho Tba dlatarbaara .yaaterdaiL. aaar Vaaroana' ialaad haa dTaaceat rapidly eaalward and la aow naatral aorth of Montana. A aarond dlararnaara haa auda It ' arraraoc la. tha ttK at Meilca aaaU of fivw Orlaana. .. ' - . - ' unod- ratna bay fallra ta tha Faetfle atatfa a far aonth a rraaiio, l ai., aixj rain am raportMl ta Tataa. liMtalana.-lilaalaalppI and Alihama; ataawhara tho-araalhat U caaarally fair with tampyrataraa aa a rata ahnaa anraiau Tha ladlratlona ara far rala Thanday la " wrati-r Oraaoa aad waatara Waahlafttw. had arnarally fair , araatba at ai tha . Caaeada Buntu , j ' SIXTHS. ' Ortohar SO, ha lit1. 'and Mra.' Frad L. a."har. ' ttrla af StUI North Btltaaath atraat; danchter, Ovtobar IT. ta Mr. and Mra. i. McMullaa of jsm qnimay atroot; a aauaatar. , Ortubar SB, to Mr. and Mra. Jack Cartyla af TK1 RooMiyalt atraat: a daujntar. Ortobar M, to Mr. and Mr.. Joaapk Orahim 1 of Hoaabura. i Orl a aoa- ' . ' ' ' - Octunrr U, to ,Mr. and Mra. Pbllt Ardan or mnuwi; a . . Ortnbor 22. o Mr. and Mr.. Jacob Traehaal af - ton Hoyt atraat; a daurbtrr. Ortnljar 4, to Mr. and Mr. HarhM rtalllta ; af TS4 eaat Thtrtaantb ttraat: a danahtar. Octnhar IS, to Mr. and Mra. Haary Tachopp at .'. JIT Ullaah atraat; a daaahtar. V - Ortnbar BO. t Mrr-aaif Mr, C Ck Randall aa I AM tlaarai atraat: a' and. ;" Ortnnrr 33. ta Mr. aad Mra. 0. W. Bradlry ot Th Almna a-ratmai a aon. October SI, ta Mr, aad Mra. U. Tarry af BV ' ky awnaa: a aon. Ortobcr IB. to Mr, lad Mr. Charloa 9. m!th of M1 4 Eaat Una atraat: a aon. , Ortonar SI. ta Mr. and Mr. Bad Baattng of Eaat Taoth atraat t a daahtar. - r - 1 1 - 1 ' v,'. w.'-v ' .. COatTAOIQgB taiiABia. ' Koyamher 1, tetla Ollrar, SOB Qalcht atraat: . dlphlharla. ' Noaaaabar 1. Ftoraaea OUttt, BBS Balght atraat: dlphtharla. " . KoTtmbar 1, Bawl rraltt. T6S BaUlfh atraat; dlphtharla. ..: ., . lttATH..V; 'J":, Ortohar SB, William Whltpoath,' tfad BS yaara. at Sri Raat Twmtr-alyhth atraat; oaoaa. aaiautal haorrba. Bnrlal at . UM Kir famatary. . ... i Ortobar SB. Baby Ralllnaor. ajrrd 4 mnatbl, at Baby Homa: ranaa. tubarcaloala, Barlal at . Monat Eton crnafarr. ' xnobar SO, Jaramiah Xj. Ornat. afad Tt yaara, at Uarldaoa araaoa and far Una; eanaa, raocar f panrraaa. Burial at Taoeoarar. Waah. NoTambar 1, rradorlrk V." Andraw. arrd 61 , yaara. at MB Abarnathy arrant; ana, rara- - bral anftrnlnf. Bnrlal at Rlrarrlaw armptary. Ortnbrr SI. Cold in baa Haynaa, aad B0 yrara, at AA3 I'nloa aranna; aauaa, . rarabral haiDor : rhaa. - Bnrlal at Vancovrar, Waah. .". Oaiobar 80, Mary Murphy, I'M T5 year, tt ' B Grant atraat! eanaa. diabetic, . (losreaa. . Burial-nv-BU Mary'a rarjatacy. ,j rraatitorlaai a Orayoa City aar Bna, af - B 11 wood; Bodara. aclanljflr. eanplat. Chart ' Adalta, a rhlldraa. S2B. Vial tor B a. aa. ' tt I p. m. Farttaad Craautlao aaaaalattea. I'artlaad, Or. . ... -r . '. Tha Idwari Rolmaa Vndartaklas' pom pa ay. ftaaral dlraotor aad await. . Pfioo SOT. aahaaifaara. 0N sau J. P. rtnlay A Bon, faaaral d tractor aad aaibalaiara, hara raraorad ta thalr aaar ta Itabaiaiit, corpar i nua . una t aaaawoa aaraaia. . Math phoaaa Xo. .- ,v.j . ' Pnnaral wraatha and cat flmrara t apaelalty , it Boa nty Oraaahoaa. Twantjr-aaeoad aal Kiat Moriiauo. a pa. caatatary. - , . u., '-. ' lIAXi ' ESTATT TAAySriEB. : V" A. T.. Manay and arlfa to J. t.-Balnaj.V ,' ,; v' ' 1ST aaraa In aactloa T, tawnahlp I '- aonth. tanf S aaat ".S . . I J, K. Batnaa and wlfa to J. SJ. Bbaar. , 1 tt aoran eamraaaotnf aartlan T, ,-,;! IT and , IS, tawaanip a awui, rania "Saaat ; .". i.v.,.. ...... Crayon 'Mnrtclt ooninany t w. BI, tranry, lot t, block 14V CanaDaTa' ad-. dltlon . i. (..... nfi-r,n.,.ni. J. P. Baina and arlfa ta Anna ttoa. 1 arr cnmmanclnf at aorornon cornar aaa. ' tlona T, s, IT aad 18, lowaahlp 1 aonth, rna B aaat 0. Wallrr to A. O. Waller. nnalTtdad H Intaraat lot B4 aad SO, block IB. Will. aairita addition Portlaad Trnat company t M. It. Saaa, a aa a hink At. Woodatork . . T0S 19 BOO 1.SM 0. T. Jaatar to A." Jaataf, Kit IS. hloak ' -B. Waat lay Hltiran aaaitvaat -anat- yldrd lot 4, block 1, atonal iaaoa , .aatral addltloa ... .;...- Bort Waraia to A. L. Jama, lot 1, .- block 3, rroabatal aubdlTlaloa -to Alhlnl W. M. Oratory and arlfa ta O. KaWlat. tract O. Bcbosl Park ................ : I. McLal aad kaaband to fl. M. Soik day at !., IB aaraa In nnrthtraat H .ret Ion 14, tawnahlp 1 aaath, riay S.0M 'tis tt. W. Brow in R. lf, bit 4 block J. Ariel! rk ho. 8..... I.. J. M Jamiaon et il to M. J. Hick, lot T, Bl. John Brlghl ,.,, e ,-. . - v r..., , I.4&C EAST E3 AGAKJ : : : ucrrii uozrnus rmou mww . It 31aAX3 aUTO til BOUTS TSUB Btcxjrnr3-i pvscajtd vob xx VOBTSWXaX WHXA. r'.c. - rraat Btroet, a.' i Th nrlapal faatura f tba Portlaad wholcaala aurkat today ri . . Eaat aaaln but la a Boor. . .-, t . , i:atrnr r to bay whaat - Fllt la oa In awaat putatsaa. i. - , Local potato Tary dull. :' Oracoa fraah aura rathaa- acaraa. 5 Poaltry market down Ifaln, Wild aaaaa ara eomln. Oalia PU paacbaa hlhr. J' . ' Zaat I Aaala Byla Tlaaj. , That tha -contrary report sent broadcaat by ansa af tba aaatern mlllra that Parlna coaat Boar waa Dot .up to tha aundard af tha srada aaanofarttirad than la not artdaaccd by tha fseta. Tha aaat la Main aa Inqulrar aftar Ora rn Bow and today quit a number ot propoat tlona arar aabmlttad far ablpmaaU la that di rection. ' Tha inqnlria and order are coovin from Bo ton. other parta af New England aad from, tha aaathira elate. California la sow a Tory heary parcbaaar of Ore ran Boar. , Eaaaaraar Xatraf ta Bay Out Wfcaai, . " The earn atari about our wheat bare bean not adrift la Boor, bat the' raporm ara baring affect oa tha demand bar. .A large grata Arm t Kaaai City baa hid a rcpreaentatir her for area a weak and h baa heea unable Bo bay beeaaa tha mlllara ara afraid of tha car altuatloa.. Tha red wheat baa tar practically c lea nod ap and kluaetem l being held ry Brm. . Thar la aotn Walla Walla, or dab. wheat Jhat aould ba aold If there . war nf Sclent cara te handle It. "I aould aaU at leeat 600,000 atmhela af loh wheat ta tha eaat before noon," aara Mr. Pttello ot Balfonr, UuthHa A f e., 'tpreeldlng I waa wllUng to U It. Tbera are plenty af order but n an care to eell." Oita aad barley ara fairly Arm, hat unchanged la arte. :j ', flaht I Oa ta await tata,--i' Becau laothar Brm ha dared to, bring to weat - potato from California on Ita owa book tbera 1 trouble with tha former handler and price ara being cut aa below tb coat. Ordinary potato ar Tary dU wltb SO a tba tap for tha eel Hag price here. There to tt prearat no oatalde demand other market bring area lower than Portlaad. Onlona are quoted Braiar.- . .. - Peal try fa Dewa Again, v - f-X poultry market la dona practically ye m ar aa aceoant af tba larger tnppllea of wild game. Turkeye tad gee .ara tba oaly excep-. tlona, not or taeaa market Delng mm rerf Bra at tba former figure. tj, - -Oreaea Treah Egg Batbar Baaraa. r ' Ore re freak egg are rather ecarr and theaa Who bar etorh are ebtelntng all the Way from ST He -to' SOe per doeen for triea. Batra aggb are a trttta weaker, bat ao change ara made la guotatlona. . . ... n , - w targa EaealpU f lag,' ' Tbera war qntta heavy recelnta of drrd Vata lata paeteeday altrraeen and today bah tha market la holding Ita owa at former qaote tlona. Receipt of reel era large bat fancy gradea ara ecarce. . Top prlcra ara aatund for tha Utter. t '; ; -rVKop Bltaatlaa I Flrmar.,n--'ftop dealer caottnoa to pick ap tba few remaining bale of prima bop at former vanta tJooa. At Blleertoa aad Mount Angel th bop ara practically cleaned np and with tha a caption of two email lota at Woodbara tba am eotMltttona exist aleewhera Around Aa ron there baa 4eea a dlapoelUoa ha hold all grade far 15c. but af lata there baa beea eon ttderabtaT gelling In he dlatrlct. Aa will ha noted br a telegraph! dlapatcb from Corralll alaewhera In thla htoua, all th bop have been aold In Ben to eonaty. The market ta not what could ba called an excited on, but additional atreogth la abewa eeck day. Bona ara act aa plentiful aa they ware twa weaka igo and dealer of repute gay that they do not think there are now more thin 10,000 bale ramglBlst Bnania ia rna uena pi ina ai ua ai a. - rrie paachea la gallon, oa account af eaarrtty, haea abown aa adranca af practically IDA nlnnetth aoaalea- artc- - : - Tcalax'iwriolcaale uotatloaa, a reeleed, ar a louvw: , Orafaj, efhaP and wwaB. ' . WHEAT New and aid Will Walla, Sld 88e; blrteatem. BSaBTei ealter. BTCttSe. BARLEY Peed. S21.BO0S1.TB; rolled, SZS.00 VdeO.IPt'f S7rWWIIaj, BaaI.aW ., COBS Whole, fat 00 aar toa ara eked, S2S.0O. . . BYE 4)1.66 per ewt, " - OATS Prodneera' price Be. wbita. 2T.60 fray. 12 00 f 29 00. . PLOUat Baatera 'tMa-oal Pitenta. B4.aB: tralghta. B-t-Tfl: eatley, S410( graham, H. MILLSTur rs Bran. - - per ' ten; mid dTlaga, S29.0C1 a aorta, ,eoantry, 2Xf; (hop. glS.OtV r. v . iiai rwenwr pnre-nmonir. winiMe eilley. icy. 14.00)1B.OO: ardlnary. B1B.00B) 13.00: eaatera Oreaon. Slk.00allS.60t BalaaX llO.Ofiejlf OOi eloTer. D 00lLOOs grlia, SU.BS 0)11.60; cheat $11 OOgjn.Ba maps, waoi a nor loo, si a. en sic for . extra choice ; BOdtSlth for rbelc: SutB0t4 for aril wool, Nominal, valley, aoaraa to meOarn, It tact doe, IBc; eretatn Oregon, ISdJMm, MOHAIB New. 80. BHIEPBKIKB Bhaertam. lOeiSOel ahead Waal tOOSOc; medium , want, tofiwi aooaj weal. S0c)tl.0B each. TALLOW Prima, per lb. ddJSet B. 9 aad areaaa. SISU. . - i nima iin a f par pa, nrnuj prm. -BIDES Dry alder, "Ka. 1 19 haa and an, HUtJlS par lb; dry klpv 'e. L I k II ft, IftZe: drr calf. Ka. 1. wader Bta. IStAet dry aalted bulla aad atag. 1-9 trea tbaa dry Blntt aalted bldaa, taer. aoaod. so lb or arar, TAe 60 U BO Mm, Te; aadar SO Tba aad enwa, SJTe: etnra aad bulla, round, 6c kip, IS ta SO lb. Tl oand. la he 14 lb. Bel kin, raan, each. 0S)16ct Aagwee, with wool aa. each. fScetSl.OO. .i . amthar. Xgaa aad realtrp, , , BtTTBB gAT Sweat. SSHd aaar. BSHa. BCTTRR City creeamry, beat, SOe; aatund grade, Snl7THe; watald fancy, STUaiSOct entl- rary, SnOSTttc; cold etorage, SaVkeit eaatern. aSHOZoc; tnre. lietllHe- TOOK No. 1 fraah Oregon, BTH8S0c aaftara fraah. SKcj Anrlla, Ic' CHBESB Keer Pnll cream, twin. ISOISUc! Toung America, I40I4MC roi I.TRT Tbichau. mixed. ioh per in; W, 3. Burdea and arlfa to A. ft. Jeuaea. . ' ' , In A hlMb flnaavatae addition ..... t TJnleeraltp Laadrcnmnaay to It. Mitchell, : t iota a ana a, laciueiT. twea aoa, tai : aeralty perk ...,i... TSS A. Harold to H.- Keen, ant 9, 9, tne' riueie. ntocu u, nanavx v. -,.. aw Title Guarantee A Tract company to A. . Blegei, aaat H lot X, block a, florin Irvtn ton - ISO Thome Council and wife ta P. lalaler. mta 10 and 11, block I, BargnewooC addltloa BOO B. U Harmon and wife te . MacDonaM, . t ,. . waat H lota IT and IB, black U, : Couch addition 19.000 9. H. Plack and baehend to A. W. Heath, r lot 6. block 30. AIMna Homeeteed ... ' 900 Portland I -one Pir Cemetery company ta ' v M. M. t oy, lot laa and aortn H lot ,., 13S. block SB. Lane Plr cemetery .... . ' 40 W. P. Stewart to S. O. Robinaoa and wrfe. ptwrnrty aad balldlng block 16, - ';. Cerutbrra' addition ' 1 W. T. Llun aad wife ta M. Breer, lot .' S and 4. block S. Llnn'a addition . ... BOO Sheriff to A. Harold. Iota tn Oleehiren Park : t!. 19 9. I. Miner et at. to O. Jl. Bnndey a el .'J in acre anntawoat u aectlea 14, aowa- - ehlp 1 aonth. range 9 eeat .' ' I B. Berahelm to H. M. Hamilton. 9 ' , acre In eouthweat U aecttoa SO, town- . ' ehlp I anuth. range 1 eaat ........... v., ' 1 A. Wolf aad wlfa to M. Netaon. lot S, - block I. Heme addltloa l.SSO Sheriff ta A. U Ptone, lot T, block T, . ante 8 and B. block 10, Palrrlew ...... 9 A. B. Poeter and wlfa to B. U Booeer, .. lot 1 aad a, block Id, Piedmont.... ' I B. B. Menefeaand wife to H. B. Spea-"' , ear. lot 13, lor a, Holladap park ad- dltkm T0S lot year tnaaraacw aad abatrkehi ta . real aetata from tha Title Ouareated A Trnat aaav paay. Chamber of Commerce balldlng. :amxuB peajcitb. Hombaa 1, L.. O. -ttwetbiad.' repelr to 9- rery frame nona. wiehtngtoa bet wee reartk and Fifth atreeta: eoe, aion. Naeember 1. Fidelity Trnat eaaaneny. -atnry Bat. nnrtheaai enrner Beeanth end Market treeta : coat, f-t.non, , . Noremher 1, Mra. Carrie FVhee. 9-etnry reel deace, enuthweet cornet Sixteenth aad Lot Jo trtaj coat, 9T.6V. : bona, 11c per lb; rooetera, old, TH8s pat B; young, 10ye PT lb; hrullere. 1SH par lb; fryer, llo pr h duck, aid, 14a per lb; yoang. 16o per lb: gee, S pec lb; turkaja, loe pet U; draaaed. IB no par lb. ' .- -1 vrrsttB aad TawhaalaA ; POTATOES Beet - Oregon. BO - per ewt: buyer' nrlcea, 6""'T6I accond grade, MttT6ei buylua price, oo 0c; gweata, il.SeQl.M per wti crated. 91.60. WrJIuNg Local. 91 OSfft.TS? bama' ptlca, 91.60: garlic. 10u per lb. e-HEHil g 8,1,1 la Apple, fancy Oregon, flO tt.60 bo; aheap gndca. 60Q76e hex: araagea, ita Valaaelaa, 94.0l.00 par boi: be aanaa. Ba par lb lemon. eboLaa. 9S.tSS.0S per box; fiacy, SSouart.SO aw boil Uaaea, Meilraa. B6c 100; ploeap plead 6S.60S; pUma, SOflOOe per aoa; poach, 60c per box; pear. Il.uuttl.fek; grapea, Tec7ll.8S per box; Con corde, lu-lb baaket, S6toc bnekleberriea, Bt luc per lb; cranherrle. , local,. 6 60 per bbli Cap . Uod, S8.60iuK.00 pet bbl; yruae. Sg yf VEOeTABLEB Taralm, 91.SB per aackf eal rota. 91.2S tr Back) beeta, 1 ta par eeck) Oregoa radUhea, 16 per doi; eabbaa. Oivaoa. 11.60 ewt; lettuce, hotbouae, SO doi: greea pepper. 4oift5ic per box; celery, 00 M 75c dia: ioiualoe. Oregon, Jfjoper'hoij parsnlpe. T6J SI. SB; green pea,' a par lb, green oalooe, lm per doa: pie plant, Sa)2Vte per lb; etrlng heana, ac; raullnowr, HOC par doa: hatter bean. Be; pumpklaa. 1)4 per "i; horaeradlah, Te per lb: aiTouta. c: muahrooma, S&kJSue per lb. - DBIBO Pkl'lTB Apnlce, eeaporatad. 7Q par lb; aprteota, tHftiM per Ibi eeck a. He per lb le: peaeba lea, atjiae per ibi pear . 9 per lb: ber lb! nranei. Italian. ' S4A4M mi French. SUfflaue ner Ibi Baa. CaUfornla bbtek, 6Ha Pr lb; Oallfernla whites. par lb I pram, pitted' per lb date, fpldaa, Bm pay Ibi farda, 91.B0 par lt-Ib baa. .v. y .'i . tf y. Briekilea, Xav:. v .. . t naAR Back beala Cube, BB.40 powdared. M. IS) fruit graanltted, Sd.16,1 dry (raaalated, d. 16: beet granulated. 9S.0S; extra 0. B.U goidea O. 66 : bbla. lOai H bhia. She l ho lee, 60 adeaac oa aack baala. lea Sa ewt tag aaab. IB daya: maple, HO 10a hay lb. ' FtONlT llumiic. f.. CorrEB Oreoa Mocha. BldjSSet Jaea. faeey. SBOBlc: Jaea. rood. SoaBbc: Jara. erdlaary 18t)S0ei tVwte Blr. fancy. lBdSoc; CoaM klea, good, ISO 1 Ac I Coata Blca. ardlnary, HOIS per lb; package coffee, I4.TS. - lite tioiong, airrerent graaeo. noexnoei gve powder. 3aauaS6ci Engllah haeakmat. dif Engnea neaakaxax. ferent gradea. lSHOSAc: apldarleg, Japaa. SoOaoet green japaa teery leara), au aj Bog par lb. ' 1 . ' ALT Klm Bale. Ba. Ba, da. 6. 10a, SI. SO; taM, dairy. -eoa9B600 tt.BOr 100a.- BB.0O; Imported UTarpooL BOa. SlS.OOdJlAOOt . 100a. Sl4.60aiB.O0; fcta. 9lS.B0ftl4.6o; extra fine, bble, IV , M, f. KtO) balk. BBS lb, p-wj eacae, ouu, ooe. ALT eaat aa- Half groeea. learn. ar ana. fB.SOS.60 60a par ton, B6.aSftr.B0; Lieorpool lamp rock," BISAO016 SO per ton; BO-lb rock, 94.jr.TS; 100. lT6 .xoeio.1; iou. (, j- (A bora aria iDClr te aaled of teas TkS aar lota. Oar Iota at apodal prioee gabjaet e aucroanona. -ORAIM BAOB Calcutta, 9B.TBSff fi par 10& BICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 4! Be. , A 4c: New OrWaa haad. BHCSei AdJacbV Sh! Creole, 4. ". , " " BEANS amall whit. Set Urge wbita. SHc; pink. 4c; bayou, S Xlmaa, Ba; Mexi can reda. 8 lie. . KDT8 Peaaata, TUet tnnrbo. BH par Ibt raw, BOlOa per Th: routed, caaaanata. SBO SOe par dorwathht, llu14Ht per b pine aura. IftCJiSHe per lb! htckor not. 10a per lh cbeataata, eaatern. ISO lac per lb; Braall aata, 16a per Th: fllberta. IStliae per lb: fancy paeaaa. S4)tSo par lb! almonde. iSBTlB par lb. PBESa MEATS mpeetrd Beef, tere,B era, So per lb; bulla, SHc per lb; cewa, SH9J4HC per lb; mattoa. dreaacd. 406e par lb veaL7 axtra, T He-per Ibt ardlnary, J7e .per lh mm. Am te II. , L.-. Rw A,HU.a M. IK BTAMB, BAOON. ETC. Portland packf. local) name, io to 14 Iba, ixh per lb; 1 w in id. 18 He per Ibi IS to SO lb. Ule per lb; cottara, lOHc per lb; braakfaat beooa, l4318c per It" I plrnlcr, lie par Ibt regular abort cleara, an- emoaea, ioe per w; emonea. iie per. m Til emeaed. pea mi ed. 10 per Ibi amoked. 11 16 to IB tba. an amoked, Ba per Ibi.cleer belUea. Ba eieur aaca. anomonea. Dae lb! Union butt. It Dec lb: amok ad. Bo ner amoked. 11 (to ear lb: ameked. lSta per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10. UK Per th; Be, llfl, per lb; 60-tb Una. 10c per lb; ateam rendared. 10. 10H per Ibt 6a. 10H per lb; 60. joe per lb: eompeund tleree. Bj pet lb; tube. B4 per tbl 6o, 4 par Tk ' CANNED SALMON OlambU rteer 1-tb taTla, 91-SS; S lb taUa. tl.R0; fancy l ib flat. StOO; S-lb fane. gat, fl KM fancy Hb oraht. BS.TS: A leak a tallaplnk, SaOSOcred, fl.60; aomlaal FISH Rock cod. Te pe Tbl naueda-e. Be pea ro: nailbut,. 7 See- par Ibi era,. l.x.- par aoa; trlped baa. lOflUM Pr Ibi caiaah. Td per B ailmoa, Chinook pee lbs mlreralde, 6 per lb; herring.. -Be., per lb) aotaa.. e- pea- t brlrop. 10c par lb; chad, dreeeed. pee lb; perch. Ba per -Th; ahad roe, per lb: had. Be per Tbl black aad, S per Ru all ear amelt Be per lb: lob tare. 13 Her fraah mackerel. Be; erawflah. SOe par Boa; Sounder, 6c nor lb; (turgaon. Tc per lb. OTBTEBB Bhoalwater bay, par gal, Sf SI; par aack, S4.00 not; OlympU, pat aack, 9. SB; CLAMS Hard ebH, par aoa. 9S.00; eaaar tlama, 92.OO nee. box. . - .. -, Palata. Oeal OOa, Eta. - B0PB Pure hUaila, 1S luadard. U.l nini. ivwe. COAL Olla Pearl ar Aatral Cue, Btti per tall water white. Iron bale 10a par 81. wooden par gal headlight, ITO-dac, W Jer gai, m ama 11 per gak L1N8KED OIL Pare raw. la bbla 64s bat gal. eaaae bee per gait geaulae kettle boiled, eaeea aia per gat, aom one par- gai; grouaa caa a, ear hu fM.OO par toa. hm Uia earl ner ton. ASQUrTB ttdea. par gal, trea bbla BBc per gelr etoae. a a-par iron Dot is tier -gai. nairi at n m aa-oea;. pom iota ear au . PAINT )1L Ilea SBe aae e?al hntlad. eaoaa 40 Uf tax. TCRPBNTIKaV la SOe par gal. Wood bbla, Ble per gal. Iron bote TO pa gal, 10-th aaea lot fee- aar gL WHITE LEADToa beta TV P Sa, BOo-Ih tat TV per lb, bma let Ba par lb. WIEBKAI1J Proaaat ba at SAaa. , BENTOJi'S HOPS ARE : ; PRACTICALLY CLEANED Cnrrallla, Itov." l-Th bona fa - Benton ' . r ai, aaw H ".raw. aw mm mw .a. to hopmen Sere, Mr. Anna Beach dlapoaed et th laat of ber crop of S1.O0O pound Wedneaday, th ahlpment i leering hare Fri day. They brought EHttSOe per poind, 16,000 rnde going at tha for mar ft rare to tba A. Luea Hop Company, of rSaaida, N. T-, and tha laat ahlnment of l.OOO noonde aolng for Stir. Norman Lilly enld d,T60 pound t Kola Net. 1 Aioany roe awc at. sengran uiapoeeu 01 4.800 pound to the earn party for the earn price) Alford Hood, ot the vicinity ot Philo math, bad about 16,000 pound, and told to Mil ler of fortiind for 10a, he Ting contracted early la ther aeaeoa; wlntera, of the aim locality, old t Portland partlea for lac, having about 5,0110 noiiada, and Worman. aanthor grower of that dlatrlct. recaleed 81 for the S.OlAI pound that be aold to Miller of Portland, fa tha aouthera part ot the eouaty. Wllhela A Bona, at Monroe, aold 8,000 pound ta Kola Nell for 2.t4e- Mr. I mid re rcceleed Sdo for hi yield of pound from It a yea of Eugene: Jime Herroq bad Tl bale that hrongbt hlm?Sc from Nela A Co. of Albany, while tha big crop of Wblteaker A Son 1 tied an In a lawenlt with Kola Note. It camprtee 90,000 pouad, Tba latter I d Corvallla orep. . ( , GOOD TONE RULES : .1N ALL LIVESTOCK Fnrtland rnton Btockyard. ' Xoe. S. Th nd bma eontlauot la lleaetock. All gearketa y war firm. Tba receipt a vera: Hog, 441 r cattle. Ml aheap. SO-, boreea. 4, .. Official ruling prlrea today are 1 ', ' - Cattle Beet eeetam-Oregon ateara,' M.lSeJ 9 86; beet volley ateara. 3 0O(3 :witecra. I16O0ST6; cow. 82.0001261 bulla, fl.I6f 9.00; ataea. fl.00. ,., Hoge Heat heaey. fR.TR; block. S4 6ofll T; China fata. 64.60; etnekera and feedera, ft 00, Hheev Beat gralu-fad wathera, fS.K33.S0 lama. fx.0oS.tli mixed abeep, 9AS6. . . . . " KAITiaaT H00B 8TSABT. Chlrlfa, ffov." A Lleaetock rocelnUI ' ' ,. ' -1 - . Hot. Cattle. rTheeo. Chicago ,S1." W.onO ' ' 83.000 Kiaaa Illy ., ...... .14 IKW 10 QOO - ' B.nno Oaiah ... 4.6"0 ' T.IWJO " 14.000 BliNga. 0pad eteady with 8,000 left oter: recaipta a year ago were at, max. mcea: mien inn outaoera,; good Beaey, -t no (J u; rougn. n.e'tjt.roj titat , frttlo Ktaedy to 10 big ber. imeep -nteeay. POltLABT) BAmt CLXAArvOS, fleering .Tng. T0B M Baliece , Btarllaa. New Tork, Noe. 8 - rvroaod IterUng, 44. 60 4Bf 90 BO any, 4HS.74e4. . k aaaaa pee gat. v bbla SB per nL LCtw'ia -V-':' GIVtS TiiE CUE nw T0SZ aTTOOXBJ OfTtT An aTBAST. trrrf wxt coabi.- niri mil aboa-iamt sxsnvAT ox inmroWKZZM-iM . a iiia. .. , ' - , : , - . ' 1 V i a J.Cc.' s t- Urn Aaa.Kalr ltl A Crtoka OO.V New Kork, Noe. A Oar market opened firm nd ateady, taking Ita caa. from, tbm hlber Loudon market, ifter a a early diaplay of arrTOtwrna th market rallied aad ruled etronf , although Inclined to dullneea at midday. . There aeemed to ba accumulation la. apectal took by pool operator., glelug th ort rather aa anciiy day of It, Wa ara apteroacb- Ing oar prluclual electloa, and It aeema 10 anDaarwatlam ta the nrever eouraa to Parana, iuIUIom In tha Car aaat have a meca peace ful otitlook, bat tha altuatloa atlU raiaalua - aettled. We ar Inclined to tninn imi o bought oav the break will aot hurt aauca. i j Today' affleul a tock market; ; . . , ttSSCBlFTION. '. 'iVJ.'".!'' Anaconda Mining Co..,. Ama I. Coppar Co...,.., Atchiaoa, coa,u,,(i, do preferred.... '. Am. Car A round., torn. do preferred Am. Sugar, com........ Am. Bntelt., com.,....,. do preferred. ......... Am. Ice, eom...... do pref crreirr.Trr.-; . . . BalUmor A Ohio, earn.. .... . ji 104 S. oi7 T42 na 101 mi 14S T4Z 1434 Tl 17 U B4h Brooklyn KapldTran'ait" Canadlin Paclftc. cum... on -a 'ttnik Cbi.. A Alton, oom..... 00 pretearea........,,4, (bl. at ut. Weit.. com.. Chi., Mil. A St. Piul... Cht. A North., eom..... Chi. Terminal Ry. ...... CheaaDeak A Ohio Colo. Vuel A Iron, com.. Qolo. South. , com....... do td preferred. ...... do lit preferred...... Delaware' A Hudetm.... Lla. Lack. Went.. 24 TTHJ laSta 90H 64 Tzti oo prererraa. ...,., , Brie, com....,,...,... do td preferred...... .l,t Preferred tlllnoU Central Louiaellla A Niahrllla. Metro. Tractloa Co.... Manhattan Elevated... Mexican CeMril Ulna., 8L P. A Bta. M. do preferred. ........ Mleaouri Pacific M., K. A T. common... 14S do preferred N. T. Central Norfolk drWeatera num. Oo prererred N. ont. A Waat Penney leania Br. - . People' U. Lt a G. Co. 10B- UOS fTaaied Uteel Car epm. 80 SUm Piclflc Mill . Co.... Keadlng eommoa do Sd preferred .... da lit preferred . .'. Bepabllc LAS. eom.. - do - preferred ....... Bock loiand. eom...... do prtferrad ....... Southern Hy.t eom.,... do prelerred. ........ Boathara Piciflo. ...... St. U A S. r. td pfd. lilt 11 W eom.. da preferred Texaa As Paclnc.... ... III1 em 4UV4 844 Tenneaaeh Coal A lroa, . T.. pt. L A W.T eom... on pratr-rrav. . . at ... . , 4U4 vam - 1 1 11: , cum ...... I104 ion 00 prererraa, .. V. nv ietner, cem.,.., I8t4 Bo4 aiH OO prerarrea. SUWi Bit " iMaiai ial ......... Wheel. A L. ., com... (to Sd preferred..,,.-. do let preferred...., Wlaeonaln Central, anal do preferred Waatara Unloa Tela... Wibaah. com.'......... 81 tfcj BS, te as so! 814 Blfa am do preferred .J 43tl 4S-4J Total aalea foe dar. 1.404JklO aheeaa. .aloney-, if. per cenL, -. .. . " B09TOA? COPTEB lUAXXT. " Bolton, Nov. A Copper atacka ebmtng: . , ,,-,'-.-. '. .. . Bid. , Aak. Iila Koyal ,.e.w....r. W SrlU United Htite.e S4iZ 844 Adrentnra ...... 4 4 Arcadlaa ........... ..,... ... BO 100 Arnuin ......... ........ la 11 Atlantic .........,...-,. 184 ITU Michigan,. ....10 10i2 Mohawk MS mt uia iwrninion ....... ........ ...... i xx (noeoLa - ....... . et na Parrot ....,......... , 214 -JUi ProealX .... 2 Qulncy a. .ja 104 11 Raou fa IT 9 Trinity 16 J 10 14 Trinity 1SU Victoria. . 4Z "a 11-2 woiTerine , w si iw Calumet uflll .... Blnghem ' ...... .a..,. .....a...,..., K4 S4tA Centennlil SO Copper Bang ..................... 4 (IS Paly Waat ..c..j... 11T4 12 Franklin .: I0 IV Maaaachaartta Mining 1l . TVb BAJf TAABCIBC0 MIltTVw 9T00X9. ' Baa rraact, Hot. 8. Mining . aaotatloa timing: ; , S Bid. Ophlr .........82.46 OonM A Carry . .14 Baeega ........ .XT Pntoal ,tS Crewo Pel it ... .OB Kentucky ....... .2. Belcher .'.. . :.e. 23 llarr Ntvad V.T r.SB Bullion .IB Oreraiaa ....... -.14 I'nloa Con...... .40 Blleatr Hill .... ' .47 Mexican ... 1-SO Beat A Belcher. 1.10 (hollar .11 A Halo A Norma .TO Yellow- Jacket.. - .IB Alpha Coa. .,. .19 Bid. .9 .! Cnnfldaaca 1 ra . v. .... Beg. Belcher ... .na ,(A .04 Juetle ......... ICaledonlan ..... Challenge ...... .la Occidental ..... .74 wwnion ti-.r.i.. '.OT ITon Montana.... l.KTU Midway ...... ev, .8T. Ton. liold Pteld. 17 Jumha 48 Andeo 2S Con. New Tark. .04 Belmont 1 ....... ,T8 f McMamarn ,KS Ton.. Beeada .... .1-3 Pan. Gold Field.. .68 ? -'. BAJt IAirOTaoO LOCAL BTOOXa. .' . - Baa ITraaetaea, Not. A Local atockt clealng, 11:80 a. m,l - ''' ' ".. - -Bid. Spring Taller Water, ,,.......,.. Mtitoel Electric 10 Ban PriBciaen Oaa A Electric ..... BT Glfltlt PtrWflBbf l4talliitaMMaa M 'A Aak. 80 BTU BSS 65 V. JFfCWtlllmai HUpTaia . f B a 06 Hnnokea Sugar 14. 14'A Sata.' Hutrblnaan Sugar . ....... ,...... .. ' BI Paanhau Bugar ...164 164 Alalka Parker' PB IMS) California fr-trltoanaera' ........... WH Ion California Win ,. Td J Oceania ftteemehtp H ' PaclBt fltilc Telepbon ,.110 . 11 J OUTBID WHEAT CLOSES. S December. .,.;.fl.l74j Mar. 9I.KI New Tor ctiicigo .......... 1 11" ' lllA Milwaukee ................. i.iiv, " i.iit a , J 04 .' i I Ox Kanaa City Mlnneapol Man rranctae 1.44 '4 - 1.4814 m,M, n ...... ........ 1.4-t4 Ueerpool lecemaer, i iy,a; atarca, la . - OStCASO EAITf OA tOTJ.' ! '. ' - Chicago, Nov. A Grata' car lota r . . : Cara . Qrad. v Kit. Wheat ,M 1 . .. r . M Corn . m ..-. ,,,......., Bl . ' ' 42 pare- Bl '-10 -' 10 Wheat ear todart bfinneapnlla, BO; Ihntitth, IBM, Year ago: ..Ulnar pc Ha. fli iruhith. 278; Chhmf, 164, . . ' ' . ; rw toek corrsE mabxet. . New, Tork; Nov. A Off future cVjecd 10 to IS point higher. . The affk-UI market!, , - . , ' Bid. Aak I Hid. Aak. November ..fAdB fd 7ol. fT .2B f7.R0 Tlacemher ., B ao M June- J.Sn T 11 Jaauary ... 8 00 APA Jnly t 40 T 4.1 February ,, T.OO T OoAgint T.4.1 March ..... f.OA T .101 S"ptebee,.v T 66 Anrll f.lS T.2H ttclohar ..... T.MO no as Caib aoffeo he. T Bio. SVe: be. d Statu, CffllR LOSES, : . AND JULY. GAIiiS (nuM iut lurjof orairs ' tOWTBBl BVT AI0OT9B9 za.TaBv t-Y praoi trvcnAJiaxD ooaUi :ruam a bbop oatb now aro CAJTOB leBOTOIOBTB OT.' - ; : (Farolabed by Oeerheck Burr cook Ca.l , TODArav WUliAT UABKET , Open Chief. 1 loe Deeembti iih' lu 9?m,A 9LwlI May ......... l.lfw . I.HiJa .1ib .00 July "1 An .oo eOtbV : (Purnlebcd by Oeerheck, Starr A Cook Co. I -Chicago. Nor., a. Bccelpu at .primary ma kale ahow a doc Una. Th market opened biwer in armpamy wim uTarnuui cable, but re- reired eupport from continued ' repurta of droughty condition throughout . the winter wheat raglona and of UeeeUn fly. BreombaH cable repurta rumor of duty to ba taken off by- Spain on- wheat early to lOoB, which poa aibly added to early atreagth. Strength la July option frightened . th abort! into coeer Ing. eaualng a luddea bulgu. The market rbwed klghur, after a day of teajplng opera tlona only.. . : . Cora Trade Blew. ... . r., - Cora trade la glow; aad of B aoilptng aalore. Weather continue Ideal for heakio. but ra- turn ara coming ba haad alowly.. Thero la large etiort Intrreat la th futaree. particularly for May. which atrial very ronflden 11 01 of Ita po- altkm. Wa ara not In tympathy with telling tno ruraree ai ua areaai at dlecnuat from cb. and continue to foal th long tide the eater pa modarala break. , Oata Itarbaf Tha eat market ta dull. At ana time It ruled fractionally, higher, but aubaeqnently lnet ita aaaall edeeacer nd the cloolnn wn wa. chaaged. Tbera to na export demand and the caah eltuatlon la alow. Tha trad to af t actlplng nature, which " teem cootent with xoodarata proflta. - . ... ftrnklm tataraat Bay.'- ' ' la provnlon th principal bttytnar today wia ny meal packing mnereata aau toca 1 operator. While tba market tonight a now ratr aaeanee, tha trade to ttlll dull and et a acallng char acter. .-''., :-',' . Todap'g official marketa) , r . - r- wheat; - ' - r' ; finch. -" Hleh. - - Low. ' -;- frinae. nee.. 9 1.11 W 9 1.181 . 9 L1H4 9 1-Mj My..r.l.llC - 1.1JH :. 1.11 Va t.llA July......,, .BTii" ,7 M . ,..9T ',,'.. .Oh COKN, Bov..'... IVe u . May..,.. July..... . ., .4o4 .aavh : .46. sou 11 aJU '.t .80 .81 .soiS- , ,si -rt.oan fee.,.,. ...... Jen 1142 -13.87 May..... ...... ,11.02 M . LARD lt 43U, 11.64 I 11.6T Kw . . .. . ...... T .oB : T,0S T 13 "".... ...... ............ ; . pe... .... .V , ...... ac Jan...... TOT T.1S May.... T.1T JJ - T0T 1.17 : t.Brk - .rt-r- ' BIBB. No) w tB leiet1 e . 1 t ;::..Tc, BS Jan...... 8 45 ' : d 84(4 9 4S 8.86 B.B2 A86A May ' ABO . B.87 sax raAxouoo sbaix ifAaxrr. B4a Pranctoco, Kov. A Todky't t facial 11:80 a, m. merketi , - t l , WHEAT, ' Open, . High. Low. 91.44 Cloae. 9 4 i.4S Prrember ,.,.91-46 f 1 46 t.o 1.43 map ,rni,l.l ).'t BABLBY Decambar .... 1.0B 1.08 May 1.00 1-00 S 108 '1.0B , PaiXAaT, BHirblXirTS AXS cxaajlaacza CklcagoTov.'Ti. ' Primary reeelpta: .'. , v ': .; -. , . .... . , , Today. TtaT Ago. .rrV i'.;,:.-.'"... Ba.' . Bu. Wheal a........... .81.000 l.SBH.OOf) Core , .168, 000 SO,0u0 Shlpmeat were; . Wheat ...... 80.000 T80.000 Cora ....... ...U8.000 606,008 Cwareara wart I r Wheat ted flour, ba, ,.t .....a......... aa.ano Cnrn. bu. OA.ono Oil, bu. 6,600 V. , OTJtoAOO CAflbT TSXAT. Chlrag. Nov. A Cajh wheat etoetA Sc dowa ta la nn. 7 ' Vr;vv "id. Ne. 1 rod ...................... .81. IT Na. 8 rod 1.19 No, 8 bard winter No. 9 hard winter no. 1 norinern inrmn No. a northern artug 1.10. rto, a eprwg ............... ' ' ' treerpeol Oralx - LteernnoL Ber. a Cloef: lUrket. Wheat December T 4I4A Sd. la war: March fa BVad. d lower. '. ' a . uora Decemnar et tt. t lower. ,. ,' 1 1 j . - Taaema Arala BUrbat, ' Tecoma. Noe. a Wheat traar. Bluaetem. 88c; cluhAad red. BBc. OATB. , Pec...,. .8814 : , ,t'4 May jott , .SIS ' Jul..... , .90 .81. ' " : ; ' '. ' F0BK. aj ! 7 "- Afc. '9118 1.18 J 1 at 1 am aal.Jl . 1.IH 4.., a.w , 1.1a QUA By taking advantage of our Special Prices you save money without deteriorating the quality of the food. jet before your family. , Whether or not we make 'you a permanent customer, de pends upon the quality of our gooda and the aervice. Our large purchases and large aalea en- ahli ua tr After vou frean ::: ARRIVING DAILY New Goods Liquor Dep : New California Walnuts New California Softshell Almonds New Shelled Almonds . v : v: j .Stuffed Fard Dates boxes. ............ .30? . Stuffed Figs boxes. .... . '; ..... . , .30? NEW CItRON. .".:;':; NEW. MINCE MEAT. J .' a i fm .t. e -tw-fc. r. iCW V asncu I 1-IL. U9K(, , , , , I , f ,1U1 .. A. IX V-Vf. 9 New Washed Firs. 2-lb. basket. .55e ' qua". AAA ; ' You are always welcome, or not.' ' ' "''. ','"'' ", tioRINUR SBVE1STH ... V'. vj:;; ''lib'. : ITEleL. YOUR NAME' Special Th! Week, $10.00 LLV : Thar ara ao miatacea in in fi made by th great and wonderful peycblc. Ton may may wtan to know lt lt la advteabl ta fcake a cbaage la bualneea, in toe, in . ' ' a Tl a 1. mnw aaar andartahln Y Caa I ebtala my bus, my with, my - hltlonaf , . "Shall I area enjoy the ml one el weaua r . "t' I trnat my friend 1" -r '1-.' '-Haea 1 enemloel" e- . "When ehiu I marry 1" ;'. How eftea lhaU I merry V" . . Shall I eeer he dleoreedV v "Doa another nhr th lov that Ttgbtfall beonra to met" . If ao. ebanr ' " . , 7 ; "Am I brred la return r I . " '. "! then a rleal la my toeer -: - "When ahall my lore affair terminate ta trrlager "Whensahatl my dnmeatto troublaa endP 'How can I make my life and home happy T' , When ahall my abaent frlead r.turnT" "Why do 1 not racelea a letter V . v ' ' JBOJttWh-104 4 PktbtUaiiSBlUiAtx. 29i Morrison St.,-Corner fifth BAaBB Tloor of Bowboak Baabal Vajrloiw. COTTON. FUTURES CO 10 TO 12 POINTS UP irnraltbed by OVrrberk Btirr A Cocke Ca.l New York, Not. T. Cotton future eloeed 10 be IS point higher. Today 'r nrflclal market Hlah. Low. Chwe. Jannary. .. 9.8S 98B , S.WtftOO BOSfttOT lo.ol H 10.1(4 Kt 08 111 1110 r'ebruary... .... March..... 10.01 April...... 10.06 May lO.OT Jpr.e..:,, 10.18 July..?.i 10.1T Neeember.. BBS Deccaabar.-. 8. 60 - io6 : 9.8B 10.1T 10.10 ., 10.18 10.00 . 10 07e) 10. IT ' 10.1 B.TOv- 9.' JO-IT 10.10IJ!11' I.H3 V lutll B.88' B.81tj(iS -'-:-.- Lrearpoal Oettaw Higher, r.'..4,-i.... ' Llvarponl, Nov. t. Cotton fotoret cloeed 9 ta 10 point a p. with the tone very ateady. ' CLEVER SPEECHES AT PROHIBITION RALLY Thd-prohibition rattr At thB audito rium In th T. U. C A. butldlna last evening- was well attended and a hope ful enthualaara pervaded the audleuca. A number of excellent addreaaea were made br local speakers who have taken Dromlnent action- In the ' war. At th cloae of the meotlns tba county commiu tee made arrangements for thB fuard Ina of the polle on election day and the countina of the hallota. - The firat epeaker op tut eventnf was Rev. H. C Shafer of the United Breth- ri huroh-aeha -con t ratd- tha nna clal conditions of tha common people of the non-prohibition -atatea with tboae where prohibition haa been In operation for some time, showing that the aavlng; banks deposits of the etata of Maine, prohibition, were very much rrcntor than In Ohio, non-proniDitlon. Ha waa followed by Rev. E. Nelson Allen, who delivered the principal Bddraas of the avenina on the attitude of the church toward th liquor trafrlo, saylna; that the saloons war the rreatest mtrnlet the church had. Rev. J.. W. Bronghar closed the meeUns; with an add rata on tha .subject In aeneraL . J. H. Amos, state chairman, made a short .talk. In, wtitcn ne 101a ox tne worg peins done throuahout the btate. : OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. V'Ir.' , V ' . Msmbera , CbtcatT) Board of Trade. -V-r ; OBAXBT.' XniOrmOaTa, OOTTOBT.V 9TOCT9 ABT "BOBTBOV --,- -:"-. 199 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland. Or. . . , '" .Wl BO A 9TTB20TXT r01CafrgBXOB BiraTZBrBSBe . Continuous Markets by Private Wfre. - Quick Barvice. REFERENCES Idtdd 49 . , TUton. bankers, aad United States National Bank of Portland. ., TY ' W orwvl all tne time. I. P, & Co.'s I, D. & Cp.'s I. D. & Co I. D. & Cb.'a L'1X.& Co.s I." D. & Co.'a quarts. X . '1. D. & Co.' . i fUartS, "XX .e - - " '' j" I ft a ?Tt - : - 'Sfxm - whether you buy r. Palgairn's Scotch Whiskey, special, qt. 91.00 -' !t v ""'Gordon Gin, special, qt.V'a. .. ..05f THE PLACE TO GET GOOD THINGS TO ' EAT. AND WASHINGTON 1 m m BV . e- yr-WAW. a 30314 Waahlntjtoa $10.00 Complete Life ResIngs for; This Week Only m WILT. TEI.L TOO TOl'4 PTI.L WAM. AB. Ot COPATION. ANL WUOIA AM) . WHEN XOU WIU. MARRT. '' I WtU forfeit 8608 where I gait to teach ye bow to farliit anyone yort deaira, hew ta amk your enemlee your frtende, cane a euredy marrlag wltb th on of yowr eholee. J lire yon good luck and make yon ewrceanfnl o your buelaeea, re mo re cell lnnancee, re unite tue eparated. gle yon lucky aumbnra, -locate th earth' burled treerarea. Battle the old eetate that time haa placed beyond the lawyer'a ahrewdneea, aid poalUrely atmptow : your nuaia Row caa hare good htckt uceeed to) bualneaat make my home happy? conquer my enemlee I marry the on I choaeel How tea How caa ' How caa liow caa How caa marry wen r ... Unm m.mi ... I aaarrtt 1mm . t mwiiu, wnw rival f. How can I make tay on Inea mat Hoar eooa, will mi kieet proaoaa How can I get a lett-r 1 Mow cm 1 act a good poaltlonT":- How can I remoe bed InfrneweeaT " How mak dtatant ene think of mev . How ca I bold my baehaad't tor I , How eaa I keep my wlfe'e toeti -, BIB PHABCUI DBAKB btlla all aad aa H0Tr?rtaTt TO TO T, AND vrwytATe 80BH, wHiniit ft., nn i-iiAn AND WASHINGTON Btw ' -J" BOWBTTBTi is. lortTn ai oo (Ettabllthod Hit.) . - T AJTB BTOOat BBOB3BBB. BkKrra'4, Orottad Tlot. 6XAALABB OT CKlBTMXmCB. If WHY NOT BUY- HERE ? BtMM aa. Selected ease .SOU Creamerr butter-in... ....60e ami 6i3 y x 0) ;. "Oi'1- Feat creamery DUtter , . -. .000 ana owa Dairy butter i.40i Renovated butter ......... .400 and 450 Beat eugar-curod hams .......... ,..3 ..... Plenlo hams t ....... inaiio Chaeae . Io. lOo and llVfe Bwlaa cheese jr-o (Oo tea for. per pound ............. log Java-Mocha, coffee . . i ............. 90o Arbuckle s Uon coffee. ...9 lbs. for 15o Remember Saturdar Is chlckem day. All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY ' ..... aM Yamhill Bttwwt. . . ' MAY AMEND CITY'S CHARTER IN FUTUP.E A rnovement has been inaugTi rated by the Portland board of trad to amend the city charter In order' that the cost of building; bridges and all other perma nent Improvements may te met by ei general tax upon the whole city instead of levylQg A special tax In certain dis trict - i '.'.'. V, . A committee, reeBntlyappolnteia to Inveatlgate the 'plan now pursued and other plans- which might be pursued in making; .permanent Improvements ' has reported that special taxes demoralise, and dlaceuraa) property holders, know- , In as tbey do that they do not derive benefits corresponding to the enormous expenditure) they are compelled to make. ,,,), . . artment Sauterne, pts., 25e; doz. . 92.50 Sauterne, qts., 409; do2. .H25 Port, qts., 25 ; doz. .Va.f 2.50 Sherry, qts., 25s ; dozT.'.a '.f 2.50 ciUret, qts.r23 ; do.;a .-52J50 Bourbon or Rye, full . , . . , : . . . . . , . . , . . . . f i.00 Bourbon or Rye,' full , t irrrmi i vipn i i J. - . jr-ir t ,ir- A'UUlkrUIl Lt iV, liui v.. 91.25 o Tlophc : ' tl T ' v -..4l k'-.J.iaAa.)Jt'ti !--- . .' . jAm ' . ' '