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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
.THE wj D.-IL.. wu IX- VICTIM BY BLOWS TWO X1IUS KXaT ATTACK AjbTB sob f mm Mrra. no Amsrrmp ok ivatn LAST nrjwAiM wot Bsuovs.j I.oiilg Spene was beat an and , robbed of 140 by two armed and marked bigti "' wavnien tn tha darkneaa at Fourth and - jKvrrett streets laat night. Hs wanderaa filiut until an arty- hoar thia morn In aj, when he was found by Policeman J, f J-'ones and sent to Doltca haadquartera. Pnltoema Prtra and- Robaonv- under direction of Captain Valley, bound. -tip the vlrtlm'a Injuries a headquanera, i after which tie; waa removed to Good Mnmarltan hospital Ha. waa dlschargod , this morning. , ' Presumably with a, revolver ona of the. fUbhera struck Bnena twice over Hi head, rendering him uneonaclouaj fnena dries not know Just when the assault occurred, but hi thinks it waa snout midnight.. It waa several hours late that he waa found by foiiceman Konea, wandering : almleasly about on Kverett street. Ha waa too much daacd at that time to fully explain hla, trou- ble and waa aent to police headquarter. Kpene In a laborer from Eugene,! Or. a arrived In Portland laat nlghC ; . rr, - - ' ; : Winter Rates to Yaquina Bay. - - Tha' Southern PacMe CaH-arUl sell, on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, .until March 11. 1905. low rate round trip tickets to. Yaqufna.. limited to (n da from data of sale. ' Tha aale of Athene excursion tickets during; tha winter months la a new departure and has been ' brought about through tha desire of our lnogl aportsmea to enjoy tha exceptional ly line hunting and Ashing privileges of thet section. .," ; . 'company. :,.--.".; . :(';;";: - .----j- ' Hundreds of lives saved every year' Tv naving irr. Tntrmaa- E.eiecirio uii m 'the house Just when It la needed. Cures . croups, heals burns, cuts, wounds of ev ery sort - , - : , . Preferred Btoex Oaaasd Oooda. Allen and Lewis' Best Brand. - " HZLP WAaTETJ 3LaiB. ' --Tlig-nrtglnst Inns - A Molcr. has opened one . vt ki famous barber colleges st 444 CUy St.. San Francisco; special Inducements this month; yxwl turns gusrsuteed; tuition earned . ' while learning. Write cerrect, number. 44 CUy st.. lias Peeaclsce. . . -. BKIU.KII AND UNSKILLED LABOR ef alt descriptions, promptly esppUed. . Proa at rharxe to employer. -f ' ' HANSEN'S employment - ofpicb v ' M Nortk Second street, near BarasMe. LOOKING tor work -Many good positions are , constantly sdwtlafd Is i-trnal "Heh Wanrrd" eelamoe. Yoor sd. ssxler. "SUiui. - - tlnoa - Wasted"- Bay be laaerted free.- el ItES to leers barbee trade li I weaks sad aemre firoAtanle peaittosst apaelsl lodnoe- Smts thia asontb; catslojro nailed free, olrr Sjatria College. Saa; Francisco, CaL THg rOU'MRI'S CALIFORNIA - WIim IVpnt, , keeriqaarters . foe ' eonks ssd waiters: all kluria of wine de per rlaas retail. . P. Loratt. 1S Poartk at . Hose Bed ltw3. WNTKP Ood enstmaker and one Tli aronnO rallnr. brlh week. Call 444 Waahlnaton, .t PRRAN0 bar wintrdAprlT : jt-Ertet JJiaa, 2111 North r.WTFBth st. . t ANTBnw (iirl fur very Urbt Benerwork: . little co,klnc and iniat lo atore: lifaallr: no rljlldrcB. su waablnc; aleep st home; no pnnAy eork: waeia to commence, fill per : VMUtm, euta as.' - . WAtTKl Strong girl: good pay; T In famllv; ? adulU; colored or white. 7 Mortb TwaaUetb t.. sear Wsshlngtoe. Ct-on girta are hard to find, bet te ..few. consult Journal Want Columns. Clftr, to saalst wltlr Utrht bouMwork. Apply 413 llilSDlons at. , . TTVATIOKa WAaTEDKAiB. ItlHlTTON as hotel clerk or ss bookkeeper ' or st otner clerical work la any .kind of or ' Kce; have rafcreocca; want uvlas 'wages. A. , K. Madwlck. Qnlmby boteL . 'Wori,n- like nosltlon . as eity or traveling ( pajteaman; nave naa years oc evpenence end - cast give am-etaas rereeneea.i x s, Journal. MllinLE-ASr.n an wants poaltVn In arorei y atoro or nirnr watchman; Bandy with tools; aiiHirouBfi boss. a . s.-rare jonrnai. . Vt'Nl VAM. ared tt. waste prnfltahle mH t ton or a nr kind: experienced onokkeeperjood RITl'ATlOST he good, gradnated. expeHenced ' ooi'KKecoerr nne recomrsenojstKvai. Address, I. X. Parsons. Ml Brosdwsr, city. MAX of 2ft. eiperleoced- to stovea, hardware and tnetala, wanta poaitioat refereares. J. . . s.aar jweina sc., ciorta. AN tntelllreat, Indnatrlons. ene-leeged saaa watira work. at anything he cSa do. Apply I at 61 North Seeoad st. i A. 'LI MBER and gasrltter wants Job la or eat ef ..j., mm mm wars; siesay ana sober, a 2U. care Journal. CARPENTER work by dee or by lob: flrat. j jlm"' rlH,U''n specUlty. K T, can riRST-rLAM Janitor desires position; good j , references. -Apply If 40, esre VoarnaL STEADY position hr good yoang baker; city I or eonntrr. r ta. Jonrnsl. ' rTTTATIOKl WArrTD-yiMAXB, rmmM ladratenosrapber deBlrea poaltlon: i ' h.! 2lt V, awtaoda la Urge . - rooov uea auu. jWOMAwt..,.,, itf cerambls. "IZlt-"1 'U0itlUt AGEKOTEB," .-.-"- i AIL . kinds ef .male help faralabed'ea aaort ' notice free to emploter' - ' vi., . wiluams norms.. r. i "MW Kerth Second at. phone Red Ml. . "filOI'KT HXU EMPtlVMrNT AORNCT. far 4 nlah free to von RELIABI.F1 HELP. Meager j Collins, 270 Barsalds. Bead 114T. HOTEL help ef .U ktada furnished free ta t 1H.PLT5 W Emplorm-nt Bufssa. f Third St. Phone Main IS1. , T TOR LADIES ONLY. irosjTXAKTi Women's FmptoTtnent roams. 2I AH.ry. cor. Id sad Morrlsoa. Bad turt. ( PIONBER EMPLOYMENT CO. Lshor eontrsZ : . tors: help free te empkirers. 21 a Morrlsoa. nFl.r wanted end snpplled. male or female . B. G. DRARB, iriBV, Wseblngtoa St. Ctar ear. B'Rsr roc men. snen fe work. t HAVSBVB orriC". M North Reenad s. WAWTXD AOIBTf WAITED Areata, laniea er gentlemen, te can. ' vaea- Address Jtteee' Book Store, 21 Aldae. w-ARTtD 1EAL r IT ATI. VI AVTKII Have essk fs bar e B-eoem ajoeV i era bona, wsst fide; - particulars - mast- be rrcn. II yi. en re lonrnel. " '' "' - re WATrD MIKttABrOTTB. ...a . WANTTn More eoraytnf esd whltewaahlns; A (lie on nlv eaaotltkO . onsilWaaafd sir snrsrltie ; fltm n the ruaat. M. U. Morgsa A Co., 870 - Mllwankle at t i.i , .. i V ANTKD-too ssea to get their eld bsts msde ww. M. M. Smith. prscUcsl batter, SU k rurth ot. ,. V NTrttCbesp horses for o feed. aV-llweod. .,. Dos T2, WAHTSD TO Z. r- WANTKIV-Br aeatleaisB. mnna asd bnard) Is aelsnhoraood ef Twvadetk and Irving . au. Aodrs tins A I esre JouraaL -j ram mtut oimiKiirrnd koom tl.W PXH WESX I.arse.' eleea. furslakad bovsekeeprng fooai. wltk see of lauadrr. ke ; phono slao rbeap rural" bed eotugea. LsBdlsss, 1S4 Okoraaaa. fkose i-Uy . COINO koasekacp(nt Havea't foend a plaef to lire! Trj JaarasI Wast CelssiBSi therU elp reavtuM) a aeaioar e" - sjulckhr. Mais HW..' ' ' M-BAaiXT i.rarttlahed' roemrtne - k-warkoep. Ins for coaple, private femtlr. K 1 kill st. - ' CLtrroN. XH.1 rirat attot, lonl,-r!!!!i (XZI per week soa SB. rot KtirT-rCTnwTooiig. -: nira - ..l.hMt e-ont IMirlof. Si eve aide r-arlor. eullabio. ror in s""!"'""" oe two laillee each; abo Terr deetranw op stslrs rnoais. steal located on corner, with ever esalseea. at No. 88k I(U) St. FOB RUNT Largo, airy room; ' ."JT room; saa. Katli. steam neat; sewiy nn iwlral koaie. 7 Nortk TweaUetk st, aesr M'sahisjrtoaw . . THK MJXTKR, No. 124 12th.. ene Washlntoi- l ice eoairy rooaia; - aaoocrm wufuutiiw, trasaleDt. Pbooe Oraea - r , XI KLT rurolahed frost 'room,, electric light. neat, nath. prl'at raaiiir, aa. os aa bum bet. Yamhill ssd 'Taj lor. - ttR ttWIT Newly ranrtahed room: ekolee lo- eatioa, . S4S TnirteestB Sb rusee hsib a4oa, or can r T6 IRVING, eorner Twenty-third, furnished e. : i . i. . . rnoara, mrun a ywwaM m , w blocks from hospital. -1 . 121 THIRTEENTH.-eor. .Waahlngtoa Eleasnl newly riirslaned rooms, singia or ea suiiaj gas. bath, pbonav . NRWLT fnralsbed ajoiet trensleat 1M reans m. i'bob sea nn. KOOKI AWO BOARD. TWO or fnnr wotaea. employed daring dar: private borne; terms resauoaaie; ea( sioe. Address B SO, ears Joornsl. KKATLT - feralsbed -eoeaie with . food table bnard; axxiera , esaveDiaaees. . . aui . ciay, Pboue Usla BOM. CONDUCTING roomlnc aoasef - Adevrtlae rae ract ia yeoraai waul Loiumos sua nil year BOARD ' with- rooms, well foralaheSi saodera eoaventeiieess.Uble board, xtl Tklrteeata at rom REST HOTOn. EAST SIM5 rental -efnee-ef- U Welle A Cav, 94 Grand avenue If roa bare a Bouse te rest sr wsst to rest a boose. If roa bare a hea or lot to aell, or want te bar huaae or lot. IT jvu wast to Insure roar boaae ssd farnl tore la the Pboeslx Ins. Co. ef Hartfurd, Cona.. call ap phone Bast !. - rOR RENT CHEAP tS-room house, all Improvements, Srat-elaas coimIUIob. run eement saeaient. lot 60xino; No. Mv East Second at.. near Wel1lr at., UoUadsy's add., XaU i'boue I'Bloa 16s.. - i HOl'SRS are scsreet at least, the atnd roa want. But ton eaa save a lot of car far ssd time, as well ss mark worry, br suiting Jnarna! Wast Colamas tor what foe waal. Try the S3. 3.1 , words for la eaan. UAN and arlfs who will furnlab (ood referenea eaw una a rare rnanee to gee Htte a gooo home ( rooma, all BMalera, boese well fnr alabed), , reasuasbly, by. addrseslag iL. iU, Jourasl. . , ,e KADDERLT TrsBSfer Commlsaloa Co. : planoa ana mrnimre moves Br eipsriencea mea. 110 North Third at. . Phone atata lttsi. 1 rOR BAIJ5 Neat, cosy little fnrnlabed home. near beat ear service ta this cllyj nargain nt some komesoekar. Owner, 1W4 kYout at. FOR RENT Houses. enttae's sad.flsts aaodara ssd np-tv-date. rented free ef chares. -. . I. Oovarts a sons. First ins lamoiu an. fFOR BENT A 4-room eottage st 272 Baker sc., a iu pee sonta. inquire si ais iMsev su POB RENT Corner store. 4 moms snd bass- saeat. Isqnlre forenoons at 814 first St. MEW, modern. T-room house. - Commercial St., aear Cook are. ISqulro LXl jrviag t FOR BENT ee-asle, 11 -room bouae;r.pathand ysra. zrt worta Eighteenta st. . POR RENT s-ronm bease; bath and yard. 271 rtoria Aigntnentn st. MB 8AXX XZAL ISTAT. Ll...t.. BAROAI. VortFRw s-room roTTAOR IPPEB ALBINA. ONLY (1.5S0. EASY TERMS. THE tTBALY tX VESTMENT TO. ..110, 214 Abingtna. 10H Third St. WM HAVE B A RO A I NR. WHY par rent an emsll fsrms of 10 te 90 seres near the cite when roa can buy tbs same "from Tw-wttn-noentrrsl eseh-nevment snd Interest less than rentt (T.(Ns will hiy 157 -acre rarm near bri the wood thereon worth (S.nno. See as anlefe. ' Davidson, Ward aj t Bsmoer or commerce. 4-ROOM boose. 4400I S-rsean bouse, comolete. ..; n-roorn cottage, not complete, aoiai: large -lots ror w to, giwi; esey terms, go snd t sn-per month, nee owner, Joe "Jean, at Hash ' villa station, ea the Mount Scott car line. BAROAINS ef every description nre constantly saeertises la journal want unmmns. rroe ertr owners will do well te a ft Tertian what Tney wish te eell In these eolnmne. be a line; T average words make a line. SNAP Two aew colonial residences, east side. close. IB ; ene T sbs one mil concrete n eement ; mooera throughout: alee ene 7 room, twe-storr boose, cbssp. Address ewaer, 40. Esat Seranteenth a.. (4 onf g hoaees, fnrnltnrs ssd groand so. tan: in mtnates- wniL . rrara court rests win pag for property la yeara, Lsadlgsa, 1A4 Rherman. FOR SALE d-rorrm cottage end S-rnora bones in winiams A Tense sdilltlon; muit be sold. Owner leaving city. Inquire SM Ivy at. WKLL finished .cottage,, full lot,. Eaat Nine. teentn at., l u Morka to car line, gl.non. H. Hatfield. Mulkey blk.. Second and Morrlsoa POR SALE CHEAP A - new S-mom.- modem nmise witn lot noilin feet, with 20-foot slier; sssy terms. Phone 'nUm knot. POB SALE II -room cottage. . eement cellar, lot CTfioo. gi.wn. on Ftier mi a aear Slith. la noire st 5M Rlsth at. 'OR SALE 5-eoom not tare, eement cellar, lot STelon. (I.gnn. on Sherman- scar glilh. la siiire st oA4 girth at . ' SNAP One f .the best rooming hoiaieg In the town, cloao In. chean rent. Ln I. .. i ..Seventh st -rasas.-1. ifi 'bjned la lots Arlington Helghre. top , wiu sen cnaapi . jniniirs ZH7 Morrtana St. WE build honaes. esae navmeetx, Int. rnnrfd a If desired, su Commercial Bid. Main luso. ttOOT).' Brndera room hmae. ene. Faat Thlrtf. PORTY seres timber for wood na ('lackamss rirea, A. y. Brown, f urrlnatllle. Or. Any The alMve advertisement-was -Satixrday-Mr-Cua Buremscf 847-Cantenbeinavenue. thezadvcnisirtoppedArLThe, : Journal business office and told of a tnultituae 01 answers, i naa au Kinds xt replies," " r said Rfr. Burems. "I rented the 'property to ah applicant almost immediately, but the people kept coming in response to the ad. The, same ad. in another paper , was without J result . The Journal is the paper- for; me." - '.a 1 . . . :v n RESULTS That What Yon Cet From Journal " Want Ate"- STOBBH CHABCXS. ' HOOMINQ B0C8B HEADQtTABTXRS, BOOMS tsablonable bosrdlag-fceaaa, beet location; furalalibics very fine: steam best; hot and cold water In asost of rooms; rest $XO; good lease. , Pries, (o,0M. 50 BOOMg rp-tn-date boosekeepbif sparraieata; very itneir lorsted; gooa lease; rent nrhtr fornUhlnea. very best; steers beat; -a,S00 Easy terms. . SO BOOMS Hetet eteem best, right a ta . date: sew brick; low real, Jong lease. . 3,000. t- 50 BOOMS on pifth at. ; rood location: bow clearing snout fjuu per tnontn; s yaarr ieaae; this Is a bsrgsla. 3,2SO. 44 BOOMS Very elegantly farnlsbed.' atesm best, hot 4aa mid wstsr In all rooms; fine InrstloB as Third St.; lease. S years, " I17S. Including steam " beat. - . Price - .oua . - : 41 BOOM Fairly well furnished; doing good profitable baslness: rest goo; Jesse. 40 BOOMS !few brick, very mod era ta- avery war; raraiaiibvrs good: all Bair mst Ireaaea; rent enly (100: 2 year lease. 3.o. Might Uka anullrr houas la ex change. , . a BOOMS, nicest apartment hones la cltyt all - mu; eiecanti? luraautea; rent gixs; gooa ., lease. g.TaO. . . . . .- ;. . II BOOMS gash loBshle hrmrdtng.bacasv-.very. finely fnrnlahed; eaolce comer; vary short -distance from Portland hotel; 2 years' Ueae; rent lew. 4,00g. , 90, BOOM Beef bart ef .Wsahmrtna st.t brick balldmg. Steam nest, running wster tn mas4 ef raosss: sow clearing ever 44U0 per 7" ssontk; low rent; lesse. S,tu0. : 24 BOOMS New brick batldmg. steam best. - hot snd entd water tn erary room: every. - thing new sad tn good condition: good v. lesse: rent (115; big anoney-maker. ' (3,000. . . 20 BOOM. RUrht down town: wetL fnrnlahed; - steam bee tr lease.- Beat bur on market. , " Only (2.000. , , - t - ; - 19 BOOMS oa Morrison St., all on ana floor; nicely Jurnmbed; rent lew. (3, S00. It BOOMH On Psrk st. boarding; very fine; amtloegood;-rent (7v price gl.too. IT BOOMS Put ntlnre good: rent aaly (35; good ; locatloni bouse fulL- (l'.aoo, . : , ; - 11 BOOMS On Team st.; rent (48; farnlrars ; good bee good Income. (030. BKSTAtJttXNT PIRST-rLARS restanrant, doing good bneinees; location rtsht: must sell at once ea se- -count of sickness; snj reasonable propoal 'tloo not turned down. ' ' rONPErTIONERY. " ' One en Wssblngtoa st. ...... .....',......( Snr tme si rirst sc. .,..,,..,,...., noo One oa Morrlsoa St.... 1,000 DELICATESSEN, ' 'v'- One ea Moetlsoni eaeelpte- g3rfcT-r.-, .-retgt.Onft tine OS Wasblugtoa . St., reeslpU (35. , .(2,000 WK CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANT OP TBS ABOVE, ALL TITLES flrABANTEETI. BUYERS I PROTECTKO AS WKLu AS HKI.I.KRS. .: WE WANT 10 TO IV BOOM HOLSbSr ALSO an au eu. ' . . TAPT "O. , ' 125 - Ablngtnn Block. r- T ,-lOdla Third at. POB SAXZ MTSCILXABEOtrs. POR SALE Any 'amount of speee la Journal Want Columns for 5 cents a line; T uversss worda make a line: eeversl Insertloaa of a sdvertlasawat usually stake a asm. That's so, too. ... UNDER WOOD (TYPEWRITERS ,. ruible writing. -- . run baarlng. Light ranala Igency JtB rroot it. Phoae Bed 1ML BILLIARD AND POOL Ublss tor raat er far asm oa esse payments. TU BROfcSWfrfc-BALKR COLI.EKDBB CtX. sv i airs a; rortius, - POR SALE Resntlfnl silk Dstcbwork oullt slsn enihrnldery work done. , Box- So 1, bag is vrsea, ur. ( DESIBABLB No. 1 row, giving milk; prlee reasonable. ts Miwaoa at.r l. nivsrsity rsra. BAROAINS la second hand machines. - t Wood Typewriter Bgeaey, S5 Prosit St. MILK dairy snd roots for sale; doing goad business, n as, esre jonrnal. i . LA RGB Jersey cow. rreah nest May, (25.00, Inrrulre Mr. Lewis. 27 Flrat st . . - a. POR SALE Genuine bnff bantams. T5 Wll- . llama eve., cor. Going at. POR RALE Caen register; Apply 42 North Third et. Srst -class shape. MANCBB deUvered and plewlsg aeaa.-rbeae t nion ninn. TO ZXCHAirSB. POR eicbtnge. S-room cot tags - and s-ranm aonse in winisma avenue addition tor lot and part case. - Inquire BftO Ivy st. LOST AD rOTTBO. LOST A pocket book containing money, be tween Twentieth snd Sturk nnd Twesty-flret , and Osk. Apply Mr. Cockbura, TwsBty-sscoad sua luaat Morrieoa. , in DON'T be a loser! Be a winner, by advertising In Journal Want Columns; they pare lb nee reet way to gacessa. 21 Worde for 11 cents. . ' roB Birr-stores. STORE BOOM for rent. . Finest location la dt. CROHN A SHAW. . 3S Wssblngtoa at. HOtJKI POB BEVI PTJBBTTUBB POB lAXI pwi TIOOD fnmlrore. II rooms, brick bldg., corner, rent en; win rnse lots part psyment. Call or srldresa leavt Third st..' room A. POK SALE Bargala If taken thia, Week, fnrnl- ture er eisnt rooms, rirat-riass: flat for rent; tnsdsrn. 44 Thirteenth et.' POB BEXT MISCELLABIOtTI. Hinil-OBAnR Hand foe rent to res ponalbls party. Address A 20, cars Journal. POB IAXX PABMa. OREGON farms best them all! - And by ana wee- ins tne aoa nuaer this eteeaiag yos'i! rise sums fins ones. A floon 4" -sera stock farm for sale by ewaer. s.o"ar. n. ri. irsvis. twvsiits. vr. POB BEBT Wa-pTBKKHrD BOOMS. TWO nnrnrnlehed rooaM, ta gond condltloa; nse o oatn; pnone? ais doer iron car, Mais StmV. 1M. V, biUksr st -A santity m FOB BBNT-r-New - keuse, three 'Block! (mm I'pper AIMna car, I0 per moatB.. In quire 4T Osateabela are. - olaced'ln The Journal one BVUBZU CKAB0ZB. hottox or iSjox or - bzju; zstatx avs uviau, -Is the Dtetrlrt Ooort of the United States -for the District of Oregon. , Is the matter of Leag Bingham Lars bar eoaipaay.' s corpora Uon, Bankrupt . . .V. : Kotlea ta hereby given that by virtue of . an order msde ea the Ulth day et October. 1004. by the Court, la the shove entitled Better, the undersigned Trust as wilt on, -from and sftarl 1 e'eioek In tha afternoon 7r' tbt 80t? 'r ?' "'nr-i if-1 tbe prsinlaw haralJiafter fif i"i J1U.5 ?JV nH0'11 ViL i2 T of Wednesday, the 80th day ef Novemberr 1 sale to the highest bidder for cash In bsnd the following described prsmlaas and nilU . yieui, to-wit; Beginning st a point 00 feet west ef the - northwest eoraer of block A, eeond Addi tion to Georgstowa, Oregon; theace running " wsst 2T8Vk feet; thence south 224.T feet; thence west (bd.4 feet by the right et wdy ' ef the Oregon A CaUfornla railroad; thence. Boat k 2S6 degrees went 10 feet: thence esst 520 feet; thence north -100 feet; , thence eaat 150 feeti thence Berth 184.T -' feet to tha place ef beglanlng, eoaHslntng 1.1 acres ef land, snore er lees. . As begin sing at a point la aecttos to. township 20 south, range t west, 60 feet. ; west Of the son rt west corner of lot 1 la -. block 4 of Georgstowa, Lena county, atste of Oregon; - thsace west 100 feet) theses Booth 21.3 fset; thence south St degress - 22 minutes wsst TST.S feet; thence eaat lort feet; -thence north 224. t (Mt; tbeors east 280 feet,- and thence aorta 44H feet to the place of beginning, containing S.T20 acres of land, mors or lees. -: Bzceptlng from the aforesaid premises, tbs part thereof conveyed by the aald Long . -eV rUnghana Lumber company to the Oregon ; at Koolhaas tarn kslirosd comnanr. oa the . 261 h day of March, 1903. by the certain i couTvyance reenroea April , lews, on page OS of volume -00 of the Records of Deeds ' - fn Lane count, Oregon, described SS fol lows, to-wit: , ' . Beginning at a point In section 24, town--..ship 20 Booth, range S west, 00 feet west of the northwest earner la lot 1, block 5, of Georgetown, In Lsns county, state of - Oregon; thence south 475 feet l thence west. T5 feet; thence north 84 degrees 20 minutes, west 202 feet, more or less.' to the south. - esst boundary ef the grounds conveyed by . W. Long to the Q. ft S. B. B. tt. B. eom- paBJi thanes north 27 degrees 22 minutest - east 102 feet; thence north UT.S feet; " thence esst 100 feet teethe place of "begin. ; ' ning. containing 1.K8 acres of land, more or leas, all si lusted la Lane county. Ore. :' gon. Alse the following sawmill plant, located ' npon the snore premises, to-wlt: One Doable' Circular Sawmill, one eo-1nrh Port land I roa Works Eager, one 19i22 .Ames -Engine, one 10x24 Corliss Engine, one eight horse power Engine, upright IT. P.; , two 50i en Ames Boilers, one 00x14 Erie Boiler, one American Planer. 8x24; one No. 44 lrrrinclhts flmer. one 40-tneb Bucheya - Blower. . one National - lvr kiln comnleta - ana oauaiap-' aiinBjms utn still en ixmrr, ten wi up; one m4ir saw nnw Arbor, ' not set tip: four,'- pair Lumbar - Trucks, one 75-llght Dyaanio, one Log Usnl. and one Los Turner. . . Also the lots nuabsred S and 4 la block 4 of Georgetown. ' Alse lots 8 nnd 8 Is block 1 la the I. I. -Jones Addition to Cottage Grove. All the right, title snd Interest of the J aald Banluraut la the following described property , ' . ' .. .' J block 1, Jones' Addition to fOottage flmve, J nrKinaia m ice sofnuessr rornerw rjrw "mpn, ana nininj toeucs essi iii.i Lrr to Mill street In tbs Second Addition to Georgetown. Oregon; thence north 110 feet, : west 1T7.8 feet, sonth 510 fset, to begin. - ning point; commencing st a point 50 feet east of tbs eotithesst corner lot ose. block f. la Jones' Addition te Cottage Grove, snd running esst 178.4 feet to Mill street north 112 fret, west . 178 feet, to tbs. esst side ef the most easterly street la J ones' Ad dition to Cottage Grove, Booth 118 feet to place of beginning: commencing at the northwest corner lot 1, block 8. J ones' ' Addition to Cottage Grove, Oregon west Pfl feet, south 112 feet, esst BO feci north 118 feet: alee lot 1, block 2. all la i. I. Jones' Addition ta Cottage Grove, Lane county. Oregon. A deed for the lend bat described Is In escrow and nrnvtdee for the payment ef 8l.K75.nn; (7o.on , kss bees paid and (l.noo.OO Is unpaid. That all ef the premises above described are in Lsns county, Oregon. Ssld ssls Is to he sub.lect to con firms tloo by tbs Court -after 10 daja' notice ta creditors. , j 1 Duted ef Cottage Arrive, Oregon, thia 224 day -of October, "J0O4. - ' j J. C. LONO. I - Trustee. - DON'T BTTY ANTTTtlNO, .' 1 ' .-.JIOII'T Hfcl.L ANYTHINuV,- . UNTIL YOU SEE L8. WB HAVR BARGAINS IN BTTHINE!tS CHANCES,. '' BARGAINS IN APARTMENT IIOI'SES. ' BAKUAIN'S IN REAL ' ESTATE - - WI MA KB I1ANS. SQCARB DEAL RROKERAOB COMPANY, li, beeeatk St., PortUnd, Or. GENERAL MERCHANDIAB store, for sale tn small town In Bonthera Oregon; splendid aew - - - " r 1 1 - iw win inToice nviwrej gT.isjo snd gl.non; reason for selling, bars two stores, only need one; splendid oppor tunity for tbs right man. If interested, ad- n. Seng, Myrtle Creek. Oregoa. A SNAP "AT ABHWooti mrnnt - (10 0110 atnek general merchandise st discount I eior-n run oe renucso; nuiinings a so hots for aale. or will rent. Inoulrs of JournaL ae - write na today. .- . W. M. A. ROBINSON. NEW Arkensss .ell neld O. M. Bailey, Mle- sonrl raclnc Immtgratlon agent Little Rurk. Ark., can gel you sn rill leaae. trtning ex -penes. Fortunes from futurs aula leases. , PA RTNW.R Active or silent, ta best aesrspsper nconoaltlon oa Paelde Mail? SS AnA ejenlMj. beat refcreacea glvsa. Address B 43, care souraai. . PATENT POR TRACTION WHEKL Wl'l sell all or part of I nlted States resannshla or let out tew states on royalty: W 47. Journal. DABCOtO. MRS. GRANT'S adult and children's classes. AesoVsay sf Muate, Mnrrleoa St., cor. eeond. EGivGro; day 'last week for two times. rZBBOVdX. BtANtT' vigor restored by Dr: Kooeetsf Jterve ' v loonies, use . moats s tresimenc. - e-,; .s . BMntns, 85; sent secorely ssaled by maJL A rents. Woods rd. Clarke A Co., Portlsad. Or. "TH BOOK OP NATUBB," "Book of Ufa." "Mabel Orsv." "Storv or a Blsve." -nans; ' rata locoes free. A. Scams le, 228 first at. Yfd'R preecrlntlona are more accurately gnd reasonably Slled st ErsseH's Pharmacy, 827 Morrtana St.. betweea Pint and second ate. PERSONAL Tnr baslness er profssalonal ce-d - la - Jemtl ; Want olumna will .bring roa baslness: words for 15 eenta. Tr it CABPET-CLEANINO Carpets elesned -oa the Door without removing rural ture rrom room phone Clsy 881 for a free demonatrstlon. MABBIAOB PAPER 10c. sealed: 000 wealthy . many worth (100,000; best bank references; sib year. K. u Love, Denver, cola. PACiriO Coast Detective Aesncistloa. Inc.. rooms 218 aad 218 Ooodnough; reasonable - rates. . -. . - - . TOBACCO nd cigarette habit Bosltlvely cured. t all at room If). Ne,-304 Fourth st. POB SALE ROUTES AVD CARRIAOZB; UTltS'tOCK la always disposed ef very arrlckly Whea advertises! la Journal Wsst Columns . Tbs rate Li 81 words fug 18 coots. Try them. RCRAL mall wagon for sals: good condition: "" delivered at '. Portland. Carrier " No. r ff. Greshsm, Or. - CLAJBTOTAjrT ABD TAIJflBT. MADAMS JOHNSTON ClslrvoTsst. palmist. and Im- card resdsr; I rlvs facts tellable and Im portant oa i n sf fairs ef real Ufa. 50c. 68 Se Tenth st., near Oak. Besdlngs PALMfSTBY aad eard readbigt S qoaerlone ensvrered for 25 eenta. Room 41. 823 r aaningtoa at. ASPHALT PATIHa.Y TBE Trinidad Asphslt 'Paving Co. ef Portland, orflce 055 Worcester blk. ' ATT0BBXTS. ' ANDREW U - CHEZEM 2S, 27 Wsshtngtne ' bldg... general- law business papers draws; titles egsmtnsd. Phone Msla 1W0. BAB0IVO ABD JUOHKBtBO. I OREGON ROfJND LCMBEB CO- 181 ButBsMe St. Phone Grant 1171. DR. J. PS. MARSH (Cblrooraetlc). Jrl Hall at nearness, men ma turn, uver, stomach, kidney and female dlaeeeea permanently cured; ap pendicitis without tbs knife, -r-- ' v CXXBOTODT AJTD llABTCOBTBCk WM. DEYENY aad BSTELLB -DBYENY. tbs only eclentlne chiropodists, parlors room got ' Draw bldg.. 12 Second st. Phone Msla I3ol. ls is torn long-hatred sestkmsa tls la-tee sua yea srs looking foe. CTOABS sUTO T0BA0OO. B8BEBO-GDNBT C10AB CO. Anatruators or . m PINS CI0ABS. ' ' ' -' JwtUM, Oregon, OABPXVTZBS ABO SUTXDEBS." A. J. ACTHOBS and H. B. WOOD, enrpsntera aad builders; repairing snd Jobbing! store sen vine nxTm-ss oniib aaep aue VJeinmaia. rnone cisy inoi. A. M. DEB. bnllnina snd remodellnat a toe w. tores a specialty. . 208 Plrst SC-- Fhoaa CUy COKXISSIOS KZB0BABTS. EYERDINO PABRRLU arednee snd ensamls. . sloa merrhgpts. 140 Front at-, Portlsad, Ur. rsone msib lis. ------r.. ---T- DAVBNPORT BROS., ISO Front St. Fruits, pros usee; cone 1 an men ta soiictteo: prompt returns. CAPES. STAR 'REST AT RANT Borne cooking a ene etalty: meal tickets (.t. Thoa. Leach, prop. (-or. Twelfth aad Wssblngtoa. THE OPS-ICR. 8H5 Waahlnrtoa st. Mala 771. Pickett Vlraeeux. Pbeae B. CEMENT C0BTBA0T0XS. HAWKINS A CO Residence, 80S Fourth st., pkone Front I28R; esmest work ef ell as scrlptloBs; step Work specialty 1 work gaar- - autesd. . , - CRA'S. R. CARTER A CO., (formerly Carter A Ell) I cement contractors. 874 Taggart, rhoas Eaat 1875. All work roa ran teed. USOCZEBT ABD GLASSWARE. ' BHni.FSALS crockery and glsseware. Prssl, aegess st uo., iuu to iue rirta. eor, stara sij SBESSlfAXIXO. LADIES' and children's garments. Bilk skirts, waists and wrappers made .to order. . 133 - Eleventh et. Telephone Msla 8127. MRS. McK.ISP.EN. srtlstle drsaa gad cloak making. 561 Morrlsoa St. DR. S. J. CARNEY. D. .- 8.. vetrrlnarv stir peon, removed to 889 Ollsaa at., bet. Fourth sad Firta eta. COAX AND WOOD, ORL'AT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hurt, eoe urn; wssoed lamp Bootless eosl, gd 00 per ton; nut. (5.00; sgests for Cumberland eta nre, gT.uv; t aetle uate,; wbolessle prices; free delivery; full welrhts; sat la fac tion guaranteed. Phone Msls 848. - - B' F STERN . PKRD A PI' EL CO., M North ruin et.. oeeiers ia oomeetic ana steam con I. blscksmlth Coal, chsreoal and coke, Phoae Msla 1018, - ALFIJNA FUEL CO., Rsllrnsd at. aod Alblna are., near lerry; sisb snn BlocB weeav ary snd grees. Pbooe Esst 574. STEEL BRIDGE WOOD YARD Wood and Coat. unice, gi Hoilsdsy. sreaue. Phone B. ess. 0. E. YEUN. 5 ret -clam wood and eosl; office 83 Alblna are. near ferry. Dry slsbwnod. OREGON PURL CO ; sll kinds ef cos) aad see atornaoBj, raone stale so. HOOTER A CONWAYr 813 Water St. wood and eoaL PhnAs Mala 4508. STETBw ABD CLEAXTBS, PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING worns; prscticsi natter la eoenectlon; feather boss and slnmes elesned. snd cnrled by aa eg pert, li 1 Ponrth.' Phone Clsy 704. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED (1 pee "mum. v hmjuo aaiioriBg vs., as; vrsaaiug toa st, ' A B. W, TT'RNRR.. nenfesslonaf daae and . I . . . 808 Jefferson st. Paoae Msla Sail .- riOOBATOlS." . r nOEn 130 Plrst st.t weUnenae, teoeatrlsa, applluaa friaass, teiar ZZJCOTBI0AX W0BZB. . ""ITHWIIT ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CosiDSBT. (08 Btsrk'et., Portland 1 O, K. for every olna; la tbs - eisetrical Una, Phone main le-J, . , rVBBlTTBB PA0T0BIX8. PrjkNITURB manufacturing and special aroera. Bavsnaky'a furniture factory. 87 Front at. OK ROOM a- i.., vi 9 -..- I J furniture f ur the JrsOfc BUS FBARBVAf, mXTBAgOZ. 0in.Ba WASHINGTON Porsmoat frgter- society or northwest; protects the in Is I t In... . . . m 1 . ejiinwn. wiucrmv aecrsary, " US Maroo.m bldg., PortUnd. Ur. Tele- - ye. if m e Ksa mi - r:'-."" P0BEBT BESEBYB BOBTP. eORRST RKSRKVSJ nontn mi 111.1 ss. ' fn.vsd, Bnrestrlcted, rstgy for tmmedlats aee; . WL,r,r- P. r. B. BUey. SU8 bamher of rnwe PiriinTirB B REPAIRING. ui'nOLSTEBINO.erenslrlng: msttressea made 10. ,.' e I "c DJU wasningtoa at. BBOCXBS. nuuaa a co- wbolassle grocers, msna- .7"? '" esmmlssloa marchaala. Fourth ALLEN 4 LB WIS, enmmlsaloB and peodnee saer. . rrooi a no wavis at a., rortiasa, or. HuKAJf HA7B BOLLS. J. BORG. msnfr. human bate rolls 4T8 B. -nay aast ZTII. store, ase Mom aoa at, HOTELS. BOTEL Portland. Americas plaat (3. (5 per dag. BELVEDERE; Borepesa plan; 4th and Aider sta. rasuBAjrcB, I9Ai WHIT. Ira lusurSAca. . 800 Dehors A8. MeL, WOOD, emplnysrs liability and ts oiTuiBsi accioant surety toaaa OS SU SJBOS. B. P. BARTER COMPANY. Cre tnearence-. ess oner iocs bios, uregoa Tons usy BJB. PlRB 1NRCRANCB J. P eanedv Co., S2I sueriocs mag. ' rnone Hals lsaa. ARTHCB WTUnN. 8re Insurance, bldg. Phone Mala 1008. ' una - KORTH PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY Net tn ' 1 1 ss sj-'Uei'l ISSj i Slia1t-is; kPVy, ir rey ITl esrg ub, Th Uraft atock In tb eltv of tlrv rustle. AtmHnct H1th.r and flnUtv and all common rradt. Will flll Kol ort1vr at th kfWMt Markaf fMaalassb tanNn8 sJ.H arsk-sasw ' srvs mm v akasl piecing ordere... Of aces. No. 8 Worcester , Mock. Phone Main 2rt2. Mill. Sberlock Bra., pad. river xront. l oons ataia xqz. - - MEDICAL. MRS. sdentlnVslly treated. Office SOS Salmon et. snrsxcAi.' THB Ml'SIO BCnOCt OP PORTLANDl lllus- trstea cstsiogve tree; au oepsrtaieBta. ' Ad dress P. U. Box 805. LESSONS, 50e; piano, orsas. guitar, ' Panto, msnnoiin, violin, zti ;a first St.. eor. ataia. MR. AND MRS. H. Ar WBBRBR. bsnlo. msnde- lln. asuar inatrurtloav. Mala aoss. 178 W. Park. WT MTJSI0 SEALEBS. PISHEB MUSIC CO.,-100 Third et "-Victor talk' ingmsrblnea; repairing. Bed SAX MA0BETI0 EEALTBO. MBS. L. II. HART saccesafai). treats aU dls esses; . method tsught. "New Thought" reading room. (11 Tourney bldg. Hals 4178.' MAGNETIC healing aad scalp treatment; eaa sacs treatment rres. uoam S4, aea)B waaa- nnion st. sisin azoo. MA88A0E. PBBNCH lady gives bath aad massage treat. ivni. riiiD st. - wees lirja. M0BET TO L0AB. PBED H.' ITRIiNfl. risixmit. Aarae , ' Meaey to loam. No eommlaaloa. I am la a ptsiltloa to make Immediate hnsae ea .vrores real estate ee for hnSdlng purposes; sny s mount; moderate Interest. We ss prove loane froia plans and sdvaace money oonoins; progressss. upuoa ta rspar- aset after ens twf FEW) U. STRONG. Plnsnctal Agent. ; . 108 Second nt.. Beer SUrk. - - - Una si ar an liiia 1 "T sslnrled employe, wage-earner.' eaa get ea m W)Ul, WIIBOUf BHWtiagSe-. Month.-. U -Month. Week "ensv to as ( or SS W or' 8TS5 8M.0O Bepay to ea 8 IK or S5 er 31. OS (ift.OO Uepay to as ( 4.00 or (2.00 oe SALARY LOANS Yea eaa lame anmiev f. Be na year salary er Income for one to alt fsoeilhs, in anr smonnt from (5 te (10O lowast rate of Interest: no Walt, no ee. ' lay: Sit nesnrletloee eM etetttv neteete and Confidential: payments suspended la case sf tne crescent Loss Co.. ! re- gonias Bldg. . SALARY LOANS Any salaried person harlns s eteadr position wltk responslhle ns esa ehtsla money sa the easy pnyment plsn. with- , rr. pnblleltr or dels; all bnalnees trestrd J'r1etlT ecnfldentlsL N0BTHWS8T LOAN 01 at,irutton OHIg, clty . ..LOANS ox -TIB EASY PAYMENT PLAN... r ""We. Strictly Confldeatiai. 7 ! Of nee honra. S n. m. to 8 n. BS. t KMPLOYEKS' LOAN CO.. T Pbee Wl. Room Ttd. The Dehors bldg. S. W. cor. Third snd Wssblngtoa sta. MONRY T- I.OAN mr veal.- psi Mini and col lateral security; special sttentloa te chattel STZi" "vre nores pnngrir. c. w. rsusi. "-- rrntnn Bldg., S4 SIxtB at. BIOHLY resneetahle place wber- Indies sad gents eaa borrow monev en dlsmonde snd Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 28 Wssh- .oeiuo wx. 1 etopnons biscb-.ti. BER The Dnnn-Lswrence Co.. rval sat ate snd unsocial s rental money to. loan on mortesge secuHtleg at low rstes Is sums Icom.JOOO to Sin nrai ljau'ri.. . MONEY ADVANCPD salaried psorile. teemstees, " etc., -without secnrlte esav seesaentai lam est bnalnees In 40 principal cities, Tolmsn, aj aoiBstna ning. MONET loaned na pianos, fnrnl tare .and ether - chattel secnrltlee: all hnatneaa strlctlr tel. vate. ' NORTHWEST LOIN CO., Mt Abtog. wane., ..viir, n, P AM nrensred to- bnv snod notes seenred ea snr kind of regl eetsts 1r . Oreeow oe Wash. insron. n. E. Noble..-81 3 Commer:sl blk. CHATTEL leans In smonnm ranging from 125 , to f i iam; rooming nouea g anedsttv. Itew Era Loao A Trust Co.. pod AMnetnn bldg. MONEY TO LOAN en liin,ioer or nnlmiiroeed city ceeoerty. tn en ma to snlt. Parrlah, Wat - Bins at ca aw Alder et. " 1. LOANS st.lnweat rates en fornltnre. ntenea; snt seenrtfy notes pnrehased. Eastern Lees office. 410 McKay bldg. . nrT TO-tOI tn lsr4 ee am. 11 senoanrs , en good sec urit ti lowest rstes. William O. Beck. ROT Falling bldg. MONPT TO LOAN en Cleekawian conntr binds. E. P. and P. B, Blley, d Chamber et Com merce. MONET on -rbattrds and reel estate keenrlttee. Addreas T 4. care Journal. 0YEBALLS. BOSS OP THB BOAD OVERAIS snd mechas ' les' clothing: onion Inade. N sua tad tar Bros., msnnrscturers. Portland. Or. mrMBEBf. 0NNERRERH A BADEMACHER. ssaitsry plumbers, (4 Fourth at. Both phoaea. . POX A Co., sanitary plnmhers. 21 Feonnd bet. Msla aad Salmon, Oregon Phone Msla 3UU1, ' PAISTIN0 ABO PAPEB-XAJianiB. btkiunHON A bElSON. painting, deoocstlog, pasor-hanglug. fcayi Buasell St.; wars roa Be e sud SMlsrlal (uaiautssd. . 1'booa tnlua o 4.. . P LATINO, TUB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 481 Wash, log ton st. Phono 375. Polishing, plating sud ucquartng. nn,.r- . 1 PATENT ATT0BBETS. . C. WEIGHT, doBMsrle snd foreign patootBl oirinsameot eases. 004 Deknm bldg. PBIYTINO. 81iHONa CO. Ptsnt-aad Srark sra., prrnt. -"log. UthcsTrsphlng. kUnk bosks sad office .supplies; work done so Jims; ssaat complete ' printing of tics la the west. Msla 1M, - ANDKRSON A DITOIWAY COMPANY, printing. - t"w7.V1n""r- bUnk books. Phone lULa 17, 8si Alder st, - BE8S CUPPTBas. MAKE MONEY! USB PRESS CLIPPINGS! Ring on Black -11 ssd order a month's sanies covering evsry - town la any or sll eosst . etetea; daily aesasBger ssrvlee; sdvsaee re- yerts ee sll contract work. . Portia ad sfflsa, ' ; PAI1TT8. OILS AST) 8LA88.- v ?iCX. CO.Plenser Palat Co,, eelllng ths beat things msde In pslnts aad general . building meUrlsto: wtndowlaae and g la sing a specUlty. 135 Plrst st. I'aooe Msla 1334. W. P. PCLLBR A CO. Msanfsrtarsrs Pioneer " Lend. Phosntz Paint Rons tins: a gnsrsBtee ' given with every gallon of palat maufaa t nred by sa BA8MUB8BN A CO Joe-here, paints, ell. glass. sash and dooea. in ptrea, at. . B0PB. PORTLAND COBDAGB CO. Ooenar Poartesotk snd North rnp sts., Portland. Or. BATES.. LARGEST stock la city; Dlebold worht Isekoata speaeo. icepsirs. jail work. Bteel eslllng, trsat' merit and goods meriting year . patiensga. J. B. Davis. M Third st. BtTBBEB STAMTS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder et.. nnone ' Msla T10; rahber stamps. Bests, etsnclat, bag. gass, trade checks; send for eaUlogna. loorait, TIN ROOFING, gnrtsrlng. repairing and gsnsrsl jooums. e, aewi. sis soiisrsoa St. - ALL kinds of roofs. paired. e4 painted. J. Psrrell, OBH Flrsl I. BCOtt V4S. SPBAYTN0 ABO WHlTEWABHJjtw. I WANT to bid ea poor palattng sf roofs, docks. warehouses, stores, balls, mills, factories and an ether similar work dons la ell or water . paints, la aome respects better thaa brash, with tbs spray pomp; my earn process; sonny years of experience Adrdsas CSS East Wash ington. Phone Union 8205. B. M. Morgan. SHOWCASES AND TXXXntM. SHOWCASES ef every deacrlptlos; hank, bar ana nines oxwea msos us orasr. 1 ea isiibo . Manufacturing Cs., Portlsnd and Seattle. ST0BA0B ABT TBABSTEB. SAFES, pianos aad furniture saoved. pscksd ready tor shipping and shipped: all work guuranieeo; isnre, s-stnrr. nnrt nrsprsog j warenula . f "rgtvragg. 0 f flee Jstt fir . C M. OLSKX. I' 647. O. O. PIC8L offlee 88 Plrst at., between Star end Oak star phone 693; pianos snd raraj. tare movea ana psrvea tor snipping; eoss. , anedlone , fireproof . brick wsrshouss. . Prout snd Clay sts, . TBAJI8FEB AND XATJUXS, OREGON TRANSPER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Msla as. Heavy naming ana gtorsge. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 800H WsAh- lugtos or, - raone sis is vex - TTPEwTUTEBB. prOBT TTPEWBITEB HEADqCABTEBS . . , sisrs street. ' - - Ws rent, repair, aell. .sxrbanae tynewrltera. An sspniies for all macJUnes. gtaadard mschlnea 82S snd nn ta 8100.' Do row want a stenographer or typist 1 we bare iit of-good applicants. w A-nuoa- Jalacst ana UNDERWOOD YI8IBLR TYPEWRITER,' agsacp st 00 Front St.. phoae Red lnsi - : TOWEL STTPLT. Toive DAILY Comb, brash. Boss, (1 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply Co., Ponrth snd Coach. Phone 429. - , WAXLPAPZB. MOBGAN WALLPAPER CO., 1S4-1& Seoqnd at., bet, Yamhill aad Taylor. Portlsad. ' nXAJfCLAL. OBTBOBI BAIT TMAVCTJJOO BAJJTB CauUBbsr at . Commerce Building, TWrd sal ' j., Sfrk Btresta. ..',.., -s - Head Oftlce, 55 Old Bread Street, TymdnwT Tnis nans rrauescts a general banking boat. Pleas. Baked loans, dtaeonnta hills swd laanea letters of credit available for travelers aad for the purchase of merchandise In any city nf the world. Deals In foreign snd domestic sxehaajra. Interest paid oa all time deposits. I . , - W. A. MACRAE. Ms sag sr. Sxoustrrr batevos tbitjst co se jasrrlsoa St., Portland. Or. -' ' Transects s Gsnsrsl Banking Business. 8ATTN08 DEPABTMENT. Interest A1 lowed on Time snd Savtnae Dspoeita. Acta ss Trnstee for Eststes. Drafta and letters nf credit a rails bis la all parts . P. ADAMS. ...., ......President - A. I RW1H First rics-Pnuriden A. I. MIMS ...Second Ylos-Prealdest B. O. JCBITZ. .....Seeretary ; UNITED BTATTSJ WATtOWAI. BASIX, ' OF POBT7.A WT. OSEOOW. . V0BTHWE8T COS. THIRD AND 0AX ATS. Aiananexs n ttsnerni jtsnsmg llliainsagi DBAFTS ISSUED Available la all cities ef the I'nlted Otgtee and . aurope iiong asng ssd auaus. , COLLECTIONS HADE ON FAT0BABLS rEBMS, President. ...."ZTTT-J. 0L AINSWOBTTI Vlce-1'restdet.t ..W. R. AVER ' Cteht-r B. W. SiTTMEKnt 1 Asalatsat Csahler... A. M. WBIGHT MEaCjUATTtV BTATTOBJAEj BAatlK, PORTLAND. OREGON. PRANn WAT80N President B. L. lilJRHAM .Vice-President W. HOVT Csahlev GEOROR W. HOYT Assistant Caahlse Traaesota a Osneral Bsnkine stualaessi Drafts. aad letters nf credit leaned arailablg to sii psrts ot tne world. Collections a epedelty. Gold dust bought. - sBTA'sYAXTOoTAX) WABTK - T Of Portland. 0. v Deal gns ted Denoaltorv snd Financial Ageat of the United Statsa. frealdent....'. ..A. Ta MILLS Csahler i. W, NBWKIRK ' Aasl.tant Cashier W. C ALVORrt Second Aaaistant Caahter... . . .B. P. BTEVENR Letters ef credit leenesl avsllable la Europe - snd tne Hsatern Btatee. s Stsht Ercbanre snd Teleeraohls Trsnsfera sold on Nsw York, Boston, Chicago. St. Lonls. i, St. PsnL Omaha, San Prssclsce and the'.;, pylnclnnl points la the Northwest. airnr sna tirne nine srswn in asms to nut : 1 London. Psrts. Berlin. Franltfort-on-the Main. ' Hone Kone. Yokohama. Conenhseesu Cbrwrtanls. Stockholm. . 8L Petersburg. Mos cow. Enrich. Hrmoluln. Collections, msde oa favorsbla terms.- . ADD m TTI.T01g. MAWJCBBB, (Eatabllahed in IDAO.I ' ' Transsctg a Gsasral 'Banking Business. Collections msde st sll points on favorable - terms. Letters of credit leaned svsllshls la . Enrntie gnd sll points In the I'nlted Mutes. sisht Fxensnee gno Teregrspble Trsnsfera sold oa New . York, Washington. Chicago, Bt. Iwte. Denver. Orasbs. Sen Francisco snd S'-n. ein fr.ipin v:'nn"C -T7r. cxr.t-T airnan(ff sola on inwn, i rr, nerilSL Praskfort. Hong . Kong, . Vokobsms. Maglla so4 Honoliila. ., BfOBNiIB BB.OS. ft CMBIBTEBTSBsT. Offsr pllr-sdge Inveatmssts r Manielpsi. ai - - Bauroag Bonds, writs er ogl... -WtH f tret St., Portlsad, bregea. MOPTOAOK LOANS . : On Portland Real Ratsre at Lowest katsa. Titles Insured. Ahetrarta Furnl.hed. tttlb ouababtbb ft tbubt; ca Bseaj 4. Lbamber sf Commerce, -j , -Tw-, I. -..' V