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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
, ;The on-uuN daiiy juknaw cr'. , a-Ii. J, , IU. 1 1 CAAA4 - )so) i . :::::: . .iws of AVER HILL GEE. . ii3E CUECIiS VC3K il cauTT coax nomn to m noaxo to otnurom , , rzmcnovm 'mm i- worn rmnciT"TO aa masvion aobv, "W ar rather depressed' over the recent fir on th vein In th Beavr Hlil al mine In our oounty." Mid A. ' C , , . , -r, . , w ii M..IVUWUI 1 pviiwuip nuy. jwwir J, .1 . ZVll.L J..7.Zt tA C. . Ray went to u Franolaoo nay. nut nonrgtlomniomwtto4,.th hi--hPO,w c. ouk M. Hiy. ure to sot th mine In working eoodi- I -oa again aoon. . I waa told by one of ta mine foramen that th management lad turned watar Into th lower level with th -purpoea of letting It rise to th point at which tha Tela la oa fir. After the. water Is permitted stand Up to, thla level for period It will be pumped out. and Manager Chandler; la providing far tola latter work already by Increasing the pumping capacity at tha mine. A pump baa been ordered for Immediate delivery. , " .'. ,. "Som of the noal mlaera who war employed at tha Bearer Hill have de parted or Ban Francisco, but will re turn when work la resumed. Everything Indicate early reeumptioa . Of mine operation. .U.'- ..':...' ". S. Samuels, who is one ft the man- . a fere for th J. D. Sprecklee and Bros. , Co.. - made an extended visit to tha - property recently,-and -said that tha ownera ware wtll aattaflad with their proepecta. -The Breaawaer, aieamenip. rut on thf Una. jf orJtne. eotjipany,. la aa- aured good cargoes . going ana wraum -whan work If steady at tha mine, and Ur. Samuels aaid - that th company would devote much time and money to onMMfnanta at . Marahneld and the nine. -: 11 "-.' ;. . 3 TRANSMISSION J)F AIR HOT GENERAL Tta of aomnraaaed air aa motlra enerrv ' In mines of thia atate where transmission la lons'feeema to be on the wane. The Insurmountable difficulty of iHnamittms jMMnnreased air any Hiate- : flat distance without eertous loss from friction, la rtvlna; eiectricai tranamis ' alon first nlaee. At the BaUler-Klkhorn mine, la Baker county, air waa-eeni from the -eomareeeor planton- Pine r creek a futt mUe up stream to the mill, where U waa used for pumping and hoisting. An electrle Una has replaced thla method.' At tha Oregon Beeurltiea mine, Lane county, air la aent from the compressor In tha mlU 1.000 feet to the ' mouth f -the tunnel, and t50 feet to the face of the tunnel. By the time that thla : tunnel is completed the air will b aent bout 1,400 feci for tha drill In tha face. For tha WOrK inienaea ax in nnnis maa mill, electrlo llnee win be extended and lndivldaul compressors placed t each mlna At tha North Pol whan tha com - pressor la running air will be sent more than a.woo raer t n ". K,, tlM imniMunf la at the DOftAl Of the main tunneL r-;' ,'.- . r"rnniinu ir i ''a', a ihi? UCKtUKI YALUCo AKC EASILY DETERMINED ," . Aseaylng for mereary value preaenta problem not encountered when de termining gold, silver or copper valueat Tet . when , mercury ores are being analysed In tha latest manner, ther la : llttl labor Involved In. tha process. - At tha Black Butta mine. Lane county. Manager Oennia usea what la termed the dlatlllatlon-amalgamatloa process. A email quantity of the finely groiyid Sulp la plaoed la a porcelain crucible and eated moderately. Mercury volatilises readily, and la as easily precipitated.- A mall concaved gold plata la plaoed over tha top of tha crucible, rittlng down tightly, and la the concave portion la put a little cold water.) Tha gaalf led mineral ascend uatu It comae in con - tact with the oold gold plat. Tha cold : preeipltatea tt. . Mercury baa such ready affinity for gold that H adheres to th plata. Wbea tha heating process has continued a -sufficient time to vaporise all of tha mercury, tha gold plate la re moved. -. washed carefully, and v then ' weighed, t The difference In Ita walght before and after tha proeeaa ahowa tha amount of mercury la tha or tested. , BOHEMIAXLaImS ARE BEING CONSOLIDATED ' . tfMslsl tMspateh .ta The lnal, Cottage Orova. Or., Nov, 1. The Four Vontes group In the Bohemia district, awned by A. P. ChurehllL baa been opened )r 111 feet of . tunnel and sur face outs. Three strong veins parallel each -other across this property and tha res are both concentrating and free milling. Mr. Churchill la arranging for tha incorporation of tha group to secure - funds for running long crosscut tun -fl from th mUlslte on Falrvtaw areek to tap at great depth all tbeae ledges. . The Big Four group, a mUe lower down tha - canyon and also owned, by Mr. Churchill, will be Included la the corporation. Mora than tha usual amount of development iaa been don M th Big Four this sake son and the volume of ore and values hav Increased materially. , Work Is Steady on thla property. ' gMrlla oa4y Ce., ChUaja e M.Y. KS "I wtof s ef lae4 feei44aa whlek flM e e aseany iS ! JLP!S 4o7" "S-Wblije stlaat. At foil ef rlaislM n4 kluk- t wtiaalas tke ef hai so 4 raaomaMeatnt ,.a ta sir frlsada. 1 faal Sa wkaa 1 rlM ia Xk Komi.. )fp M kee skaaae i rmia CWTs tt .WW, N EU Sia Kesrsrt. il. t. " '"' x. Nnw- J nz mines z SELLS ALL POWER, MUST GET MORE 4 00X90B TZAKT TO MM VWXJMMB to ; kou i. nil .tbuxji : m TKXniWt ' OAPAOTTT TO ''KB na bsxastos or tin -tros- ' 'All of the power generated by ths Condor plant dm boon contracted (or al ready and the work of Increasing Its with hla brother. Col. Frank H. who la president of tha epmpany, and Construction Engineer J. D. Alaop la in the east, where ba will be met by the president of the company later to per fect plana under eonaiderauon. The dam of tha Condor company and diveralon canal is on a seals capable of utilising tha entire lUigue river, but when tha work waa nrst finished Man ager Ray put la turblnea to generate but too horse power, only a snort time waa required to contract for thla output In th lighting of adjacent town and fur nlsblng power. Tha Opp baa contracted for sufficient p6wr to run a 10-stamp milt aW It la rumored that tha Abble J. Chamolln dredger, having a steam plant of tie horsepowsr will probably use eictiiolty. Contract ' have been made for llghUng Med ford, and It la be lieved that tha Jacksonville council wtll bay power (or light Polo line are orolected for Ashland and Grant Fas. Contracts have been entered Into for several smaller- ntsrprlss; and some farmers are aal-to-have-rranged for electrlo power to do pumping In their irrigation work. This la the particular field that Manager Bar Intends to de- VaiOD. . When tha enlargement of the plant la completed It will be capable ( furnish ing from l.sOf to 1.000 horse power. The river at thla point, it la eetimaiea. can furnish 1.00a to 10.0t borae power in ItheJI feet drop given by tha big dam In low water season. , . ... , : . ... . . HANYiDRIFTS ON THE - SWEEPSTAKE LEDGES , -.; - -" ' ' Cloeetal Msaeteh tsrTliro6rel) ' ' Cottag Orova, Or.. -Nov. .1. fl. Brand, owner of th Sweepstake group of eight claim on tha south elope of Elephant mountain Slat Bohemia dlatrlca, has dona oontlnuoua work on hla hold ing thla, summer and opened , several ledges carrying ore. Tha main crosscut tunnel Is In 100 feat Drifting east on tha ledge from this crosscut has prop greased over 400 feet and tha vein at th face of the drift la 1 feet wide, ail quarts. From this point a north cross cut is being run. to.cui a parauai ledge, Thla funnel la 100 feet long. Tha west drift from tha main crosscut on the vein has been driven SO feet, all In milling ore. Another ledge s little lower down tha slope baa been opened by 100-foot tunnel and shows 10 feet f ore. Nina ledges cross tain group and aU have Shown good values for the development dona. . Work will go for- UTZOATS OTU VAIUaTCM. - ' Llttgation baa .commenced u Baker county over tha old tailings dump of tha Virtue mine, or uch part of It as waa affected by soma kind of an agreement entered Into with , B. D. Owen, , at tha Cyclone, adjoining. Mr. Owen com Uenoed to remove a portion of tha tail ings, which are aald to have run Into shipping values, when the Virtue presi dent said that further work must cease until tha amount agreed upon for the entire lot had been-. paid. .The question has gone Into the eourta, where It will ba decided, t Nb statement 1 made by thoae lntereatea whether thla Issue will affect the wdrk- begun by the Messrs. Davlea, who were said to have' obtained a franchise to cyanide tha entire Vlrtuo tailing dump. ; . - ; 'i : i: ' - .-. . botaXi nvKWBtrnpr. ! (poal WspateS The Jseraal.) - f "Cottage' fQrvr, Or, Nov.. 1. Alec Lund burg, one of the owners of the Royal Flush group, Bohemia .district, says that thla season's work nag put th property In excellent condition, Th group la located on th south spur of Mont Bioo ridge, Tha ledg la strong and' can ba traced for over two miles. Tha main adit la la 100 feet and a crosscut at th face of tha drift show 10 feet of quarts, Tha Ruby crosscut la la 100 feet and will reach tha ledge la about 00 feet, tapping tha vein about 100 feet from tha main tunneL A good wagott road on an assy grade will be built to. this property next aeaaon from tha stage route Into camp. . .. XnOAVUM BOOsI TAXVata. . (Ipaclal IMspetch te Tk loaraaL) ' Cottage Orova, Or, Nov. 1 John Wig re r says that on hla Eugene claim In Bohemia-the main adit la in ft feet on the vela and nearly tha full face of the drift Is In quarts. Several Inches of blue, gray and red Jasper havO appeared next to the hanging walL This Is th only property la camp that abows jas per In quantity.. -Old miner say that las per frequently occurs with falgh val ues. Specimens have bean sent to Fort land for analysis. . Thia group Is located about n quarter of a mile northwest of Martin Bprlnf8at thba of .jA.dami mountain, - ' . - - ,. ooivuoa nxwnvMrn ooaTraa. 1 L-? " -' : (Joamsl gpscui ga-rles.) ! DeS Molnee, Ia, Nov. L The associa tion ef land grant college of tha United States began a three days' conference In Pes ' Moines today. Nearly two score Institution located in all parts of the country-are represented. ' Among the subjects scheduled for dis cussion ar the expansion of tha field of the agricultural college, the length of courses, the extent to which -elective should govern, tha Influence of football nd other sport oa study, the co-opera-, lion of aeoondary schools with ooUega ia booettng the - preparatory require ments for graduation and degrees. - WOBat FOB "POB0O QVAB. 'Washington. D. C fov. lThe vol unteer "poison squad," whloh Chemist Wiley tf the department of agriculture has been using In experiments to deter-, mine the effect on th human system of food preserves, et& today entered upon t0lr work for th third year. There are It men, all employes of tha department, who aubaerlbe to strict diet rules, frr. Wiley says that while the test mad by mean of th an'uad may be concluded at tha and of the present term, it la pos sible) Ibex saaji. intend fet Moihae jaax, I PORTLAND THATI 1 f ' xa CBSAT. ' It la to rave. " For the nrst time thla aeaaon - the Marauam Grand waa filled to Ita caoac Ity last night for the opening of, Frank YlJ,Z7. .nrf hla a-. ,M. h. rrhV Office Boy. a musical adaptation f uerman iaroa, in wnjca uanieis sivra precisely the same uproarious perform ance that ha has given for 10 years or mora, and In which, tha other members of his splendid organisation aoqult them selves In a manner that pleases from toe nails to toupe. nee. It demohatreted that Portland haa not loat ita. appreciation of really . do- erlng , attractions, as aoma recent events would lea4 ua to believe, It waa a larger audlenoe than Kyn Beiiew, San Tor" or "The Burgomaster" drew. It was a rare delight to find ovary seat In th bouse occupied, and. Doner ami. every Inch of seating capacity sold for tonluhL. ;" 1 Daniels cornea back ta us with a fine vehicle, a 70-borse power automobile of musical co mad v.. Harry B. Smith and LAidwla nalander have furnished noth- tnf better. ' "'he Of tie Boy" doesn't give on much to think about, it la true. What it story la nobody on this earth will ever know It hide itseir so enoo tlvalr. Tha nlot nlars hide and seek. and wa seek, but do not find. Wbc cares T A oomto opera wUb a plot would fail. It would ba uou a darlug. daasllng thine. ---i . Much of tha comedy, undoubtedly, waa written by .Daniels, The book naa au tha earmarks of a colng-over by that comedian. - But tha pretty muslo some times beautiful muslo was mad by no performer. There la a passage In the finale of the first act that would do credit to Sullivan or Flenquett. And ther arc solos which simply thrill th soul of a music lover. This M as briefly as Its beautlee can be described. - , . Daniels hlmsalf Is, a-h hag been Inoe tha first day be became prom inent, always funny, but never new. .It seems that ha must have aoma particu lar pieceof "business- to use through out th show. " Thin seaaon ItT la I clamor for a stolen watch tha aame stuff fas did In 'tattle Puck" before musical comedy was aver thought of. Likewise, ha must have aa opportunity for osculation with most of the girls la tha company; which ba Improves In "The Office Boy." It seems absolutely Essen tial to his happiness to spring n catch Una every four minutes, This year h haa two of them. One refer to a pair of pants, tha other taan Illuminated countenance. But always funny Is Daniels, i When ha says "la my face redf" th 'house laughs. ; And Daniels muat always hava an explosive intro duction to tha oast Last season ha waa blown out of an automobile- In this latest offering , he la blown onto the stage from a burglarised safe, " The great musical treat of the bight was Saili Fisher, the prims, donna, -who possessee the only real operatlo voice heard on th Marauam'"- stage thla eeajtmT' perhaps In several sins ajuv A sweeter, mor fascinating soprano does pot exist In comic opera. Hera la a young girl with a remarkable story of suocess behind her and a brilliant future In immediate prospect. Less than Ave year ago aha made her first appearance on tha stag In Salt Lex City, - her home, at the head of aa amateur opera eomnanv. It waa One Of " those old- timers. Mascot," "Patience" or "Chlmeal of Normandy." Her father waa proprietor- of -the .Walker -house, once a famnns western hotel, and after eonsld- erable persuasion he acquiesced in th girl's desire to becom a professional She has Improved her time en the otag to far batter advantage man nia uuiu Russell or any other of our great stare. -Mora luck to yoarsaiiis risnsri may all America revel In yseur voice as Port land did last night. Clara Bella Jerome, once with Arthur Dunn In "The Runaway airl and later with Francis Wilson In Tha Toreador." Is with Daniels. A more grateful bit Of humanity wa rarely sea. It Is keenly delightful to watch-her dance, always from th waist down and never with an effort, -- ; ' ' ' -' ' Of course, the company Is excellent throughout -Daniel la on star who does not surround himself with Incom petents. The chorus conducts Itself with tha expected daah of euca pro duction and the concerted numbers are beautifully rendered. Tha greatest ap plause of the night greeted Daniels In hla "I'm On tha Water Wagon Now," but funny as is the song, the greatness of tha scorn if 4v Its more ambitious oper atic numbers. . . . . And the funniest thing elVthe evening wae the star's curtain speech. It Is a pity that The Office Boy" does not remain a week, ll ,r ' ' RACE) WHTTNXT, - TJT atmOXTBA" aFFSUIOIATBl. . Notwithstanding th heavy opposition down-town,, the Columbia theatre bog offloa sold every seat In tha house again last night for "In Mlssoura," There U no queetion aa to tha Remarkable suc cess of the production of this play- by ar local favoritee. Mr. Bauma and Kiss Coontls. sine th opening, have received not leaa than 00 letters from admirers ' In . Portland, expressing appreciation of their respec tive performances. . It Is not unusual for people In the audience to write to players In a complimentary way, but for tha second day of a bill the number of laurels bestowed upon these two players Is nnparalleled. - ' la the batch of mall addressed to th leading woman, one letter came from an old theatrical manager who happened to be visiting the city- and who had never seen her' act before Ha aald: . "1 hav watched 'In Mlssoura lnc It was writ tan nnaalblr IS times. I bav seen Mr. Ooodwin play It repeatedly and have Been U performed innumerame times oy we beet stock companies In the east But permit ma to say that I have never enjoyed a rendition of 'Lisbeth ae heart' II y as I did last night . I do not say this In a spirit of flattery, but because J.JlUeYereal art deserve recognition.'; . . ' - .. ( "TaOl OOVaTTT CXAIJUtaJr." . No on will say that Oeorga Ada haa failed to hold the mirror up to nature In 'The County Chalrmank" hla remark ably -successful play which? Henry W. Bavaga offers At ths Marquam Grand theatre tomorrow (Wednesday), Thura day and Friday nights and Saturday matin (only). "Th County Chair man" Is j.usually called a "quaint", comedy, but It Is much mor than that It Is a comedy of real life the health ful. American life of the middle western Village. , .,i.,.' - - - '. Aooordlng to fh Kw- Tork World "Th County Chairman' is th laughing hit of th yr." - It ran for 111 per formance at Wallack'a theatre In New Tork hut aeaaon and for lit perform ances In Chicago, Seats are now seUing. Bzxjb rs ooob. , Frosn - Overture to blogreph pictures the program at tha Baker thla week Is of ths kind that gives a vaudeville house a reputation. One good act followa an other until the oonoludlng feature la reached., and at least on Cthem novel. '- .- "Th Great Blgney," a ha Is billed, dive Into a large glas tank, filled with water, and while completely submerged at, drinks and smokss, with every sppatraao pX tburoughl anjozlng, him T ..if ' Th. man at amohlbl a t sald'-br thk management to be .. ... r person that aver uccsafuJy d.a if the Brooklyn bridge. It la announced that Thursday afternoon he will dive from the topmost point of tha Morrl ", g-soenes- of -tha Russo-Japanese war with marvelous sccuracy aa to detail. Neither aids Is favored In these pictures, which are aald to hav been taken on the field of battle. The - other feature Include MoLean andVJaack. In a comedy sketch entitled "The Burglar;" Mabel Baldwin, soprano soloist; Duraot and - Baldwin., in an original Chine musical act; Raymond O. Baldwin, a baritone, n the Illustrated eong. ''Down on th Farm MoCune and Grant, comic horizontal bar performers; Mme. and Slgnor BolU. operatic stager, and Pete . Baker, aharactar artist and singer. ..i ". '" . .OBiiriUrBOvn ormrvo). There Is a variety vf good things ct the Star thla week, and they appeal to every lover of vaudeville. - it ta one of those , bills - which ' attracts ' crowded houses to every performance and - the house at the five show given yesterday waa literally packed to tha doors; Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Burch ara billed as the top-llnsrs, and while they ara Uie olr rest kind of performer aa Ulualohlsts, every other turn on tha bill Is of Just aa hlgh'a standard In Its own particular way. Burch piaoea hla wife in a tranoo and she reclines, on a oouon. At tha wave of the .directors hand bar ' body ascends and rests' apparently- Unsup ported about four feet from the original resting place. Mr. Burch passes a boop around his wife's body and It does not meet any obstruction, Harry Boyd in a black-faced mono logue Is Irresistibly -funny and convulses the audience d vying the entire tlmo h Im on th tag. r, .. . k!.ff mA Ulllaa-, aaa . m.fct -'SaMAMta f and do a funny buriaaqua boxing bout lata . Bockwou. nppoan to advantage in a spectacular dance... Will Hoyt la In areat Voloe and alnga tha Uluatrated song, ""I'h) MssrOutaldav'Ltoadvantasje. Jumping Da onso u a Crever acrobat and bis barrel Jumping stunt Is new and Interesting. . . Th projectoscopa shows som good picture. .1 ' M I F OTiSsl AT 0 SXJOV. Roscoe. th hypnotist . with bin part nr.. Ethel Fosdlck. occupy the place of honor on-.the BUou'a bill: this. week. He Is a clover mind reader" and fully demonstrated this. when ha sot n com mute from tha audience to eeleot a word from a novel and then bid the book and a pin la tha audience. Taking one of the committee by the left hand ha rushes through th audience to tha exact spot where tha pin and book ara concealed and takes thorn back to th stage.- Then he opens tha book at tha correct page, sticks th pi n th word sslected by tha committee, spells It and tells la what letter tha pin is Inserted. He hypnotises bin partner and - then stretches 'her between ' two halra and allow a heavy, man to atand ' on the frail' girl's body.- Tomorrow Roaooo will give a mind -reading teat; driving blindfolded through tha city's streets. Pearl Grayson la; a naw Uluatrated ong singer and aha makea good- Kel ey Moore doea some clever work on th lack wire, jjsrome and Lament appear. In a mualoal act ; Newman as Happy Hooligan Is tunny, and jwa moving pic tures are good.- - : - ' aoxxma ajui oo9. . ' Bully and Phelps, who appear leat on tha Arcade a program, ara not ma poor eat entertaloers because of thin fact Indeed, thy ar tha best feature on the bill and put up about as funny a stunt as has been offered by the old vaude- f vlUe house. Their boxing act is as funny aa can be. - ' Tha pictures of tha Russian soldlars end th scsnee In camp where there Is always snow, that are produoed on the bioscope, ar intensely Interesting and Instructive as wU, Th beat -about thorn la that they are. the real thing and are not made from any scenes ex cept those In Manohuria. Clifford and Smith are rapid comedians .ard wit their boxing stunt perform eleverty. t George vana made a bit with hla black-faced monologue, and Kate Coylo retalna tha merited popularity aha haa won with her illustrated songs. Tha bill altogether Is remarkably good end attracta the big crowd that always goes to tha Arcade. ; AJTXlfATBO BOZAS AJtB OOOS. Ran and th two Zolas are th big feature of the clever blU this week at the Lyric, - Their act la of tha unusual kind and It pleases from tha very be ginning. It Is called th "Animated Dolls." Zeno cornea on th stage and finds two big boxea there, these h un covers and taken out two' dolla. Ua presses a series of .buttons .and the dolls sing and dance antli at last tha mechanism runs down, - . Devinne and Delmaa are clever and their duo provokes any amount of fun. As ths original "vest" man Devinne de livers tha goods. Hedendorf and Krause, repreaentlng tha lean and fat Duiohmen In comedy, are as good as local vaude ville can offer. Tha bill la tha kind that tha Lyrto always offer and la of th very best that haa been seen ia this city. Th usual crowd was there and showed its appreciation by frequent encore. k-xjra'' XXABT OF OnTZOAK." Commencing Thursday night Cordrey's will offer for a brief engagement th modern wonder of the world from a dramatic standpoint Lincoln 3. Carter's masterpiece, "The Heart of Chicago." Of all th many great achlevementa of Mr. Carter, who ta recognised as tha fore moot designer of spectacular melodrama on tha stage,' none approach In point of scenlo grandeur and sensationalism this wonderful play of Chicago from the time of tha great fire until th olos of tho Columbian exposition. - - -" Tn FATAl WatDDXYO." ' gut tlneg inor performances ef the great Cordrays offering, ,Th Fatal Wedding." remain. Its run at Cordrays will terminate tomorrow night . It has been decided to give aspeolal matinee tomorrow afternoon at whloh little Miss Ousel Shires, the youngest etar on the etage and th tdo of th American theatre-going public, will hold a publlo reception after tha performance la order that her -many admirers may have an opportunity of becoming personally ac quainted with her w. . t .. . A' Pleasanton Item in 'ths Dayton Herald asys that Wallace Shlpman "made a flying trlpp to Portland on hla wheel." Now, really, bis either Walter or his -wheel wings? -Didn't h rtdet Walter should buy an airship, , A StartUag Task, To save a Ufa, Dr. T. O. Merrltt. of No. Mehoopanr, Pa., mad a startling test resulting In a wonderful eure. He writes: "A patient waa attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcer- tlon of the stomach. . I had ' often found Electrlo Bitters -excellent .for acute stomach and liver troubles. So I ?reecrlbed them. The patient gained rom the first, and has not had an st uck In li months." Electrlo Bitters ar positively guaranteed for Dyspep- Constipation sna K.IU- ney troubles. Try them. Only 60 st the Red 4om Pharmacy, corner Sixth and Oak aureeta, oa tha way td th poaU pfflpa., - . 1 v ..;g- . :;" mr. - iva a.. . ' K"'f ' ( X f 'AnA 1 .J ' k-sasaaw wasxessBaBBBBBBBa g . . sj t saw .i'- Subscriber'sCou pomoLnquiry: -r To Tha Jotaiul. -Please stnd your representa tive, to ray address, as given below, to secure my order for- ONE C 0 1. 17 M B I A GRAPHOPHONE. etc.. and THE JOURNAL under the terms ot jour special otter: Name to.............. .r.. .Addresi ;V. . i 1Vt":V.V. ! By anangemait with i the Columbia Phonograph Compsny123 Seventh St, - !TK Tmienat la anaMa fn malra t-Wm avOrairrrniftr rfirr '.".' - .t V i "a atA, JWVUiUU Goiintcctl tot00MOM00OOOOOOOOOOOOt,OOOMMMtOO0000OOOM0000004At ' - -.- -" 1 -a J. . . Boston Painless Dentists Known th World Iovm,' ar th only dentists in Portland having the late bo- tanloal hlSrOVERT to aOTjlV to gums for EXTRACTING. FILLING snd FROWNINO TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. and guaranteed for TEN YKABS. .. gvarWaavlcw . alive rmiiura Qeld rulings ..f00 Pall Set Teeth Uuvt tt froaa. , . .5AO Oold Orowan .03.00 to 0-OO Bridge Work M-00 to is.M .................. OUR SUCCESS Is due to OUT PAIN 1.BS8 METHOD8. IjOW PRICES AND OOOD WORK DONS. BT SPECIALISTS In earn department. NO STUDENTS In th office. All work don PAINLESSLY by SPECIALISTS of long yaaraexpe Hence. Olv ue a call, and yon will And wa do Just -aa we aavarusa. . ' Bos toti Dental Parlors ruth aad prorrlson gtreeta, Imntraae Holmes College . Through the kindness of i the Y. M. C AH day and , night school is being held i as usual at the association building ' Fourth and . Yamhill streets, telephone Ialn fil3.,. - Buye a lot on the Peninsula on St Johne car 11ns; high, sightly, level; city water. streets graded! adjoining lots same else, without Improvements, selling for 1126; must be sold te close out estate, v Title perfect, abstract with each sal a Last chance to secure a lot tor H of Its true value, and ar as fine as any bo- ween Alblna and St Johns, r BROWN, 111 Stark St. opp. Library. PROF. H. A. ALB1N A penman and teacher of national rep utation. Is principal of tha. ( aCOXTSOatAat XaTgTlTUTJB, i ' ' a atOCTX STmnT, rbono md lrss. . romnvAaro, oa. L1.3. VaTimLCaV'S : pa kaaej aad Hv WlnlnaS aniinr-a vn.ll Trtainc I U saaues ft--a ohlirt, aoru ef Vntaafts fee enaW for o-rar nrty Tears. U soafaes s-e eaiin, eorwas tne n all Mia, eoras wind aolio, aad M tha gnsts, allan -. meaiarnuaa, taafT.nvn emrra a Mttljl ...ft..... Pre oe $35:;ASIliI - ODAI. Frt, Fertkaa, Oct OeetMnea-t bmby sahacrlbe ft In Deny as araaay learaei, ee wi fM by earrler. for period ef one year at the rate of efle par saoeta. in avastdcratloa ef which, ess xe. which f heresy pay for a 0poB tntttllng to ar rad. n are to rarnUh aie satlrely ft st the or tee of tke OelomKIa Pbesegnpl lOmpeay, Ke. US avaoth street, aoe regular 0T.6O Orapaepboae Iimbi pepaf y exsraajetarfas. from (aetary, eaeklag. etc.). fef my eaalser-e a-edermg U term ef thisnssarlptlaa. It Is screed rerfeerthat I sal e erl)e4 toeerehase ear rorthar raearer route .vi. - v I ik. jm mj mnw aniiaai Inline i bet it at afiV trsM aafl at ai v ewa option I da Manhaae SO adairloeal iseorda el the Poraaibla Paoo;rr Ossipasr st their snore addnee. aad ecaiplet this seoterlstlev ta uebiae taea inisiis au; exclusive property forever. BJXw j. ''." -. UaS .- ; '. , sagas " ,-.. ... Start paper (f)ets),.,,MMa-'ael n inawwifunniUMa .; .... r . . .. j-.,. h.r-- f-V --' ' S ' .. . r,, Solicitor I..,.,....,,,.. . .4. .... .., ar'-' . VsYMo ' ' KOTB. Te g. Tha Oatanbl PaaaelTiI Oowpany will .now eraeil ea any lame aiaetilBe to the aawoat ef 00-00 at any Msw aerlag th yser la exehaage tor ifaopboae at their erdee, Kc IIS BrVeeta etrart. . ,- (Manrhla aweol - N. -3riee ef aU tetarereear aa this- eeets eaah. : .. M ft.aft LWU JkV llainv WW ftafcaawaa.M ia J wa-a ft- to be a Pcrt O. GEE WQ The Qreat Chinese Doitor . r N le eeJled STete, cauee hlwendrfu ar f ao well known thToufhout the United fctatee, and beoaus se man people ara thankful to- him for saving their lives frees OPERATIONS F. treats any and "diseases. With owerful Chin .-tv. is si - take. Abb IWrOOJ, evae rT71 AW.a ao. enea.iBjel Mrs Vi, -ask. known to meaioal oolenoa In .this ooun ... .-a .v.., tha use of theaanartrt lees remedle. Tbw famous dootorknow the action of over 0 dlftwrenl I rjrmedlee thas ht naa rjuaflaaiiiuir aw - i -JL i jia oisease. ni u r. - : aat'jma. Ian trouble, rhanmatiam. ner- 1 . . ... a aaiAfta nt vouaneea, stomach, llvar. '""r". " male trouble and an private disease Rand rod of teetlmonials. Charge moderate Call and nlrs. ( ... . - tJOanrOXTATTOaT TmWTM. y Patients eot of the city wrlta tM blank and ircular. iaclOM stamp. Ad- THB C QEE WO CHINESE :i : MEDICINE CO. lit Alder street, Portland. On. , sf ca tion thla paper. ' ' voueneea. stomech. llvar, waneye. Tho principles uponwhiohTr70 produce print in(firo correct oe..unclian Gkiod printing today will be good printing tomorrow 5f forever F.W.BAT.TES Cc OOLIPiUTSr good pniiTTuno 1st &'Oak XaXain 165 On the Hattb of the Clackiaai . , open ALI4 this'Veah. GOOD BUNTING AND FISHING regular mrAU :; ,. . FIFTY CENTS v'-v ! O. W. P. trolley cara to Its door. ' For Special Luftcheona or I)ln . tiers, ' phone Mr. Uartlnes, man ager. J : WEINIIARD'S City Brewery . -' -v--:- . ;t , , -SVargeat and atoet Compute ' Srewery ta , ta. VerthWMt, .", Bottled Deer a Specialty nuretosra ,., ; 0o lata' and atarnsM Streets. . PORTLAND, OREGON. ' Vr fm Hotel Estacada f f Km ' a. M -a m - - . aa . W it--;- p -r . ..w;-ta ri-t -.(, play, and cntf your sub-, . 'r ; scnption at ones., ! :v.- liaailnl tOOOo0OOMaOSIOlSitS eeamet, a--HerUtore they were SO . , i ' i POBTLAKXV ..'fOO.a v'-' ":-i-'.' ir 1 '... ; a I ' v- J Or. W, Norton Davis. IN A WEEK w iDy an privet ' aa ase aoroajM aiaaaaaa ac aava, araa aajoa. vwaftam, jeasej sp a r niiAMg wiisswiia ssia tisiB jj isp vimviHSh WIM.M..1M..W aw a. w. " We sena fralaa, fee reMlt af alf ' s iKadlstaly. W era restore the eanel say Bta aadav IM fcr aieaa ef leaal I vteor trese. ant. peceaer ts sansivss. - . . . we vert cencrrnoea m t wee-y. ; Te Seetore ef tills tartltste are alt rscelet ndaatee. Save bsd aesy yser arperiea, eve saa ksewa ta Port Ian for it years, , Me a tevetatiM ts satlateta, aad wtll ar- - vT take sa ease ealeas eartala care ma be e -- , atcted. We gMraats te eercte very eaM w asdsr take ar etiaree Be fee. OUaaalt.rtna frea. Let. Wr eaBfleeatlaL IaatraetlTe SOOK roi IfaS - Btsne tree la bhis wrspear. - If yea saaiint rail at efflee. wrlm fet ttea Blank. Bess treetSMat aeesssfaL fl ee hear f a. as4 tea. - ., aeuday, 10 te is, - teadlag sewtsrlats Is (be Ifuiniaaas. i.t'l i . ; . Sstabllahe tats, ... - - . DltKortb DsyIs&Co." Sat sTor atoiel, . B. O rkard rta twt. ' . ' romTiVAjrs, ouaos. -' mm . ';CC7mtI.T! tAmriopcVf-Din, aw::;3iOTns Every .7cr.5a lrnvnrr boat tha waftdarfal , UXVtX wMriraf Spray w Vaeaf SiHft. Jnfp ewe1 aarffea. bast-llaf. -ea Moat Ooirrantent. , aOyaaea., aMt It t " snanly Mm) I a, . , aoi-.ii ne a.,tmr. taiaaa Maais fet Uiastrau boat natvat felt aartimilar and jl r v.iname to lartiaa, M A m aAi naame new sera, Per Sale Bv WOC"", ClftAxnj tKTTil J I "IV t i, I V. ' ins "N. ft.. . h ftftftftW lawftafcif . i n . '' t '" r " 1