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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
r 1.1:2 Divi'. 7- n xt --ve- -o, r ' sr i ( t i ws, t : .. Xr i -J U C-Sa t-a r. . ' '!T WT--l"-y. o. ' - , r - ' THE L2ADIt:a "iUAlir- ClSIt ; HOUCU Oil THIS - . ..,. Oartalas, BnptrtM, Immi aa 1 i .Mew West (UM4tm Aaaaa). e . , . 00 , s Voithweet Uala Immm, FIFTH, SIXTH AilDVAC:iIi:3TC: PODTLAND'SLARftES . , . - r. W t- vy , j- -. v -Y-'s': i .-11 ; Tat T .. '. f ft '.' ,':''r.v rM -rv 'WA Simal 4 11 it TREMENDOUS INTEREST, STARTS . i '. EOPLB have bithused ovpr; the idea and it contious. There are 500 helpers v here, all working like American beavers, bdpuvj Portland tol to celebrate the grand exposition of American products going on. It's like a small city celebrating the "Fourth." Thousands of American flags fairly dance with enthusiasm all over the store and Washington looks benignly oo. The spirit, has spread to other atores good. Nothing like good-natured-rivalry to see who can be the best Americans and do the best for one's fellow citizens. Ifa "American Week" all over, and American products are ex ploited as ic3efoferTWe'reTOUt forAmerica'a cupPublic Patronage. Here's a few . of the many good American reasons why we ought to have it this week fo' shuah." mm " " mam ANNUAL THANKSGIVTNO t---- SALE ' OF - - r: -;: LINENS v.. " - : An 0fnt oC"Amertcu 'Wek." i k . It Urn Oemnnr, FTiuhm, BUrtntn. England and Ireland to supply I4nna tor ' ; 'Ui American ' people'a- ThanaaglTtnc 1 stable. - The Rlchardaona of BUaat. lra :'M and. supply th bt throuirh thlaatnra. I JAM At) K. WUHTM UK 11,13. Bleached Damaak. 7J. inohea . wlda and extra - food - value at f 1.&0 ' the yard; apecia! Thnkwtvtna; and : American' 'Bala price, at. rard,;i. ........ ..1. 23 NAPKINS to knatch, dinner ! apeelai ThanksaivlneT ud American Bale . price , afc the dosen .....S3.88 . ' .BLEACHBD DAMASK WORTH It2 FOR $1,011. J ,'. -" Bleached Damask. 7J Inohea Wlda. regular ll.2e value; v special Thankeirlvlne; and American Bala price, the yard........... .................... .....,fl.OJt NAPKINS to match, dinner slsa; special Thankstlvlng and American Sale prloe, the dosen s..'f3.43 ' LtTNCH NAPKINS, regular I.H value; era special -W ThSnkiiglvIng and American. Bale, the dosen..,........,, .A.-,,.J1,,.M.....i..,....-i'.;. ; ''J" fTS ".' -"Vj a " I -' Ij-t,-) -.,y;wiWsiarusi bHW .i.ii,ryr-.- .V; i'w. VV'.;V V: x .? SsT. J.l'if 'i-TH?!'.. '73;-" , sjaBSBBBSssssi . i '."f"";.- ... V Drastic; Clearing; Sale of SerieaiilMi , t ; GAINS TEIiOCITT ' AND VOIiDMS AS IT BXXRK8. ' t' Crowd or eager bay era-hava nenented. new lota ara openea ' almost hourly for newcomers and tha sale goes on apace. ' Never such-valuea In milllBery before, never such erowda of bu y m. a. . "Tla a crowning event of I'.-r K t",-1 '-' AMljRICAN WEEK. U--.' '.";. . v --f A ..BVERT HAT IN .THE HQU8B IS HADICALLT REDUVKD. - "Lraet yOtt V forgets we remind again tojJar hat-THB SALE LASTS ALL WEEK. tW offW oil re tire mUllnery stock of all the nevaast ereatlona oona reeerred every bat lo th houaa goes at a.mnlfarm redtiotlon of on fourth 'ft all regular piioea. z-.. vV. v-yi-'- --'-.T' ; Te' tnake tha pace hotter atlt we will reduce apodal Iota ONE THIKD f ua'ONB UAir- on lormer iow pricea. Bcauenng mentions ; tOO Ready-to-Wear and Tailored Straad. Ready-to-Wear Hats, SaUqra, -Turv bena and drees shapes In all saw colors, nona less than 11.10 In value; - others tt.00 qualtttasf special, at . i . . ..08 " 100 Ready-to-Wear and Tailored Btraet Hats.' tn a big -variety of ahapea r . . very stylish, featheiv. pompon, breast, wing, ate trimmings; -vsluea to - ii.00. special ai ... ..4. ... ... - ..ii.4 S00 ' Trimmed and " Tailored '' Htta. , Turban , , and . - dress n , shapes, - blacks, browns, navya, reds and greens; values to 15.00, special ' at -1 ...f'.. " ,..... k y '''.?.. ........ aa.40 Special Bargains, at ...... ..........-...'...';. :..$3.4 and M.98 - Ixmk. tor the RED prices they nark a carnage of prtce-alashlng. 8PECAI lAna tie. Feather -Turbans, In Mack, white and grey; great -bargains at IMP; special th la week for .......; ...... S2.98 ' ' '. ' WEDNESDAY'S ' ,r. SALE OF Footwear; -'nitef - FliOOR. All the world Is carpeted In Amerl ' can 1 leather. - Skilled shoemakers form an endless chain "of benches from ' Portland,. He., to Portland,! i dr. New England leads In produc--. Won. Detroit, Mich., boasts tha . f uest medium price shoe, created by tha sons -of famoua old Oor. (To- ' tato Patch") Plngrta, makers of "the famous "Glorias" for- mea and wevnen Vogues," "Protection" and -Oovernors." ...3.50 t S.OO Bxoa Aamarw om wuiss. . ; dat nomaa.. .; SHOE' SECTION FIRST FLOOR. WOMEN'S l.t SLIPPERS, ft. 48. . . Women's dressy house Slippers. - patent oolt or vicl kid vampa, aalll-v ur .or Cuban heels neat round : toe, hand turned soles, 1 Strap; regular 11.10 Talus. BpecUr , . American Sale price, pair .fl.48 ai.TSTOR WOMEN'S "JU14- v ETTES. kJRTH l.0 , Woman's house Jullettee la full kid , uppers, hand- turned soles and neat round toes rery choice selection s. of stock; regular U to value. , Special American Sale pries, palr t.f .. t . . ? 81TB $1.48 FOR OLD LADIES' fl.ll j UJ.?i,iy-- SHOES, v. V-t". Old Ladles' "Solid Comfort" Shoes'. la congress or lac ' styles, , hand ' ' turned solee, soft kid uppers; regit ' . lar 1 1.7 1 values.. Special Amerloan - Bala piioa, pair .....i ... 81.48 WOMEN'S II.00 SHOES FOR '. , vv-raituw Women's Dress Saoea,- very flna, tn . . choico new lasts. Terr latest toes, military, Cuban and French heels. i" ' . verr dressy toes' and matt tops; regular- $1.00 Talus. Special - America Bale prlca pair, , , $3.48 MISSES'; ANDr' CHILDREN'S U :' X " SHOES. .1:' ;. '. v '. Misses' sad ChUdran'a ' Shoes of bos calf, for winter and school , wear. ' very . plump . uppers, heavy soles and round toes. ' . -:s - . filsea f to ; regular tl-II; Special American Bale price, pair- ,.98) Slses iW-to 11; reguUr. tl.iO. , 'Special Amerloan Sals' price. --' pair i-wi" ... ..............81.18 ' Slses 11H to i; regular. 11.09. ' - Special American Sals price. -' pair ....' . .jg ..... ...$18 ,"'..,.''. ' ' . i--:'OTffH08&'-d' " - , Boys ' Winter Shoea, ' made of box calf or Ttcl kid. with doubts eaten sloa soles, full round toes, extra . 7 plump stock throughout. '-Slses 11 t? IS, "Lltus Oents:" rsg cular fl.TI value. Special Amerieenx Bale price, pair .... ... . 81.28 Slses 1SH toS. youths': regular 11.00 valae Special American -, Sale - prloe, pair M. .....81.48 . Slses SH to boys; regular e sa a.:.!..- g.uu.l.a. lauoijtaai SaV. 0 V Wit UaV DiavtaM JTOWIlvaH Sals pries ... .......... 81T8 SHOES ' WOMEN'S FOR 11.00 ':V-Vv::ft.T8vv'vr Neat Street Shoes, also fine kid Dress Shoes.- very newest toea, patent ' tips . and - military heeta, choico'' kid tippers; ' regular St.00 ' TsJuSk ' Special American Sale L price, pair ... '..fl.T8 98 FOR HOUSE "COMFORTS J , ' , , -WORTH M.! Women's '- Houaa ' Comforts, v with blank or rod felt, uppers, fur trim mod; reguiartl.l0 value. Special - American Sals price, pair ....88d $4.95for$6.50 ;tdr$l(X00;edestrianfSki ' : a SALE OF 4mm - - 1 - v. . j I American ; a. SPECIAL WEDNESDAY ONLY rts f Taflored Walking Skirts I : ' v iv J-"' (Gremd'.StWBsVSecond -FloorO; ..' ,VV-V," r :f - STURDY' AND TRIM AS AMERICAN WOMEN. ; ' ICH-DIEN IiervTiff pp'roprlate German motto makes for these 8mart,Hrig Skirts. They SERVE X for so many and such -varied occasions walking, shopping, tramping, business; are ideal wear for the teacher, in the school X roonvthe shop girl in store or factory or the housewife.! One X worn with a ii-uclid skirt makes an ideal house dressjaunty and . effective- As . ready for the prose , of city; streets, as the poetry of country tramps. ' They are in the new round walking lengths COMFORTS -Are fashionably made from the season's smarrest piain na mixea surangs 01 iiiu xomorrows price marks ; SPECIAL ECONOMY. - Panama . cloths, homespuns, cheviots and neat fancy worsteds. Navy and black in plain and all popular mixtures.- - Values included . are ; $8.50, $7.50, $8JS0 and $10. . Come early and pick ; $iio.oo;siTfFbB: '.Y v- ' ."'.. -linen bets. . -'.; .: .'. -. Table Cloths,s slses 2x1 yards, with one dosen Dinner Napkins to match;', eneelal - Thanksgiving and American Bale pries, set ......r.$ iJ54 Table Cloth, slsa 2x2H ysrds. with one dosen Dinner Napkins to. match; special iTbanksglving .and Amerloaa Bale price, -sat ...... .-r. .... '.'. ...... .... .6.75 Table Cloth, slsa 2x1 yards, with .one dosen Dinner Napkins to match; speeUl Thanksgiving and American Bale price, set .'.... iv....r...,......8T40 Separata Cloth, slsa 2x2 yards; special Thanksgiving and American. Sale price. each .... . i .......... , , . , , m f q Separata Cloth, else 2x2 yards; special Thanksgiving and American Bale price. each ,..- .... 44..... .v.. ."r.";,; r .'i7vy;"jj ; i. . . Separate Cloth, slse 2xJ yards; special Thanksgtvlnr- and American Bale price. sah ...... ..4... 94.C.S Tray Cloths. Tea Cloths. Lunch Cloths, Sideboard Scarfs, Dollies, All' at Special . Thanksgiving and American Sale Prices. , . . 12HS for Cotton Suitings Worth 1 So Dark mixed otton JSultlngs; regular 15o yalue; special American Sals pries, yard ......,....12H 10 For 12 Ho Flannelettes A large assortmetit of American-made ' Flannel ettes; regular lfieo value; special Amerlcaa Sals price, yard ,v........;10d Wool Walstlngs Au tha latest designs In fancy wool jBjiUlnga,- American made; special American Sale Prices, yard.. ......... j........-.. eoV 75 85 HaU Wool Fabrics Vol Cvepe-and Buprf1ne Voile. Inches wlda. have tha touch, flnfsh, luster and draping qualities of .costly fabrica at popular prices. Also Danish and Poplar Cloth, (a inches wide. - We nv ' splendid'aasortment ,. of, colors In both .these lines; special- American Sale prjee, the yard......25 Tlte- WORtD'S BEST -- SEWING MACHINES r Are' made In "Bridgeport, Conn., and Orange, Mass., V. S. A. They're shipped all over the known worldand a few to Chelsea. - A SPECIAL SALS THIS AMERICAN : , WEEK. FourthFlooa -Xl- 'f.'.i Schbblbte for Award fori ' Panama Canal T ' Aa ', smlnsnUy American , sduca- -Htlooal. feature. Have 'you Master I and. Ml as sent-ln your composition i yet T There's Xmas monay In tC : K The Vote at 5:00 P. M. ' Yesterday. Stood . High School Hkrrison School ... . . . Portland Academy .... . rmrwt senwt ' ... - . ... Atkinson School ... .. WUUams-Avenua School Falling ' 8chool,..'. Holladay School ... ,' Sunnyslds School ...'... " Total ..Votes .....7.8t .....s.i1t' .....12.214 -...1.10 ; .rrr. 22.071 .....17,211 .....17.101 .....154.801 ' jAaHJ Exploitation Sale This Week y:l:.rl IN SILK AND PRESS GOODS ANNEX-FIRST FLOOR. T . -.Values that cballengs attention. There's more than we can print here corns ana see.,. ', .j- -."v-t -". .-; .. yt z. . :.. , . COLORED DRESS STUFFS. New American-made Suitings, tl and (4 Inches wide, 'fashion's newest designs " and eoloriniv; our regular 11-09 values; special for the week, per yard. -81.44 New American-made Suiting, la all now weaves and colors; our regular f L7S values; special for, the week, per yard ... $1.48 New American-made Novelty Mannish Suitings," In all new weights, colors and : designs; our regular per yard values; special for the week, tha - ysrd- ..............i...........;... $1.19 . . - ; - THREE GREAT SILK SPECIALS. , . - ,- ,4,000. yards of new American-made Suit Silks.- in 'all tha latest styles and colors, splendid wearing quality for waists and suits, corns In checks, stripes and changeable effects; grand value at our regular price of 11.00- per yard; , special for the week, par yard ........&&4 New American-made !-lnch all purs silk Black Taffeta, Other stores call ... this quality their 11.71 quality,' but our regular tl.SO per yard, grade; apodal '. for the week, a yard ,.. ........t....'.-..r..v.. $1.18 24-lnch all para Silk Crepe do Chenev In a full color assortment. Including white, cream and black; would bo Tory cheap at Sto per yard; special for tha week. "If they laaL" only, the yard... ............... .......... S9 " ,'"5 ,r tit a r.w rwvafl rw-i BLACK DRESS OOODS SPECIALS. Jfew American-made Black Dress Goods, all purs wool and fsst dyt cheviots. Panama, canvas, granite and arm urea, alpaca, voiles etamlne. Vane . tlana broadcloth. Crepe da Parts and Poplin ds ,Chene; our- regular- 11.10 per yard valuee; special for the week, the yard ..........jj.$1.19 :' ' - -'irVWV rCJ- rf ill I V IM V,I IV 1 mh TSBr M tL VU- tjTu i i - v - .... - ... .. .... . $23.00 for O. W. K. Sewing Ma . :. ' ,ti " chines. - -; "rr Olds. WortrOan tt King Sewtng Ma ; chines, American' make, golden oak', cabinet, 4Ugh-arm, " - ball-bearing, drop-head with five drawers; special ' .American Sale price, each , -$23.00 Agency Price,' $66. $21.00 for O. W. A K. .Bewlng Ma chines, with quarter-eawed oak cab! , net and box top. otherwise It Is the sum as above machine; special - American Sals pries, only. .821.00 Agency Price, -t0. ' V Same as above, with box top and three ..drawers; special American Bate price, each ...:$l.SO Agency Price, 14a. - - t . ' t -. THESE MACHINES ARB ALL ( . GUARANTEED FOR 10 TEARS. : . TWO- FOR. ONE CATCHES THRIFTY n AMERICANS SPECIAL SALE, f . AMERICAN . 'KERCHIEFS. -4 ' First Floor.- " ' , . : 18c and 25c f Handkerchiefs - Start now ' to antlclpats Chrlstmaa wairU.Nonsrtoo"early. Nowhere In .tha world Is this great festival oele b rated a In America except ba tat "Merrla England," where celebrations Jaet 12 day a - We suggest you supply tho holiday needs from these special values. Thesa are "low-tide" prices buy before the ebb.- A dainty lot of A raerican-ra ade '" Handkerchiefs : are theae, ; tha product of Newark, N.' 3' , folk, who are, to the" trade of 'Ker chief making born. j V" .' Soma have lace or embroidered edge, -some are hemstitched wtih Inside - embroidery; they ara worth' llo to ; lie each; . special - Amerlcaa BalS price, two for GREAT ' AMERICAN SALES '' OF DAINTT LACES. First Floor. " Our collection of beautiful' laces is' Immense. There are Venlao bands In cream and .white; net top Oriental laces in white or cream; Repousso edges and bands; Ventoe galloons. In cream-aad white; Venlas MedalUons and also a lot of swell colored laces. We hava priced them as follows: Regular price, 20o and 20c, Sic, (Ou, TSo to 0e. 2L0O.' American Sale price. .104, 20V ' 25. 48st K64 Regutsr price. II W and 11.75. $2.00. $2.21 and 23.00. tl.TS to 26.00. . American Sale price... ....98dV" '-v.- $1.48, $2.48 America Could Outfit the World in . FLOOR. knitwear productions "of sny Glittering Glorious Cut -r ArSale! Ah! Here't where America Does Shineand 'XTius Store1 Shares 'the Effulgence I . -rr- . THIRD FLOOR H' 'i"- " . ', In this one Una alone, nanwly, tho cutting of glass Into Intricate and harmonious designs, does America excel to such an extent that Ita leadership la conceded the whole world over. Today In Europe In the-homes of tho titled and also in tho homes of those whose highest title is their rare good taste and culture, American cut glass, . bearing ths familiar brand of LIB BET with the Toledo blade beneath la found always occupying a place of Antlclpats your." During our groat American Sale every pleeo of Xilbbey Cut Ofsss will be reduced In pries. Thanksgiving and Christmas requirements and purchase what you need during this great sale. Water Bottles. Talus 11.10. special at ......$ 4.40 Water Bottles, Talus J)0, special at ......II T.20 .'Water Bottlea, Talus tlljSO. special at ......II 9.95 ..Sugar sad Cream, value It 20. Special II 4.39 'w.sMigar and' Cream. Talus 10 00. special ......II 7.20 - Sugar and Cream. Talus 214.50, special j.. . .$13.18 Bowls, value 17.00, special t ......... .k ... .Bowls, Talus f 0.00,-special ............... . Bowie, value 218.00. special Tumblers, value 111.00, special' at dosen . ... . .' Tumblers, value 118.00, Special at. dosen . .. , . Tumblers, Talus HMO, special at, dosen . .... 8.78 T.18 I11.40 112.00 114.55 126.40 - Tho above price list will glvs you an Idea of ths Talucs to be had and ths money , yoa asay -aave during our GREAT AMERICAN SApf ;...: - Aa almost endless number of seasonable articles are Included In the AMERICA SAiJS. Rogers Bros. 1847 silverware, sterling silverware, candles, candle shades end trimmings, coal oil. gaa and electric reading lamps, American. dinner aets and.a eompleta lino of kitchen furnishings. , ' . ' FIRST Better 'made than the other country, and of better fabrics. -Soma wools must be Imported yet, 'tis true. But American make la best, whether It bo ths heavy "Contocook." of New Hampshire, 'or the finer makee that make tha Mohawk Valley famous and Pennsylvania helps, especially Philadelphia., Special tueas wvs , r WOMEN'S 21 JS WOOL UNDERWEAR FOR 98. Wmen's medium weight Jersey ribbed Undenrtar, 7 per . cent wool. In White and .gray, , Tests hand-finished, extra silk trimmed, .long sleeves, .panta and 'tights ' with French band, ankle length. ' This la ths famoua Merode1'" Underwear, the best knit anderwear taade In regular II. J values; speeisl American Sals 98s) - America; pries, each .vi 95 FOR WOMEN'S COTTON -sUNIOIJ SUITS WORTH ItH,- . . Women's "Merode" medium weight cotton Union Suits In white, long or short ..sleeves, ankle length, hand-flntahed, extra Silk trimmed, good value at 01 IS; . special American Bale price, suit .......................... ....... - 95 Women's 40-cent Hoselfbr 29 cents. Women's Cashmere Hose. American made, aeamless, fine ribbed. Many stores ' - sell hose that are not Sa good for 60c; our regular price) for them, is ! '- special American Bale prloe Is only, pair ......1...29d . . CHILDREN'S AMERICAN-MADE HOBO. , , ' . :, 4 ' Children's Btack Cashmere Hoew, fins ribbed, seamless ' P Slses to 7H. .value 2SC; American Bala prloe, pair ............ .1. ....18e Sixes a-to 2H. valua 20c; American Sale price, pair .'. i. .................. ,.21et Slses 0. H and 10, value Wc; American Sals price, pair , ....21s) ", ' .. 7-.".:"""MISSE8'V AMERICAN-MADE . tTNDERWEAR. ' . . Misses high-grade, natural wool Vesta and Panta, a Tory fin, soft gar. ment. the very best of Ita kind for tha money -Slses 1. 2. s. 4, i. 0. T. t; regular pries 71c 10c, Mo,. OOe,. tie, 1 00, 11.43, 11.10; American Bala . v - pric ............... .....554, eo); e$s), t6, TBsea. tzt c: ) . , 98 FOR. WOMEN'S.-WOOL UNDERWEAR WORTH ll.W. We are selling at extra special prisome odds and ends V V a's f and Richelieu ribbed wool Veeta, In pink and gray; ale . Wool Pants, all of them 11.10 values; special American l 'J f t t ' garment