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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY' JOUSAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY KVKNINO, OCTOBER 19, 1904. OVER IIAYOR'S VETO Geo Tin; LASS ABE YOU SATISFIED WTZ p AAlltrPl'in innnn BY VOTE OF 9 TO 2 limc ll-Ayrf YOUR HAT? ASOVV SOS MSIm i ,y Poolroom Ordinance Is Passed in .City Council, ' Only Two ' Protestmg Wedge Is Now In ' ' v - and It Hay Mean an "Open ;Town." "" The pool room erdtnno was pustd (. this afternoon by tb elty council over the mayor's veto by a vote ( U 1 Til' DMBrtMn VOtlBg to UUlD the mayor were Albs sod PlegeL The entire N membership wu la sttsodaitoe and Zlm 4 merman and Sharkey midt speeches ds- nnfng thalr attitude, which la that tha ' city need additional revenue. A bmI' ( Ing of tha councilman favoring tha ordl , nanoa waa held before the session, whea It waa agreed to eland Arm and foroa the ordinance through. Hundrede of people thronged the chambers of the elty oouncll thla after f nooa for the purpoed of rale Ins their vole In proteet against the passing of w. c t: u. e:eoers ARE IP) CONVENTION iim op aw MOjuraro nwoi-niAi xm fiMtf nova or tajiwslioai tmrmioi mow. . ' ; . ' . y .Thla morning's cession of tha W. CL T. 17. convention at the Flret Cumberland ; Presbyterlss church waa riven over to the reports of the ' oorrespondlng seo- rstsry, the treasurer, .the auditor and . the evangelists. The secretary's report. j ahowed Linn county to be In the front with members and work accomplished. - y Ins ef interest in evangelical temper , a nee work la tha state. . Thla afternoon i there will be more reports, but they - will take toe nature Of addressee. Or am n sat ten. Prevention, "" Education.and Kvaiigellsra are the four heada under , which the work will fall. Thla even 1 Ing tha follow Ins span drag-ram will be . -given: ' , Viol In -nolo, atlas Orace Holbetr: sertp ' tore and prayer, Rev. ft- C Lepham: n- trait eoloy Miss Jceele McConael; ad ' drees. Rev. J. H. Glass of Los Angeles; - "Our Hop tor the Future." Mrs. Clara B. Tiffany; "Lewis and Clark Worlds j" a I r, nun, fimravn V y w r w Labor," Mrs. L. H. P. Addtton. national organiser; "The Effect of Woman Suf f rare aa Seen by- One Who Went 1 redo and Wyoming-" Rev. D, I Rader, "-editor Pacific Christian Advocate; ad drees, Mrs. Ada W. Unruh. national or . ganlser: chimes. Mr. Hessle J. Shane. -The delesates who have already ar rived are: Mr. M. R. Stephenson, Mrs. (Anna Baker, La Grande; Mrs. Electa Adams. Mlsa ParaeUe Flshburn, Dey- tonf Mfarr." K. Smith, T'kTTs City; Mr. r JhV C. Jory. Mrs. C. S. Sherwood. Mrs. Sarah K. Brown, Mr. Rhodes, Salem; lira.- Loula Barse. Mrs (Mr trade Bart- rum. Mr. J. Renfroe, Mrs. Charles Pat-4 ?ek, Roaebnrs; Mrs. R- B. Webber, amhlll: Mr. B. T. Arl kins. Hedford; Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mr. C Nash, Halsey: Mrs. Tyler, Mr Stephens. Mrs, Swop. - Mt Scott; Mrsv Anne Newell. Gates; Mr W. C. Connor, Mlaa Llssle Orpund, Mlsa Gertrude Burdlck, Cottar Grove; Mrs. Margaret Houston, Mr K. M. Rorc. Kusene; Mrs. W. W. Marrs, Ore- aoa Cltyr Mrs.' J. S. "Bishop, Poreecl i Grove; Mr Mattte M. Sleeth. Mr. Clara Kurts Bowers, Mrs. A. J. Mon roe. Mrs, Daisy Bertroche, Mrs. M. C . Van Tyne, Mrs. Ounn. Mrs. K. M. Pul ton, Mr M. A. Bradbury, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Mapea. Mrs. Alice Peddloord. Port land Mrs. Almeda Mendenhall, Maple, Grove; Mrs. B. J. Corby, Mrs. Orossa. Wood burn; Mr Martha Casper, Dallas; Mr Annie Busby, Turner; Mr P. M. French. Mr. J. M. Marks. Albany; Mrs. 7. --Wheal don. AshwsJe; Mrs. Virginia. Cyrus. Llna county; Mrs. Llssle A. White, Mr Lydla Tsllaaaa. Mrs. Alice Hanson. Newbent; Mr Carrie Htoks. Mra Stella Blaokley. Sllvarton. . . . ,r4i BBOXSTBATXOB AT BBAYTZtB. jm i.l W Seattle, Oct. It. When the registra tion books closed last night the total number of voters enrolled In the elty of Seattle was 17.011., This Is the largest registration In the history of the elty. The tout registration for the spring election was 10,100. . STBW iAUJTDBT OOMPABT. Articles of Incorporation of tha West Coast Laundry company were filed thla moralng with County Clerk Fields by W. H. King. B. C Hurl hurt and J. J. Hurlburt, all residents of St, Johns, The capitalisation Is f 10,0o0. TL YOUR OVERCOAT'S the' pool room ordinance. "It has been many months since such a demonstration has been made ea, tha part of tha elti- aena. Up to the time the council was sailed to order so one knew what actios would be taken regarding- the matter. It j rumored yesterday that the majority of the members bad decided to recede from their former stand and were going to sustain the mayor's jreto. It waa then thought that Councilman Slgler and Bentiey would both be absent today. This morning tha aspect - ehanged. Councilman Slgler, who was ht Cali fornia, returned on the morning train. Councilman Bentiey also attended tha meeting. I II I, ..1 STORM RACING ON V' . COAST OF FLORIDA s- (learaM apeetal gerrle! ' " . Jacksonville, Pla Oct. II. It m re ported that five veesela have been wrecked in th storm which' ts swaep ing the east coast between Miami and Palm Beach. All wires are down. The schooner James waa wracked near Paim Beach but the crew wsa saved. ... Tb wind la blowing with much veloc ity and much fear la felt for local ship pins; along th ooe st. , . ATTEMPT TO CORNER UTAH WOOL MARKET ' "l fJeenal 8dm1 aerrk) - - Salt Lake City, Oct. It, Eastern wool buyers ars attempting to corner" wool la Utah and Wyoming- Agents are buy ing tha 1106 clip In soma cases st an advance of 4 cents over last spring's price. Sixteen to If cents a sound la the ruling prices. Two thirds of th entire Utah .cup has been .contracted for already. ,- - TORPEDO BOAT AND , STEAMER COLLIDE (Jeareal Swelal serrlcaj Gibraltar, Oct. II. Tha British tor pedo-boat destroyer Dragon .collided with th Spanish steamer Klvlra today. The Dragon waa badly damaged. A panic occurred aboard the steamer, but none waa eeriously Injured. r 1. mo vat tom mm om - - Cfrowlt Judge Ctenwd gvaated a, non suit this morning In the actios lnstl- eated 7-Cr W. Prnthal -to recover S6sOe deimage frees Brows A MeOabe, eKflnn of atevedorea, a( the conclusion of tha taking of testimony for the plaintiff, on motion of Attorney R. W. Wilbur. It waa held by the court that tha plain tiff waa gunty of (contributory negli gence. Predeathal - loot a toe while working for tb oompany on tha steamer vs., - - : TXOT or - Vp to noon today the total .number of new registrations of voters at County Clerk Plelda offloe waa OU. Tha num ber of registrations du to changes of residence was lee. The books will close tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock. Voters may register tonight up to 0 o'clock. A steady stream of applicants for resist ra tio peuied into the offloe all morning. "JtjC OAp OBAMPXOBBXZP STB.' ..' , (awael speeUI servtas.) V ' Whltham, Mass., Oct. It. In the m-tsvoollegMUO- golf championship contest todsy Chandler Egan nod Max Bhr tied, each totaling SI. Tale and Princeton ars out of tb running. Harvard Is the favorlts. '.".''' (Jnarssl speetal Berrlee.1 ' Partington, Neb.; Oct. It. Dorlr nd Hssel. the two children, of .P. W. Barn hart, and Bertha Felber, a. domestic. ase dead result of are caused by th servant girl throwing kerosene Into s Stove to hurry a Are. .. . , BOBS TO B4TP. i",, . 0raal hprdal gwrtoal 'London. Oct. It. Mrs. Hugh Tevle. aooompanled b- A. Hart McKe. paeeef through London last week on her way to BgypL. Mrs. Tevls, Informed s. frtend her that she bad no Intenttoa of getting married. THE MOMENT YOU WANT IT. WE HAVE IT IN THE VERY STYLE YOU WANT AND IN YOUR SlZE; AND WHEN YOU PUT IT ON, YOUlX . THINK IT MUST HAVE BEEN MADE EXPRESS IY FOR YOU. YOUXL FIND THE FABRIC AND THE UNINO OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, AND THE WORKMANSHIP AS FINE AS THE BEST CUSTOM TAILOR CAN EXECUTE. ' - ; SUITS, OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS, $12.50 SAM'L ROSENBLATT C& CO. WO A1 or m BBrtrrr sin oommabbbr, sTOMIBBB POB JaMMBS oVpiCB. - : ' . Vftre eeeetons morning, afternoon and evening will probably complete the llth annual conclave of the Orand Com mandery. Knights Tern pier, of Oregon. In Portland tomorrow. Tha conclave will be called at 11 in Mason lo Temple, t Third and Alder etreete. About SOS delegates ere expected to be present, repreaeatlng tha nine Oregon oommandertee, numbered In th follow Ing order: Oregon, of Portland; Ivan boa, of Eugene; Temple, of Albany; Mai ta, of Ashland; DeMoleji, of Salem; Bast Oregon, of La Orande; Pendleton, of Pendleton; Mel It, of Granta Pass; Baker City, of Baker City. There has been a growth of th membership of thee eommanderlea during tha last year estimated at from ta to 1W. The Portland oommandery alons has knighted 10 new membera since the con clave of IMS. The grand recorder's an nua; report Uat year showed 7 sir knlgbta In Oregon, and this number has been Increased to mors than T4. The business of tomorrow's conclave will consist mainly of bearing reports, election of officer, and the usual col lation, or BOCKl feature of tha order. Sir Knight If, Ronoy, of Bugen. present deputy grand, commander, la a prospec tive nominee for the ornce or grand commander, ta succeed Oeorg H. HU1, Of Portland. I Other officers now holding positions rare: D. C Agler, of Albany, grand gen erallselmo; George H. Burnett of Salem, grand captain-general; Prank J. Miller, of Albany, grand aentor warden; D. A Paine, Eugene, grand Junior warden; B G. Whltehous. Portland, grand treas urer; Jarmea P. Robinson, Bugena, grand recorder; J. M. Hodgeson, Portland, chairman eomm.lttee on correspondence. It has bean th custom st annual eleo- tlone to advanes tha grand officers sit along the lino, and there la nothing to indicate a change of thla practice. Louise J. Whit Sled a suit' for di vorce from Thomas White thla morning In the circuit court. She cnargee him with calling her names, using violence end leevlng her and their baby boy to shift for themselves. She petitions th Miurt fo tha mthm( h ttsr huahand of tee attorney's fees to Chief Clerk Smith and for alimony la the amount of fit month. VBlOB (Joarssl sseelsl Sfrrlee.) ' , Washington. D. C. Oct. It. The osses of the Western Union - Telegraph com pany against tha Pennsylvania railroad and th United New Jersey Railroad Canal company, involving' th removal of the company's equipment from the railroad lines, cams up for argument In th United States supreme court to day, , ' v II- ,w , ., I, ,- . . (Jaoraal Speelsl Berries.) London. Oct. It. King Edward to- r morrow will recetvs th officers ef the American starshlpa now at Graveeend. entertaining them at luncheon at Buck ingham salsa. . ..... fnsectal Dtepeteh ta Tm Jeans!.) Bugene, Or.. Oct It. Voltaire Gurney, an old resident of Sluslaw county, was killed by the falling limb of a tree near Florence Sunday. H was aged 17 and leave a family. " faFAfJVeMl BSpCw4dl1 ffclsTXl New Tor. Oct It. Chairman Tag s-art left for Indians thla sfternooa to watch th western campaign. LTXOaT. . ; (Sperlsl Naaateaj is TW Jnersel.t ' Tkcoms. Oct. It. Th registration at Tacama olosed yesterday with 11,417 Danes on th book. LAST ST. LOUIS RATES. Very Tickets Offered by . tks . a. m m. Ms smmb. Ob October tT. tS and It th O. R. A N. again sells very low rate retdrn trip tickets to St. Louis, good returning un til Deosmber SI. It will pay you to oall at Third and Washington streets and obtain particulars from C. W. Stinger, elty ticket agent. - Prizes for Bread, Cake and Biscuit. At th coming grand county fair given by th Bvenlng Star Grange, No. 27, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of thla week, th Portland Flouring Mills com pany -will give the following prlaea fur the best losf of bread, cake or biscuits made out of their well-known brand of Olympic, Flour: First prlssa of ll.tO for each: second prlaea of II for each. GOVERNMENT DOES NOT FAVOR CHIEFS 1 OTXAV ASVjr DOSS BTOV rsuassiTf worn tsu- no op uam to noons vmm uts omr eoamps sawp SUktaJUS aBOVt lSk. 1 (speiua Dtssstei The JearaaL Neepelem. Wash.. Oct. It. "Is view of th tent tbst tb Nes Pores Indians of th Joseph band number only about lZf, counting nun, woman and children. I can so no particular necessity at thla tints which would require them to select a chief te succeed Joseph," said A. M. Anderson, former agent of tb Colvllle reservation. "Th government . of the - TJnltod State doss not look with favor upon chief, but would rather transact busi ness through agents and with Individual Indiana. If a cblaf Is to be Bales ted to succeed Joseph such a selection ssust be mad by tha Indiana known aa tha Joecpb band of Nea Perce, who ara'lo- oated at Neepelem. and not by Indians f tb Nes Perce tribe residing 'ea th Nes Perce reservation In idaao. The Joseph Indiana ars a separate wd distinct band from the Indians knows as the Ns Peres. Indiana of Idaho, and In fact have nothing to do with the Idaho Indian They have been located upon th Colvllle reserva tion sine ISM. ' and have nothing la common with th Idaho Indians of the Nes Perce tribe residing on th Mis Peres reservation In Idaho. , Prom th reckoning of Major Ander son, Ah lo-Ket, belonging to tha Nes Prcs agency Indians, could not vary well become the chief of th Joseph band of tb Colvllle reservation. Ab-lo-Ket la ti years old, and at one time accompanied Joseph to Washington, If. C. and was related to th big chief. At the census taken tn 10, the Jo seph band of the Colvllle reservation numbered about 1ZT all told. Of the 117 It 1 supposed that prhap them ar S or ta mal Indiana. When the Indiana were sent to the reservation tkr wrc about Its. g . 7500 MORE BUSHELS ' OF WHEAT ARE SOLD (Special mepaM a,Te learaaL) Odessa. Wish.. Oct. It. J. P. Green, manager of the California Land a Stock company, sold this week to th Ham mond Milling company or Seattle Tt.eov bushels of wheat at Sf cents a bushel f. , b. This company has th Isrgest firms In Lincoln county, and, owns Sf sections of land. Some of the whest will bs shipped from Odes and soma of It from Mohlar. Luther Turner Is another farmer who has recently sold his crop, sonslstlng cf tc.ftOO bushels, to the Seattle Oraln com pany at 7 cents a bushel. TO $30 Possibly it hag grown bit shabby without your noticing it or ; - is not surubis to your tscs. , . . Her your hat ts fitted y experts, who give you their undivided attention, and. besides, you have the choice of all the best line of all the very best makars axtsnt. We are better equipped to Supply your need la beadwear than any stqrs In the entire northwest. Youmans' Derbys, Opera and Silk Hats Stetson's entire line of soft and stiff Hats, in grades ranging from........... 4.;.V.00 to ?6.00 Gordon and Imperial Soft and Still Hats The Best Hats ta the World for NO ONE SEEMS TO WANT WOOLEN MILL rVO ISaPPsWTUA XPPOBTS BtAXJS MT MOIllsl OP WXLU PAJrrS P&AJTX VO JJISPOSa OP pmopamTT. . . . ) (Spidil ESsesteTi ts The Jesraal.) Kugene. Or, Oct. II. An effort w belag mads to dispose of the Wlllametts Valley Woolen Manufetniing com pany's plane Tha sale wss advertised to take ptaoe last Saturday at I ,pv su but no bidders being on hand, th rc ostvsr postponed It till Monday. Os that day th asms conditions prevailed and th sale wss scheduled to corns off yee tsrdsy. Still there was no Wd. The re ceiver' la now In Portland trying to In terest someone In the sale, which la bow act for neat Prlday. . John Dsvles of this city has started on a trip to England, taking with him sample of hops grown la Lane county, for the purpose of creating s direct mar ket there for th Lane county product. WU1 of Joeaph a gssmmgs. . Th will of Joseph C. Jennings, a Junction City farmer, who died two weeks ago and whose property to valued st 110,600, wss Sled for probate yester day. It provides that his widow shall bare all bis personal 'property and bis sis children shell have tbe proceed of th sals of all tbe reel estate, T7 aoree. share and share alike. A. C. Jennings, a brother "ef th testator. Is named as executor without bond. - , Alley Stai SUn, Charles Alley, who ' fatally stabbed John Howard, his bunkmnts, during a quarrel over th possession of a lamp In a logging camp at Pall crack last Monday, waa arraigned before Judge Wtnterraeler of the Bugene Justice court yesterday afternoon. Ha waived exam ination and waa remanded without bonds to await the alttlng of th circuit court, which will meat in three weeks. Alley has not yet aecured aa attorney sad re fuses to talk about bis oass. ,. . Psst km Qua rearms Oeorg Bauer, who la confined la the Lane county Jail charged with robbing George Horton, Is sick with diphtheria. He and his auras have been placed la quarantine. -1 , Miami Dtophty for Pals. Cal M. Young, who was recently ap pointed by the Eugene Commercial club to meet th owners of mines in the Blue river district In regard to arranging a mineral display for tha Lewie and Clark fair, found the mining men all enthu- alastle over the proposition. About 41. 90 sounds, or s carload and a half of ore, has been promised. Among those who will contribute to th display are: Lucky Boy, Wood Dlmond. Sunset. War Eagle. North Star group. Doctor mine. Sun, Vncla Sam. Srabaker group. Union Mining oompany. Tate Bros Oreet Northern. Treadwell. mines. May Day group. Oriental group, Cuba Mlnea oompany, Rowena and Ruby c talma. Blue Bird and Red Cloud. Cyclone company. Sparks, Treasure, Badger. RATHBONE SISTERS TENDER RECEPTION (Bpsefal mass tea te Tea fcsvsat.) -Albany, Or.. Oct. 1! The membera of Alpha temple, Rathbone Sisters, last night after their regular meeting tendered reception to three oi their prominent members Mrs. B. IT. Will, ths first ehlef of the local temple, who will move to Portland soon; Mrs. Mary R, Hogua, recently re-elected grand mis tress of record and eorreepondenc, and Mrs. Mary J. Kelly, grand tntste. -Tb United Artisans at their meeting last evening Initiated three new mem bers Into the order. CONTRACTORS OBJECT TO EIGHT-HOUR LAW Spokane, Waatu. Oct. It- The stty von tractor have rsleed their voices in objection to the eight-hour Isw, which th city ecenmlosloners ars trying to compel them to -obey. Th board of nuhiiA works has threatened to cancel contra ta if hm men having them do not enforce the eight-hour law. Ts this the contractors dpjeot. Ths result Is that Peter' Costsllo, on of th largest contractors here, has se cured s-temporary real raining arder pro hibiting th board of public works from taking any actios toward ths cancella tion) of ths contract for the construc tion f the sewer ta BJvsrsid aveai, )'''.' ;'.s -r' e e ' . e . e - - 'i i TEACHERS MEET V T.iass A1 TOWS OP WASsuaoToa Ajns OAUI TO OBOBB. tssirlal TMssatek ts The Jesraal 1 v Pendleton, Or Oct. 1. Tbe Inland Empire Teachers association began Its annual meeting In Pendleton today with a large . attendance. The association Is composed of teachers of eastern Ore gon, eastern Washington and western Idaho. Th session was opened with music st 1:1 o'clock this afternoon sad st l:4i o'clock President R. C Prencta sf ths Eastern Oregon Normal school st Wes ton called the assembled tesehers to order. - After as hour spent in general routine work a few Introductory re marks were made br R.K, Welles, super intendent . of Umatilla county school At 3 o'clock P. L Campbell, president of Oregon Stats university, delivered an address, taking ss hts subject -The Training of s Cltlsea. At the conclu sion of his talk" the announcement of committees and registration of teachers wers made and adjournment take a until T:lt o'clock this evening, Ths evening session wilt open with music followed by a greeting by th president. R. C French, of Weston. At o'clock Stephen A. Lowell of Pen dleton will deliver an address of wet coma. To this responses will bs siade by ths following: por Umatilla county. Superintendent Prank' K. Wellee; for Oregon, J. H Ackerman. state superintend en tt for Washington. R. B. Bryan, state super intendent; for Idaho, Miss May Soott, stat superintendent. Ths day's exer clsee will do with a reception to bs held In Music ball at o'clock. Thurs day's session will convene at o'clock la ths morning. . . - CELEBRATE GOLDEN ; ;. WEDDING AT CHENEY (Sptetal Dlspen ts The Jbsrssl.) Cheney, Wash., Oct. II. Judge and Mrs. Avery A. Smith celebrated h Mt tleth anniversary of their marriage Wedneaday at their home near her Avery A. Smith waa born la Tates county. N. T., on Pebruary 14, ltift. His wife, ne Helen Parsons, was born In Ssneca county. Ohio. Msy S, IIM. They were married in Lane county, Ore gon, In 1SS4, and havs been making Washington their boms for many year Of the union there ar flvs living chil dren, ss follows: Frank C. Smith, Her bert H. Smith, Fred H. Smith, Avery LsC Smith and Bells Smith. Th two latter were unable to be present st the merrymaking. Th day and evening were very happily spent In social con versation. At noon S sumptuous dinner waa served. Although the Judge Is a years of age, and his bride of M years la now in her seventieth year, both are well and hearty and enjoyed tha day to the fullest extent. There were present sbout 1ft guests, all of whom were rela tives sf Judge and Mrs. Avery Smith. LIQUOR DEALERS TO FIGHT PROHIBITION . fSpfctol Mepatefc The Joorael.) r Astoria, Or., Oct. It. The Retail Liquor Dealers sssoclatlon of this city hss taken steps looking to defeat of tb prohibition law. The matter has been left with the executive board sf th association, which will engags coun sel and decide upon a plan of campaign. Recently the people of West As tort city precinct No. 1 petitioned the county court to have th liquor oueetlon sub mitted to ths voters In December, when a city election te to oe aeio. it is as serted that th lecftl option law re quires such petitions to describe the precinct by metes end bounds, and the petitions filed ars delinquent In this re spect. It is ths Intention of the saloon men to attack the proposition upon the alleged technicality, and n general fight is to bs mad against prohlbltloa. (Bserhtl Dtaeatrh 1 Tee Jearsal.) " Palouse. Waah.. Oct, Is. The district convention ef Rebekah lode met In session her today. Delegates and mem ber of I hat order are la atndnA from wvery section of ta d'atrlct, a' the streate present an a -'"td ane. Nearly ev v - e we-'- o hr W v . BIG INCREASE IN DAIRY PUCTS it op stats pood bo: OB BOOM. (sperlst Dtosatm ts Tee JereL - Salem. Or., Oct. It Sagsrding tbe dairy and creamery sutput Labor Com- m las loner Hof has th isllowtnci "Stats Dairy and Pood Commissioner J. W. BaUer reports that la 1MI Oregon produced 4,000,0 pounds of creamery butter - valued st atoe,; t, pounds of dairy button valued at IsSO ; t.tll.eo pounds of chess valued at 2Y.s, and milk and areas other thag that used for butter, valued t IMOe 00. The total retnrns for that year were It.lt7.iwe. He states that la 1MI the figures ars ss follows: "Creamery butter . 4.t00,c pound valued at ll.5J5.O00; dairy butter ).. 000 pounds, valuad at 1140 .000; shoes 1,000,000 pounds, valued st I Z 40 404; milk valued at M,tjsv a srsaen other than that need for butter, valued at I4S0.OO. Total value of products, H. ft.S00. ' "Reports to this bureau show that prices are practical ry tb same aa in 100, with ths exception of milk deliv ered by wagons. la this tnstanos dairy men are receiving and consumer ar paying about 11 per cent advanes for milk delivered by th quart. Within tb past two years condensers have been established In th etate. In ls th wags earners received 92T,iOl sf ths KSt.llt received for tbe milk, she and butter product of Oregon, This question wss asked this offloe: H 'If In l0t th milk, cheese and but ter product of Oregon was valued at 04. m.eoa, what portion did th wags earner receiveT Taking tb same rstlo ss In ltOO. when ths wag earner re ceived I17.M1 ef th ttlt.Slt paid for th dairy product, there snould b paid for labor UM.1M out of M.ftOM.' Late yesterday evening th Albasry loo! train. Ma, IS, on ths Southern Pa cific at ths crossing sf ths old stags road. Jut north of th ststo fstr grounds st ths outer Hmit f this elty, collided with a horse and buggy driven by Ttaeron A. Lyons, who was raturneng from a trip Into tb country, killing to ho res Instantly, smashing the busjgy and badly Injuring the young man, knocking him senseless. He will recover. He Is a olsrk employed he a local drug at ore. and bad been distributing- advertising matter throughout tbe country. It is supposed he did sot eee th train ap proaching, ss th wagon road and rail road almost parallel each sthsr for sob distance at that point. Th city council last evening agrsag to contract with the Cltlsen's Light sad Traction company for 00 or mors elec tric UOs-caadl sower arc lights, to be supplied the city of Salem for street lighting purposes during ths next flvs years at th general price of 06.00 a month a lamp. This matter has beset pending and general complaint hss bees heard that the oouncll has accomplished nothing In th matter of sighting ta streets to a better manner. Wanes aUgM f Way. ' ' James M. Stark ef Independence, ss of the Incorporators sf ths proposed I independence-Salem motor line, era to this elty yesterday, arranging some Pre liminaries. He anya bs wants Blem to secure him a right of way to th north of the Rlckrenl, and to give him termi nal grounds in West "a lea and bs wUI build ths road. . . Is Pownd OsdHy, ' R. C. Conklln. who relieved a man sf hta watch during fair week, wss yes terday found guilty by s Jury, and -wUl be sentenced on Prlday fsr th srlsM larceny from th person The case against J. C. Rvan, the st 1d fllm-flammer, was eeatlsued till ths nest term of court. CjoTaTT WBDimrO AV (BiHvtal DHsaMi ts Tee Jesraal ) ftp ra ue. Wash,. Oct. 1 J C MefrhSf and hia brlfle. formerly Mis Mtnnw Pish, who were ntetly smrried st )' home o the bride s psreats y-eter were given. a farewell at th oot wr e they will not soon forget. TMf ahnwered with rice and old whrm fust before the trals for m Is out the groom w-e ' i bell was f -' a & " c -