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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
THB . OREGON DAILY JPTJRNAi; PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY SVKNINO, OCTOBER U, 4904. STATE FRUIT CROP MAKES NEW RECORD Oregon State Board of Horticulture This Year Estimates It Is Worth $1,390,000 Increase f . in Apples. Falling Off in Prunes. ; ' f- ' - Reports for It, Wo complied by laaiiihois of the OreioB state board of horticulture for submission to Secretary George LuiktfMfl, will ho the great est fruit crop ever harvested In Ore gon. Partial Mparts mad at the an nuel meeting of the board la Portland week mo gave a forecast of what our bo expected, end It waa agreed that tha reports by mambara from tho various Otatrlcta shouM bo bald back until after the apples and lata fruits ar garnered, o that tba raports for 1K4 wr ba com . mists to data. " - ' r Tbaro wlU ba Tory nrge tnerease to rthe apple crop of Rogue river and Hood irtrar valleys, and a considerable ta erwnss In tho general fruit oropa la all jperts of (he state. Figures furalahad !b) A. K Carson of Grants Pass, tha only member who submitted a datallad .Taport to' tha meeting, give the follow ing aaeord of Increase to tho last four pamrs 4s thai section: Amount of fruit sold Is 1M1 and I MI vunblned Apples, 00,000 boxes;, pears, I340.r0 boxes; prunes. 1.000. 009 pounds; -dried applaa, 10,000 pounds; paachaa, 110,000 boxes; a mall fruits, 10,000 eustss: gross value. 7 01,100. Amount of fruit sold In 1001 Apple, d 00, 000 boxes, or as many as were sold in both rears preceding; paara, 110, 000 bona; prunes, 1,000.000 pounds ;. peaches. 10,000 boxes; small fruits, lotted cmtss; TOM value. $04 0,00. Amount of fruit sold ta 1M4 Apples estimated), 000.090 boxes; pears, 200, oos boxes; prunes. l.ovo.000 pound i paachaa. 71,000 boxaa; aroall fruits, 7, 000 era tea; gross valua. ll.lfO.vOO. Fruit growers are grubbing out their prune trees and planting applaa. paara and paachaa. There to a steady Ineraaea In tha growing of cherries, and they ara daatlnad to become a great Oregon crop. Canned ehorrlaa ara growing in. popu larity in tha market. Tha splendid Oregon prune, whleh was first Instrumental In making a rapuu tlos for Oregon as a fruit-growing atata, la be Ins sold so cheap that growers ara discouraged, and there la a tremendous fail Ins off in tha production of prunes durlns tha last two Tear. Conoernlng eondltlona ta Jackson. loeephlnei Douglas, Lake. Klamath, Cooa enoV Curry counties, Mr. Caraon says that laaa than SO par cent of adapt able fruit; lands ara rat planted to fruit trees. "There kra bearing sppla orchards la Rogue rWar Tallay that have for tha last thrao year paid their owners annually MOO an acre," ho say. "Soma of tha bearing oroharda have only paid fled to 1100 an acre, but this small amount waa duo to neglect of small details In cul ture, and failure to spray and to thin tho crop at tha pauper time. SKULL TURNS BULLET, CRACKED BY STONE .v 7r-:r rr! ' -,'"' ' tftaraal Sfiital serve f ( Fseaain, M. J.. Oct. la. WlU lam -Let- Aimer, of this ottj, hnowa as tha "Iron OJkuUed ataa, was wad up today by an JaJory to Us cranium, Hoaaluaia struck kirn with a rack and beached him an ooaootsns. Tho rook waa shattered, It la olalmos. Lsttimsr ts a veteran of tho drpaaieh war, and whUs tn Cubs, was atruek on tho head by a Mauser buHet and knookad down, but not seriously hurt. Sines than Various toots bar boon -tnado with his head, which proved its great bnrdnees. A severe blow with tha and of a billiard cue, for instance, does not disturb him. Tho entire formation of Latt1mors head and faoa Is massive. In new of his ooeapa from a Mauser bullet Iarttlmer ts much mortified over tha foot that mars rock should , lay mm out. tfaaraal Ipiclsl Bervtoe.) IjaAdon, . OoC tt. rumor from VI .'ann. that. tha Cunard Unar with M0 owMrraats aboard, sunk off tha coast of pais la ctvaa no oradaaoa karo. Cunard llao fflolala' have ao saws of any dis aster to any of their vesseJa. GRAND TRUNK CHIEF RESIGNS HIS POST aaaraal ateaalal aarvtce. Montroal, Oot l.Caaada Is oooald erably upset by tho news from London of tho raalsnaUoa of Charles M. Hays, second Ytce-praaldent and reneral saaa a car of tha Grand Trunk railway system and saner! mane gar of tha proposed Grand Trunk Pacific, whleh runs across tho continent as a rival to tho tjaaadlan PaelOa It ts doelarsd that Hays has fallen out with Blr Wilfred Lurter over deUlls of tha schema Others declare be has been unable to float tha bonds whleh ba un dertook to do in London. Another rumor says Hay, leaves the Orand Trunk to become senerat manager of all tha Van- derbilt railroad Interests, at a salary of a year. WMW TOW (leamal SaseUl ervlat.t Hew fork, Oct It. Tha Republican national eommlttas save out word today that It expects tha mass m eating- to ba bald under- Its auaplcea In Madison quart. Garden tonight to ba tha biggest demonstration of tho oampatgn. Senator Fairbanks, secretary Leslie M. Shaw of tha treasury and Qoorsa A. Knight of Oallforala ara ts ba ih pdnclpal apeak- Comforters '.'-. - -..-V - v .'..'... and Blankets Wit HAVE IN PRICES TO SUIT ALL PURSES. AT THB Boston Store Full si Comforter for double bed..... .............. OOd Whits Cotton Filled Comforters.. ..f 1.15, f 1.25, fl.45 Sstcarn Covered Comforters, fancy quilted. ..f 165, f 1.95 Good heavy colored Blmnkets, 10-4 size, each.... 35d JExtn heary 10-4 White and Colored Blankets, pair. .. .75d Extra heary 114 Gray Blankets, pr f 1.15, fl5, f 1.40 Colored Mixed Blankets fl.75, 92.25 Full sixe Gray Wool Blankets, worth $4.00 ...f2.95 FuU size Mottled Wool Blankets, worth $4.W......a535 Fine white Wool Blankets, 10-4 size ; special f 3.85 New Fall Styles, in Ladies9 Jackets and Tourist Coats Ladies' Kersey Jackets, in tan and black. Inverted box pleat in back, strapped..... f 6.S5, f 7.50, f 7.95 Ladies Tourist Coats, In mixed brown aiii) blue, thrwe-quar. ter length. f 7.50, f 8.75, f 9.95 Misses' Jackets, In red, green, blue and tan, black velvet ' trimming.... f3.85, f40. f4.95 Misses Long Coats, in blue, tan, red and , black.. f4.95, f5.95 New Furs at Wholesale Prices 91.75, fl.95, 92.25, 92.60, 93.95, 94.95. Thesa art all exceptional values. Judge for yourself. ; ; New Dress Goods v Fancy Wool Suitings, 56 inches wide, yard. .50 An shades. In assorted Suitings, 52 inches wide, yd. . . .65d) 60-inch Fancy Mixed Suitings, yard... fl.25, 91.50 Children's School Plaids, double width v12y. Buy ti6 LABOR BRAND 4 " Collars and Cuffs Boston Store FIRST AND SALMON C . J. K. STANTON, Mgr. TRACY IS DYIKC AT THE EOSPITAL vioTisf ov vaaStuvv WlXSj atAJSBZiT UTS ASSAUT.T VAT ov snmsi SCAT m Ostaaam, SHAKHE IS TKE LINE (Continued from Pb Ona.) Herbert Traey Is not oxpactvd to sur vive tha day. Bines midnight ha has boss bavins; convulsions at Good I marltaa hospital. Onlr hla remarkable vitality and youth have served to save nia lira thus far. it m said. Traoy was struck over the right tem pi with a heavy boar glass while walk V7 v V HKRBKRT TRACT. . ln alone Fifth atraat, near Davls last Friday night Ha la said to have had no trouble with any one. and Is entirely Innocent of any offense. Hla aaaallants, It Is thought, took him for another par son, and did not discover their mlitaks until they saw him lying on the stda- walk with hla skull erushvd. Guy Foster and Tharen Bush are hold for tho aasault. Tha ease was so seri ous from tha start that Municipal Judge Hogus refused to fix ball, and tha young man are still ta tho elty JaU Tracy Is but It years, of age. Rts parents and family lira at S01 Bast Thirty-third street. His father and brother, ara employed la tha Souther Paelfle ah ope. Tho priaonara aro ahlnglars. They have recently been am ployed by a looal ooatraetor. GAMBLERS' TRIALS GO OYER TILL NOVEMBER District Attorney John Vanning and his deputy. O. a afoser, appeared In tho circuit court this morning befora Pre siding Judge Osorgo and urged that tha trials of tho gamblers arrested la last July by Sheriff Word be held as soon i practicable. Attorneys Bd Heodsnhsll .and S. 0. Spencer, representing tho ramblers stated that Fatar Grant, Nate Solomon and Harvey Dale demand separate hear tnga. Dale will take tha stand that ha Is not a member ot the Portland Club. Tho district attorney's - deputies will be engaged la- the trial of a Justice court case, tomorrow. Friday tha trial of Charles W. Walton, on tho charge of shooting Policeman Ola Nelson, will ba sin. It will ba completed by Saturday. Monday and Tuaaday Walton will bo tried on the charge of highway robbery, This necessitates tho trial of tha gamblers going over to tha November term of court. Judge George sot Grant's trial for November T. to ba followed by those of tho others la the order named: Solomon, Dale, August Brlok- aoa aad Dugene Blaster. ... SLOT MACHINES ARE SEIZED BY DEPUTIES Emphatic protest was registered by Mra. C Clark, who conducts a disor derly houaa for the notorious "Carmen on Park street, south of Washington, when a money-paying slot machine was seised last night by under-sheriff Mor- den and several sheriff's deputies. Tou have no right to take that ma- ehlno." shs angrily declared. "One of tho elty council men gave mo permis sion to run tha machine, and told mo I would be protected." "No city councilman nor anybody slss has tho right, madam, to promise to protect you in violating the taw," d olared the under-sheriff. "Moreover, ho cannot oarry his promise to protect you into execution a long as Tom Word is sheriff." Two ether money-paying devices ware also seised, ona at the disorderly house oonductad .by Elsie Douglass, at Sixth and Stark, had another at Baste Wad kin's place, at Stark and Park streets. All machines ara held ao evidence and arrasta of tha proprtetoressas of tits houses will probably follow. JAFAJgHatfl UNBI aTtTOOXSS. Joareal Special SerrUe.) Toklo, Oct It. A dispatch received In official circles this morning a tales that Oyama'a army la still faoa to faoa with Kuropatktn'a force, the Japanese oa one side of the Shakho river, Che Russians on the other olds. Oyama reports under yesterday's data "the enemy Is gradually decreasing hla force In the direction of the right army. Only email detachments eoattaus active. The enemy has been beaten at Benslav putss, retreating to tho north sad east. "Knsmy made ssssults leet ntght but were repulsed. Today only oooaatonaJ saehangea At cannonading occurred." BinuaAjrs ajui sell era fsssa apuisi Tha Josiam A special dispatch from Taooma thts morning stated that a rumor la In cir culation there to tho effect that the Harrlman Interests have aoqulred con trol of the Pacific Coast Steamship com pany. Tha explanation is also msda that the officials interested refused to either verify or deny th report. Portland representatives of the Har rlman lines declare that It Is the first Intimation that they have received con cerning such a deal, and they attach no importance to the report. They give it as their opinion, that there can ba no truth In tho rumor, for tho reason that Harrlman would have no object In purchasing tho veasale owned by the company named. It Is asserted that ha has no Interests on the sound, and so far as knows locally he has ao Inclina tion to gala ft foothold la Uut terri tory. Ths local agent of the Pacific Coast Staamahtp - company states that ha places no' oredenee la the report If such a deal had beea eoneummated, -he explains, bo would be notified shortly afterward. World's Fair Exconloni. Additional dates of sals for world's fair tickets have beea SMOUnoed by tha Canadian Pad no. Oa October ST, It, tt, special round trip tickets t St Louts and esstera points will be en sale St vary low rates. Tickets good for stop-over privileges and a choice of routes returning. For full particulars, sell oa or ad dress, F. It Johnson, F. P. A 14 Third Street. Portland. Or. 1 fftpeete! Mosaic Is The loaraal.) Palouae, Wash., Oet. It. Henry C Clark, aged ft, who crossed the plains SO years ago with his parents, died here yesterday. The fauilly settled la the Wlllassetta valley 'and came hero it yea re ego. Ho Is" survived by -sight okUdrsa, . . stay: Be autre Beak. -, . (Jose sal, Special Strrtee.) .. St. Petersburg, Oat. It. The great anxiety and depression whloh a few days ago marked the demeanor of tho Rus sian people la gradually giving way. under the news from ths front, to a feeling of greater oonfldsno and placid ity. . .. .. This was largely increased by ths following report from General Sakha ron. under today's datei - "Tho Japanese are oonoantratlng an the center Jwid front near Tlaahlpu. "Captain Dambuffakl while reoonnol- terlng yeeterday evening, captured two Japanese sunn sustain tog ao loss him self. -.. - . "Our loft made slight advance.'" la view of tho great apprehension that existed concerning ths welfare of tho Russian loft wing, from which there have been but few reports la tho past few days, SakharofTs report that It is not only free from danger, but Is ap parently eg frees I ve and advancing, ts peculiarly gratifying. Had It not been for tho rather re assuring news received as yesterday passed, tha celebration la honor of tha cxarevltch's name day would have passed Ip a most decided gloom. Greater In terest centered on operations at ths front than on tho looal fete. As the afternoon advanced a sold, drlssllng rain setUed down over tha city and Illuminations In recognition of the day were lighted early. Thea be gan an outpouring of news from ths front which prompted some of tho dally newspapers to Issue extras announcing victory for the Russians and the crowds no longer heeded the rata but entered Into a holiday eplrlt In a ukase Issued to the public early In ths afternoon tho emperor granted, la honor of hla son's name day, pensions to all survivors and widows and or phans of tho Turkish-Russian war. All captains who survive the same war are made lieutenant-colonels aad by ths same ukase tho emperor's son m an- twiintAd flhlaf of ths cadet corps. Until nearly -midnight the populace watched for news from ths front and In all clubs, hotels, theatres and puuio meeting places whsa news arrives, was snaadllv- siren OUt Although yesterday tha people In gen eral were inclined to accept even tae ohearlna- news la a rather conservative wayl today they seem convinced that success has again turned lowara wm Ruslaaa banners and that ths outcome of tha nrasent strussls will be a derided svdvaaos fog tho Russian plana.,. . "ooaotrma. IJesrssl Special ssrftee.) noma. Oet It The Glornalo dl Roma hears that Kuropatkln has wired tns osar follows: "Wo will literally eaecuts your scoots and oonauer or die. A resort has reached hero tnsx tns Rusolsns have resolved reinioreemema of 10,004 men from Harbin and tne Japanese have been reinforced by a full brigade from Niuenwang. IVlghtcc Vessels WLU oo OSSM Of OMS rieoraal Sseclal ServiOS-i t Petersburg, Oct It. Ths Baltie fleet will divide, part going by ths way of tho Sues and the remainder around tho Capo of Good Hope. It is expected: tha vovare will ba made within to days. This Information comas today from A semi-official source and is believed to he, reliable. The force of each Is not stated, but tt Is presumed the heavier vessels will go via tho Sues routs. , AXBXZHFF A BtVKBBa. Bavortcd s stave 0ew foe OsbXsssbm , With Kaawpadtkna. (few-sal Special Service.) Paris. Oct It. A telegram from Mukden reports that General Aloxleff has arrived there to comer vita uen ersl Kuro catkin. Tho correspondent lays groat stress on tho visit, preoiciinaj uhi n may- mean a complete ananas ox tne pians of cam Detail, the outcome of which none foretell. Alexleff la beiievea to favor a wait until spring commencing any very definite forward movement SELLS POOR FARM DEAD (Continued front Pags Ona.) have tried ts get reports or saads eomnlalnt to this board. 'If I had bean aupsnntsnasm I should hsvs got auch reports. said Commissioner Barnes. "Carol aeon ess. to aav tha least has svdoUy bean shown." Both commission rs assert that D. ! Jackson will bo Instructed to Investi gate conditions prevailing at ths poor farm closely when ho takes office No vember 1, atody all raports and make written return. They say that their future action will depend on the nature of the developments following ouch pro cedure. , List Opportunity On October 17. II and tt the Northern Paclfle will give you ono mors and the last opportunity to purchase low rate excursion tickets to tho world's fair at St. Louts snd to other points east All excursion tickets will be good oa ths North Coast Limited trains ss well as on either of the other overland trains. Through s reapers will bo run to St Louis. Call at tho ticket office. Ml Morrison street corner of Third for full particulars or write A. D. Charlton, A. O. P. A Portland. Or. Stop For Collins Hot Sprlnft A covered platform has bean erected by the O. R. N. Immediately apposite Collins Hot Springs for the soosnmoda- tlon of passengers who desire to visit this resort Tho Spokane Flyer, trains aad 4, stop at this point on flag to, take on or let off passengers, A com modious munch meats and ea tries all passengers snd baggage aoress ths river t the hotel. Woodard. Clarke & Company ' ( J L 1111 1 - 1 ' '4 The Most Remarkable Display Of fine Leather Goods aver shown oa this coast may now ba seen in our store. . Our selections embrace every new and de sirable style and shade in bags, cases, sets, rollups, purses, wallets and music rolls. . Physicians' ., Medicine Cases j hand and pocket, obstetrical bays and iristrurnent cases. Feng 1 Buy Your Everyday Needs From Us t ; And get tha best at a money savinfw-there'a no easier way of earning money than by trad ing' here. Our 'prices serva to indicate tha wav wa draw and hold our trade. Every artic4e we sell is genuine and the best. f " Aboxubent Cotton, pound rolls.., 28e Dickensona Witch Hasel, pint......17e Wise People Buy Their TOILET ARTICLES From Us .-, They know by experience that our prices ara lower than bargain counter stock. We bur from tha manufKturers. Hera ara soma lnd catione: Lyon's Tooth Powder. .14cj Espey's Cream Ma,eewee.A4d) FroetillA( ,u... .......,.14e Mennen'a Talcum e-lSd) Epom it .r;;z:r-M Our Photo Department Powdered Borax, Mule' Team, package. , . 9d Powdered Sugar Milk, pound...... 23d) Soap Bark, package. .....7dt Mixed Bird Seed pound... . ...... Tt Carbolic Acid, quarter pound .......12 Seidlitx Powders, box... ...lie Bay Rum, half pints.. 14 Rosa Water, half pints.... ..14f We Guarantee the Purity of Our Drugs. PURE LIQUORS AND GENUINE, v Quarts. Walker's Canadian Dub ......1)1.05 McBrsyer. Cedevbrook (bottled In bond) . .81.15 Fisher's Rye Dewar's Special Scotch. ...B1.15 Musadngum Valley ,.$1.10 Old Cabinet Blend..". ..........65dt Welch's Grape Juke (pints 23e?) 43e Martelt 8-Star Brandy ...,.fl.73 Lenoir's Cognac .. eee?.$l2S3 California Port and Sherry. - .93f Crystal Rock. Rya and Tola. .65) Draws Trade Ansco Cameras and Films, Monarch and Cyko Papers, ara absolutely tha best-bring us your films and plates, wa will develop them prompt, ly and well no rnarhtne work here, skilled men wait upon you a. a. .' ' .' tUffek r ran Ksamu X uxui. c. These jj Perpetuated 1 Palms CrV never fade or die re quire no attention ara f ahrava fresh and at tractive. - , Compara these prices with tha greenhouse plants, which need con stant car. Our palms ara all potted. PRICES; '., Two feat high.-a,v4MV..504t Three feat high.,. MeMM,.75f Fo-ty-fiva mchea high OOe ' ' Tree palms from. .....1)3 up to fl2 ' 'aasssass-' You can always save money and get tha beat hers tha only drug store with completa tale phone exchange, four tnmk Unas and ten extensions. Tha only store receiving Canadian ,; . ' ' ' money at full value. -; -L -r Woodard, Clarke & Company r PopularPrlce Druggists Established 1864 : ? VO CKOOT FOB Tns annual rifle oompetMlon for the Third Infantry trophy snd Individual medal wlU be held on tho Portland rifle range of tho Oregon national guard, be ginning Thursday of next week. A lmental rang officer wm supervise ths tests of aaarksmanahip, under sondlflons ths asms aa those prescribed for tho state trophy and state medaL Aatsrw, Oet It. Arrived in a 10:40 a. ss., sohoonar Andy Mahoney, San Padre, r - (Jisisel Sj i rlil service.) Raton, N. at, Oct llFlva tnchaa of snow nag faUen hers. Ths storm struck this place early today aad extends through Colorado and New Msxiao. Much, stock is suffering. I Q!f J Karpen Furniture BUILT ON HONOR. CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEED, . LEATHER WARRANTED STERLING WILLr; NOT : ' ro a r-Tr rT?TPT nsrvr erst tt aTtrtr-DV TDrrroTP crvr rt txi'i'Li -: . waawAi a hva HMii . uf a ii iv; wy&aa vvaaaa OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE. WE'RE ALWAYS '-GLAD TO SHOW IT TO YOU. r -. i.. J. . Sg Jr. til - v 7