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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
-It THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. KXDNBSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER U . lA -:aMBBMMacaBssga m , vmmiu m -jwizzd fc.ji:5ca 1BH MEN'S FURNISHINGS MEN'S fine heavy jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers, . .-. fleece lined, steam, shrunk, colors blue, , C, brown and salmon; elsewhere a bargain , V t 50c ERUPTION PRICE,;;.. ...dC v MEN'S fine Sanitary Natural Wool Shirts : - and Drawers; elsewhere $1.00. ERUP- JA- V TION PRICE................ -..:.:t..4yC WRIGHT'S HEALTH Underwear; standard . ; $1.00 values. .. " S ERUPTION PRICE. . .'. .. . .v.';. . .V I oG V MEN'S GENUINE COOPERS, derby ribbed, ? . colors blue and pink ; $1.00 values. 72 i ' ERUPTION PRICE.;; IOC . MEN'S extra fine fleeced Underwear, covered , seams ; a great $1.50 value ' AO. ERUPTION PRICE... .................. "."OC tO styles MEN'S Golf Shirts, MADRAS, - , . PERCALE and BEDFORD CORD; else-, where 75c ERUPTION PRICE.. ...OOC HEN'S EXTRA GRADE Golf Shirts, all new y .-s. and up-to-date patterns, every size, 14 to ift : 17; 76c value. ERUPTION PRICE....... 4yC MEN'S BLACK SATINE Shirts, yoke back, double stkched seams, separate collar bands; . great value. - - :;; eruption price,:.: oOC 1 tOO dozen Men's Natural Wool Socks i best L 5c values hi the city. 17 V ". ERUPTION PRICE..... .....IC Same in blacic............... .............. ;.....17 PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS. - A ERUPTION PRICE. .. . .............. ....."C .MEN'S JAPANETTE HANDKERCHIEFS, v large silk initial; I6c values. ... , C f - ERUPTION PRICE. ..................... , OC BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS Navy blue and maroon ; 60c and 76c values. . . 7"' ' ERUPTION PRICE. v. . . i .v, 1 .7. . OyC ALL OTHER BOYS' SWEATERS, HALF PRICE MEN'S SWEATERS Hand-made, worsted, navy blue and garnet ; $1.60 values. . A ERUPTION PRICE 70C MT. PELEE is now once mora in active ERUPTION, belching forth its lava and smoke to the four winds. (We have taken this as a nucleus for our ad.) NOW LISTEN! Just as Mt Pelee is giving tip the secret of Mother Earth, just so are we giving up the secrets of the mercantile world. We have an ERUPTION hi our large, grand establishment of high class merchandise, WHICH MUST BE SOLDI FORMER PRICES CJUT NO FIGURE! The cost of our elegant men's suits, overcoats and furnishings thrown to the four winds, same as old Pelee. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT SALE! . 41 VlAV. If 1 rs r yjy y Vm 7 NdP U 1 TANDD , 1 oak 1 1 jia JL- Jix;-. 0AK ' . ; vivivuui taw You may try and equal them elsewhere at $f5, but It will be a' sorry try ours are made to FIT- Fabrics equal to those at FIFTEEN DOLLARS anywhere we have them in single also double breasted Sacks, as well as a few Frocks for elderly gentlemen-marked down for m f. this sale from $15 and $20. ; our moyer speciai; Men's Hats, in every block and shape, equaling best $8.60 Hats Portland, ALWAYS $1.90 f-ewse. ' 3 3 u .4 1 -J t !i a3 i ' j i j i L FOOTBALLS, AIR RIFLES, WATCHES GIVEN - m 4 - 4 4 AWAV with afl Rr.vt' Quits mA lrt. ' J 0 ?I WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD. IT'S SO AWAY with all Boys' Suits and Overcoats. jaasssssssMMalaMMMa jsssMMMMWMas aTOyiBsMWlfisTWTm j t I 1 . I III I 11 V WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD. ITS SQ - ATKINSON SCHOOL IS ALMOST READY sxitAY or ooiminov 1 vrratssare) taxta wommL tktnsoo Behooi will fe Mdr for oe cuptncy Mondax morning for aU but Ihi two blher claw, which hava bean ,tntlnc Id th partahl roonu at tb iCeach school. This to tho unounconioiit uadt or City 8upiintndnt of Schools Trank Rlslsr. By that tima six wacka ,yriU bars alapsad sioos ths opantnc of ith Call tarn. Ths bulldinv would not lta ready for occupancy than had not 'Mr. Rlflar saployed men to claar ths jrooans of Um dsbrls I ft by ths eontrao tora, who ars sapposad to do thla work m a part of thatx oootracta. Ha was la atroctad at a apoctal nastlna-' of th acbool dlrsctora to amptoy tho poeasaary labor for thla work. An attempt will bs mads to ddut ths sxpsnsa of c)anlnc if ths bulldlnc from ths cob tract prtos f tho work on ths sehoolhouss. It wfll bs Thankaclvlnt; bsfora tho arorfc on ths bulldlnc la fully completed according to Mr. Rlflar. Thcrs U much painting; and a laras amount of plumb-ina- yat to bs dons. Although bavins; workmen around ths building- during acbool hours, will grsatly lotarfers with ths tsachsra and pupUa, yet Mr. Rlgler thovght this budding praferaMa to tho portable rooms at ths Ladd school. Dur ing1 ths rainy woatbsr It Is nearly Impoa albls for all ths small ehlldron to attend tha portablaa, aa thsy ars so far from ths Atkinson school district. Contractors bars manlfastsd a vsry m dlffarent atUtuds In doing- tha work on ths buildings. Work that thsy oontracted to havs flnlshod weaks ago la Just now being oom plated. For four full wssks orar fiat pupils of ths Atkinson school wars without any meeting- place whatever and during ths past two weeks they havs bean assembling la tfaa porta bias of the Ladd school. Besides this there wars nundrsda of other pupils of ths Clinton Kelly, Brook lyn, Portsmouth, Ladd and High schools who wars without any place in which to receive Instruotloa for ona and two weeks, on account of contractors failing to have the buildings ready an time. Dur ing thla time ths teachers wars unem ployed. Still ths taxpayer! had to pay salaries amounting; to aver 9S.004 for services which wars never rendered. While this state of affairs has existed the directors havs manlfestd a llatlesa spirit regarding' the conditions aad havs dons little or nothing- to remedy them. They havs allowed tho contractors to Bhlrk their agree men ta and In nearly every instance ths contractors havs been from one to sis wssks behind with their work. Th dlrsctora left all the details to Supervising Architect Jones and bs also has signally failed In holding tha eon tractors to their agreements. Next week the small vlllags of portable buildings at ths Ladd school will disap pear. Flvs of them will bs transferred to ths manual training centers aa work rooms. Others of ths rooms will bs transferred to schools which are badly crowded. ts It a burn? Uss Dr. Thomas' Bclee- trlc OU. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas' Eo lectrlc OH. At yonr drugg-tata. TAMING HIDES TO JAKE FINE GLOVES oa- oniaeOBT kosm, sooe ajtb uma-oan ncaif cor eoos x-orasj rs vxrmwt VAjrjtrrjra or A new avenue has beam opened la trade In tha Oregon hog. dog- and sheep, la the manufacture of gloves. Bog- skin Is found to make a wry dselrabla working glove. Tnf niae wnen seen on ins nos hanging u a butcher's shop has ths appearance of being- extremely coarse and harsh. But when thoroug-hiy tanned It becomes soft and pliable, and has the toughness that makes a glove durable. It has ona peculiar characteristic after being; tanned. . Tha bristles of a hog grow In punches of three, and the pores of these hairs are plainly vlslbls In lit tle groups aU over the glove. Many gloves ars made from ths hlds of ths South Amerloaa wild hog and tha Mex ican bog. ; "Ths skin of a dog also makes a tins glove.' says George A. Luke, president of he Luke Knitting oom pan 7, "but only the bast tanned dog hides are good, ahd these are high priced. For this reason ths eats of them la very limited. A good dogskin g-lovs costs from IU0 to fl.Te. Cowhides and calfskins make good work ing gloves. A great many gloves are mads of sheep akin, which has not been AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER In order to introduce still more extensively the merits of "Journal Want Ads." The Journal will give with every cash "want ad." for the Daily or Sunday Paper a large package of C. D. Smith ft Co. . Premier SAYPO Washing Powder, sold regularly and all over the city -;' for KOc per package.. - HEAPFK. TtUN THt DMT Just a Word About Saypo r-f-;-;.;-::: - Washing Powder - It is the purest because it contains no ' Harmful ingredients and will not injure r ' tho finest fabrics or the hands. If yon r, ' f nought it, you'd get more for the same ( .' noney than any other. It will dean any thing and it does its work thoroughly. ' Your home isn't complete without it Saypo Washing Powder is a Pacific coast product (made in Portland) and one you . : uturally want to use. 1 RmemborAlately ftwt with cash "Want Ads" for Thm Dolly or Stmday JoiiriiaL Saim oM 'rant o" rat21 words for 15c OREGON'S EXHIBIT WINS MANY PRIZES Prealdent Jeffaraoa Myers of tha Ore gon state oommlsslOB takes vigorous ex cepUos to the statements of P. A. Mao Phsraoa. toads upoa ths return of tha latter from St. Loula ooneernlng- the Ore gon agricultural exhibit. - Mr. MaePhersoB said at that time, la The Journal that tha Oregon exhibit In the Agricultural building was "a slam on our good state," that tha display had often been excelled at. the stats fair at Salem 'and that sempered with the ex- hlblts of Waahtngtoa and Oallfornls, It was "Insignificant." Thla report nettled Mr. Myers and now. after a week or IS days la St. Louis, be .offers a reply. A dispatch to The Journal over his signature aaya: "Replying- to Mr. MscPhsrson, the Oregon agricultural exhibits at ths world's fair received tha grand prise for grains and grasses, II gold medals, 44 silver medals and II bronss medals. The exhibit Is equal to that of any stats la ths anion. 'regarded aa a good glove leather. But recently Improved methods of tanning sheep' hides have - brought them vary largely Into nee. They era usually sold aa goatskin glovee. there; being sn old prejudice in favor of the goat glove. "The buck hide of North and-South America is still ..very, largely used tn the manufacture of the best -glovee. Buckskin Is tanned tn many ways, and when tanned right It la sxpensrvs. The muleekin glove finds eonslderable favor among worklngmen, possibly owing' ta ths general imprssslon that a muls has a tough hide. Moat of ths so-called mule skin -gloves are mads from horse bide." It would bs supposed that the moat durable gloves were made of the hide from .the back of a hors that baa en dured the slinks and arrows of mlsfor tune that oome with a lifetime of pull ing a dray or an all-night hack. But the truth la to the contrary. The best horeehlds gloves ars made from the akin that oomss from under and between the' hips. From tbla hlds ths oordovan ahoe Is made. The dogskin bas no pores and the glove made from It la aeariy water proof. The value of a glove dspanda largely on ths process of tanning that ths skin haa undergone,' said Mr. Luke. "1 have ineera tanners ear uiey couiu w iirwx rclasa lob of tanning la 14 hours, but I don't believe K. A really good Job of tanning requires that ths leather be kept In the brine from three to alx months, aad for some hides even longer. There Is a South African animal, a oross be tween the goat and ths aheep. that yields a fine glove leather If the bide la prop- 1 erly tanned, but It takes three years to tan thla hlds ta perfection.. Mystery surrounds ths animal from whloh ths Mocha glove, a man's "un dressed kid" glove that has become vsry popular In recent years. Ths manufuo turers differ In opinion, and none of them knows to a oertalnty the animal from which the Mocha skin Is taken. The glove la entirely Imported from Turkey, and Is a part of ths stock of every glove deslsr. It cornea In very line shades of brown and" dark tan. . The Europeans ars still beating us In tanning and dyeing." says Mr. Luks. They evi dently have secrets tn these processes that ws have not yet acquired In Amer ica. There la a Mocha imitation made In this country, but It la a sheepskin tanned wrong side oat and the coloring Is Inferior. Women's kid gloves con tinue to bs mads of tha skins of kids, sheep and lambs. They are very largely Imported. One San Francisco house maintains a factory In Italy, where the coloring of these gloves reaches its high est state of excellence." v ALL SORTS OF HOURS FOR RAZOR WIELDERS ' Keys to local ' barber shops wars thrown Into the river at a masting of tha barbers' union in the Allsky building last night Ths meeting was for the purpose of determining on ths hours la which shops In this city would be kept open. By practically unanimous consent ft was agTssd that there should be no Urn limit, that shops oould remain open 14 hours sack day If the poptistora so de atred. It waa further pacified that bar bers shall work lots hours each dev. which haa been the eustom up ta this time. The throwing- off of a time limit to the shops has been under consideration for several months by ths onion. It was done for the purpose of aooommodatlng visitors in the city. It Is especially for the purpose of aooommodatlng those who will attend the Lewie and Clark fair next summer. . rths union at noon today when notices were prepared and forwardedto propri etors of shops throughout tha eltv. in forming them of ths action of ths union. No action waa decided upon with ref erence to tha proprietors of ths Port land hotel shop- who have employed non union Darners. . Chicago Painless Dentists Scmthat Cor. Pint and Morrison Offer their aervioes to ths public of Portland and Orevom. guaranteelnc their work superior ta anything; that haa been renders tha nubile ta this ' eitr heretofore at prises greatly ta excess of thoss ws quota below: GOLD CROWNS S8.O0 FULL SET OF TEETH. . . . ..... fS.Ow BRIDGE WORK S3.00 - SILVER P1LLINOS ., ....... .60 GOLD FUJJNOS ......Sl.OO Vhsse asieta ae gpielal fa SO days -'il. ' '.-i" '' 'J. Jy. ta sadaw ansa the pmsUa may CHICAGO DCNTAU PARLORS ?- Southeast Corasr First and MotTisoa -Tenrstasysa. g We employ no students nor others not perfectly qualified to' render tha very beeV service in all departments of dsn ttatry. Ws modestly ask ths public to pay a visit to oar parlors and sea for Itself that ws do all and mora than we claim t da In thla advertisement. (Seeds! Mssatefe The XearasL) Albany. Or., Oct. II. The docket, for the olreutt aourt, whloh oonvenes here next Monday morning, la now ready. There arg If asses ready fat trial, ,f ASSOCIATION WORKS FOR CITY'S PURITY ' The Municipal association celebrated the first anniversary -of Its birth last svsnlng at T. M. C. A. hail by hsaring a program of reporta on tha year's work and addresses on various subjects of lo ts reet to ths institution. President a P. M. Jsmlson, In his report, paid an eloquent tribute to W X Honeyman. his predecessor la office. On the subject of gambling he eongrat ulated the assoclstlon on what haa been eooompllahed and addsd that a watchful vigil must be kept to prevent tha vies gsttlng a new lease on life. He com plimented Sheriff Word on his work, "and Mr. Manning atartsd In well. said the president, "but I think he shows, sometimes, signs of weaksning." Mr. Jamison ssld ths forces of ths associa tion should deal next with the toleration of dlesolute women. Hs fa vers regis tering them rather than licensing thsm. Brief talks wars made by Dr. BL P. Hill, Rabbi Wise and Council man R Russsll Albee. The same effloera were elected for tha ensuing year and the name of W. W. Payne waa added to the board of directors. Pi'efavied Staak Oanaad Siiia, Alloa and Lewis' Best Brans. , REMOVING To Northwest Corner Second and Taylor Rasmussen Co. ; PAINTS, OILS, SASH, DOO R.S, ETC. . . i . .... - ft' 1 J ' : r ; v . a ,r .,,'r v ,.' : r . . : -'4- 1-