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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
THE . OREGON DAILY JOUKXAE, PORTLAND. WSDNESDAY EVENINO. OCTOBER 19. 1CC BB f-1 4JTTY yOTKKt. proposals fob oOmvomAxioa hob OOCXA , mm pi ii iu. m tooetoct 53L5? Ujr. ur..t h I'Ut af PorttonA OntM. KlU t p. .. Monday, Cteer -nUbU ana oeiivertne t PortlnnA Or, not UM then I'nimiii L Brim, ar It poo tree tor Mtnn, , 1.400 he If -loin eorperattan PtoS- ao-tow -J 400 iwa-ela-fathu-lnch oorDoratlou atop caeun. The etop mack maat be of approv-d lUf. Balebtd it Ml, wockmanlUe meaner, with Sent eepllne, and eu I table tot M urltb tM Mueller tapplne onchlne. . TIm boaee need mutt bo at the fetuwbf new neelttou: Copper, M per Cit; sine, par cent; tin. 4 per Mat; toaa. Si. P" aoat. WdwBOMmS1, tha etyto of fke atop, aux-ke, five tka percenter- of eee hind of BaCtsf rhoMBE tlM tempOelUOU Slid ttttB thO .mi priee, per atop cock. ot mm llMraal fc u WtkiUl flnwoa. , With each hit Moat bo dcpodted aBrttSod Shock to It 06, payable to the Auditor of the City of PwrtlaaoVOreeoa, and boada icMpUbto W na Marat or too city wiu m iwjbih .Tt mlAA The rich! to reeervui If Ik Wttof Sward to wn 7 or u not. ProuoMta Ml to encloeed Ik tat , NiW i4 marked "Pro pool for Stop Cnon'1 And UdraiNl to Of onderetcnew, . By ardor of JheWater Board. . rilNKT. DODOS, uwneftoumntoaV ' PartleaA Dreroa. October Mi I- conw.iTioir .uia aocbftaxcb of IE . nonmit of uout mm. 1 Notice ki kmkr eIvob that William 0. B1 ttott. City luiBMr, bat tld to the ofttoa ef tho underlie nod nettae that Star Sand Company, or tractor fa tha InnroHnafttt of Qulaobr trL ante U proTtatoM of frdlaane No. K.W. ksa topLta aald atrt from tha wH m f trroatMatb Mrtai to tM ! Ui BakT seawBUBoa will W onatei to f KiaMtlv Board it 4 o'etock on tM nit 4T cd Ottobaf, 180. ksd obj IMUOM to tba IMtMIMt Of aaM aUOM, T BUT Prt lavrmi, BU7 to Tiled ta tba oflW mt CM MdralM I W tlM prior thto. O. DBVLIW. Aaoltor at tha CJ ft PartUaA. hrmia, OiaaM. October r to. iwo. ooMFurno utd acctttamcm or x ymoTucxn of otxstqji hxsst. Ketlra to harokf WW Ma 0. B- at. Cltf Ku1nor. baa fllod to tba arira of tba tmdmlcMd Botle that minor h atln. tntractaro T tor tat ltnpmroDot of Orarloa otrrol, Baxter tba twoTlatona. of ardUiaijco Ko. kart ooapbt.4 too wjat ooahalf id tto hitoroorttoB of Twanlj-tfth atrot. MM loMMintt Will to ooMtoarad kf too VaaottTo tori at 4 'dock o tbo Jlat Jar of Octotor. 1W. aad obJtrtloM to tte rraftann of aaM Mft, or anr Mrt tbaroof. awj to Mod to tko offle mt too MdralM4 at aaw tlail prior tbrrrto. . , ' n THIH. fl. DKVLIW. . Andltar of tbo Cltf of FortUntf. I . Parlktwt. Orofow, October la, iwi ratOFOtUU FOB tTaUECt W0BX. ' InM frofwaala wlU to roeolra tbo Of 'tW of tbV Auditor of tto C1W of ForjW tll frtoMr. Otobr tl. MA. at : bm. for tbo lniproTmDt of JroMf atrrot froo t oaat tltM of Mlfblfaft itoduo to tbo oaat Una of Boctbwlck atroat. Id too ttuoBor Bro ("ad by ordlaaae No. 14.3B1, aabjort to tbo orlooo o( tbo cktor and ortlooncojof too (r ofKrtUod and tbo aotlasau of Oh 01 ty iriooor. om alt, . Blda amat bo at rtrtl la aceardoae wltk arlatod bUnkt, wbkb wlU to tornUM m a plleatloa at tbo cfnvo of tbo Auditor of tbo ty of PortUad And aald InproToatont aiaat Seaiplotd on or toforo 60 dara from tbo U of too aliatac mt too oaauaot hr too aorttao tboroto. .No ptopoooMi or Mda win to mattered: aatoaa rceaapaalod by a oortUkd etoek pojablat to tbo ardor of tbo Major of tho City of Port land, corttD4 by a reapooolble baak for aa aavoaat aaoal to W tto aal of tbo acaracaio tatoat amy ad an aMa to torobjr By ordaw at tka Bt(-itlf Boord. - THO. C. DFTtllf. Aadltar of tbo City of Portland. Port kv ad. Orofoa. Ortetor la, 1WM. fbofookd AaaiaamarT fob zmfbotx- - mrt OF XAMAL0 RBBBT, Itotlc to toroby Hoa tbat too Ooaacfl of to City o? Port land pro poo a to aaaaaa too fol- Ir.wlac tooertbod proporty and owaor or owoora aa totnc aprclally end pmllarly boaoatod to fbo amoaita oat oppoelto too umm aad do- Brrlotlnna tbaroof for tbo lamroroBMnt of Haa- aalo atroo frost tbo mt Uno of Boat Ftrat trret to lb wrot llao of Baat BUth atroo. aa aroTldod-by ardlaaaeo Ko. IS. MB, . . Any obiorttoM ta too appor JloniMa mt foot flu aald Itaprorrawnt owat bo atodc to wrltln to too Onaarit and tlrd with too Auditor wltbla U dara front tbo data of tbo Brat publication r tf ta notleo. and aald objoctlona will to board ad determined by tbo Council boforo tbo paa uci of lb ordlaaata aaoooelag tba aaat of CId lan pro t moot. 0U.Af)AT ADDrTtOW to Baat Portlaad BLOCK BT. tot 4. John Clark, f4 9; lot f. Joha Clark, lot , Aaruattoa Uarto !1rbot. 12 ; lot B, Aafoallno Maria Plcbot. 17 dfc. BLOCK 47 tot C A. B. Broraaaa. IKftl; lot 4. A. H. Breytnaa, M M; lot 4. ft. irtrnm. 44.40: lot T A. BroyaMB, tim.SS. BLOCK . lot 4. Kaaaaa A. Arcbanf toaa, 4IA.01; lot t, Imaw A. Arcbamboao. SI M: Vt 4, LltlUB OM., 4.Ml lot 4, Ur ea OVto. 414. ST, BLOCK Tl tot 4. TiMM BleoleJ. 414.04; tat 4, Loo fa Vtaelaf, 44.41: tot 4, Loala Nk-olaT. (11.04; lot 4, LoaU KleolaJ, 44 M. BLOCK T4, tot 4. Oeerno Krocboua, flS4,04; lot 4, Ooorao Kroefcnaa, 48 U; lot 4. Dora rVbado. 4ftT tot I. Dora tchade. 444.4D. BLOCK 47 tot' 1. rnakla aUlUr. ; lot S. A. M. itaaaberrr, St; lot T. Tba Oroooa Boal Batata Ooa- Baj. 410.44: lot 4. Tbo Ortfoa Bool BaUto ojpany, 41.40. BLOCK 44, tot 1, Bern a.rt Daadoia. 41 4. Hi aartk 14 foot af lot a Boraaart jlacodovx W lO; aootb 44 foot of lot 1 A L Pord. Wanwa. 47.1 l t T, Aoratn Ocohaek. SS 01: let 4. Anaoota OcoWfe, 4X 44. BLOCK 47. lot 1. Anirnr.ta Ovobecfc. 44.14; tot 4. Aokaata Oeoboek, 45 to; lot T. Aajreeta Oooooct jail; lot a. An-ooU Ocobock.12.00. BLOCK 44, lot 1. Ilraia Vlttanbora. 41 204 lot 1 Hotbmb frittea tora, 44 31: tot T. ftrrniaa Wltteaborw. J6.34; kxl RorsMB inttoabora. 44 84. BLOCK 44. lot 1. blauU 0. Hadaoa. 4124.04: lot 9L Hand O. Radeon, 48.44; lot T. Nile P. Jobnooa. 40.4B; lot 4, Mary J. Mowland. 404.40: rlaht af way, Portund Ballway Company, aaa.TS: rlaht of wey, city m Pahnroaa Ballway af way. C Oom- aay, r. Total. 41. 144.04. THOi. C TtBTUW. Andltar af tbo City af Portlaad. PortUad. Oreaoa. Oetober if, 1404. FBOFOUS AB4SBo14BjTT FOB IMFBOTaV MXBT OF IAL41T BTBXBT. Nottot to hereby pi too that tha Cowacn af the Oty af Portland propoeaa to aeeeeo the fx I lew tup; eWrlbed proporty and owaor or owaera aa belnf aped ally and peculiarly booe fled la tha amoanta aet eppoalt the naaoea aad deecrlpttoae thereof far the unproreawot of tlalaey atreet. from tba aaat Una af tot Twraty foorth atreet to tha weat 11m af Baat Twoaty elyhtb atreo, aa ntarbtoi by ordtoaaoo Ko. lienS. Aay oMrcrkma to tha apportionment af rant tar aald Impreremeat meat be amde la wrllltm to the Oonocll and flkd with tha A editor wltbla daya from toe data of tba Bret pnbttoatloa af Uli notice, and entd obJecttoM will he heard and determlaed by the Council before the pea. tare of tbo erdtoaaea laaiaalajj tha aoat af aald I m pro max at. CARTERS ADDmoif to Baat Portlaad . BIXKX 1. tot 4. NelHa f. MalBcaL t44.44t St 4. Nfllte P. MatoeaL fBT 47; tot T, J. A. medelL 4T1 44; tot 4, J. A. BaawoetL -' 410A.M. BLOCK 4. lot 4, Fred B. Itewart. 1 4K4.U; tot H. and Ivmlaa Miller, 441.71: ' tot T. H. and Xonlea MI1W, 44a.zri tot 4, ' R aad Lontoa Millar. 43.14. BLOCK T, tot . Cbrtatloa Olaen, ar; let 4. Cbrletlan tot J. Alfred Jamee Marsor. 4M.oit tot 4, MV TV. Powler, 473 44, a tract of hind ha tweaa tho north tine of Haleey etreet and a Una 1QA feat aorth thereof ami parallel there with and oaat una of Carter Addinoa he natt Portlani aad weal tine Baal BeUaaaj Addltton. N. D. Fowler. 444.44. BART HOLL-iTlAT ADDITION to 4ba Cttr af Portloaay-BIACK 1. tot 1. John rreodfoo. - bm.44' wt l, inba PraaHtoat, 4&4.44 leC 4. John fVnadton. 40.44. IR4T ADDITION TO BOLLADAT PABK AP PtTtON a Portlaad. Oreaoa BLOCK 41. north , inn feet af tot 11. Tba Title Oaaroatoe Treat Company. J4T . north 100 feet of lot It. . Tbe Tllle Oa area tee A Traet Oomnaay. 444.43; aortb 100 feet of tot 14, Tba Title Qnaraatat Trwat Com pa nr. WP at; aarth K feet of , tot 14, Tbe Title Ooaraatee Traet Ooar peey. f44.Br; Berth 1M feet af lot IS. Tba Title Aoaranbee A Traet Company. 444 44: - north 100 feet of tat 14. Tba Title Oaarontea STraat Coaapaey. 444 T; aorth ino feet of t IT, Tbo Tttto Saarante i Traet CVm- fiar, M EM; north 1) feet of lot 1ft. The tie oaarontea at Treat Cemoony. 144.44; north 100 feet of tot 14. Tha Title Oaoraatee Traet Company, 443 St; Berth ino feet of tot 44, The Tttto Onaraeteo A Traet Com pony. 477 41. BLOCK S3, north in feet Of tot 11, Tap Tttto ffaamntae A Traet Onta peay, north 100 feet of let It- The Title Ooirantee B Traat Compear. 440-43; aertl) MO feet of tot 14. Tan Title Onaraatee I ft Trart Onmpeay. 4M .04; north 1M feet af ret !.. Tha Title wnaraatea Treat i-mb- aetry. hi 41- Berth 10ft fawt Af lot IB. The Title Onernatta A Traat Company. 44A0T: aortb 100 feet of let 14. Tha Title ftoaraaiaa Traat Oeenaaay, 441 ta; aarth 104 feet of tot IT, The Title Oaaraatee A Traat Otanpa ay. intTw: north im foot of tot m. Tba Title flrkinntoo A Traet rxaapony. 4" IT: north ino feet or tot IP. Tha Title flMrtatM A Traet Ooaapoar. SM Pa; aarth WO feet of tot n. Tap Title Cue ran too A traat Camaany, ldS.14, TeUL 4S.0W . . 1 " C BWrXTB, S ' A-m of . ry of PotUaaaV Portend, Ot, 0 m il toot. (11 T BOTTOM, rmopocAU fob bwsb wo ex. Baatod nropootbi will to recotra at roe ef- 4W of te Aodltor af too City af Portland aiitU Frtdar. Oetober 41. 140. al 4 44 o'clock . B, for tbo copatraouoa of a eewer to be aow,.aa too ferrfagton Dietrtct eewar. to tbo amanuar protoMl by arwaaaM No. U.OTl, aab Jrct to fb proTlatoaa of tba abartor and erdt iwncoa of tho City of Portland aatt the oattotato af tba Cltr Kaalnaor. oa 4W. Bide BtnatM etrictly la aeoordaaaa wtth printed Slaoka, whlrb will be farolabed oa ap ptlcatloa el I bo afbra of tba Auditor of the city of Portland. Aad aald aewrr meat be complotad ooj or before aere aaontba froa) the date of tbo aftgalaj Ua ooaueet by the partlea theroto. No propoaaU or Mdk w!tl to aoaa1dero anlaal arconaaniod by a ceitlnod rbock payable to tbo oi dor of tba Mayor of toe Ot ty at Portland. rorttBed by reapoaethlo beak, far ea aawant equal to 14 per aaat af tbo auregaU pro POeaL ' , ba rtaht to retoe any aad aB Men to herewy raeorTod. By arddt af (to) fcaeaHre atoJt . Tnoi. C. Aodltor af the City of Port Wad. PartteM, Oreioa, October 14. 104. FBOBOBALB FOB tTBXXT W0BX. floeled pripniela will be recai offlpa of fbo Auditor of the Cltr n4 at fla of Portlend antU Friday. October 41. 140. at 1:00 o'clock a mu for tba Inproronteat of tlapaea atroat boaa tba aaat lino of Mlcblyaa oTfaoe to the rut 11m of Bortbwlck atroct. la the ejaaaer prorldod by ardlnoaee No. 14.444, eablect to tbo prorUlone of tho charter and ordiaancea of the City of Portland aa tba aattowto af tba Cltr Bnalnear. oa 41e. Blda nmt ha etrirttr la aoeerdaara ' wtth printed bio oka. whlh will bo fnrnlabed 0B ap plication at the eifloe af tba Auditor of tba City of Port land. And aald latproTenwat stoat bo eempleted on or before 40 daye from the data of tbo alnlaar af tka aanUaat hr tba partlea thereto. No propoeale a Mda wilt ha oonatdored a, leaa aeaompaalod by a certltad Aeck payable to tbo order af tba Mayor of the City of Portland, oortlnod by a reeponalbto beak far an aowuDt oqaal to 10 par eeat of tba acsro- rata propoaai. The rlaht to retool lay aad all Mda to reaenrea. , , By order af fM Btaenttre Board. ' TROff. C. DBTLTM, Aadltar af the City of Port land, rortlaad. Orecoa, October 14, 1404. lPOkAXB FOB eTim W0BX. Boa tod propeaab will ha rocolrad at tha af- 4ro of the Aodltor of tb City of Portlend aaUl Friday. October . 1404, at 4:04 o'clock p. at, for the laaprareaaeat of Alblaa a Tenor froai tha north Uno af KlIMnfewortk areaae to tha aorth Una af Weet Plednwat .to tho aun&er prorMed by erdlamnaa Ho. 14 tod. anb toct to tha .prorletoaa af tha ebarwr ant ordlnancea af tbo Cltr of Portland and tha ea tin tee of tho City toifftoeor, aa 4lo. Blda must be atriotly to accordance with prlotod blaaka. which win be feral bad Of ap pitcauoa at ua or are or tan aaaitor r too Cltr of Portland. And aal4 lBuroreaeoat nnat be eoaipleted oa or before 40 daya froai tba data mt tbo elanlBf af tha aeatratt by too partial in arete. No srooooala or Mia win ka eeeol4oro4 aaleaa accompealad. by, a eertlfted cbech pay able to the ordr af tba Mayor of tba City of rortlaad. mined by a reepenalbla bank, for aa amount eqnal bo 10 per eeat af tka agfra- ''Ttae1 rSrht"" to ratoat aa naA aB Mda to her r by reeorrod. By ardor of to KrecvtlTn Boarfl. . THOi. 0. DBTLIB. ' Andltar af the City af Port lead. Portland. Orofoa. October II. 1404. FKOFOUXJ) FOB 4TKXXT W0BK. Boeled oroooeale will ho roroiTod at tba of. too of the Aodltor of the Clt af Portland UtU Friday. October tl, 1404, at 4:04 o'alocb p. B.. for tho ImproTOBMst of Mtealealppl avo nwa from tbo north llao of KtlUnnworth are na ta tha north llao of Weat Plednwat la the auanor -nrorMed by ordlaaae No. 14,440. uhlect to tbo nroTlstoM of the rhartor and ordlnancoa of the City of Portland and tha eel I ma toe of the City Coal no or. oa die. Blda moot ha- atrirtly to aesordaara with printed bUnka, which will he farnlobea oa application at tho ofBea of tha Auditor of the City of Portland. And aaM tmproreawnt not bo oanputed oa ar before 40 daya froai tbo date of tba atemlaa af tha eeatreet to tba partlea thereto. No jreDONh or Mda wffl m toaa accompanied by a cerrtned ohoeh payable to tha order of tha Mayor of tba Olty af Port land, cor tided ttr a roenonatbla bank for aa amonat oqoal to 10 per aaat af tba acaraaata rteb to retoM may aad aB Mda to berohr iweerTod. By erway af tat Baoewtiro BoarC TUOB. c. DarTTjiir. AadttaT af the City af Portland. Oreaoa. October 14. lPOe. rarrJanC OOMFUtTIOV ABD AOCBPTABCB OF IBV FBOTXXEBT OF DZT0U0B FTBBBT, NetJee la hereby aire that William C. Bl tha anderalcaed netloa tbat Joplto Meeka, eon tractor for tba Improramaat af Dlvlalon tract ander tha nrorlaloaa of ordinance No. 14.474, bare completed aald atreet front the weat Boo or ereod aeeano ta no root wear ac tbo weat Una of Baat Third atreet. Bald acceptance win bo eonelderei by tba nxecatlre Hoard at a o'clock on tha XI at aar of October, 1004, and objection to tho oc eeotaneo af aald atreet. ar anr aart thereof. may be Bled la tba ofAea at tka naaoratowad at any urea prior thereto. , . lua jixBXJtrriTB muhd. By THOi. C. DIVLIB. Andttar of tbe City of Portland, Portlaad. Orrcoa. October 14. 1404. OOBVLBTIOB ABB AOOBPTABOS OF IX- PBOTKatXVT OF BOBTBTWTOX BTBXXT. Notice to hereby aireo that WllUam C rtm mm OlMl Im Ik. mMmb of tba nnderelcned aotlco that Oaorga Baoer, contractor ror ma improeaaMat ar Bonawicc etreet a odor tbe prorlaloaa of ordinance No. 18. IMA baa completed tba aarth OM-aaU af tha tatereectlon of Stnaton atroat. Bald acceptance will ha oo aloe cod hp tM Bxecntlva Board at 4 'clock on tha Slot day of October. 1P04. aad ahjectteaa to tbe ac ceptance of aald atreet. or aay part thereof. may be alee, la tM oraca at tM naaaraiaoit at iy una prior tnereto, TUB BXKCPTTTB BOARD By THOS. 0. PETttlf. Aadltor af tbe City at Portland. Portlaad. Orejjon. October lK 1404. OOMPLXTIOB ABO AOCXPTAXCX OF ZM PROTXXXVT OF BAR TWXKTT DOBTB ' Notice ta hereby rteea that Wllnam C. Bl llott. aty Bnclneor. baa tied to tha office of tbe anderalfncd notice tbat Joplla A Meeka, coo tree tare tor the Impraeoment of Boat Twenty elcbtb etreet ander the prorlalooa of ordlnanrw No. 13.MS hare completed aald atreet from the ceo tor Uno of Baat Salmon atroat to the north Itoe of Hawthorne arenno. Bald acceptance will ha coaoidored by tka Exocerlre Board at 4 o'clock oa tho Slot day of October. IPAi, and object loan ta tbe ac ceptance of aald atreet, ar any part thereof, may he Sled to tha ofBea af tha naderaotnad at any time prior thereto. TUB BXBCtrnTB BOARD, By TUOB. C DBVLI. Andttar of tbe City of Portlaad. Portland, Orecoa. October IS. 1404. OOhTPLXTIOB ABB AOCBFTABOB OF TM pBYncXYI OF BAST TWBBTT-SM B Vmiam Notiea to horotiT atrM that WTtllem C. Bl- Itott, City Bnctoeer, ban fled to the efttea f tba aaderolmed notice that OleMeoh A Joa lln. eoatractora for tha rauMroTOBrrat of Baat Tweaty-olbth atreet Barter tha prorleloaa of ordlnaBce No. 14.04B. bara completed aald atreet from tot center line of Baat atoaratt atreet treet ta tbo north Una af Ho I la day areeoe. Raid accept a ace will be eonaldered by tbe beeemtrr Board at 4 e' elect oa tha flat day k ISO UJ lOAJ .Mtft jAUdHam 6k Mia WOptaaca of aaM ' atreet, or any port thereaf, toay be Sled to tha of Ice at tha adaratoMd at aay tlam prior thereto. tub xaxtTTiTBj awjAnn. By THOS. C DKVLTTf. Aadftor of tba atr of PortlaaA. Parttonl. Oraroa, October 1 1404. COBrPLXTIOB ABB AO0SFTAB0S OF SXWXB tferiee to hereby gtren that WUttoai C BV nott. nty Kntlaoer. baa Slot to tba efaee of nnoiraiaaaa arnn taei 4. auem actor for 1 No. 14.179, baa aaaaptotad aald aewar from II feet aoath af the aorth Bae at Men da atreot tn tbo arwer in Maraaaa gmirm Bo Ml ncaeptanra will eo ederad hr the Bxecoriea Board at 4 o'rloek aa tba Slat day af October. 1404, aad abUctJoaa la tbe aceept aaas of aaM aewer. ar any part taerenf. aay be Sled to tha arte af tha akBimtoaat at prior raereta, ZBJC EXBCI1TITB BOABD. . Br TtinS. C DBTLPf. . Andttar of tbe aty of Portland. Baiaia. Oetober 1A, IPB4. OOBCPIBTTOB ABB AOCBFTABOB OF SXWSB , IB FXTTTOBOTB STBXR. V rtotfc b boreay freew that WOIIem C. -llntt. City Bcatoeer. bat Sled to the ofnVa of tb anleratoned natlce toot J. B. Stomnaoan, coatractor for tha conatrnatloa) af a aewer to PeHTitra atreet, ander tM proetatuna of erdlaanca Nov 14, ITS, baa rwmpleted aald arwer from ISO feet weat af Tweoty-faarth atroat la the newer la rNttyareaa etreet. aid arreptoaea win be mailtnid by tba BxerattTO Brerd at d a'eleefe am tbo Hat 4a of October. IPoj. aad ah)ectloaa IP tha oeeapt- a be m of aaM aeerer. or aay port thereof, may Stod ta the often at tka m aw alone 4 at aay thaw prior thorite. TH1 Mnr"fITB BOABD. Br THOi. DtVLIB. 1 Aadltar of too City of rortlaad. Mtofc CnTT BOTTCTB. FBOvosKB xtmowvan or mwvnam BTBXBT. . Norte, k horeby atroa 4hata tha mH af the Cooorfl of tha att of PortUod. OroaoB, held on tbo 4th day af October, WO, the fai towtat reaototloa waa ddopted; BMolrod. That the Copncll f tM nty M pooee to Impro-e Boxoaldo etwt trm lloo-r rroit etreet to the Uo,TJ'rtf atirat ay aradtof tto -treat to too Jjropor aab era do, taklnn "P. redrewie and reliylr the atoM btoekal ao-f to the Au.',-? neceeearr aew etona blocke. ell to be oa a ZX&'tmZmBlm to OlrMi by rrpl.Hii the old ralla now tothe etreet to the Hty A aborfaan Railway Cnmpaay e rigbt of way aid tboPortUnd Sellway Opmpaay'a rtahT of way. with iroored relH not toaa .than aTrra lorta. to deptf end by p-jlna ttorirtto of way with ttooa bUeka art oa att toehoa af 7ui "'mprwremeat to to with tbo charter aad ordlnanroe of tbo City of Portlaad and tbo plane, aattooe ed eetlmatea of tbe Oty Bn1aeer la the of- IW of the Aadltar of ,0L1aLY the 14th day of B-pUar, IndortMjd. City rJnalooor'a pUna and Pi'?? ?! tMlmproremeat af Beraeloo treet froai the eeat Itoe of Froat atreet to tha ' Third atreet end the oettmatea of tto wrt t) be doae aad tbo arobeble total coot tteroof.'' TbeTo-t Vf eld iWproreaMnt to be aaareeod aa prer!od by tbe cltr ebertr apon the proa erty apeelly beaoited tberehy and which U rTrrtyWLrrdTTbe aTl too tota. part, of We ardparcelf of tonTlylaa totereen Maa l feed aorth of aad parallel with toe north u hnalM etreet and Mm 104 feet enutb of and parallel wit too etrth line e Buinalde atroat ana Miweew Vr '"i ea.t of and isaraltol with too rmnr arreer ana uh n - - Tbo Kntoeeri eatlauta af tbeT protobto total coot for the toapreroaoeat af aaM ianalda mm o'.aw.w. PIT oT different ImproroaWBt befar tha aipiratloo 'Tnol.fpertttarUaai and ratl-watoa of the nty Bngineer xor tna inpn Darrarlde atreet ar hereby adopted. BeooleoJ. That tbe Aodltor ef toe Off mt notice af tbo proponed lmprore(aent af aahf Rtfiina bo iaa mm u airrwur oimm vw atreet aa proridtd by tbe attr abartor. bfpdi neay oo mew in wnu ' . elraad wltbla 40 dara from tba data af tba Jret pabtlaattoa of thta notlaa, 4 uawn e rrmnt. - . Andltar 4 the City of Portlaad. Porflead. Oreaoa. October 4. 140C OOMFLBTIOB ABB AOCnTTABCl OF taV FBOTBXKBT OF IAWBBDALB mm, - M,. Wmiaaa fl. 43- ...?.W. " mZnZ- "MIT iTA t. tha oraoa af the aaderaltned notice toat Frotoay attorn coatfactore for tba lmprueotaoat f Lownadela atr. t, ander tha prorjetooe afnrdtoaneo Bo. 14.004, bare eornpUted oeid etreet from tho eoath Itoe of Watotortom atrawt to tka aaatb Uim of Alder atroat. . day of October. lPtM. and ebjeettoaa the acceptance of aald etrK. ar aay pert thereof, may be Bled la tba efSco of tha tuhtoratoaaal at aay ttow prior thereto. " t , By THOi. ft DEVLIN. ' Aodltor of the City of Portlaad. Porttond, Oreson. October IB. 1404. OOStFLBTIOB ABB AOCTPTAJTCB OF XV P&OTBMBBT OF BATTXB BTBXBT. w-m t fc h mtwm ehat WIIUaBi O. BV u.u n v h.a auil im tbo offlca of the awleratoaed notloa that Smyth A Bow- ara onnpany, eoBtrarror iw rar inrnri of Barter atreet, ander tba pro rial one of jrdl nanre Ko. 14.048, baa eoarpleted aald atreet from the weat line of Tweaty-elf bth atroat to the oaat Itoa af Tweoty-nlath atreet. aald acraptaaca wiu no wawrira w b.. A i-Aaik na (aa Slat day of October. 1404. aad objection, to tba erraptanor of aald atreet. or any port thereof may to 414 to tha ofllea af tha aaderelawed ni ana nai prior memo. THI BXECTTTTB BOARD. ... .. By THOS. O. DEVLIN, ' Aodltor of tbo City of Portland. Parttonl. Oraaea. October 18. 1404. TOB IlfPBOTBotXBT OF fa aomprlaaeo wtth a rmwtoo-i JMtoptot at tha reenter pjoetlac af toe Coanrll, held Octotor STletM. declariat tha dtotrlct henaSted by tbe inmroremeat 01 mam euooa itobi om Tvi. - .-A a.H.. IhUM mt , tha aty mt Portlaad to prepare a preliminary1 ateeeement upon tbe lota, bloafca aad pareela af land witmo aaio awtricv New. therefore, notice to hereby iwa that aack aaanimrnt to now oa file In the OfBee of tho Aodltor of tho aty or Portland aad that any eejeettoae to aneh aaeeea. moot maat be 41ed to writlnf with tba Aodltor wltbla 10 daya from the Slat day of October. 1004. the Met day of pnbltcatloa of tola notice, and notice to farther glrea that aald ofajectlona will be heard by tha Coanctl at a meeting to be held on the 3d day of rJoreaaber, lPOt. aad are warned net to depart therefrom nrntil eacb naaamamiat baa boon computed. num. v. vbvijii, Aadttor af the Cttr of Portia aA Parftaai. Oropm. October U. UM. OObTPXBTIOB ABD ACGBPTABOS OF Xk rXOTXXXVT OF BAST TBIBD 4TXXET. Notice to hereby loa that WllUam C. BV hVtt. City Enctaeer. baa tied to tba often of tha wrteraicned notice tbat Becblll Broa., ceatraatera for tba mpcorfwant of Boot Third treet, ander tho prortainM of ordinance No. 14.141. hae aompletod aald atroat from a point BO foot aorth of tha porrb tine of Eaet Darin atreet ta the aorth Una ot Baat Coach atroct. fUM aceeotanco will be eoarldered br the Bxecntrra Board at 4 o'clock on tha Slat dap of October. IPOir aad bjecttono to the acceptance af aeld atreet, ar anr part thereof, may be Bled to tba oftca of tha andante ned at any time prior thereto. TBS XBCCTTTB BOABD. By THOS. C. DEVLM. Andttar of tbo nty of PorUaaA Portland. Oregon. Octcttr IB, 1PM. OOMPLXTIOB ABB ACCEPTANCE OF IX . FBOTBMXVT OF TAMHILL BTBXXT. NoUce ta borebr atrea that WllUam C. B1- ttotL City Enginoar. baa 4ld to tha ofSea of tM andcreirned nonce mat warren inn tract lea Company, coo tractor far tho Improve ment of Tenth 111 atreet, nadef tM prorlaleM of ardtoanca No. 14.007. baa completed aald at net from tha crater Una of Sixth atreet to the cantor tine af Seventh atreet. Said acceptance wlU ba cwaatderai hp tha rtocBtrro Board at 4 o'clock oa the Slot day of Oetober. 'SAI. aad objectbmn to the ocr opto oeo af aaM atreet. or toy part thereof, may ba tied ta the ofr-ce af tba anderitanad at Bay time prior thereto. THE BXaV trTITB BOABD. By THOS. C. DEVLI. Aodltor of tbe aty of Portlani. rrttoai. Orecoa. October IS, 1404. PROPOSALS FOB CAST IXOB WATXB FXFS ABB SPBOIAA OAaTTVOS. Seeled propoaab) WlU ha recetewS by tba Water Board af tba Cltr of Portland. Oreaoa. nntll 4 p. m., Monday. October 11, 1404. for rarnawiRf jaa aeiiverina: at rorrwnw. vrenwa. tha toltowlnf approatmato anaetittea af aaat toon water mm and eneclal taeUaa, vlat l,0tm Itaeal feet 4-Ib- eaet iroa pipe. X welewt tn iMtnwda oer lenath. 10 fona. 14.400 Itaeal feat 4-toeh reef Iron atpe. etom D, weiaht MO noanva per tonftn. aw toaa. 1A400 Uneal feet 4-lnch eeat aroe pipe, El weiaht BSO noanda nor leartb. BM fnna. BgeciU wtlaga tor aaat iron water ptpn, noorlncoTIoae and form af Browne tl can ba obtained at tba eftce af D. D. Clarka, enctneer of tha Watar Boari, City mall. FwrtmaoV maat atoto tha prtoe mt pipe per to of AOOO ponnda aad tha prtoa at aped at cnattnta per ponad. all doUvered f. a. h. care. Port land. Oreaoa. delivery of aawe to ha aaaa- nleted ea or Wore December Sn, 1P04. With each Hi maat to dipnoi tad a eertltAef check far tVO. payable to tbe order of tbe Andltar at tM city af Portland. Orenon, and hoaaa eattefartorr ta tbo Man f me eltr will ha reqairnd af tha aacteaafal h44ar. The rtoht la reaarved br tha Water Board to retoet aay ar all blda. Propoaala moat be baahimi In an Mtelopa todoraed oa tbo oatatda. "Prepoeal tor Watar Plat." anal aaorreeaa to tM aalaraaynaj. Ba ardor of tbo Water Board. PBATK f. TKtnOB. Per triad. OroaoB, Oetober 14, 1404. MPBOTThTEBT OF STmxrr. BMBXa Nottoo It hare hp alvea that at tba mmMaa af tha Cvanril of the City of Portland, ore aoa, held on tba Bth day af October, hart, tha followtaa roeo ration waa adopted: Beeelved. That tho OoanrB of tha fJttr at Portlani. Oree-oa, dWrne tt eapadteat and arii pea a ta tmprova Mnrrta ptreet from the eaet Una af WllUama are no ta tba wet Boo of Daton araaaa ta tka 4Uewlaa ajanawr. pp. I tre4By 4ra4tof fbn atroat fan wtdth wtth fan totcreaenoan to lb area aa atrwA by tbo City Sc1neer. Saaand By hrtnylaa tba aarfatw at ran atreet fall width with faU aatoraaattoaa to nraaar pade with (ravel. intra -ay re-iarroa; iiaoooaina. fMwth By erwatrarttnc bwm gwrteta, Bold tomrownwat ta mm mode to aMontosr wtth tha charter and ardlnancee of tho City of PVrttaad tnd the pUaa. taBratawa and aari Bjataa af tha nty Enatoer Bled to tbe of 4ra of tbo Aadlawr of the CKr wt Ferfteat or the ret doyM Peateeaber. land. teoWoid. "CHy tojUia'l ntaaa and pyiilSaatoini fat Tbe abore lamwiam w 1 ' atone block Improvement and I anall to bmIb Ined by tbe d& for a partod af yea. vlded that tho ownere ot a -aajonir rtr benefited or eel a lmproTaonni. or, any u m MtlHna raa a awor CTTT BOT10XS. tka toiprerement of Morria atreet froai tba aeat Moo of WIIHama araaoo to tho weat Una of Colon aTrnne, aad tbe eatlmataa af- tbe 5rh to ha Swap 4am tka ntwhabto total aaat thereof." Tbe coot af laid totaraeemant to he moo aa prartded by Ue cltr abartor apon the n ertr eatwlall helJ tlunkf and w! prop- blcn la torehy declared ty be all the lota, porta . of lota and parcrla of land lylnf between a line 100 feet north af and parallel with the north Una of Uorria atreet and a Una 100 foot aoath of and parallel with the aoath Una of Mor ria treet. ta between the oaat Una at Wil li ma areaae and tat weat itoa of Valea arenoe. . Tho Enrlneer'a aatlmato of tba proMbto total poat for the La prove moot af Hid Marrla treet la ja.44rlOO. The abore totpreeetaent to to ka eUeaod aa a aratet ImproTameot and ahaU be matotalned ay the city for a period iif roar yeere, prorided that the owaera of a majority ot tbo property tooedted by aald ImprnTement, or any Pt? thereof, aha II not petition for a w or dlf freat ImpraraiaanA bolero lb aaptfatton af each period. . Tbe puna. apaetSratJoM and eat! we tea af the Oty Bnataeer for the tmproramont at aald Morria atreet are hereby adopteA . Beeotred. That toe Aodltor af W Ctty of fortload bo aad he b) hereby directed to aire rwtlca af the propoaed Improremeut of aaM atreet aa prorldod by the dty charter. RBMMtraheoa analaet tba a bore Improee ment may be Nled In writlnc with tha under, alyaod within SO daya from Ua data af tba Bret paMtcatioa of thta aottoa. - -, By ecdet at tka Ooaucll. . THOS. OL PBTT.TN. Andttar of the CHy of Portlaad. Portlaad. Oreaoa, October A ISaa. FBOFOSBB 4XWXS TV BAST TWTLFTK BTBXXT. Notice to hereby (tree that at tba PBoettac af tha Ooaaetl of tha City of Portland, Oreapn. teM an the Uh day at October, 1904, tba to! .wlnt reeolttiloa waa adopted: Reeolred, That the Council af tha City Of Portland, Orecoa, la awe It expedient and nra potra to conttrnet a aewar to Eeat Twelfth trret tram SO foot aoath of Oa Booth Una af Thotnoeoa atreet to connection with the aewer to Tillamook etreet. Bald aewer to ha Of ettrt tod aewer pipe of elfht tocboa deal Inelde dlaawter with an aeceaeary oatenvbaalay kaaav holeo. lamp-holea and branehea. Said aewar to ha cone true ted to BOCoedaBco with tha charter and ardlnancea af tba City af PcrtUnd and tbe plana, epecUeaUoM and eetl ma toe af tha City Enclnear Bled to tho of 4c of the Andltar of the City of Portland it the lTfh day of Septombar. 1004. Inaoraaa: "Ctty BJaatoeer'a plane aad apeclOealleoo tor a aewar 1a But twelfth atreet from SB foot oontk af tho aoath line of Tbompooa atreet ta a arwer la Tillamook atreet, and tha eetlmatea of the work ta be done aad ton nrtkahlt total coat thereof.'' The root of paid arwer to to) aanaaaS aa arwrlded by the city aaartar apon tha property 2 dally to netted thereby and which M hereby 'flared to be all tbo lota, porta of lota and pareela af land lylnn between a Mm 100 toot north of tad parallel with tha aorth Una af Tillamook atreet and tha eoath Ku of Thoaap aoa atreet and hetweaa a line 100 feet aaat of and parallel with tbo oaat Una af Baat Twelfth etreet and a Itoe 100 feet wool of and parallel with the watt Itoa of Beat Twelfth atreet. Tha Baciaear'a eatlmate mt tha propabla tata root far tba aoaatiaedom af aald tower to ttTS.QQ The plana, epecrncerloaa aad eaHmatoa af tba atf Enrtoeer for tha aaaatrnetloa at aald owar art hereby adopted. Raaolred. That tba Andltar of tha Ctty af Portland ba and he la hereby directed to lira aotlea or tha proponed eonatroctloa of aali aewer aa oro rlded by ffaa cltr ebartar. Heroonetrincee ocalnet tba ahore tower mar tw Sled In writlnf wiu the nndeftowed within SO dara fim tka dab) af tba Brat nnblknthm af thlo notlaa. i By order af tha Cam-cTt- m MW,ri. THOS. C. DarTLlN. ' Aadttor of tho City of Portland. Portlaad. Orecoa. October A 1404. PBOPOSXB JXPBOTEMTBT OF ABXXBT 1 BTBXXT. Notice to hereby civm that at the awotlar af the Coaacll of tat aty af Portlaad. Oro- Cn. heM on tba tk aay of octorjor. won, km tlowlnf ratplnUoa waa adopted: . BeeolraA That the Cownell of tka Ctty af Portland, OreaoB. deeaaa It expedient and pro pnaea to tmprova Ankeny etreet from tba weat It. m Bmatk atnwt to tha aaat line al Park atreet to tha followW mannarf to-wit: Flrat By fradlaf tha atroat to tat proper onVertdc faU width with fnll toteraecttoaa. aa aaown by tha etahea eat oy tM City nflneor. fMaBy cuiwtrncTiBE treat parts Fuai to Bl inailiiii ewba. ... . . .. rrtn etv neiaatnaT im one race aw im eiieei fU wilth wtth roll latoraectloM to nraAa with kltallthln M.mnL Bald torprovoBwat to ho made ta neacrdanca wtth to ebartar aad ardtoaaeea at taw aty of Portland and tbe plane, apeclfr-ctlona and eetl matea af tha Clt Earl near Sled ta the efflre of tbo Andltor or nj. oty ot fortiana oa ino 4th day af October, 1904. Indertad: "City Bn flneer'i plana and apectfleatlona far the Im provement of AnkenV atreet from tw wait Una of Be Tooth atroat ta tha aaat flha af Park etreet. aad the eatlmate ar the work, u mm dene and tha prvoabie total coat tnereor. Tha coot of aald lmnrcvement to be a aa provided by the dty charter npoa tbe prop erty ipeclally and pecallarly heaeBted thereby and Which 1 1 hereby declared to be tbe follow. In: Booth H block 44. Ooaeb'a addltloa to Ua City af Portlaad: aoath to of Park block A mad tot aartt to at block aarth oao-half SB, Portland. Tte Emrtaaara atttmato at tka probable total coat for the lapmament at anld Ankeny atreet to 41.13 M. The ahnee Imcru I imtal hi to M eta all I BP a ttlallthte paemant and ahaU ba maintained or tM city ror a penoa ai cvnt yearn, pro vided that tho aarnara of a majority at tbe iMoacrtr boaefltod by aald latnrwrement or any portion thereof ahaU not petition for a new or different Improvement porera tba exparatlon of aa,ch period. Tba plana. apaHArortona and enttmatoa af tha City Bncloeor for the Improvemcat af aaM Avrenv atreet era kcrehv adooted. P.eeolvcd. That tha Auditor of tha Ctty af Portland ha ant M U hereby airectea ap aire notice af the propnaed lmnrovement at aald atreet m provide by tbo city ebartar. i aeratnot tte above lmrrovo- ent raav be 4 led ta wrltloff with tha ander denci within 30 dara from tha data af . the Bitt peri let tim ox tnm no oca. -By ardar at tba Canndl THOA 0. DETLTTf. Andltor of tbo aty of Portland. Parttond, Oreeoa. October A 1404. FBOFOSBB IMPBOTXXXaTT OF BAST TAX- B3LL BTBXBT. Botlct to hereby alvwa tBat at tha awotlac at tbo CMadl of the aty of Portia ad. Ore- Cm, held t the 4th day of October, 1904, tha llowine reaolotloB waa adooted: Reonlvod. That tho Coanctl of tka aty Of Portland, Orecoa. eaema U evpedleot aad pro- nneeo to) tmprova Eaat Tamain atreet from too eaat Hit of End Thirty fourth atroat to the weat Une Of Bad ThtotyAfth etreet la tka tonowine manner, to-wit: FltBt By brinclnc tM atreet 4a (rude aa akowa by the etake aet by the CHy Enylaeor. Secnnd By enr-etruetlrr wooden eldewalka ta error fla nee witn rno tiry a nine or a nmaa, aaieclHcatloM anal eerlmateo. Sold Improvemaait to t main to accordance with the charter and ordlBaaeee of the ate of Portlaad ex 4 thi plana, a pct flea rknt nad eetlmatea of tba atr Enetaeer Bled la the office af tho Aadttor of tbe aty of Portlaad on tha lath day of Boatemnor. rWM. tndoraed: "City Enctneer a plena and erict4rttoaa for tha Improvement of Eaet TamblU atreet from tba eaat Uno af Bad Thlrty-foarth atreet to tba weet Una of Eaat Thirty -Bfth atreet and tba aetlmatot of the work to ba doae and the probohlo total eaat thereof " The coat of aaM lnrprovvtoeat to hw aa. teaard aa arorlded by the city rharter apon tbe property apecuuy nenenteo tnoreny ana hM la berehv declnfod to M all Ue lota. porta tf tota and parcel' of bind lrlag hetweea a line 100 feet north rit and pore lie I with tha acrth Uoo of Baat TamMll atreet tad a Hna 100 feet aoath of and parallel with tM Booth Uno of Baat Taaablll atreet and between tho eaet Une af Bad Thirty-fourth atroat and tho wtat Une af Eaat Thirty art atreet. Tha Enylnear'a eatlmate af tba probe Mo trtal enot for the Imoroiimiat at aald Baat TawbUI atroat to 1175.00. Tha plane. atwcUcattow nod eottniarea of the Cttr Enrtneer for the lmnrovament of Bald Reet samniu ttreev. are aereay aoVMNta, eanivaa. That IM auditor or tM City of Pnrtland ho aad ba to hereby directed to arlvo notice of the propoeed Improvement mt tali atreet na provided by tha dry charter. Ramoattraaeoa aaainat rmm anoea impaia meat may be tied to writlnc with the aoder. atoned within SO daya frnw tka data of the Brat wMlratlnn of thai aotw. By ardar at tho OannHl. Tnua u, irarvT,rw, -odltar af tM City of Portias Andltor Oreajow. Oetober A uoa. FBOPOSBB uuTWKB TV SABBT BOAS, BAST TwlNlT-tTBaT STB EXT. BAST n99 OfBXST. BAST TWENTY -AXOOBB STBXET ABB OBXOOB aTBXKT. Nottot to beeehy elven that at tho aWettnar of tha Coancil af tho City of portiaaA, Or avm. held oa tha 4th day at Ortoaor. ISOd, Iba Miowiaa reeMatani waa aawatta : BaaolveA That tM Council L Tbat tM council or tM nty or Oreeoa. aeeam tt expedient aad pre Ptrtlend, Oroaoa, Kea to eonetract a aewer la aaady rood, at Tweuty-Arat atreet. Baat Irvine atreet, Raet Tweuty-eecoud atroat tad Oreeno atreot. from tbo lateroecfloB of Oreeno atreet and Randy road to tba arwer ta Beet Twentieth etreet at Bandy raaA Said Bower to be of wtirtmmA mm-mmr mlmm With all Mtfk. t-e1na, waa bole, lomp-belee and brenrhee, and h. bo of the toltowlnc dlmeeataae: Of 10 bw-hea rtoar toetde Alaatefer from tha totataarttna of fhwama atreet with Bandy rod ta a petot ta Oreca etreet at Boat Twenty etttk ttreet: ttence of IS toehoa dear taelde diameter from In Oeoa enroot at Baat Twaaty-aiath e a point In Oreawa atreet at Beet TwcaaT-foartb atroct; baoaen at M kaatoB atony CTTT VOTTCXS. Inelde dUmetor tram a aolat to Orwfoa etreet at aaat Twoaty-fonrib atreet ta a point to Orocon atreet at Eaat Twrnty aeceaeT atreet; Bheac at 14 tomet clear leal tte dUaaetor from a pUat to Beat Twenty-oeoood atreet at Oro-r-a atrort to a point In Eaet Twenty second I'reet at Baat Irvine etreet: theaoe of 14 lichet dear toalda diameter from a point to aaat rrvina atreet at t Twenty-oronnd atreet to a point la Eaat Irvine atreet at Eaat Twenty ftrtt atreet; t banco of Su bw-hea clear Inelde dUawU turn a point ta Boot Twenty-Arat tnet at Eaat Irvlua atreet to a point to Baat Twenty-Brat atreet at Eaat O Ilea a atreet; tbenee of ft tucbea Clear Inelde diameter to a cpcntctlon wtth the aewer to Bandy rand at Eaat Twentieth traet. Bald aewer to bo oanatraetnt In aeoordanee with the charter tnd ordlnaaroa ot the City of Portland and the plana. MMdBcatlooa and eetlnMtte of the City Endneer tied la toe office of the Auditor of the City ot Portland on the 10th day of September. 1004. lndoreed: ''City Xnylneer plana aad apeclBra tena tor a aewer to Sandy road. Eaat Twenty-Bret at recti Eaet Irving etreet, Baat Twenty -eeeond atreet nd Orecoa etreet from the Interaectlon of Ore gon etreet aid Bendy road to tbe aewer la Eaet Twentieth atreet at Bandy road, and tbo eat t ma tee of tbo work to to Auoe and tha prob able total eoot thereof." Bald aewer to be cooa traet ad for tka anrpoae af aewertn all tot lott. porta of Iota and rarcete of land tylna wltbla the dlatrtot llantlil and deecrlbed aa fol low -( . Commend n tt t point 100" fort aoath at the aootb llao of Bandy road In rectanfular meeanrement and 100 feet weat of the weat line of Eaet Twenty-toot atreet; thence aortb alonr a 11m 100 feet weat of tnd parallel with tbe wrtt Una of Eaet Twenty -Brat atreet to a Point 100 foot ww-rh of tbo aorth Una of Baat Iittnf atreet; thtnee eait alonf a line luO feet north Of and parallel with tbo north line of Eaet Irvine atroat to apolnt 100 feet weet af the weat 11m of Baat Twenty -eeeond afreet! thence north alone a Itoa 100 feet ee otand parallel with tho weat Una of Eaat Tweaty-aecond atreet to 4 point 100 feet north of tbo north Una of Ore yon atreet; tbenct ent aloof a Hi 100 foot north of and parallel With the BorU Una af Orecoa atreet to tbe center Une of Peat Tweotv-eeeopd rtr aet; thence north atone t&a ceo tor Una of Boat Twenty -eeeond atreet to tho cooler 11m of Pacific atreet; thence eaat alone tho center Una ot Pacific etreet to t center Una ot rtcinc atreet K M of Eaat Twenty-eicbtb atreet: alone tba center line of Baat atreet to a Do let to Eaat Twenty tho center llao thence aoath Twiete-elatith atreet to a nolnt otolith atreet 100 feet aootb of tbo aootb Una of tbo Sandy mad to rectanrnlar moaanrement: thence ta a aoathweetarly direction alone a Uno 100 faet noatbeaaterty from and parallel with the ooqtberlr lino of tha Sandy road la rec ta ocular nMaawraaarat to tha place of bafto Btoc. Tba coot of aald eewer to ba ataetatd ta pro vided by tha dty charter apon tbo lota, part of lota and pareela of land lylae within too dletrlet hordabetore bouaded and deecrlbed. Tka Bnalnear'B eettmate of the probable total eaat for tka eeMtrarttoa at tali tower to 44 BIS 00. Tha plana. epectSMttoaa nai aattmatta af tha Oty Bnelneor for the ooao traction af Paid tower are hereby adopted. . Braolved. That tot Andltor of tho City Of Portland DO and be H hereby directed to rive nbtlca af tba propoaed eone traction at aald eewer aa provided by tba dty charter. Batoaafrnncea aanlaat tbo above aenap BMy ha Sled ta writlnc with tha anderatCKed within SO daya fro the data af tha Brat pnbltoattoa af thta notice. By ardor af tka OaemdV TT108. 0. BBTt.TN. Andltar bf tha aty of Porttonde Portland, Orepon, Oetober A 1404. FBOPOSBB UCFBOTBMBBT OF BAST FTBX . - STB EXT. . Batter la harebf at van that at tka ajoettoe af tho Council of fta City of Porttani, Ore coa, bold on too Bth day of October, 1S04, tk Ktimwtmm aoVinted: Reaolvad. That the Oonnril of tba Oltp Of Portland, Orecoa, deenw it expedient tad nro pn'ii to Improve Baat Pine etreet from tha eaet fine mt Beat Fifteenth etreet to tbo eaet Une of Baat Elfhteoath atreot to tha toltowtoe mi-r'Wyradlne the Ctreat fall width arm fait totaeuecttone to tha proper tub frede aa atown by tbo atakeo aet by the aty Bnclneor. Becnnd- Br brlnrtnc the Burftec of the atreet fnll width with fall TBtaraadlaaa to snnto with Thlrd Bp rrnwtrarttoc artJSdal done dde walke la accordance with the City Bacinter a plana. epe14catkna and aatlawtea. Fourth By eonatracUne woodea MaawaTka to aeoordanee with the City Baelaaar'a ptoaa, epectflearlnna and ettunataa. Fifth By eoMtruettnc wni den muenoahto. . Sixth Br cone tract I nc bos and doaa ewt trrt to aceordanca with the aty Bnelatar'a plana, apodftcntloaa and eetl ma toe. Bald Imprnvement to ba made ta accordance wltk eh hartaa aad aedlaaaeea of tho Cltr of Portland and tha plane. ojwriBeafean and hiIihim nC rha Pttv Eoelnoer Bled to tbe of Aea of tan Andltor af tM atr af Portland on Tha 4th day or "aty Bnelnoer'a pttna and cpeclllcatlont lor the InrprOTeroent of Bart Pine atreet from no eaat Una of Eaat Fifteenth atreet to tM eaet Una af Eaet KJchtoenta atreet. ana n ew re tee of the work to ba aVma 44 tka probable total coat thereof." . . The coat of aald Improieaewl 4 ha attain 4 aa provided by tba dty charter upon the prop erty tpedally and peculiarly beoetted thereby ami whlVh la horeby declared to bo aU tha tota. pcrta af tota and pareela of land lytac be tween 4 Use 100 feet north Of aad parallel with tha north line of Bad Pino ttreet and a line 100 feet aoath ef and parallel with the auitb Um of Baat Pino ttreet and between the eaat Una af Eaet Fifteenth atreot and a Um 104 faet eaat of aad parallel Wtth tba raet Une of Baat Elehteento etreet. Tha Eaertoeer'a eatlmate af tha probe bin total eaat for the Improveaneat af aaM Baat Ptoa atreet w 41.446 ft. Tho above Impreweantat to to ba rtoaaei aa a ! tmnrar.nnt and ahaH ha maintained hf tha dty for a period of Ave yearn, provided that tho ownert of a malnrity af the property he netted hy anld improvement ar any portico, thannr ahall not aehttoa for a new or dif ferent Imprttttatat totora tan axptratlom af avt aarlAi. Tha plana. apedAeatlona and eetlmatea af the nty Enclaeer ror tnc improrenient aa Bina atr ova berehr adnntaeV Beeolvad, Tbat tbe Aodltor of tbe City af Portlaad bt tod be It Iter by directed to ftvo notice of the proponed Improvement at Bald afreet ta provided by tbe dty charter. BaTAoadrtncea ay I net tbe above Improve we at way bo tied in writlnc wiia roe anaermenod wltbla SO dara from tha Sato af tka Srat aub U re Hon of tola notice. By ardar at tha Cowndt. M THOS. a DBTTJN. Andltor of the aty of Portland. PnrtlanA. Oreeoa. OcM-tr A 1404. PSOFOAXD SXWXB IB MINNESOTA ATXhTTE. Vnttot to nereby etoaa thnt at tba areetlnc af the ConarU of the aty of Portland. Ore- Pa. kvld on the Bth day of October. 1404, tbo raonliiflea waa anontad: Beeoived. That the Coancil of tha Ctty af Pirtland, Orewon. uuotat it eapeaieat ena pro. preea to caaatrad a aewar ta Mlnneeota a venae from tha aoath Mm of Preaeott treet .to a ronnectlna with the aewer In Shever atreet. Mid eewer ta to of dtrtSed aewer ptpa with all nerweeory cntrb-raatna. man-holee. lamp-holea aad brancaee. aad to ba of the followlnc 41 cenalooa: Of 10 tneboa dear Inelde dlawetor from tba math fine of Prtecott atreet to a entnt la all'f.eePta avenaa at htaeea atreot: tl f nee ef 13 toehoa tnolde diameter to 4 petal la Minneuota arenno at anaver atreev. Paid aewer ta ba eoewtmrted ta accordtaea with the charter and ordlnancea of (be Ctty of Portland and the plana, epedncailnna and eatlmateu of tba atr Enrloeer Bled ta tbe of re af tbe Aadlto; ef the Cltv of pnrtland aa the 1Mb day af Sewtemncr. land, tndoraed: Ttty Enelneer't plane tnd taeHBoarlona for a aewar tn Mlnneeota from tbe anoth Une ef Pteorntt etreet to tbe otwef ta Bharee atreet. and the eetlmatea of the work to ba Boaa and the proSahle total coat thereof. TM coat af anld arwer to M aaaeeeed aa pro dded by the dty charter boob tha property toeclallr bencBted thereby and which to berehv declared to be all the tota. porta af lota and pareela of land lytne between a Una Ino feet of and parallel with too weet Um of Mlnneeota avenue and a UM 100 feet eaat of and parallel wtth the eett line ef hftnneeote avenue and between tM north Um of Aiaraf ttrret tnd tM eovtb Hna af Preaeott ttreet. The Bneineer'a eetl mute of the probe lie total aeat for tbo aonatraetton at aald aewer to TThc piano, aaedSctltoBa and rertoiotoe af the fltv Batreer tor tbe caaatrartloa af aald arwer are hereby adopteA Beeoived. Tbat the Andltor f the Ctty of rtitload be tad M la lerehv dtrerted ta atoc antic of tM aynponed moetrortlon mt mmlm aiwer aa dlrectrd by tbe dty charter. Baanaatrenceo aaaloot the above aewar nrar be Pled In writ In with tho andenlrned within S" daya froai tha data af tba Srat aabltoattoa af thai anttco. By ardar af tin) vmrnmni. . . .. thob. R lyrrtTif. adttor of tbe aty of PerUoaA parttonl Orecoa, Od-wor $. 19m. ASSeoMuaXBT FOB TaTPBOTXafXBT OF FTXST ATENITE. . Nottot IB ber-wy ylvea that aha Canmwft mt tte aty of PortwnA orfom. at a att- tne beM nai tM art any ar onoaer. inwt. vUnJ tho aeeeaament br ardlMnco Nov 14.- aat tne tho loiarovemeat Of PI ret a earn, from the north Una of Loruet atreot to tbe northerly i Une of A ah etreet. in rno moo now wwhhi ey ordlnaneo No, 11.071, apna oacn et. part ot lot and parcel ot land, wniea are epociaiip nam rit haneflred. to be at feltnWe. vlt: CITT YlEW PABK ADDITION ta Bant Port FIKW 1"AB lil"M ! Ban row -BLOCK A tot 4. Benjaaila F. Spaaka. I; tot tt). J. f. uVown.lTl.41: fct II. tod Cromuttoa Aonodattoa. S41.M; tot Und BLOCK K3M mtmt crvmotaoo Aaaodathva. nit.ii. I 4. L. KHhaTll 11 04; tot 10. 147; tot JlTX. Koha. S44.pT; ha. 41 IB TT. BLOtX 1. let A Koba, SOt t 13 L. kabn. Frank and M KJeenor. 441 44; lot 14. Prank aad MaedaleM Kleeuar. 4 to A tract of land lylnc between tha weat Km f Ptrtt avenue and a Boa HW faet went thereof and parallel tterewlth and betwooa the aorth Hue of Aeh atreet Mteaded weeterty tba harta Bat OTFT BOTIOBB. Umwt atreet oxtondei weeterty' to tto nrearat couma, Forttond Crewnuam AanaanV Son, tT7 Pt Total. l.a4l 00 w , A a tota went af oforeMld aaaaaamowt boa beea ea bored ta tha Docket of City Lteat, nad to D,,w duo and payable at the afaw af Tto City Treaeare. In towfal money af toe Uid Btntaa and If aet paid wltbto SB daya from tha date of tale notiru aucn arvwoinB wm be taken for tha collection of the aa ae aa are provided by tka aaartor ot tha City of PortiaaA , , - - 10 daya allot tka Srat pubetoaUoaJ of tola houca. . nH... THUB. U, um M I r.. AndlMr of tbo Oty of PortlanaV PortiaaA Orecoa, OCtooer li. inuu. FAOFOAALS FOB OATB TALTXS. Boeled ornaaoahi win be received br tl v.u bwfi m tha ntr of Purtuad. reto until S p. m.. Mnndty. UCtoner ai, inua,,1.. mA aiiTarinw at roTtitaa. vrewnn. the foJlnwlaf gat talfta tor aaat Iron watar 3D a-inon veivea, f -BM 4 loch valvea. JL 40 4-lnch vtlveo. , fT J . 10 10-Inch Ttlvea. ; 'H .1 . 6 13-Inch ralvee. 10 14-lart yalVOB. ' a . , Tmrnrnm M ha oranAaeol kM hodT. doable dlec. bronaa mooatad, bob end etlvea, with to elde atema. aneulnc to tba rlaht. and tooted to MM nnaHina nar amara Inch water Breeot DeUverr ta ba made em or batora Peeemoer 40 IfeM. nidnea nmot etate nM aaM nai otyle. and the approximate welcbt of tbe Bto they pro poec to turn lab, and tha price par rate rf eoch atoa, all drllvored f . a. k, eera, fwrtlaoA vflX each Ui matt bp uunattod k awrttSed cbech for 1 100. parable to tbo order of the Auditor or tbe nty ot roruana, vrejrpa, ow annda to ba approved br tbe Mayur wfil ka re quired of the ancceeafui bidder. . Tbe debt to reeorveA by tod Water Board to reject any or all blda. Prnpoaela mod be encloati to an aa ell apt. aealcd and marked "Propneal tor Yalvoa," aad addretaed to tbo anderelened. aw order or tM Water Boom. PRANK T. DO DOB, Biipedn Portland. Orocon. lOctobor IB. 1B04. PXOP04XD sxwer nr BAST SUXaaOB BTBXXT. Notice to herebr cItou tbat at tto) areetlae hereby eleea that at of tba Conndl of tha aty ef Per t la 4, Oreen. bold on tbe Bth Say af October, 1404. tha lal kvwlnc reoolntloa waa adopted: Beeolvad, Tbat tbe 0uncll af tka Ctty af PortiaaA OracoB, On an it expedleat aad pre pooea to conatrad a aewar la tart Madfaon treet froa tha eaat tine of Fleaeant Flow ad dition to tte aewer ta baat MadlaoB atreet at Eaet TwMty-thlrd atreot. Sold newer to ba af Tltrtned aewer pipe of 10 tocboa dear toalda diameter with all na roe nary hole, lorno-holea and bra neb aa. aid aawae to be eoatatrueted to with tha charter and ordlnancea of the aty of Port and. aad the pltoa. epeclnratlone and ea ttmatea of the aty Eulner Sled to tho eftoe of the Auditor of the atr of Portland an tbe 10th day of Boptember, 1P04, taonroodi "Cltv Enejneer'f plana anl aneclOoetVaa for B tower in Eaat Madlaon atreet from tte oaat Mm of Ptraeaat View Addition to tha aewer to But Madlaon atroat at Eaat Twenty -third atreot. and the eetlmatea of tha wvru ta ba daM nai toe prohabla toul oaat thereof." The coat af aald eewer to be ami ami an prodded by tba aty rhartor. npoa tba prop erty BpedBcally beacBtad thereby, aad which la hereby declared to be all tM tota, parte of lota and pareela af land lytne totwoea a Km 100 toot north af tad parallel with tba north Um of Bad Madlaon etreet and aa easterly 'ex -unalna, la fta meant mama and a Una 100 feat aootb of and parallel with tbe aoath Um of Beat nfadtoon ttreet ana aa eaareriy mwnm Um af Real Twenty -third atreet and a line PC feet aaat of and parallel with tha aaat Ban) at Pteaaant view addition. . . The nelaor'a oetimate af tto) frobabto total met for tba aonatractlom af aald aewer to Theplane. apednVotlont ui atttntataa af tka aty kaelnoor for tho WMtmittea at Bald taw- ar arc b ere by adopted. Beeoived. Thnt tha AaAttor of tha OHy mf Portia Ml tiat and ho kt brehT directed to en to notion of the nroooeed eonetrtctlon at aali aawer ta prorldod hy the aty Charter. Bemnaatraneee aealnat tho above eewar may br tied tn writlnc with tbo Badcrricned with la 90 dara from tha data at tha Srat paMlctfJoa of thia aottoa, . By Order of tM CWancri. . . THOA fJL DBTLTN. -Aadttor at tha aty af rwrttont. Porthrnd. Orroa October A 1404. . 3TrriaB49rit:l rieBntAU eA TrwJtlAB DaBlly-. , aataf , PAST TIME s- TO BrKAPOB. ST. PAULl DULUTH, AliNMKAPOMB. CKICAOO AXD ALL POINTS KABT. Ttoyllaiit trls thnmjrh tha CUMot and Kocky Rtountainav For full part I o- ulnra. ntaaCxoldaxa. 41. . xoiaaxa, tth. anu am oc mor arwan ax. lelDaTaanaT. Oiuw Aft. IBS Thlri hnrawt. lewttonA. lib. 0-ty Double-Track - IcmtWnTF MwttBltW Missouri River mi Chicago Th ChNaaPorrlarrfJ SpccJsl, ttnt roost liuunoos train in lbs world. Dnwtaff-room nerpine catb, dining car, buffet smoking ud Ifbrvy cai (barber and bath. Less thxa tixm dsys Portland to Chicago Two ThroughTrains iwtoto AAatera Waehlnxton. Daily ancaraloM to. Pnllmaa tonrlot ajacMnr cara Iron Fottlnod tkroagA ' to Cfakaco wrtbool chance. B. BIT CM IB. A.O- BABEBB, BTtlrt mreet, mJmMm,Omm. &S.fcra.1 N5Tc2!fr''8. 55 Cblcaeo A North-W eatcrn By. Chtcnco from Portlaad anal notota to Oti and I I. an Market Kreot, ftoer PAAaciaco, Cax. LaawTj BadOTPTORa 4V OHIO K. R. 1 1 ALAi XetAlNa yiAWAWCrTOt J,,, llT?.. at LA J nmuy. I AatorM 1 1 r fT Tl fTU L r I I mo union PAcnrs 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Throaum PnTtmak atondnri Ooi toartot rVof Ine cere dally to Onuba. Chloaon, Bpobiaot touriat alar pine earn tolly to Kanane Cltyj Ihnaik Pallman Wmrlat alaeslneT eaaa faaua. tlly aondncted) weekly to Chirac. BeetLntoA eh ear aara taaato trcoT to tka Baat dully. ONION PR POT. Lea vat Jtjrtoj CX1CAOO- PORTLAND SPECIAL. 4:10. BY 4:44 A 4to Far tho Beet via Baat DalLf. . Daily, toeton. " SPOKANE PI.TWR. T 1 ' ' ' . For Eaatem Waabloa- toa. Walla Wpa, bew. 4 Wa.B. toW Coeur rAleM Daily. tovtly, and Oroal Bortaorn potato. J - '- ' IS-aea , tarton. Dntty. Dally, FOB SAM P BANC! SCO: , ," bi saTdxX OehimMn-. , S MpJB Oat, fc 1A SA ' Coram Via Error WvUaa.' ' FOB ASTORIA aad way 4Sn,4fcLfc points, coanactlnaT with DnUr. Atoajt atmr. for Ilwtco and ex. Bandar 4:44 fx ahi North Beach, atr. Baa- totnrdny n. auntoajt aalo, Aah-at. aack, o ot p. m. tawnfll Blvor BnC ttiW DATTON. Ore-aaTTZ I aty and Tunhtn Blver T:aV but E4nta. atra. Bath and OeUy. Dally. doa, Aab-et. ioaft. aa. Si all aavSamnapM IWntar nortalttlnf. ) J Saaha BJvorIouia. ' J FOB LB WIST ON. Ida.. Cola. BV lAhoa I tad way pot nta from in. ToAn tto, . 'Pfd. WW. ttmrn. At. - Dolt. SpokaM and Ltwtotoa. an, PrtoaPaJ B. Third ani -- W.lm AATJASSa pa m 4Mh. Beta? B aen?1 bbu naanc tturoToAl Sb!S3 S A AAAOONIA. Oct- 4tj A lNcVf ATTt 15 Vor Crehl ami farther arttoatoml 4PS4F DFWBON, AawbA Pppar Alataw ttocnht EASTrto SOUTH TJNIOW DBPOT. OYBKLAND BXPB tralaa, tor Salem, Boea- bura. Atklnad. Sacra B44B. m. mento, Oedoa. Baa Pvea-jT!Si fa neon, auocnton loo am ccleA Bl Paaa. New Or lea na and tba Baat L Moraine train aaavl nana at ' WoMnora daily errapt Snndtyl OitS a. ax. with train far MUottttn. 4wt OtlFBtfaad ' m nrowaaviiin. iimr 4eM. WoaaHae natron. Albany pa 444 b, to. ftSOn. m. a aria af woodbnra with. MSdSAtto Mt. Aaeal aaaj MvurH ton toeak Oorvallto pawanaur Sheridan paaaencor -mi. ThtUy ftallinl I! Dally, ax ri.Mnto. mm On Dlvlaloa. Depot Pant af Jeffaraoa Street, Kartamarta fMman BjTWuJfSBB flfrft VyNnVfluTm4 B PS a. m.) 1:45, 4 064:10. S:14. T 44, II It P. m. peiry texoewi owao 4:4A 43:30, 11:44 a. m.. Except p. m, Sunday nty, Mrtm a. m. LeevoB from aama depot far Dettaa nai atodlatopolnto Arrive Port lan The Indem ntodlatopolnto dally feacopt Saanty) 4.-44 p. nhi rriva rortiana p. m. The Independence-Man mouth vrataa dally to Monmouth nai operator dally aectlae ltb nvathora Pnclflc a tlallaa aakt la i.aaail ll l a Plrat-cktee fare from Portlajnl to Bt faro 414. nacowd-daaa aorth SB 40. TlekrH to teuton potato and Bam - l-(u n.hiHf mmA natMll. rite Tipbac ornco corner Turn aaat tnetou etreet. Phonw MalaTlA - fj W, STINOBB. W. X CntfAB. Ctty Ttokat Aeont, 9mm, Paaa. TIME CARD TRAINS PORTUAIVDa CN ION DEPOT. UatttoA fae Taaama. Saattlo aouta nllU. Berth Oaaat UnattoA far Tucoata. Baattia,! Butto. 4c Paul. Mla noaootte. Chjeaea. New nBySeAn. York. Beaboa and patoaal Boot and BoutMnot. Twrn-Cfxr Bxcirwa. TBMtaa, Srattto. Spo kene. Helena. St- PeaL MloaatnoUa Chtoaeo, New York. Boatea nad UMSn.h aU pdnta Eaat mm ft aaat Pufet Sound - Kaaaaa CTtr-Bt- Lnuia a pen at far Taeniaa. Seattle, BDotrano. Bart. BtlUnea. Deaver, Omaha. Kaoooe aty, St. Loom and aU potato Baat and Soath- SJBa. bl faMnVhto ATI torJtoP daily aaiipt cm Seuth to i a ah A D. CHABLTOB Aarbrtaat Ooaoral Paeaenfer Aeear, SSS htarriana at,, ear. ThlrA PortiaaA Oa, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Par Maynwve. rtatatar. aatehnato. Weetport. n'a.4hi Clifton. Aeterte, war. f-entaa. FlaroL tleto aaond. Fort Stevene. Oearharl Pork. Seoolde, Aatotto tnd totlr., al P mm r A. A' A A. btTBWABT. Coauntratol Aeon 4, v at, PhOMtoaMSuA "t Zemra Port Und dolly toOrrem 7 10 a. Pt-f 13.(10. S. 4. 34. 4:44 SilO. 10 14 a. m. Dally (eirept Bunday), 4;40, 4 SO. 4 PS. 10 a. m.1 d:4A UsM p. at, Bannay unap, SnBl t2 Ifator lamp AlrRa. ana-