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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1904)
i iHL ullm ui itij. rivii auvl iu.i"Ti tj i : : h A in v ll x told n r fyt w ;:iayf t ' v' t ' a- N?. . .... , ( T OOP EVENING. . , . . TO oraur.03i ; OF THE J01K3UL -' YESTERDAY WAS 13.710 Tonight and Saturday; fair; wtada X mostly northerly. , , : t JORTLAND, -OREGONt . FRIDAY EVENINa . SEPTEMBER, 30. . 1904. PRICE FIVB CENTS. BY THE mr 1 BODYrBIOT GIVEN THBMRB AGE GRABBERS liUnanimotis Recommendation to Coun cil- That, Action deiimtely Jtsidders Wot nesent. Unless the Report of 1 ; the Huge Graft Is ; Can Be Repahed Br miitmu Wttt Ota Wattk and poXUm oauBltt of tfa ltr oumU AIM this morula ta ntarn to tb n all bidator ttw sitrbam manor Ir.-wltk tb rciiBKUtloi that ooa- MmUM b ndnHlr postponed, Br tala actios thm ttngm craft which thraat- bnad tna aaopla af Portland haa appar ently baaa aOootvallr eetobad, for tba conmlttWa roooamandatloa will prob- Mr parforea ha ad op tad by tha aounelL la .tha Uht of' tba ravalatloha wlUok koTa boon mad by Tha Journal, rpa tltloa of tha attain pt to arab. without aoaapanaatlOB, tna moat valaablo fran ehlao which tha olty baa bad at Ita dla- boaal for yaara ta acarealy- poaalbla. Th MmnttaV daotalon waa rwha . wrltkmit ribata. MoC ou of tha an known blddara for tba franc Ita waa praaant cltbar In parson or by at torn ay. Tna aaorat l tbaty kdanUty yanalna ow Dlarltraad. ' As sooa M tha oomaifttaa had baaa ballad to ordar by JDr. Wbltinc Coun tllroajy Alba said: - " 1 -abat-all blda ar -th gpirbac 'ffanahlsa b ratnraad to ' tha oonncll isnth tha raoosaatandatlan that furthar 'aonaldaratloa Ot tham b lodannltalj' ootponad." (- , - Ada? tad Wttfcawt Oailiafc : - Tba nsotlon waa ltnmadlatly adopted flrlthout a ootpntnt. .CMnelaaa Alba troarkd to bia aollaacuaa: . - ' 1 bellav that tti parbaa -ouartlaa aaa ba allowad to raat until th drat of tha yar,'whn w shall know how much ' monay w bar to apand, and than w can datarmln what Iroprovamaata ara beaaaarr In tna olty eramatory. f Tls- r td th eramatory with tba baaltb f- ' Soar and found aendlUona much battr than thay bav bn rprntd. X eartalnly ahoaM not ba wlUIn to arrant WILL INVESTIGATE i PRIVATE CAR GRABS " Oearaal aWlal HerrtaO , Waahlngton. . tt-Prtmto bar bompanlaa Will ba Invwrtlgated by th interstate eommeree ommlalon at Chh ago beginning October 10. Th lm mens growth of thaa eompanle and tba aaaa with which th Interstate com merce laws ara evaded baa forced the commission to bag! a aa Investigation to put a atop to notorlouo abuses. Infor mation in tha hands of tha ooaamlaeioa affect llt.9to.0C4 paid by these com panies during th past year In tha snap of rebates, poroaatagaa and Indueemente. and most of the money am out of tba boeketa af the shippers. Tha railroads have bean paying from a -ta l east mile for aeoh oar, and fca made aa additional allowance of Utt ta If per cent aommlaaloa to re frigerator oar eompainoa far buelaeee turned over to them. Tba refrigerator oompanlee have become ao strong and so bold In their operations that they da wot heoltate to bulldoa tha railroads and tha shippers. Tha railroad ar forced to pay commission to get the buelnaea and the shippers ara forced to baa tba Bmra to meet oompetltloa. MNE-YEAR-OLD CHILD v , BOUND TO THE RAILS .t- v. Atlanta. O., dept. SO. Oeged and lymnd with rope to tba railroad track, Clara Typpan. aged t yaara, waa found last avanlng jut in tlm to aava bar .from death under ngin wheels. When aha regained oonaclouane, aha told of being beaten and outraged by a negro, ' The girt may die. Poiloe ar at trorli the aasa. f 7enul asaelsl arrtea.r V Lftnden. Sept. to. Lady Curdbn pasaed -' a ouiet night and waa somewhat better thla morning. - - i ATTEMPT TO ABD U CT ; RESULTS IN D E ATH . Jere1 Isectal tervtM.) . afaryaviu. CaU dept. An at tempt mad by four or mord Chinese last Bight to abduct th wife of Lena Ooa, a wealthy Chinee merchant af Maryavin. was Is now traveling hi tba astern stataa, reaulted in th death of tha woman at aa early hour thla morn ing, probably from tha drug adminis tered by her captor to prevent resist ance snd outcry. Thro auspeota bav been arreeted. When th now of tha attempted ah- bOCWb la Cblggaowa T tT A T TT T lATrffTTTrTrin TWtT TT XT T TTT-T T at T"- a , 1 I I . I I ' I I I I fl lllfl llfl I I . I . - ' 1 1 f I III- I I ' I I a I . I I V I V . n r a - n iajm. vi 1 1 ft- w n i n ii ft i jro Be Postponed In- . h' -v'j.; the Committee Is Ignored Averted--Crematorj at Small Expense. if I " v.- a franehlsa upon any each term aa ar offarad In thaa blda.1 . . I ' Councilman Alb subaaqusntTy stated that. In- hi opinion, tha eramatory old ba put Into good eondltion for oompara tlrly llttl apaa, and that vn th tnatailatlon of a new furnac would not entail an outlay of over $,, accord Idc ta Informatloa which ho had re ceived. "1 aaa. no reaaoa." aatd Mr: Albea. why tha eramatory cannot ba mad to tab ear of all tha elty'a varbaga for' tea on twalr years to. eoma." . . j Dr. Mae CardwaU of th board of health waa present at tha oommlttee meeting; to learn of the notion taken upon th proposed carbaa grab. When Lmformad that tna blda had ban rurnad down, ahe aakad whether step would bo taken to pat tha eramatory premlees into wnotoeom condition' before . th opening -of th Lewla and Clark fair. Tba committee maaared her that this would be dona. Councilman Alba re marked that ha had mad a personal In spectloq of tha crematory and tha aeigh- borbood. and found that ther waa nuck mora oauae for aom plaint on account of th unsanitary oondttton f many yards gad outhouses In tha vicinity than on account of tha eramatory itselt Many paogla Hrmg near tha eramatory are to th bmbtt or throwing garnag and filth out apoa tha open ground, so that tha odara arising r axoaadlngly offenslv. ' Befor thair meeting tha members of the health and police committee held n conference with Mayer Williams co- oamln: tha gmrbaga problem. While na deflnlt conclusion waa reached. It ta understood that for tha present at least the Idea of granting to any one tha mo nopoly of edlleetlng and cremating tha elty'a garbage haa been abandoned. A $40,000,000 MERGER OF TOBACCO MAKERS ' Oearaal aerial gervke.) -; Mew York. dept. St. -Am the oansunv matlon of tha plaaraltbxtd whan tha Consolidated Tobaooe company anma Into axlatenee three yeara ago for th pur poae af aoqulrlng tha Continental and Amartoan Tobaooo eompanlea, the stock holders of the three oompaalea held meeting today to. ratify th plan of th directors for the actual merger af the three concern Into one company, to be oalled th American Tobaooo oompany. " Th ssarger plan pro video for the con version of tha stock of tha Consolidated Tobacco oompany 94o,Mo.OOO) and th Amer-teaa oommon stock and Continental oommon stock not hold by th Consoli dated Tobaooo company (IS4S.4M) Into tha oennoa stock of tba new oompany at par. - , - - . FUMES OF AMMONIA ; OVERCOMES FIREMEN (Jearaal bpectal arrtee.) Kew York, tape 0v Twenty nremen war overoom by ammonia fumes dur ing d Are which destroyed three build ing on West Fourteenth street this morning. Four of the fireman ara ta tha hospital In a aarlous eondltion. The Cudahy Packing company and T. A. Wheeler oompany ara tha beavtaat laaara. Tha lees will reach IliO.OO. , V r. . ' ; OOLTaX s" (asMtal DtsMtek ts 9b Jtearaal.) Colfax, Wash., Kept, la, A delegation of ISA Spokane buotnasa man waa enter tained at luncheon in the Armory here today by tha Colfax Commercial club. BTaTAWAY OA1 1H ulll MspMea t The Jearaal. 1 ' Wallace. Idaho. Sent. 10. A. runaway tenia terrified ths pedestrian am Main treat aero yesterday, aeverai bufgi were smashed but no en waa hurt. ' thla morning thr waa torrtflo excite ment and It bi regarded as highly poa sibie that b tong war of vloieno geay break out T It waa through tha abduwtldn af a Chinas girl that on of th wo rat Chi nese ware that haa ever awept over the coast erlainated n tbl elty a decade ago. Which It cost th atato nearly 17 1, 000 to auopreea. It waa In that war that th flret general knowledge of th Chlaea hlahMndee ayatem waa obtained and through tbla Information asveral tong war which have sine tbrtbianad terb baaa Mraaf, U ikw hua, t f, j. v ;v Auditor for th ifarrtman litoad In Texas. " AUOIITOR;. BENSON i GOES M. Banaos of fhis 1ty, auditor af tba Oregon Railroad A Navigation com' pany. baa been . promoted- by Preeldeot B. R tha audits rsbla of uw mmmir unes in Texas, sr, msn soa wm lor Houston on.uetooer 1 wher h will sstabllafa bm h quarter a Th line tbnt Mr. Benson 111 be auditor of are tha Galveston. Harrlsburg dt Ban Antonio, the Galves ton, Houston A Northern, and tba Texas dt New Orlaana rail road a. They aggr- gate oonalderable mlloag. Mr. Ben son'k soooasaor haa not yet boon named. but It la likely that aa auditor from aom of Hariimaa'a amallar lines will be eeoi here. Mr. Ban aom ta one of tha bast known railroad man In tha oountry and haa al ways baaa considered an - expert ao- eountaat and first-class railroad man. H entered th railroad service In 1171, for. th Chicago, Burlington dt Quinoy. In 174 hw waa chief clerk In th au ditor of flea of th Chicago dt Paduoah. For flva yaara, beginning ta It to, he waa traveling auditor for th Wabash, be Louts 4k Pacific, nod thro years found him aa oaahler af tha Wabash at Chios re. For a year he waa auditor of the Indiana. Illlnole lows, nod after warda held a aim liar ' position ta the low Central. ' For tba past It yaara Mr. ' Benson baa beefe auditor for tha Ilwaoo Railway dt Navlgatloa oompany and th Portland and Asiatic Steamship oompany. Ths latter oompany' sc- eount since September 1 have transferred to th offto f BL & 1 WATERS OF LAKE END i1 HER HOMESICKNESS J. (Jearaal serial tervteej Chicago, Sept, 10. Frances Parkhurat. aged, la, who waa missing last eight from Ferry hall In Lake Forest, and for whom hundreds of students, oltlaana and eoldler searched all night, la dead. Her body waa found In Lake Michigan, this morning. , All Indication point to suicide, but ther la bo known motive except bom'' sickness. Th girl earns from Dan vera. 111., and entered Lab Forest university three weak ago, . . , $20,000,000 BABY IS v BORN TO HARRIMANS (Josmal Special tnaM . -New York, Sept. I0.-A son and hair to the Oliver Harrlmaa millions waa bora early today at tha famliy'a oountry place at Whit Plains Thla la th first ohtld to aom Into tha household. The child tipped the scales at sine pound a. Oliver Harrlman la rated In Wall trt a being worth tli.aoo.toa. uta wife also a wealthy woman. , Tba baby la worth at toast ttO,MO.ot. ,; (Jearaal Bserial servtea.) Cleveland. O., apt 10. An mrplcalen or natural ans wrevnm tna piant or in Kaal Ohio Qaa company early this mora ine. Two workmen wr Drobablr fa- lallX iDjafbd. ..'..n-.; 7-7' , r-rf r - ijV 7f"rt- ' TO TEXAS Rail ton. at Saa ' Fraacteoo, auditor af the Pacifio Mail Steamship oompany. After tba let of Oetobar th ocean divUkm aooounte f th O, H 4 N. will alaa ba audited in the Saa Franeiso offloa. - On aooount of hi departur from this otty, Mr. Baaaoa, 1 yesterday, at th stockholders' meeting, r relinquished bis position aa director of the O. R. dt N and th Portland and Asiatic Stsamahlp companies. Mr. Benson says that 1m dislikes very much to leave Portland. "After lo yaara' life ta thla olty." he says. 1 feel as If 1 am aa old olttaen and regret to leave my friends. There la aa mora- ideal place . to the oountry In which to reside tout here on the bank of the Willamette. I have notlecd with pride the great advances that Port land, la making In ovary line af en deavor. Building ara going up rapidly. Improvements being mad . throughout th olty, and tha antlrd oommunlty 1 being beautified from year to year. Neat year Portland and Oregon will oelebrate tha hlstorioal tourney' af Lewia and Clark with A graa exposition, and J shall try to return to witness it Since Mr. . Benson assumed tba a dltorehlp of the O R. A N. he baa seen th business of his office grow to ex tensive proportions.-' Tan yaara Ago be had about dosen men la bia depart ment, while today there are 114 names on tba payroll. Mr. and Mrs. Benson will go direct to New York City, thence to New Orleane, and after a short stay In th southern lty will preoeed to Houatea. THIEVES ROB TRAIN AND SECURE FORTUNE (Isaraal sperial svrvaw.) -. . . Parte, Sept. aO.-A-dpeelal tram from Pari to Havre waa rifled of valuablaa worth a That aam last night, Tba robbery 00m to light today. Nlnatyon bags of mall and large quantities of valuable pa per and article wer out open and tba valuable taken. Th exact loeg la not known, bat tt la estimated that tha tbievep attained booty worth a fortune, - If- ST. LOUIS B00DLER . , COLONY INCREASED . . ;$ .'; " (laamal Sserial bwvtea) . St. Lou la. Sept 10, Joha H. Schnet- tler, who pleaded guilt? to tba charge of bribery while a member of th bouse of delegates, waa today sentenced to aarv two yeara ta the penitentiary. - - SchnetUer la the sixth member of the hofe to be cent to th penitentiary. Folk any that be believe four other will eventually be Imprisoned despite their ateady fight to escape panlabmenl. . , ; Bm mt (ftnetal DbiaaNb The JeeraaL) OarfleK Waeh Sept. Id. Mr. A. Thompson, aged 7t yeara. died 71 day. She, had lived here It years. She leavea aa aged kaabaad and ftwo TO SPEND New Shops of Harrlman Lines to Be Built at Albina. cv - WORK TO BEGIN SOON sr. v ... 1 CdMoliditloiof 0, tlrlS. P. PliBli Will Make Pts&lble the TornlotOBt isl RepiIrlBl f : : AII Rilllot VikL:.i Ctosa to 9Mt.t will be spent 1a the oonsolldatlon of tba Southern Pacific railway hops with taeee of the Ore gon Railroad 4V Navigation oompany in Albina. Arrangement ar now being mad for th expenditure af thla vasti sum by tha management ot the Hani man Ilnea ta Oregoa, Official here refusa to dieoues th matter In the ab- sence af Manager & U. Calvin, who now la New York for a final conference wltk th oostrolllng powers of the aya- tem. with referunos to the extensive ma pravenwnta to be made by the Oregon Ilnea during tha next fiscal year. But no doubt these changes, along with other improvements recently mentioned by The Journal, will ba mad. The- preeent location of tba fX R. 4V N.i ahops at Delay and Knott ' streets is an Meal site for the great plant which tkla change will create at that point It Ilea between tba Willamette river and the bluff, and oomprlss a nearly flat tract that la at least half a mite wide and about three-quartera of a mil long. rielng to a tree covered knell toward the bluffs. Upon thla knoll, as contemplated In tba plana, an office building will be erected. It commands an admirable view of the entire plant and river front. where the steamships of the Portland dt Asiatic line tie up for repairs. t Mmr BTW Brtldtaau. ' Tba contemplated fmprovement aa this ground Include a new engine build ing abop or aa addition to tha preeent one; a aew boiler shop, a new ear ah op, a paint ehop and b storage building. There will alaa be a large addition to the present roundhouse, providing for a doubling of Ita capacity; and a new turn table, larger thaa the old one, to accom modate tha big eompouBd locomotive that ar being added to- the equipment of both roads. The materials for the new turn tsbl ar now on th ground. The foundation for tha addition to th roundhouse la already laid. The preeent roundhouse acoommodatss St locomo tives, Whsn the new rundhouee 1 com pleted there will be capacity for 44 lo- oomotrves, and tha a tall of the new bouse will be to feet tong to admit tba 44-foot oeonppund engine. Th tall of th preeent roundhouse are only Id feet long. Aa Interesting feature of the situation ex late ta tha fact that there are already on the ground heavy founds tipos not only for the extension of the round house but for a number of the ether large bulldtnge to be added to tb plant. These foundation have been there etne lis. They were mid whoa the Portland nop of the a R. b oompany were built her In that year and the change made from The Dalle. The plane then entered upon proved to be too exteneive for Immediate utilisation, and th foun dation were sot built upon. Soma af them will be used in the present eon- eolMatlon. But th ehangsa wUl neoes sitotr a number of new foundation, and for those there haa been surveying In progress for aom time by the oompaay'e engineer. Th preeent locomotive shop aeeom tnodate only nine loeomotlvee, and were built before these engine bad reached their preeent else and height. Tbla ah op is always full. Ther are today aloe loeomotlvee on trestle or wheels la this hop either under reconstruction or In pro case of being in ousted upon their trucks. Three af them ara af the large compound type, ever 40 feet long, and are too high to be-conveniently handled in th shop. Th new shop, ar addition to tha prase at ana, will bav a higher roeL -. . . -mow Arsassrewasmm. The saauldera, btaeksmithe and boiler makers, bow housed la one big building. Ill be separated. Tha mouldera will remain ta their present quartera, and the other department will probably be put into A new building. Theas re-errange-menta, however, ara aot yet fully de cided upon. The machinery that m at present 01 ths Southern Pacloc. shop at Brooklyn waa Installed only two yeara ago. At that time the Southern Pacta Invested nearly half a million dollar ta these oew shop. The best of modern ma chinery waa put in. It I presumed tost moot of It will ba moved to the O. R. A N. plant. There ar now about 10 man eteadllv employed at th O. R. A N. ahops, and between lot and SM men at the ehop of th Southern Pacific The consolida tion of th two shop, it la said, will not XCoBtlaued B Fag Twa. TO CONSIDER BIDS TRINIDAD INUNDATED Rumored Reservoir Has Given Away Sweeping Many to Death. :.h' WIRES ARE NOT WORKING While Report Lack. Coofimatloi Ex- eeptloully Heivy hfu and Knawi CoadltloBS Caue ; Crave Fears. ' , i-' V;1 (Jeamal Spariai Btrvtee.) ' Denver. CoL. Sept 99. A rumor I current her, brought ta by wire, that a considerable portion of Trinidad, CuL, baa bees washed away by tbe bursting of tha elty - reservoir, and that many Uvea have baaa tost. . , At this hour It Is tm possible to gala oonflrmaHon, as1 Trinidad la completely out aot of wire communication. It baa been raintag heavily for th past two days in all that portion 6f d. every lull mountaiu creek la now a raging torrent. The Animas river has reached nearly lu hlgbeat recorded point and several other stream ta tbe Animas range ara out of Q rave feare have been eapreeaad aa to th possibility af the reservoir at Trini dad being able to withstand a heavy flood. It waa built two yeara ago by the olty for a water aupply, to obviate tha necessity af using the waters of tha 'Purgatolre river, which are pol luted by the wash from th great col lieries af the Colorado Fuel A Iron oompany, above the town. Th reservoir to about flva mil or above the town and dame up a tributary of the Purgatolre river. It la located In a canyon and ta a large one, holding a considerable lake of water. . Ita audden breaking away would cause a Hood at water to inundate the Purgatolre river, and la Ita reach would be not only a large portion of the lower residence section, but the now Colorado dt Southern depot aa well. The depot would possibly be th prea test loss, aa tha residence are those of the humbler sort, the finest residence and business eectlon of the olty being on much higher ground Along thla bot tom, too, would be awept out the Cali fornia Wyoming and Denver A Rio Oranda tracks and attached buildings. MILLIONS' LOST IN STEEL IN TWO DAYS (Jearaal Sperial Barrtea.) New York. Sept. 0 About S.0vd.tM haa been loot In two day by Wall tret ambler endeavoring t depress the price of steel trust stock, financial cir cle declare. Bears, It to alleged, were caught by a sudden purchase la Ban Francteoo Tueadsy of ie,ea snares or preferred for the aooount of C. M. Schwab. A prominent stock exobang firm. It to known, waa heavily abort, was forced to cover and bad to buy at Tl to make good contracts that bad been put out below tO. Tha World say: "J. Plerpont Mor gan, according to a etory told In Wall street today, employed James R. Keene to conduct a bull campaign la stl stocks, and the recent activity and strength of the atooka 1 attributed to hie handiwork." , - . . . j WILL TAKE UP THE . HEARST COAL CASES (Jearaal special Servta.) ' Waahlngton, Sept. ICv The Interstate Commerce commission has decided to take up. at Chicago, October 11, for fur ther hearing tha ease of William R. Hearat agalaat - tba anthracite roads. - HENRY C. PAYNE IS DANGEROUSLY ILl Jnaral serial fhrviee-l .' Washington, D. C, Sept. . Henry C Payne, poatmaatar-gennral. to seri ously Ul of heart trouble and much alarm la expressed by his friends over his eondltion. Although hs appeared much Improved upon hie ret am from weal era trip, he became very 111 last night and has been confined to his apart ments in tbe Arlington hotel here ever since. Dr. Magruder and Dr. RUey. the surgeon-sen erel of tbe navy, arc hi attending physician Among tftoj who sailed to inquire as to ths post-maatsr-general' oondttton last vntng per th ncaatdani aud Mrs. RooeeveiL READY Full A BATTLE Both Armies at Mukden Hasten Plans for the 5 Final Conflict, : RUSSIA IS REINFORCED eUpai Believed ta Save Completed Rer farward MoveocDt RottUoi -; Are Filled With Hl.h Rapes - , X. tf Bit Vlclwiy. r ; ; -. t- .'"V;, :"' - I i (Jesrasl laectal servVe.) , Rom, Sept. 10. (Bulletia.) Aaensi Libra haa a dispatch from Mukden thla evening .reporting that a battle about that place baa be ejus. . The Japanese opened hostilities, according to tbla re port, -by delivering five separate at tacks at tbe enemy at points along tba Russian front and flank. . ' (Joerael special swvfoe.1 ' Harbin, BepL It. There Is no change ta tba eltuatlom about- Mahnmn. The Buss Ian cavalry dispersed two partlea of Japanesa, taking some cattle. Tbe mala body of the Japanese ar south of th branch railway and are moving eastward. No Japanese bav advanced north of Da van and a oonaiderabla f ocoe la holding Byuobal, Preparations for an active forward movement of the Japanese new seem oompleted and a battle aeema Imminent. . - Kuropatkin reviewed aeveral detach ment of troop that have just arrived and conferred the St. Oeoras cross upon II officers for gallant services ta tha battle of Liao Yang. ' The freen icviea ox troopa mat ara arriving represent the flower of the Rus sian army and are being hurried forward in the direction of Mukden aa fast aa possible. dt la bow considered by many who are eoaversant with the eltuatlon. that If tba Japanese postpon their attack for a few dare the forces under General Kuropatkin will have been augmented and disposed of to auch an advantage that the Russians will. In all probability, be the viotora In the contest. On the other hand the dogged determination of tbe mikado' men has been ao well proven In th past that A true predic tion aa to tb outcome of the contest that to bow imminent seams a futile undertaking, and all eyes are turned to ward the seat of hostilities anxiously awaiting tbe outcome of . a struggle which will undoubtedly be a bloody on. jhaalvoatok. Bent. 10 The . Danish commander of the lightship near Dolal. Bouxlere Island, reports that tha Rus sian torpedo boat Ryeshltslnl. which the Japanese took from Chef 00 with the ab ject of convoying to Bouxiere, sank near th tslanda. -Before sinking the powder magaalne on board tbe boat exploded and M Jap- aaaae perlabed. - - IVWW MAJDB. . Basslan Beparb Asiarto That Japan - (Jearaal fiptelai brns.) St. Pa tare burg. gept. SO. An official dispatch today states tbnt a gansral ss sault waa mad en th defenseo of Port Arthur September IS to II inclusive, but tba Japanese were everywhere repulse. AJ. wm aa riaMii (Jearaal Bperiat errle. London. Sept. 10. A dlapatch to th Telegraph from Seoul says tt la x- ( Continued on Page Two.) At t:M o'clock this morning It given out that he had a very r nlarht. was very weak and l'M b m dttloa Was savtoua. t i c wa resting quietly an-d pain. The report vm t ruder and Hixey. He a ever, unable to take a1- and hl beext set too. W. regular. Ir. MagTttdsr rsmsle bight. At 11: to eHock 1M -gruder aald Ms patent Improvameai to Imo -houn - mrmmmmxjn wonou :' Danish Owmmsalst Bsyaato That Boa . . y ' g Pewn Near wait. Osndttluav V