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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
a: 4 . - j ; -f. 1 ff.a.- i v St Hi " , ;. ZiV'" '. ' . . . v . -i i I ' m N' m 'v i. PORTLANDS OREGON;' SATURDAY 'EVENING, OCTOBER 1. 1901 f -A j --.i Vngjin amn. If "A PRESIDENT PROSTRATED 'XA-r;: -; 0- dmt, Xt'X .rr'Zii? XX-Xl'::" 1, PRESIDENT PROSTRATED ytw Werlika Eloqaest Plet Ii kWf f Ue CoHefe-OrctM fctty Ctotk to Be tW hV;j Mr Fettwc f i Bmut A Oat. 1 lfaa ! Mm Or u onsif inai ui dnb naenva ihlM kf milMMMl MlllflllT. dnonlMt1wil aebool, wUoh for w bfor had oek a ooadttlen faoad board f trust mad larmam d Ura, moVad by tbo Mtfeotte alata afblra. arlad blttanr. Dortec tha ortmnlsatkM of U Lar- a aaaoetatlea at u Cfcrutiaa ob ta tha aftarboo. and tha aeryioaa at Humphrey ManorUU WhII IbImamI. PtMMMt J. ML Mmmb. mmm ml. thm haad af Wlllaaiatta iilvwilta lav KNulntM In M. Ha aohad faini durtn- tha day for Um ixpraaa parpoaa af addraaalnc tha ooa- 'aranoa now lm aalnai eonearnlnff tha lUtutloa. but nvw Ul la haarf nd lody whaa bo laaraad that oat of tha t.M that Bhotilfl havo baan ralaad by bo Oraaon eonferano for Wlllanaua ialTtralty onlMf I1.7W vaa ralaad dor--''r fin tha lo. tr. Whoa tha ooafaranoa tn ii aaTVi Ii pahlto thoaa flvnraa, Dr. V toaa etaally took oMt and vaa aa ' f fiim to dallTor .hla addraao last Bhjht. I ir, Oamea Royal, a promlnont lay mam- C IT. - M - . A A . - - - kin ur xrota mrtMiia, raw 1 kaa aad forbad aim to lav dd torn- Mnn madat ApioiH : v fa TW rVAmnan-a alaoa. ROT. Dt I ?w x ... AsiAa rarlatlaa Advoeat. -ODORO. HO Mid that bad WtllaaMtta- aalTaratty i n fTorod aa oadwwmon tho ohoioa of toxin ur. mm . . . Ka Man vwuid bo oboaoa, "but.-, ba Mi. ant Ktfi kiU hiai by our coaa .jdltaroaoo mtm aoa o w1aa tha ahureb. Uatoaod with rapt attontloa and fthaafj4 to tha ooho ovary oatitlmant attarad by I tha aaoakor. Tholr toara d. thay h board of th oonoitioa or amm r -ihfatbodurt aehaoL But aot oao of thoao who hoard Dt. Bador wot niht knaw . tho asrfloao altoation taoa iiauiw. V wuiamatto aniTra. Tha mlnlotara of tho Oragon oonfor 1- MkaM hf aroml- ! l- lMat moa aftor tho oramaiaauoa ox -; V iErmon d aaaatrtatioa at tha Chrtatiaa Z Churoh. Hot. paaakmafe ajaichw wara ' liaado, and tho aanttmont of tha aowly Jfbrmod ooototy la radoetod br tho olaato otatamoat of donator H. A. Booth, who jf, wao ohMtod rod-n of tho ; Hi part in ant. Amona; othar thinga, bo aald: r I hM ara tod oaral of r I lirniamott anrroroitya fta I f Aawi thom to oavo bar. aboil bo Mi Mtlna tnoro wara oat aw facta eoneorntn tbo tro -th real troubles of tne eono- ara that careless awaacomoni part of a former treasurer aas tha foatltuttoa la a moot om- inc aoslttoa and bad n aot ao kl. .mlnlatpatlOB Of th ,t tntatoas aad omciala, Metbodlma Id hare loot this property, bow Itmd at aoariy 26t.oo. tntlamttOB of the trout aa orar wrm to tho publto. vm n at a that experts war amployod to f th hOOkS Of tne oaiTereny wnn t t"rT maanoau ) . . ha hhtaksatnc oloads "7" .V IT' r-ii. have buna ever h jg achooirthe ana haa begun to I waV men of wealth and proml ? - JVZr-ZZZ atata bar oome T-,mlrZ aad have plodged auntelant S to toTb to-tltutloa and to Sao? nfoTV solid' foundat0B. iTer terday tt fata at today, assujanoe .- fixed and k is w w--- 1tm teat schools m -V. " -Mars ry Id lmpreastva, Itl la d. baa alumni aaa . testing la -membership mora than It, -aa'- tha aoaat and tt xaoaiiy m r"utlo aosalon. Tne mm ' ffNMitlnued Ol .Tag va.) , EFuER CHANCELLOR y OF EXCHEQUER DIES 4 eeeeeeeeeeee 'London. Oot. 1 Right Bob. ' Sir William Ooorgo Oraavtil VenahUa Varnoa-Haroourt, for iter obanoellor of th xeheuoffv . A..,.. 11 1111 l. v-i; dVraaai V. ill u educated at Trinity eol- fa g and graduated with honors B lb 1111. H waa eieoteg t per- llamoBt aa a memoer nyoni w ford from SHI to lff. 4 ' He held th position 1 Chan : cellor of the exenannar m and from lttl to t . Marquam; Manager? and Associates Get Control ' of Theatre. : ,. ) BAKER IS THE MANAGER .-.T-ll,' Mei Iotertstei H Pea) Refuse tt Give Detiils if Ptsilnft f CnlrtlK Jalk iilbe Tern tf tke - Samara that hava tatormlttoatly clouded tha theatrloal atmoaphere of Portland eoacerain tha Catamhla thea tre war oolmtried today by the an aouaeement that tha new booat baa en tered the North wast era Theatrical aeao oUtloa, under a ooauaet alauod by J. B. Blaalar. who bnUt tha theatre, aad Cal- Tla HeUta and associates. Including John V. Cordray aad William at BttaseU. Ua dor th terms of this ooatraot tho mn- aaiBaT ooatrol of tha theatre passea into tne nana ox um associauoa. ana uooraw I. n.iin aril! ha aha mb manasar. not only sd the Columbia, bat of tha Baker and the Kmplre theatres aa well. ' - Tha rVilumhla atank omnaiur ta to rb- ata la tha aoaular Dlatiauaa for an ln- denaita penea is reponaa aa oa a paying ba-to ta fact, the boa-of t lea reeolDU have bee oa the Increase alao t;?ri': . M several aaya ago m tm woornai. wom those moot directly ooaoeraed are reti Mni MWMniBi tha details -of tha deal Mr. Blaster refused tc sea a Journal re porter. Mr, Being oouM not be rouna. Mr. Cordray locaea nis oxnos eany ana "went to laneh.M Mr. RuaaaU. it was stotod, wa aot tn th city, and Mr. Baker rafuaad xiauy to aiaous tux ru mora." Th transfer, however.- will mad this afternooa Th papers ar alreadr elgnad. Mr. Blaalar retain bis interest - .i.. u.t- mwUk huw ha. oom awmber 'of th asaVlaUon, U ha see fit to enter more deeply into tn theatrloal business. Th aimnire la at arissnt andsr wsae to Tbomaa Wledomana. who oxpooto to put a dim vaudvtut tnar iot a m LOSS IN TRINIDAD MORE THAN $250,000 V "- V V:V.:; --- --- BMdtal a 1 ' rw.M- nm t. Wlra comnrMtcatloB baa been again opened to Trinidad, and iiati rraia tnai noinx anow that tha losaoa sustained by yesterdays flood will aggroaat la ail aroaeauity more than $.0O. . . . ; I ha huiUiRsa deotrorefl tn T-i-iAmA aa tha haata Fa depot the new Baeca hotel, valued at 12. 4, which was Jut Bearing completion, and ..- utinv.hmiM naar tha denot. !.. AmmarA to the extent of about lao.OOe. -Among th merchants .t.tua VaavW InaaM Ofl lOWOT Commercial street was th Colorado dap- ply oompanr. wboea was smr ed at 110.00. ao rar as anew were lost. Bvwy bridg lajh Ky of a-i.a .kai mit. WaavT rains that fs almost ooaUnoaaaly for two days aaaaad the flood. ;, CONDITION OF PAYNE ? IS SLIGHTLY IMPROVED famnat gonial btrrtaa.) ' J aiw.hinMi TV t Oat. 1. Pam ooadlUoB this morntng Is slightly better than at snr tioa yeaieroay. well last night, but Is not out sf dan- gen Tha following bulletin was lasusu at t:M a'elookt . , Mr. Payne bad a maoa arow -- . u . anmhar ad houre and his heart action I much Improved and nnaral condition mora wtdi EES wuiu. Ostor, 9. at Rlxey. O. " ' (Xmrsal pertol ' vat. Oct. 1. LadT Curvon-s physlcUm'. bullotla. M ayshVhaT-o -Li loTTmother aad atator. ESur. to PctW.t arrtv oC Dovor tomorrow aisnt ana T tab th uetter wa- ,;y biiabb bt wiTZTn-. i .-David Owwna A bam bra mlnsa V" .t. dTnamlt. Mum .waa . . ' -1 y. mmmm$M. Ihmm m x t 1 ':- r- H v r"C sSGvm -V i '-K'VvVCki-Yi fff 1 I I III ' k CHANACTCA OK ITCH OF, CHARLW WARRIN FAIRBANKS, WHO SENATOR COMPELS HIM TO RETIRE Baata Jonathna P. DoIUveT, th fl- ver-tonmed orator from low, who ae- eoBnanlea th ralitwin party iw oampairn tour of th Pacific norta wJTwtll abandon the trip at Portland tomorrow, owing Tl throat and vole. - He specialist . fa this elty oa his arrival with th bop of aurlng rellet Owing hto wXkaowB oratorical toltnta Senator DoUlvor l ooaatanUy called ua to fmak at pto made, and h ha responded to o many tevTutioaa that his affort. hr suite la eriowUy. arippUngr hi Pooal organs. " ' .. ' -.' ' CMMMIE FADDEN Th Docheaa, Mia fV aij tha oharactor whom anwara w. traaand awd so familiartogether 1 with some new one, aiak their how ta Band? Journal readers tomorrow. MAURICE MAinXRlINCK Th Big rja vZJTi author, whoa b?k- ."m!LS!!U . aeneatlon thwrtort uemjw world, gaatrlbatog to toorrowg Journal. ., ; CAN A WAGE-EARNER! -A fwrttomt n r aia Uvlng mpmm V DOLLIVER'S VOICE; . -i Vtank a Baker, ehalrman f th B pabllean oentral oommltteev today re ceived tha following taiegram from ben ator Charles W. Paltosv Who I with the Fairbanks party: - -According to amended ecneduia, wo will reach Portland at :Je o'clock this afternoon. There ar It of Senator Fairbanks' party, rairbanka wlshe to go to to hotel and bold ah Informal reosptton lm mediately after arrival of tho train. Btaht mombara of tho party win bo pleased to tab a drtv about th city. Chairman Baker has arranged for the reception eomanfttee to b at th Grand YouGctiAll f7a?SunJay -Journal : MRS. SARAH A. EVANS . fa bar weekly Woman' Peg, tolta how Jo Meek at Oregoaaeat Prest- . . deat Pola. v. WAY 1 1 WILL' FIAK IN PORTLAND Oaatral atattoa to bmat th train, bad the Tloe-presklent ar hotlfted to be preeeat at the Portland hotel at the earns hour to rooMva th party aa tt arrival there. Th pupablmaa elaag ar gathering today from all parte af th stats for the great mas meeting which hi to greet aenator Putrbanke and bene tor Dottivor at tho armory tonight. It Is ex seated that th big drill hall will he tiled, for a effort has been spared to draw- a rosord breaking attendance, gpeolal trains and reduced rates will bring hun- (Centlnoed oa Pag even.) THE ' WOGGLE-BUG ,: Aaka Ma newest os far pea to - aas air thi Brat of tha new M f prtas gsrtoa far Oetohar. HAPPY HOOUGAN . Tha BUtBSaJamawr Xhba Imra ant :f Lsandor, ad all th ffwM tn fuaay oetor-pterarea. prlatod a Th Jeur aaJ's great ratobow preaa the aaly one ta Oiagoa wtB ameoe the bil- 4 THK KEWS - -Moantac everythtng to rh world of mtereat. farnlsbed bp The Journal's ' Bpeeial leaned wire-the only one hi Oregon and by to best toon) atatt '1939 uby association of Lineman Waldron Touches 10,000 Yolt Live Wire, Dies Instantly. HAT : THE CONDUCTOR II Tcfi Dao(!lD Wire mi Carries Deidljr Carre st Tfaroo.h flls . kMy Hurlinf Had Fed ' fnm Top tf Pole. - While worhlng fast from tho ground stringing eleotrto wire una awraing. Tom. Waldroa'a hat earn In oontaot wMh a Uv wire and le.tod volt of lootrlelty passed through his head, fclUln him Instaatry. - Waldron waa worfcina for th Port land Oonoral Eleetrle eompany ta Blsv- nta streec,- pposK ut wounara brewery. Th ether workmea of hi gang were some dlstano away from Weldrea did aot aotloa tha loos ttv wire dangling above hi bead. He climbed a Uttl higher on th pole and hi bat brushed It Instantly there waa a flaabv a slsstlng aound and Waldron plunged headlong to tbd pavomant he low. H was dead. aevvral workmen at th brewery wer th only one who witnessed th acci dent Their attention was attracted by th flesh and th alaaltng sound of th current aa tt passed through Waldron s body. When they reaohed th body life was satlnot. Where th eurrent bad passed through hi bat there waa a small hoi a Tha hair was harned from Ms head her th arrant bad entered. His flesh was burned la place. Th remain were removed to th morgue, where an In vesttgaUaa la being held by Coroner ' Waldron resided at SOI FMrth ttreet with hi wife. They had aot lived la BWllana Hrf lOna. Their fOmMT homo waa la Oleneoa, Mlna where th parenu of th daeeassd stm res ma. ine viv tlm was It years af age. FTLIC WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR STRIKE ilearssl aptelsl flw1w. ' Clttoago, Oct 1. Beef went ap with a baand yeeterday. half a osnt a pound he rn taehed oa the price of th better ants of meat, making th price nm a pound higher than values exacted dur ing the packing Souse serine, no iw mm) wa aiwaa tor tha leteet advance. Tha added half eeat to the price of oholoe atn hmnati the aMSaia BOOS SB Mat. a amual. m&AM auiM aal raeteinaiil wnrt are dieanared at th announcement of still another advance. As on rsataaraat owner said: -It looks is If the packers need, or want th atoney." Mrrt con ditions do aot justify th advanc. whi.h aaM that the DSctrers will make about t per oent profit arMtraruy. ; MOODY MAY SUCCEED HOAR IN THE SENATE (Jen sal tsettol iervwe.) ' WMhhwtea Oct. l. Attorner-Oeiieral Moody Is aenerally re carded as the prob- able uoossor to Oeerg P. Hoar aa United eHates senator from Mas aahuaatta. abx-Oovaraor W. Murrey Crane could have the place. If be de atrad tt. but would he fnrasd to dlsposs nf hi heavy IntsresU In th Dal ton paper mill, whioh rarnien paper upon whleh United tutes notes ara printed. AttornevOeneral Moody la th most Influential and popular of th yonager school of Massachusetts statesmen, and area eaohea ef by awnatar Boar hi awat logtoal Buscessnr. , OPERATE OH A BABE' - FOR APPENDICITIS (lawMl tiulil WmnUm. - Oranger. Tmiu, Oct. 1. The 14-aeonth aM sen ea Thoma Parr has been sue Mhill attaraled UOOB. fr PPendl- aitia and will luosver. It to believed that he to tho youngest shUd var put aader the half for thai disease. : (JearasI Bseclal bwrtea.) PhriaAelnhJa. Oct 1. The aaf hi th poatomc at Rossmont. a suburb, wsa blown opsn at aa nn omt and Stamps t the raise of lae rtivirtand checks amount ing to from M. to sddrsased to wealthy suftUXDaJUiee. war aev wim-p,?. Golden: Hill Fortress at Port Arthur Is Being v; Disintegrated to GARRISON IS STARVE Stoesset Holds Out Grimly Altbootf SarrMDdei; by Scenes of Sal- ' :.- feriDTowwpeople ' -.1 1 X Fivor Sorreoder. ; -' ; r - Vlearael aoecwJ awnleal Rome, Oot I telegram from TMa Tain ranorta that a hink that arrlvad from Port Arthur today rsporta the gar rison mere in mv non umou siraus. Th mea ar suffering from a lack of evea th commonest neceaaltlee ef Ufa. Intense misery prevails among all classes, particularly at tho hospital, where the wounded are to a wretched condition, ' The most serloas factor la this suffer ing Is the lessening of tho water supply. Th - opinion I growing among tha townspeople that the tlm haa com whea a surrender ou!d be made with out loss of honor. This waa -suggested to Oeneral Ptoessel. who became frantic, raved like a manias and declared he would or ulnae lighting aa long a a grata of powder remained Tho Japanese are now devoting aU their nergle to th reduction of Golden Hill fortress, which oommanda th har bor and la th heart of th drfen. Ones in Japanese possession .tbe""fler's Tsil fortifies Hons oould bs reduced with ease, but It t doubtful tf farther resist, enc would bs offered after the eaptor of th Golden H1U works. , fffaaa eha etrcmatiAbt theea haa han a 1 oeweestreted fir for dayn, and tbl baa proved -so rreotive, aoooraing to tne junkman, that all the outer works have been reduced to mere heaps of powdered stone, from which the ehell hurl cloud of dust into the sir when they strike. - go long has thi point been a target that th Japan gunners hav tha rang perfectly and sceroely a shell misses th mark. Th nnawertna fir continues spasmodically and with feeble ness, but the garrison and ofnmnrtor ara still defiant and now swalt th at tack which th Japan sxpeot to mak within three er four day. , . ; Great aa to th hatred bsiwsaa i enemies at th! point and brutal a hW the warfare become, th Jbpaneee are astd to regret th neoeaalty of taking th Ruetan piecemeal. They regard -Itoasssl's bravery and atabbornnaa with admiration, but bsllev that hi " continued and hepelesa reslstanoa 1s not tn beeping with better Judgment, which. . should lead him to spare tha live of hi men from hopeless sacrifice. Th Jankmn say that tbsr rsn be so -qnestloa of th oatooms and that tha fortress st th most aaa tost bat a tow . day longer. -i; WLU JOIST BAATM PXKBT. Tsrpsd Beat fJtaHfaaml flpPtflt BiVfSO.V' it Petereburs Oot. 1. The tornado boat destroyers Reaoy, Prone It el nr. Proaorllvy. Qroanfy and Oroail hare , haaa arAaraA A inla tha HaJtln V1a .1 Reval October I. which 1 oonsfMred s a sure Indication that th fleet will aot all bsfor ttea. PUee. . MMveal aeM swTiaa.l -gt Paters burs. Oct L -A remwt from ghana-hal ta the effeot that a mnarat enaaa-ement at Mukdea had been won by tne Japanese is names as in war oince. It I admitted, however, that lmnortant develnementa are taklna nlaca on tha eastern flenk of the Russian army, that tn Ruse tan cavalry has executed move ments and it la believed tt Is trytns; -a' cut th Jspaaee line of oommunlratioa (Continued n Page Two.) HERRICK RESITS AS SUPREME JL' U a - " 1 Jframal "pactal Berrw.) Albany. Oct. I.-Anr It pears of active service on bench Jeelloe D. 0"r K " today seat In his r jfn.. supreme court Justice, tu secretary of state aoortiy noon. punoan Csmnhell ' la a brief adorae It rick of bta aomiD.t rar 000.0t Batryra Ptiii H to BavaL MDIIItV fMIT Baaua. - X - i ' .