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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
1 V f if - v-" : .ft 'J- 4 ud ataca vr xpritnnt4 ' , wttk durloc tM mummm to ' , Juit what , aorta would flntf " ; favor with wontn bcfora tl aaora -1 ' ' panalv fall abapaa wr put po lh . V '. markat, aatf wow lha bat erow towarm ' a 4ulU aurprtaUic hattht vpom oarraapaodlBClr laraa arlxa. 9I , 5 Taraa ahapea of orowna aaani ow- ? . apteunua la thf oaw atrlaa; en amall and kiab, with a alop u tha bo Iran , a mar ads of brim; iba othr vary v lrga and rauad, but mat aa hih, and vu tfea tfalrtf at awdliiM hatbt and akpln - ta a polat la nnt, althoucb shaped la - vartaua way ta tha back- Wltb tbaaa . Iba Mima ara laraa and roond; Uirnad . -up la Napotaaa atjrls or rollad ap eloaa j - iff tha erowa la turban faabloa, but IB.'; ; .boat abap. . -4 Thara aeanw to ba avarr tedleatloa' - tbat wa ard ta bava a winter ml ahara y, - eoatraata la mill I nary M abaaad froM . . ta aa-ealor aobanta wble bad pr-" vallad dartnc tba aat paar. Tba fllr 4 tafia eoler whlcb aafcM pp aa aatira, bat baa a auar ahadaa that atroat . eoncraata ar afforded m bowffb ar tba latrodactioa f anotaar otr- Tbla la, rallow. aMiwlac froat araaat aoW 10 - V. data hrowa and aaaataa tbrouea all - k- " tba ahadaa of canary, burnt aranaa and j' ' va that lor) nw aaad fcnawh a avrat tomato. This abada of llow baa n' a clear rad-brawa tint la It, aad ebaaaaa ' la tint aa tha Itcht falla apaa tha vat- vat and pannb of .which ao naajr . aaw ' bat ara asada, " y ' Promlnant anon tha now" fall aoiora .1 paaeb. which ooaMd In aararol ahadaa t" . aad looka quit Ilka tha bloom ot v' " poach In aanaa volvat and ant I. What ara known aa a(o aToaad ar v. aatartaat mm tba araoa Unta for . auUiau waar and ail aa ft ahadaa af arBa ara faahlanaMa, aa wall aa aadar ; ar a. a daapr elaar ahad. and baa ao -if ,. rant that tha tppamf aura raflastlana. j. . ax pua araan. a -praoock affaat and what tolUtt fta t ,Ura4 bluaa oppaar-ln latrt fall mil , llnarr and UtN fthaaaa dra Vary rleh aad warm and ara af tea aanbtnad with atronc olaar araan trlmmlaaa. . 1 Xa mataiiala tha laadlna; thtnaa ahown at praaaot ara ahaarar and aoft halrr falta, valvota and pannaa Thaa art v : oftaa eonbtnod, aa a fait orowa wRU vlvt brim and Taa varaa. - v HaU for draaar waar ar aaaantott- oualr laraa aad aaldom af tha aam , WtdU an both aldaa of tba brim, whll tboaa for almpla atroat draaaa ar larcor thaa hereto for and tha hlali roll - of tn brim mako p for tha lowaflna V'UK' ; af th orown. y-v Oaa of tb ad tb aaaaoa ta tba- coronat trim ml na, whloa maaaa a trim- h ,. mma; ta aonatuai of flat foida Of , vat. pann or aatln; aamatlma at a band ot amall faathar with spatandlna; ; littia faatbora af Ua Mtln of paaa Hata trtanaad wtth aatwMtlea affaeta ara usually of th bid rawaad varlatr. with laraa brim having; roll In . ; Thr 1 a manlfaat Impula an th .. MM 4rf htnk m OtRM 4k ion anowa la old aaintlaaa, oh aa "V.;j;- Galaaborougha, Ptr Lalara and por f trait of fhahlanabl dama at th Flrat Kmpira, ' A vary hw bat shown In tba data. t narawan atria, la tears A. m of black '-,:: ' vol vol It 1 bla and hlan erowaod. . Aa brim aarrowlna; toward tb aaak and , boat dowa upon tba hair. A wlda. craohod hand- of pal bin aattn aa- r Wrta th crown and has bow aft th t back. Vaadyfc point at fat dr at around tha brim, bath mm th appar " - and ajadar adaoa. Th brim hi Ultsd on tha mft awa. wHk hou of oniffon , ' aadarnaath. In front slustor f oatrleh faathara la aat aaalaat tha orown to ' carva pvwr tha brim. Tbaaa fsathara 'i - aa m paia aaatal tint. obaaUaa ta F'Burned tomato hat trimmed with V and THE OREGON r' "Alt" 1 t.rS rJ'.'lj, .v.i'. .V. j a - , - A Tii. te.i.u. is a 'w "'' whll, and airettiui w,' rieina imn duywntriernume a. jy v j;( tlh a high SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MCXIK1, SEPTE' S '7. ' --w nii t.' 't't HUrtn flt Ucwd with r4, hi a have a pinblsh-nauv tnaklna: a long slant bit at morning ailat the orown to. tho ina center. ' crown m a wioe nan , . -,. m as muca light yellow Hgbt green thaa the hat orowa and croealng la the The shade are oew and peculiar and are tilled up. with en side higher than tne were yeateroay. ' vf. - , C " oomee a lerae felt hat. Shewn In fleure heck erltk ehor mnAm thprme4 e. loner ao hlenrt not Ia seen vivid. This ather. Tha under brlss la faced With I don't understand VU.M crown, built la a taahlon ateel frame buckle. St;, 1 A 5 V1 V;? - Ci'-v.:'. - t) Fttchlnf Tdhrgt hat In roM v-'- -y ' j? v-Chic turban in cedar froen, - w - . .' 1 k .; ' O Peacock blue and green turban. . '' from th ton of ter of Isra men, Thaa hair. Around the from orange,, merging to meoa nr turn rows rose aoior. oeeDenina to in The brim 1 lined 1 aa enample of a bat in C may " r l JHE smart Tall Kat stow contraats ( in coUn crown and hig trims i for 1 Jrcssy Kats, witK rolled . trims , and ? pointed fronts, for- street tats- Gains t torougk kats in favor for Fall wear; . f , ; ; .PeaickV turnt orange, turnt tomato and Vpnxon green are ike siomrt colors orFalli. 7f A, Truckings and and plumes cQnlpicuou V1 ' ( , - 'k 'i' - r. ? i. .,.; ' . , - ' -w, '''hV- :, k , ri 1 f M t' ,1 " ,f. '' .'.' i f- i 7 and peach tint. ' ':--;., vary In oolor eel or. and that th eihnrt hti of peaitn. light brown. , Thl hat ha a large crown of medium m the sa a ever were caught rianeei tints, aeient ana a wiee a rim. aarrowina strong oonV avacholarad tulle, and around be seen a orown' le a wreath of quilled am tin ghadea of on bpa, M ta ligbler ahada of neaea, quilling notatle among Vft -.i -- ;t 7 :K3t n IN m tondlna afeov tha .ad at tha la front plui faatanad and awaap down and th back round tho brtav Tb aolof ta Up. itnar poaen oororaa m m oittot- ; ua of pas eh, 1 ahown la ncur n. . It tniMl ha with-. malh -i of roaa around tha largw orowa nnd a bia bow ta front Thar at a pUatad ' band ot daapar ahad around th odaa of . th wM brlm which narrow toward tlio baak, and th matarlal af th hat 1 . - . valrat. ' ' y 'o ... . L.ooar BTuwa hi ui eoior ax vaa xaenn- m "''.'7-JiBa; turban ahown In flanr . It n of V t v valvat. laid toaaalr orar'th orown, and T , V 11. . ..liU Hml4 OaIA am Ik - l brim., Around th lowor part of tha ' brim -ar aat thraa roam of vhaniil . eaboohon tn thraa tint of craan, tb " ;' ltshtar ahad baina aaat th faoa A . aanoaau ox paaooo. mi bivob ar s ,.- J upon th hair, and a doubi row of T,i oaboehone formaa buckla on tb loft, WS holding n eioatar ar oatrica xaatnar in - klt.A A iklnk ' iImiwIii ilnwB .'' . ' pvar th brim toward tha baok, - ' . IV i . A partloumrlr pratty bat, ahown tn v; -flvura F, 1 la tha naw ahada onliod i burnt tomato, whisk ha n plnkmh glow ' through It rad-browa aoloruig that an r 'not wall ba aaplamad. Xt la larga and ' - rouad, with a narrow brim la tho back. ) , . vCbryaanthamtiaui In ahadaa of brown - r and flama oolor or aat andar.tha loft brim oa d twist ot tho valvat baadaaa. t f A ooronat affect la prodooad around th ; , ; , orown by mean of a band of aaiall feathar . adaad ' With arasJl nprlaht - faathar of tha aama oolor, otandina; f .- about two mono abova n am of th 4 orown. Th band m mad ot twa pluata ', at la thl fashion around tha left of . ' th orown, a IHtla dUtanea apart, and j -T oaa around th right af th orowa. B. tag in tho back, wltb n button .1 ahlrrad valvat at tha matlna Tha aat ft If mada af ahlrrad panne velvet, which ,g ,7 aaueea loysly light and abadow affoota ;i to pity-ever the aurfaee. Two email brown wtnaw droop as roe tba fight f; ' y brim from a htrrai button In front. , , A wide fold of plain valvat la t arouno. ' th drown and antand. aa Inch above it. , "--. Xliuatration' O abowa a amarl turban i In peaoook blwa, a rich,, deep oolored, a J hairy beaver, with a pointed front and ' - ' the crown and rolled brim all covered ( f; by rippling Una of th beaver. - From '' the back td tha front extend a flat , band ot green velvet, like buckle, . , : , ' framed In three narrow green folds and . n- an outer border of three atrtng af , bIIvot' Unael thread. This la dotted at ! eloae interval by ftmeU 'greea velvet K .r; balla. In the back are twa twisted loop J - and two ends af green velvet mingled e wltb two short, pointed end of bio . velvet. To the loft of the baak 1 sat . and a eioatar of peaoook blue lgrtta ,." le aet la tha center of the baok and slant forwarA Thai I atawy la a. r eook eembtnatlon and la a hendanmei t . ; bat af the unaltar kind fof walking pur- 'U'' P0- Tha oolora ar urn wall blended e not i appear oaaaavauaaa ay ren to -V oon treat . -. Ia copying hat at Aw wia rf , . plan to avoid trying any peculiar oalora, -. $ , v No one but a akiiied rtli oaa handl J; 1 tham with good result. , ,? , - ' A While lhu ttmtm InJiMte rtt. k -r' tnart winter and fall atrlea will be, we Li ' Alt know that the horse show set sort 'j - Of aeal of approval apoa certain aha pea ' tand aoiors whtea, tlmreaftar. beoom '"' - ' tba vogue.. . , , - 3 . 4.'i ; C" 0. ; wolf . remarked th rajeeted '( Mltor, arming and shsklng th wall, there are juat a maay good flan ia . ne nnm, -anor mere J tha Ona ef them. aba CKplalned. mhtbtt Tk rib- lug a written propoaai, "dropped ma a 1 x una ui moraing." I ,f rf''.mtm a toW in ld pnUnaa The with Aeri B,r red penn. vv trmiim. .MU I. flrTl? m 1 seatner COCooet, , j ( v 1 , ..-'. ( . - f - - brim narrow and droop to Ua back, and In front of th crwn 1 est a elua drmay bat In aeveral ab ' " ' - -t ' T v t ' ' ' ' -"1 r ' ' ' , J- V f- y - ' - , '-,v I , ' '. V " .f- . 7 ' ' -. ; ; , : v J 5 -.ft : ... A .