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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
THB OREGON r SUNDAY JOTONAi; PCSTtAND; SUNDAY VCKNINO,' ft ini-AIDCI a Eyes Sick Folks Like mm pai : LI I.MD tuL"E I Comfortable to Ce 3 - I ' it. ! -J y ut !!! nr cm as wn jocnom mb ion mvwMjnr -: wov as vs. mos woun r.-v . ir-' t The w winl donated by the lata D. . AowM to to erected to tto city park tofl arrived to Portland and within : to day wttl to ua veiled mi tto immmi imenrWns- TtoW Of th SSOUntniO which tto Law m4 Clark company tnvtM. s ' ' . H. A. Morton. Hi sculptor, brought tto ,v monument tor and la pnpulnf to aet it bb. The work la bronae and will torn, munificent ornament to tto park. i Th subieot selected by Mr. McNeil ta that at two Indian figure Multnomah V and on of hla brm -signaling acroaa ' tha mountalne tto aiwt approach at tha ; white man, Tto work wlU atand upon a ' rustla pedestal of atone. ? Mr. McNeil toa dona aomo axaallant work during kla career aa sculptor. Ha ' atndled hie art t Parle and upon return ing to tto UnHad Status located ta Now - York. Ttora kla ability tu oulekly reo gnlssd, Ua waa given tto oontruat tor tto great MeKtoley monument When tto St Louto exposition bacam to aaanrod tact, Mr. MoNaU'a aervtoss were tasmedtatetr engaged for km of ' tto ok tanportaat work oa tto grounds. tto dislgnia and executed tto Mr central aaeoade, and tto super mantles oC the -flne arts building likewise are hla. ' Tn td tto earn building he toa aeveral notable piaoee am display. A. further honor waa conferred upon tto young - eoulpwjr wtoa to waa aaade a member of the Jury af asulptara at tto fair. For hie aerrloaa la that onpocity n raoatvad . gold medaL It waa impaaatkle to aeeur ft aHmpsa ' of tto etatu whlek Portland la to pin i an, aa it la aUU In atoraga at tto . depot. Mr. McNeil preferred, to not enter Into a aloaa description mt H aetere ft la , ta plaoe, bat If . hla expectations are raaUaad tt will to oa View wlUUa few CIROISSTRlICK-BOir ESCAPES FROM TRAIN It lohoaov appeared ' at tha gherllTB MBoa yeaterday and beaonght Che aid of that official In looattng hla IS-rear-old '': Bon, Jeeale, who ran away from home SAd followed Blngllng Brothera' olrcua . to California. -s - Tto boy waa elreaa-nad from the atart, hla father aaya, and thought the ;, alowna tod attained tto -pinnacle of aartbly datblUon. Him only dealra aeeraad to to to oeeome one of their number. ; Vtomm tto clroue Uft here Augnat II tto ' toy want with U. Mia whareaboato waa aaeartalnad by tto anzloua father Zroai - a number of the lad'a oompaoiona. TbJtHigh tto nan Vranalsoo pollca tha boy waa located at Baata itoaa Cal. Urn r wae with tto olrcua wtoa taken in - aharga by Detective Ryan. A ttefcet far , mm waa- pnrctoeod bora and tto aon- dvotora wired ta bring hint through to Portland. Mr. Jotnaoa aaaarta that hla son waa - taken to toa Vranolaoa and there pre Tided with a ticket homo. Inotead af aotnlng bone he left San Fraaclaee and wont in another dtreotlon. Ho aaaarta : that tto railway omolala told klm they - tod brought tto boy aa far aa Aahlanfl, Or., when to eeeapod. Ha ta Indignant aver tha alleged aaraleaanea of the rall- . way anVuala and amid to tod eonaulted n lawyer relative to eulag tha company for damage but learned that It oould not legally to told raaponalbla,. Sheriff Word haa aant out a roqoeet to California efBolala that 4f tto bay la located to to Immediately aotlnad. in anoh aaaa atea wlU to taken to have ' bin brought home. The boy ta aald to E to bright and capable of dorag wall Bar hlmttlf wherever ha abaaaaa to ga. rJottag Otwra nag a Qpmmarelal ehib that- la doing goad wock for that grov- tng town. Umbrellas 3; Greatly Reduced v The Jewelry Store . ' d Quality- ?w - .- . '-' : ' Oar praasnt Umbralla stock snot rasa to to auto room fog ' now Fan goods, aooa to arrrra. Tbeyra tto oama kind w bar alwara aald and always WW--tto dependabl ones ta wear. . Tto rainy season to tor nod ECONOMY I. EYENT ; to ttmely fot yM to poaaiag aa T umbrella of real merit at a Sraat tovta. 4 ,v- PRICES ARE - TAS FOUjOWS: ; ' SLM yaluaa at .,,....'sa.os , $1M -aad I1M waluaa at ' . . SSKd) , tlA and til. to vmlaeo at v ..,....t...wT.T 1M. tU. and I15.M valnee at, ,r S10.O0 Xn M and lt-lch lengths, a Faragon frame, of heavy stosl - rib etmstruatton -aad r higtoat STad atik. Handles are of auperb daatgng tn aterttng -V vor, tvory, mother af maul oof . -natural wsiaa. y -y Feldenheimer . . Oar. Third an Wesitagtoa. ' fsa-elera, otteMMh aWvai : omlthA mum. fauli ucbahdt is thb tthbt woman of francs t3 nat- iqath; a pirioibls balloon, in the above picture shb x is been cl1mbino into thb car or thb lbbandt il. her , ,7 husband's great airship. in which hb has madb mors ' , than twbntt succsssful trips around paris. ., '-. m i i m : . m,m m, i - ', A TRAfNOR IS FROM BAN In etargo af Sergeant of Foltoa Hoga- boom, Oofford Tralnor arrived ta tto city laat night at ooloefc from San Frandaea, Ha to under n aharga of ae ilt with Intent to kill daranoa Laia- ure, whom to to aald to tov ahovad to tto floor of tto Winter Garden - two weeks ago. Lalsare auetained a fme tured akulL Aa prerlouely puoiianed in Tto Journal, to WlU not proeeOOte Tralnor. . . , . TrainoT' wak lmmedlatalr blaoad n tto olty JalL by order of Captain Moore. Ha naked-Jo to given opportunity w CAS" S NOW OUT t HS FORTY CENTS Speelat PoMooman CaawaU, Mayor Williams r pdrmta detoeUve, raoapuy went forth to dara and do. Ha played tto rote of reformer, dropped olght nick els In a monay-naylng alot machine In a Japan eae stern, received tto full amount back by good luck and caused tto arrest af tto proprietor for maintain a de vice contrary to law. The man waa con victed and -ftnad tn tha municipal aourti PORTLAND MORMON i FIGHTING GROUND (Continued from On.) hla signature aw a blank aheet of paper. Tha card war aant up. So' Koaraa ta tore." lamimH-rtto senator. , "Wall, weO. Rearna Teen Koarna to bara." Thla sudden affsetloa between mam- bar of tto oppoalt poUtloal faith waa something c a hit tu tto few la , $to group wao wer -tbb." j . Senator ZMuata waa asked what was now la politlca. . - W ato'ATasmiau. '! - ! know only what to happening Idaho," waa, hla reply, "bat I have heard quit a bit about affalra to Utah. Ttora la a hot eentest botwaaa tto Mormona and non-Mormona In both otatam. X managed to get a plank against polyg amy In tto state convention at atoaoow and again to tto national aoaventloa at St Louis, and wo are going to lick 'era. Sura aa fata, wa ar going to llak 'em. Ttora to a raaaoa for thai fight, Tto Mormons, oa matter what they amy claim" ' . Tto ball-bop gam back with tto an noun cement that wenator Kaarna waa not la hla room. "Aa X any,1 eon tinned tto ' oanator, "no matter what tto Mormona may aay, w are going to beat them la Idaho, Tha Democrat lo ticket will win, that Is, tha ataU ticket Of that muoh I am curtain say, ar you aura Kaarna Isn't In?" thla ta tha elerk. who replied nes atlralp. And aa to the natlonat ticket, why, on tha equare, people yhavo for gotten all about that. Xt to a Mormon, anti-Mormon fight from tto atart and we'll lick 'tn, well lick 'ami" senator Dubois said talk aa though to meant It "I waa apse king of tto reasons for thla fight against tha ohureh. Tou know, they claim to have abandoned polygamy. Xt to a falsehood. They ere not only living la polygamy, but they ar forming now polygamous anions. Thar are working as hard aa possible to tm establish polygamy generally. We'll lick 'eae. X wonder when Kearna wlH to took, Tat; It to their sole aim to resur rect that neruloloua doctrine, and we will act stand for It. That's all." Senator Dubola wag asked what bad bottomo of the Reed Sawot Investiga tion. ,- . w- , Twm So Baamaa, ; ,AThat win to resumed Immediately af ter tto oarnpaign,' said to. "My pres ent understanding la .that tha senatorial Investigating' committee will meet at Salt Lake City for local testimony on November Id, Tha Investigation will to onrrted through to tto bitterest and. no matter who to hurt. Senator Burrows, chairman of tha committee, to a firm man and toa taken a firm stand In thla matter. Ha has aald that If ha Uvea tha 8 moot aaaa will to prosecuted to the and. I wonder If Reams has eeme la pet. Senator Thomas Kearna earn to Fort land about tan day ago and bald a con ference with Senator Mitchell at the Portland. It waa on tha subject of tto Smoot case. Ha refused to aa a re porter at that time, sanding word that to waa not tn. Than tto Utah multi millionaire disappeared. Ha want to Astoria presumably to engage hi a simi lar eonferonoe with Rsnator Fulton. It la further hollered tlt Senator "Tom' lacked the necessary prestige to line up Oregon' senators solidly agernet Bmoof and that ha therefore sent for Dubola to blp htm exact pledges from tto legl lattir of tto northwest vTf a daa la nude, aa seems likely. It will to along thee lines: In exchange for support of tha anti-Mormon move ment Oregon will obtain the support of Ksarns and Dubois, and all their friends. In tha propound appropriation for Colum bia rtver. and harbor Improvements, The great argumont which the vtottfng senator are using, astde from tto deal uggaated, to that In hue year tha Mor mon have been flocking Into aaatern Oregon, especially La Grand, to work tto augar factories, and In time, If not topped at onoa, they will control tto balance-wheel is Oregon polttica. Before the night waa over. Somtorg Dubois end Kaarna were In eloae confer ence. Thar will not leave tto city until Senators Mitchell and Fulto bar tosu turttor tntarrtowod. BROUGHT - FRANCSCO grm boBdm but none waa ftxed an big warrant, and to had to occupy a rail last night He la a vaudeville act or. Ha and hla wlfa were playing at tto Chutea in San Franclaoo. JNt aeooni nanled him to Portland. Tralnor admits ehovlag I-Alaure, but aaya both ware drunk at tha time, and ho doaa not reoaU tha aftalr clearly. Ha aaya ha will pay all doctor bills and re munerate Lalsuro for toot , time, will ingly. Lalanra ta atm confined to bta bad tn ti Vlnoeat'a hospital, but to rapidly lm proving. How tha eight nickel wermeer as evidence against tha defendant, aad Cas well fully expected they would to re turned to him whan tto trial was over, as they belonged to him. Ho wag nkaraly using them to work a reform. . But tha conviction to long paa gad CaawaU la ahy hla money. There are strong rumors that tha evidence waa used, "Just to toah Caa M and that 1 gmro war smoked at hi expense. HARRIS CASE.IS GIVEN TO nrnsa situsta os so m atxt, bss vsrr OAsa os i- - . - flseslil Dtopetek te Tee Jesrsstr Spokane. Wash.. ept 14. Tha aaaa of Jeanett Harris, tha North Yak t ma woman who la on trial o barged with tha murder of bar daughter' two days old babe, went to tto Jury abouft a' clock thla afternoon. Judge Sullivan, la an eloquent add res, finish ed for tha de fense. Ha reviewed the eae la a man ner eaioOiatsd to Impress the Jury ym aathy. He aald they must bring a ver dict of murder In tha flrat degree or a verdict of not guilty, aa ttorg wag ao middls ground. . . . . Th prosecuting attorney urged tto jury not to to Influenced bp sympathy, but to try tto case on its merits sad to rememoor It waa a eauso of Justice, In a strong way to brought out the ques tion of when the defendant's husband knew aha had tosa afflicted with periodi cal irresponsible spells, and tod Just sus tained g eevere shock he permitted her to earn 101 mile alone oa a train and aald tha. testimony befor -tha oourt would allow at toast four forma of var dict - Judge Bta of Seattle gave tha aharga to tha Jury occupying about IS min ute. Ha Instructed them that flv forma of verdict could to rendered, via: Mur der la tha flrat degree, murder to th second degree, man eU ugh tor. not guilty at not guilty because of Insanity. CALLS ROOSEVELT A MERE BLUSTERER t (Continued from Pag One.) He haa bean tto athustaatto Imitator and disciple of another, a foreign master, whom ho toa surpassed to tha other'o own field. Hla language waa the copy until It grow mora violent than that of hla great and good friend, tha war lord, th Emperor William, Hoch dor Kaiser. 'Do you not believe that when tha dignified, courteous and oonaarvatlv gentleman who presided for so many year In our highest oourt of Justice In thla state is in the White House, to will to able to assirt tha rights of Americana with mora teenperanoe and li wiisssf , "During tha last eight year, white the Republican party haa been ta power, wa have aaen a constant Increase tn die- content between the different class of community mor and mor strikes and lockouts. Larger national expenses, th burden of which wa pap hi taxation, ralaa tto price of yrythlng that wa buy. - "Many of thoto evils can to cured to tto repeal of atatutss that directly tend to prod no them, some by tha reeolu- tlon and fearless enforcement of the present laws. In thla emmwenop of tha of state should to steered by a man who haa firmness, consistency, delibera tions, respect for law and that moral eourag which la rarer tbaa th andacHy of a boxer or tha bold word! of a bragwart who always hag a aannoa la aia mootmr - , MAY fiOW ADD THEIR POLITICAL FAITH - rgaewat nssstsb Is Ta 'mvM Astoria. Or., Sept 14 County Clerk Clinton to permuting neraono who regie- terao ta tr spring ta amend their regis try by adding their political faith. Coun ty Clerk Plaids of Multnomah county haa reruseo to ao mis. nr. Clinton is act ing noon too advloa of Circuit Judge Mo Brlda, who aaya that tha voter have a right to amend then? registry. Only about a doaen voters have registered lns th books wr Opened on Sep' aTOS'tSSBSlBBaT aVSSSSSI WIU ,- SSI I IBS' .. ftBAJBT . FOB. m CXOXAa) MBTBBTJOS; A. W. Hadley. special r spree eh tstrve of the National Irrigation -maaoclauoa. of which George H. Maxwell la tto ex ecutive ohalrtnan. to la tbl olty la tha Interest of Irrigation Day at tto Bpo- kan Interstate fair. October I to tn date set aside for thla event At this meeting an attempt wlU to mad to per fect tto orgaolsaUon of tto Inland an plre Irrigation association. . Irrigation enthusiast from an nana of Oregon, Washington and Idaho will to present Muoh interest Is being man ifest throughout tha oountry to the pro posed organisation, especially among tto business men aaat of tto Cascade. Tha objects of tha association will to to fur ther tto genera cause of government reclamation to tto Pecirio northwest by means af irrigation. Tha proposed asso ciation will ooHparat with tto national association. An elaborate program to being pre pared for Irrigation Day.' George K, Maxwell will be preaent and WlU deliver aa address. Other prominent expeueats of irrigation WlU attend and wlU speak. Mr. Hadley ha visited Seattle and addressed tto chamber of eommeroe la that olty and that body toa appointed 19 delegates to attend tto Spokane con vention. A like interest haa bean aroused ta Tacema, Ha stales that ha la la ho pee of securing the same support Cram tto business men of Portland. Interest In Irrigation throughout thla auction tovar gratifying." said Mr. Hadley. "Aa usual many - prominent business man ar taking up tha subject What to atm mora noouragins to the unusual attention whtoh la bstng shown throughout tna tana lag dtotrtata la Irri gation. They are now agitating tto Paiouae project, it to estimated that thla plant will throw not lasa than l.ofto.oo acres under Irrigation. An appropriation for this work haa already bona sot aaldo for Wrytng out thlg project "This means anoh for tto aoaat atttos. It. to estimated that l.MO.OOt sere will easily support an agricultural population of lO.OOt Tto bringing under cultiva tion of thla amount of land mean tha Immediate creation of a purchasing aanv munity consuming 1 1, 00 0,0 09 worth of manufactured necessities every year, where today ttora to acareely anything aold." Another project which he uaM may to taken up by tto proposed organisation to th raolamatlon of the Okanogan dia trtot Tbera are great uoeslbillUee la that auction, . Th stupendous propoal Uoa of reclaiming th Big Bend ooun try In which tha- water of tto Coonr d'Alen lak will to utUlmed la another possibility of tha future stoordlngi to Mr. Hadley. - "A great portion of tto Washington and. aaatem Oregon soil to oompoaad of volcanic ash," he eantlnued. "Wba thl to -supplied with water It baoome vary productlv. Tto river la these sec tions ar all susceptible to gravity Irri gation systems. Through tto moans of Irrigation, many of tha moat arid aae tionn of Oregon, Washington and Idaho will to mad tha wtoat product! va dis trict -ln the north wee t" Mr. Hadley to also working te tha ta tereete -of tha twelfth annual National Irrigation oongrasa, which will to told tn El Paeo. Texas,, Koverabcr II to II Inclustva. Th last session of tha oon grea waa held ta Ogdun and waa largely attended, but Mr. Hadley expressed him self aa being of the opinion that tha eon gress thl year win attract many mors detogatea. Unusually large delegations will attend from the northwest W dealra to make , big showing at El Paso, he aald. Vfor the reason that wa are going to seouaa tto next annual aeeslon for Portland. "El Paso to preparing aa alaborato ra eeptlon for the visitors. The sum of IlK.toa haa toon aubacrltod for their entertainment A large convention ball with a aeatlng c aolty of , people will b planned. - . "Tha work of tha congress will to di vided Into departments. Back depart ment will be In oharg of a specialist Tha threo directors will be. p. H. Newell who will have charga of tto reclamation aurvtoo, Olfford Prachot will preelde over tha denartmaot of foreatry and Oeerge H. Maxwell will conduct th de partment of land and water legislation. Addreassa will to delivered by a bis speaker along diffarant top log of In terest" ' TROUBLE OVER THE ESTATE OF FATHER Ttora to a doubt to my rntod aa to oar having been squarely dealt with, but I bara ao enouey ta no to Investigate. As tto property la located la Chehalls county, Washington, and my lawyer at Aberdeen, wash., it Is a little difficult to And. out just what tha ottuatlaa la." Thla language to used by Mrs. Dora A. Dryer lo a report aa guardian of William Charles Dreyer, who Inherited tto eetate of his father. The estate haa not been settled yet Mra. Dreyer aaya, tto law yer Informing bar that tto titles to two timber otataM tore not yet been estab lished. Soma of th property waa aald by order of oourt and out af what waa left Mra. Dreyer asserts, a substantial amount had to paid her attorney, Tha reference Mra. Deyer make to unfair treatment ta due to he belief that tto provisions f tto will-ha v not been oarrled out By the terms of this testa- mt tor ward waa left $101 to ansa. bsaklea tended tnterests. Thla amount aba aaya, to too never rsaslrsd. FIRE CAUSES PANIC IN LODGING HOUSE 'f.i Fir that atarted in a kitchen to tha roar of e lodging house owned by Mra. P. Riley, at 2B7H Beat Morrison street at 11 o'clock teat night wrought damage to tha extent of shout tl,e9. Thar was a email panto of tha roomers to tha building, and all got out safely. Tha Alpine bouse, next door, wag slightly damaged by water. TM ara boat answered tha aall and was reinforced by the nre department both force doing good work. A three Inch stream from tto hos en tb fire boat aeon utlngulhed th flame. Tha losssa ara nearly covered by insurance (serial instate n The IarsaL Mullan, Ida.. Sept 14. Fred Oreen wald. proprietor of tha Wlneor hotel for many years, to missing stnoe September 17. Ha told his wife that to waa go ing to Tekoe, Wash, and nothing hag been heard from him atoaa. Ho la said qtssse selentlfioally tad an actly fitted eye oomfort corns with sack pair" aad guaranteed . weak ayea mad strong and the dull aye brightened bjr our aktUfut . .njMthoda, .- Crccn Optical Ca ITS St, t. H. a du tttdr. WANTS CI!ESTi:.1 ASKED CF CCllNTV ATVOBBBT ASKS OOSSJS SO SATS XjOOAIi OPTXOS BXJUnCS FXAOXD OS . SAUOTI AFPXDATTS XV WSTBSSmS SUXS SXTPPOBTS BB What Attorney at C. Bronaugh rellea on aa a atrong oard waa played yester day In the clrOutt court whoa County Clerk Frank S. Fields died aa anUavtt brouant by Henry Walnhard aad deals a temporary order ofaould not to laaued raatrainlng hrm from holding a problbl- tioa CeuoB ia WoTember. Tmnu vit to a part of tha reoords la th suit brought by Henry Walnhardi aad deals with tto election flnaaoes, Ita purpoae being to show that tha coat of aubtnlt- tlng tha proposition to tha rotor being alight no good reason exists for a tem porary reetraiaing order. ' - Aooordlng to tto anVterlt, tha total assessed valuation af real and personal property -la th oounty for .1101 waa 1 51, Oil. 140, The assessment roll for 104 baa not yet been completed. ' Th total cot of printing ballots uaad at tto general election, June C, IfM, i only tl.MO, though 149 names of Candi da tea and measure to to voted on, ap peared on tha ballot The cost of print- lag tto ballots for tto J una election In loa was f l,Ul.7 a, . It te estimated by Mr. Fields that tto total number of candidates to to voted oa tn Novemtos of this roar will to II, two extra places on th ballot being re quired for the prohibition measure. Th expense of printing th ballot for th November eleotlon to 1100 waa. 114.7. Jn tto opinion! of Mr. Fields tto only additional kpenw entailed jitoa tto oounty, Dy reason or placing on uta ballot the material required by auction I of tha local option liquor tew. will to th printer's ehacgea for composition and tto ardaU additional amount of pa per required. Ha assert that tha omis sion of seotlon I will not materially cur tail tha ma nf nrlnttna- 'th haltnta. Th argument of Senator Joseph Si mon being ooncladed before Judge Oeorg on th demurrer to tto petition for a restraining order asked by Mr. Welnhard, Judge Martin I Plpee began the argument for the opponents of the meaaur. He apoto for about two hours, bis laat point not being made until an hour after tto adjournment af court fur the day. la addition to tha objections raised by tto preceding speaker, to declared that while th governor hag no veto power aa regards tto referendum, to re tains It la the initiative. On he eteast- fled aa a propooltlon aad tha ottor aa a reference. The title, h asserted, to not sufficient to todloat tha prohibitory clause tn tto act, and there is -no claue authorising th submission for a. vote, bee use tto aectloa relative ta th su prom oourt and tha secretary of stata la void, th supreme court therefore having only to revls tto anal orders of tha circuit oourt. Judge Plpaa laid groat etreea on What hr termed tto unconstitutionality of the measuro, relative to tto legislature delegating Ks power to th eoanty oourt Ho asserted aleo that th tegla latura baa no power to delegate to all th people la tto state the power to determine whether or not a tow a hall bo enacted. "If not wnoonstltuttoaat tto law to vary vague as regard subdlvlalona,M to stated. -Firs It provides that 1 per oent of th voters of a oounty ara all that shall to required to bova a prohibi tion measure voted oa, and then It aaya that two or three precincts or oven more may pool toeueo aad tov tto question submitted for all at onoa. Who la to determine whether or not two oountlea shall want to have tto guostlon voted oa aa a subdivision T A few men can oama together and reach thla oon- olualoa and tha attorn .will have to stand for tt Thla should to called an anti-local option measure that to what R to. It to a strange araaturo of laghv toilou." Judge Oeorg asked a number of voca tion, among them being oevural la re gard to tto veto power of the gov ernor In th oase of a measure proposed by tto people. In a referred ateesur, Judge Tip admitted that tto governor haa no veto power, but thla to Bald la not tru of one proponed by th people. H quoted from Judge- Bea In Oupport of hla , contention, Tto oourt waa pro vided with a large number of references to dectelons bearing on the question. Attorney Bronaugh waa given a week In which to prepare a brief preeentlng tto fecal option side Of tha oontroraray. fv. FAOBBO OSVBIOAT, , i (Sseehfl fMepateate Tb Joarsat) ' Xwlstoa, Idaha, Sept ft. Among tha attraction recently booked for tto fortheomlns; lewlston Interstate fair to a pacing ostrich. Th bird, hitched to a light wagon, will raae every day with on of th swlftMt harness horses at th track . Tto guldeless paoer, whlek haa been a favorlt attraction for th fairs In tba conatrp, will to aaen again hero this fall. as BAzas orrs. - (Sseetal tlbuutcb Is fe toal.) u Bafcer City, Sept St In spit of tbo fact that thla to a presidential election year, and that uaually hard tlmee. or at least quut times ar uiked abont If not really to vldeuoe, th bank of Baker City Vday show a larger volume of bustneaa than at thla time laat year. And one af the leading bank officials statea that It la hi Judgment general buetneaa In eastern Oregon la In a heal thy condition with a good futon It's bad enough to spend tn physksl pain without adding to It un tweesaarw discomfort. . ' This Bedsids Tabla should be to rrdry boms, takes any pcisitioa or sngls. is a tabla, a writing or reading desk and makes for comfort la tha sickroom. They're swt.asexisivw. , v,; . . , easily as an old shoe. We have made trassvfitting a bus- ness for the past forty years. Skilled men and women at tend to this work and we guarantee satisfaction or you get your money back, THB "WOODLARK" Truss, single, shown in this cut we will lend to any address for 91.50, double pad, f 2.25. 7 Our illustrated Truss Catalogue la tree for the asking. Elastic Stockings furnish the only cure for enlarged or varicose veins, that painful and often dangerous trouble tommon to men and women of middle life and advanced years. .Our Silk Elas tic Hosiery will -cover every possible requirement- We know just bow to fit you and our Hosiery will wear be cause It's good and fresh; no old, stale stock on our shelves, ' . Ours is made of the best stout silk and Para gum elastic. Anklets and Wristlets, each;;.. ,.f 1.75 Leggings. ...f2.00. Garter Hose.. $2.50 meat blank and price list. v vv fttvate fitting room with akilled attendants both We Have 2,000 Artificial (Glassl Eyes and never fail to make a perfect fit and match. ivr ) - A - -. t it. vnir Kezorm eye " iwvcnt acme of comfort and naturamesa, "vv . . ... tfT ; Note To out-of-town customer we send . V jr eyes on selection by express...- 7vv: ' :) Nspsw; " Woodard, Clarke f Co: ; Fourth aad Washington Sts. H ; - v 1 CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT FULI VALUE P WASHINGTON COUNTV PROWS ARE ACTIVE " (srecset Ctoatsh to Ta leret ' - Wwt Amm Or.. Sant... It A uatk tton to being circulated to Wash lug tou nmintt ta aat tha Dtossserr ai sua tares lusklag that voto to toton ta decide whether - tto aalooa ahall no an owe It la Uuwia-ht that tto reaulred amount of signature WlU to eaally ob tained. CoL John Sobtosxl of Lea Anfeiea. a noted soldier and statesman, who la workina for tto state committee to tto latere ta of local option,, apoto to Vert's ball laat evening. Ha gave a vary interesting and toatruotlva talk oa the rrlls of intemperance. HO epeeks tbta v suing and Sunday avenlng In Marsh haU and tomorrow evening to Vert a halt ' ' ; It la hoped "by tha Prohibition! ta that Colonel Sobleakl will arous tha towns people ao that tha Commercial olu. a soctol organisation formed by noma of thef wueleess men for getting their liquor sine tto famous Iron bousa" toa been otoaed. wlU to euppressed aa oral nano to being formulated by th olty council through which H uxpeot to doe th Commercial otob. y Peacock flour to tto tost fancy patent hi tto market. At leading groeer. Stop in and try a pair of the new Everythins; thafg right in . Men's Shoes is here and the wen tsiwi ,, . , -v . ..... ... . ; ; ..Wsare vi- Portland ageota ( nOYALc CLUE r. C3.CO s:::a -f- - o f I f ivuw a "v eja--(F a . . . - i day and night Xi - k . J : aaytoasssummnw An Ilt-Flttlng Truss Is a Con stant Menace to the health and life of the wearer. Our Trasses wear aa n Stock ot lavniiwa a m v" 1 ARCHBISHOP SHOWN " MANY COURTESIES (speeUt Mesefcl srUaeefl WVe te tto Jbersal Washington, Sept -Tha Archbishop of Canterbury and kts suit arrived hero this morning early and la tha guest of Bishop Satterlee af thla dlooeea, , Tto disUagutohed visitor baa already been tto recipient of many honors and courtesies. In tha afternoon ha waa presented at tto White Howe, later ta th artarnooa bo told a reoeatton at tha Corcoran Gallery of Arts and tonight to waa tha guest f honor at a dinner at tto whlta Houee. . Tto program for tomorrow 1 that pri vate services at tto realdmoa of Bishop Rat tar lee will be held and at 11 a. m. tba archbishop win attend tha servtosn at Bt John's ohureh. Thar wlU to a great gathering In tb afternoon at tha proposed alt for tba Episcopal cathedral. where K to expected th archbishop wlU deliver a abort address. The Sermon of tto day will ba delivered by Bishop Doan of Albany. Th address of wel OOBM will to mad by Bishop Sattr,le ..' SAABS MMI S&BASBB. - (wsKlal Mspttc to Tse foerast.V 1 ' Independence, Or Sept tt Th X, of P. lodge of this plaoe elected Verb Hill and David Calbreeth to attend tto meeting of tto grand lodg lo Portland. i ' : Vl . v Portland agents lor..,;' Cushion Sole 04.00 Iihop pod mpM t ; ; Wears' 'H 17 nm ' man , i, '