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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
SUNDAY MONINO, SEPTEMBER SS, 1901 rAnQUAri GRAND THEATRE I f A PkonsMt6S. W. T. Pal. gtmaldmmt MaMr, t vltrqix Grand Thczt-s ,.,. . ,sr.eiawa,p,.,wi.t,i,. i te. r.J t'ci"Evir.J- S:?t 27, 23, 1504 1 TOTJRTH WEEK REGULAR STOCK SEASON. m f n ilk - d 1 . I 1 S k V 1 IjUhJl , -4 :: ' , e , .a. T f 3AY JOrAL. Josef Holmanix FOURTEENTH AND WASHINGTON. Jt O. Welch, Lessee and Ugri f Phone Main 811. Dion Boucjcault's Finest Comedy, J1 THE JILT AD Week, Beginning Katlnee Sunday, Sept 25, p. m. uy me supers toiumoia inenre mock company . r ; f r1 1 . . fft Ths master work of that Incomparable dramatist, Dion Boucicault. ' Charmlnf story of English life in the ehbs tan all sea son at Walkers, New York., )t Brilliant dialogue, sparkling epigram, sumptuous costum- v log, new scenery,' charming play. . -t . , , - K r The full strength of the Columbia Stock Company will appear in die cast ; , . FB4USS IBo, lift' M nr SallmrS ' V" . - - . . v . . . 15c Matinee 15o and 2ao . . t. - .. - ''" V - y,.- .--j,v vv. :, V ' - Vtehst ofllo opan At Itoir a Martin's ' , .v.. tfrus ator (Sixth and Waahlacton) from j- jl. i .-. .jf . vr 10 i m. to T p. in. Phona. Main 110; 4 . , ,; v . . , V . at thatr (Htff and 'Waahlnaton), frov , i , ..: ; , t j, f I- I f;fllieeas6n' Strikes Its Gait (VMM Tm JonOt Ow Cm in iiiii l XW YORK. Spt. 1. Th paat IV I WMk haa mm at toast tbnM . I 1 aotabto dramatle avanta. rira. A mad probaUy foMtaKMt, eomaa th vrdenetum t Flnartf play. "Ltttr." - flaooodiy, la point of Uaw at toast, tM Ssbut as a star of atlas OcUla Loftos. And, third, maybs hr war ollmax. ths m-i Af mm riika and tha Hanhat- tan nrrmTtanr la a, rsrtral of j"Bofcr Sharp." v Sneh. an ovarflow of rtcbao doss not oftan com to us. Wa shovid ba hanlrfnlT sratafuL - To taaa thaoo tn thatr ordar, han Vttv and PlnarOk-'Tbo produstlOB of avarr saw Plnaro Vlar to always vsnt Of tbs first alasa In tha dnunatlo world, both bars and In Sacland. For Mr. Plnaro to aaaUy tha CTaatast UMns Bniilab dramatist of tha day. it is a Uttto hard on us orsr bars that ws gat his plays a fall ysar attar thsy hava baaa produoad to London, and thus thoy ooma to us la a way praaicasraa it may ba aald of Ttty " r at onoa, that It to not up to tha standard of "Tha arand Mrs. Tanauaray." or Iris.1 or Ths Oar Lord Quax." In spots only doss it show th powar and tntsnslty of thoss dramas, thouift avary moment tt axhlblts Us author's alsror draaaatur to skilL Its story to parhaps a trlfla mora "plaaaant" than that of soma of Its pradauasaors, at laaat mora or its oharaetars ooma off with rsputattom and .. nonor nnsuiwoa. ' Latty to dark tn a nekt shop." 8na baa, howarar, ambition not ambi tion maraly to ba a bora bar surround lnsa in tha axtarna) thlnts of Ufa, but van In bar fesllnem, Chanoa throws a young profUsata by tha nama of lach mara In har way. A frtandshlp sprtnmi up batwaanstha two, which Latty to fond of ballavlnc will avantuats In uarrlaira, and that thus bar draam, to ranch food soolaty may ba raallsad. For about tha only tlma In hto Ufa, Laohmara doas tha daeant thine and taUs Ltty that ba to alraady marrtad, at tha sama tlma adna ta a; bar to marry ona Mandaviiia, a bruta of oad who has propoaad to bar. Latty had. with a vlaw to what aha thou tiit would ba har marrlasa. eon Into dabt, buyms cloth in and luxuries. Sha to not Tory wall, and tha doctor has ordered bar to take a rest Practically tha only respectable way out of bar dif ficulties to to aoept Mandertlla'a offer. Sha doas. but tha attar eoaraeness and brutality of th man to such that In preference to marrylaf blm sh gives up everything and flees to Lachmere's flat . Than oomee tha big scans of tha play. Where Letty, with ays wide open, ao eapta a lot which to to mean bar ruin. It to Just at this point that Lschmere raoetvas telegram tailing him that bis married slater has eloped with J young man. Whan Letty seas Lach mere's grief and rage 'over this, and oomss to know how depravity has run in the Laohmars lbmlry for yoars and generations, sha realise th awfulueas of tha stop aba la about to take, and begs plteously to ba allowed to go. And Lachmere tots her go. That to sil there . to to tha play, though there Is an epi logue ahowlnc Letty happily married to a rather stupid photographer, and rat happy la bar work and her child. Lech aaere has meanwhile quietly drifted Into eon sumption. . Tha bars outlines show this to ba a foroefur theme but whan It Is spread but over tour acts and an epilogue, last ing from I o'clock until almost mid night, it requires U Mr. Flnero's skill to keep up tha Interest. Nevertheless HIS drama of mora than passing no tice. It to saisndtdly acted by Mr. WIK Item Favwraham an Lechraere, and Miss .Car lot ta Wilson a Letty. Mlaa Nil) eon Is somewhat of a newcomer h our stage, Sha first cams Into prominence here last winter whan In a minor part tn Mrs. Flak production of "Hedda Oabler sha made something- of a sensation. Hr work in this play to of vary high merit and deserves th praise which It has ra aalTed, Tha remainder of tha tmnpany Is excellent and eontatns such names as JHa Opp and Frits Williams. ' There to little mere remarkable upon fJw stags than tha rlee of Mlas Cecilia Lofton, It to only a few years ago that Mtos Loftus was doltur Imitations on tha vaudeville stag and In tha must hall. Two raw w ' 0n- t ' ' i - 1 fJedgar stax tha first of tha year, by tha way. The play In which Mlaa Lof tus to appearing- to EaagwlU'e "The Ba- rio-Ootnio Governess." a . dramatisation of ona of tha stories in Ths Gray Wig. It to a fragile UtUe play, with soaroely anougb plot to oarry It through, but It offers wide opportunity for MlssXoftua. Not only to there provision for Tha In troduction of her imitations of Bern hardt and Tarry and Rahan, but sha alas nan a song. Th scorr ox too gin woe la a governess by day. and a sarlo-oomlo mualo-haa favorite by night Is, how ever, in dramaUo form. Just a trlfla flimsy to spread orsr four acta. Though It posssssea undoubted obarm, the play la not comparable to Mr. Zangwlll's other oomady, "Merely Mary Ann." whlob Mlas Robson has carried to auooeea both har and In London. StlU It doss show In bits that Its author to master of oom ady and a man whoa work to likely to prove of increasing Importance. Mrs. Flak began her season, last Wednesday. Although tha play preeenV ad waa a revival of "Beaky Sharp,'' groat interest waa taken tn it, as It served to introduce what has been oalled the Man hattan company. This company, whlob to oodi posed of wen-known aotora, to at bottom a stock company, though tt to tanned a "permanent company" la die tlnatioa thereof -th distinction to be Interpreted In the light that It to not a stock eompany. sinoe there Is a star, Mrs. Flake, at Hs head. In other ways, however, the Idea, to much tha sama.' It to proposed to keep tha eompany at tha Manhattan theatre ail winter and to produce number of plays. Including probably "Hedda Oabler." a revival of "Teas" and several now plays by known dramatlata. Tha oompany to Indeed ex cellent, having among- Its clientele such a consummate artist as Mr. Oeorga Ar ils, who playedafae role of Zakkurl last year In Belaaoo's Th DarHng of tha Oods," and Mr. John Mason, who waa leasing- support of Annie Russell for several seasons. Thar Is Uttl to ba said about this revival ax cent that It waa thoroughly -worthy and that Mr. Arllas made a tasting strong Impression. There to no doubt that th oompany made good, and suosess should await It If It should prove so. tha affect upon tha stag is apt to ba great, for It would likely mean the return of the hlgh-olaaa stock oompany, a thing which wa bars sadly missed. -Ths coming week bids fair to be ra- ndarkabla, giving soma performances which are almoat sura to ba among the. most notable of itha year. This to espe cially true of "Basin Is Business," th Comedto Franoaise success, in which Mr, jCran to to appear. Thar win also ba a new play by Mr. Fitch, "Tha Coro net of th tXicheee," and one by Mr. Ada, Tha College Widow." An adaptation from th German, Taps. with Herbert l(elcey and Bffle Shannon will omplts th offortngs. Of tha plays alraady pro duced, three bav been discontinued somewhat abruptly, showing that aa far as Nsw Tork goes they have not proven wnooeasaa. These are "Military Mad," "Jack's Ltttto Surprise." Tha Royal Chief" and Tha Spellbinder. JOLM BCKBRT GOODMAN. Tjie Stage (OonUnued from Faan S1xtosn.i comed laas, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorga Mil ton: the AMen, In a funny bar act; tha sweet slnaar. Thomas W. Ray. in th niustrated sons'. "Ton - Are tha Flower of My Heart. Swast Adlltns;" Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carter, In a oomedy mualcal sot, and tha vletosoop la saw moving pictures. Ths Lyric management offers ' this week a new variety and style of show. Bach week sacs an Improvement In tha ona Just passed. If suoh a thing to pos sibl. The new bill opens Monday at t:lt p. m. Continuous r--formAno to day from t:Xo to Is . m. Xont foTst that avary Friday night III In gold to given away at each performance, traw uTtff AxTtoAOwiu u a. 11 ""v It Is a wonderful bill that has d for tab antsrtatnmast t Bijou patrons next week, Bvery - on who has atUnded tha BUM for the last few weeks ba told hto frtonda appar ently, and tha magio ctoola of aoquaint aneas to growing. Tha new blU begins with th Monday matinee. Caltto comadlans ba tha- persons of Ward and Ward win And th soft spots of laughter la the audlenoa. Mtos Marl Stoddard, the famoua "Suaunertime Sua," to on of tha greatest attractions for a Ions tlma. Haa-en and Bagan are German oomediana who hava tha house with thorn to a moment, Charles Gard ner fs ona off- tha most charmlna enter tainers who ever visited Portland. Neola makes one laugh with his fanny stunts of Juggling-. Fred CoUlna, tha serpen tina wonder, presents a sensational act. Th moat tatoraaUna; pictures are shown by 'th vltasoppe. Continuous today from a retook to :. Th Bijou to th plana. - . Actovsosr or tn a, He vial ted th dear eld farm. Where in hto boyhood days The weather never was too warm Or oold to win bio praise. And now ha didn't do a thine But mop. or fad and. green. Or say, In eoosnt blithering-: : ' . This heat would malt a stoner H longed whan In the alty pent r To drink from tha old well; . ; f Tin dipper in hto hand, hs wentp, They haaraV a dlamal yell! Tha windlass that he loved to torn Had hit blm suoh a erack. Ba saw a million planets. burn . . A tm the old welL siaokl . . The water had a brackish taste ...... Twaa not the fluid sold - He used to drink with feVrtok baste ' In the dear days of old. . He beard the frogs In oroakrng great v Their friend ef ether years. j And wondam why their musle Sweat To him aw shsnged appsara, He did Snd th treat at night Of a mosquito smudge, - i. v! A lolly climax of delight, , : ' If be waa any judge. , And, tossing on a feather bed, That Ilk a blister stock. He wildly rolled hto troubled bead And blamed hto maaaly luck. , , But now bS noma, aj His skin a solid tan; h ; Oraat freckles en hto roMst ebeak, : He's quit a different aaan, Ths burrs are sticking to bis basis, '1 The truth b doas not Cinch. But says the farm to him appeals As ft vacation cinch. Chicago Itooord-Bsrald, tody fos A tall raw-boned Individual wandered Into a oafs a few days ago. After look- ins the room ovaroarefully be selected seat at a table near the doer. After he had arranged hia chair with touch notes and not without attracting some attan tton. It dawned upon him that tot htr man In tb eating place bad taken off their hats. The Kansas man removed a bat tle-eosrred felt and deposited tt fully under the table. A waiter brought him the bin of fare and waited for th ordsr. Tb man didn't say a word. Ha atudled over that program for nearly half an hour and then with a sigh arose, put on the grass helmet and started for the door. "What to th matter, strr anxiously queried a waiter, thinking- that the - ron had been offended. Too steep far me, youag feller. 1 can't pay 3l.4e for one meal. It's too rich rer my btooo. On the table to which the Kansas man bad bean seated waa found a small piece of paper oovsred with figures. He had added the prtoea ef everything oa tb bUl of fare, From th Denver Fost. - ' tn advertising for hto runaway wife. an Indiana man say: Bh had five. or perhaps six, children with her." Hs bad evidently not shocked up bis family lately and wasn't real cocksure of th number. - From the Detroit Free Press. President Castro's troubles are noth ing oom pared to what they will ba whan tha women of Yoneenals, get to sorting over the revolutions to find which one the ax th daughters o- Gertrude Bondhill , -'y't Presenting a 8pecial Scenic Production V . Tiro PIT AitTTPf Tt muunv nniui v wa wmui unnnn . . . t i -t ft Sweet Clover f PRICES Lower Aoor. except last S tows. I1.M: tost I rows! Tie. Bal- T Z cony, nrst rows. Tic; tost ft rows. Wo. GaUery. tec and lie Boxes and i sale ef aaato wfll onen Moadar muslag Bajtamlis ae, ad 10 X H am Qmnd Marqu COMING! Kyrle Bellew in Raffles i TUB AM ATGUR CRACKSMAN gggaaasaakda CORDRAVS aAXSS Week Starling Sunday, September 25, 1904 MATINEB THIS AFTBKNOOlff. FBJESBlfTS ' , ;,L VA, v .H" . .Mr. Frank Bacon Df A 8TJFBRB SCUmO PRODTJCTIOK OF THS SUCCB88FUI TOBAL COMBDT OF XODBRN TlMSS PAS-, 4. THE HILLS OF CALIFORNIA . SUPPOItl'Si BT - 1 f 1 Miss Bessie Bacon CObTPANT. OF UNUSUAL XXCKLLJENCB. ANT A CAUFOBVIA VUTJUnt A3TO ' Hgtesc rrfcM lay Pert ef rmrnoo QTJABTVTTB. sew Bet CMMrta'i UAUtnoiUT Ft awns fisTii W Attraction Oct 2. ri "CQ0H HOLLOW IInEVV BILL STARTS MONDAY Great Vaudeville lAensatlonl k THEKINS-NERS AT THE STAR , THIS WEBK 4 m Sutesea a HarvebL ttjdinbrlats Wa Bava BtarUM Twe Oostlnenai by Tdmt or- ream st Baavy-Welgat snJaas- MR. AND MRS. HUNN to a Oesalss blaek-raea skrtsa. . . . . THB ORBAT BURDOCK A atyamytog niloeHt. ; BDVARJD DB MOSS A ateMdne 'Wbosa Tolee la ' DB 8HIBLDS WILL BROWN Jovial Jeatar Wba Lovsa Oasjaay. ' Wlt-U. Barltes With C MOYT a Maw Platareg , Baned Th PR0JECT08C0 PB ngkaa Oreat Invaoaoa. VHb new Msr- lag PtetsrcB, Bay P. saewa tist IMImm BlU Today. I a U s. m aiaa. Ties va wim General Admission 10c at sasta ft Oaraj. SOCIETY (Continued from Page Fifteen Miss Lillian Stanton, a popular girl tn the younger set of Rom burg, la th guest of Portland friends. Mrs. Harvey Boatwtcs or Th Delias Is the guest ef her sisters Mrs. Leon Dawson and Mra. Charles A Men. 1 Dr. Oeorge Peters who was last spring graduated from the Portland dental eol- Itwe has gons to Philadelphia where he will take up graduate work tn dentistry la th University of Pennsylvania. Alfred Stone returned last Week form a montk's visit tn San Prendsoo. Mr. and Mra. John Campbell, who have been touring tha states since April, are now on their return Journey and Will arrive home early tm October. Mtos SeUsv Chesklr of Xeaooa to tb ARCADE XT. WAganroTow. TeaaerlDs SXXXX BKTK. NEW BILL STARTS MONDAY RLZAL & FATIMA exflfbrtot snd a atarlHsg Oa LAHL & CECIL Si a. Satoimallsi BILUB MILLER WiOi Jeaea Oataal A ft. MORRIS Artist WKa raswaj sf rmamai raaioas., .A KATE COYLE TMs Faverla OntraNa WW stos . nttMtrah a Bew AMERICAN BIOSCOPE That Starts) aaa Aama Witt Be laeae aa Mm Chaves. . , CONTINUOUS BILL TODAY teuVirn?fte Admission 10 Cents' to Any Seat gnest of Mlas Rkupart to this dty. Mrs. . W. Condon and Mis Knrma Thompson of The Dallas are visiting Portland friends. Oeorge Bishop to visiting hto brothers, William and Lyls, m Albany. Robert Cronte of Pendleton, a popular University of Oregon student, to seri ously ID wtth typhoid fever and Inflam matory rheumatism at tha Good Samarl. tan hospital. fle WB r Tea, air- said the milage groesr. n take th bi weekltos to keep track of tha wortd'e affaire and tha big otty dalltos to keep posted en what to going on in th country." ."But don't yon take your horn pa per f asked she grammar. "Nope." 1 '1 "But yon certainly ought to feel kt torratsd lb local affaire." -Oh, t knew evary thine that goeg eav cTHondajr Evening, Sept 26th DIRECTION LOIS STEERS ' PRICBS-Lower Floor, except tost three rows, $3.-00 last throe " rows, $1.9S. Batoony, tret three row, $L50; soaood three, $1.00 tost ab 7So. Bim awl Iges, $12,30. Seats now saliing. Mr. John C, XfARQUA H GRAND THEATRE 1 M PAoh Jf ate aVtfsT. -. . W. T. PamgU, RmsttUmt Mammgrnr. TTmrsday, Friday, Saturday Nlhtsv Sept 29, 30, Oct I, r904 . :f , . stosstol Bin atsatsss Sahara M Sill eCseok. DIDN'T TlMR 2 HP.DR :4 Ft is aa to by Speetol Arte ag ami at wtah the) AsanMtbi Paly BsliH ' tmm mmxmn wmmmamm aobtibthb sar BrtmxoASt oomm&v. SAN TOY JAMES T. POWERS 'V. faaem ef M " ' v '' ' Oeorge X. Fort esq no Margaret MoKlnney, Mlna Rudolph, John Peaohsv, Nagl Barry, Charles Arflng, Josephine Mewmaa, Fred W. Huntley, W. li, jtomalne. Bebe Stanley. A. 1 WVUNIMO PKICB8 Lower Soor. except mat t rows, IS O; tost S si.aa. uaicony. nm a rows, i.e; seoona s rows, ilos: last f rowa Toe oailsry, Tao and wo. gtoxes and xogag, flLKe. 8PBCIAL MATtNBB PRICB8 Pmrqoetta 1.M. Parquette Ctrele, II. 00. Baloony. flrat I rows, tLM teat rowa, lac BbUre Oailery, ete, Boxes and Logas. $10.00. : The advance sale of seats will span next TTJBSDAT MORNING ! IS eelook, when not more than six. seats will be sold to one person for any single performance. , . . Sw4 MHMMfv Mt the BAKER THEATRE ert$ea Qtatrt Ca., be Urn J segrtt L lss, jar V, wmh Ma 9s? FAREWELL WEEK SfffiGTy SEPT. 25 -'sr:r MATINEE SATURDAY Xe'f'l:- S MELBOURNE MacDOftELLf f Snpportod by an BxesOant Conipany to SARDOU'S " -. r. -;, , Mreaa wpocnem empress Theodora MR. McXWELLj m andrsas : ' MISS ETHEL FULLER aa THEODORA i--';.--. SPBCXA 8CEMBBT AMD COSTUMES 1 , BAKE! IWESr EYBIW6. Be, 25c, 35c, 'SOo IUTTNH, c Bk, 2Sc X The patrons of the Baker Theatre are hereby notlfled that the potfer S of this house will change after tha MaoDowell engagemsnt. Bearumlng : a Sunday matinee, October X, an eaUrcy new organiaaUon will appear el X this tneatre weexiy. . The first attraction under th policy will be the big New Tork produotlon, with a specially sa looted eompany. Of Dr. Co nan Doyte'a famoua clherlook Holmes story. ... .. .. . v v THB BiaiS OP TUB POUR t,X'. , LYRIC THBATRB vAvC-, gnooD, Seating Capacity TO. WEEK OF MONDAY, SEPT. 26 - OTaVTOBB BT LTUO OaOnaTBAi Tbe Great Cunning - Tee Jan-Braakar safl Rand-Oaff King to AsMrtaa's Most gesaaUpsal Tsadavtlla ; u Mr. nd Mrft. Oeorge i-y Helton v-- Tea Fsaay Baral THE ALDCAJSa -v5 ' ; IS Tbalr Owaatr awt Aat. . ' TflOMAft We RAY i minute gmtai HTaie the Flawer My Baart, Swaet AStUea." Mire nd Mr. Carl .v Carter ' The Cotdy MueVSiea p THC YITASrCOPC Df RXW nOtVMMM. This ad and los will admit two to any matinee, excepting Sunday and holiday. ADMISSION fOc NO HIQHER . OOSfyUiUtfUS BTfcai xwStAT A be wsmw week -wa am la gig and , My wife bietsa to tbe woman's etr and thrw -'trch soclettea. one of bm M1iter-w'e h saiutaery s- t- r v t B IJOU THEATRE WEEK OF SEPT. 26th T WARD & WARD "' CHAS. QARDNERl' ,' - Tea Chrw nptertalsar. -, v ( rnet toojeeartloa at . ' HAQEN A HAQEN v' Qenaaa Oamtalaisj. ' ' mSS MARIE ; STODDARD , ;; - ' Tea raawaa - . ., ; - "suvjukmu svs, -' NEOLA FRED COLLINS 'TPwdl swFFtMrttwt WffBSwS viTAsccra At 9 0mi g a '" a f ft f OOFTj aTg at . 1 , If. r I