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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
THE -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, f MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11 IMA Activity in Sporting BROWNS BREAK EVN WITH ANGELS FOOTBALL SEASON AT HAND JEFFRIES MAY RETIRE BASEBALL AND SPORTING I. 1 1 mm J. A. HOKkAN Land it , v, X STATE f All CPEfiS ; -AT CAPITAL CITY Wllllt MI AT rax oevTAnra e rut om o wtnumrr vsa sjo nmt. . Jtasel UNW ttK - 2 Bilm, Or- Sapt. II. The Orego tat fair opened toaty win vwry s with aa fine ana wen ' MMrtid lot of exhibits as hu wr been .hi thre. ' CDivUBt surprise bM oprwitl to rind the exhibits e wail placed Id4 so nteriy eompwieo they were this morning, at having bwn nmkiiM as Friday and Saturday that " than would ba very tW rhmgw--ready ftr the caenlnc ear. Ob the contrary the pavilion never preeented a more ent . litaniarr enoeeranoe the flrat day than h does today. The oounty exhibits of " Merlon, Polk.' Yamhill, Una; Jjsfte an Clackamas count tea ara especially Inter eatlna. Tha contest for tbe pries la vary strong between the nrtoai county exhibitor. There is aald to be not ejuKe no good an exhibit of fine cattle and other live stock aa laet year, but there are a treat aianv fine apeolmena f the leading ' breeds. The ltet of speed animals la tbe tersest aver on this track. There were four speed events this af ternoon. . Trotting, t-year-olde. stake one mBe, beet two in three Entries, A. 4. Hodges, Albany, a. C ISomane, by Som bre-A thelone H.; C. Bryron Lf eyetta, b. . Lonso. by Eombro-Helena; F. Zlpey, Portland, b. C Zoraont. by Eombro-Altn- mont Maid; J. P- Reeves. Cornelius, nr. a The, Zoo. by Zombro-Buetah: F. P. Talkinaton. Salem, b. s. Mike iuff. by Comoro - Coranemah: James Brwln, Walla Walla, b. as.' PereUla J., by ston- ner-Eueens Eddy. Part A. 4:10 eiaeo. mUeTbaet two In thrae. for 110 William Hosaboom, Walla Wala, b. a Teddy, by Dlalo Buelah; Lou Chtlda. Salem, b. g. Jack WIIbooC by Doc Bujtnell-Cathorlno W.; W. O. TJurfee, boa Angeles, Cavalier W Perkins: E. B. Smith. Salem, eh. s Prince Charles, by Chariee Derby-Dor-Una; Silver Wright, Sacramento, a, g. Kerry W. Running, lit for 1-yeer-eMs and ttpH wards, non winners since AUfuit 1. welghta six pounds below the scale en tered to be sold for 4100 Mrs. U Hert- !. Myrtle H.. lit. ctf. aa.. Nephew Lulu: Fred Boughemaa, Paat Master. 111. b- f. 4. Odd Fellow-Leonatus mare "No. 1; J. B. Eve re, Lady Rice, lit. oh. m.. Dr. Rica-Out of Slsht; Pueblo Stable, Scnereot IOC b. a.. Creaoebndo-Amlda; Garden- City Stable; Oanoho, b. S- t. William OB-Marie tth; H. Stoves, Frtvolous. 10S. b. f. t. Halma-Blorn Pool; Oranse Vale Stable, CantwU, lit; oh. Cudlemaa-Nell. - . - Running. $16, for 1-year-olds and upwards, welsh t for a, to be eold tor to. If leas three pounds' sllowed for . each tlO leas to 1100, five furlonc W. K. West, Sunny Jim, 110. ch. 9-, Coloma- Orson iMin, fUd; Winter A Johnson. Suburban Queen, lit, eh. nv 4. Oma- ment-Lucy Crockett. - 1100; Mrs. H. Stover. St Pnilllplna, lit, n. m. t, St. Carloa-Bessla W.. MOO; O. P. Rometa:h, Tltua, lit, p. M- 4. Bloomabury-slster to Ruth Ryan, tlOO; Baker City Stable, Bud Wade. 110, b. r I. Balkowan-Maiiorta, Hot; Walla Walla -Stable. Auroro a, 110. b. wl, Valparaleo-Fancy. 00j J. C MeClary. Asnea Mack.. 411, br. m. 4. Hero-Mlsa Rhodes. MOO; A. Neal, The Pride, US. b. H A. Dundte-Beeawlnc. $t0; A. Cochran. Montoya. lit, ch, I, Amlso PaoU. 4100. . . -, , t - . .' TELL ME, HOW LONG' : HAS THIS BEEN ON "Severel years ao Bobble Smith oamei ewer the mountains from California. He has av.stabla mi horses and a strtuf af ood stories. Ha owned the horse Artlonlatev who won 11 races; he also had a story that la still winning." says a writer la the Chicaaa Record-Herald. The story was told Ao Eddie Smith, who told It to his friends Dmry Under wood and Richard Carle. From that betfntuna- H was played awhile on the etaa-e. Dick Dwyer and T. T. Hoyne helped Bobbie Smith work It at Cal ifornia the next wlnte. Hugh Keough elreulated U through the south. It was ana ef Dan Murray's svss ramdlee along e -Caoadlaa elrouM. J. Bd Orlllo played a loo-night stand wHh It at the Stag In Cincinnati. OM aga weakened, but did not kill It. It broke out afreah last week, when H entered the field ef literature. Collier's Weekly garnished H up and offered it to the current nun ber. Tha original story had nothing to do with Senator Blackburn or a Vir ginian from tha Interior, bat it looks Just tha aasae la wther parUeulara. Here M Is In tla new Yerafoni . "Senator. Blaokbum, who Is devoted to tha "sport of kings.' tolls tha follow ing amusing story of a man from a email towa hi Virginia, who. while visit ing Waahlngtom, was takem to the Bea- Klngs races by a friend! "As the Virginian had never before - aeen a horse laoe, everything eoimectd therewith was m sou roe of grest wonder and rntoreat to him., and eepeelally ab sorbing did he And the betting ring. The friend explained to him the pre pass of .laying a wager. Anally in ducing the man from Virginia to place a bet ef l at odds of 10 to 1. Tbe nu from the Interior won. When he received hie winnings, which bis friend had collected for him. he gased earnestly at tha money tn his hand ana) asked 1m all ef this miner ' . - -Alt of It Is rotuw. replied the friend. , " Ton mass to toll km that I get $1M for tior . .. , Tou do. ' The Virginia was gtanaafl about htm twrvouely before speakins; again. Final ly, lowering bis voles to moat oonft deattel pitch, he nald: f7 - -Say, tell st bow haf has thie-bant goin- onr"f T v . OWNERS AND NAGS OFF 1 FOR OTHER FIELDS Tha racing nrn have taken their flight, moat Of them gomg to Salem for the state fair. Most of the horses vtn shipped yesterday, and bafore sundown today Irvtngton trsek will be deeerted vllktge. The horema left Portland with regrets; a they atalm that they Wf re well treated here. -The booktea are getting ut today, rathar well pleesed with the meeting, although they claim that they reeelvo several hard bampa wring tha eneet. .A ' ANGELS TAKE LAST CAME ffiO'J EROWHS wr BOACOB AM Ob' bT Jearaal Special santoe.) Jjom Angeles, Sept. It. Both Roach and Newton pitched gaod ball yesterday, each allowing aim hlta, hut Portland's two srrors were costly, and tha Angels got the game. Losing yesterday's gams puts Portland , la the cellar again, thouah tha Browns were fortunate enouah to break even on the sertea with Captain Flood a men. J4adeau and Beak era rod the two runs for Portland an thtr awn alns-lea an out. error and nvnar neenliar trlnle to the field. Los Angeles scored cm a pass and Roach's error, two hits and dynes error ana two hlta Is the eighth Inning. The eon teat was. an exciting affair, the crowd being hept on the anxious seat through out. Th Portland team left hare last night for home. Score:, LOS AJ4QELBS. AB. R- H. PO. A. E- Bernaro,-a. s. Flood, 2b. Smith, lb. -.' Prauath r. T- . Chase, IbiV,;, i. 4 Rosa, 1. f. 1 ! 1 Spies. 0. f J Newton, p. S 1 Totals , .........10 ST II I PORTLAND. AB. R H- Pp. A. B- Nadeau. . t ...... ..,4 1 f weed, rv f-T lb. .... j Beck. lb. ....v.. i 1.1 1 Clynee. L ft' 2 It f ! I Raymond, a, a. ...... T I 9 Steelman. O. 4 MM Roach. Thielman. t. ; Totals . . '.tO t 4 44 10 -RimS AND HITS BT INNINOS. ,.v - SUMMARY, Stolen bases Flood. Cravtth. Newton. ThHn.hM hit Clvnea. Sacrtrice hi Raymond, W nrm oaae on arrwrw Portland. 1. Xieft so baS Los Ance- i 7- Portland. fL Basea on balls Oi aa atrito mil Ry Newton. nuh rtnubla nlav Smith; Raymond to Toman to Chase; Spies to Chase to Flood to Chaaa VnmmZA KalUSoie . , Hit by pitcher nrnard 1. Tim lof nm One hour mA to minutes. Umpire McDonald. PAOZFIO OOAaTa? tMBS, Loa tatehje Taeonia 8BttU ., Oakland Baa rraaehMe ....... Portland It far Beattla. . Seattle. WaelL. Sept II. Mike Lynch pitched the morning game at Taooma against Seattle and Wilsons men won on account of tbe Tigerr pooa neiaing. Overall was. hit hard tn the afternoon la k(. .ilv mmtA I. Kail TUt uoubi taking tha aaoond same. Too scores:. t . rr- J, First gsmt - . R. H. B. Seattle . . ..... .0 004010 I 01 J Batteries Lynob and Graham; C Hall and Wilson. Umpire Brown. Second came iR. H. U. SeatUe . ,7..-.l it 14 T.n.mi 00010041 t 4 11 FUiitrlM Huahes and Wilson: Over all and uogaa. , t umpire -crown. , , . Seals Oartue Both Saa Francisco, Sept. It. San Fran cisco captured both games yeatarday from tha Commuters. Corbett's sup port was better than Buchanan's In the morning, while Wneeierwss aa enigma to LohmaaVs man km the afternoon. The acoree: Morning game ... .... . . . B. Ban Fran ..TTtVTttSI 41014-1 Oakland . . . . . . t 4 0 t 0 4 t 1 t i Batteries -Corbett and Lenny; tntesv anan and Bymea. , Afternoon ama n, H- a San Fran .. t t t f f f Oakland 4 1 00 0004 01 ff I Batteries Wheeler and Oorten; Moeklman, Schmidt . and Byrnes. Uav plrerrMoCatthy. ... , . rf PACK1TO sTATIOBTAXj ZAAwXTB. First sama . V H.B. Butt. . . ........14t0000O T 11 4 Spokane 1111110 fl 10 1 Batteries xraoy ana bpwmw; inn ann. Harmon and Stanley..; Beeond came ... .. ERjt Bun. .. ......100414100 I 10 I Spokane . . ... .1 f I 0 1 3 0 It II I Battenea noon ana oprniowr , imm mans and Stanley. Umpire Davis. Flrat' arama R. H. B. Boise.. T. 01041441 14 11 I Salt Lake ..'.,..41004000 I 4 4 Batteries Starkell and Hanson; Thomas and Hausen. Second same R H. E- Salt Lake 4 0 0 t 4 I 4 4 I 10 I Batteries McFarlaa and Hanson; Forsyth and Hsueen. AJOOatOAjr MtAwUB. ' , Won. Lost. 41 IB SI 1 n : it t4 P.C. itt4 ...78 New Tork . .'...Tl Cleveland . . 41 Philadelphia . L 4t Chicago . . ?1 OetmU . : .......... ...It Bt Louts , 41 " Washington . ( ....... tl ' a St, bomm. ' First sama. St. Louis . ......... Iffl ni v a m w Battfiias Slaver and Kshoa; Mullln and OrtlL Second sama . R. H. & St. Louis ."f 11 I Detroit . ..t I I BatterleewHowell and. Sugdeni Stov aJl, Jwit and Rovllle. .1 ' I 0 DLOOD P0I30I the west tmumm aa ana. rt tn aaalMt a ora WIIBlt XuD KNOW WHAT TO PO. Maar aara mlm iia. apnte o tto Ala. aane hi rha nMHrin, alMfe. fkSJas hair, boo Mloa. ea tarra. and Snn'l Wtviv It to RUWD POISON. Sand a PI FROWN, MS Arch at., PUJa4!pBta, rasa., fcr IHOWN'I BIOOD crat, jane m Wttla; laata ana onto. SnU a PnrtlaBd aslf by trash Sea, rwuasd Metal Psatsway t lilt 1 II I II ! if PMM I l : ! li ill ' e s oNi d XVI ..0 410 SB ASM S .. t t 0 SH All 0 I V. 10 St ,4M .71 0 tl .467 tOt OL. tO .44 WHEN GAME BIRDS : MAY BE KILLED Owing to the many tegulrtes made regarding Information on the game laws of the state of Oregon, The Journal to day publishes a synopsis of tha laws regulating the bunting of water fowl and upland birds: - Ducks. Pease. SwanLimit 100 In one week and not mora than M in day for one man. " - Tha lew prohibits the nee of sink boxes, sink boats, sneak 'boats, skiffs, batteries, swivel guns, Are, flashlights and blinds, but the provlslone of the law differ for parUeular sections of the state.. ' Duo km, 0 ease, Swan (Bxeept ha tbe eoontiee of Jeckaon, Klamath, Lake and Coos) Season alosed from March 1 to September 1 of each year. Hunting of wmq geeee is prohibited at ell times on any taland or sandbar on which wild ess habitually rest or roost. In ar along the Columbia river east of tha Cascade mountains. In tha eountlad of Jaakson, Klamath and Lake, season closed from January to September It of each year. - - In Coos oounty. saaooa closed from February 1 to August 1 of each year. Water Ball and Upland Plov Closed frost January I to August 1 of each rear. . trphaad Shawn, Limit Ten birds in ana day. . There are provisions sgalnst trapplsg. netting, enanerlng; robbing nesta and niacin ef poisoned wheat, and aaaraat trespass, watch apply to all sections of the state, . - Sale of grouse, pheasants and tuall Is permitted during the last II days of the open season, subject, however, to' the restrictions placed upon hunting hi the different sections of the state. feoord must be kept of each sale. Bngtleh or gray part rid are oapercallxle. oorhen, wild turkey, woodoeck, silver pheasant, golden pheasant, copper pheas ant, arisen Japaneae pheasant and Reeves pheasant Closed until October L wm. Pratrls ehteken, grouse, native pheas ant or' ruffed grouae, ring-necked or China torouatus pheasant, ouatl. Bob White oualLblua grouae, partridge. sasenen and sageoock (except as indi cated below t-Cloeed from December 1 of each year to October 1 of the follow ing year. . . , Wasco County-Prairie chickens and quell Cloead from October It of each year to Auguat 1 of tha following year, and at ell times whan the ground la covered with snow suOcient for track ing, r Tillamook Oounty Natrra pheasant for ruffed arouse) and ring-aeckad or China torquatus pheasantCloagd until September It, 104; then oiosea between December 1 of each year and September 11 of the followins year. Blue grouse dosed from October It of each year to Ausuet 1 of tha following year.. Counties or josepnine. jeexson, Cnrrv and Clatsoo R Ins-necked or China torquatus pheasant Closed until September It. 1001; then closed between December 1 of each year and September It of the following year. Douglas Oounty -The tow m not cteer aa to this county. See eeetlotV MJO .of Balltnger and Cotton's Oode. - Bast of Cascade Mountains (except Wasco. 'County) Pheasants (except na tw Dheaaant and ruffed grouae) and quail (except Bob White quail) Cloead at all times. Sagenea, eagecocx. grouse, native pheasant or ruffed grouae Closed from Noveber 1 of each year to Auguat 1 of the following year, prai rie ohieken Closed until Auguat It, It 01: then cloead from November It of esoh rear to August It of the following year. Bob White quail (except la Kla math and Lake oountlee) Closed until October It, ItOt; then closed between December 1 of each year and October la toiiowtom yr, COACH YOST LOSES ; SIX STAR VETERANS Jearuel SpsHal bervUe.) ' Aba Arbor. MletL, Sent. It. Tbe foot that Coach Toot's famous smile Is an ueually axpanalve when he talks about the football situation leads nig friend to believe tha prospects are satisfactory to, him, and tha dope sheet furnishes confirmatory evidence. - Last year Tost had practically a new team to break tn, and this fall ha will have six veterans as a nucleus. H sat on. ho made tha AU-Amerloan aa half back, will bo on hand la the capacity of eaptaln. Sehulto was green but he made rood In all of tbe bis arames, and Ann Arbor rooters expect to see btat make tha Ail-Ametieaa as guard at the l of the eominff season,- Curtis, a tower of strensth at tackle, will also be back, and Tom Hammond, the Hyde Park man, will be on hand again. Long man, another 'V." man, will report for the preliminary training, and Nororoas, who alternated With Jsmea aa auarter. will complete the sextet of old players. Amonar tha likely new players who are expected are Banta, from Orchard Lake, who will try for the line; Harry Hammond, a brother of Tom Hammond; Clark, formerly full back on the De troit university school eleven; Wendell, who did good work on tha baseball nine in the soring; Beechler. an Alma oot- lege man. who was Ineligible last, year, and Oarrles of Detroit. Mich Iran will not begin the prelim inary practice until September. It. B iTIOBTAX SdEMVnV PC. .T7 47 .180 .a4 .442 .M7 .Jf.3 .ISO New Tortt . . Chicago . . .... 1$ 41 PMMlnnail .. ............ 71 -44 ,...71 St. Louis , Brooklyn I Hoston . . A. ....... ...44 - tl Philadelphia . .........H " "''.' , 1. H.E. Chlcatro ...'..... 4 1 Plttaburg t 11 1 Batterle -Wicker and Kilns: Leever and Pbelpa, Umplt ire Jaanatone. : , - At bnclnnatl . . .....I 1 St. Lou la . 4 11 2 Batteries Haha and Scale!;, Nichols and Swindells. . . - Second game R. RB. Cincinnati... ('...., .1 14 t Vt. Louis . ..! Batteries E wing ana ncmei; nionois and- Orady. - Umpire Ktmmor, . nTOQviAai ranin Asmmo fJesrast Seeetol aertie.l 1 Moontam, Waah., Sept II. Hoqaiam defeated Aberdeen yesterday In the flrat of a three-same series of exhibition contests (or a purs ef IIIO. The score: - R H.B. ttoqutan) -. , ,fci ........ i 1 1 Aberdiwn 14 t Battcrlee Law, Boettfger and Olrard; BeU and Brown, Attendance. LOOt. i Won, Lost. 74 ' St FC3TBULMRGS IN THE LI"ELIE3T .V' SSTBrmOB SBASOtr a Tha football tsaaon has appeared the hortson and for the next three months the country will reaoand with eollage and school yens of thou sands of Amerloa's roans nmn who love to Dlav the naoet stfannous of all sma wnere strengtn and soianos are ossostlaj requlsttss, - BssebalL tha eprtng a summer same, and traok- moats of all klnda, horse rasing and moatly all out awe sports win now stop off too stage for 1 tha football warrior. Camel through out tha land are busy planning new alava to autt tbe stew mlaa. The entire gridiron this year will be a ohoi erboard. and aaafthaa wl aantalna will have difficult times la aettlna- off haa mass plays without Infringing apon too The aunrterbaek arm aara to he an bav WOTtaBt man In advaLruttnar thai hall u. cordlpg to tha ehange la rulea, but ho win nave no mora opponunity ts ,na sucoessful at thie than before the changes were made. Inasmuch aa the to much mors difficult than It appears. Hera In Portland fhm soar Internet ta eener in xootoeu tnen it has beed to number of vaara. and tha naralam of the game falls to Multnomah's lot. Not a nice the days or tha old Portland Ath letic club's famous games with Mult nomah has the interest been so arrest aa at the present time. This season Multnomah has a trig task abend of her on the gridiron. Man ager Watktns and Captain Dowllng have laid plans for a big season. Important games have been arranged, and Califor nia wtu do invades again, ,thls time for scalps. The championship of the Pa cific coast hi a big honor, and Multno- man la arotnar after M. taAford a Berkeley must ha beaten,1', says Cap tain Dowlins. 'nd the only vir to do is 10 gee logetner tbe best team There are enoush arood foot hall mm tn the Multnomah club, providing they at tend to bractloa. to clean an aav aoa- aaii team on tbe raoino slops. ouits were given to the players yes terday, about M oaadldatea tor umU tions appaaiinc. Tha flrat nraetlea will bo held tomorrow avaninar at friS o ciocn ax ins ciud, and the entire sound is sxpeetea out. The flrat game will be played on October I with tha aataria eleven, and a bard eontast Is expected. These Astorlans never' enter Into ana mates nau hearted; thty gexte to win, and generally, whether they win or lose the other fellows are quits certain that they have been playing. Astoria has longed, to beat Multnothah, and though they haven't the number from which to eeleot a team, vet tbev ao to Hh - at spiniea rusa.uAi counts for much hi WHITMAN ELEVEN . i WILL BE STRONG (JaarMl'aaaclal Sarvtce.1 . Whitman Colleoa. Walla Walla. Waah.. Sept. 12. Colla-e opens bora next Wed- needay and It la too early yet to' tell much about football prospects. Three weeks ago H looked as If Whitman would have a twelve hundred pound line l a onampionsblp team, but aevaral of the . veteran slants that wera aa tad-ara not-golnc . to materialise. Still the team will be Stronxer than It was last year; that much can be said with certainty even now. Nearly every member of the fast little .toanr. of last year wlU bo be ok to don the moleskin for the missionaries again. Besides this there ara several good, heavy men coming to school which will probably develop Into the skillful beef that the team lacked last year. . T retains will begin the latter part of next week. Captain Roy. V. Perrtnger of the team has been here several day. He Intends to Hoe things up sharply at the begin ning. No coach has beed decided upon as yet. It Is expected that the West Point officer Who takes charge of the gymnasium will be a football mas of experience and can take charge of the team. , Manager Sutherland has scheduled several gamss. The Srst one will be on October 1 with the. University oX Wsshlagton. Whitman will go the mountains. The Tknnkagivtng game will be with Idaho at home, probably. It Is hoped also to meet the University of Utah on her trip to the Sound, end the manager Is also trying to arrange a schedule so that he can play Oregon Agricultural college and Albany eoUage, BOTASr 4A.US BOWBTB The Royal club team defeated the Strollers yesterday, by a aoore of SI to a. The lineup; . . Royal Club. , Stroller. T. Landawlck ....lh...M Ouerln Chapptn ..c. ........ Jodon N. Wallace . .....If. Henston J. Helser as. Brown N. Helaer '.. . . . . . . .V Taylor Minor ... ...rf... Vsn Mortwlck Steffen 'i. . ri, .of i ..' . Trowbridge Neuwell .tb. Andereon B. Wallace p..;....... MoQuire Score by lonlnss: - Royal dub 1 4 t 1 I I t 11 Strollers ........ IIM1M 41 . Summary: - Earned runs Royal elub t. Stolon bases Miner, Jodon, Brown. ,Struck out by MeOulre, 4; by Wallace. . Three base hit J. Helser. Double plays Neuwell to Landswlck. Base-hits Off McOulre. 10; off Wallace. 4. Bases on balls Off Wallace, 1; off MoOulre. t. Hit by pltoher .Wallace, ' L Time of gam 1:11. The Royal club team ef this eily claims the amateur championship and will expect challenges from teams thst hare made a good showing this season, BtSSBttSB AT TMa UBSsTTB OP TKB BSftaf PAB POS OOStBStS BTVBTaTOKAsTB 'SflBkaviaiT OUVlaOOBa ' Spokane, WashH Sept. lt.--Slnce the Butte team hss been In the city a deal has been pending for the ssle ef Shaffer to Spokane. . The noisy flrat baseman has been aaxloue to Join the Indians all the season, but has been unable to do Wllmet still has- Dan Lally on his string end will send for him to play the Initial bag. Thla will give Spokane the fliwt-asxkeixjrhe prioe agreed upon Is said to be tOy for Shaffer. Shaffer has been a favorite here atnoa the first thni he Played ball hero. His ability to putillfe into esteem, and do the coaching la Jrery valuable, to say nothing as Uibypta7lag; v . - . -t '.f . ALBANY TO HAVE A FAST ELEVEN op am TBAavs im OOUMI, otrsv A CDBAtTtt aKSBta. (SseaJal fMaaatefe to The aaerasL) Albany. Or- Sept. 11. Albany college is preparing for the best year's work In the history of the institution, and along with the Improvements tr. the ed ueatlonal department, Improvementa In the athletic Held will be made a special ty. FootbalL ao dear to tha neerta of the aversce eollage man, will be given ea pedal attention, and already p rape ra tions are under way to put the best team In the Held that It la possible te get, sad In view of. last yearns successes on the gridiron, the collegians anticipate a splendid season, for most of the men playing la last year's team will be here again for the oomtag winter,: and a a trans team will be tha raault. John OrUBth, wbo last year played at left tackle and made a reputation to that plaea, will captain the' team thla year, while fllllng hie old position. Du- puls will again pay oenter, Stock guard, and Crow left guard. Last year's ends. Francis and Underwood, two of aha beat football players over In Albany college. a couple of the gamast men and moot euocesaful players In the a tats. will All their eld position, assuring splendid work for the new team. Coatee, famous . as a -snrlnter r snd hurdler, and who holds more track rec ords to the amateur field In the north west than any other collegian, will play quarter. Be woe the half back and cap tain of last years team, and Is a tower of strength to the orgaalsatlon. Bugle hart Is expected to be back here te play at foJL and Morrison la billed for one of the halves, the ether half to be de veloped from some of the new material coming to. Morrison la one of the moot it and -ouooeccful players m the organisation and tbe team will present strong front with such material In the lineup.. Ho Is one of the best plungers on the coast and la offensive work has few equals on the eoaaC Sam Dolan will shins at right tackle again. With such s lineup Albany college will take high rank la the .football cir cles during the coming winter, and Acting Msnagcr CherUo Stewart has al ready booked a number of games for the Thoee colleges on the list thus far aret Corral lis Agricultural .college. Portend . Medical school. . WUlametts university of Salem, Chemawm Indian school and Multnomah , Athlstle dub. Others are now being negotiated with and tha oason's sohedule will soon Do Ailed, , . . Last year the team, composed practic ally of the same men, made a splendid record, winning from Corvallla, defeat ing Chemawa 14 to ; defeating Paclflo university, IT to d; and having the Sa lem game called off. When the team started last season 4t was not as strona as expected but tbe players by dint of hard work soon developed and before the end ef the season were among the beet tn the state. Albany college has good material In Its ranks and the team will be brought to a high state of efllctency bafore the season begins with aood prospects of winning the college fthaav plonship before the end of the year. . The game yesterday between the Pick transfer team and the Highland team re sulted In n victory far the transfer boys by a eoore of 4 to 4. Batteries: Picks, Robertson and Bradley; Highland, Kofi am an nod Wells. Peacock flour always- greas satisfac tion, and la guaranteed by your grocer. Our Rn - t Your Boys' ClotJiinq across 1 . a.-ea. - . I. . y. ' I t" -- 1 irl 1- V 1 I Young Men s 85-S7 THHU) STKEI i tea & n Write tar InJarawnea 1111 atlas ear aaahjaatiaa samnl sad eafemd -Tlemd J lt3RPBCTION UN BLAIB . tOOR, S. M. MO-toll-lt-lt fJBAMWgB fO OWOTXBCS BROWNS BOUND FOR - DEAR OLD HOKE The Browns are coming, home. On the two weeks trip closed st Los Angetea yesterday- the- -Portland .team was not very successful, losing dine out of II games played. Oakland taking six out of nine, and Los Angeles threeMHit of slm How Manager Dugdale Intends to atiengthen his team is not known, Hla Fatness" being, as reticent as ths great Stone Face. Tnts week, beginning Wednesday, Portland will engage ths Ta ooma team for w series. The Tigers have been playing great ball this season, and It Is not tree eon to say that If Port land expeota to win any gamea, the team will have to be strengthened. Drennen la still hobbling around on a bad ankle. and Steelman has a split A near. Nadeau and Beck improved In their work con siderably, tbe tatter's performing as. third being exceptionally brilliant. Na deau's batting took a Jump during the trip, while Weed and Hurley ere not doing so badly aa ths envious ones mould mafcetballeve. Thlelman, wtU twirl the opening game for the Browns, JEFF MAY RETIRE :. FROM PRIZERING .A ' ' .(seamsl soeeMI aarrlea., v" " New Xork, Sept. It-Flndlng H tm- poeslble to get on a match that Would produce a drawing card. Champion Jeff ries has temporarily abandoned the ring, and It la possible that he will never be seen In action again. Accord ing to a letter received In this ctty from Jeff, the eewmptoa haa decided to come to New Tork in the near future and en- re In some other business than box- in a. .Bafore he went weat Jeff lnformedi many of bis frlsnda of his Intention to go Into the hotel business upon- bis return te tbe city, and he In 'more con vinced, than ever before that this would be the bast thing for him to do. In fact, be haa had his eye on eeversl piaoss about tbe city, but Just which one-he wUl select will not be decided upon until he resonev tne euy. . tfearsel averts! Sarvb,F: " ftraama Cltr. Beet. 11, ScUwoocV WOO the baseball game here yesterday from Vancouver by a eoore of t to 1 at Cane- man park. The-game was a good one to watch and a good orowei was in at tend ance. The Nineteenth Infantry band from Vancouver waa present and fur niahaA nauafa. Vancouver waa not In the a-ema at any time and succeeded In eoor- tng only one run In tbe laat Inning. Batteries: sellwood. Higgina. Bauer and Lomlsyi Vancouver, Sullivan and Faulkner and Hertoag; umpire, Morta- roup. ' . . . . . , aanh -- Allan A Lewis' Bsst Brand. vis' flot hinn Ones IlK :- - -bI ' 4 -11 try Tf -eafttavt wmi ftBww tiamat Ktrtrlnw taM ahnrr Iti nrra -k " at those essntisls H if high clothiers. :--.; WE GUARANTEE ' TO SAVE YOU MONET r.' v-' :'V 'v 1 ON ALL YOUNG MEN'S. BOYS' AND - ! y V t CHILDREN'S WEARABl' BOyS AND CIISLDEFTS SUITS '-" : ALL NEW STYLES 5!.n4l2 End Dcuils-Crcsstcd fccKs $7.50:tO 520 A I drr T01 a fx "3 ill 'VI III .iiiil S. B tl I JT CHE DOCK 1TCU3 CF CHaiZZZX OF CC!2RCE - : ' INSURANCE) . ' BABST B. SOOTx. A, IM., POSTLAwn, OX, T WOODS AND BUKNS v v; MEET THIS WEEK (Merml speekd enimvy ' Betttle, Sept. 11. Both Tommy Burn and Billy Woods are putting m thg hardest kind of tlckv at- treJiUaav paring for their eomlng bout at Seattle theatre here next Friday night. Wood has added several new men to hie train lag camps at Pleasant Beach and the colored middleweight seeme to enjoy all the work they .can crowd en him. Charlie Neary, the Utile whirlwind Mil waukee fighter, has taken up his euart ers witt Woods, and Woods haa the benefit of N aery's assistance at atveras hot rounds of boxing dallp. . Burns st busy ap a- beaver at1 Are sta tion No. 4. His trainers are Louis Long and .Warren Burbles. Handball, rope sktpplng and wrestling are the special features of Burns' work every after noon. Mornings are taken up with road work around Lake Washington, Charlie Reno, the well known Ban Francisco sporting looted to not as referee. VJO JyULB COEIOAdrO IToaraal gpaelal Sarto.t Seattle, Sept. 11. William C Sptodell the well hnowa football captain of the University of Washington leaves this city tonight for Chicago, where he la tO) attend the University of CMoago, . - BIG WHEAt POOL lSt c Isold at spbacue tspeohd Bnaattfe ts Tha hvuL) Sprague, Waalu. Sept. ll.r-fiaturdajr- was the most exciting day ever expert enced la the local wheat pit. Three farmers placed 14,000 bushels of blue stem wheat In the hands of .George WL Smith to be sold to the first buyer who would pay Tl eeats. Other farmers who had heard of It -added their holdings to the Met -until the pool contained lOO.eoa bushels. After considerable excitement the pool' was bought up by the Can ten nisi Mill oompany at 71 cents. - Thla M the largest pool ever nolo) ht thla seotlom, and is probably theargeet sold In the state tbls year. Other buy ers were compelled ' to . protect their storage, and ft la estimated that tOO.OOe bushels were sold at 7 cents. , Orefsi State Filr. -T The Oregon State fair wiH be held at the fair grounds, near Salem, Septombep llth to 17th. Specially reduosd rates will be placed In effect by the Southern Pacific company from, all potato oa Oregon lines. A special train will be run from Portland during the fair, leev- lng Portland at 1:40 a, nv. and return tag, leave Salem at 4:00 p. m. Don't forget Woodmon'o day, on Tuee day, September It, end Portland day, oej Thursday. September It. Shoiild : "4i.. ' tt -Sr'- . tiros for you tochag :-firi!'6f ."," J-'r v; ""-' 4 t i - ' at a- 4r H S S J J h ' v. ' '. 1 J 1 '.f ' -4- 1 A S ,