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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
' TX1 C7 EAH-V JOURNAL, POKTLASCB, MONDAY BVXNINO, ggPTEMBBH 18, ltOV 1 r"T r to t T r en-- ' to Wet,. LI CI"' r::'y fcr fend la ycsr tssst en a Festal and receive cut isameth art nanAtr abscLlely fret . PORTLAND'S ONLY BELLI NO AGENCY POR m WOKXD'S 80tK AGZNTt IN OKOOM FOR TVZ WOLD-AMOUt . "BONNET ET UJi" BLACK tILM. HOME, OP THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR ; "QUICK - . MBALH COOKING RANGfcS. - r BEST CORSETS-p-THE ROYAL WORCfl.dfEK5. OTLATS FOREMOST STORE AGLOW WITH FALL FiraRY FC? M ADOHNCtMT O? PERSON AND HOMES." AND HERE RARE VALl)3S end MATCHLESS BARGAINS UNITE with STYLE and STUNNING EFFECTS v -1 nm' Oeoeo to r ir s ? 1 em ( It - y ew. f v va to AO - - - - - - - 1 r 4. ' 7 t ' i i -' J v , r .3. ; Regular 91.00 50-inch new Fall Suitings; PW three dsya. .1.rej Regular $140 62-inch new Fall Suitings) special for three days, fl.13 Regular $1.79 94-inch new Fall Suittaigsi special for three days. SIM . The abota are beyond, deecript on regarding newness of styW and mellent valuei every street color d pattern U In tha assortment Tuesday and Wedneeoay. - The Men's Toirrcerv .M - :.-t . -:- VtMNVWOS.. ' -' ' - ; Nu tM 4IU MiftOMQ PoHlud t mnfoU e Olilr traaafc, M svt aym of imm tona Mo voa Um bre af Um Hlal porttoa f Ht oaimanlt Vkr'i mm fr 1L Drwi na always wnt th twwN -ftm " oea M II Wvi m troUn BraMwar. Kw Tork. mrr day, Mtoetin thMt th aaatirt howa Utwa Uw ay ta L iMkwi kM ta th wMmJl Uw rt wpa. -i,: . A piidlS M f Mrn't Supndrm. all m mM." SWI W .' wins tba ba 7M iuipflr ni ihcW arto. ar. A Una af Mn'a' h1Tam woratas Jrej SwaaUra, with Soubl ffaM eal.; v lara, aardlaai vtth Mo aaS vUli aavj afar, valwa to K ana ......ui..! .na.Ow ' V "pp, mm Knxo SOSL 1B. . A Mm at Maa'a lUek M Mtaral aray nui4T oi aaaelat aalr V A w Uaa of Btaa'a faU w aolwa, ravular ll-M vain AH GOODS 1 Th lone vlmtar avanian ara al band. ai4 boura wlU ba wbflaS away plaaaaaUy aad profltablr la auklnc aalatr. prattr hlaa to brig tan and baautlfr Um hoaMo. Wava full Una af ovarr attMHal aoadad for daft SnBcra la faahioa into baaucr aoou, and alao flalabad ytaoaa fo buay oaaa who-va not Umo to ataka, ' ' All fcinda of woomb Tarak m SU, Itadlae tbaeaa are pbova la tba Art SuTwinw of ataaa of aaw iambawaol Solos fnrta b aarllwl tanuiby ilaoaTa tha larvoBt hi awa'a alaaa, U (M Art prtmattt. Now stanpad Llaaa f all ala, (a SUta or banaUtebol la tha Art Oapartinont. Call for any ahado or kind of Um famoad faat and aalfona dyad Brata rd Armatrona Smbratdarr Bilk aad tmi wUl at M a tar Ark Dopart- aMf -r tap owamsttfa tTf.:'' " .- 'r- ftnlobad Oaahloa all pa of flnt irwii, rod or blua Art Doaltaa, wortroa- tth whiu braid aad faaibor aUtcblac la ooaTonuonal doaisiw, raanlat pnoa '' toe: opwrtal, aaob..... , T China, Stoves, Brkt-Brdc aATXvea ow Alona laat robroarp aad Kanb. whUa you wart plaaniaa for au" Mar thlnr. our ehtaa abloT waa rumnaiap 'round unonf tba manu facturra imtt aant ovar by tho poturlaa of fcuropo. Llpiopaa, tho Franch oblna; VUnoa, tba flna band paintod; Draadan, far tha femoua make that baar It nam) aarlin. for bronaa af roots i Bobonla, for plaaswara; Carltbad, tor dinner aata and fanoy ohlaa; Floroaaa, far marbla plooaa; Lolpalo, for fon11 llnM. . And now tho vast atooka aaloetod by our bvyr ara ready for tou irn mwmm ajra atoaa m roBYAjr omcva Aim tiiav warns asowzvo wrmm a ruivm tar taafuypi Boot la point of stocks,- quality and a rlotyt bast la petal of mlvo-alvlBa r-ind this, tod, la staple Hnes, and la deetreble ahapa n4 atylaa. Bi tra special valuea fof iba aoea la. tereet eoonoamlaera-- , . : . ANOTHXH WG 3-BI Drat Goods Bap! To-3 v 1 EXTRA' SPECIAL :FOR.T)tClErsDAYS BLACK SILK SALE POR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Good,' dependable r Bkck Taffeta makM and values aa ct)nly ba found at this atora hi Oragoa. Talfttaa that lor finiah and durability our wuld-a compatitora ara uaabia to match at aav uic Our regular 8fte grade, 19-inch 1 apeqial, .6la Our regular $1.00 graoe, 81-inch; special. .YBa Our regular $1.10 grade, 94-inch; apecud, 7f Our regular S1J5 grade, t7-lnch r special. . 89 . Our regular $1.15 grade, Ift-inch; special. ,Mf . Our regular $140 tfrade, 3S-inch; apl. .f XM -;. Two days only Tuesday and Wednesday, , ? B ; Thra Cmt Moooy-S-vins SpacUla V la Htm fsfl Ptms Stuff ,. Marine aoa, a aaeq as wwi v siae ooav man, l.OO. tirfat molt Sitirta, m bavr OaforS afcarteU. a oat apaaiaL aac-;.rr.;;r.7..T..vr......St. Necdldwork Needfuls and 4 "Vnaltsh Beml-Poreetaln Dinner' St, neat border pattern, esQelleat yalue. -pleoe aets, ralua ( ' apoeial. aat ., fS.TO It-piece Seta, valaa -tr , apeeial, set . rt ; . . . . . .$4.nd Ida-pieoo Beta, value; T apealal. set ... .-T.4S; oxiD m sBausr oaastanr ovm AJen aaweaa. Old Viae OoM-Traoed Oenaap For ' - eelaln Cupa and eauoere. value : ILta, at a ; peciai. H-.-TSa ao9va ai VAATaMk i . 1-lneh, Tflu l t, pat ot ' olaLaot spa- Tfta - oAvatsAXi aAOiiaan Valaa 4ta. aat off t apaolal. set SS .-'FOOOnn sjowsav; -Value We, aat of i opaokU, tat 4S Telue tic, aat of special, oat SS aaaav oat basva aoyfa 15. Value leaf aaoh ...... ISfj ' namrr am oo. -Banv aeta, T aleeea la set, value - Mel apeolaL aot 404 araUfrjni aa.di. e Valvereal OoaJ Heatla atovea, valae; epefltal 94.46 $4.00 eiaajrars nraaaea S.fta. Che finf Dlohea, alcbel flalab, l-pint lea, vai .) apaoMO. ak, . On this pago wo print a supplementary Uzi of interesting store itcn:3 crowded off from vesterdaVs full-Dano announcement S Elaborate liiiiillil and OP INTEREST TOO! A PERFECT MOWftl iN BAS-lUSUllir Uf - in murwofti rniin-viuiAK- wfcr- v v-A tonBTf AMn nrwnnt.i ANOTHER SPLENDID - EDUCATIONAL FEATURE pronoaad br thia Old Homestead" 8sora that has the to- tareata of the younger generation at heart. Our Mr. Olda, senior member and president of this grbat noma organisation, during a recent trip eaat mirchaaed from ita maker, at eonsiderable expense, a perfect papier-mache model of the propoeed Panama canal, now in proceea of building X by the United States government. Thia model io now on exhibition In one of our large Fifth Street show windows. ita value cannot be overeatimated, Mr. Olds purpoee in buying the model was to present it to soma Portland school, e- mA A rivinfmmtliMtk. mm etatad veaterdav. - fdrem Pstrons PORTLAND'S FOREMOST STORE IS THE Gloria Shoe forWoraen -'j i i mm. .Ok. Aff IMF A 4w , if:;.,:'.' i,V ' $3.50 baaa are potd la but ana Port lead store. Tba new autumn ' atyloa ara Iba aatartest typo foot-, wear oold la tha arvUSMd arorld to day. OMorlaa vara founded oa taattty. built up oa rallabUliy and ara sold on merit In only Amerloa's best atorea. "PoUttf Patch" Placroa. ex-ma rev af Xetrolt, ea-povereor ad Mtohlaa phlloaophor, philanthro pist and shoemaker, planned and made tha Srst Gloria Shoos. From aire to son- the buslaeoa haa do aeended, from tho governor'a, ohalr to tha abae bonoh. Tho stern to teaiity off (levernor "Potato Patch" Plnproa la sowed tnte every pair of ' loria ahooa that aeaa from - VAOVOST. Tha Plntree faotorr dt Totfott Id looked upon by tba entire ehoe vorid aa tho promior factory of Amaroa erbleh meana two boml pheroo, for American nude ahooa are aokow)ad Vaet" today . la every eountry. The Plnaree anoea tart 'Where aU otbore leave- off, oiabodyliie aaora otylo. ouporlor -werkmaiwhlp. Snoot selected eteeka, ouperiatlva quality to all the world's stakes af footwear. . Other famous Plnaree Shoes arai Tlie Protaotion, for women. .Bd.OO Tha Oovernor, for mej......B4.00 Tha Vosno, for men .......BS.OO Tha Olorla, for man ....... .83.60 Tha Safety, far youna ladlea.$a.50 Honaatino, Carpets III Smker elfttr Vmeo, If you'r a beauty-admirer, whoa bomo-fltttnt ar up for oonald eratietL then the Fourth Floor baa ttaueuaj elaim on you this week. It praaoata la even a broader tana usual way all that w newest la da plan, .make and celortn. and all that boat, a Me warid d author- aAoa ovWAssra Asm nAjrv na OA. . miithty values that appeal ltSJliSM9999it999M$l9999llllt9t99999tt9t9t9i999ttlllMI9i19SilSBfSMMMtf f ANNOUNCEMENT EXTOAORDIN ARY ! TO EVERY TEACHER EVERY PUPIL AND EVERY not finding voter corresponding ALWAYS! EVERYWHERE ! asASi VAftna tar Women's 11.11 Reaaa Comfarta, easy, braad-toad bouat ahooa or alippere; special ..M.......9M Womea's OomMnatloa Ttmo'' Via and Houaa Slippers, patent or lyUta kid stock, medium round . toea, flexible baadtumod solos, : . opera beelei beat M tt, valuee; Woment M M Shoes la patent oolt. ,. box aalC or viol kid stock, with port, nealbU soles, now toes, mU- Itary heels, patent ar stock tips, full round or awdiuai took ...... $t.6S WOmen'o tt tt Snosa, ta patent kid, - wait a? tura eolea, military aa Louis beela. plain ar tipped - toea 98.88 Wemen'a SAM Dull Oalf Welkin Shoe, new atronp laat, heavy new aalei blueher out; special.. 88.89 tromea'a- Patent Kid ahooa, plain ar tipped toss, leather or wood - LouU beela, matt htd tops, me dium round dressy loai M and - M-tt ValUOa .TFff-rvrrr. 98.48 - Womanw gmpresa ahoe, heavy ,v or llht turn sole, round toe, mil itary hosla, patent Up,ft.. 89.88 Women'e atreat Bbaea. la boa aalf or viol kid stock, blueher oat, military beela, flealbto oolte, t atyloa la the abooaua....99.T9 UUva standards decide, at tho prtoop appended. Tha aawp from thia aee tloa amphaatsa tho pact that tha time la ripa for your deotawa ro aafdtna the appanrans of the In terior af your bom durlna the loop whiter months a ales at band, ad It toll you with eiieat rtlnty that whatever your needs may he, her you wUl find aa lmmenee aeleo tlon -of tho Bewoot and absolutely eorreet laoaa aa oxploltod today by the world's leadma bouaefurnlahera. There's asw Unea af CauoA Cover In bsavy ta poetry Oriental effect .TO w oaoai vw Couch Oovara, 888 to 888 New Una af flea Oood for tour Portlar. Couch Cove. Cut Dra porle and Upholeterlns, la Perarna Strtpeo, 8B to aUd Troi neavr Meroeriaed Tapeatrlea that hi aimen drapartea, 81.18 to I 81.TSI Oriental Piaurad Tapestry. f&4 to 8.80 yard. Mew Art Tlokwsv enlms. Rurlapa, ailkollnea, eeteena. ete. Table Covers In Oriental da st yna, 4-4 elaa. 80a to 81.88 oaehi else. 81. OO to 99.88i t-4 siaa, 81.T8tl8T.80. showing arc here of IIMIiliiili Thia' w hava decidad upon as to their purchase will favor us by HOME Of THE Womoa'e II.M St root Shoes, boavy solos, full round toea, . military beela and patent tlpa 8188 Women's Praaay etroot Shoes, la patent kid, pa teat oell. veleur .. aalf, vicl kid stooa. patent or ptoek tlpai Snaat of material and worawanaklpj 14.00 valuee; aaeoiai u.. -88.14 Women'a Patent or Viet Kid '. Shoes, Louis beei. round toe, c hand-aewed oak tea poles, matt tope, .leather or kid aurved Louie ' keels, atylaa la the ohooslnp; spoeul ........88.88 Boys aow fail box salt double sole, full round toe Shoe. Bisoa IHto ii.88 Bays Oraeay Valour Calf Shoes, pood, heavy full round toes; beat stock and workmanship: awes( :r tries, isea . 11 ta II. trot value ::::fal ( IS to 1, fS.M value tH ta a, M.t value Chlldroa' Soublo-aala fall Shoos, . sites lift ta) 11. ILTI value; spoolal ....... .......81.88 Iflasas' hex aalf. full round toe, - spiinv baa) Saoeoj valdeai special .j,,.yw... ..,. 81.48 Msn'a Patent Oolt Drees Shoos la e blueher style, easy tread, flexlblo , soles, Oeodyaar welt, new fall laata. Splendid M.M values ; apeoial 88.81 Lac CurtoinsSeunplea aita-htly mussed from - bandHne, perhapa one launder! njr will put 'em rtpht a tho day they fare welled their maker. Reduction run Ilka value, now. 81. BO tl tt values, bow ..81.88 valuea, bow.., ..88.16 ' ( 14 0 value, aow.,....ia.BO " !. varuea, bow..,..;.88.T8 ' tmxtna potjtv &Aoa owmvAxn miss nowar vojMwnsi K - VmSOB ASfTBeW Tharos economy Ibrht tot to tbrfmek the pteoa araoks take a peep throusb at th speetal prtoaai SS style la th arand ehenelna on to flvo-paJr lota. Sample a tltti muaaed to baadllnav Tea par Had thia- V 4.1 curtains ara.. 89.98 ' I. It Curtains ar.... .84.15 f.Ot Curtains ara 84.98 U. M Curtains are 98.0O 111. Curtain ara. ....aT.OO ' l4.HCurtolaa ap.t.4.99.44 -Si ! stirringly to the purse PARENT IN PORTLAND a setter pun and one sura to get lay. Voting box will oe enclosed reporting the same at the superintendent s dean. ; lVv V 9099 TWithe Are the youncatera ready f OLDS, WOKTKAN A KINO u ready to forward their plan .aad you re for tho aaw sohoal year. All tha need able ar hare larpor stocks f up pJlee for echeat work h ; than over bofore, and. If pnythlnd, bttr. With tha thousand and ana whaB" artlelee? as welt aa tba better i aredee made for the. pupiia aeo. It' booa ao -easy aaatter to heep out mm A A matte -od speetal Interact , to www eiiren, m- t motor and parBta aaaat tba laaiaa Canal, appaar ta pfemo Boofca. eeeh ....... 89. 109, 189 899 885 Blaanimplmr note aWoka, aok.. 89 a- 94 Unlvaralty Mot Booka, heavy baoka. aaeh 199 Studonta pTata Seiha, aeh....S4 Slat PeaoUa, t doaen ..84 Soft Stone Hate Pencil, doaen.. 9 4 Wood-Covered Shto Paaella, aa., 19 Pea Potato, daaia .. 89 S 109 Btaekboard Braeer. dusUeaa fell, oaob . f.89 Inhstsa, nh ....189, 889. ) 9 Pocket Knlvea. each 109. 184, 909. 889 980 Foll-amunA State, fall. dnob.-9 Chalk, 144 stieka to box. bo. .10 to Ink Writina Tahlctai apeeial each . . , 89 Ink Tablet, eaak twinmt ulod e?lowTahleU? eact ; 104 Compoeltton Book, valu t spe cial, aaeh .... 54 Cnnpoeltloa Booka, eaeh . . . .-lOa Drawlna Seta, vak tloi special 164 Drawing aeta, vaL ttc; special 854 Prawlnc Sets, vaL SOo; apeeml 8O4 Drawlnp Sets, val. fl; apeeml 604 Kiaderpartaa feissor, pair.,.. 889 Col Purses, aaeh 104. 189, 184ea4 9Sat 9O-0ABJTS M A PmtOS , Swwarwi Bearranement of stock nooeest tote alaalna oat aw present lino before tha holiday foods arrive. For the vamtoa weak wa after all ,' . Oa-cart tor.,,.8 8.88 1 HI M Oo-Carta far,.,.! 9.T8 oOarto fo. . Oo-Carta far.,.. IM.t Oa Carta far.... Ill.TB 118.89 I14.T8 I li.M oa-earto far,... 11 8. SO t.ap Oo-Oarta for.. .919.90 .988.99 .989.99 fit. oo-Carta tor.. ISAM vH-Cartefar. -1 THE GENERAL PUBUC, Z As an educational feature. 9 and thia purpose will be the votes noma to tne cm- y School Store ...... . MT9 another column this Iok Rap, Boy Xaceraall Watabea, eaab. ,.. . ......9100. 91.99 aad 81.78 laatar Watob Chaiaa. aaeh 8da4 19d aehool dpaapes 8 flat 9d , 4 aad 99 oaab Maled Pencil Tnhleta, buaa alse, ao 89 Oar Larae Llbtarp Psnoa Tnbtota,' ach -..89 China Tableto. eaak ...B9 mad 89 White BhMttaa rape, larsa aisa sheata 9 to 99 Automatl Cam pa, rata 11; pa- alal . .. i T9 Bamsoo Rulerd, eaab ......... .9) Jlraaa-Bd Rulara. - vaia tof ope- elal, each 99 Colored Pencils, per box 89 a 99 Colored Crayons 8 Smites 89 Ink and Pencil Braaera 19, 8 89 89 89 eeaa Stouad Pencil 9oas. aaoh 99 Loathe eeheol atrapa, aaoh.... 99 Old. Wert man A Hint's Pouataln Pn puaraataad.; apa olal. aaeb TS9 Water aaaa Ideal Fountain Pens. - aaeh . . . 98.89 to 8999 Panel Holders to 89 89 aoi Ckamot Penwiper and Peak Wetpht, each. 19-i HosiwryWommi's n4 U OtOwi-wti'i ' - ' : Boy9' School VValits CblMran aobool Horn flaa rfbhed, fin bfaoo eat ton alack bona, fta ' kthed toot, douh knea and preat .ayeayina boaearp"".' ; aiaos 9 to TM. reamer art ( spaotal . . ......... 1V mm S to, I H.repular prioa I del 1 . special . . 199 9le t to IH, reautar rlo tto: spoelal f WomeBw Flna-Rlbhad Black t . Hoee, aeamlea too, apietr.? naiity. pais .-i Bora' Bleuaa and SMrt . dium shedee,.wttb i .stripe and flpuvaa, A - A' A, rid ;. pgb'VKft V 1 1 V', '