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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
T "tY jOTJTtAi; rTtAK3V MONDAY EVEXTXV SEPTEMBER W. 1904. Kam PULnJaaan) r nt to air UntoSitb- Toi cut tbtjodH Spirit Mo iurri :Pjalmist":'.;i"i;:!:iv::; CLAIRVOYANT $10 Complete Life Readings C&ll CIA COMPLETE LIFE ' fT READINGS FOR SS.'S Clairvoyp Sir lta rtAi jr- 303U Washlagtoo Street. - . ARE TO CT IN TROUBLE OP AWT Klltf). Otoeeatented, nwhappy. era setlefled to Hfe. have ye ftny taMtk t emrt Veobtoa that asaoy Jwl Ail a tUc what roar tiwUn m to yoa eriU he IbU, af them sad reset am prepat edriea, , :. sow wnoMa AiubnovBuis. -$.f . V Year Peat, your nraavnt ttt and year sunn future, and everytblaf abb be told by consulting Sift PBAKCrE PRABB, tbe werMK amlneut efelrvoyaut and epirtt medium, wbe la tbe greatest aaM tee ol occult science a Ml pnyehl force the world ha ever kaswa, - HI gtwdtetleas ar alwar aerraat and never fU to some Im, a thoaesnda ef people wiU toeOOy. V Doe everything seem to d vroof, and baa Nrtana navwr tmltod on rot Haa yaar Ufa baas fall of "tpa and doiraay Da not dcaealr. aa rwt oan rat laara tba tru taad to mmittm and baaplaaai, far botk await roa If ym will oalr know bow, wbta dad wbm U Had them, wbfrh will ba MTaalcd U foa. JCkb. wUl alaa bt toMl buw to bar a rm waato aad vlabaa aatlafiad. Hm b l vMala ww obat la Ufa. af yaar baart'a dratra. ; - " - Haw to 11 Tt bam and ewtaatad tba raat T ftmt Ufa asd ba fbrtouta. Haw bi abtata tlia laaay ftm want, and wfcat ya m aat adapts for. ZtUa wat f ban daaa, wfea rm art aUa aaw ad wtet rw an b) da, Alt bald wltbMt aklsf . alngla qoMtion. hot ran An lonbti afaarrabi: wbb tM to bin tba bldda traatorM auriea la atv aril tnfiaivcca. aivaa advlca iierulalac ta of famlllea. to ox apparatad. have baeai aaltd br bla ffforta; tboaaanda of bcarta nada clad throaxb Ua trntatol p mar be roar troablM, anitotlea, bopea. frara aad wlabaa. call oa tbU gifted ant)DiaD FanHllati-l)r. Hla par jMiHlncaa men ai food raute. atistoaa tor reUabla InforBaatlon at to Um autaoma af fuora a paat iraataiaail. Tooca ox ma. ba nar Airiiun uithk uh n Uda aC abaatlataa. M aantr tbnl Ordalaad to da what ba doM br aeaM tba aartb. wboao powtr la aaoa la tba Arca mi amfc. Ilatea acul wonder. Tba deed of MMiprn tlmee. rraai wbeoee aaeaea tbU Kroai wbeoca aeenae dumfouDdM, apeacbleaa. Had ba bees rvaucla Irak b achnowleda; br preaa and lie bar flee ebeptlce, bnabea donhtera, donhtara, ocean, im nmrvei ot two MnupMrea, troe. la aaiall mim for aretenalon wbera tba Baoteore ftaroaa tfw aaai al tb fttaadf, r a: ' -.. -' - Ha rare naatra. deeaa. fa Ha ftd fUnraa, retlabM aftd Intportant adrjoa ajad laforftMtloft aft all' Mrtrta of IHaraat ba baetaeea traiHu)tlnaa JawanlU. eontaeled wtlla life Imtwanca. daaieva aulta, cnrorce0 delta. Bortcef cwlata, eallartloaa and apitmutlon, adveatarea, giM mlnlna atoeka and all financial difficultly Truly predlcta tba aacveaa ft failure af new laventlona, patenta, uandlne; panaW Uinaa, ate; telle whether m win motva taw dee 1 rive with nartnara. If rn ear to know What bualaaaB ftm will rollow ta ba anoeeeaful. wbetw ro ehall go and wboa to ftvola. If you -Intend to nuke any enencea or otart a buatneaa, buy a, aelt jropartyv ot. In feet, take any tenor taut eta, don't toll b ooaawtt Mr taneJe Drake. Wi ftdrUM aay ba tM toaaaa ej aarlng row tbouaamta ai del tare and a great dril af tmnbla. , " , -...)'- ---....; Bpniember. roar proepte of today ajar ba roar" ftwrejne tosumw If rlgbtly handled. ' Orcnlt Wonder. Aiwa a Conealt the Bet Poaitlealy no towel on earth In Ue pre taenia Ct thai ftftl b avail ftktataba la afttob mm noAiDer. rorraenaauy toeaiea. SIR v.: t - 303J4 WA6HINQTON MANY PRIZES AT . ONTARIO EXHIBIT awaim rom nravm kmowm OS eUbmZwATem UIS XV OOUirflf 9VMBn VS9J LTvmsaro ov wmmm oVTOOS eUMOOUCXOS. ; V Whan th Orwiron Irrigation aaaoelft r Hon last ywar aftlwwted Ontario-aa tba plaaa of lta anaual asaatlnc. which will taka place) Saptembar II. 80 auid II, U waa not antic rpa tad UmU Ontario wtwld ( gaaantlata baoopia a can tar of Irrigation -lrrthla ftUtft. lneaMha tha Hal hour Irrlgatton prolftdt haa baantah:an VP by . ihft sovarnmant, and whaa tha dalagntaei - go out to thft moating at Ontario they - will find themnalTea in tha oantar af j,6,0 irrigation movamant that la to ' raclalm about lOO.ftOO acraa of land aa t arood aa- any to ba found In Oroaon. Tha maatlng will ba toft third annual " oonvenUon of tha atata aMootattoa. r In additloa to dalagataa appolatad br : all tha ootnmarelai bodlftft 1m tha atata, : Oovornof Chambareala haa appointed 1 raDraacntatlvaa from aTarr aouaty and an alaborata nroarani of dlaeuaalona haa . beaa prep rad. Added Intereat will Da givwn by a grant exhibit of tha producU of Irrignted field a and orcharda, and a dm on at ration of tha reaulta of actantlfto . irrlgaUon.. There Will bo addreaeea by tanator atltehell. Senator Pulton, Oot V amor Chamberlain, Praaldent A. H. Devera and othara.' DtaUng-ulfthed ltl aena from other etatea. lncludtnf tha governor of- Idaho, will ba 'praaant Thara wilt ba many delegntea from eaat v em Oregon. Tha railway have made ft special rata of one and ana-third fan 1 lor tha round trip, Tha annual election, of affletra will . be held at thla meet inc. and Portland will probably ba delected aa tha plaoe of tha next annual meeting, aa moat of tha delogntea will wlah to -vtalt thla alt? an c acoount of tha axpoaltlon. Tba Ontario people have ehowa an In tenae Intereat In thla year'a convention. and to Insure a Urge and oradltabla aa - biblt they have offered tha following priseat - for Malbaur eountw products ahowa: . v Beat display of apples, not leaa than ' fthr of any variety, cash prlaa 110. ' . Finest ooUectloa of grain, cash 111. Best dlsplAjr of Bartlett peara, not a as than IX la number, aaab 120. . Bast display alfalfa and other forage i vlante, sash 1. v- Finest' display of peara, not leaa than la of any variety, one leather suit cane. Best display prunes of r Hungarian - fduma, cash If. Beat display paaohea, box Havana ot amra. Beat display grapes First prlaa, dhv . ing-room picture t second prise, WootV , bury hat. Beat display Or tract ed honey First . prlaa, one buggy lap robe: aooond arise, ano rawhide buTgy whip, Beat dlspUy honey in eombFtowh prlaa, one hammock; second, prlae, one aack Upper Crust flour. , Beat display alfalfa with Stalk and root, one atik ahlrt Beat display wheat on straw, ona box -.JfeCormtck mower aoetlona I Alfalfa hay la bundle First prlae, two MoCormle knives; second prlae, ona beaver hat. . . - Beat display at rr box Havana efr- gars. - - - - - ' - -- Fine display barley, II pounds Ma CorTnlek twins, . Beat display aate Whaleboo trnggr ' whip. ' . . Beat display of oora FinH piiwa, owe 1 Mil book) second prlaa, ene year aub acriptton. Largeat Watarateroa, Ona Blckal-platsd of fee pot Beat dtaplar nntmsaa ot oaBtaionpea, .one year subscription. Largest puapkinV M ttnfa Gordon hat. . s i r Iiargwat squalen, -ntekeUplatsd teapot. Beet dlaplay of potatoes), not leaa than all of any variety One fountain pen; afennd prlne, ona pair Buckncneua A Uecht shoes. " Baat display af waJeaa, aoelpalp Wala .' ovr shoes. Largeat turnip. Diamond Bdgo bataaar : luilfe. . - r Bast display of toanatoaa. aaab. prlaa $20. Best dlaplar dT cahhdga, flva poiinds Chnae dk an horn's eoffea. . Largeat head of cabbage, ana boat of,, at- ' iugar bwals, cash prise lift. exix Xargeat poiatoea, sm laro frataod For 7 Days Ha Wfll TH Yon Your fuH Num. As, Occnpttloo, 1 - Whom and Whta Yon Will Marry, ; v Aimtra ow ivrum monAnoi, Mn, ; oovbtbxi KU0i ajt srroacB. .. . atyratt, Waaaa a ap dr aa4 bappr Mn1aa tat, Waaaa a ap dr aa4 bappr iMrriairt domed, urn iocata muwa, inurpreta orcama. biwMitta. avrrrtbUur. if. Tba troubled and nu rta aulkitmi. i , i , ' ' ' ' - br waadwfat pawaa awptarad br ttk atrajir bM. - '.'f " atrana. nnm paarar, wbaaa podant InfbiaiM bi Salt br awarr cMattm aft tba faea at of nature. tMi wandarrtil and HfWd naa daEaonatntaa bla aowar M roar preaMca. while of tbe pmtbeta and tba w)a mrm of old ara out woftderful powerT Proreaalooal own and Womaa born la tlaara af eoeoretttlon bla work would ha public to ba ordained ta do what ha doea. and allencaa tba ahira and Jeera of all elaaaea and and alleneea tba a hire a ad Jeera of all Tba nretendar or Dart la Hr develoord awitluaa true lUht af renal aa Dowat nlnM Wajbaat. MtiiUUatlBj' atur. FRANCIS DRAKE ST. FIFTM AND AFTim A kajlo itrmrzi'i woix on aTAJBUUa . uriA wam W1H aklp away from Portland for two ar three weeke to enjoy heraelf down where tba turning waters pfajr wi(h the pebbles ea tba neaco. Mies vlnrhtto Wsrdel, qweeer af tha palantoto, clalrvoraata and crratal casera of the roam. will take her departure fbt the ooaat within a few dare fur tbe purpoae ot hiving a good time, and will aheoloteiy coaae from all profaeeional aunee sntu her rotor a. Tbia nrunt, nappr. oyoae roenv ledr baa bad a buay half yar la bla nty. and w7n eonaldera banwlf estltrd to a aeaaaa of entfrw abeena from buelneaa ntonght. an ahe will go away for a abort play nsnt. an an win go away roc a anon piay It glad of the opportunity to leave all carea ilpdi Many will1 regret even her temporary enre, and otbera will douhtleea take advan behind! beenra. taaw of tbe abort time before her departure to eoaault h on ell mattera of utaraot to tnrm. There la probably nnna that can eqeal tbla gifted, cultured woman tn readiug the future ot human life. truth atteated ny her long atay lp rorttand sad tbe prominenea or see clientele. Buelneaa awn and wmea. aa well aa tboaw to private wa Ike of life, have been Mtaa Wardel'e eonetant patrooe. and with ona voice each eaa procUlma bet meat woaearfal. indeed. . IF FOV WOUU) nOF Tpn FOTVai Ot HU TOOftT. aft teU vnu all jtm wlah to knew. There ) aeerats btddea from her. She pteturaa te U that will befall yea. She eaa read the KX TO DAT, Rba ara ao ynq au that will beiau roe. aiatory at your ure. , , . Tn mbmos rtm.Dnro. Ova Pea lallnur'a Olethiar atera, Faarm Sad aiemaoa atreau. wall picture. "' '' N -"' " ' i Beat display of rosea -First prlaa, ana Roman copper teapot; aeoond prlaa, Palo Alto perfume ease. Best two pounds of butter, one four- pound butter crock. ' Beat collection of eesofted flower Wrat prtsa, fancy wtur , oat . second prise, pair lace curtains, i Best alfalfa aeed, ona pair rubber bOOt. A . .. '; 1Jt CIVILLY DEAD BUT ' Gl'GLIELMO IS SUED While tha Oraron codes provide that a rnn aha 11 ba deemed civilly dead when sentenced to the penitentiary for life. It la singular faoX that they ara allsnt on tha proposition la tha caee of ft maA sen tenced to ba executed oa tha gailowa After 'a careful inspection of the code, attention was drawn ta thla fact" by At torney Dan B. Murphy1, chief oouiiael in tba defenae of Frank Ou glial mo, aan Aenoed to bana; for tb murder of Freda Ctormolo, -yi- i . ; It la oontanded by Attorney Murphy that Oogllelmo cannot under the'eodee ba debarred from defending1 the civn aulta brought aghist hint for-damagea In tha amount of 11,000 by Qnetano Oaraolo, father of the murdered girl. Ha also stain taina that aa the ditto to property at Vancouver, Waea.. araa vested ta Ou glial mo before tea waa aa tanced for tha crime, ha eannof ba do prtved from receiving H If the estate la Bottled be fere Ufa execution, provided tb supra aae oourt upholds tbe verdist of the circuit oourt. ' tMatarbanoas of striker are not near ly aa grave aa aa individual disorder of the eyatenv Overwork, loas ot aleep, nervous tension will b followed by utter oolUpae, aoiaas a reliable remedy la Immediately employed. There nothing ao efficient to- our dlsardera of tha liver or kidneys a Bleetrle Bit ter, It's w wondsrful tonle. and efreev ttva nervine and tha areateat all around madiorn for run down aystema. - It dis pels narvooaneaaee, rheumatlam and neuralgia and ex pel a maUria awrma. Only too and natte faction aruaranteed by Red Cross Fharnwcy, eornar Blatb asm OaAv am um wary t tba pasieania. Only' wttfe tbja aM af roar aanlri. ' Tba aartk rawH taiH l toot frUai da and anmlaa. WDMwa rk bit men I. ThouHodi tatol SKdleUoaa, Wbaurar asfortuaat ahoaM r rwra ara ar b tadiaa to au dun br tola mane and mraterloaa toer ara aweetrlekea, tba puaii iblle ta gvnaiml ta all and aa UtUa leaa tbaft iraelaa. I nattonallMft, Ba la knew froaa Aeaan M fllea baora hfrn. knowln fall i wait mat tactw Thar Oaab aatd faslak Ilka tba OaaUng WAMirSQTON T& noNta aanoTtrnm or east bTTAjuc . BTXXXT Kotlet to hereby gtren that at the aerlng of the OeaneU of tbe City of Portland. Oregon. bPld ea tbe Ttb day of September; UK tha fee lowing reeolatloB waa adopted: Hreolved. That the Council of the City af rortland. Ore mi. iWme It exnrdlent and pro- poeoa to Improve Eaet Start atreet from tbe ei-nter Una ot Beat Seventh arrwet to tbe center Una af Beet HlaU meet la tha feUowlag awn aer. to-wit : Plret By remoVlna TI WMb,earth,"nMd and ebrU from the aarfaoa ef tha street fell width with rail lutereeetloae. BVoiSdar rodrenisg tha ttreef fan width wiing rait nnkraaetwas . wita waanea nvar Third By ebabtracrtng arttSHet stoea atfto waika m aeroraanea with nie city engine or piana, apectQcationa ana rati ma tee. . ronrth By eonatrurtlng woodeft Waatwalhs a irio py conetruciing enroe. ' aizthBa' ennatrtitlnar ani anltafe Seventh By oonetrucilu wooden eieewanra la accordance with tba City Faglnaar'a slaaa, aped Scatloaa and eatlmatea, , ' Said Imnrorement to ha made hi aexordanpa with tha charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portland and tha plana. aeeclflfatteM and ea ti met re of the City Engineer, filed la tba office of the Andltor ef tha City ef Portland ea ttefttb aey or nptemoer. lwn. inOoreea: "City Engin eer' plana and apeel flea Hone for tha Improve, ment of Raat Otvb atreet from the canter Jfhe of Kitat Seventh atreet to tbe center line of mmt Ninth atreet and tbe terlmatea ef the work to ba done and tbe probable total coat thereof." The coat of aaM Improvement to ha am eaa aa provldt-a by the city charter open the prop erty apedallr benefted thereby and Wb!c la bereby declared to he all tha lota, parta of Wta and parcel of land lying between a line 100 feet north af and parallel with tbe north Una of Bait Stark atreet and a' Haa 100 feet eoeth of and Para lei with the Booth Una of Beat Stark atreet and between tbe eaat Una ef Beet Serentb street and the weat Una ef Baat Math atreet. The Baginear'a eattmate of tha probable total met ferine Improvement of aaM Baat Stark atreet m The above Improvement Is to he cttaeed aa ft gravel repair improvement ana man oe main tained br tba rltr for a neriod of two reara: provided, that tha owned at a majority af tha property benefited by Mid improvement at hay portion thereof, ahalt net petition far a new or dlffareat Improvement he tore tbe expwaUea ef auch perlee. The plana, aeatiacatlnwi had MCtsutea af the City Xnirlseer for the Improvemeat ef said eat Stark itrret are hereby adopted. ReaolTad. That tha Auditor of the Cltv of Portland he and be la hereby directed to glra notice ot the proponed Improvement el said atreet Si provided by tbe City charter. Kemonauanem aeraluai toe anove ima ment mar be tied la writing with the under air oed within SO dare from the date ef the sret puttHeanoa eg taw notion, a By order ef CM OoancIL , : ,V , Til OB. 0. BTLlrt, Audita of the City ef rortlaad. Portland, Oregon, September 10, iftoa. AOPOSKS OfyBOTTarUrt OF eUMFMa STBXX1. ' ' Mettoe to barobr ariven mat at tbe meetlna at the Oeaatl of the (Htr ol Portland. Oreann. bcM on the Tth aay or aeptemnec. moa, um toltowing reaol'jtka waa adopted: lUcolved, That the Council of the Cltf eT rorUand. Oregon, ema It expeoiest and nre noaea to Improve Mmpann atrtet from the eaat line of Mlcblran avenue te the eaat Use of Bnrtawtek atreet ar areola thw atreet to tha grade aa gives by the City BngUwar. - saie improvement w ne meoe in ueeorsasee with the charter and ordinancea ef the Cltr of Portland end tbe plana, apectnoattoaa and eatlmatea of tha City Bnjrlaeer, filed to the office of the Auditor ot the City of Portland on tbe Tth aay ut avoumber. lnot, indoraed: "City Knglneer's stana and apecincatlon for tbe Improvement Of dim peon atreet from the eaat Una ot Mich leaa arinee tn tbe eaat Una of Borthwtek atreet, and tha awtlmaua of the work to he seas and the probable total east thereat." Tba coat af mid Imnrcvaaeiit Is be asieased as previae by taa eity charter apoa taa prop- as u nmnu Wiwinm iiiriFpy. mum w uivtl h hereby declared te be ill the fats, parta of lota and parceui ei la no lying between a nna 100 feet north ef and parallel with the north Una at MoiDaoa atreet and a line 100 trot aouth of aad narallel with tbe smth Una Of nmneoe atreet and betweaa tha eaat tins ef M kh toaa a atreet. an a venae aad the west ttae ef orthwtck The maatneer'a aarlmata ef the erohahle total coatff the Improvement ef said flaapaoa street The plane, apceincattewa end avrlmatcs ef tha City Bnaineer far tha ImprovasMat af aaid Slmpaoa otreet are hereby adopted. Ileanlvcd, That the Auditor of the City Of Portland be ana he M aereby eireetea to give entire at the -proponed Improvement af mid atreet aa provided by tbe city charter. Bemonatraneeo ara I net the above Improvement may be filed la writing with the undefelguod within daya front the data ar tha llrat nnbucatioa ot turn notice. . v . By erder of the fir.clL - f- ' Andttor ef the City ef Pncflaad. Portland, Oregon. September 10. 1PQ4. MtlAKDWUMEH, --CTjataar I Um Bla far aanatnrat 'blhl eaaa.J aWheraeaJaaeaaoMtloea, Ouareaf a fa Irrltottene er nleeralloaa net te eirtMaea. uoa membrnace. aaa ivaiaeiam mmm mmt- irawimtaw. 'a. geat or 'TWO Sl.ra. eaaVa tzzmzi m:? baa bwa a hr 'moo at Boara fowavaw S:ti. a ( Tf - Mttna foe ever Fnr Ten .ta. cot ums K a ah. X mor m Mae gnaaL iL ra I p in. e, w'nd eoua, mid Vm law! ssm for .arrh TwiMTT-Fita norni A Bsrrria. (( poteoaewa. v-rr 1 awe bw a aal in. r er eaart ta pleJn w if f m oc t bMUea K ttrenlar ami on BUDAH BERNIOUE- Hop parlors bra crowded dally by' baat people of Portland anxious to know their future. Sudan Barnlque'e denuua- atratlona of aeoond alght munt be seen to be, believed. Bo ba aura and aonaaU bar at ona. j ' - , A FBAOTZCXalO XnowTt from ocean to oeeaui ' aa marvel af tare hemlapheraa, ; ' SJIOW VST FVTUBB. ,r, eowgrjLT am nrrTtatoa MBnrrrM vTHBN MADAM BBHNIQtlS, THB ACKNOPTL, SDOBD LBADBft or TMBM AJX.. IS BBBB. and Haa rna no mhuibb tmam TBoan Uttt COMPBTBMTI '.v v. amsnii mn nni "f : XT MOV OOaaBBO:'" "f: ta poettlva am ef my powera to tolt raa paat, praaeat and future and exactly What fna Waal to hoaw, mat 1 will make MO CHABOIl MO CRAROBt '' , ' aalam yen ehtnln eerfeet aariafacUoa aad Sad me ao par lor to aU MEDIUMS, CLAJBTOXaMTS and PALMISTS to wis city. Blla Wheeler Wttoa. the peeteea, sayet "nod ah Bern I que eared me eerlooa mla takea. She to a BMrvai among a and "Badah BendenM to the hast and etover- eat clairvoyant la tbe dty. "Chicago Bee erd-Rerald of April SI. William 3. Bryan opytr "Bndah Bcr aloae to the, preatect acieattot la her Una. She has thoroughly annotated am." T. nr AnTD Airr jt-w?Tit-jr XJMUIT.MLJ k etVaTaVl riORRIdON CiTT YOTICIS. fboposes DCTorprorr . ow auoia '.-- AVXBUB. Fence Is hereby given that at the meeting ef the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held ea tbe Tth day Of September, 104, tt following reaointlon was adopted: . -Reeolved. That the- Council of fhe Oty ef Portland, oregoa. oeetna n eipecient ana pru- aes to Improve Alblus avenue from tbe north line ef KllUnawworth avenue te the aorta Une ef Weat Piedmont, la the tallowing aer, to-wlti nral Re eredtnar the atreet fail Width with fun IntoreectloM to the grade SS glvaa by the City Engineer. '. . bW4 By aaaetraetlng gravel aMewattra with wooden curba la accordance with the City Bnglneer'a plan, ape float lone and estimates. Third hy corurtr acting eroeawalha. gatd ImproTMneat to he made la accordance with the charter and ordinancea of the City of Portland and the plana, apectflcatlopa and aeHftutfia n the Cltv Bna-tneer. filed la the ieffice of the Auditor af the CUJ7 .PortUnd oa tha sth dar ot Heptcmber, jwh, inaoreoo: "City Bmrlneer'a plana and aped flea tloos -for tha improvement of Albtns aveane from tn north line ef Killlnaeworth avenue ta tha north line of WettPUdmont, and the eatrmatea of the work to ha anna sad tea probable total cost thf TmT " The envt of Mid improvement to be eaeeeeed m nrevMed hp tba rtty charter upon the prop erty -apeclally benefited thereby, and which to hereby declared to be all the lota, Hrt ' lota and parcele ef land lying between a Una 10f feet weet of and parallel With tbr weat line of AIMna avenue and a line ioo net eaat of and parallel with the eaat tine at AIMna avenue and between tbe north one ef Klllln ire worth a wane and the aartb lias af Weat Piedmont. The Enrtneerl eatlmate af the embeMe tetal coat for the laaatevcmant af aaid Alblna a venae hi ll.800.OB, ' The plana. apeHflaetteaa and aarlautcs f tbe City Bngineet for tb ImproveuMut ef all AiMne avuaae era heeahv edonted. ReaolveA. That the Auditor of the. City. of Portland he and be M hereby airertee to give notice ot tbe rronneed Imorovement of aald atreet ae provided by the city charter. HcDMnatraneea agaluat the above hnernve ment mar ha filed In writing with tbe under aired within SO dare from the data sf the flrat no. Mica tt of this nonce, -". - lmryii-.' Auditor of the City of Portuoi. Portland, fhegoa. September 10, IPO. PmOPOSKP aSFBOfBMBIrT OF MBTafWIOC J ' STBXXT. Votlce hi hereby glvaa that at the meeting af tbe Council ef the city ec roriiauo, uregon, held oa the Tth day et September, 04, a lenamee at KlUlageworU avenue to tbe north Une et West nedaaoau. la tbe follow lag masaet, w- WM: - . . . .... ... nret-lrr graatsg taa street ran wicks wiin full toteraeetloes to the grade to given by tha JUcefld1 hT' cwnauactiag gravel aidewalka with wooden enrba In accordance with tbe nty Xnglneer'a plana, apertncailona and aeUmatoa, Third pnnrfrtM-tlna eroeawalha. auid imrewement to ho made la accordance with tbe charter and -ordinancea of tba ClU ot Portland and tbe puna, apedncanoas ana MiitmiH mt tbe Cltr Bnaineer. filed la the office of the aauitor or ina ciir oc ronians no the ftth dav of September. IWM. indoraed: "City Siiflneec'e plana and aped flea t lone fur tba ImprovcaMnt of Borthwtrk atreet from tha north line of El lit re worth avenua to tbe north Una of Weat Piedmont, and the eatlmatea of the work to be done ana the probabia total - The coat er mm larpr even ear vo ne aauBaeen aa nrovided by the city charter span tne pros ertv aMdallv benefited there b v. and which Is hereer deciarea tn pa au ine ane. puna ea lota and parceto ef land lying between a Une ioo feet weal of aad parallel with tba weat Hoe ef Porthwich atreet and a line J 00 feet Hit r and MUaI with tha eaat Une ef north wica I tree I ana Between me nnrm nne . 01 Klliuun worth areaae and the berth Alee ef The BnalaeeV'S aaMmat af tbe probable total coat for the Improve meat af aald Borthwiefc street la il.wi.oo. The plane. peci neat was ana eerimamn ea me City Rnaiaeev far tu lmprevement as Iwikwl .-V irrut are fcwtit adnatpd. Beaotved. That the Auditor of the. City Of Pnrtlaod sm and he la aereby airerteo m give notice at tne prnpoeas imprevemeat es atreet aa aro video br tha cltr charter. Bemeaetrancea ag alnat the above Improvement mar be filed la writing with the nnfleruignea wtthta SO daya from the late at the Bret pub lication or thia noaee. . ... , W era, a. mvgrn ; Aedlter of the Cltr ef Portand. , Portland. Oregoa, September 10, 1904. fbofwbalb fob coixatrnow An pn aTOftAI, OF OABBAftB, tvenaSaM Witt he received at the errVee ef tbe Auditor ef the City ef Portlaad aatll I e' clock p. m.. ea maaaap, aaptember is. isot, nc ttoa dnd refnae matter af All klnda, tor a pert ef not leaa than ton ear mora than twenty real. Every propoeitma muet aa antonitted In the harm of A fr a Debtee ardlnanca of which at leaat twelve cap lea meat he faraMbed when raqeeated by tee city. Every pt-opoeiUoa meet -state tb rates to be charged for ooltMOaa, reanvU and dto- paBvery prpoalltea tnoet at Ibvth ta Artall the av'thed of eaueetlon. removal aad 41c- poeat and toe una ec vcatoMs to be uaed. and apparatua Every pt opacifies mast t as tela s ptwhrtaa by which a bead far act Mae than twenty tnnaaiMl oniier win aa given lo tne city of Portland ta Ina ure dm faithful cumin cat af the provlaloaa of the franrhtae If araated. AU commnnlcatloM to ha aedrreeed to Ttintoee C. DevUa, Auditor ef the Cltr of Ivwtlani. Orrgea. Saivfobd vntrflMQ, H. n. ALr.R fhaaarittoe ef the Ceaacll on Heaith and 1 rerttoaa, orasa ptimhrn l woe. w .- tha Born With Doabto Veil ehfCBta4 In Oca ' cult Scawocp In Egypt 'and lad lav - ;,- ..:t The Veiled Prophetess the ' 3 tare- 'untj W l. ! Tell Your Name" ' This OCCULT WONDER ta pi aeed la elans by her self, towering . head and shoulders vr every rival, and ta recognlaed by tha PROFESSION as thai BRIOHTUBT STAR. . , , Vf JLV FlWUMJl J 171 STRECF, COHa flfTH CITT aTOTICZS, FMPMBB rMMOTTMTMT Ot MTSSTSSrPTl .;. ATEJIVS. Notice la. hereby given that St tbe awetlng ef tha Oenncil of tha City of Portland, Oregon, held on the Ttb day ot September, lPOi, the following reaolutloB waa adopted: Kceolvrd. That the CouimU of the City ef Portland, Oregon, drema It atpedtenf and prn poaea te Improve Mlaaleaippl avenue from the north Una ot EllUngaworth avenue to tbe norU Una f Want yiedment, la tbe feUewlag sianncr, to-wlt; - yirat By grading the street fall width with fuU lnu-rcectloos U thf grnds SB gives sg the uny BngiiMer. Second By eaaatrsctlag -gravel el dew Tha with wooden cur be In arcordaace with tbe Cltr Bnglnecr'a place, aped fl cat lone and aa Uam toe. Sniru- conatrociinn mwvaiu. Id improvement to be made la aeoaraane With tha charter and ordinancea of the City nf Portland and the Mane, eaecmrattoanl and eatlmatea ot the City Bnaineer, filed In the qffloe of tbe Auditor ef the City af Portland en the" ftth Aav at Stembnr. 104. laaoned: "City Mnirlneer plana and aparincatlona for the Impmvement of Mlaaleaippl avenue from tba north line nt Kllllnaeworth avenue to tha north Una ef Weat Piedmont, and tha eel I ma tee of tha werfc to be deae sad tha probe ue mui Coet thereof." The coat ef aald hnorovemeot te as ssatsi as provided by the city charter apoa tbe prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, and Which to hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parts of kite and parcela of land lying between n Una ioo reel weet at ana parallel wits me wewi nae ot Mlealaelppl avenue and S Une 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat Una af Mlaelaalppt averse and between the north Una af Killlna wortb areaae aad tba earth Una af Want piedmont. The Rnalneer'e eattmate of the probable total eaat for the improve meet of aald Mlaaleaippl aienne to tl.SS3.oo. Tbe plana, a peel rVa Nona aad aatlmatea of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement at said Mleetestppl acnua are bereby adopted. Rcaolred, That the Auditor of the OHy of Portland ho and he la hereby directed to give notice af the proposed Improvement af Said atreet aa provided by tbe city charter. temoaetraneea agulnat .the above Impmve ment may ba filed In WiiTlng with the under etrwed within SD itaya from the date et th flrat nublleattoa et thla notice. - , By croec af the C;.ncil. B i THOS. 0. DEVLIlf, - v Auditor ot tbe City ef Pnrthmd, Portland, Oregoa, September 10, 100a, FEOTOOZD UPBOTwarEVT OF EAST E1ETM BTBEET. ' Motlc Is bereby given that at the meeting of the Council ef the City ot Portland, Oregon, held oa the Tth day of September, ISO, the following reeolutlos was adopted: Bcaulved, That tha Council of the City ef Port Land. Oregon, decma it expedient sad pro poaea to imprure Eaat Ninth aUeet from .toe aouth Una Of Wygant Itreet to the north Una ot Going atreet, ut the foUowlug SMnaer, to ri ret My gradtag the atreet fuB width with fall Intrraectlona. hVeondBr brlnaittg the surface ef the street full width With fulllnteroerttoM to UM proper grade with upland bank gravel. ThirdBy cnnatmrtlag Wooden MdeWalkS. Said Improvement ta be made la accordance with the charter end ordtuanceo of tbe City of Portlaad and tba plana. apcdflcatlonS and eatlmatea of the City Engineer, filed In tb office ef tbe Auditor at the City of Portland oa tbe M'th day of Auguat, l&M. Indorsed: "City Bnglnear'a plana and aperiMeattona fiar tbe Improvement of Beat Ninth atreet from tha couth line ef Wygaat atreet to the north Una ef Ootng atreet and tbe eatlmatea af tbe work to be done and tba probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald Improvement to ha aoeeaeed as provided bp the city charter upon the prop erty apeclally bene n ted thereby, and which la hereby declared to he all the lota, parts of lets and parcels ef land lying between a Una IOO feet eaet of and parallel with tbe eaat Una sf East Ninth street and a Use 100 feet wert f and parallel with the Weet Une of Raat Ninth atreet and between the couth line ef Wraant street and the aorta lias ef (Mag atreet. The Baaiaeec a eatlmate af tbe Probable total net ft tb Improvemeat af said Baat Klnh Street to 11, 150.00.. , , The above Improvement M to be clamed ej s Kavel Improvement and aba 11 be maintained the city for a period of four yeare, provided that tbe ownera of a majority ef tba property benefited by aald haprovcaKnt er any portion thereof ehall a-Jt paUtlon tar new er different Improvement before the castration ef such priod. The plans, aneHflcatfoae and esHatatos of the City Knclneer far the Improvement of SaM Beat Ninth atreet are hereby adopted. Keanlved, That tbe A oil tor of the City ef Portlaad he and be la Jcorchy directed tn give sot lea af tha propoaed improvement ef mid street aa provided by tbe city charter, Ecmonatrancea agalnat tb above lmpreve ment may ba filed In writing with the under- if ne wiuis au aays Brora is mis sr taa Brat publication of tbla aotles. By erder af the Conceit THOa. 0. DBVLI, Asdltor of tbe City of fwtmod. . Portia od. Oregoa, September 10, ISO. FB0P&BFB ZMPBOTEaULBf OF JlftSUf , STBBXT. Fettoe Is torch aiven that at the meeting af the Council of lb City of Portland. Oregon, eld on tbe Tlh day of September, 104, the following Kaeluttoa was adoptcdi . Heeolvad. That the Council of tb City Sf Portland, Oregoeh seeaac It eipemeut and prc pnaaa to Improve feeaaa atreet from the sect fin of Mk-hlras avenae to tba eaat Use ef Borthwick ctreet br sradlnaT the itreet ta tha grade aa given by th City Bnaineer. Satd tmprovemeat t he made la error dance with the charter and ordinancea of the City ef Portland ant th plan, a perinea no a and eatl- atea af th Cltr Rniirieer, filed la th office f the Auditor ef the atr ef Portland en tb Tth day ef Septra) her, lent. 1nhwdi "City Bnaineer'a nunc and abed fleet ton fur the Im nrovement ef fearaa Street from the eaat Une Of Mlchlpad svenoc to th eaat Una ef Borth- wlrk atreet. and th eatlmatea of th work to be done aa1 the probable total coat thereof.' The coat of aald Improvement te be aaaeaaed as provided by th city charter upon th prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, and whteh to torch dautored Is to att tha tots, aarta at Lmdone moat nam nunwhrt aad etah eov- ant la achmiwlcTaied by preae and mi h lie the greetert HVIiw DUAD TRANCB M EDI CM. She telle what yn came for be tore roo Utter a word; doea not aeh eoeattoacj, ne matter what year treablt may be. Call, and aba wtu guide ye with certainty higher than human power. Tela) yutt the troth, good or bed. The following lta ahowa purely end aimplr ' that Bndah Beralque haa been coteuttod by the moat popular and moat anted men and women ot the world, and her reading ef their Uvea waa arisaaaovd moat weeawrfali intta Martowa - . Preatueat Haniaan nrah Bernhardt '; ' PrealoVnt Cleveland ; t. Blla Wheeler Wlhte i Archhlahop Irelaad ' Belan Oi'SM v. Senator Depew . .' Hon. C. H. Harrhma ' boater Hanoa ' ie Preatdept McKlnler Senator Kor a keg 11 Praeldeat Boeecrett . Seoalot Speoaar Me man ar woman haa ever been concurred ta Bwre eatable affairs, than ahe. In Burope aad Amertoa abe haa adrlaed thouaanda la vrt oua walka ef Ufa, had always to their advarn it Hip to er vital interact ta yea to ahe outcome at roar praaant dlaerena. Tba happtneae of your future Ufa may aav paod spaa tha right aoluttoa od proper advice.. There arc ao mletakea In tha prediction toad- by the great aad woaderful dead Uaae ""mar wtah ta kw If tt advlaabla to make aehaage at huaiaam. m leva, la awr- 8hn 1 aweeeed U my nww'nnsertahtngr 1 "Can I obtain my hopea, au wtoiam, my "hVTrrever entoy the rosaries wwumy. "Can I tmat my frleadat" , - Whoa ehall I marry J" t - - ' "How often aha II I marryf', . V - hh.11 I h hf (tfeorcedr "Doea another share the tovs mat rlghtfsily klatge to mcJ" m - "Amt IsveTm returnr . "I there a rival la my href uWbco ehall sty tore agair tacmlBato at aarriaser . ,"nrhea ahaU mr domeattc troublca ewdt" SHow can I make my life and home happy?" , "When ahaU aay abacnt friend re tarn rr " "Why do 1 not receive a hittotr' 'Ie my dtoeaaa eerabler1 . k . "ShaU I win my kwaaltl1 - omen SUNDAY AND DAILY. 5Ts ncha Floor at atoahftft Bamtal OTTF VOTIOBl lota and parceto ef land lying between g tine KM) feet north ef aad parallel with tha north Hue at Jeecup street end Use 100 fact aouth ot and parallel with the couth Una of Teeaup atreet and between the eaat Une It Michigan avenue and the weet Una ef Berthwirft atreet. The Bngineer'a eettmat at the probable total seat foe the iaaprevnmaat ef said icasap street la fiSo.oo, The puns, apart neutloae sad eetimetoa af the Ctty Bnrtneer for tb Improvement ef said Jeeaup itreet dre bereby adopted., - Reeolved. That tb Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby iHrected to give otic at tbe propoaed lmprevement sf said atreet aa provided by tbe city charter . Bemonatrancea agalnat the above Improvement amy be filed In writing with the undersigned within n daya from tbe date at the first puh Ueatioa ot this notice. .... By ersnref the vncJl, THOS, 0. DaTfUM, Auditor of the Cltr of TVrthuad. Portland. Oreoo, September lo, 1004. TkaMvfnaOaTlbWMTtM 3TinaoontlnftntaH TrmUnai DsUly ; r .aftV PAST TIMB TO SPOKANB, Ft. PAUL, DULTJTB. MINNBAPOUS, CHICAGO AMD " ALL POINTS BAST. Daylight Ip-tarough taa Caeca da and Bocky asountalaa. For fuU partle alara. rates, tldara, afttu, sail an at ad- S IlKIBSUaT, Otty ik A, IBB TWrd Suva, PovOaad. Astoria &. Columbia r River Railroad Co. BVioB OaVwuV ' f eVatica, Per Margate, ptetotae, gaukanl. Wcataort, Iftaa, Aetarla, War rentow, JiavaL Ba moad. Port Btetvaa. flearbart Park, Seealda, Astoria aad Saaabaee. BshraM aaflp. . Datto, sos, 11 40 a. Sk fitoavm. 0d a. m Betty Aataria J. c Ma To. 0. P. and P. A.. Aatorto, Oc t A tfTBWART. CoatmaTCtol Ages, Sen SL Pbeae Mala SOS. Tho Only Double-Track Missouri River Mi 1, Th ChksportlandnspeciaI, the moat luxurious train in th world. Drawinr-roorri tleeptng cars, dining car bunt smoking and h't-gary car (barber and bath). Leas tbaa tbxa days Portland to Chicago ., . ; .':')i;;-;TwO:;'': ThroughTrains to Chicago ara operated dstlf vm the Oregoa R. R. A Nar. Ok. UP R R. and Cbkaga ft North-Westcra f y. w Chicago from Portland and polatft la Oregua aad Baatara Waabingtoa. Daily ascereloaa h Pullman tonvh -SlcaptRgcaralrom Portland through , to Chicago wttbeat chance, " B,B.arrcHia. a.ft.aAhggft. ' ftaal Aft Pae. Caaat Oeaeral AmBB, ctH.YV ' m MW fttrM, UB Talid Stteet, : mm yeJacnKa. CaL. PoaTLAaa. oaa. Chicago AND lJi.lwr.iat,eraa.av 3 TRAINS to the EAST CAX rhrrfwrh Putlmaa atondur and teartot ato tog ears dally to Om- Oitairo. 0pah tosrtot aleet'lug car ' to Eaasaa throagh Pullmas toartet mvr V ear Ire ally conducted) weekly to ? -eUe-4 rheir ear iarats freal tfce . . diilr. t VMIOM VBPtrT. 11 Arrive. laaia.av1 CBICA OO-I'ORTLAMO :ltta. a. Dally. . BPKCIAU ar th Baat via fagtaa. imilr. SPOKANB tLt BE. Per Eaatern Waehla ton. walla WaUa. Lw- . aft. lWa , : latoa, Coear CAIeae aad Oceat eHnto. ATLANTI0 BXPnBMa, tar the Kaet via Muae- to ton. " top. sa, Till a. an. Muy, Daily. 00EAV AJTD ETTKE SOTtEPTJLE. loft SAN t-HANCIMCO) Prcm M Bt ah ft. i. 0a. W. til ii Aliievesrtb Beat. S. JS. SS. Doch, a, s. ConunM .j m a. ajb aot. I, U, EV ;; ; OelomVta Btvar Ptolaton. Fnit ASTORIA and war ft; s. Sk I Ahowa pelutn, caaoectlug aim Dally. 8)0 p. sa, rtrar. for Uwace aad Sasdey as sMsdsA North beach, atr. Be. Setnraay cato, Aaaxt. dnefc. 10 Of. p. m. ' ' TalahUI Elver Beet. POB rATTON,' OrearoulT 00 a. m, jo:n.aJ City sad TamhlTI Elver Dally. DalryV Cfnta. Strs. Bath aad eteept ' earept doc. Aab-wt. Sock, Saoaar. . Saaday, fWetec permlttlag.1 Snake Eivar ftauto. poe LEWurroit, ia Snd way potnta rrom Jparia. We., steam ers atoohsas aad Lmw letOB. . S en . m Daily. About H:00 a, Sht Dallr7 . eS.rrMukS as, ma,; TIOKBt Oe-riC. Third uud Wi Mala TU. PORTLAND ft ASIATIC V STEAMSHIP COMPANY Fm. Tetehaaa end Boa Baa. wQhaT sf Kobe. Natcattkl and Bbaughaf, taktag frebrht rie eonnecttna area mam far Means, Pert Arms and Vladivostok. Mr rata, and fall mfnrmattoB MB B er SV dree efalelaJa at agents et the a ft. A E. Oa. EAST.. SOUTH ONION DEPOT. Arri OVBELAND RXPftRa tralas. far BatoSL Beaa burg. Aahland. Sacra. meuta, Osdea, Ban Fran chvo, ttocktoa. Laa Au relaa. El Pae. New Or Hrma. atone aad ta Baat. At Weoeuere daily rexcepi aundayt, her trala for Mt Ae rel. -Oil vert ou. Browne vllto. Sprlorfleld. WeaaV ttatft, hn, daw a. sa fama. av Hem p. a) Alba are aa "b:B a all aeeto at woodbara with mi. Asgei as auear- tou local. CervhlB tBrlO to htoeriftiS l0:SS a. "Daito. UDany, ftotMad Oanaa atohurhaa Btvmtoa. 4 Bcpet Pant e iefreeea Ibvet .tsars Portland dally for Oawega 1-W s. ttl Mrs, tm, I E Fio. as, :T av Dally tearej SumtoyK Siga. olsi. l a. a. m. 4:et nm p. m. Sua dig aaly. Suft rrtve Per tit ad datto y rn . m,i tM. Pii J?- boi'r (et SO. ft to, ti;4i a. m. PS, grW. TrSB, a J. (etcept maayl SB, f: V itzaeut meaaar. um ft m. Sauday auly, lfttOP a. . Leave from came iepnt for nana and toA BWdleto patnto dalrr feacept Saaday) 4am p. Sh am pnrttag io:jo a m. Th IndeneneVareVonnvuitb Mwef Ba era tea datfv to Monmoarh sad Alrlta, saw Ttln with Snatbcrn Paries aaaayaay'e aw aha nectlng wtth Snatnem Paries Saaayaaye at nuTTae and iBdenenflenc. ; rm ?rae ana nor oritur . Pirt-cla" fare from Portia nei to ftvveauaewui and Ben Pvuncterw ISO, berth Oil seataaalaa fare i( aeeonfl-rteaa heefb tSBn, . . Ticket to Eoetem nolnre on vweeaua sasE fasen. Chtne, rT"rhl and Auatoanuu Clfv Ticket Otflcc eofnee Third aad WaehtoSW Ow Hreete, Phoaa. Mala TIE , C W. STIVflEM. W grrhlAP. Otp Ttohet Aceaft 0ms, Peah. AawtoV TIME CARD ; v . ':". ;.,TRA1NS r POsTOANDi ? iivim neme Departa liShft 140 p. m Pneet Sonad Limited, Toe Tueemu. awi. i -toft. aw nlraaala. SoatB Ben and Orar'a Bscaar points. North react ttmired. for Taeoma, Beat tie. Burt. St. Nul. Mle- uanntla rbWen. New ' "y ' J Tt0Su.BM r fmPfohaj TorV. Bnaton and poleta Eart and Snatheaeh Twla-aty Kierena, fa Tacoma, Baattte. R po ena. Helena, St. Paul. Mlnacapnlta, Charago, New York. Bntn and alt potato Baal sad Seetbeaafc J Pict Bnwnd) Real! Ery-St. LooM Special r Taeeme. Seattle. Bnnftaae. RaHcBllilnaa. Denver, Omaha. Kaaea Otr. it. Loot sad all rrints Baa aad BeutT east . . II i ft na :- " , IttOtoBh w' " -. - , - ' '. ''. Isms. mTy AH teniae aseept on A. ft. CRAB LTD ft. ' Aeat Paaaewcec AavsV Meartoo aa ear. law. Peellaed, 0a, BALTIMORE aV OHIO K. R. raMauaaa I AIL TRAINS VlAW.JI"iH-