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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
IT THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTXAND, MONDAY EVENING; SEPTEMBER It, 1004. TO L' OVES k - -; :-. . pmmm warn uwau wmm r abb ooiimivi p Mnm vbo Bawp-am MlfSXIt KB AJTT WAT BOOBTT Nl Sheriff, Wort hM received a copy of the -Notloe of Reward" Issued by the postofnce department, detailing Uw e mnu which will bo paid by the gov-- v, .,,. ,ut jtr arrest and conviction fol V robbery of the mails tinder dlf f -ut drownaUmOB. Tho highest re v "jrd 1 $1,96 and tho lowoot t -clal reward Will bo paid In epeol t 4 casea. Tho penalties (or tho varl- 'O crime ar aloe given In Quotations k the revised federal otatuta. . On thousand dollare reward win bo r-'id for oaoh arreet an oonvtctlon In .y United atetee oomrt on tho charge f robbing tho mails whllo being oou veyed In any moll oar attached to a rail war train. For tho oonvtctlon of any one who robs tho saalla wbllo being conveyed over any poot route-othor than a railway a rowar of 100 will bo paid. For tho eooviotton of anyone attempting to rob tho malU em poot routt tho re ward la tie. Fifty do) tars win bo paid for tho ar rest and ooavlotlon of any poraon who broako Into a postoffloa with intent to commit laroony or othor depredation. For tho arroot and oonvlotloa of a poroon aoousod of breaking Into a pootofnoo and stealing therefrom, or of larceny from a pootofnoo, or of robbing a pootmaotor or any employ of a pootofnoo of money or property ' of tho United State, whoro tho amount stolen la tie or mm. , th roward M M; whoro tho amount 'la mora than B6 and not mora than lie, tho roward la tl&O; whoro tho amount exceeds floe and la not mora than ttOO. tho roward to fit, and 1W In every oaoa whoro tho amount stolen exceeds I too. A roward wf MM wUl bo paid In every eaao of oos Tlctton whoro the Inroony of mall matter la prove, whothor It . contain valuable toeloeures'or not. Jt Is provided that In whoro actual laroony of property from a poetofnc la shown to have ooenrrod and tho amount can bo ascertained With reasonable oartatnty, toward will . bo paid according" to the for joint, not withstanding that tho Indtctmont may have charged tho offender with merely breaking into the poatofnob with latest to oommlt 'laroony tborota. For-inform talon leading; to the arrant and conviction of .any mall carrier on any star route on the charge of m-bessltng- or stealing mall matter or any thing of value contained therein a ro ward of IM will bo paid. For tho ar root and conviction of any poroon ao eaaed of tho laroony of mall matter or anything of value contained therein whllo It la being eonveyod, over a mall route, or Is In tho custody of any mall moaaengor. or la being- taken to a rail way depot, or while It la at any railway depot awaiting transfer; a almUar re ward will bo paid. The name reward will bo paid tor tho arroot and conviction of any poroon Charged with being an accessory to the crimes specified aa la paid for the prin cipal offender. Under the offer of re ward the-laroanr of mail -from otroot letter boxes, or from boxea rented In a poatofflce. or from any public receptacle for mall matter, will be regarded aa of tho easae effect aa the theft of man from a poatofAoa proper, flpeelal re wards will be paid for arrests and eon victlona for offenaoa agalnat tho postal Iowa not mentioned m tho offer. The department rceervoe the right to refuse to pay any reward whoa. In Ita opinion, oolluato. or improper methods have been used. Only one reward win be allowed whoa several persona have been convicted of the name offense ua leas tho elreumataajeea entitle to a ward In tech esse. Applications' for re ward must be forwarded to tho fourth assistant poetmeatar-geaerel wMhln six months from tho date of oonvtctlon. Postmasters, subordinates and others mentioned In the employ of the depart ment are debarred from reoelvlag re wards. 7 LESSON OF SELF DENIAL IN BOXING Rev. 1. W. Browgher of the First Mat ohnrch last evening preached aa prise fighting, and draw several lessens from the training me .will undergo to "Men will undergo toora to secure reputation as a pugilist than they will to make aura of their welcome la t," said htr. B rougher. Christians are not required to give .up anything that Is not harmful, nor or they commanded to do anything that la not for their own welfare. Misery need not bo an aoeom panlment of the Chrlat-llke Ufa, and tho happiest man la be who la following Qod's ooanmaAda, i "Some things must be given ap 'tn this life, and boxing teaches tho leaeon of self denial. Prise fighting Is brutal. but boxing Quickens the mental and physical capacities and teaches oontrol of tho temper. In cloning, tho apeak or touched, on baaebaU, football, - racing and other sportSi and his verdict was that when tho element of prise taking was elimin ated and .the gambling adjuncts were dispensed with that these were not only Innocuous, but - positively valuable. In preAonug a sound mind and a, healthy body. STRANGER'S TROUBLE - WITH HACK DR1YER Herman Cwabsr 'reached tho city last week on his way to school ha desired to visit tho homo of I. W. Brost. 636 Union avenue.. He engaged a riage at the Union depot and told the driver the address. He was not ac quainted with the city nor did bo knew that there la a B0 Union avenue north and the same aramber of Union south. Later no called aft police head Quarter and stated -that tho driver left him at the wrong address and charged him Sf.fn, He waa compelled to hire air other oarrlaga to complete the trip when he dlaoovorod -that he. had been deceived. Before reporting the affair to headquar ters he endeavored to cause a police onV oer .tn the vicinity of the station to ar root the driver.. Tho officer refused. It la asserted eatU a warrant was eeoured- y i in 1 mi . . ( Uw 'Frtscw Steamer lite. Account the overelgn grand lodge X. O. O. F at Ban Francisco, September la-Si, the u K. 4 N, will aell return trip ticket by steamer. September lath and 11th for 11. Particulars of C W. Stlr-er. city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets. STILL THE QUESTION ISs ''WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY?" , -The vatulebig, wlna man of the party, "undertakes to answer all ques tions for his oomrades from Oa. He has to answer one each week. His answer hi not printed. The reader to left to discover It. The pictures and descriptive matter make this comparatively easy to tho active mind. Both the pictures and the story are guides to the solution of the problem, and the question admits of but one oorreet answer. The puasla requlree only ordinary skill and knowledge of facto Included hi history, Mography, hot any and natural history, or an acquaintance with places, buildings or em blems about which information la eaaUy obtainable. It la net a guessing contest, hot a trial of skill. To stimulate Interest In the visit of the people trcm the Land of Oa. The Journal will give IM.M In cash each month to those of Its reader wtm send tn oorreet or nearly correct anawara to the- -auastloos pat to- th Wogglebug by 'big companion, ., . s , r.- .y.. NEWS OF THE MINES nm in FOSEST RESERVES OnaATOU W VXaV BOnnTXA BXS- vmzoT ou Tiarmn nmi fob iu vmmm nrrBmB B M3BT BUJCBB BO BTFOBT B A , FXT BBB VAFB BBOtrUTIOBS. ; . . . , Sept 12. t . " tJae this Coupon Only. A " . M I th WOOGLKBTJO KDITOKl H No. 9 f THB bundat journau fortlantx orboow. v The answer to the question asked of th Wog1ebug hi th btaga Une leetloa -of th paper of SUNDAY SBPTKMBKR , la- - , . ' ' . ' . , e mm- " ''- - . '. 1 "' ' - ' ' ' '' i. ........ ...;.,...... -lfa- ' ' r ' ; -v -i inna,iM,,,t,ia(MtMMiftit4((iii - Btroet and iaber...,,..,.,;,...M... Town or Ctty, ,...... ......, a. f ...... ... Btae....,M BO V afwfr0sr aB nil "94 FILL OUT THB ABOVB COUFON. Also tho ooupon to be found oaoh day ha Th Journal until Saturday. September la. Thts give you oeveo ehancaa to answer the quest lea suggested In next Sunday's nag. Do th earns next Sunday, and the next, and the next, also on each week-day, until the end of the month. SATE YOUR COUPONS, and on the last day of the month send them aU to THB WOOOLBBURQ EDITOR, The Jour nal. Portland. This will end the oonteat for September, and the prises will be awarded very early to the aaoath of October. 'FIFTY DOLLARS IK CASH PRIZES WILL BB OIYaOf AS FOLLOWS: 1 For the greatest number of oorreet answers, tlo.oo. .$ t. For th next largest number of oorreet answer, li.e . For tho third largest number of oorreet answers, ll.fte .t 4. For the fourth largest number of correct answer, fl.M t.Ot ft. For the ten next largest number of oorreet answers, fl.M each. ll.M . For th ten next largeat numbers of oorreet answers, (l.M oaoh. . lt.M 3. For th eleven aea largoat aumbere of aarraat aaawora. Me. oaoh i.M ; BULBS OF THB COKTBST. , ' , , ' The largest number of aomst anowers win. j ; All 'coupon for any one saenth will be consecutively numbered, and vuet be placed la one navel spa and arranged ;ta order of their publloa tion. ... ' only on coupe of the same data ana ac placed la th an ma onvalope it answers for tho month. If more than en Indlrldual should hove ' ovary " ooupqn oorreet ty merlrM and property arrnnged the nrt prise would be divided between the wlnttora. Other prises will be similarly divided In eaao any number of oMeetanta have the same nwmbar of answer that are squally oorreot, but not aboolatety ee. Con t setae ia need not write the earn aaewer on all oopoa Issued tt any one week. A different answer oan be written for each day; but It you are sure yo are right, you will, of eourse, writs th aame answer on all coupons Issued for any on Suaday. Hem ember, the largeat num ber of cerrec. answers wine. All ooupon for ady one month must b plaood fa the same envelope and b M the ecBoo ec Th Journal by a. m, of th ad day f tn foMOWtns aaonth. That the department of the Interior waa sincere when the announcement waa made that, until the present rule and regulation wer modified In respect to ml nln on forest reeervea. no ecion would bo mad to trammel th Industry, la apparent from operation la the Bohe mia district. Bohemia Is far within th bound ox th Ca scads reserve. Mining has been prosecuted there aver einoe th reserve was created. Mine owners cut warn um ber they desire for underground work. for fuel or tn ereotloa of building for habitations and cnllla there. In. these oneratlons the are going ahead without restriction, bv rod tana, that oould be brought to bear If the department sougnt to have everything pass tnrouga a rou tine. To -th visitor In Bohemia there la not an evidence of forest reserve conditions, and were H not for the ooa- splcunua placard on tho route, I aa Mat ins: where the western aounaary line is. the outsider would not reolse that he bad passed Into th none of government control. Bohemia's experience w of tntorest to every mine owner of the state, for the general movement toward forest re serves during the past throe year sug gest that the time la not distant wnon most ot the mineral land of tho country ill be within the established reeervea, unices there la a radical change of pot lev. Should th department of th in terior dealra. under the present rules and regulation. It would condor mining nnotlcailv aa Imnoaalbla industry on established reserves. As Olfford Pla- ohot explained at th recent aoeetoa of the American Mining congress, aa appli cation for Umber, If passing through regular ohannela, would have to be acted UDoa bv more than a half a doxan heads of departments and bureaus at Wash ington, after which the privilege ac corded would be returned through, an eoually tortuous channel On IU re turn a supervisor would have to ft -to the root, mark the trees to be cut, ana after they were cut. would have to visit the around again to aee that they were freighted away as required and that the cutting had bean according to th per mission. Ala, . In choosing trees, aU of desired else where they were needed, oould not be cut out, but the one the ins oector -deseed "mature would have to be taken, regardless of their position and distance apart Tims required to get this ponderous government machin ery moving would bo fatal to mining, and th extra ooet Involved by having to take tree here and there, perhaps oaoh In an Inaoceaalble location, would i another hard vuraen. r - Am the department of the Interior has begun work on a liberal basis for the miner, and appreciate tno advantage of ohanaing the forestry bureau to the denartment of agriculture, it la regarded unlikely that mine owners win no tram meled by unnecessary restriction until the reserves are under more eonvaaleat management. - v- ? RESUME WORK IN BIG : CROSSCUT TUNNEL J. F. narrw f Baker City, who la hi Portland on a hurried business trip, eaya that following the visit of Presi dent F. F. Hay of th Beaver Consoli dated company, owning the Bmley-Blk-horn mine, th management stated that work waa to be resumed on the long oroeeeut begun year ago by this com pany. The date act for putting a crew in th big bore la October l. alter wnicn It la understood to be th management'a ourooae -f preaalnsT operations there steadily. During the summer season everything possible has been don by Manager B. T. Field to increase th power capacity of the plant, A It-drill oompraasar la actuated by water direct. This has bee found InJ adequate to furnish power for th gnus In th crosscut and to rua the hoist and pump. The management discussed an other electrical plant on Pine areek bo- low th compreeaor, taking up the aame water and using It again, transmitting the energy back to the mine and present millelt by pole Una. Another protect waa elao discussed, this being to secure electrical energy from th- Bock Creek Water Power company, which has a pole lino running to Baker City, and oould roach the Balaloy-aUkhorn with a line not to exceed four or Ave mile hi length, direct from the generating plant. Mr. Harris did not know If either of these latter plana had been earned out, but said ha preeumed one had been adopted, aa th resumption of work October 1 In the oroacut waa understood to be permanent, and the mill and mine were to he run at th earns time. The long oroeeeut of the Balalay-Blk bora la the heaviest development work yet undertaken by aa eastern Oregon mine on the adit plan, Engineers cell mate that this tunnel will have to be driven more than toot before H outs th main vein under old workings, which are quite extensive, . . VIXIIK SCENE CF EEAVlf OPERATES 'A '- ,"' , ; t ; oo A N4T, O. B. Ren gem, secretary and treaaurer of the Oregon Securities company, do-1 parted this morning for Bohemia, where he will spend week looking over the big properties his company controls. Mr. Hen gen. although a resident of New York, has devoted moat of hla energies to development of Oregon mine. This has been bis principal Held of work. The equipment of the Oregon Seourl-, ties holdings, which embrace it elalma, : ha been progressing for more than year. The to-stamp mill la about oom-, piste, a large- water power and electric transmission plant furnishes all the power needed at tho mines and mills. and one of the moat ambition plana of development attempted la the etate la i being carried out. Mr, Hengea makes occasional trips to the property to keep in touch with work.- and hla present excursion Is understood tv have no greater algnlflcanc. The 111 is not ready tn ooea yet. and the i system of turfites trams, which la the I largeat plan for transportation, of ore outlined la th Mate, to double-track eroaacut enough to accommodate run into Champion hHL proximately tot feet men! work ha, been. Mustek nine, and underground to be taken up at aa early date tn the Helena and Champion. Th large Cham pion lodge will be out by the eroaacut sosns time this fall, when operations oa i this property will then be confined to tho j lower level, with proper ralee and con nections for effective mining. YESUYIUS TRAM IS READY FOR BUCKETS -; 7 v v -. rv 4.. i . . . I . " .'i STRONG SCHOOL THE WEAR-RESISTING! SORT: AT on Is understood I y,.-- 1 , , . w . . ( raTn. - v TEMPTINGL LOWPRICES f v r U tunnel. Urge I I- . . " .. . " , , . . . .-.,... a..!. 'l kV- J - ' . ' 5 1 , ."-I Suits that wc guarantee to '.wear; as well as the FIVE DOLLSUIT ;v stores. r . '7 7 Within a vary short time after com mencing work, the aerial tram for the Vesuvius mine 'In the Bohemia district, la ready for the bueketa. Manager F. J. Hard baa rushed this work no as to bring Ita completion coincident with the oompletlon of the lt-etamp mill, and as aooa a the bucket are bung he will have attained this end. Completion of th tram and th mlU at the Vesuvius so early -erter commencement of work la a tribute to Millwright Parmentor. Th building materials wer eewed on the company ground, considerable road was constructed, and the milling plant erected lata In the season. Before the storm set tn It will be ready to aom- meDca Its permanent run on Vesuvius-' Th mine terminal Of the tram has been placed at tho upper workings, aa the lower tunnel baa not bee driven sufficiently far to get a reserve fully Mocked, but when thin tower adit has been drives under upper workings and all Vesuvius or Is more conveniently handled from the lower level, no dtlhcul ty win be had la connecting th level with th tram by a atatlon. If tt la yet desired to keep the upper terminal Intact. To the upper working Is a dla- u e a vwuk be reduced" nearly half by delivering or from th new eroaacut level. ? -- WHEN YOU SEC IT IN OUft ADf ITS M ll I . . , -J T " -f if y T--.- THIttO AND OAK ftTRCCTft -2:- POWER COMPANIES ARE RIVAL HERE GOLD HILL PEOPLE A ' EXPECT NEW PLANT Th resident of Oeld HOT baltova that the Gold H1U Development oorapany, which la advertising to sell electrical energy thereabout, will put la a power plant, despite the fact that the eitoi choaea la but four mile from tho big plant at Gold Bay. Th new onter priee la aald to have a contract for t,tot poles, which ar being delivered for the lino projected. Should thte plant be completed, as Indicated, there would he a sharp rivalry between It and the Con dor company. Aa the Condor company has put in turbines for but sot horse power at the start, "deeming tots sufflo lent to meet requirement until a de mand ts created. It would not oeem that the now company baa much of a trade to expect In Ita early daya of work. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. ti KIni Yoa Ran AIw&ti Bart Both tha Condor and th Golden Drift power companies, one looated at Gold Ray and the other near Grants Pass. have been bidding for a contract with tha Champlln dredge management. The two plants ar about 1 and It mlUs. respectively, from th dredger, and would be able to furnish the energy re quired there to great advantage. Aa the Champlln dredger baa a a team plant. the two boiler used having a capacity of tlO horse-power, the management has not deemed U expedient to put in eleo trle motors yet. Unless the power corn- pan lee bid quit low, the dredger people would be able to beat their prices ualwt wood, a th fuel used so far has been out oa company land and delivered at the boat for them 1 to 11 1 a oord. Tho Gold Ray and the Condor planta have remarkable facilities for generating power, and engineers believe they could deliver energy to tho dredger at much leaa ooet thaa steam power wtth wood at It a oord.. t BIG MILL RESUMES v t , WORK NEXT WEEK 1 (apodal fxeaeteh ts Tea JeursaO ' Bugftna, Or., Sept. 11. Preelderrt Zimmerman of the Lucky Boy Minim company waa m Eugene Saturday on 1 hla way to the Blue river ml nee. He stated while here that the new cyanide For MASON Fruit Jars Cell Dp Male 2387, ' Pints .,..,,,..... 45 So Quarts. w,....f.....i5c5 Half Gallons. 8o Thta la under price, but w ar overstocked and don't want to carry them over. New YorR Grocery .. 11T1 BROKERS WILL FIGHT TICKET ORDINANCE A. B. C. Dennlson, general manager for the Ottlnger ticket brokerage of floes la the northwest, with head quarters at Seattle, la la Portland, Ha la well known her, having bean soma years ago passenger agent for tho Oreat Northern In Portland, and later, general western peseenger agent, for tho Hill road as- Seattle. During his connect loa with the Great Northern la the latter oapaclty he was offered inducements from Mr. Ottlnger, that led him to s ban- plant for treating 00 neent rates which I do a promising career with tne railway has bees tn- course of erection at tha I company to take up the ticket brokerage Lucky Boy for several weexa, wouia ousm begin operations Tuesday or wed nee-, day. Tha 40-aUmp mill, which has been Idle for about three weeks, awaiting. oompletlon of th cyanide plant, will re sums operations at th aame time. It will be rua at Its full oapaclty If there 1 -The oonWltutlonallty of eity dtnenoee attempting to prohibit or ex terminate the ticket brokers bualnesa must bo taken to th aupremo oourt by th American Ticket Broker aesoela Uon.M he aald. discussing ; Portland's German Publishing Co. PRINTERS 0 EvorrtHing fOf Jed St. Comer Tmptm is enough water for milling that ouan I new ordtnanoo. This will be done as soon tlty of ore. Mr. Btmmorman thinks there will be enough water, aa tha flume haa been extended further ap th moun tain. Old resident of the district aay that water haa boon eoaroer this summer thaa for id year. QVaBBT Another marble euarry Is to ha equipped la the state. Jonas Brothers, having property near .Jacksonville, sou thorn Oregon, are reported by looal marble dealere t be ready to aupply a limited Dionnt of this mtlldlng stone. Work at the quarry haa been la progress for soma time m a tentative way, but the ewnere have concluded to laatall a small power plant, utilising a high-Una ditch, and put hi a aaw. Th marbla sent out .from this quarry haa found rssflT market for tombatonaa and other ornamental usee. Indicating that' It la high grade. The sua try la oa what Is know as Williams creek. 1 CTrrsTTBaB BTAVB PAZB. Porrttaa. Mich,, aVpx, H.The Mtoh Igan atata fair opened today with a good attendance and every Indication pt-tntlng toward success. The exhibition will continue through the week. The stables are well filled with fast hones for tha raoaa which an to keg la tomorrvpj. a the brokers can find out where they stand tn tha preliminary contests. The last year or tw have been very poor year for tho brokers, rendered so by these new ordtnenoee tn variouo el ties where fair hare been held, Tn rail wars, la securing th peace go of ordi nance to prohibit the handling by broker of fair excursion tickets, have succeeding 1 Incorporating provisions covering all kinds of ticket, and have crippled the brokerage buslaee. We do not intend t take snap Judgment nor make any raah move, but xh Questions Involved will be nettled soon by casus that must be taken to thc-blghect oourta by tha association," Mr. Dennlson aay that th question which the oourta must decide ' hi: "Whether ah passenger ha a right to glvs away or sell tho whole or a portion of a railway ticket for flrat-elae pas sage, notwithstanding that be ha signed a contract aa th tloke that It shall act be tranaferahle." He elalma chat very fw people read anything oa the back of a ticket and do not know what they are atgnlng. Be the great presidential guosstng rnntrdt new running Is Th Journal. Then make aa eeUrne Xou may prow $ 1 lSwM;$l Week I BUYS A RANGE W pot it up on payment of $1.00, READY FOR USE. Eclipse! (ft S BieJLahBammM v nBr ""li J ... Tear Old I eWavB to T -v- I and GUABANTEED FOR U YEABS , W aka? JUlew ran Tela. - $ I DOWN AND $1 : A WEEK Bar taxf piecB of FURNITURE Id this Big FuroHnrB atom U QEVlJRTZ cS: SONS FKrftt and Vamhlll t&w B) for -The unto- -I