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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
i i ' THK' OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY EVENINO, SEPTEKTrX Y, 1304. vu - ? IK J. I i DARK MYSTERY IS DR. LEE'S MURDER ' f y,' ;' ; truck down, hr an asceeslL whose leentlty the polio have sot discovered, st th corner of Fourth and Ptae streets . laat i-ht. Lm Sins Horn. a cniaese physician, received tnjurtea from whlcb fa dM at the Good Bemarltao hospital art a o'clock thla awain. He wol a blow from mm bhiet instrument, which raust bar bat delivered with torrid force, a poet axM-tern examination show ing that tka baa at the ahull augtalnod fracture -four incbse long. ... it la iMfilm-f by the Chinee Chat tha murder waa committed by on or tnree young whit runan and waa witnessed by a whit man and a woman, woo aiooa on tit oppoalt corner. . Though the po lice ara working- on th theory that tb Ohleeee ar telling tb truth, thalr etory 1 hard to credit for many reasons, and U la entirely probable that Horn waa market for th weepoa of tha aaaaaalD aa th resort of factional atrlfa, troubl with a personal enemy or (he ran he of a highbinder orgenlnitlon. Lm Sing Horn waa a Bomber of tb Lm company, composed of aevaral Chl neee, engaged In business at Second and Pin otreeta. He hived at ttl Ankeny treat nnV waa n hie war from hla hoot to tb company at or whan b met hie death, about o'clock lest night. Wha dleeoverod h ly M th crater of tb street, with th blood gush ing from ears, aoa and mouth.- Pstoo dv Day was detailed oa th cam -by Chlf Hunt, and Detective Snow end Werner ar alao endeavoring t discover the murderer. Horn's partners aay they will give a reward of gMO for th arrest and ooavlctloB of tha murderer. This money waa to have been placed to the Tlrat afatleaal bank thla mornlngY hut baa not yet been, deposited. Ha Kee, a Chlneee cook, lo th only pereoa ao far located by the detective who lima to- know much about the murder. HI story h) Improbable to a umber of way, but be sticks Mnaotooa Jy to ovary atate ment ha ha made. ' "I waa to John Xee'a place, on the port be at ooraer of. rovrth and Ptoe atrMt,- aald Kee, "I walked out on the aldewalk and aaw three youna; meo. One of theav who acted aa tf ho had been drinking, waa Juat tajln- toward Bom. who otood la -the center of th treat, aa tf waltlnr The LOW IS AI"ED AT i CUT SATE BXCXEKS ' ' 'i Shoo Id the erdlnaao .today depoeifed . With th olty oudltor beoome a taw the " picket brokerage bueinea lm. Portland wW beoome a thing of tb peat After v ftimor had been at work Mlllng for months -what the railroad utoraou .. .would do 'h thla bualnee locally, the ., blow finally rVU and aa ordinance now awatta th aeMoa of tha oounclL It to oomplete and will forever euppreaa tb ami of practically ' all railroad and Keaasboat ticket brother than tha la . aulng lines or authorised eewnte. . m What wUl particularly hit th brok ers. 1 th section providing that th broker , ahall neither buy nor aeU any paaaea, mUeaga book or tickets, aay ex cursion or commutation tlcketa or any 'form of Uokot that ahowa oa it fao that H waa aold for lees thaw th usual tariff rat, becaaa of certain conditions that the purchaaer waa euppoaed - to pom ply with before the ticket honored. It la alao provided that any on employed by a brokerage firm who ahall violate th law will be bald equally reaporalbl with tha person to whom the Been la granted and that any on working la a brokerage offtoe which, baa pot been ltoaneed halt be held to eponelble as well a the who conduct th place. Th ordinance la Intended to repeal all oonfbotlng ordlnanoee and to btooms effective wlthnt 10 daya of tta POXER PLAYERS HAVE TIME TO BURN NOW J 9a fa ao acdmr game ar ooaoanmd Portia nd I a eloeed town today. Obey ing the ukaa leaned by ttieriff Word and District Attorney Manning yeeter day. proprletora of th gamea where the nig nueh and the email , straight ar ought ol eg buewtee last night And the five card devotees are reeOeaa to day. - mot machine, however, ar running bt th sum old way. Hot on of th Cigar at ores or aaloona ha removed their alug-paymg machine and few -of them have removed the machine that pay In money. In the back rooma of practically every aalooa in th city th money-paring devtoaa are atUl la opera tion. Open opposition to the flat of the aherlff baa been encountered only la Chinatown, hertff Word aaeerta tba the alant-ayed sports are pieparlng to resist him and have resorted t various wily metboda of aosomplbihlng their design- Immense aheet. Iron door wlh heavy locks have reoently been erected la front of the aatranoea to the fan tan sTOatlaTATIOOT. tfeeraal assfisl aerrk.l Cooeord. N. H.. aVpt. 7. The Demo- eratie tat eoavontloa today nominated Henry P. Hoi lis for governor and tn aoreed Parker for president and th na- .tloaal platform, ' . t OLD MISSISSIP HAS DUN GONE CLAR BUST" (yearaal RpeeUl Brvies.f Jaokaoo, Mln., Boot. 7. "Old Mleeleelp has dan gone clar bust." This waa hung out be fore th door of th gtat tree a pry afOee today, efter a warrant had been presented which left the treasury atari y aa bar aa Mother Hubbard's ewpboard, , Tonight there but ll.IT on band m this groat ooaunoa wealta, The nrrokeBnaaM re me fmm a umwecadented Influx of war rent and a failure of several a tale depoaltortea to forward th rash whirb had been asked for. In addition to thla th taxes for the season, owing to tta back wardness In eropa, have boss, but alowly wing sa. t : i game. -. II ' ,"- i bad tencuan and oaid be wooid kfti Horn. One of hla oompaaloaa eaacht him by th arm and tried to bold him baok. but be broke away. Then I ran back Into the room and told my friend aomebody waa sotnv to hurt Horn. .We all ran aatald and there lay Horn th the stret The mas who aald he would kill Him waa Juat rotura ln from where Hi .a lay, and with hla two oompaatooa walked -down Poarth afreet toward Ankeuy. A whit man and a woman atood oa the appoolt cor ner and must have en th murder. It waa ' rather dark after I oam oat of the room tb aeeond time, a dh tlectrte light at the corner bad axm out" Jo Heath and Jam HcNulty, two member of th fir department, atood at the corner of Beeond and Pino atreete ehortly aftar th murder waa com mitted. Their rttentlea waa attracted tn about tl or 90ChlBe, who were at that time eonaremitod oa th aldewalk at the corner of Fourth and Pino atreeta. They turned away, but heat-in a about. looked aaaln and aaw the crowd In the center of the atreeC Thoa th arewd aeatterad and en' Chinee waa e atoopln over tb victim of the eaeault. When the flremea reaehad tb aoen humbor of Japan, two or 4bree Chl neee women and verl white men bad alao arrlTed there. At thla time tha are Uf Ms war burnin brlchtly. - - - -r - The body -of the murdered man waa removed to thenorue thl mornln and an autopay performed by Dr. J. C. nan. He pronounced the oauae of death cere bral hemorrhage, due to a blow of heavy, blunt Instrument. Ooroner Pin- ley will not bold an Inqueat lor two or three day la order -to alve to de- teetlvea a chanoa to owoovar a alew to tne maranrer. The vtctlm'df the aeeeaata had a cheap watch In hla bhwae pocket and a Jade tin an hie wrtat whea he waa taken to the hospital. Robbery w not retarded aa the motive for tha murder by the de tective though Horn bad no money m hi olotMn whoa aearebed at the hos pital. Kee'a atory doe not aopport the tneory oc roeoery aa ine mouve. Th murdered Chlneee waa a alnrl man. aged about m year. He was well known among ' the Chlneee, and ao far aa the detective have aacertalned, had no bitter paraonal enenue. CHIEF REFUSES TO JAIL ESCAPED MAN Prought before Chief of Polio Hunt by Policeman Lillia, Ouy Kelly, wh "scaped" from city Jail last November after earring three daya of a to-day aen tsnoe, waa released. Tha chief heard a full 'explanation of the cess regard ing the prisoner by tb arresting officer, but freed him 1q the face of the facta presented to him, aaying tha prlsoLsr time had more than expired and ha could .not legally b held. '- Kelly'a record, as Tar ad .thla oas la oonoamed; la very brief. He waa arrested November It, ltOt. by Policeman B. P. Bmlth on a charge of vagrancy, although be had be tea a woman nearly to death. . November 14 bV pleaded guilty before Judge HogO to tb charge of vagrancy and waa sentenced to nerve 0 ' daya In the etty JaU. , . . ,a j. ' .--'' November IT he "er'-ped.' and no ef forts were made by Chief Huafa awn to apprehend hla. 'A week ago he was found at Fourth and Yamhill streets by Policeman LUlle and waa taken J.o the central station and before) the chief. L.1UI declares that on th way to the station th prisoner tried to gam his freedom by bribery After Policeman: Llllie explained the ease to the chief, bo latter ordered him "But. chief, thla -map baa rT nays more to erv oa hi aenteac, aald IUIUL 1 "HI time la up bow, and I cannot hold htm It tm Illegal." I then went from tha obleTa private oftlb to th otreet la front of th sta tion." said LJllts today. 'Pretty aoon Kelly oam out. Tou'aa a big rummy for not taking th pteo of money Z offered you,' aald he. "At that I nabbed hha again and took Htm before the chief and told Just what transpired on the way to the station concerning the attempted bribe. Kelly aald to me that he waa told to leave the city Jail by some one, la authority, and he had no fear of being rearrested. . He aald that If I would release him he would give me a piece of money. But after bearing my aide of the case, and after I requeeted that Kelly be booked on sons charg, if not ao an eased prisoner, tha ehief again released him. I think he left town the same day, prob ably fearing that I might la aom way land blm la jail again." Y -Kelly Is II year old and th police aay that ho has never worked, tie la aid to be . yory brutal, and freouently. according to th police, beat women.1 This led to hla original arrest by Pe Itreman Smith. Becaua th woman re fused to appear a! net him a charge of simple vagrancy waa preferred. , HOLKY FIRE IS: NOT UNDER CONTROL TJeatruetIon of th remainder of th O-. &. -vf Fwe, eompany'e t,oot eoede of wood near Hoi brook la Imminent to day. Mr. Davie thl -morning sent to Portland for more help, and this after noon It men departed for Holbrook to relieve the .exhausted ftre-flgbtera who have been working la the heat and amok since Burmay night. Reports from the head works at Bull Run ttale afternoon a as to th effect that the fire near there is spreading, and it I feared that the timber will be attacked by the flames tonight unless there la a vary heavy dew and cooler weather. BODY FOUND IN BUSHES . ON LINNTON ROAD What It evidently a sntclde ha been reported -to Coroner Fin ley. Lata thla hstfteraooa man named Tarrott called at the coroner's office and Informed that official that he had found the body of a well-dressed middle-aged maa In a clump of bushes on th other aide of th fair grounds on tb Linnton road. Coroner Kin ley decided to go out tomorrow morn ing to the aeone, and will bo pUotad by tha discoverer of the body. 1 aesmwjaemmuai t I TainKjttr'r I CAUSES A PANIC AUG PASSENGERS WX&UAM PATsTfl rmott rAisu vnn tljnilBTIaaa, .1 'A flsarsal aseeiai Bsrrlat.) vt ' ' New York. Sept ? dla hundred paa- aeneera on the sound steamer William O. Peine, outbound from New Haven to BiidareDort. were thrown into a panic when fragment of a broken log and baddies wsnt crashing through tb wooden Dan el of th starboard aid. while th vessel was -off Port Schuyler last evening. Several persons were In jured by th flying timber and, fearing that the boat was sinking, many women ran to the guard rails and would ba-v leaned overboard bad It net been (or the eoolnea of the mala paeaenger and odlcsra Tb starboard wheel of th ataamor struck an Immense log, th paddle were stripped and sent piercing points crash ing up through th cabins and th wo man parlor. Just above tn wneei- house. Th velocity of tha log waa ao great aa to tear hundreds of the plank away and wend thorn whlaalng through the pasaagewaya and parlor deck, and th eteering apparatus waa torn apart. The engineer stopped the machinery and - while tb oeeeangers were in a panto the boat ceased moving. 7 Th passenger of the disabled temer, tot In number, were transrerrea to us Richard Peck, a sister boat. . .- SAYS PORTAGE DEED MUST FIRST BE GIVEN tfirlil Dtasateh la The Joeraal.) ' Washington, D. C Bept. T In ao- ooTdanc with tho report vf - Major Langfltt relative to tha atate of Ore gon's requset for permission to ntlllae a Dortloa of tho proposed government oanal right of way between Tho Dalle and CeUlo for the portage road, eero- tary Taft baa made the following re ply: - "While th war deportment wftl gladly oo-operate with tha atate tn every way practicable. It hv nevertheless deemed Inadvisable to take definite ano.nnai ac tion la this matter until th state shall A rat have deeded to the United tatea the necessary right of way, and until it shall have submitted to the secretary of war d formal request for tho privil ege desired, a com pan led by a map showing th txact lino of the propose", road and the portion of tha canal right of way desired." ... .. v. . .. WILL DECIDE ROUTE- 5 FOR PORTAGE ROAD ---.'i.i. A meeting of the state portage board and th oen river oommlsslon executive committee will be held at rW office of N. Teal tomorrow morning at it o'clock, when the committee e proposi tion for building the portage road will be passed upon. It 1 understood that th partiea to tn eomraot save p radi cally settled gponthe terms of the for mal agreement under whlcb tha road shall be built. " . ' ; SEEKING FLAW IN ' GAMBLING CHARGES CoL 7. V. Drake baa demurred to the In format kna drawn by District Attorney Manning la the gamblii oases of wing On and Ah Par, Ah Ban, Ah wong, an Woy, Ah Wing andPary Jim, who wor arrested July do. Cor ruaaing a oio same IB thla etty. Tha demurrers wor entered on tho ground tha. the inYormatloo 1 defective. Colonel Drake stated in argument of hla demurrer that Um district attorney. 4a drawing up the Information, failed to state the game played and alao failed to atate .that It was unlawful, showing that any off ens had bee committed. -Deputy District Attorney Moeer argued that the Information la sot de fective. Th matter waa taken 'Under advisement until tomorrow morning. COURT IS ASKED TO CONFIRM BIG SALES Th stock of goods tn the store of tho firm of Honeymaa A McBrtde ha been sold, according to aa order laaued by Judge Webster gom time ago. Jeeaie M. Honeyman executrix, and Arthur Honey man, executor of tho estate of th late Walter B. Honeyman. who waa one of tho members of the firm, have filed than returns of tha sal la th oounty court. ' D. B. McBrld baa purchased the stock of mere hand Iss In th woolen depart ment for tit, let, and alao tha nature for $167, whllotho merchandise In the netting department was purchased by C MoKlnney for J7,tt. Th petitioner stat that these were the hlgheet bide and aak tb oourt for confirmation, of the ealee. r OREST FIRES BURN : V ONE MAN TO DEATH ; Jersal tsedal Serrtos.)' Bsnta Crus. Cel.. Bept f . Two lat- reense terset fires are raging, oat on Ben. Lomond mountain, where much valuable timber la being destroyed, the other on Big creek. Half a mile of the big creek flume la gone and Banta Crus le erlthout electric railway eervtoe aad power on that account. paaquet Booogini, postmaster at flwanton, who waa fighting fire, was overtaken by flame and burned to death. Hla body waa found In a flume, when be wean to alleviate nia eufrsrlag. SULTAN THROWN INTO STATE OF HYSTERICS (Jssnwi Bseclsl asrvles. -Berlm, Bept. 7. Tageblett reports that tho revolutionary Armenians under tha -noted leader Indrtnak, hav beea cap tured at Van. Turkish troopehav beea ant to regain possession. The revolutionary ausrssssa have thrown the oustan lata a stab at hys terical excitement. ' .. v 99 woobsd wvmxrm. (Joeraal BperUl eerrlr.) t Petersburg. Bept. T. It la reported that Prtnoe Bvlatopold baa been eelectod to succeed the lata M, Von Plobva as minuter of the laterlor. 4 . It'sEasxc r to euro than endure" thoa dreadfut alak or nervous headaches. It' ail In knowing how. In Just a few minute without any other effect but Juat to our th pain Dr. Miles7 Anti-Pain Pills will relieve you of your suffering. If It' any pain, anywhere, ar from aay oauae, Juat lake on os t Dr. Mil0' '.rJl?V AntUPain Pills i. and In a very few miaute you wtll have further thoughts about either pain pllla, and can so about your buslaes or peeaaure, fro from auffertag or qla- trees. "For rears aneila of nerrou headache Would lay ms up for two or tbr day at time. I have tfo more such day, f take one Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill, and In It mlnutea it I usually ail son," MRS. RUTH RECORD. Claremont, N. H. If rou are not satlaAed with ftrat box. your druggist wilt return your money. it doses. 16 cents. Never soia m ouik. KNIGHTS COM' FOR RICH PRIZES MMAw JJBaXsVg CTlOAgO AS- or bbxat wmm rnmmm "r-..-14--- - - .-t- -v----- ' - (Jseraal BpetUl terries. ' -San Francisco, Bept 7.- On the green award of Golden Oat park'e nine-dia mond baseball field this morning th four crack drill oorp of th Knight Templar met la oom petition for tb cost liest prises ever hung up In a similar competition, . i . The great oval, urrounded by Mop ing banket bordered by shrubbery and giant tree, mad a magnlf loent amphi theatre for th drill. Tho bank war Jammed with spectator a. and othera found good points of vaatag b car riage on tho drive. Th appearance of tb first team waa tb signal for applause, which continued until tho corps commander gave the order that started hla awn la their evo lutions. -. , The day waa Intensely hot, and the drillers suffered greatly.. Th con test began aoon after It adock, but It was announced that the laat drill will not bo finished until Jet thla afternoon. on tne snowing meoe la the paraoa, Bt Barnard eommandery of Chicago la picked by a majority of tha spectator to win.. Th competing teem are Bt Bernard, of Chicago; De Molay, of Louisville. Ky. Malta, of Bingham to.. H, T.. and Ivan- of VI 1 1 ire nkea The Judawa are army ofrleere from the Presidio. At tha ooe elusion of tho compotltlv drill two local drill oorp gave exhibi tion. Prises aggregating 130,000 In value will be awarded, and ao liberal la the list that each competing drill corpe la assured of on prise, and tb coat of the laat prise exceeds 11.060. All oocs pet iters save Chicago for tha ItOT conclave ar practically out of the race, t The Illinois delegation has aaaur- anoe of enough votes to give Chicago th prise on too first ballot. THURSDAY'S ENTRIES AT IRYINGTON TRACK The following are th ontrlea for Thursday race at Irrlngtoa park: First race, live furlongs, sailing, t- y ear -old- and uperards TSti, Caroburn. It; 7187, Bob Crawford, XOt; 7tt. Can- rneii, let; 7147, Hell Hoi ton. lot; Titt. Billy Brookwood. 101: 7, Paul B. Jones, tt; 7 1 it, Zadoe, ltt; 71tl, Nerva- tnx. lot; 717. rrlerllene, 104; 7174, Hannah Tea, lot; tttf, Capitol; Itl; 74, Virginia Boy, ts. Beeond race, Ave and a half Yurlonga, 4-year-old and upwards 7tt Master. lot; 7XS. Chief Aloha, 100; TStl, Amaaa. 104; 17, Lady Myrtle, tot; 7JH, Cracko, 101; 711a, Prank Pearca, 100 T28T, Bat I dor. 10t; 7I4. Mocorlt tot; 710. BsUdO, 100. Third race, six and a hatf forlongs, t- year-old 7l7t, Gentle Harry. 17; 7J5I Harka, 107; 71M, Duetr Miller, 0t; 7 2 St, War Time, 101:. 7180. rrtvfloua. 7; 720. Tom Hawk, Itl; Ittt, North West ltt; 7 J 9. RloefuL 102. Pourth race, one and aa eighth miles, l-yeer-olds and upwards, hurdls handi cap 7 tS, Dr. Long, 16; 7JSI, Casadon lit; 77. Marengo, ltt; 714. Quldado, ill: tiii, jim Kooerte, 11a. Fifth race, aeven-etghtha mile, sell ing, '4-year-old and upwards 7211, Red Damsel, 111; 714, Col. Van, 107; Ttl, Dora I.. Its; 71tlf Ballto Goodwin, lit; 7ja, jawaiy jin; .1111, uu rnuipp 10T. i sixth race, on mil, eel ling 4-year- olds and upwards Till, LadV Kent, 101; 717a, Olearioe. 101; Till, Mordents, ltt; 71S4, Cerro Banta, ItS; 7177, Chickadee. 107; TM1, J, V. Klrby, Itl. . BstOOTB FaJstXIT AaTB . CJearsal tpsflal tervbm) L ' Bouth Dayton. N. Sept. T Michael Mlchsek ahot hi wife, two child rsa and then himself today la a fit of Insanity. The children will both die but th woman, will probably recover, IJeeraal OpeeUl Bervlse.i ' ' Pon du Lao, Wis., Sept. 7. The Dem ocratic congressional convention -for the Blith district met here today and re nominated Congress roan Chart H. Welase of Bhoboygmn Faila. Tbr waa no opposition. ' - Putting on the Finishing Touches -1 m&i M Mmn 0 TMC 69-71 -i'3 Third Street, Detwecn Store enlargement and.improvements airivirig by 1 the - carload. Mcn9 Boys1 and Child T rcn's Suits, Oycrcoats. Pants, -Hate, Men's Lx Fine Young Men's Ex. Children's : Extra fine Suits A most complete stock of Fall Hats, Shoes and Furnishings at the lowest - ; ; V t, prices in the city, style and quality cotskte rl The Chicago wUl show the largest and most complete tine of men's and boys' apparel ever seen in the Pacific Northwest ' AH grades from. the good de- "pcndabie to tne finest Points to be Remembered ta baying aad harvesting tun are that we keep a complete line of everything tha fanner neada In forks, ocythee ana sickle. The housewife can also And everything aha needa In kettle, meas ures, scales, dippers, for preserving and canning Um. . . . 82 Third St. Vulcan Coal Co. Dealer la fhjat 1 ajr kuossssn OOaXea, IUWMW AaTa r try OUR Carbon Lump Coal, $650 For Btdraa and Furnaee If Ail ; i . Wight. ; - - 339 BURN8ID8 STe Fboaa, Mahi aTrg. v We bandl th best House Coal ta maaaond. sVaamp ........... fS.BO ob Tewoaatla, K.mmp -S6.50 tea Waabod, Va SB.SO aa Full weight and prompt delivery guar anteed. . Yard and office. Front ' and Kearney atreeta. Phone Main 11. KINO COAL! CO. etablisbad ad, Portland Marble Works f PCHAYtlUV a KsTIT, r ICanufaeturer ef end L oeajsra m au waa s . Martric, Granite and . StsM Wsrk i Orrea. aw . AapUaatlem ztfs must sncn Bet kfadlsoa aad JeffereoB Btr tav POBTLANiX Oa 1 - AVERY & cor Boston I r . . . COAL, -rv 1 " ft " ' ' ' ' '" ''' ' k" 'k SrS 8T0RC W THE MI0DU Of THE Shoes and Fiinu Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes Fine Suits, Overcoats $5.00 to SIO novelties mat tne ration marts 0OC3c I IN UliSFcNS A BLE A buaJneaB tdocatioo In thit ag of keen competition it absoe hstkljr indiapensabta to anoceM In libs. Wf bdvw fbt very latest and best methodt in ail depextmantB. ft yoa ar thinking of attending bus- : . -i ' Z- thee coll you tb boat one town. at Am srraarv. Iraad (at OeAaAogao.. Behnke-Walker Business College I ' BIXTM AND MORRISON STREBTS '4 t.MMMM.MM, , , MHMMtM Hfl SPECIALS BXTSNDCB UrtTfL OCT. I Painless Dentists Will mak apectal low school rate ta oroor that a! and have their teeth oared (or during vaoaiion. The, ara tha anlv ganttst. ft SWt. land havbjg the late botanlcaTdlaoovsry 10 anoir to tne sums rcr Fsinies ex PPl7 & ib Bums fcr PslnL etlng. Filling and Crowning 1 guaranteed tor tea year. tree I Teeth, dad f lestl .. ..ffte (aM PUnagft. ?Sc Sunt Mb. Ut Mlataf TabS.M djahl CfuwBg.i.BM OKrwmm aa Mage Wsrk . at Ww ' - BwtmaurauL ...... v.x oeeno aa at mm iiu iak aa. AU work don by specialists without Bate and guarmatoadlor it years. Boston Palnlns Dentist Fifth and iu Horrlooa. THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Do SINGLETON The fasacee doetor h ssi nvwe nwj uumauona, Ha aura all Ols ass of men and eromoa, aua aa rheumattsm. aeu ralgta, kidney dl sase. stomach die ease, ate., by th wee of roots and barb a, ocpsoUUr repared tor esob rasa. All diseases, tuoeeosfully treat ed with powerful Chinese herbs. root and oara that ar entirely us knowa ta modtoai asisass m thla aoaa try. . CONSULTATION PREB -Patients cut of tho etty sen be on red at noma w rrtt rout aratptoaaa fully. Address TB fi 0 BLOCK' Osk tzA Fba nearing the end ' - v and Cravenettes and of the world produce. sS8 ?Cc cannot aaord to Igaora ORTh-PAOFIC DENTAL COLLEGE Ono of the host ,urppd fasti raUond of It kind. ; The annual sees leu begins October a Students may graduate after attending three full courses. For further laormaUoa aad aataioguo sfldrsea. s: a BTTT.l,sT, Vortlaad. 141 Wast Fak MEDICAL DEPARTMENT JJ "S - - n . UNIVERSITY OF OREGON eighteenth annual sssilea beglaa gapi Addi a n. fOBKpHT. at IX, Daaai 1B D ekum bldg, Portland, PORTLAND ACADEMY Fib) bars sa elrts aw Waatn m svUeeea. Primary see graausar graees awhte. Pernaad Jkcmtimmj HmH foe Girig fceif) 1 Inttft MSM aad gtvei tbeej tta oommrls sai streoV jjseeT sea. XXT TXUC WXL& Om BR. a. lftOf, for stalafe aarea ferUss Aeeeewg. rrV lasd. Or. . . 4 !f. Physical Culture School Of AMew atsest, BToas BbrtB. ' ' Porttand'a only Institute of the kind la. open now for' tho season. Physical training for msn woman snd children in all brancbee. Pay and aJght elaasea. Phone stain 1M1. tSar. ALLEN PREPAR- ATORY SCHOOL ... t Wtn Qpen September 19th . For Cemtogao, apply tM Ihttk at. Overcoats T) JrT.OURM j I 1 ' C laf iiiff HIIIIRMflU - -v ' Vv;" ,.-.,.', (i' i