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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
TFT" CTOON DAILY lJOURNAi;' TORTLAN0, WEDNESDAY BVENINO. SEPTEMBEiTT 190i ' - ' f " T lV..ii ,K..iJ -BBBBBBB - f mire '. '.."The Ortarooe C-rr.y. M-j., J.krtl to Mr. H4a" CoIuisbU...., 'CajKaia Lattsrblalrl' l lrlo ...VasdaTllls iijo; .vuiuk EtrT.. ...Vsmlartlle Arceot ...... Vases-tile Senator A. O. roster, tha northwest ,. naDbw of taa aanete oommlttee on comateroe, hu written to notify Senator BUtohell that ho wlU visit thla Tpert of the country In his official oapactty, aocoespsnled ky Mat John MUlle of tho eorpo of englneera, U. B. iw who haa charge of river and harbor fortlneatlona, tmpaoveraentg aa othor work, Including fcabtiioueee and life-saving station. . Tho visit la mainly 000 of fcaspootloa. Tho ofBctal aahodulo of tho toor- Is: Everett harbor and Bnokoaolaa ahxigh. r-' fiepteaibor M; Belltngbam ha, and -r Blaine, September -; tho loland dis trict, September s-T; Port Townaond and J"" 'lotnlty, September T-jJPort Oranvllle Igbthouee and llfe-aavlng alto, projact " od, September -: Gray's Ilarbot-als. '" trtct, Ssptsmkor -.l rVlllapa Harbor district, September 1; Columbia- flyer t and Tanoouvor, September -1S-1S. Ootohor t onda tho story-wrltlng en tsst, to which tho Portland Commorolal olub hu offered prises for tho boat- wrltton stories about uregon ana " rasoareoa. that shall bo printed to pa mm outside of the state. . A Lorn num lur n9 arlfxlUI TU.VO bSS1I Written WmvLiui .mi ail evar thm stats and printod In nowopapora In various states of tho Union. Ono of tho wrttara It Rev. Asa Slaath of Portland, whoso ar tloloa kava appeared ta tho News-Hsrala of Plattsmoutb. Nab., and In tho Malla jCHy New. Ha haa received numerous tnqulrtoa from hlo old trlonda in that l earn from Oklahoma. Alroady two families aro preparing to eomo to ore mm to settle a ssauU of tho esnw spooaeae : . t. . t 'y m. HMtiM aouiiaU af tho ataaamaa last Bla-ht extended a hoarty Invitation 1 ' to tho Blorra club of California to maho Hm aaoant of Ralnlor noxt aoaaoii. V T. Paraona. chairman of tho ontlnc oommlttoo of tho Blorra cMb, rooanUy .' 1 wroto to frlonda haro aaklna If tho loi S fair WoulO pa noia noxt ywr, " i, ( ; would DO poaiponwi ontu i, Wtno ho otatod tho dalro of hlo club to climb Ralnlor and vlaft thov-falr th jmb ooaaon. Tho Blorra olub haa boon aoaurod that tho fair wlU opotrow tho " day announood and will 000a rooolvo tho " cordial Invitation of tho ataaamaa to . mako tho Ralnlor climb with thorn and $ aftorwfcrd aaoand lit Hood nad vlolt Um fair. , , v " -yw - At tho Wtllamotto ball yootorday tho 'd ' oooond blonntal diotiiot on von Hon of i , tho Modern Brothorhood of Amorlca took : - plaoa, and oonoMarablo bialaooo waa f- oonohtdod boforo adjournment Dr. W. Vo. 017, woo oUetod oupronta ropr n tativo, BJM K. J. waiaor mm Bovoral oandldatoa woro paaaod upon, prooldont R, J. Walkor oondttotod tho proooodlnca. 1 Tho dolocatoa proaant wore 1 UlM Roboeea. WUaoa, Pnfur. Or.; Mm. J. Rodflold and Iaaao Tomplo, Al bino; A..T. Pool, Bollwood; A. M. 'Doo. Mrs. Van Horn. Mrs. Mary J. PowoU, W. J. Applocato and W a Maalot Port land, -f . 1 Btrarr te tho ny BootHnc to m - tho dollchtfuk asaasry f tho Oolnmbla , - rlvor ohoold romombor jmat tho atoamar ' Jftavoa foot of Vaahlntn otroot Motf - - Way, Wsdnooday and Friday mornlnaa. - vunnfoa- thronvh tho mtdst of thla on- ' ohantinc landaoapa, mouatalna, canyon. - felons and past tho watorfalio that loop from, tho faimttaln poaha. ono of thorn f mora than1 t foot. Tho Charloa . i' , Vponeor la tho nowoot atoamar m tho i trtvbr, and tho faatoot boat afloat on ( fhooo watsfh. Paaaanora for Tho Dallos .ad way landlnca should boor this In mind.-. Tol. Mala H1X, ' ;.;: r- yj f f- Without proimUoo to a futuro applloa tlovj of tho kind. Circuit Judgo Ooorao torday dotriod tho aaotlon. that a ro-, i - oolvor bo appolntod to takd char go of $ . tho affairs of Robort Wakonold. who la i bolnc aood for aa aoeountlna T J. B. V '- Brldaaa Tho two formed a eo-partnor- . ohtp in ordor to build tho now Port of " Portland drydook. An ordor waa mads, ' howovor. that whoa tho J.0 atUl duo 00 tho drydoek M paid by tho Port of ' Portland eommlaaloa It bo turood ovor to tho dork of tho ooart and hold by I aim until tho oaso U anally dotor- . With- tho advont of folaht oars, om Tators, oattls ohutas and othor acooo - aortoa of a Ma railroad, tho a W. P. ' oompaoy la putting n a pay oar, and - honooforth tho omntoyos at vartoua sta tions aloof tho lino will bo paid off In this manner Inatoad of by their oomlna ' to tho eontrat omeo of tho oompany for tholr monthly stipond. Tho bow prao- i tlco boaa yootorday, whon a opoelal oar . wont ovor tho Una with sovoral thou sand dollars, and paid tho man who aro - working on- Improvomonta at varloua - poiBts. -:-. ;,vr-r '. riro 1 horn In vorythlny boforo ft . over la tho aeiyhborhood of Hoi brook. Flro boat Ivnltos anything It ooaws In .oontaot with. Btoam boat don't. .Our a team-boa ted polls hers do not Injurs the , fiber of tho tinea by burning, booauao - the boat la not Bra. That's why tho Union laundry, Beeond and Columbia, . haa nearly doubled Its business slnoo It mmm-BBmBmBBmEm!B-amzcmez!m-miB ? - . , ...... 1 "v -r-S ; !;; n n u II - - - .- Class A Ccr.!rctcf$ Heist installed tho groat atachtno. ' ToL Mam . : - Hoary' Bayard, who was arrootod sev eral weeks ago for keeping a disorderly house and for an 1 Una Mouor without a license at his resort near ' tho White Hous waa taken Into one tody this morning by Sheriff Word on bench warrant lsauod by Judgo Ooorgo. torday morning tho ohargo of conducting a disorderly house was dismissed and an information waa filed charging hint with selling liquor without a license. The warrant for tho arrOat of Bayard? was Issued by the oourt and the accused was arrested thla morning. Tho prisoner waa released from custody after fur nlshlna; B4M ball. His bondsmen woro Baptist Rarffar-aad JSmU ,Ppraogor. ' Aft. saeslloat masloal program fe boon ore pared for tho social and card party that will ha given Thursday ovoning at BC Michael's hall. Fourth and MI1 streets. Refreshments will bo sorvod. Among tho nMislftal selections that will bo rendered will bo vocal solos by Miss Anna Vlncont. Miss Manclot, John Cronla and Mr. Mai ley. Mra. Oer Hngor Dal Urn aad Hoary Green wlU ran- dor piano soloo, aad a guitar dust wan be gtvoniy Miss U Vlsmara and Praak Bona. Tho Messrs. Partipii wUl glvo a mandolin duo. - - . . Tho nshwmy ovos tho Wlllamotto falls at Orogon City Is ready for tho fail run of aaunom and people on tho upper river aro looking forward to some good Bahlngr There aro IS pools la tho flab- way, situated about three Soot apart, and cut out of tho solid rook. Tho Im provement was completed at a cost of I k,om, which was tho amount of money appropriated by the state. x :, rah " Wgedr'aTardlan of the -person and dstatas of Emeet L., Pearl L. and Earl I lrwln, minora, haa received aa order from Judgo Webster permitting her to Invest tho -sum of )l.ft0 belong ing to tho minors la a farm la Skamania county, Washington. Tho farm oonatota of T acres, and Is woU supplied with oattlo, borsea farming implements and a good bouso. . - The Arteta school, Ko. 4T, oa the Poster road, of which Prof. W. Millar Is nrlnelaaL will ooea September U with four teachers. A permanent building will bo erected oa modem plans noxt year, when tho d 1st riot win bo la noaltlon financially to undertake tho building of a sohoolhoaas. . At p rosea a temporary structure will ao usaa. Prof. A. C Kewfll has established aa ofltoaat the NewUl Rlvorvlow Acadoray, where literature may bo obtained, appli cations algaod and all buslneee attended to. Tho academy is situated at the ooraor of Thomas and Corbott streets. and-may bo reached by otthor the "8' of Pultoa oars. Mr. NewUl'a telephone Dumber at the Oalllhvuma is Mala IW. - CathorlM Tremblay. admlnlstratrlz of the eetate of the lata D. H. Tremblay has filed her final account with tho ee tate and asks that tho residue of tho property be divided between tho hairs. She ststes that all tho personal prop erty, haa been ox ha us ted. and that an which remains te real property, oooal st ing oL several lots la Astoria. J. O. Btsnaona. who was eomplotmg tho Bnaaolal arrangamonta of tho en campment of the M. A. Ross Post, . A- R.. that was recently held, haa discov ered that tho onoampmaat waa not a aucooos, BnanclaUy. There was a small deficit, -but otherwise tho encampment waa ragardod aa highly suooossrm. . Aa Informatloa was prossntsd In the orrauit oourt this naorulnc by tho dis trict attorney dharging B. A. Parker with roDBing a man namon ewuvw nuBwr m 2t on Auguat a. This ease has coma to the circuit oourt from tho muatclpal court. , Tho prisoner will bo arraigned tomorrow morning. ,,,li Ami Blsa Parrel L oxeoutrfir of tho oatate of William I Parrel 1. deo eased. has filed her final account with tho es tate In tho county court, together, with petition for tho distribution of tho property to tho hairs. Tho residua of tho ostato la said ta bo MU. ' Prank J. XJoortney. reaidtng at IT4 Front street, underwent aa operation for appendicitis at BL Tlnoont's hoopttal yoatsrdor aftevwoon, - Dr. K. A. Mao Kensta roports his aoadKloa favorable today. - -- -: Rot. X It Boosex, sntU raosntty a mlnlstss of tho United Evangelical church, was veoetved into .tho Proaby- tariaa ohnreh at a apodal meaung oc tho Portland Presbytery yesterday. Rex W. T. Beott acted aa modesator pro torn. Rachel m. May haa bosa appotatad ad ministratrix of vho eetate of her de ceased husband, joha Mayo, ay juage Webster Tho aetata is valued at About 'Portland Academy stodonta are ra- cmested ta call at tho oflloe to. make out enrollment cards boforo tno opatung day. Office hoars to 11 arm I to i luB. ' llllll cleaned right. Orogod Btoam. Dyeing Cleaning Works, Ml Burns Ida. Clay The Bea Belling aad tho Moyor sloth- Ins: stores wlU bo closed oa Saturday until eomok la tno ovaatng. Chow Don-Tal-Oum. have pearly teeth ana proveni oooay. . v mmtm fwr wbsrs. ark-srnk . fV si I blond Mil. fter. nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what yea need these day. For sals by all druggists. Behoof book bought sold sad sav changed. J ooea book store. 111 Alder otroot. t, t r : : . If yoa want a firstdaaa hard wheat flour, try Poaoeck, Your grocer sens It, " Polbseator for October Is now" ready. Jones' book store, lit Aider atree . , Portland Art Glass works removed to 117 Taylor, upstairs. ; ... , ' ' Wlss Bras,. Bsatista, the Palling bMg. Analey Prlntlag Ca. 1M Oak atraoL UTXP VTZj OMV' To jump Into popularity ta throg days la tho fortuaata lot of tho Columbia theatre. To rooolvo tha apt Utla The Boautltm Columbia" from tno patrons is aa Indication that tha theatre-goers of Portland appreciate the- efforts of Man ager Welch, not only to give them a coey, oomfortablO' theatre, but alao to provide sumptuous decorations that de light tho eye. so that the play, and tha theatre, aro both banaonioua. To "Captain Lettarblalr at tho Columbia Is- to witness a delightful oomody by a brilliant writer, performed ay a oompany of tho Brat rank and staged ay ft past master of that difficult art. Manager Welch has built ft beautiful theatre. Marguerite . Mexrlngton has tor Bernard has mustered his oompany1 with rare 'talent, .Tho Columbia Stock oompany, headed by- Mlae Counties and Mr. . Baume. nave brought out Its dell- oate oomody aad more Intense dramatis situations. But It has remained for a grateful puMto to place upon tho theatre and tha oompany tno stamp or Its ap proval. Capacity aoussa every night tall tho story. Jamas Kosns is nightly repeating his OBooaaa at Cordrajfa theatre In the In terpretation of tha difficult double role of "Dr. JefcyU and Mr. Hyde." It ro qulrea genius of tho . highest order to suoesssfuUy -portray two eharaetars each 00 entirely different from tho other. Mr. Kenno makes tho change from the Mod and benevolent Dr. JekvU to the evil and brutal Mr. Hyde la tha spaoa nt m aemnd In full view of tho audlenoa. It arouses tho utmost enthusiasm oa tha part of tho audlenoa, Tho same play will he riven for tha remainder of tho week with tho Saturday matinee. , - mtoo nr non. -" Musloal acta of much merit dominate tho bin at tho Arcade theatre this week. PetroaoJlo XVArvtlle. a violinist af real genius, plays soma now and soma of tho never-dying kind of aolos, and .has a largs part In making tho whole show tho andonlabls suoeaag. that It is. J-ioyo Spencer sings a - moot amusing and ridiculous parody, on Hiawatha, while Stelnle and. Hyde aro hot favorites la a sketch entitled 'Tha. Author an tno Housemaid. " Tha program once more demonstrates tho A roads a high regard fog merit and aovelty. TlilBiiiiifl Interest haa boon aroused by the nmgnlnoont revival ,of that great American drama, 'The Octoroon, this week at the Umpire.' The one told play has beea prsaenieo aero bi du. never by a aompaay wfale oompared with tho present organisation. No mat ter whs the woa-sie-bus- say or thinks about It, tho people of Portland aro "getting the gJmptro naatt" -mionaei atmarolT' ta ta be nlarod St tho Empire noxt weak by tha Wiedemann Stock com pany. : if -XoA WtMTGA" al a.MiAw'a aaautlfuL' tn tensely Interest ing drama, 1a Toaoa," la being pro ssntad by Melbourne MaaDowoU. sup ported by Charlotte Deane and a moat excellent oompany at tha Baker all this weak. It haa bosa a loag time sines these groat Sardou plays have beea soon la Portland, and never boforo at popular prtoaa. - Tho production is complete and the imomt and sett Inn perfect. There wlU be tho usual Saturday matinee, 'jSWTB SJJtOW TAT. J ' . vummu." which will ooea Sunday (nuwHi mi the Raker, will be sin the third week of Melbourne MacDoweU la the groat Sardou repertoire, tub mag iAmtvI Ami haa been - oounted as being tho moat protsatloas and elabor ate Of mil tno aarooa praawnioBB, am uniMB immense number of aooola on the atago. together with heavy effects and gorgeous scenery. wiu run mi next weak, - . . ; ; -.r -few APinotta. til tins trlDnerS. tha via,' aietera. et a aoodlv share of tho applause this weak at tha Star theatre. and they deserve n. too sisiors nrw dancing rvd singing ' ooubrettes whoso rapid Chan sS of wardrobe, pretty etepo pa 5 and obarmlng songs maao uieir an a n atrt as flniah. . Hanea amitn m ki.b.AM wMBrtiB who oucoeoda . oonvulalng his audlenoa, and the wneie program is antertalaing la every spot w 4 WMtmn of Olds. Wortmaa m King, Isavaa today for aouthera Oregon on a hunting ana nsmng mp. wr c Immml nonoral aaant af tha How York Contra! In Portland,' departed this afternoon for a visit ox several days on business to Vancouver, B. C ur lira, c m. Runyoa returned this morning from their eastern trip. A, C. Hewlett of Eagle Croak. Jack son county. Or.. Is ft visitor la the ctty. Coefl Henderson afi BMgeao m ragm tsrod at tha Bslvsdora. 1 . u Hart la a ftVanoooao .,, gttlsm stopping at tho Belvedere. p. a. Mitchell of Pendletoa Is ragta- tdrsd at the- Del -edera r aiiu (Nestle Rock Wash. sneralng arrival at tha Belvedere. Mrs. Pox of La Grands Is ft sweat Of the. Perk tno today. A party of tourists from Arkansas la registered at the Perkins today. Tha party Is composed of Mr. and Mrs. O. C Connor. Miss Lillian Conner and Mies Katharine Connor of PayottovUla and Mrs. T. C Cryor aa Miss LUUaa Cryar Uftlo ROCK. . f B. Elliott of Chehalls Is stopping 1 tha Imperial. w. Honboom af Walla Walla Is the guest today of tho Imperial. nMrn Vandraa la a Pendleton iltlssa registered at tha Imperial. - v ; 'OrcfH State Fair. 'Mkai iwm state fair will be hold at tha fair grounds, near Salem. September 11th t lTtn. apecniiy i-dw-b rm.vm will ha placed la affect by tho southern Padflo oompany from all points on Ore son linos, A special train will bo run from Portland during tho fair, leav ing Portland at : a. m, ana retura tag. leave Salem at : P m. Don't forgot Woodmea s day. oa Twe. day. September IS, and Portland dayvsa Thursday. September lfc , Peacork flour te the bast fancy patent ta tho amrkeu At leading grocers I AT THX , THXATJ3 TERRIBLY SLASHED Tfwtmaodtus Cuts la Prlcss f EltiittMMi Flo Nsw PUM - Rod Ekry Us) Ooag . FowCBBb. . , - Ws have opportunity ta buy out a large concern (net la anxious to retire from business In ono of tha cities where we aro heavily interested. An undertaking of thla kind takes lota Of money. Tha opportunity te such a promising ono to us, nowever, mat wo lew we can afford to mako a heavy aactifloa to talw auvaniage ot u. s Accordingly, ws offer spot -cash buykrs the--following fine, new, fully warranted, highest grade pianos at teas thaa. actual lactorv coat, nameiy: , Two Choicest Cbiekarlpff baby granda. value iBDS.aah. One very cholco Chtokertng parlor grand, value fl.100. y. una very nne weosr parior grana in select mahogany case, value 11,160. Two of ttte finest Urge slse Cbieksr- Ui upright a, value. J 060 oaoa. Throe very elegant Weber uprights, fancy mahogany caeea, valued at l&at One Weber art piano. XsMte XIT de sign, value 70. . . y ' Two of the dainty Weber baby up rlghta. value 560 each. Throe very elegant new seals Kimball uprights tha famous SKhiBloa designs value 6S each. Three superb Kimball Colonial- up right, tho vary latest, veins H each. And In JIM Pianos Six used fastrumantg. ta nne oondfr tlon, among them Fischer, Howard, Lud wlg Singer. Bailey. Kingsbury, at lle Five used uprights madeby Hale, Wesley, Wellington. A.. B.. Cbaaa and eUngsaury, at ituo eacn preens noteIt will pay yoa ta stake your selection at enoa. A deposit of one-tenth of amount of purchase to be made at time of selec tion, balance payable by noon of Sep tember 1 next, . Now, bore's tha chance for cash buy era. The roods tN the flnsst.' Proflta cut no flguro. We're even willing to eorlfloa nert of our actual eoat. In vest I cats this at once. Ellera . Piano House, SSI Washington Street. DATES ARE SET F08 lOTST CASES 0OVB BBBsron VXX& ORIMIBdXi uit m i-o-tm on ajtb OASJLB ARB ST.RBdlVT SATRZ. Monday wag ft busy day In tha alreutt oourt. Depart nent No. I was orowdod all forenoon with lawyer, handling ax parte matters and arranging with Pre siding Judgs Ooorga aa to tha dates oa which civil oases should be placed on the trial aWlondar. The court an nounced that tha Jury would probably bo called back on October If. Deputy -Dtstrlot Attorneya Mossr aad Adams wars p recent to have dates set for various criminal oases, Tho case of Tom Smith, oa appeal from the kFsr court, was paaaod. Mr. Adams said bo had boos Informed that Charles Norriln. a young man charged with larceny, had been paroled' by ono of lho- circuit Judaea. Judas Oaorgw concluded to take aa action relative to Norriln untu the status of his oaae haa boon definitely established. Otbss oases ware sot- for trial as follows; 0k W. Morck, charged 'with larceny from a dwelling, September it; Harry Thomas, same offense, September 14; Charles Meehaa and Prod Wilson, bur glary, September 11; Edmund Croffleld, statutdry offense, September 16; Klnjl Obama, criminal libel, September II; Nudelman, Wallace aad Rykua, larceny Two days wars allowed for tho Okama libel casev the district attorney's rep re- sen tatlvea saying they believe mfly ono day wlU ha required la which to try anr of tha other cases. Croffleld: te the only man who wlU not bo repre sented by an attorney. He saya tha Lord wlU defend him. Scene of the mora Important dvU oases wars allotted da tee for a bearing. Many of them win he hoard by Juriea. All tha squlty eases are to bo hoard by tho oourt. Tho suit of residents of ML Tabor for tho removal of tho institu tions of the Sanitarium company en tho ground that they constitute a private nulsanoo will bo heard by the court October 10, Attorney Plate saying a week will probably be required to dis pose of the oass. Other Imnortaat civil SnttS wOTS I for hearings oa the following dates: John Ditch burn vs. Richard Nixon, ac tion for damages. September 1J, tha day oourt opens; J.T. Ooea vs. the Northern Paofflo Ran way company, so tloa for damaass. September II; Alvln Knapp vs. tha Oregon Water Power A Railway oompany, damage sulV Septem ber la. ' The salt of Minnie Van Hon ten for a divorce from David O. Taa H oaten. tho slayer of Albert Young, wilt ho heard Sep tamper IK ASSOCIATION WILL J - OFFER RICH PRIZES A thousand dollars te to be given away ta prises by tha Oregon Irrigation aaaoclatlon for the best fruit display at tha annuel stats convention ta bo held, la Ontario September It, 19 aad 11, and tho olty of Ontario will glvo a loving cup valued at tlOD to the county In tho Many prominent men will be hoard fromrT tho convention platform, Including Sena tor John H, Mitchell. Governor Cham berlain. Congressman Williamson and Hermann, Governor Morrlaonof Idaho, D. W. Roas of tha United States geo detic survey. Mayor Classman of Ox den. and Dr. James Wltnyoouioa or tna ore- son aarlcultural experiment station. Tko railway companies have given a rat of oaa and a third faro for tha round ma. The manes re of the convention are planning soma naval, features by way of Ulustration OK taa rasaiia 01 rfrigatloa of arid tend. i Ftr tke Mof fields. Tha steamers Klmore and Ruth, af the wum Reiimkd a NavlaatloB oom pany, lake yoa direct to the hop fields of Oregon. Boats leave oauy a r.vm a. m. from Ash street dock. JUST OUT! Fountain Pn n. J. R. DYING Ceat Anniversary '1 V'' ic J- KRAUSIT A FRINCEt PorUand's Greatest Shoe Jobbei.; dlsflolved part nership on September 1st. .Their Immense stock of Men's Fine Shoes had . to be greatly reduced to -j - pay fortleUMrs Greatest Qnallty Store $12,500 WORTH OF THEIR FAMOUS FINE PACK ARD, BURT & PACKARD, FLINTSTONE AND CROWN HAN D - SEWED r SHOES AT- 53c ON THE $ 1 .0 0 ' v 'WK ACCEPTED THEIR OFFER and hsvs arnnfe4 to plscs on sale this splendid stock of Shoes at soss than maniifBCturers' coat. Every, pair id: th ktest Fall and Wintar model for 1904 arkd-loKWcorisisting of Ertaincl. Patent Kid and Colt. Vici, Calf, Corona and Veloura in all the makes of last and shape of toe. Every pair h absolutely, guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or a new pair FREE. - :- . ? : : ' ' i " : f al - gg For a splendid collection of -T I .VV Medium and Heavy Weight Hand-Made Shoes in Lace, CongresB apd Blucher. Handsom, new 1906 models; the Shoes that Krause ft Prince get f2.7i wholesale for. - . $2.49 s BB For your pick o 800 pairs of tine ' riand-Made enoea anv man needs to wear. rhev corns in all the new swell, hold their .shape and wear well; the Shoe that it sold in every fine shoe bouse in this town for 93.50 to 9400; Krause ft Prince's wholesale price was 93.05. v t j A Cm For aU Krause ft Prince's nsl-4v sweHest hand-bench, Custonv - Made Shoea; every pair is made as carefully and put together as perfectly as if your custom shoemaker made em for you and charged you $10.00. This line embraces all of Packard's Tibbets and The Crown's Best , Brands of Shoes, that retail everywhere; at 95.00, 96.00 and f7.5Q. ! Colambia Theatre - In as other olty ta tha United Btatas oaa tha pnbllo sea ssoh a aaifdaora theatre, such solid oooafort. bear auoh good sMiato aad wltaass a IS show at suoh low Btfoss. .. . j PMDl. wha have witnessed if . tloa of CapUla Lattarblalrv tloa Of "CaplalB tsHiaroiairr uw aieniDivw tm that ths Colambia prodaotloillg aaaal tf not superior go that of marioa'B foremost eta. ' Ths sotting of ths last act has oaoaed toors general oommont than any stage picture soon la Portland for yaara. Ths high standard of plays wlU be kept ap taa entire sea- Tha steaa director "Will" produced "Captain Lattarblalr." aaaurea as that his prodwo tloa of -Lord and Lady Algy." the-oomlng wask. wlU ha Just as psrfsot la datail aa ths present attkaettoa. ' Mr. .Weleh has )vst iwsatvad manuserlpts and parts for hts repertoire for tha first IS weeka. Amoag tho plays saloegad and which wfll be prodnoed la that Urns are Urn following New York sttooosses, and Port land may oonelder Itself vary fortunate In having aa oppor tunity to witness sueh plays aa "Lord and Lsdy Aigr.M "Mrs. Jack." Blanche Bates' production of "Under Two riaga, The Magistrate,- The Masked Ball.- Tho Only Way," The Fatal Card." Tha Bella sf Hasalmara," Tha WUdsrTsSSSr-"Aa Amertoaa CUlaen" and -Invars' Lana." 500 Seat atic; iop taU at 50c; few A Laugh a Hundred 'If your teeth are In perfect condition, out If tfiey are not, I dont wonder that you frown. But braca up, don't look meloncholy, for, don't think a decayed tooth ia a permanent disfigurement. We can correct this disfigurement and re store it to ha normal beauty and usefulness. Remember, this is dont without causing you the slightest pain by our late end scientific methods. . , , ' Examination free, whether you have work done or not Come and get a coupon for the Automobile with every dollar's worth of work done between now and Xmaa. A fine Xmaa present for the lucky coupon holder. :. Dr. D. iTWrr-'G ' bENTAL OTTiZH - 1 ;: Hi Washingtba St. cor. of f X rhona Main il1"1 Office Hours a. m. to o. r 9 a. m. to 1 n. f . fe Branch Office f . f Jem. . meet the price the remaining partner wanted to for the business. They offered TJ-3ESH11UB n 1 "rrO TjlV Stmt y- tea adCrr 1 - $i ; A g 1006 shaDes. look 'f r V ' vary saaisnoa la 4elights with ths Columbia Tbeatra, Columbia Theatre wag com fortably ailed Tuesday night, aaa. aa at ths three previous perforansaces, ths awdtsaoe want , away delighted. . Mr. W. H- Sothern's grodno- .A aro ananlmoas la their oplnloa Um'. . . - Bernard, who so flawlessly Is Worth Frowns ' ' ' v ' v i .. 1. For-the sterhng quality of Hand-Sewed Shoes; Krause ft Prince, wholesale price , S67 pairs of v ; v -- Boys' (School Shoes u In regular $2.00 to" $3.00 grades for $l.SO Warm Weather Specials : FROM THE GREAT ANHIVERSARVy" $i.00 and $1.50 Sumroer Underwear.., 25e $3.00 $4.00 and $5.00 Light Colored Fur Hats .....ttt........m,.91-KO $1.00 and $80 NegUgee Shirts..;... A 75 THE BAKER THEATRE Orema Theatre 0a Lents. OW. L BAKES. MiMftr- Phase Ma hi MSf, TalM aad U This Wsek, lUUaM IstBidag. Melbourne MsoDowMl t .. tag Oaaujsav'ln lerdpa'e evest rkv. - l-gt T Piliw Si IK sat. MW. Sta. MattsMb lot, ifle, e. OOaJsUY t TwxtTaS COBD rat a armnnx. usasgwa Teieael'e Most repalsr rewUr Tkeette. aveix jlaslJswe gHtajpn; MsUbm, ' t la "ML JlXTtX AVB VK. .ITUg.' Ike Hit et tee Week. ,: "aaase palate a ssporM taret' Tetogrmi ,1M ttea Joe reel: Tteese eeDred keavnyr " IMom. Me. Be. eOi IpMWBeeervOf 9m tei lUUsee Friete, Ue aad lea. EMPIRE TrIBATRB Ow. lath sad Merrewa Sea Pkeas Mate lit. Xealght ead all TUe Wesk. SUaraey M.lhiee. The William Stook Okwaeatf Bl Btaa Boertaelf a Art Soetkera listan,' THE OCTOROON" .:' ' 1 Heat Wefb, "Wekael gtrocoff. Pilm glgkty M. U-v Sec Matlaev M " -v svr tsjb Birrnui aart'. Baealkaa BOl. Baa sTaaleal treat. ARCADE TrifATCC RCflNCD VAUDEVILLE ft;M r kdlea geetlaaMa aad eMaraa. adRBsAa 10 state aay test. TW hsam s anata veaSevlUs. avrfcraMeeM froaj I gt St. gander eonttneoe I te lt:S s . Sves tsg BarfortitaMB Bros, f te W;S . m, Aa east la the theatre. 10 easts. A BtU Bialrkl WWkJj-tates. ft ,aw tkne STAR THEATRE tOmlXAMVw FaSBTOWaaXB -- Hragagvaui naiMOBsav -.- Oeeerel aaartaswa, Hti rwrol het eaaw, M , raOwasiiM. S f: M:S . Ste S4MPS0S AMD rHO ta Mttvilwa tveei efStrMsa st the eUYRIC THEATRE , , .CanHV AM ssg Si Mil, T - v MIOM-lAsM RBP1NBD VAUDBVIlXB : 4:M; TiSS St lO-JBi fceer, i la M a sk Tint ta. bbs jea win hkh mmm ma MtUM Sesaart aoe WtUear. tm czrxa-ae anaaxa. cotfonrz BAUU- KLAkica CVNUBBt B ae"-e r "5 r -Vf.