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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
TTCI C OON 'DAILY- JOURNAL; PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY' 'EVE NINO, SEPTEMBER t I4. 1 VnHTHD- FCIV GATUI1DAY : 50 Cdh Days cr fcirb cbcut 1 5 years of age. ' At-ly it rv: ' .-lBWHBgMegg III! I l -WW II. ' 1 g BBiaB -a--g ggg I ' SSPTELID?;.! HE -ARRANGEMENT SALES TboM aot finding H oooeuleut to otn to tha atora mt ahop aattafaotorflr by mall w phone. A apwytwH, drilled m4 expert aorpe of ahoppera to eov- L awroe u nu i r j , . . ,-.t; . carefully aad eonaelaattoualr to ac patrona tateeeat. IMal fnflWI U. Oldeat, teedlar Ifail-Ordar -Hoaaa tn wae. Patrona who chooee to opea a eharse aceeaat will find auv Credit IraMm tharoufhlr effioleot treat eonmodattoa to ahoppins, to otietomor an atora alika, Opaa to all with proper refereaoea. Aia o:r T:.n:;c with matchless bargain o??ortoniteS! , ,., , , ,, - I I , .u , , , - "'.II I I ) i. 1 i -v Mori Silt mA . uytfrvrnf f nsm : ; - saav Comes BnstlinEWimOaiiJbrtw SOLE ORXGON ACZNTS TCX THX - -: WCRLD-FAKOUS ; , B0NN1T ET C2'S SXKS Patten. CoanUr Annt 1 et floor lOcorTOcaYtMT Ncwwt and LrgMt Stock tc Cn-ps HOflMOfthl QUICK MEAL" COOKING RANGES MTHC DOmUNT STOMtr .. nities to Save onaE)le. SsrviceaMe Msrchandise of Um WANTED SORT. - MERCHANDISE FOR PERSONAL WEAR and HOUSEHOLD USE HOTELS art RESTAURANTS art INTERESTED u ' Portlands Largest, Foremost Women's f Appcrel Pnesents ? ; AuthoriUtive 1 ' f- . r .'.'JVBTiJ Thursday ; Last Day of the Great Silk Sale .'it... Tremendous Slaughter $ 1 0,000.00 Worth New, Rich, Black Silk Taffetas Thv SUki m nmw, mfnificntl Th occulon "prmnti a perfect whirlwind of opportunitiM to carfuL prudent boyrs of aplendid Black 6ilka. But th tim is ahort in which to girt your ihar . the 8uo will hot onhr until doeinf time Thnrtday. There pi no reaeoa for tbla tela other then that of furnishing a whip and spur to September buiineea. WeVe out to beat all records and incidentally to lower the stocks before rearrangement of departments takes place preparatory to entering the new Shcth-street Annex. The SUks are crisp and new as the season. What woman will not want her share of these rich, handsome, shimmering 8 ilka? One will be wise indeed who fill the Winter's 8ilk wants now while such values are set before them. - The bargains are indeed matchless! Unmatchabls by any house on the Pacific Slope. - Read the Hems: ; S600 yards liVmch All-Pure 8ilk Black Taffeta; regular Mc value. SpecUl yard.........61e t50 yards tl-inch AU-Pura Silk Black Taffeta i regular $1.00 value. Special, yard. , 73 9000 yards f4-inch All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; regular $L10 value. Special, yard. ..r. . .79e 8816 yards 87-inch All-Pure 8Uk Black Taffeta; regular $L96 value. Special, yard..i......8a 1875 yards 86-inch All-Pure Bilk Black Taffetas regular $1.88 value. Special yard. , 94a xlOO yards 88-inch AU-Pura 8Uk Black Taffeta; regular $1.00 vahia. Special, yard. . .... .fl.21 v ; Tomorrow toaithreiy tba Last Day of Thb Unparallaied S0k Satet i -WvSole Agents for Bonnet et Cie's Blade Silks . C31AND SALONS of DRESS i tSECOI rLoon- tTU-mim wawkakirca axMMtlana of Avtamm Oowma, ooannM caima danU-taUotad). Dtnnar aad Bvaainc Di Daiatr tn Wmm, Draaa mi Walate SUfta; TaOaffaS Sttaat Snita. Tt-a4r.and Oar- tha apprarad atjrlaa or Fuhka i ooun, . jtoan. aa aa pap T tha Suit Saotloa vltbout asnsttcUns taa variat Naw atlaa ara aoeilBS M dallr. - Oraat ear la takaa bava a aiera tttaa oa, twa av mm -attara, thus affordlnc tba fttmai thla atora aa BMh aMlualvaataa M eu ba slvaa by eoatom amliataa. PortlaW'a Laadlna Stara as WoaobTKg bar baat this attic, galnlnf raadlnaaa far mufr apawlnea apaotmootaa praparln for aa "BBST- ftata BMaaa aaasauina aw- wall Cblnca. It naaaa tmpm flttara an aosaatant wwkMVj2Tj a nagaaaary aitarauoa nwjr oa Tarr aiisni, ni mmmwmt ;7 - fao la aftan )oa. Wa haw to aw amatoy. to anare aamraav tnaaa "- ka mnma tfmla. Wa avaraataa ttaata- waafe ba pwfanfc oot air eaUafaotofT U ybm. bt alaa aa aw rial raouiramaBta, Jfo SfMnt laavaa thla atora bafara Ifa riaM, aa owa, wviait Tv. ll and autborltaUTaly earraet saraMnta aoat M aiora. or aa much, aa tbair to- farlor raplloaa which JWlp ta awall tua BtBNr oc ainiaaa wvnaiwm Naw Tork'i aaat alda awaat ahopa to our ahadowa to tha Fortlaad eumat boatnaaa. Portland woaMO-folk know atyla aad aaaiKT aay io oww am aw-sawa and apanclaa that oom tonaajant-novaa worw tn a wnj -a auetaada whib otaara laaciilah anotbar faaaoa war this haa haaoata eaaOr PORTtJkHD'a FOnajalOST ITOML ' r . - - SiwxiadRaoTragfjmeiit Sole of HandsonM i LACE CURTAINS raartt Visa. . A wmnd.tiB rf art 't&a, hrnktn Hnaa: rlaaa put apon than to loova ukk Jjr ta paw owitara wh aaad 'am bad aa wa aaad tba room. Ona or two pair lota, aaaip4a, alltfMly waaaad or an 1 14 fav hutdllna. On trla to taa tub and -they're new amln aa tha day thay Uft thalV atkm. Moat of 'am dan't arta naad a lauadaiinwuiay'ra all rlffht, vat mOm- ot Untf , prtnad thtowayt -tl . M U valttaa. aow .lJJO M M valuaa, ow ..J......J.1.S5 SS.M Yalaaa, now .t ...OS. IS $.M valuaa, aov Vi......t...aa.BO . valuaa. aw ........... .$S.T8 Aoothar Ciwat Sato of fa-bh . Point Lace Cartaina Thirtr-alSht etylot tfl tha BTaad ahoMlapv-on to ftva-patr lata, Saaa plaa a MUlo aiuaaad hi haodllns. . Ton saw Ilka this: . " N -t 4.H Cartatoa era ..88.88 $ f.ta Curtalaa ari . Cartaiaa ara 84.08 Ill.M Cartolne ara ,........ SO.OO lli.0 Curtatna ara .....fT.OO IU.M futtalna ara ...i $a.O SPECIAL SALE LACE i COLLARS A fortunata fjarahaaa, of tba laoa bujrer Sarins hla raooht trip to Maw Tork. A anlandtd atyla vartaty, aa braolna tola aajda, alraular atoaka with frant taba; aaato bava btaek val vat aa4 trhtto avpliqwa trlauataaa, otbara whita Vanlaa laaa tb potoud affaata ftad whlto Irtab mod to tranter faaey ahapaav raal Arabkui with fanoy ravara. gtawalaaaaaa with Ion fraoto and flbar aUka, la popular fttftmf t" ' Mmmi wttb araohat aroaa Mta. Valaaa from 111 to I1MI. at boat asmauas1 rnzds I4.M Oonan at. .at.BO 1 i. Col tan at.,.........i.M.OO I7.M Collara at. ..b. ...... . 4.00 II.M Collars at... fS.OO U. Collara at .. fja.OO 111. 01 Collara ft.........r:.8T.OO Ill.M Collara at.....;...C..s)8.0O lUbUmaBaU'gaina I ' BaautifaJ two-Unas Wbbona, ra tur quolaa. Ilaht blua, aavr, black and " yray, rod. pink and motra. 4H-taeh width, ragular 4aa valua; apaelal for tha waak. yard 9Sd All -Si Ik Double-Paoad Liberty stik Ribbon, extra flna fluailly. I. tH - and m Inch wtdtha. rular I to, 4o and iae valuaa; apaoiai for tha , waak. . aaa - AH tb8 Nnr Thins hi Leather Goods Haw atyiea aa ahapaa fa Hand Baa, Oarrlata Mass. Knvalapa Saa, la ail tha laatbara and popular eoter $1.25to512.C0 3 Great Colored Dress Goods Specials ' New Fall Dressv Fabrics, tha newest designs and colorings to be found in the best markets of the world at prices to iiitioduco our immense and well-selected stock. Regular 81 grade of MMnch Mixed Tailor Suitings and hart-finished Worsteds, in all street colorings, special for three day only, 78c yard. -A- - - -r-- , : ,. . Regular $1.80 grade 84-inch AD-Wool Suitings very deairabls fabrics for street wear, all ths new colorings and patterns, special for three days only, 81.13 yard. ' Regular $1.78 grade of 84-inch Mannish Tweed 8uitings In all wanted street colors, the very latest petterae and designs for tailored suits. 8pecial for three days only, $149 yard. mSs A Sale of Fine Black Dress Stuffs Regular $1.50 and 81.88 new Black Goods, in Voiles, Twins Staminas, Mistral Ktamlnes, Craps da Paris and Embroidered Crepe. 8pecial for three days only, 88c yard. Regular 81.78 grades Twins Etaminee, Nubbed and Seeded Voiles, Crepa da Paris, Poplin da Chene. Special for three days, only $1.28 yard. The Bargain Searchlight shines full upon tt Dress Goods Storet A monster Sale of New Autumn Dreas Stuffs stands revealed ( For THURSDAY only now. . HOUSE -KEEPERS' SALE : RArransamaiita on ThM Floor Mean Moving of Many Stocks Hotiaefurnishing at cheaper prices than last month; much cheaper. Haven't you, as' a house keeper, often followed up careless sweeping, and given a room a cleaning that meant cleanness? THOROUGHNESS.. Just so stores must ba thorough. We've started out here to get ready for wholesale moving. Every stock on the floor has to ba moved about this month soon as ths floor is laid in tha new annex now wa move many. of these third-floor stocks there. The Sum mar's sales have left us many oddments; we've founded 'em upcut prices deeply oa them .ths savings ara fine Ws print a list, but not a full ona: , . . . ; Sfrtttialt for tba Wat In Whita ... German China Wara ... Thin China Cup and Saucers, dos .$1.20 China Bread and Butter Plates, dos......75 China Tea Plates, dos......... ..75 China Breakfast Platss. doc. . . . . ..j. .fl.10 China Dinner Plates, dos..,.. ...,....$1.35 100-Piece Decorated German China Dinner Seta, m 8 styles of bandsoma decorations. T Spsciai . ; w. -. . ; . r. . . .f 14.00 Haviland Decorated China Dinner Sets, t styles handsome decorations, 100 pieces. -Spscisl ......... ....... i o. f 22.00 ' 8ARRECUEMINES (nrebroof) FRENCH EARTHEN COOKING WARE, unequaled for durability and purity. A neat, polished brown color, white lined-- r 8 -inchr Oval Bakers; special, each. ..,..24d T 4-inch Ovsl Bakers; special, each. ...M&e 7 . -mch Oval Bakers; special, each. .... -16c Handled Ramekins, dos..; ...fl.00 -inch Bowls, each ....,10a 8-inch Bowls, each. .................. .,12 Drip Coffee Pots, each..... 89a Custard Cups, dos. . . . .80a A big line of useful pieces in this ware, all it special prices for the week.. , Brio-a-Brac ana! Dacoratad China - 'f Immense new linei Just4 opened Marble Busts and Figures for holiday gifts. Libber's , famous Cut Glass, Decorated Lamps -and Shades ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK., v. v . " ' : KitdMnfarnkhinss at Special Prices ' Tha entire Una, absolutely everything em braced under this heading on tha third floor, is radically reduced. , A few specials that show how the reductions trend: Granite Iron Teakettles ....59d Granite Iron Teapots, 8-qt sixe. ....... .36 Granite Iron 14-qt. Dishpans 48 Granite Iron lt-hole Muffin Pana...,..30t Granite Iron 4-qt. Pudding Pans . .18 Asbestos Mats .3d Asbestos Baking Sheets, dosen...WiTr-..8 Nickel-Plated Pokers, each.,. ..6a A Craat Special Sale of the Celetmted ,; Wallace Bros. SUverware - .'" Every piece guaranteed. New, fancy pat terns, good, heavy handles. ' TEASPOONS est of 8; speclsl.:.....4e Dessert Spoons set of V $UM value; Special .....80s) Tablespoons set 8f 8, $1.80 value l ' Special ,...w...jV ..... ...... 06a Table Forks set of 8, $1.80 value; " Special ..,...,,...'..... ........,.06 Oyster Forks set of 8; special. ...... ...72d Sugar Spoons, 85c value ; special, aach. , . . 15d Butter Knives, 88c vahie; special, each. . .22 Berry 8poona with fancy bowl, 80c vahie; r Spsciai 80 rVIMa fUt knif arwl ork. en. Mhia Special .w-, f LADES' NEW FALL FELT HATS 7 Instead of $3 Tha aav aTlHlaary aaaaaa traaatws In aaaa aa aaw av awarr eapTaaa. . ' Never had aa aaaar hata feaffara and. hattav atlll. Um hata wera aevar aa raitr. r Wara atarttaar tha aaaaaa aarlr thla raar. 8 woat aUaw Um : aielea ta set alaaead. Uiua kaaaine thtasa BwvtaK So wVv taaaa a tot. af Um aratttaat. JanatUat plaia ' italta that ara aa aopalar fov amHana " wear, aeSeetad arara. vhitar tatia and alack, lavaded taa tla. If. aad M sradaa aod.aa a prtoa . magaat to taatea jrour Mlad aad ' area uvaa boar. dowatadata ailUtaarr atara aad aaaa 'am thara. we're folaa to ft roa ohalaa of - a am Thaiaday at oaa artoe.-aaa Tlrortcky la Knitwear AUea SS': Underwear Hosiery " WoaaasJ' whita aottaa Marada kaH VtawJ and aaata. la fait waishta, Taata saata vaatoh vevta, haat ita valaaa; aaetlal Tharadaj at .aaa WoaMa'a Maak aottaa Hoalery with vratta aatoa, ail hlaek OaiaaaS foot, aalaa Soahla thlthneaa, aplear did qealRT at tha rasalar aad Ma arteea, all at oaa -kiiHODB" " ebole (fim n Mi a oa Tharadajr. ' UNHR&WBAQ pat? U Little Necessities AT Wee Bits o Prices Heary Bvtto and Carpet Thread, at hlaek. drab, whita, red aad tana, IM-rard apaoU awaaku. apool..4a) Stray Loek ShU Hair Claapa, la aa- aortaS ohapaai valaaa to laaj epa ohU at ....,.....10 Shell Fompaloar Coaiba. foR aarva. Se aad Ma valaaa; epaakvat..ied ritte All-Brlatl Hair Braaaoa. hi kwaa alae; a aaeetal ara at ...-.4aS atetra Quality baportad Oott wraahaa, Ha yaioai agnlelat Crow Tat let Waaara. kt Vtowt. Crab Avpta, wm St aad Ifat uka adaim, TM .Valaai apeetal at. kattia . . , aav WOMEN'S GLOVES FOB. AUTUMN WEAK. Tba baat. moat aorraet stovaa br wear of draaa jr weaiaa aaa karat aeoaplata aaw llnea kfaawata, Haotora,'Owrhrt Koaareh and Dent'a aa all tha - aaweat aradea, naaat aalaetad felda, ft.oa, eiJfr, Special Sale Harcolee Braid Thla popular Dreea amid la aary. aad. sraaa aad arowa ahadaa, aad wldUw raaalas rram H meh to hwhaa. all piaoad at apaolal prloaa feat at tha traM tla andad oat Ta srada; apart! at , 44 10a prada; apaolaJ at.......;... fl llwaarada; opaeial at........... &2 1M grade; apeclai at 10v ITa srada; apootal atv.w la SOO fra: opaeUl at..... 144 Ma grades apeoUl at.. iff Doby GoCarts I.tUSTCO t ''' ',' Swam tlaa W Raarraaaaaiaat of atocha iwaaaltotoa Vloalnf out our preaeat llnea aeiun bolklxy aooda arrta. For aaa wae wa offer all toa tia.M OiMHrtt fnr $! O"- tr-r. $(- if-.,.. Boa Vina CV- tha p r 1 r daaea Paaer, l and W-'