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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
1 1. " Tn ;. . TKX mTNPAY JOURNAT, P02TAyD. lUKDAY MORNlKg 8XPTE1IBEB 4 HQ. Bala .i if - 4 fura STASIS 1: VATORXTB OFF. JlftABS BY- VStAC "J W t.,:" 1 . ", ttpcU btapatrt ay LM War U Tee JmmI) IhMpahMd Bar. N. Bepfc 5 Wttthir ol, traok tut , First race,, .full - mum ,at plecha t handirep, 4-yer-olf nd upward- t Itoyoll Welr), I to, a, wonj ttremadery 1 Second r Amur third. Tina. 1:14. Bend rack six furlongs, mala track, rfclgbwclgbt haadlaap fr. ail . Waterside, ' (Cnmmlu,) t to 1. won 5 Lady Aat alia seooadi Adlos third. Tim. i Third, race, the flaUHuh stakea, par .ltMM, van fuvleoaa,- -year-aids--' i Tradition (Lyon), 1 to , woo; Ola u . Second; St Bellane third. Time. 1:M 1-1. Fourth raoa, 'tha Century stakes, mlla t and half., tar -SrraaMld- and. upward- Stalwart (Redferay. 4 to 1, wont Ort ' Wall daeoadf abort Ho third. Tlma, 1:11 l-l. . . . v - Fifth racaafTv and a half furl on fa, 1- , i year-old. IL404 adlA---OelrrigonB - (Ly . 4 t I. w rOeuaeUmaa eweood; "TBidchar third. Tim t:ttt-l. - Sixth raoa. one mlla and sixteenth an t-tur t J -year-old and upjJM.MO add Wild Tbym Mart In), weoj imw - MoonAi aray Friar third. Tlma not gVOB. wv; ls w-..'Mi.J-V iy ' C -:; - A Ohloaga. " Chicago Harlem Track, . past. . t for tba olaar. traok fast . , Flrat raoa, -alx furleagav i Major Johnson viNlchols) to I, won: BllBt Wiltr condi 0e4 . San third. . . Tlma. 1:11 1-1. . ': Second race, US and "half furlongs. par Pom Dom (Nlohoja) wont If ata- dor aeoondj Wainamoinea tBiro. .- im. , I'M l-l. . . Third raoa: fcr fartoBgnv tha I ataka, S1.I00 addedBis Bn (prior) . to 1, won: MoOaa aaeond; Iran landnar third. Tlma. lill 1-4. Voarth raoa, mttm and atetaanth, handt . ' can Port Royal (Xnapy), ta t, won; ., Hussaa, aacond: Brace third., Tlma, - 1:47 -K Fifth Ma frra furlonva, t Balla kinaar (Avbwahon). to Subtla Mooad: Inaa third. No tl - Sixth raoa, Mlla, pur Wa Wrlchl ""Folteh) T to l won Fncaata aaoond .Branca third. - Tim aoV aivaB. - Savanth raoa,. mlla and Utaanth, . - ' Utnv-HaTllaod (Uanry), otm won; Colahratlon ooand; Baiwihanoa third. it tta not flran. v : . At Mi mwafei. r'-tjfcXoala,- Mtk, Spt Iv-Waathw ctlaar. track faat. . jt Flrat raca. aht furtonta, lllnj .. Bootoh Danco (CBway) ? to 1,. won; . . Flnnaala . aaoond; Oudtm third. Tlma. "r 144 -' ' I .Baooad raoa. alavan-antoanth of a - mlla. aalllnav-Tt Harat fAadaraoaW 1 H k ta 1, won; Pictura Hat aeoond: Ula Wor- J Afalp third. Tlma. Milt. , ', Jhlrd moa. at furlonsa. aalllnr-rlo S ,Ooaa Uuan)l to 1. won? i. yr. ONaU 1 . aacond: Bid SUvar third. Tima 1:14.. V V . Fourth raoa alx furlonsa.- handicap : Otto Stlfal (Otla). ovan, won; ioawatar ' aaoond; Tally M. third. Tlma not slvan. . Fifth raoa, thlrtaan-aUtaantha of, t mlla, poraa Juat Bo Auattn, l N l, won; HIM Doyla second; Kins' Trophy r?1 third." Tlioa sot flvan. --rr-, Sixth race, mil and atet nth, 11- 1 tn Tha Bugaaoo Booker . a to l, wont Hubbard aeoond: Aa-fl lwn ' third. Tim not alvaa. Seventh raoa, mlla and three alx : taantha. alUr Mlaa Boa (Parrtna), 11 to 1, won; M leant hrope aeoond Traa- - 'Bud third. Tlma not cifen. La Aafelat . 0 1 1 41 I .BM , TmM I... 0.. 4 10 f IM ,(MH SMttle '. TO.. I Mi M .114 PorUmnd ........... 4 I ., M I IT . . SaB rraadaa M o .. I 14 .444 . Oailaad I 0 I I I.. It m " hm w....A...n,.U TrIiDHioil fJearaal laeelel Srrrlce.) V Pendletoa, Or Sept. The Paodle- 1. ton Athletlo elub haa been reorganized. with Mayor W. F. hfallock aa at l dent, - J. T. Hlnkla, aecretaryj Billy Boajert, ' manaaer; Jack Mttehcu. tnatruetor. The eld armory haa been turned Into elub- room and tba auditorium la heina fit ted up with s atase for tha cam Ids fisht between Touos Kid McCoy and Jack MltoaalL - t . ,k A RtaMUk ki TW iMml l i . t- Rainier, Or Sept. -I The Ratnlar ha ball olub haa won thr same in ' tha baMball tournament at ClaUkanla ; and loat none. Today waa the aeoond , day. The tournament will do tomor . tow. The Clatakant olub haa won two sam and the St. Helena elub haa loet three. Clatakanl haa loet but on. ' RACES 'RACES RACES Last Meetln doses Sept 10th 1 Irvington Race ;jilTraclt:fl' feek : i.'. r-. ... . i.j Big carda everyday. Six br more racew daily. v " Take can firsthand Wash ington StreetaV i n v j; '' Fint not UUed at 2:30. ; Over 500 thoTcmh-breds row ready. - ' bc:c-s ui LArs c? sro?xs JEFFflES OATESt FIGHTER CF AGE Onrtinud from Pas Tan.) aa Jim Corbet t, Jake Kllrals, loo.Choyn akl Peter Ma her. Frank BUrtn, Peter Momma, Joa Ooddard, Oae KuUM, ..Tom Sharkey, Bab Fit Immoaa and "Kid" MoOept and wtth la reepeot la the maa wha bare faded from view, aa well, aa for tho wh are fading, we declare em phatically that Jeffrie ttt hla preaant form la tho beet aU-roand riosaiav p have ever known, I ardlnary -thnea Madden' airy per triaae mlaht pa without eomnuat, hud iuat at preat. -when everybody who haa to do with the sport of the rlns t oudfellnjr braina u think ad a hail aarf sot opponent cor Jeffries, it 1 xas paratln-.- Evan Jeff himself admits, lshfuliyV that. ha la afraid he wlU be out of work oulta atwhUa.: A a a matter of fact he haa flsa oyer fooklna for oppoaet.- Be1 haa paad a buck to the sportiiur Dren and nublta oplalon and has Id determinedly that he will meet no man uhl U U plenti fully ehown that the or It lee and tha riant followers demand that he da da. By funowlnS this our he feels thaf ha Pill pe absolved from bias In- ea the la s Mpatltws of tha Munro ! Peat 3a to HmHi. . Sill! harpina; on Maddona ill -advised remarks. It is worthy of not that aaah heavywelatita aa are looklna for anaaae- atavtn Ban- Franc lsoo'-ar--makftia? M ciear 10 start WMh that ther have. a oewira TO minaie wrth on Jam J. Jef frt la a profe lonal way., - Kld" McCoy, whim belnc introduced from the rlB at the M hanlce pavilion' ea the nlvht of tha Jeffrlea-Muaro. flaht causva it to be announced thafha would box any man llvlna "bar Jeffries." inci dentally s few of tha spectators who war not a pray to the excitement of tha hour tittered at tha idea of McCoy bar rtna; Jeffrl while the Jffrle-Munroc hsttla waa yet wafouarht. They aald tt a mad U breaths a hint that tha "Kid did not look for a ahanaa la the cham pionship situation at lout sot thai aiaht. Then there 1 Marvin Hart How. It my ae that be Is one of tho man Mad den thlaka w4U do with Uttle deval oplna." but-Marvin him If haa doubts on tha sub t Thai Is shown by a let ter received by th writer from Jaek MoOarmaak. wha Is . dlrectlna- Hart a Aahtlna; operations Just at .pre nt. Mo- "Hart m anxious to hex, tn Ban Fram elaoa. Be will Aatit any whIU man, ex oeptlns JeflYtaa, who bo aoncad to he in a ctaaa.ail' by himself. FersonaUy I know tha ohamplon la It, for 1 waa hla parrtnt partner onea. have the real Una on him and I don't "want any part of hi ring am ma. Neither do Marvin," Amons other -whit men" amimoratad by MoCormadi m KM ' McCoy-. H ye Marvin would be quite aruilnf ta a lain witn ma Hooawr for a battle talu rranctaoo In the rly fall. It la worthy of remark that MoCoy la belna ohal lmaed from vry quarter juat at pi ant, tha tnferehe belaa-that tha malor- Ity of a vy-mlddl and llfht-heavl wnxiaer mm an easy mars. . - McCoy himself Is between two stools, he ha accepted an offer of a match with Twin Sullivan at Lea Ansal and la apparently about te eloaa. a deal with Jaok O'Brien for a oonteet In San Fran cisco, Tha Sulllvaa affair is flrat oa the proaram aad the qu Uoa wlthJMcCey is "would It be better to let the Sulli van match elide, and devote tba whole of my attention to tho so with O'Brien T If tha Sullivan match so through, and McCoy loses, a damper will be oast on tha 0,BrtirMcCoy Saht. - If tho KM withdrawn from tha oonteet wtth Sulll vaa he will be fr ly criticised for doina so and all klnda of motive imputed to him. pa Ibly tha prospect of bis match with O'Brien will suffer. ' All thins oonsMered, McCoy will need soma of hi vaunted rlns aaneralehlp for a outside tho rop before ha extrloa tea himself from his quandary. And it all oomea of thruatlns too many Irons Into tha Are. at one. .. - . 3 ; , Mava Baspt f xrphy. The sportlna men of tho far wt hay quit a rasp t for Tommy Murphy Juat now. They SM pot think the waa youaaator la tb Data at pre nt oapaNe of makins a olo thin a of tt with Frankle Nell, and fha refer 'a dnnovnea meat that Nell wule5 have be knocked out la a so to A Airieh with Murphy haa about shattered an Moi, Neil, of oouraa, did. not aommand the admiration of all San Pranclaoo stporta. There never waa a flnhtar yet who didn't have aome op picking hoi tin hi ooaL It all com under the head of "differ no of opinion," which Is Id to be r ponslble for all th prlseflahts and hor rawa. , Nell's detractors have al ways held that a hi simply a oaa-auneh filthier, such aa Dal Hawklna) waa and aome of them recall that ther told aome- ona el NHl would be an ay mark for the man who aolved that left rip from th body early tn tb oonteat. Nell will want asturn match with Murphy, and, from tha latter perform- an la the recent cent t. the match maker of San Francis mlsht And It worth While ta sat th lada toaetbar ta a 10-round flfht Joe Oans Is Ih Ssn Franolsoo to attend to that little b 4a wtth Jimmy Gard ner next month. Qan looks lighter than whan- bar laet and declar that he oan make ill rtngstd without trouble now. "Que I'm drvlna ua." amM Jim mhmn hi attenuated aoo ran vm tmaa. xeented apon. V - - Ooaur ya that ha fct 11 -r r of aa and that the fight wtth Oardner will Tmark his last spa ran la tha rlnc. He will train tt San Rafael for tha eon- Whleh will- take Dlace before the Baa Tandeco Athletlo olub oa tha ev lug of S9trabr 10. ... . FITZ BETS HE CAN' KNOCK OUT MUNROE (SpMtil Mat tcfe ta The Ataraati ' New York, Sept. I. Bob Pit lm- aoiw 1 eager to. fight Jack Monroe, the Uteet recrutt la the renka .of "has en- auglltsta. Fits yay "Th fight between Jeffrl and Man- roe ended juat aa 1 expected It would. Why, a maa Ilk Marvin Hart eoald put Monroe away before tho limit and Jack O'Brien would ba able 'to eat him to plea In els' rounds, . Muaroe is. as 1 have eta ted sin ha met Jef frie at Butte, HtUe better than aa teur, Munro and manager knew at tho tun hi match with Jeffrl we . mad that Jb miner would be wnippea quioaiyi warn bow i eel lev eoald polish off Mere without any difficulty." I think that It la Ilk finding money td fight Monro and If he la anklous to meet m I will sign artlol wUk him at oa and agree to knock him out In twenty round or forf tit my and of th pur. He would be th easleat aaate Imaginable. He la In the ate ela a Jim Jeffords aim Al Uaaplok. umi mm i TEN Fiji E3bLER Ai OS aV FBS BAT BtSBUIB MMBinm . OAP- rxsMr MOBOmg arr tour tmm sn fibs tm vxmma The N elub opened tho fall bowling season with on of their individual tournaments Friday night bn th Port land alleys and Paul Kney - fairly med th. till of ohamplon - 10-pla 'A i , PA17I. KNaTTSB, -" Champloa Tenpin Bowler of This City. bowler of Portland ha won Srst 'prt with a total score of 111 pis In tbme F. J. Kelly won second prl with 111 and u. O. Taylor waa third with II. j - This wag one ef th most tatarestlag teurnameuta aver held by th olub aad th bowlers a ahowlng up In Ana form far th fall aaaaoa. - Tb axt important event 1a two man team tournament which is being arranged, after which tha regular winter Uague aohedula of gam will begin, . Laat night's soor war: J. Knsyae .....107 101 154 SI F, K el ley ...11 111 1U yi m. u. xavior s.-.m lfi lix. bnb C. J, McMenomy-i.vilSI 179 101 &S C. K. Kru ...,,.. 171 171 111 141 W. B. Hanaoa ......1G7 160 131 151 J. Oalllard 110 171 171 137 Harrr Watklna ..:..1RT 141 137 4tv J. Hutmlth ,.14 161 l&l 482 L Van Horn .....ltl -170 147 474 ATHInnekainD 117 111 141 414 rrea Honnuuta 17 xst iz si M. Sonatt ......... .11T '141 1 117 MONDAY'S ENTRIES 3 FOR IRYINGTON TRACK .Tho overnight entrt for tomorrow rao at Irving to traok ara aa follows . Flrat race II H furlongs. lllng, 1-year-old) 7114. Ouety Miller, tl; TUT, Frivolous, II; Till, Suele Chris tian, II; 7171, Tom Hawk, ill; 7117, Bva D 100; 7(71. Young Pepper, 197; 4144, Lady Athellng, t. ' Second race (I fur Ions, sailing. t-y r-olda aad up) 7171, Trap hooter. tl; Till. Qaeat, II; T174, Juan Belardo, 10; 7144. Oscar Toll. Itt; 7307, Master, 101; 7351, Holly Berry, tl; Till, Virginia Boy. Ill 7171, Rteeftfl. II: 7117. M. L. Rothaohlld, 111: 7174, Vlnoa, 1441 till, Amaaa, 10 1; 7141, Sir Dougal, 101. Third raoa (I furlongs, selling. 1-y r- olda anal up) 7141, Doublet. 101; 7174, Breton, lot; 714, B Ro water. 111; 1114, Pencil Ma, 1M; 7111, Teto Oratlot, 111L7170. Raclvo, 101; 7111, Lady Rica, 111; 71), Ro of HUo, 111; 7174, Kv ermer. 17: 7111, Llasle Ward, 17; 7174. Vaughan, tt; 7111. Lady Myrtle; toi. , Fourth race (I . furlanea, Iliac, l-y r-olds and up) 7274, Pen nee, 101; 7171, Charley Schwelt r. ; 7171, Chief Aloha, 1; 711. Lady Kent. 104; 7171. Croaby, 104; 7171, Urbaao, 114; 7179, Landeeer, 14; 7171, Loul MU lag, 714. 3. H. Bennett, 10. . Fifth raoa (Labor day handicap, ft 44, T furlong, l-y ro!da and up) 7171, Suburban Queen, 107; 7171, Instructor, llti TIM St. PhUtpphis, 141; 7171, Gateway, 17; 71 Tl, Fl PI lot o, 101; 7171, Colonel Van, 194; 7171, Cerra Santa, 114. Sixth race (1 mil, lllng. 4-year-old and ap) 7111, Anvil, It; Till, Ca dor. It; 717. Badly teed, 104; 7171, Myrtle H.. II; 7371, Dug Martin, 11; 7111, To nopah, l4i 7I7L Ml Vara, 194; 7171, Frank Pea roe, 194; 7171, Claud tor. 194 7179, DalL It. , ; t , . PORTLAND FANS WILL " .. MISS LOUIS CASTRO Manager Duadala of tha Portland B re waa haa rel eed Louie Castro, who waa stgnd aft considerable dtSloulty by former Man a Ely to play short stop on th Portland t a. From the standard of hla work tt app rs that Dugdal has mad a rioua blunder la letting ga ettch a valuable man, and one, especially ef whom the, fans .of this city ara juatly proud. Since Manager Dug dal a umed charge of th Portland t nt he rp tedly found fault with Castro's work and twitched him around eonetdernbiy. From shortstop ho want to aeoond be, where hla work was! brilliant, and for which PreaMent Bert of the Coast league, and Henry Hani vf tho Baa Franotaco t m, eomplt- mented him highly, While Castro waa playing good ball. Manager Dugdal entered Into a deal with Managar Finn of Little Reck, .to oxehsnn Caetro for two ma from Little Rock. Wha th news ef tha a 1 wa mad public. Dug dal stated that ho had no Intention of trading Cut re, but Flnn'a letters to Catro fully confirmed tha story of th intended d L Bom ttaj ago Dagdale aent Cast t play ta light SM aad after a week' work M that position, Dugdals, 1a an hstervlew m a Baa Fran Ota paper, stated that ha thought Cas tro waa on af th beat MtAelderg la tba gountry. . ' ABSUO S MAT rjbsraal Saeelal Barrier.) -CervallU, Or., Sept. I. Arrangfraent a being me da for tha scheduling of 4 football game between the Oregon Agri cultural college and th Whitman ool leg elevens. Tha Sat for th oonteat has not yet b n arranged aa th flaal negotiation have Pot b a oorh plated e-vrVV m rci esowns (BaeeUI Dam Hh ay I MdwwemTW JearaaL Ban Franolsoo, Sept. - -Tbo Pert- lana-ueuand gaino today waa anyone's until I berg retired Moaklman oa tax etrlk in the ninth. Both ' t fielded effectively. Pltchera Jon and Iberg were at their beat A ohanoe that Schlafley. and Oanley fatted to block la th venth gava th Browag two nsi ana the gam. The score; ,. ,'v. - PORTLAND. , AB.R.H.PO. 11 Spencer, lb, Hurley,. lb. Thlelman. U t. Steelmaa. a. .. Clyoea, r. fi Urennen. a. Z. t Beck, lb. K&ymonq, a. ....... Ibera. n. Nad u, L t. ........ U Totals l.lS. irT"! 1? 14 I AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Pranckfc as. Oanley. r. t Dunlea vyr L Schlafley, lb. Kruger, a I .......v. StreTb, lb. ........... Devereaux, lb. ...... Byrtiai o. Jonea, p ............ 9 Total .1.14 I t 17 14 BCORB BT INNINGS. Portland 9 $ 9 9-1 Hlta .;:::::::::ht!fn SUMMARY. T Oakland Hit 97 Two-ba hlta Francka. . Raymond. Baeridco hit Iberg. .Firet aa on er rors Oakland, 3; Portland, 1. . Sloten baaea St re lb. Dover ux. Flrat bo on called ball Jenea, llberg, I. Loft on oa a uaxjano. t; roniano, struck out Br Jonas. i br iberav Doubt play Spencer to Raymond to Hurley. Tlma of game One hour and 44 mlnutesv umpire u conneu, .- NORDYKE'S HOME RUN : WINS FOR TACOMA (IpMaal btapatm WTm' lear1.1 - Taooma, Sept 1.-1 1 waa anybody's game, this afternoon uatil tha elahth Inalng, - who) Nordyko knocked out a homo run over th left Said fenoe, win ning th fourth aacoaive game tor Ta ooma. S ttla'S only run me on a two-bagger by Williams and a triple by Van Haltren. Thomas bad th bast of a pKihof s battle. Score. ; , TACOMA R. H. ii ru..a- at. ill Doyle r. t....4... ,4 Bh ban, lb. ,.,.,.. 4 Nordyka, lb t Lynch, c 4 Casey, lb. ;.,.....,. 4 McLaughUa, L t .... f Hogan. o. ..!.... 1 Thomas, Bh t 1 1 1 ii 9 ! TTST7lt--t-tT-lfa - SBATTLB. Van Haltren, . Monier. . .s Blankeaeahtn. lb. a, .... 0 11 I 0 Smith, r. f. 4 9 9 Murphy, L'f. I .9 J I WUsoio.".'"r! f 9 9 j WUllams, p. ........ I i.l 9 Total . .... t.....lf I I 14 II I SCORE BT INNINOS. t?a ! l!!!!!rW mi ..... ......a I J J ttla .....I 9 1 9 9 9 9 9 Seattle Hit Li i' T 1 w w m v SUMMARY. Struck outBy Thomas 1: by Will iam a, 1. Bit a on balls By Thomas, 1: by Wllltama, 1. Hit by pitcher Hogaa. Blanhanahlft Stolen baaea Hogan, 1; Dorle. 1. Two-ba hit William. 1.4 Three-be hit Van Haltren, 1. Home run Nordyka 1, Earned runs Tacoma, l: 8 tUe. 1. Sac rl lice hits By Nor- dyka, 1: Vgan. 1; Blankenahtp,, 1. Firat ba on error Tacoma, I. Left on baaea Tacoma, T; Seattle, 4. Time of game One boar asA 49 minute. Umpire Tom Brown. GRAY'S CURVES ARE PUZZLING TO SEALS (serial BtaaanAby I aWho teTaa loareaL) Loa Aagal , Sept. I. Tha Angel took another , today. In aplt -af tha fact that Barber allowed only Ave hits, the eouthernere scored two runs and handed th Seal a nine larg hor col lars. Dolly Gray had everything and pitched a remarkable game and though he fanned but two men th h vy Bit ter a mod power! a to put th hall out of tha diamond. Tho aoorL ' LOB ANGELES. aid M A m Bernard . ft ..'....-. j,J f I T 1 Flood, lb. J 9 9 I i f trf a. ft ........ I. 9 U lb. J 9 - r. lb. I 1 Brash r. Ib. . 11 1 IT Cravat: Ch To itoas. S'-f .:.':::::i::'J t l III Eager, Orav. Totals ....11 I I II 11 1 AN FRANCISCO. - AB. R. H PO. A. K. Van Buren, n, lb. 4 r. aa. ...r.. I & f. ....... i Ml Qochneuer. r a in ru ii, c . Hlldebrand. L t ill Irwin, lb. ........... Ander n, tv L Itlltu h ....... 9 i Oorton, A Barber, p. Wheeler ... ...J. TutaiS ...... t. w L Whler batted for Oochnauer la slnth. Totals m Am mm m BCORB BT INNINOS. sinning Loe Angel Hlta .... Ban Franet Hlta i BITMMABT. Stolen has Brh r CTwvath, Two- toaae hit Bager. Sacrinoo, nit Roaa, Firat ba on rrar juigejea,. r. San Francleco. 1. Left on has Loa Anseies, Ii FraBClaco, I, Flret baon tied ball Off Barber. . Struck out By Barber. ,1; byOray, t Double Py-r- om! to ne to Braah r. Wild pitch Barber. Time of game One hour ana l minute. Umplrw MoDonata. . DIAMOND GLISTENiNGS Tnaalrer The stand fug of tho PaeMIc Coast I ga hall oluba aa published la The Journal la absolutely eorreot. Llttl JoMr K tai, tM IOUM9) tB . . tmb FOBsm wasam wvamuvs mamm amavnas at m fmrrxcA TIMB AJTB mnalB SOOBBS A 1 1U1 OBI VBTBVOBTa BBBT AJa j 1 1 I iilll l it Mill 9 9 Portland t m to th fall of 141, and waa a member :of Sammy Vlgneux'a pitching staff during tb flrat half of th llttl a eon, la pitching great ball for the Sioux City team In the W tarn 1 gue, Mr. W. B. Nation, one ef the owner of that elub, wa la this city a few gays ago, and stated that ho wlahed all hla pttohera wars aa good sad oa aolenttoua workers Kostal. Daa McFartaa, th tall blonde, who mad a boat .of friends la thla city while a msmbsr of th Brown last oa. ha practically pitched MeCloakey Bol City t m Into tha Pacta National league championship, as that elub haa a fa 1 d la the race, and la not Hkery to 6e headed before tho end of tho s -oa. Big Mae haa won A larg majority of hla game. In a game which waa played back tn Pennsylvania re atly. a t m made two thr -bagger and four alngl la as in ning and than failed to score a run. A ba bail pussle. What la th awrt Th answer la tale: Th men who hit trtpl tried to itretoh them into horn run and war thrown out at th plate. Then tha baa were Slled with thr dinky elngl and the next batter batted th ball mown and hit a ba runner. Of oourae, the batter got a bit on it, which made tho sixth, but the aid waa eat. and no runa -scored. This 1 believed ta be a record. How .lt would be no Ible to make any more hits without scoring a rua w oercelr conceivable. , This re mind ua of the opening gam of th Brat half of tba aeaaon whan the Tacoma team mad alx aita tt Iks. Butler, sod yet only scored one run. 1 Denny Shea, tha eousla of- Danny, who waa a member of Jack Orlm'a Portland Luc league last i . I catching- for th Columbia, S. C taaal, of which Oeorge Kngle la managar. Dugdal la not conceal lag th krmt feeling he baa for Pr Idant Bert for the stand he took la tho Hurley ca . "Mr. Bert did Just right," h la. "Hur ley belong to Portland. The la noth ing ta that, aad w wDl prove ta th national oommi tea. that ho does. Ltt- tlwT" SwOCk BQ3l'td OUT 'vfsattBR) ft" I evHPalvsV Hurler hi ticket Mr. Bert did right In asking th commlaelon not to sus pend our men. until we were glv op portunity to put in a defen Tho above is clipped from an exchange, but It do not atate tha reason for the pro t t of Hurley. The Little Rock etub, shortly after tbd Hurley deal waa mad, loaned It drat ba maa, Zek Wright, to New Orleans, and Mike Finn probably reeonatdered tbe matter when Hurley waa Id. There la al a rumor going th round to the effect that . tha looal dab haa not, pot paid th puroha price agreed upon for Hurley. Jay Andrewe, tb former third aaekor of tho local team. Is rated a th beat third ba man ia the Southern 1 gue, and la hitting tha ball hard and eft Th Doctor la taking excellent care of hlmaalf and 1 playing tba gam af hla life. He la a member of Newt Fihr' NhvlUo tav Helney Janalng and Charlie Schwarts, who war with Parka Wilson mat a -on, are putting up great ball for Bddia Paper Birmingham t m k tha South ern I gue. . ' 4 Hermann Sohaefar, the mem who waa booked to play ahortatop for Parka Wil son this spring, haa b a drafted from th MUwauk team ay , the Celgo Am loans. " c Jaok Hiokey and Martin Otendoo, two wall known pltebe ef the old Northern 1 gue, are pitching for tho Columbus team la tha American as aoclatlon. Co lumbus has take a slump St lata, and Bt Paul has token a brace and has ac quired at 1 d In that rao. . Pitcher Al Whtttridg. who waa wtth Pet Lohman for a abort time thla spring. 1 pitching gr t ball tor Charlie Frank' New Ortea n team. Ha ha pltohed and won. eeveral oaa ta nothing gam elno Joining that elub. Jimmy Wigg . .to al a wlaaiag pMebor an Frank's payroll. .New'Orleana hag the lead la the Southern 1 gue race, but Atlanta Is pushing them hard tar tha penaaat.. r Heinty Krug and Vennl McKay, two well known former C at 1 gue player. ar two of -the moat reliable player on the Atlanta team. Walla Holllagawortb, ha gained oonalderable notoriety on thla at la at aeaaon by Jumping veral ooatracA while tho baseball war was on, haa been turned adrift by the vera! Souther league t ma of which ha w a member thla a a, and la now playing la tho South Atlantic 1 gue. He to sow a member of th Jacksonville, pia., t m. Managar rowen ax inn Atlanta t m tella a good story oa Piggy Ward amVt Jim Jeffries, which to aa follow at "Af ter Jeff had el ned up Fit immona I got him to me over ta Patcreon, N. J.. wher X waa th managtag and umpire a sam for ma It a t ma just 11.99, but w had 1.00. people aat Only an man en either team kicked and that wa Piggy Ward, new playing a ond for Birmingham. After on decision Ward rushed up for Jok and yelled: What that you big UffT Called that out did you you big "Oet out. you dwarf 1' and th big prt Sghtor. And yew a bet Ward got, for It ,aouadd like thumMr.; . . -: , u. - LACROSSE MATCH TO ' BE STUBBORN BATTLE .0:-. This afternoon, ' at I e'olock. la the ball grounda, Tweaty-fonrth and Vaughn str ts, tho Portland mere olub will meet tho orack all-Oregon t m la -a spirited match .for th championship af thl state. I In the line ufi of both t ma will be found well-known men of the laoroa world, who work hi tho field at on tlma or another raved them fadeie repatatlona aa star laeros play, ' For th past two week both atd have been training diligently for the match, aad aa there la oonalderable rivalry among the opposing players, ga exciting gaaw may be looked for. Thl game will be the laet af th sea son, and ,4ftg- management expeets an Immen throng t witne th struggle Play will basis promptly at 1 o'clock. (aerial Dleaateb m Taa leeraaL) Butte, Mont. Sept 1. Jaek Muneoe hi anxious to secure a match with Oas Ruhltr, the boat to tab place la Butt ta th near tutor, and It la po ible that th Akron Otant can b induced to aooeet. Aurelto - Herra. wha la scheduled to meet Battling Nrieon her on Monday afternoon, Injured his arm yesterday, but will be ready for th bout at tho appointed tlma, Oardn 1 v tonight lor Denver, where ,be I scheduled to meet Micky FlmA The Attetl-Ooedman . bout haa boob p t- ponod. . : - ' , ; . '.- MULTNOMAH JUNIORS TO START PRACTICE Tha Multnomah Amataar Athlvtl etub haa rgsntd a asoond Junior eleven, and an It roll ara to be found the mast promising af tha younger gridiron en- thuslaata who ar too light ; oc the senior eievea. The yotingatera a A h rty mt d bid fair to alve tb seniors a run for the hewer ta matter af vie tori ta be wen i daring th earning aeoa. At tha rav oerg meatlag of the aacond eleven, P'- bert Owea waa oleeted captaia Charto Whitsab waa eh aa ta r , "DIDNT HURT A BIT " BY OUR n -W ara allid W extraet thorn t tt teeth at alttl . pMltll aad abaolutaly wltboat pain r m after aflMto. Pa I la Avbrata hahk acM mt far. aa ear awno4 of Bti-tetin M paeUleelf aam aad- aa Abaefnte plaMaaa k) ear wuWa . Wa erowa u4 brld work aiga. t al- Our 17 lean' txparlaate la platr work eaabl aa te at eaxtmrtanir. 1 la tha ead. wa a pna. WISE BROS FAILIltO BLDfJ. BB. g. a. aras. 101-111 Open eveniji-ra UU a. 11NOTON S-fS. Corner THIRD AND WASH! fcr " Sa 1 i FOLLOW TH E F LAG S W A j:..--.- V V w , i mw 1 fdf awaip hagtagm mlU k0 indd at malm mritranem f fJtg' ground. : ROSS c CUME.P. C P. Agt- Lo$ Angmlmm, Co. PMamd Mat 1419 :.V - German Publishing Co. PRINTERS Ot Swmd St. , TEETH SPECIALS XXTSNDBD VHTTL OCT. I -An Boston Painless Dentists Will make sp tal law school rat In order that all school children may come and hav tpeaf toe th oared for during vacation, . . These ara tha only dentists in rort- land havg th late Pota&ical dlseoveryH to apply to the gums ror rami Ex tracting, Tilling and Crowning , T th. and guaranteed for tea years. fasmjedad ..,'.,,.PKC H CssamvSls.MHC thver iUadi Mc ftaM rtut.M TSc fal tet af Term p.SI f mmi CiwTst.4LM as aad BrlAg Werk ar Law a specialty. Oar Patemt Beahla l wtu hold your t th ap. Frio MO BTUBBSTTB. . ' Com m at on and taka advantage of low rates. All work done br saeel oiallstT' without pain reara and guaranteed tor Boston Painlet DenttsU Fifth and Morrlso treeta, traa lll Morrtooa, . . , ..... A MEKAIDWBMEa Da Bis maataral dlae her aa Ja taiaiatlo, IrrttMloea r aloaratlaea "raaaksal'aad1 gaat er palaseea a. ar east hi slala wraseer. gTV'jrrwc-'lk" arm tar mat eSlTSa SkTHUa?fec. Jr' wTaais, sia-Jy tor atagrenaa. , . TWXJTTT-riVB flmJf IB A BSTHLB." charg of th managerial department, 1 Th boya com men tactual p recti thl morning, when, nader th guidance of Captain Owen -end several of tha crack players of th regular teanv. th lads will b pat through their a ret practice, Th flrat gam of th wesson baa beep arranged with th Portland academy eleven, and will ba played la two weeks. After thla game th t m will make a tour of th Pugt sound oountry, and game with th leading Junior t ma af Washington ar now being arranged for. While tt has tba yowngste will bo ' eaed la - practice gam with th regular eleven, and th experience gained la this manner win be of gr t benefit to them la their oomlng oon teat with lube la their ela. , - FASTEST AUTO RUN ACROSS CONTINENT " fJearut Spanal Barrl.l Mw York, aaat A -At 1:19 a'slock thla afternoon L. L. Whitman, complet ing a thirty-four days' rua from Ban Francisco, stepped from his automobile la front of th olubhou at Fifty-eighth street and Fifth avenue and handed to Pr tdent Bcarrett of the Automobile Club ef America, g letter nt by Pr l- dent Bchwerla of the Automobile Club of California. Mr. Whitman's trip waa made twenty- ven daya h d of tho preview automobile reoerd from Sao, Fraaclsoo. The letter which Be delivered waa th quickest parcel evac seat aero tho oontlneat by any oonveyan ' ex pt br railroad, Mr. Whitman drove a Franklin Alr-Coeld motor, aad although thto type of machine waa regarded aa lmpraotl bl for such hard traveling a obtalna la tho desert in Nevada aad Utah, ' th machine eamd through all right Tho tlr lasted antu the ma ahh r died Chicago two-thtrda of tha entire dlstaaoa. Tha ehaln broke twice tt tb de rt, but wax ally re aalrwL k . r FAMOUS REFEREE IS SERIOUSLY ILL ., ,. - - . , .;;-. Baa Franelaeov Sept I. Bod Oranef. tha wall-knowti politician and hora ahosr. 1 lying 11 at Bt Mary1 haepltai, aad ta attended ey Dr. Oallowey. A Saw dayv age he complained of pa has la tho regtoa of hlo heart Dr. Galloway waa lied la and ordered th patient re moved to St Mary's hospital, whera he eauM receive, hotter attention than la the CalUevala hotel, where he bad b n living. At aoo today R wag Stated that laraney kr Improving, Pram th New -Teak Thwea. ry S'laW told S etery the ether a il soy at a country Chriet t wha found a ptr off tr tor v. Ke ' -ant . - V S"W (T vrTTrW i tmaieam V 15 WHAT THEY SAY AlBTMOD Mat la in gaaaaaat kaTe fetUaxs a tA am. w a, tsmw DEINTISTS Bund ay from 9 to 11. Pboo. Maw, :. ' World's Fair 1 1 .that your . ticket reads via n A ?sj h r t mw w at, i, gb.a m a - --: . Phomm Mala f4MT Blue Mountain FOB Consumption Sanatorium tr tment ta tha id i- - and "only successful tr 1 ment Tor tuberculosis. It ' eon tsfs principally of Hf in tha pen air. reap forced, feeding, hy-dro-tborepy and nt ga. The baths' at ifA uutitution a aup piled from natural hot mineral spring, the water af which ex ert a- marked curative influence. Patlenta from th west side af tha mountains tr poctally benefited by the ohanae ef climate. Th 'dry air of eastern Or rua and 1,409 feet of altitude stimulate tna ap petite aad improv hutritiot. Maba aa tha SX m. B, Oa. Boy bleketo 9s Bma haat Sprlaga. . A4itn hp map. DR. J. L BINGHAf.i wtBBOST, OBBwOB. . Sll.U,llll.MJg-lipi.a,. al ltl'li 1 W. A. aUaaxSFf Aj 9, 9. KAOBBXtT . . . , Mrt Ftrst St ,.141 Flrat St, m 9. . ' It I Oraam Ava Wc Are as Wuch Interested as . Our Customers la turning oat work that it Just right. Ws srs psrtica lsrly' csrgful with window curtsins, Udies' delicstg gsr ments and othsr lintms sub csptible to injury. Our stssmicfltgd poUihrfs do not bum ths thrssds of the finest fabrics mads.. UNION LAUNDRY Sgcond and Colpmbia. ,Cx .-'-,;. Tet Main 398. 5 r .. 19 t 'f - f Sanatorium f -1' , Onsus OF . ii k. i j i ii k. a i if