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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
7 , TH8 OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, SUNDAY. . J)roT!Wft SEPTJESTFTH 4, 1 If 4 " N-,"- S I UVAJ Ss SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS it v - . . ' - -A-- Con a m. LITE r5 ; yO JsjJ w tomorrow raera 1 1 f I S 'V f v AND WILL CONTINUE ON SALE MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, ' THEN AGAIN ON OCT 34 and 5. 'V ' TICKETS WILI-1 BE SOLD - TO THE WORLD'S FAIR.' AT ST. LOUIS AND ; TO OTHER 1EA STERN POINTS AND RETURN " - si r Ifeksts wMI taOood itef NIntty Wy - ;;4:,4, Pram Date f Sl a4 OoW or tn RMh IMMetlAMI ' tS 1 ' . AllTlckvU will bOood m North CoMt (f v Limited m -:U. m-m -Blthv--r4 " ' ' ' 2. Pullman Standard as; Well as Pullman Tourist Sleejpers: Will Be -: " Operated Through to St Louis - ; f. J. 4 1 Remember vou can travel on the North Ik)a8t Limited train Just as well as xm any v v -v-Voaf frmin, and the Traveler will tell you it Is the Crack train of the Northwest, and the 7 v ' hniv eWtric-lirhted observation train operated from Portland to the East ' VI - V'-' ..-. .. , ; ."-At 3M MorHon Strt. ; RTUAIND, OREGON P i-J Af PORTLAND, ORBOON y Nf, "M ; !,:::. rucES' THAN CLD P BAH v. a. iut nui ov Qvna oui 1 lorn n a nniiif 'V hi Haahacmk, Alaska, that la a wnm who la flllinc nor positions. It la ballavad, Atiaa any othar Individual In United Stataa territory. He la pro kaia itulea, Unitad fttataa oonmlaaloaar, raeordar, Jallar and eook. aaon of which ' calllnaa ha la feUewias at tha aame Uma. :- - - f. A, SMr. who raptaaantad tha bi teraata ot tha Alaaka Paokera' aaaoola- tkM at tha aainoo ftahlna; srotutda naar , tha Barlna; aaa this yeac, haa rsturned hoa, coming down on tha ataaaiar North Kins. Yastardap ha an tntaraattn aoeouat of Ufa in tha north -. land and how tha aattvaa apant tha tlBM durtna tha nahlns; aaaaan, :. H alaa told aboat tha saaa with tha aam . areua oha ..-.. , "Itiava forajottan kla narat," bacan sfr. Dalr. Dut ha Is wall-known dtl- aa an tha harraa shoraa of far-away Alaska, Him aaaln oeoupatton la that of Jailor, far which ha rooalTaa -4 a day. Ha has to board tha prlaonsra and ha doaa kla awn aooklna; ajattlnc an ad dlttoaal aalary for thla work. Ha fa, alao prohala Judaa, raoardar and eon- V mHuriopar, and ta a good salary for ' milna; each of thaaa offlcaa. Whan court la la sssakm ha aftan tarmteataa tha prooaadlaaa with tha remark: , ', "I aaa hy anr watch that it la tlna I ta adjourn tf tha prlaonaro gat any- 1 thing ta ant today. Tharafora -eoort ' ataoda adjoarnad. It ta tlna for aaa tat f bagm anpartag tha ajaaH far aay poard--ara.' , I. TKk tMa wtanpla annouacaant ha atapa dowa froai tha banch and hurrtaa I Into an adjoining room of tha building, v. tolls up hla slaraa and bagtna oookhtg. -t "Taking lata eonaldaratlon tha big and atotiar aggragatton that gathara ';' thara annually, Nuahagak Is not ao bad ' far aa law-braaking fa- conetrtwd; Only ana murdac waa eommlttad .thara thla aunaasr- A numbar of Japanaaa got lata a flfrht ever a gambling game and aaa of thrm waa fatally atabbad - with a knifa. Tha murderer waa eaught and Is now spending a term im iail. A few days later a Chinaman at rack a ' Japaneaa over tha head with a hatctiet and the Judge of whom l apoaa taxea hlaa Jl and coats for tha offense. Aside from these two Instances thara ware no aeta eX vlotonoa la tha tow thla aum- w anar. "Tha popuhtHon 1a eempoeed of many Indiana, who ara employed la the eer eral eaaaarlea. - Unlike tha Japaneaa, Chinamen and whites, they absolutely refuaed ta Work on undaya. They wsns r to church instead and tha following day . thajr were alaraya tea drunk w work. - The Indiana ara all mean here of a t Russian Oreek ohorch, which waa founded there many years ago, and thsy attend esrrtoe fegulariy. On Monday they jreeeed to eelebaate la hllartaua Mr. Pair reperta that tha ship Barry Morse has not arrived at tha mouth of the river, as waa stated a faw days ago. Tba only two Teasels, ta put la an ap poerenee so far ara tha steamer North king and the ahlp Berlin. . T- v-Maack fleur ! tha beat fancy patent - lairkit - At leading greaera, ,. ; r-Harry.yarmlllkm,- wan Known to. tna railroad , man ef the ooaat, eras la Port land -last' week, seturnlng home to Call torn la after a aajeum at Lake Chelan. Tears aga Mr. VermlUlaa ' waa gaaaral ageat-for the Mlssoarl Faeirie at Ma Angeles, i. Br thrifty . management and good luckv unasuai aa thaaa elements ara i. k.. mmw nt m., rati war missionary. he get rtoh and retired from active work, Hs spent the day Wednesday visiting on 1 .Railroad Raw. .and asera ara three of the fDonuodrama he propounded, aaca pas of which waa a knockout: - "Awar back ta be middle ages, when Richard lo Lion Hearted want Into a certain- battle ha. waa engagsd In a hand-to-hand combat with a short-legged - s SMEBgC TMe JOKES OP ONE REREDl RAILROADER ' ' J ' . 1 j..-iLJ; I1, ' ' man who at ruck him hi the pit of tba stomach. What time was It? ., .la the tnlddle of the knight" "A young woman named Little-fall ta love with a young gun at Loo Angeles and sloped with him. Tha fugitives ware hotly pursued by tha girl's father. What time waa It T . i "A Lima, attar two." 1 I waa walking dowa- Third r street hero la Portland today and a tramp atruok me for a dime. I gave it to Mm. In the next block another man hit ate for the same amount; and X yielded.'' A block further on I waa accosted again. -8es. here,' Z said, Thla la toe saaay. Bear will suffice for you,' -and I gave him a nlokle. . What time was It? "A quarter to three." v . 1 u' - ". WiC JilC DiRF MlAA. VM . AM BMC MS) IB aTMOM, WAS OMOB MflTrT"" WiWSdWM OV BXaM gTlWMTW BB ' 'BOMV V&ACDA, WITB AMB MOMMT TOM DMIMM, .. , It-eras an fneattable daalra for strong drink , which brought about the untimely death of Prank Ntae, who ' broke hie neok by falling down tha stairs lit a lodgtmy house a at SeiH , Washington street. Auguat . At one time one of tha moat nsemlalmr railroad men In the otty oftCbloago. and oapebU ef fUlfhg the most-trust worthy position, he reu gradually from hla praatlga until today hla body may flit pauper's crave. Hie body now Ilea In the morgue with no- one to give 1t proper barlat Hla aged mother la Ctlioegq wrltns to Mayor W J Hlama atttlng that aha la unable to pay funeral expenses and aska him to sea that her son. from whom she had not heard for years, might be given a decent dm rial. HIS wife, who left him several years ago, ta now residing la Lincoln, N., and she haa manifested ao later set in the- matter. What la - to - be oee lth the body. Coroner Unity Is at a loss ta know. Ha has embalmed the body and prepared, It for shipment to Chicago, wbsre his mother resides, but her letter dlsoour agea any such plana. Mr. Flnley ate ted yesterday that, unless, some one tehee charge of the body shortly It Wtll have to be sent to the potter's fltld for burial. Prank Nlaa waa at one time a preaain ant railroad manager ta Chisago. - Ha married a beautiful woman and. hla home waa a happy one. He-became addicted to drink, and at last, finding his posi tion la Jeopardy, he realgnad and aaaae west. Prom one road to another he went, filling many responsible noettlona. One peculiar thing about him waa the faot that when he fait that be waa go ing ta go on a prolonged debauch ha would go and get an honorable dleoherge and then do out far hla drunk. - When hs sobered up ha would ge to aome ether road and get a position. - Oradually he went dowa tha eeale ef positions until he beeajnn a fireman on tha Astoria A Columbia Rler road, where he waa -employed until a few days before ha awe ta thla city and went upon the debauoh which ended SAYS BAKER CITY IS CLOSED FOR KEEPS BMMMXrP. ( BMOWV : WMO MAS fiasttWf ABB BBMBAT ' JUQtfOM OP yxu mm boob. l , .; ( ' you' touch touch 'their by. H. "With aome m4n, when their pocketbooks, you hearta , Thar hoUer.V Epig K. Brown. -aherUt of Baker county. . . Tha ofllclal who baa revolutionised thfngf In Baker City dropped ta yeaUr day morning for brief visit and put up at 'the Imperial. Ha hadn't muok to day regarding the position ha baa taken to uphold tha laws ta his aommunlty, but What ha said was to the point. -. "We have stopped gambling aad the saloons are no longer open on Sunday," aald Sheriff Brown, "Two saloonkeepers were arrested oa tha double charge of keeping open oa Sunday and reteJIIne; Jlouor oa the Sabbath day. They prom ised to plead guilty to one charge and be good In the future: I recommended a nominal fine ta each case. They paid It. And new they are good. Tba gamb ling bouses are closed. "Why did I do Itf Because a targe majority of tha people wanted It dona. Only a few deplored H. Because It was beneficial to those who opposed It. Tha closing may affect their purees for awhile, but In tha and It will help thetn Immeaaurably. Now, thla temporary embarrassment makes, them fairly sore, for with noma man. when you touch theft poeketbeoka, yog - touch their hearts. They .holler. ' "I am at least sure that the people of Baker City, or tha major portion of them, uphold ma ta what I have done. And tha thing to not temporary. There will be no mora gambling houses In Baker If t oaa help It and there will be ao mora liquor sold on the Sabbath." We desire to offer our sincere' and heartfelt thanks to tha many friends for their kind oxpraaalons of sympathy ex tended to aa ta our great and sadden loss ef our darling son, Albert; to all officiating at tha funeral) and for the beautiful floral offering. Tours sla oerely, MB. AMD MJU. A. i. CLARK. J WOMRIKGWki WILL BE IL P. PVE PTBaMAB OP WKTBUKB VBAO A PAMT MO MMABT VO BO PS SB Tilt The building of A lino by the Northern Paelflo from Pasoo along tha north a Me of the Columbia te Vancouver, the bridg ing of tha liver there, and tha bringing of southern Washington trade into Port land, tha building Of Northern Pacific docks -on the WeMler tract and tha put ting In of a Una of steamships from Portland to Hongkong aad Tokohame, la an enterprise of . vast Importance to Portland. It haa been suggested that tha- Northern Pacific's expenditure of a quarter of a million of dollars ta tha purchase of frontage on tha Willamette liver mesne that such a proposition Is to be undertake or haa already been en tered upon by the Northern Paelflo. Tha subject la tha talk of railroad row'. ' There - are eld and experienced railroad men - who say this la the only logical sequence of tha. latest move mads by the "company In Portland. Others discredit the theory, but dlecoa- elon of Its poaalblUtles goes on. The opinion la unanimous, however, that the fulfillment of. each ' ' prophecy would be of Immense benefit "to. Portland. The beat, posted railroad men regard tha Colubmla r river extension and the building of a bridge, at Vancouver by the Northern Pacific aa Inevitable should the Northern Securities decision, la the court -of last resort,' be In favor of tha Hill Interests, and many Insist, that. tha SKteaslon-' wUI come purely aa-a rail roading move, even ahould the Harrlman alda win the decision and come- Into pos session sf the Northern Pacific. It ,1a shown by a- glance at the map that there la a vast scope of. rich country la south- era Washington,, lying between Pasoo and Vancouver, that Is without railway facilities, and that, moat certainly will. In due time, become ao rich a prlaa for transportation oompaaies. that not only one road, but othara will compete for possession of It, ' Tha Northern Pacific being already in that field. It Is but. natural that all look tor this road to ; make tha first move. 'Thla move haa been expected for several years, am tha rapid growth of population and development la Oragoa and Waahlngton, particularly u .the country tributary to Portland, la forcing the railroads; at last, to sit up and take notice. It la known that the, Northern Paclfho eras virtually forced to purohaae the Weldler traot at this time, although It waa not quite ready to make the move, oaring to the Northern Securities eoni plloatloa. But, thara were othara bid ding for tha tract, and the railroad com pany had to take It now or loos It for all time. - The Northern Pa else's Intentions re garding Portland are largely conjecture Here, even on the part of Its representa tives. Judge Carey, Ita legal eoonesi at thla and of the Una, denlee any posi tive knowledge of the eompeny'B plans. But as a Porttander,' ha says, "X hope to sea the company . put ' Its new dockage faculties to tba uea of a' new steamship Una to China. It seems to me that would be the natural thing, follow ing 'an extension of tha road along the north bank of the Columbia and the building of a bridge across tha river at Yaoeouveiy and every, thing, thai can be V ? The Most Successful " V'.--. -.v.'."4 Ths now COMBINATION, LIFE. ACCIDENT AND HEALTH PrnV ( ky ORIGINATED by thd CONSERVATIVE LIFE INSURANCE PANY is the most practicsJ and popuUr insurtnea- sold. It protects BE- i FORE as wcl) u AFTER death, , y 1 " w rnn,et leil , Bn7 PM W OlWlkPIB-M, AllJU&KI i UbU AUtt AtiU UttATH '""' one FoUcy ONE prerniun--TRIPLE benefits. , , umDination S10.000 combination life. 20 year distributtow pni- ICY. Weekly income (06 weeks) for .Sickness f50.O0( ACCIDENT . DEATH AlO.fVMt Annuilnramlim ner Sl.flAA 12? AA . , V ' i ' r- "" t-""-i T"" 0. Usual Cash, Loan, Paid-up and Extended Insurance values. settlements totb year. LIBERAL Life insurarice Is for the PROTECTION of the FAMILY. It U often .rT"'te nonpsrment rf premiumA caused c by- crippled earnina; power, r-ruiccxca 'ACCIDENT and HEALTH insurance provide for such emergencies od Protection .-, protect the family by .PROTECTING THE LIFE INSURANCE end at t i : u r- aame ;tba mdrauiiiyine the INSURED when it U MOST NEEDED. - f K A' -J t- DPftTtPT VmTDOPTP-wuAT r.VAITUlV DDAT1P vHV' V '-'"' W ieee- - a ami s , a w v 'uai, nviWVJi tAWadr v stvrvavt mnva . 1 1 t ' r Ths. the' ftiMer nf e 'Nettmiel ' B MSfMSa la mvi4I m m 4ha mIU' . holders of tha CONSERVATIVE LIFE - protected ; the entire -resevra for . Oovcrnment each, policy. Is annually deposited with. the Stats Treasursc of California ta QuArantv - wdividual crat ci(the-INSURED without recalL -,( ; . J .... , ' Under this system r the nolicp-holder haa ABSOLUTE GOVERNMENT '. Nothtor-awxeedsllka SUCCESiS.,;;,THB CONSERVATIVE , LIFE 'Successful' Success since orgstiemjhas met wiA unprece continuous success, so much ao, that it is' now - generally known ' as . : " & M J tsaft- it Jtf' 7 at m .J1BT W iaf V V J W "i Coast 'Company . V ?h CONSERVATIVE LIFE U a Pacific Coast Legal Reserve Con pany with headquarters In Los Angeles, where H owns a $350,000 home office building and maintsma four separata additional branch offices, Tha Company Is a strong factor in the development of the GREAT WEST. '"' About f 12,000,000.00 ara sent East annually for -life and accident' ' premiums. Why patronise Eastern companies when this amount may be kept and invested on tha PACIFIC COAST by insuring with , the CON- Rich Result t In pering dividends, the CONSERVATIVE LIFE la a LEADER. Tha large dividends paid to poHcy holders this year (over 20 per cent) in connection with its rapidly tocreaaing SurpluaJa avidanoa of tha Company's ECONOMICAL and TRUSTWORTHY management. . n - - Registered Right CONSERVATIVE : LIFE poHdea - ara ; registered - with Ihe California State Insurance Department and endorsed by tha Insurance Commissioner, as prescribed by statute. The full legal reserve is thus GUARANTEED by Definite Deposit The CONSERVATIVE LIFE recently VOLUNTARILY deposited as ADDITIONAL protection to- policy-holders ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS, in approved securities, wuv tha.. California State Treasurer. " 4-'f World V Wonder Portland Progress THE CONSERVATIVE LIFE IS FOWR YEARS 0ht; ITS ASSETS ARE Sl,50t),000. S0RPLTJ8 f 320,000 ANNUAL PREMIUM RE CEIPTS ABOUT fl.OOO.OOO INSURANCE IN FORCE f 26,000,-OOO-NOW WAITING IN CrVLlFORNlA, ITS HOME STATE, OVER f 1,000,000 PER MONTH, LEADING EVERY OTHER COMPANY. vWq OTHER COlpANYjT THE SAE AGE EVER it 'SHOWED SUih A FLATTERIQ RECORD ,' Branch offices were' opened fa Portland April 1, 1904. The new businees - written in Oregon and reported to tha Home Office is as follows: April, - S8,000.00; May, f 28,500.00; June, fST.SOO.OO; July, fe4(500.00; ' August, $110,000.00. Total, $257r500.OO. . Annual Premium, flO,- Theee fitruree bespeak the confidence reposed in tha CONSERVATIVE UrB ny tna insuring puouc . . . ; ; Remoyal for Mora Room : ; On account of Increasing business, six rooms on me second floor of the' new FENTON BUILDING, 84 SIXTH STREET, have been leased and will be occupied as soon as completed, about October 15th, . ;:: U :.,v.: AVSrkers Wanted COMPETENT REPRESENTATIVES Wanted. Liberal cmrracta dl- 1 rect wttn noma omcs, prunuuia; wro -w paui.uwa, and sample Policy, call or address tha Company, GOODNOUGH BUILD ING. PORTLAND. UKitUUN. , a I c dona to eneoarage that klM ot a move should be done by the people of Port land." - Tha Northern Paolnc'i ocean transpor tation poller baa a) ware been decidedly asrreaslvs. It owns nearlr all the docks oa the mala fiver front at SeatUe and oraetloallr all tha doeke at Tacoma. Down to tha d resent time It haa bean wholly without dockage facilities ..In Portland. Bvery pound of freight that haa bean taken at Its stations for ex port has to be hauled to Seattle or Ta- ooma It fa thought tnat aince tne comDany has begun to Show an Jntereet in eea-solng businees In Portland Its poller will be the same here that has been ao conspicuous at the- sound aorta. SEEKING KNOWLEDGE ' , ABOUT NORTHWEST ' Many eastern oapltellsta-are tarnlng their attention to thla cltr. This la au teeted to by the fact that every mall brings letters to Mayor WUHaaia from prominent aaatarnara who ara looking for business looatlona In Portland. These people asaks Inqalrlee oonoeso ing the ellmetle oondltlona, and tba ro sourcee of the aountry surrounding Portland aad also .of tba reeouroas of tha whole aetata, of the population and general eharacter ot?the people, of the Induoamanta offeSrd capital ta locate hare, and every ether detail bearing oa tha auitabiensss of tale city for a: busi ness location. In nearly every .one of these letters tha writer states that he la looking to ward Portland aa hla future place of business, and many of tnem state that they have large amounts of oapltsi to Invest. ' Some of these Inquiries are. from the heeda of large. Influential aastera firms who desire te locate mills and feotorlefi or to laveet la mercantile business. For the Hop Fields; The ataajnera' Blmors and Ruth, of the Oregon Railroad Navigation com pany, take you direct to the hop fields of Oregon. Boata BMve daily at tie a. av from Asa street does. T LTpasss aj , : -. -- j- ,- - a; jf- IN OUR LADIES'. SUIT SALON ; Wo are showing thd new fall styles la' Walking t Suite. Ona of the most favorite stylea to be worn this fall and winter Is the Japan- . see Military Box Coats, with Coat da Rouge Vest, In browns, blues and 1 JUaeks. Ji In separate Skirts we have an exceptionally fins line la BngUak Twlnea and Vollea both .length f prj evening Jpr street wean . The new Tourlet Coats, In Covart'Cloth have arrived. They are colas ta be a very) popular garment with tha smartly dressed. - - . FALL r.3LUKERY V Thla department being, a bow ona with oa, ea yon the advantage of -ftxrawtng that we ara ahowlng nothing but new goods, of the latest styles. Ths velvet TurDan is to do me popaiar- ru - w - wW. m ms e.11 U;inn mnA hfaats era the nrlnrioal trimmings usee Strings of lacs, velvet or" wide soft ribbons are to bo saaa an many Of the Pall raaa Hate. ,. J . . , w Madam wnaius or our aiminerr uiansnt n ju irvm naw a mm. ly tne goooa we are ingwuis. ws in and aelscted personalty oeleoung your new wi HJ!tS AT SU'.".'.ER PRICES - ; . eBBeBBBBBjene r aaaSBBBi ssBBSBSBSSsaseaasBBBBBr aBsssasaBasBaaaaa -tou dhould take advantage of this liberal offer. It meana that roe aaa ' eons hers and be fitted with your choice of a large, assortment of furs, x at a saving over the prloa yoa would be, charged elsewhere for too U'modeilng aa4 repairing done wr skilled workmea, Prtoea modsrata. , .-Vr 'J. r U 'I". 3 1