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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
10 THE - OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY- MORNING SEPTEMBER 4, 104. v : - jgj III MB MM Ml -a.l . JHII.i. Ill II I I in CTW 1 Mat Today v Brown Beat Oakland in 01os Contest- Stanford and Berkeley. Football Squads Appear on Gridiron -Baseball and Boxing. jOTrhaTs' Page of Ccis One Favorite Crowd the Wire at XrvlnVton Portland IfoaeeTeam Plays All-Oregon Today Racing, Bowling and Sporting. M J.A.HOILAN rs f ; k .1 lo. l 'y. T.i-yi u. 1.1-Ui - ill, n ' mn- -i' - - -jH-? - 1 - - - - m m mei ii Wmi 'm "a'iia ifc 'i",ii a, fr. HitfiBi.i e,ih,i,Ei..jei - ks' W ' ' . , 'Vfm$ ' f V SCENE AT NARRAGANSETT TRACK, PROVIDENCE; R. t LAST WEDNESDAY, AS SWEET. MARIE WON THE .DECIDING HEAT ;lN JTHE . ROGER WZLUAMS STAKE OF $6,000 FOR S:lftvTROTTERS. r ' 0D H'COY i"M WITH JKI JEFFRIES f rom ; ejraubn o m nan t Bixra xas a Bzar imi'irni 1 TMM OMAMTXQM ATTIB KXS UIT " TOOT it a-vaATBaT ; or Ta- wobxa. - -, " u i 'ii "'"? -," . . ' -r " flocnul 8pMU eBTftoc) L Lo AnselM, pC Kid McCoT. i; wbo la matched tt nut Twm Bulllvmn ' in this city n th lttb of eptnibr, mi tii chief adrlNr la JUanroa's oois u. ul.on that Krlf Kilt VOrV hllMV. bow w pulIdlfioHSsiBCO. - f TJw Kid is. parlwiM, a good. jod of form In a fighter aa anr aun Uiincc Ha had fcn sparrtna' : with Hunraa for evwrafl aamuuaf . taa attnvr pUMA gmt 1 oonfldanc In hint; McCoy amid qottv l Ins, but ttw ehaaoM ar a knew Just - Aftw the (U8toinarjf tatiuctlona, . MeCoy. aa the hi-f socood. trotted, or to-Jeffrles" .cornar. to , ahaka th bff baP by the hand and show that though he was In the other man's train, there was no pergonal feeling in It. -; ; "Hullo, kido!" said the Beau BriiawaeT ' Wf the prtxe ring. ..- ' . Hul!o McCoy," reaportded Jeff; grhv : atnn aa-a seood tuced at .him " sloye. , ' ' . "FeaUna all jgaV SimV :aakad the ' pld fox of the eejuared arena. . "reeling fin; Kid," answered Jeff. "It s a tough fellef yoa're got over there, , . . . ., T t Trea." answered McCoy, "fce'g an dwfiri tough guy, Jeff." But aa h said H the Kid's left eye! id descended and stayed shut for the fraction of a, second, and Jeffrlee. understanding, laughed . The ftlea arevalhsc In the north that Jeffries la "dippy" on. the weight ques tion, a word about his tonnage and the big fellow opens all th flood gates of his eloquence and dlocouraea by the hour 1 about the reports bat have been flying : around. It takes a great 'deal to make " Jeffries apeak freely, but the Slightest - hint that he la growing heavy will start dult a monologue with the champion out la the glare of the footlights. He ; ,4oee not like to be thought heavier thaa ever owiore ana n i iaox inat ao one knows J net how much be doe weigh. He owned np to SSi pounds, but' It tt thought to be a few pounds ever that estimate. ' Alt expert opinion eaneedea that he la faster and more damaging than ever be fore, and the way -he baUereoV ftfunroe Into helplessness in not more than a dosen punches would aeeas to prove this to be the caa. With few well-directed lefts to he atonacb and a few more tearing wallops to the Jaw and head, be undermined three month f earVTul preparation and reduced his tl-pound opponent to a wabbling hulk that ; a boy might have beaten. - ' . There la no man la th world today wno stanaa tns least chance with him. The only possible match would be with Jack Johnson, the black heavyweight, and Jeffrlea baa positively stated that there la a eaano of meeting, with th near. , la this ease there will be nothing for the champion to do but retire. 1 if he does not his next match will bar to be with a aaw star and up to data none has shown a glimmer en the pugilistic horlaott. Should a young, strong chap area a into trie heavyweight ranks from nowhere in particular, and begin knock ing ever his opponents like so many ninepins.- tnere would n a chaaoe to match him against the champion. But these la no fighter la th business to wer wno wants any or ina jeririee treat ment, and aire will bars to tarn th big fellow before- any wew mas will stand the least chance with him. , Aan si (Joaraal apeetal tUrriea.) Oakland. Sept. While vxsrclslng Temoa. a racehorse, on the speed track f at Twenty second and reraita streets yeetomny morning, Oeorge Miller, an old-time horae-trarner, fell from hla sulky, and was picked up utioonseleua. The police ambulance was summoned to remove the man to the receiving: hoapl tal. but he-d ted before medleal aM oould reex-h him. It Is supposed that death was aua to apeiHMy. Miller wee a native of New Tork.ged years. He catne-ta the coast In early ays an trained many famoaa horses in hla Urn. - - IXIEPOLDMF F03 SINGLE DAY l the brave lann the fair. a aoa raess mlh wta the Twaaty- S ,,m4 htonuur Twattaa; One.. See Mtal oaas ta tals Isaa saw a yews stimaai a ansa, touted; was In for show money after a poor ride by Alarle. Summary: 'First race, ive- furlonirs; - elHns Moddt r. 1 (McClees), 4 tol, won; Kdu oaU. 104 (Fltspatrick), T to 1 second; aOatado, 101 L Powell), 4 to 1. third, time,' 1:0IK. -A. - " ' Seoond race, Ave an4 one-half fur lonars; selling Military, lot McClees. U to I, won; Batidor, 104 (Slnnott), to 1, second; Marello, (Of (HoibrookJ.) t to 1 third. Time, 1:08.- - - - Third trace, one mller selling Dentil, lot (Kent K 1 to 1, wonjJJentle Harry, 94 (O. Chandler). to I. second; Zotlle H.. 3 (Herbert), even, third. Time, 1:41V 1 Fourth rsoe. one mil and - T yards; selling The Stewardess, T (Herbert), I to 1, won; Max trees. IS (R. BuUer), 1 to 1. second: J. V. Klrby, 107 (Hol brobk, 4 to 'V third: Tlm,. l:4t. Fifth1" race, one and one-slahth miles. Hotel Portland handicap Blue Byes, log 107 (Alarle). I to L aaoond: Oatewav M T Herbert -to i, third. Tlme, Sixth, rac. Bv and one-half rurlonsa; selUng Redan, HI (V. Kelly), even, wont My Surprise, 104 (FlUpatrtckW to 1, second; Alice Carey, 10 (Alarle), U, to 1, third., Tim, 1:0.. , . --y TO 'Oaf QMMriOMWXM. . , The University Park baseball team. which claim to be the champion of Portland, and th crack Sllwood nine. have arranged' to play three game for a purs of 600.TheflrBt game will be caned This afternoon aTT:SS-aT Haw thorn park, and two gams will be played Monday afternoon at th profes sional grounds, at Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets, the first beginning at S o'clock. Both teams srs evenly matched and have good records. i . This set of game will be the first tlm the two teams have met. and great Interest Is being felt la the outcome. , Three excel lent games are assured. iji 1 L .- v.-: .nut runa osataa ash taji -a wax nok m wzma tmX BK PATOBTTa TO 4MUWT aMrev i' Th 'horse, that are -known by th pleasing; appetatlon, ' "favorites - were a sorry looking lot of mo when the barrier, th wire, th jockeys and the bookies arot througk with them yaatar- day afternoon at Jrvlngtan raps trsefc I (ffitapatrich), 4 to--4. Worn Instructor, and perhapa a wiser lot. .Whether or not Saturday la 4 bad Haf ot-favarltea and heaWly played , bnaees ' lS-r.Wf problem, that Is merely-onjeetuVsi, al-- though the perforins a t , 'of the said .horeee yesterday was quite sufll- clenr9 tostamp them a llf. pturday an I ma i, r -rne oruyTavtrntd to www Rsdaw-fn the last race and J captured the, money- by - th smalhBfaxgln of a nose. The -crowd was frantic through out the aftemooa and pulled and ranged' for a favorite, hut the wish . waa- not forthcoming, so the" ' large gathering wended its way home full of com- plsoendr1 and -a happy satisfaction that they hadn't brought all their wealth -to th traok. - - - - -- 1 It was aa Meal day for racing and the crowd was in' jubilant spirits . and planked bets down that would make any soulful bookmaker amlle with, an ap preciative glee, " -- J" In the flrat raa Juan Belardo was posted at s to i and the crowd went to him though th dinner . bell had sounded, and deep was their grief when the raos had finished and Modder took th coin, while Belardo was In fifth po sition by a head. Barnshaw didn't seam .to set the aneed out of. the favorite, and jie remained back of the bunch the en tire distance. McCleee rode a good race on Modder. after getting him away on th run, and deserved the victory for his good efforts. . Fltapatrto gave Edu cate a splendid ride and came within a neck of getting the wlr Away from In the second race Marello and Black Cloud were looked upon aa fair horses to garner In the ootn, but Jockey Mo- Cleea.. on Military, turned the trick and brought his mount horns a winner by one length. Batidor, a 7 to 1 ahot, came hi for second money, while the heavy played Mwrelio wa la for show money by a bee - '.. T The third rac broke many hearts and many purses, the medium being Dol- lte H. This horse opened at to a, and closed at t to I and two books even re fused to accept a hundred dollar bet on Dollie H. so certain were the bookies that th horse would romp hem with the money. la the wild scramble to ptsy Dollie H-, Bstraam and Badly Used. DensiL at 10 to 1, waa lost sight of and the chestnut gelding ran heme a winner by three lengths. This was -the blow that killed the entire family. Gentle Harry, a docthv looking nag, with a to 1 tag en his tall, cam In for place money by over three lengths, while the mint-laden Dollie H. barely showed her face m the money. The start In this rac was bad, four the heaviest plsyed horse getting away last The horses wars Dollie H.. Pen sard. Badly' Used. Bat rasa and Dr. Sherman. Prom the manner In which Dollie H. got bumped and wedged at every turn, her backers fflt certain that ah would never win, and their-Judgment was correct. ' While Dollie H. did not dtllvw th goods which waa expected, Moor waa a worse performer In th next rac. and burned op a treasury full of coin. Every body went after the. Moor with a venge ance and from I - to 1 his prle went down to J to hi less than a minute after th. books opened for business on the race. The Stewardess got Way In - good snap and after gaining; the lead at the quarter, ner relinquished It. winning easily from Maxtreas by a length, while J. V. Klrby came In fnr show allow ance. The Moor's ride was distasteful to his backers. he waa selected as a good thing on account of his good racs on Thursday. Alarle'a ride was not to his credit at sit ' - ' In the fifth race another surprise wsa announced when Blue Rye galloped home a winner from such good horses aa -Forest King, Chub. Instructor and Gateway. Chub and Instructor carried big money, but couldn't oops with PI ta pe trick's mount. And now cam Redan m the last tics at even money, with a noes victory for the long-suffertng talent. Kelly rode Redan and hla mount carried top weight and after takina the lead at rH maintained If to the wire, althnurh My surprise was upon nis Read and Was only nosed out Alio ,Cary, th much- CARDINAL PLAYERS TO HOLD PIGSKIN RALLY -V (Joaraal Special Bervke.) L Stanford, University, Sept. S. A foot ball rally will be held In Enclnal bail next Tueaday night and alt players, in cluding trie' freshmen, will sign up at that tlm. The men will turn out on the field not later, than Thursday, Septem ber i -' e- - - r ' ' Coach Lansgan has been on the cam pus a good deal lately, getting a line on the .men who expect to- play, but BUly Brb, assistant coach, has not put m- an. appearance "a yet. Brb 4 expected dur ing the early part of September, Another, man who la expected to help the Stanford team In the coaching line IS "Heff" Williams, one of the greatest center Stanford avac had.. He 'la aaw a practicing , physician ia Palo Alto.. -.-Stanford will have a larger squad and a larger number of good players from "which the coaohee will eeleot the team than ha been th ease for a number of years past. Sprott, who stands among th best tackles Stanford' aver had, will be allowed to play, and H la probable that Shields, the other tackle, will also be back In the game. Battel, and on the IN) 'varsity, had signified his in tention of returning, and ehduld all these men ' materialise Stanford will have eleven old 'varsity players. - Three will be ends who have made their "8" In the big fame and the remainder fill the other - positions except center. -. Besides the large number of 'varsity men. the cardinal has a w last year's second will make spirited fights for places on A. the 'varsity this fall- Chle. among these is Brennan. at halfback, a man who was a substitute-baok last -season- and Is visibly much heavier and ktronger thla year. .';.....' Dole, 101, 1 another of last season's substitutes, and will, again try for a position. - Hyde, Monalngo and ' Van Sickle are all friod second ; team men. who wlir try Tor the guard positions. Nlssen and Melflna, win again try for center:. There are a Urge number of other .second team, : back,, any one of whom may develop into a 'varsity man durtns the season. . '- ... . CHEMAWA DOWNS -s NYE CREEK TEAM ' ' ; " iii i . i' .--j - i Newport Or.. Sept I. The Chemawa team defeated the Nye Creeks- la the return gams plsyed last. wack. The pltchmf of Idroult . wt tba nature. T. rh boots follows: -,. NTB CRBBKS. -A AB. R. H. PO. A. B. C Moore, lb, ....... f 1 f It 6 0 O. Huston, p. 1 I J 0 Hobba. a s...- . . g Damon, lb. .......... ThomDaon.x X. I Sohulta. r. t C. Huston, 1- f. 4 0 1 R. Moorea. 2b, , , , , 4 I Healy, a ....v....... 11 1 1 1 t 9 i : . Totals ....4s s 1 14 ii : i dHBMAWA. h. , . Ad. K. H. TO. A. EL U I I 4 S 1 l. -....... f "If o i ii i i t e e i i i i i t Coonakm. as. IiSdd route, p. win in as. o, Atkinson,, lb. Rhodes. 2b.-. Milne, o. f. ..,..., Harris, lb ........... - Ktfk. r. f. ........... Miller, L 1 ......... nra material MhVf f ITlf VrtTilCl 1 team, some of whom CHemnwa . .1 9 0 L f 1 i Three-baa Mil Coonskin. . stolen bases Kirk. I: C Moo res. I; Healy. -Sacrifice hit Hobbe. First bass on called balls Off Huston, J. Left on bases Nye Creak, I; Chemawa. ' Struck out By Huston, t; by laxd droute, 18. . Double v play Coonskin - to Atkinson. . , . f ; . ,-.-;.. A short hand goes with a lone face. BLUE AND COLD MEN THE GRIDIRON OttMM 1 Bnal AWwlea.1 -Berkeley, Sept, , Over eighty 1 men turned out for . practice on the football field yesterday, and from now until the bfg'game in November th husky pig skin kickers who sport the blue and aid - will be put . through their -paces dally by Coach Hopper and hla oorpa of assistants. While many of th veteran players will not b back to participate 1 the game this year there la a wealth of aaw matrjal to. work with, and the prospect for developing fast freshman as well as 'varalty team are good. Trainer Walter Christy, who for th paat four years has looked after the physical welfare of the California football- heroes, has had that task assigned to pun again thla season. . He m on of the most popular trainer that has ever some to Berkeley. Never is a" man al lowed to grow stale under hla hands. Christy la delighted with th Xootfcell prospects for the com lay year. . There will be a contest for every position on th freshman team. He - said today, "And I can ten you wa have got torn good material to work with. I have never seen such a big 'bunch of huskies turn out before. Th spirit of th men, too, ' t wonderful. They are eager to work, and Coach Hopper 1 getting speed out of them. Wa have got aomehard work ahead of oa If sift-beat. Stanford's., team of veterans, but I certainly think proepectasre not at all disc ou raging. " TffaU ' (Jeeran Special ServM.) : Newport. Sept. t. Joey NuttaTL who claims the championship of the world. won th great swimming contest her this morning with Jamas MoCuskey sec ond, and Perry Cavlll. the Australian. third. The winner's Urn was 1:S:M -f, and th distance three milesA ' JEFFRIES GREATEST FIGHTER GF AGE , " WanaBawajBwuHiawMSe ' " '3" axvamr VAtMarToar ixamsatAna Vpov iaAJaara opuiiua tsxa'9 mu au K4iT an - vu oovu wmxr tkb crauEPzoaf xm '- tPT W. W. sTsmtfmaav) U. '"'7 Baa Franoisco, Sept. . Billr Ma4dan I quoted aa sayma; that he known men new before the ptrbtic who, with h Bttl devslopment, nan whip Jeffrlaa, Wher -ass they. William, and ar they wlllrng to tackle the unbeaten giant singly or a i they propose falling oo him m a body? - With your long years of oxpeManea. . William, and our knowledge f th dip) ; f and spurs and angle of th game pugi- lUtiau. it must surely occur to yon thsC " the time waa never, mors propitious, for " u the trottthg out of Hkeiy ckamplonshlp candidate than It is now; Please take - " th promoters and th pubH Into yonp oonftdenee, WIHuua. Ton may retain ' your prophet's veiUtt you W1U onia shake off that veil of mystery, Juak,. ' Bans- na of h man yon bars in mind and check the growlnc auspldon that yew are merely besoming garraleas r yoor ld aga, Out here on the mighty Paclfles rim : '. we think Jeffries-. the -g-reeteet heavy-1-.-. weignt tn righting gams baa produced. We oaa speak by th oard. tbo. for nm ' . olty to nil th wide world has furnished ropea ajd a takes for as many top-notak bruuMfn as San Fraaclaoo baa We have) provided th slasws of war for such men i Nnt1nued on'Paga HI even.) -J "'.' f' ' J'.'l' Your Son's School Suit Has Arrived V' a- t -,7 .4 f&K Vvr '" b exhibited 'iKr-. J-- A'LJP&m ( . W ' Btoo- Biwwm, Eton, -MoffoAt md Dbw-"' V 'fj jj "''V'V,."? YV''' ' -r.V .' ' W-Z jr fci. .V'ZM - bvsastaal SuJta. Eton, Buster Brown sod Belted Ovofaoat tL V ' , V ? - lilt's!" .' i 1 III " v ..smw'ssat DoubLtbreastad iaxk lutte, Belted Over, I I I. J Wlf.-V-'ml .' h .- v ' - - v " , - ': Jm Ritiy Hade from Gturanted m-wool Fabria k ' 1 ffi..is4A .,fj:-r:-k FALL LINK EMBRACES EVERY CrOOD AND WANTED STYLE fOR THE LITTLE TOT OF 254 YEARS TO THE HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE YOUNG MAN , 1 BOYS CLOTHING TO MOTHERS LIKING NjkS Vw THIS STORE. WILL REMAIN CLOSED TOMORROW crcre . .. "v a .-tt 85-87 Third Street; On Door - North of Cham, of Corn. IN HONOR v OF LA D (J k D AY It w