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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 86, 1804 ii : i . . .11 -wj Sole Selling Agents for the World-Famous ORDER. BY MAIL If you can't come to the store, order by mail or 'phone. Your orders will be filled carefully and promptly by trained, skilled shoppers. This is the oldest and leading mail order house on the coast. Bonnet et Cie's FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. THE "DIFFERENT STORE 9 PORTLAND'S QUALITY SHOP The Great Sale of New 1804-5 Silks and Dress Goods at Sharply Reduced Clearance Sale Prices Continues Annex. First Floor. Do Fall Sewing on an Olds, Wortman ft King Sewing Machine Special Clearance Sale Prices All This Week Fourth Floor. Celebrated "Quick Meal" Kitchen Ranges Third Floor. Last Week of Clearance Sale Prices. Buy the Range This Week and Save Price of Ton of Coal. 1 J1...H .1 ,1....SBBBBBBBBB Five Hours More of the Colossal Clearance Sales! EVERY ARTICLE IN ALL THE HOUSE ON EVERY FLOOR, MIGHTILY REDUCED POR FIVE HOURS ON SATURDAY Contract Goods Excepted). UNTIL P. M. SATURDAY HERE 400 Happy Employes of Olds, Wortman (8b King , i I A 1 t I I - - AFTER 1 P. SAT URDAY HERE SEE THAT STORE? It's a mighty good "Mixer" of Heart, Brains and Merchan dise. The public's generous patronage makes it Portland's Foremost Store BY THE GRACE OF THE GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE ! When the immortal Lincoln gave voice to the principle of "Government of the people, by the people and for the people," he expressed a truth that is directly applicable to every truly great American institution; one that can be applied to a great merchandising establishment equally as well as to any other thing that is a part of the life of this people. Modern merchandising has risen out from its erstwhile sordidness and come up to the plane of the highest ideals and ambitions of life. Contrast the attitude of the successful merchant today toward the public and vice versa with what was seen a hundred years ago, and the difference would make the younger genera tion incredulous of what was then. Then most merchants were looked upon with distrust by their patrons and they in turn did their best to cheat their customers. Now all is changed. It's a settled fact that a merchant, to win patronage and friendship must needs render service to them in such fairness and courtesy as calls to mind "ye chivalrous knights of olde." The people themselves bro't the change, established such stores as this great mercantile establishment, and made it grow. We set up the standards of fairness and courtesy here more than 26 years ago, 'tis axiomatic the store has been honest to its founders, the people, else how our growth from the acorn to the oak? This stbVe stands today an exponent of fairness, RELIABILITY and durability, a monument by the people, of the people and for the people in very truth. Liberal and fair to all people to OUR OWN PEOPLE. Tomorrow at 1 p. m. 400 helpers go trooping out for rest and recreation. Their work-a-day is done. It means a better Sabbath observance and better service on Monday. Tis the better sort of storekeeping the newer sort. And yet there s the other kind of stores a tew still linger the old kind. Where do YOU buy? Saturday's Closing Shoe Bargains Price reduction! that are unprece dented In the history of shoe selling; in fortiana. Bacrinces we are -compelled to accept, with aa good.grec as possible, to rid ourselves of surplus overstocks in new, stylish, worthy footwear, during the alterations now going on, incident to moving the Shoe Store to the new Sixth-street Annex. We've slaughtered the prices and sac rificed coats as well aa profits rather than move the stocks. Accept Satur day's chance :m Women's dressy new Shoes, In Fall style laats, patent kid. vlcl kid, vel our calf and patent leather, plain Balmoral or Blucher out, patent or -stock toe tips, military, Cuban or walking heels, very smooth, new and stylish. Some with matt top, others plain viol kid. newest and choicest styles from the $1.50 and $4.00 lines; special for this week $2 64 Women's $1.60 House Juliette, viol kid stock, broad, comfortable shapes, plain, with broad heel and medium round toe; special this rj A Women's handsome styles. In $5 and II dress and street Shoes, patent or French kid or patent leather stock, patent leather or stock toe tips. Louis or IH-lnch military heels, full round or medium toes, dull or mat- 1 OO ted tops; special for week J.a Women's new Dress Shoes In patent or plain kid vamps dull or matted tops, very latest styles, with medium round toes, plain or tipped, military heels, hand-sewed and or finest work manship throughout. The product of a leading Eastern manufacturer; best $6 values; special for the T 47 week -rTLt-, . . TJ, Women's new 13 Street Shoes, vlcl kid stock, patent leather toe tips, I full round toes and military heels I w,e?k" $1.83 Women's 14 Dress or Street Shoes, new arrivals Just In, finest vlcl kid stock, matt kid tops, medium round toes, military or Cuban heels, flex ible, easy tread, hand-turned soles, very swell styles; special for 4tO OK the week .V"0 Women's House Slippers, soft kid stock, comfortable foot-shape lasts, medium heels, one-strap or OAc J lain; special this week yv Isses' box calf or vlcl kid Street Shoes in lace styles, sole light or heavy, very stylish and durable; reg ular $1 values, sixes 11 to 2; 9Q. special fl.OO Regular 11.75 values, else CI fO to 11; special .T110 Men's Oxfords. In tan or black stock, neat, stylish, foot - shape lasts, Bluchar or straight lace styles, very fashionable lasts and handsomely finished; regular $1.50 values; fO Oi special f'0 Men's handsome, fashionable Street Shoes, Oxfords or boots; regular $S 50 and $4 values, Russia calf, wil low calf or box calf leathers; a very swell line; special to 42 Boys' Dress or School Shoes, very durable for general wear, velour or box calf or vlcl kid stock, six effec tive styles in the choosing, light, medium or heavy oak tan, solid leather soles Regular $1.75 values, sixes 11 fl 14 to IS; special Jr1'1 Regular $$.50 values, stses CI AA $H to $H; special l. Women's new Party Slippers, one or three-strap styles, vamps beaded or plain, Louis heels, very smart, new styles; regular $1 values; spe- CI 07 clal this weak 7i fl.yi a satuadat sale op wokmi FACTORY 3D FLOOBV-COBTVINCINO PROOF OF ALL AOUND ECONOMT $3.25 House Wrappers 69c Our buyer wsa fortunate In securing the entire balance of a leading factory's stock of splendid, extra grade Wrap pers and Kimonos during the last trip east, from where she has Just re turned. The temptation was a phe nomenal price concession, by which the garments come to us at a mere fraction of maker's oost The maker knew our output, 'twas a big lot, morn Wrappers than any other Portland house will sell In a season; but we know our public, and we know the entire big lot will be sold In a day yes, a half day here tomorrow, at the price we've put upon 'em. Per cales and lawn materials, thoroughly made and trimmed In lace effects, with collars: some with shoulder cape effects snd with belts all this season's make; the values range up from $1.00 to $$.25 mostly In be tween grades, all sixes $4 S f , to 42 your choice of the lot OVC for $2 to $3.50 House Kimonos $1.39 The Kimonos ar. In all th. n.w affects, full lengths, materials lawns and pretty dimities and everyfasratrnble color, In newest, neatest, handsomest patterns. Tne vaiuea emnracen are from the $2 to $8.50 grades. Until closing time on Saturday only, l p. m., you may cnoose at one price. . r i - $1.39 SATURDAY THE SECOND DAY OP THE CO LOSSAL SALE OF SMART NEW SILKS! Of Surpassing Beauty A Grand Fall Sale of New 1904-5 Silks, Startingly Underpriced ! a unprecedented Anjfait offering, which we are Mad to world-wide reputation who AS. sought our business for I of a third off oa price. Our silk bnyer mapped ap th. op t offer to as and made this I si Ikakle underprloa purohase ally avail themselves of this sale, aa th prices we have me cost o proauotion OJ any znanuxaovarer, now Silks for the new waists, for shirtwaist suits and skirts: make only through a fortunate chance. A manufacturer of eral aeaaons pas unsucoeasf ally threw down the gm portanlty eeaerly. A backward aeason East lnauen possible. We urge that dressmakers and smaller dealers generally avail themselves marked anon th. rioh and handsome silks axe mnoh leas than th. oost of nroductlo ever large a quantity ordered Every new Fall color and dainty pattern la la th. Immense choosing. Detail description would be impossible here. Tcra must see these beauties, whose vaiuea are thus shamelessly sacrificed. 'Twill be In deed A MOHSTEX ILAUOHTM OF KEW MIIB. The 85c Silks are Price-Slashed to 59c yard The $1.00 Silks are Price-Slashed to 69c yard The $1.25 Silks are Price-Slashed to 79c yard Every yard new; received from th. factory oa Wedneeday last. W. especially urge your comparison of th. following offering with the wsskllng silk stores dollar values, which they "allow" la cheap. Ton 11 note, of course, tflr -oar price, th. yard, la .V7v a.eoo yards of para all-silk Crepe do Chine, with rioh, beautiful finish; colors embracing white. Ivory, cream, pink, light Ma., tans, navya, browns, champagne., cadets, UsSfS. cardinal aad black. This has no equal elsewhere AOs la town at Si oo par yardSpecial for this aala, par yard OTC See Silks fa Washington-street windows. CAOWDS SUAAOUBTDED TsTB X A AG AX If TABLE UL DAT TODAY UOOIB OWES WILL COME BOW. for food news spreads aad wa believe wall he tsslifl to the utmost tomorrow to, wait upon the buyers. Dear in auaa uu store muses as l p aa. aaa snop in we morning EXQUISITE LINENS A6 Little to Pay Another busy half day tomorrow in the lanes Aisle. Bousekeeplng from th. world's moat oelebrated spinners, at pries. 1ms than the oost to land today. Portland's gTSSAast linen values are bar. aad home folk know It. That s way tne great august linen saiea nave met witn snon unparaiieiea sacoees at this store. W. commend the following Items to good housekeepers, aa well aa hotel and restaurant men. rooming -house keepers and institutions for Sa Sard ay baying! reeser, Sideboard aad Bad BTapery at Aamarkable Sale Prioee. - FAINOED. T1 MATED TABLBCliOTBI Slightly mussed or soiled In 1 to t-yard lengths. $2.16 Cloths 11.00 Cloths it 50 Cloths $1.00 Cloths $1.00 Cloths If 15 Cloths ndw now now f 1.75 62.25 is. 75 S3. 75 ie.oo j oo Sl.OO 81.85 83. OO 3.75 S4.10 fl.tS values, 11 60 values. 11.60 vaiuea. $4.26 values, now 16 oo vaiuea, now $6.50 values, now Sl.OO Tea Cloth. $1.15 Taa Cloths $2 15 Taa $2 50 Tsa $1.60 Tea 100 In full slse, some slightly soiled from showing and window dis play, most of them, however, are but Slightly mussed. Beat $3 50 values 76 04 Cloths 1.75 Cloths 1.95 Cloths $2.5 mMDi, $1.00 $2.60 $1.00 $4 50 Di Damask Damaak Damask Damask S8.35 Si.eo 3.85 DEES $1.00 Scarfs $1 25 Scarfs . $1.50 8earfs . $2.00 Scarfs . TO A big sample line, only too Towels 26c Towels lie Towels 4. 40c Towels Ic Towels $1.00 Towels $1.11 Towels $1.60 Towels SCAAFS. 75 90 Sl.OO 51 SO slightly mussed lHs IS as ao 60 75f oo Sl.OO Short lengths Tahle Damask. 1 to 3 yards long, mercilessly reduced. Bleached and unbleached Table Da mask In Richardson's famous weave. Four extra special values in Cm bleached Damasks at, yard 80d, 3 It. 8Sy, 4Sa. Pour extra special vaiuea In Bleached Damasks at. yard 42 . SO. 65f, 58. Separate Table Cloths sharply re duced sixes 1x10 11.11 values, for. . $1.10 values, for . $1.00 values, for . $4.00 vaiuea, for . 11.10 vaiuea. for . 11.00 values, for . A lot embracing over 100 remnants In Bleached and Unbleached Damasks in 1H to 1-yard lengths at slaughter prices. 16.10 11.25 13.75 I 13.15 1 12.415 I IS.46 nOHAL S A TUAD AT VAL XBT Women's Union Suits and Hosiery Children's Vests Too First Floor. WOMEWS 1.38 UNION S U IT'S, 53c. Women's mercerised lisle Union Suits In flesh tint, low neck and sleeveless, best regular $1 36 value In town, from lam. until 1 closing time Saturday Special at each 53 SATUADATS SPECIAL VALUES XBT WOMEN'S DAXBTTT Undermuslins and Smart Lingerie ABTBTEX 3d FLOOA. Ladles' Muslin Petticoats, deep lawn flounca, with cluster of four tucks, and embroidery edging; regular price. 16c. Special at 664? Ladles' fin. Cambric Drawers, cluster of 9 fine tucks and edged with, fine wide Swiss embroidery; regular 11.50. Special at 864 Broken lines and sixes of Corset Covers, Skirt Chemise. Gowns. Drawers and Petticoats of fine cambric and muslin, trimmed In lace and embroidery; reg ular price. 11.00, 11.26 and $1.S0 For rapid selling we have bunched them together to sell at 6841 Ladles' Misses' a, in fmvy and plain material, to close at. . lg) Square or round Centerpieces, tinted and stamped on tan, blue and green linen, slse II inches; regular price $1.26 to $1.00. Special at 7c N.w Petticoats in black mercerised sateen, Italian cloth, mercerised and silk moreen, alpaca and poplin; also a large variety In colored brtlMantln. and mohair, with or without silk flounces. Children's New Pall and Winter Coats For little tots to I years, in white and colored now fabrics, in Russian. Buster Brown, sailor, box-pleated and plain- ulster styles. Prices from Sl.OO to 25 BE A SOW ABLE ECONOMIES OBT FOtTATBT fLOOB Homefitting Shops for Saturday Bayers August Clearance Sale prices rule for the half day tomorrow on articles you'll need In the homes a little later, when prices are higher. You'd best buy now while prices are down. All th. new Fall arrivals are included in the cut price carnival of Clearance Sales. If you've Carpets, Curtains, Blankets, Baby Oo-Carts. Draperies, Portiere., Comforters, Mattings, Rugs, Linoleums, Enameled Berts. Couch Throws, In short, anything for fitting the homes, or adding beauty spots to dull places about th. house, to buy, you'd best do it tomorrow while th. price shades are lowered. Items that may Interest BTEW LACE CT7ATAIBTS FOR FA1X. 1904. Every Itne embraced. Including the Cable Net. Brussels and Renaissance ef fects. 754 t0 SO th Vir. with a full dosen In-between grades Cluny Lace Curtains, pair 5 7.SO to 0 15.00 Raal Renaissance Curtains, pair S 7.50 to 48.50 Real Arabian, pair 12. 50 to 8100.00 Irish Point and Brussels Curtains, pair, S 2.75 to 20.00 Ruffled Net and Mahiffany. pair ,....$) 1.6 to $ 7.50 BTEW POBTTEAES AND DA APE AXES. A line so varied, so rich, so beautiful that cold type would but profane their effulgent elegance. Plain Rep with beautiful Ooblln borders 55.50 to f 15.00 Plain Tapestry, edges corded or fringed, both ends 50.OO to 17.50 Heavy Figured Tapestry, edges coraea or rnnged, both ends, pair Best French Velour from Piece goods in Reps. Armures. Tapestrys, Heavy Brocade Silks. Velours, etc. Full line of Fall Bed Comforters, raownalln. Comforts, Silk Comforts, etc. A handsome lln. of Silk Bed Comforts at from, each . .610.00 825. OO 8 3.50 to S35. OO .840.00 to 645.00 A fine pretty assortment of Ladies' Black Lace Lisle Hosiery, best Ger man manufacture and 50c vaiuea. Special Saturday for, pair SOtt POATIVABTD'S BIOOEST SATTTAD AT OSIEBT VALUE. OaTT.nmsBrs SSo TESTS OA PANTS. lSa. Children's good white cotton vests or Pants in summer weight, bast lie vaiuea In town this sesson. Special tomorrow at, each 164 OOINO TO DAT? Bathing Suits For Half BPS OA WO AT AA LP BBFOAE TOO OO. MA PBUCTB First Floor. A laat finale to Summer selling. MENS BATHING SUITS, la all the popular styles and fabrics, attrac tively trimmed. Regular $1.00 suits for 60, up to the 11.10 grades at 61.76. All In-between sorts st HALF PRICK. All th. WOMEN'S BATHING SUITS HALF PRICE. DOWN BED COMFOATS 4i.50 UP. 'Tie Saving, Not Immediate Battkis Per hap. That Impel. Polka to Bay Cons orts aad Blankets Maw. There's mlghtly little use for such warm bad woolens these August nights, but most everybody has use for the dollars chipped off Blanket prices now during the Clearance-Alteration Sales What better reason, then, for the outgoing of hundreds of blankets and com forts during this laat week of the sal.. NEW CAAPETS AND LINOLEUMS CABLOADI NEW FALL STYLE FLOOB The handsomest lln. of new Carpets we've ever seen under any on. roof, th. biggest line In th. city, the newest lln. on the Coast and all at the lowest prlcea quoted by any carpet house In all the Northwest country. Rich, dark reds, two-toned greens and Delf blues predominate, strikingly nsat, small figures. Oriental and floral designs, scrolls and plain fillings vie with each other for favor. In price you'll find' Extra Supers at, yard OOc Extra Supers C. C. at, yard 80 Half Wool, yard 70t Granite, yard 45 Tapestrys. yard 85 6 LOO. 61.15 i Body Brussels, yard Sl.AP Axmlnlaters. yard Sl.OO to 59.1 Best Velvets, yard S1.60 Wiltons, yard 81 -NO $2.25 Raffled Net Curtains $1.38 Very pretty ruffled Net Lace Cur tains with 2-Inch lace Insertion. 1 H -Inch lara edge and I-lnch ruffle, each curtain Is 41 Inches wide and I yard long; beat $1.11 vaiuea Saturday, until closing time, special at. Pair 61.88 SATTTAD AY BOO AND OVBTAXBT Pleue. $2.50 Smyrna Rags $1.36 Handsome double-faced Smyrna Rugs. SflxlO Inches slse, sold regularly st 11 1 Spaolal 6136