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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1804 mi ! i ii i . . . ii What Is in a Name After All? Well, That Depends THE CHICAGO The Big Store in the Middle of the Block The Big Store in the Middle of the Block i 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 69 and 71 and Now Adding 73 Third Street, Between Oak and Pine THAT WORD BARGAINS has been so awfully abused by irresponsible stores and sometimes through downright ignorance that public patronage now demands facts. A store that sells an article carried over from last year at 50 per cent on the dollar is not giving you a bargain, for styles a year old are not worth more than 50 cents on the dollar in the wholesale market A store that sells you off colors or patterns is exactly in the boat THE CHICAGO deals in fresh goods and when we an nounce a cut in prices it is on goods For AD-Wool $12, $15, $18 and $20 Suits We have taken about 600 fine Suits, all color and styles, that sold early in the season at $12.00 to $20.00 and put one price for choice of the, entire lot. Black, clay worsted, blue serges, gray clays, Scotch tweeds, fancy Scotch cassimeres, light and dark cheviots, pure all-wool worsted, vicunas, etc., in the very newest and best styles. Not a suit in the lot but is hand-tailored, with shape-retaining fronts and broad shoulders. For $3.50, $4 and $5 EXTRA QUALITY ALL-WOOL TAILOR-MADE Pants Over 2,000 pairs of the very latest and beat styles, in wor steds or all-wool cassimeres, clays, cheviots, tweeds, in eluding choice of all our finest quality Outing Pants. There never has been such a grand opportunity to secure so larj an assortment of really fine Pants at so low a price. can fit any person from 30 to 48 waist or 28 to 87 inseam. Don't think of buying Pants until you see them. For Choke of the Best SUMMER OUTING Suits IN THE STORE None hidden, held or reserved. All our $20.00, $18.00, $15.00, $12.00 and $10.00 Outing Suits are on our counters, and in this sale at 95.00 for choice of the best. SHOES We Simply Beat Them All on High Quality and Low Prices. We have rung the bell on Shoes good shoes, no old timers, but the very best styles that's the kind The Chicago sells. d Will buy choice of 20 styles of box and velour y OD calf, in foot form last ; shoes that are sold usually at $2.00 and $2.50. 2? Vici' Velour- Bo Calf and Cordovan, $3.00, QL.OD $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, the styles and shapes of last are the very best; they come in all widths and sizes. Any time you buy a pair of shoes at The Chicago and they don't wear right you get a new pair FREE. We don't sell anything that we cannot guarantee. HATS DON'T WAIT A MINUTE We are going to make a clean sweep of every Hat in the house. Prices on all kinds of soft or stiff Hats will be cut to the core. Cost or loss cuts no figure they must go. 65 For choice of a big lot, light, medium or dark colors, soft or stiff Hats ; worth up to $2.00. $ 1.35 For choice of over 1,000 soft or stiff Hats, in black, brown, nutria, drab, pearl or smoke shade, the very latest shapes ; worth up to $3.00. We have jumped into the Hat stock with both feet you need not wear a shabby one now. f , ' Worthy of Your Patronage THE CHICAGO has received since. June 1st more fresh seasonable Suits and Pants than all the stores in Portland combined BORN OF A TITLE SMALL This is Not Sarcasm It is Straight from the Shoulder Some stores in this city might be successful if they only were aware of how little they really knew about the fine points of the clothing business. They might be top liners if they would lo cate in prison bound or asylum center towns that they are named after. It is about the size of their capacity. When a store whose growth has been- akin, to a cow's tail downward names itself after some wayside village, squaahburg or state prison center, and that outfit sets itself up to tell the intelligent public what it knows about fashions and fine art in the manufacture of cloth ing, that is a case of downright ignorance. They deserve the sympathy of the public, but they get the laugh instead. The Chicago is head and shoulders above any competitor it has to con tend with in this city. While a store of the above caliber has rapped at our door repeatedly for some kind of recognition, our advice to them is : Study the fine arts and fashions in overalls and rubber coats, then advance step by step until you are worthy of the clothing patronage of the generous public. Fiction. . THE FREE WATCHES For the boys on the opening day of our new Boys' and Children's De partment is causing lots of hustle among the boys. Every boy has the opportunity to secure a watch free. Boys, call at the store, get started early in the contest and secure one of the finest Watches. Boys out of town send for lists. THE PLAIN To furnish boys with printed lists or petitions. The boys securing the 50 largest lists of adult signatures to be given the 50 gold-plated watches. The boys getting the next 50 largest lists of signatures to be given the silver-plated watches, until all the watches are distributed. RULES. - No. 1 The same list not to be signed Jay the same person more than once, but the same person may sign as many different lists as he may wish. No. 2 Sign your own name. Do not sign for others, as the same handwriting in more than one place on the same list makes the list void. The $50.00 win be given to charitable institutions, to be decided upon by the boys re ceiving the watches, as previously stated, in case there was no improvement on our own plan. Men's Furnishings We show the largest and beat line of good, up-to-date Furnishings in this state. The prices, during this Great Sale, while store improvements are going on, are a revela tion of the power of this store as a bargain-giver. Shirts 3Cr For choke of Negligee and Golf Style Shirts, cuffs OOL detached, very choice; worth up to 75c, including black sateen, madras, etc. ,CA For choice of an elegant assortment of Golf or Uvt Negligee Shirts, consisting of the very choicest styles; worth up to $1.00. Underwear We are selling Underwear at an average of less than ONE-HALF PRICE. Twenty styles to choose from 23t For elegant 50c qualities. ' 33e For extra good, up to 75c qualities. 43e For select quality, up to $1.00 values. Hosiery We have about 500 dozen Good Sox that sell regularly from 10c to 50c a pair. We are going to sell them. Here are the prices : 5 For the best 10c Sox on the market. 2 Pairs for 25k for the 90c Sox. 3 Pairs for 50 the best of qualities, lisle, balbriggan and mercerized, plain and fancy; imported 25c, 85c, 40c and 50c Sox. Suspenders We sell wholesale and retail, and will sell you a pair or two of Suspenders at a cheaper rate than we would sell you by the box. 10 f For the very best 80c and 25c values. 20f For elegant Suspenders; value up to 50c. 30 e For French and English web, glove-button cast off, beat of trappings and ends, handsome colors or white; value up to 75c Fine Neckwear We show more fine All-Silk Neckwear than any house in Oregon. We make a leader out of Neckwear, and retail it at about wholesale prices, but during store alterations well sell it at manufacturer's cost 19 For choice of 200 dozen Pure Silk Bows, Tecks, Clubs and Four-in-Hands ; good 85c value. 39e For choice of 200 dozen very newest styles of imported silk, in all styles; worth up to 75c Odd Vests by the thousand. Seems a good many, but we have them, or we would not say so. A Zn Ju9t take vour pick of 300, U colors and sizes, up 40C to 46, all-wool or worsted ; worth $1.50. AP For choice of 500 all-wool and worsteds, black, blue, 7 OC fancy colors and mixtures, sizes to 48 ; worth $2.60. Young Men's Suits We are Going to Give the Young Men a " Surprise In Nobby Suits. frf. PA We have taken about 200 elegant All-Wool pUdU Suits, in both single and double breasted styles, dark and medium colors, also plaids, checks and stripes suits that sell ordinarily up to $13.50, and put them in this lot at $6.50 for choice. Children's Suits We have about 50 All-Wool Knee Pants Suits, reefer, vestee, junior and double breasted styles, we will sell before we open the big new boys' and children's department. Just pick out the one you want, take it for half what it is marked and then take off another 10 per cent EXAMPLE: $5.00 Suit One-half price, $2.60; 10 per cent off, now 82.25.