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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUOUST 86. 1904. IS C1TT BOTICKB. Sir Francls ''WWW I AW 40414 Washington Street. Clairvoyant Spirit Mediui Palmist SPECIAL OFFER! GREAT REDUCTION! LOW FEE! For 7 Days OijJy Your Life an Open Book to Him MOB OB WHOM. MM WILL TILL TOO T TOO CALLED TOM AHTTKHVO TOO WAJfT TO HOW. AOTZO TUT WILL DO OOOD. ARB YOU lit TROUBLE Or ANT KIND, discontented, nnhsang, or not satisfied la life, or have you ny oxnaeetle But no mat ter nut jour trouble mar no tou win d torn ox tnem ua issmis im proper mit. troubles that annoy root SOW TO O ALL TBVOOBUBB. Tour put. jfflr 'prwnl Ufa and tout entire future, and everything can ba told by consulting BIB FBANCIS DBAKB, the wtrIA nt clairvoyant and spirit medium, who ta tna greatest matter of occult science and psychic fore tna worn Ma ever Inaam. amluent Hta predlctlona are alwara correct and nar fail to eom troa. aa thousand of people will testify. T Do everything aaam to go wrong, and baa fortune never amlled on root Baa oar Ufa bee full of "up and X not dcapalr. aa m can ret learn the true road to aueeiaa and happlnaa. for beta await rou It yon wlU only know ho T where to find them, which wlU ba revealed to yea. Ton will also ba told how ta hare roar want ana wlabe aatlaf a. Cbtalti vnur iititoef In life nr wnnr heart' M.alia. and downs-'- Do whan and tlmflad. How to beat adapted for. single question. "ot r aim amo so: How to lira hsppy and coatented the raat of yonr Ufa and ba fortunate. Row to obtain tna money yos wast, and what Tea are Telia what rou hare dona, what rou are doing now and what yea are going to oo. au tola without ClsTt ADTT0X OBT aUAOB AJTO DXVOl Settle lovera' quarrel, reunite the to him the hidden treasure burled In her erll Influeneea. alvae advise oartatnlng to lawanita. everything. 1 of fimlllea. loo e Derated, bar bean united by Ma effort ; thoneand of operated, rauae a apaedr and happr marriage with the on of your cbotra. Th earth reveals bosom. Be locate mines. Interpreta dreama, tell of roar friend and aaamlaa. re mora lawanita. ararrthlng. Tna troubled and unfortunate abould seel hla conuael. Thousand tad br hla effort: thooaanda of a alia md glad through bin truthful pradletleai. Whatever mar be your troubfee. anxletlae. hope, feara and wiahea. call oo thla gifted gentleman (mined lately Hla parlors are rial tad br buainee aim of good repute, anxlou for reliable Information aa to the outcome of fat are or peat brraataMota, and br ladlaa la all grade of lit. SATISFACTION OIVBN OB NO rBB AOCBPTBO. I The tide of skepticism I eurelr torn log br tna wonderful power dUplayad br thla atrang man. Ordained to do what b do by ao me atrang. unseen power, whoa potent Influence la fait ay every mature aa th face of the earth, whoa power la aeen In the force of nature, tnis wonaerrui ana girtea man nemoneiraiae ma i you look, Uaten and wonder. The dead of the prophet and the wlae men of old are outdone br thla of modern time. Fmm whence cornea thla wonderful nower? Professional nan and woman ar awaadxlcl out dumfnunded. apearhleaa. Had ba been born In tlmea ot aaneretttloo hla work would ba Fraud Drake I acknowledged by preea and public to be ordained to do what he doe. He hafflea akentlca. huahea doubter, and ellenraa th alar and lean of all classes ao ocean, tne marvel or two nemiopnaree. i ne pn I small room for nretenalon where th true Ifat meteora acroaa tna beam of tna steady, ectntllletlng star, ta rour pvaaeai. a atranaa and mratarloua seer ar a waatrlckeo, th public in general la laaed ta Uttle laaa tban talrecle. sea and natloaeawiea Ba la known froai oeeao to pretender cr partially developed medium ma aarare mm, snowing; rau wall that mere retenaton where the true light of genuine power shine triumphant. They flash and vanish like the neatlag Ba give nam, data, facta and fig urea, reliable and Important advice and Information on an matters of Interest In ti natulan trtnaactlona. lawsuits, contested wllla. life Insurance, damage suite, divorcee, deed, mortgage claims, collections and apuulsttoo. adventnraa. gold mining atock and all financial difficulties. Truly predict the success or failure of new Inventlone. patent, pending pension claim, etc.; telle whether rou will receive fair dealings with partners. If yon ear to know what business rou will follow to b successful, where rou shall go and whom to avoid, If you Intend to maka any change or atari, a boalneaa, bay or sell property, or. In fact, take any Important step, don't fall to consult Sir Kr ancle Drake. Hla advice may ba th mean ot taring yaw thousanda of dollara and a great deal of trouble. Remember, your prospect of today may ba roar fortune tomorrow ft rightly baa died. Occult Wonder. Always Commit the Beat. Positively no equal on earth In his pro fission. Out thla out to avoid mistake la aft and number. Permanently located. Hours from 10 a. in. to 8 p. m., Sunday Included. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE 404 W. AMD W. Privates. Bo HOO-HOO WEEK AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Seventy-five Thousand Lumbermen Are Expected to Be Present at the "Black Cat's" arri val From September 5 to 12, - Jturoal Special Service.) St Louie, Aug. J. More than 75,000 visitor will be attracted to the exposl- tlon during the week of September 6, At which time the largest meeting of lum bermen ever brought together will be held under the auspices of the Order of Hoo-Hoo. Not only the members of this unique order, who number 9,999, are taking an Interest in thla week, but every branch of the lumber business will be repre sented and will meet to diacuaa affairs of direct Interest to them. The house of Hoo-Hoo will be head quarters for the lumbermen, and It Is expected that the proverbial hospitality of those who swear by the tall of the great black cat will be 'taxed to the limit. Following Is th official program for the week, : Official Tuesday, September 6, 10 a. m. Meet ing of the Southwestern Association of Lumber, Bash and Door Salesmen. Wednesday, September 7, 10 a m Meeting of the Northwestern Associa tion of Lumber, Sash and Door Sales men. 10 a m. General meeting of retail lumber dealers from ail part of the United States. Thursday, September I. Welcoming and registering of arriving guests at house of Hoo-Hoo; 9:09 a. m.. Os Irian cloister, buaineaa seeslon; 1:09 p. ra Oalrlan cloister. Initiatory cercrr.inlea; 7:09 p. m., Osirlan cloister, banquet. Friday, September 9, 9:09 a. m. Thir teenth Hoo-Hoo annual called to order by Snark Edward M. Vletmeler; tender of the fair grounds by Hon. David H. Francis, president of the Louisiana Pur chase exposition; acknowledgement for Hoo-Hoo. by Senior Hoo-Hoo Frank N. Snell of Milwaukee, Wis. Day of Andres sea. Address, "Come See My Lumber Yard, and the Yellow Pine Exhibit," by Dr. Tarleton H. Bean, chief of the depart ment of forestry, fish and game; ad dress, '"Our House of Hoo-Hoo," by J. A. Freeman of St. Louis, "official orator" of the Yellow Plners; annual report of Bnark of the Universe Edward M. Vlet meler of Pittsburg, Pa; annual report of Serlvenoter J. H. Balrd of Nash ville, Tertn.; appointment of regular committees; resolutions received and re ferred; business held over from twelfth annual; new business; recess for the day. At 3:09 p. in. there wilt be on as aembly of visitors at the house of Hoo Hoo to Join the ranks in a march to the Boer war performance and special camp reception by Generals Cronje and VII Joen, the Boer heroes. At 1:09 p. m. there will be A recep tion at the house of Hoo-Hoo to all vlalting lumbermen, lumber, sash and door salesmen. Hoo-Hoos and ladies by St. Louis lumbermen and their ladles. Saturday, September 10, at 9:09 A m. there will be . a report of committees; consideration ot and action upon com mittee reports and new business; at 1:09 p. m. all guests will assemble at house of Hoo-Hoo to Join the ranks in a march to the Philippine exhibit to see the Igorrota village, Moro houses, Luson village, constabulary drill and Filipino theatre. Otve Vaudeville Show. From 8:09 to 10:09 p. m. at the house of Hoo-Hoo there will be a smoker and vaudeville show, the best acts to be se cured from the Pike attractions. There will also be a Japanese garden party In the Imperial gardens, with entertain ment by Geisha girls in native songs and dancea; refreshments will be served by Japanese and Chinese girls. On Monday. September 11, there will be consideration of and disposal of com mittee reports at 9:09 a m.; at 1:09 p. m. there will be an assembly of all guests at the house of Hoo-Hoo, fol lowed by a march to the Pike, led by William Edy Barns, via the Cascades snd Plasa of St Louts. At t:09 p. m. there will be an annual concatenation for those who seek health. happiness and long life, followed by the regular session on the roof. At' night the ladles will be escorted to Delmar gardens to witness the stage spectacle, "Louisiana," and the eventful week will be brought to a happy close. UMBRELLA SPECIALS "The Hercules" Is our special wind-proof, rust proof, rain-proof umbrella the strongest made. The frame Is made especially for us ot the best crucible steel and we have thorp all finished with brass, which makes rusting Impossible. We have a special device attached making them wind-proof. Hereule UmbrtsUat $1.50. $2 and $2.50 Coat ao mora than others. John Allesina TWO FACTORIES, raotory B. 1. Factory Ho. A on m. sea waaniagton sc. Phone Bala 9040. KNOW THY FUTURE! CLAIRVOYANT $10 Complete Life Readings 1 THIS WEEK ONL.V sr M BLIDAH BERNIQLE Her parlors are crowded dally by the best people of Portland anxious to know their future. Budah Bernique's demon strations .of second sight must be seen to be believed, So be sure and consult bar at once. TWENTY TEARS A PRACTICING CLAIRVOYANT. Known from ocean to ocean as the marvel of two hemispheres, KliOW THT JTURH. OOBBTTLT AM INFBBtOB MEDITTM WHEN MADAM BEBNIQCB. THE ACKNOWL EDGED LBADBB OT THEM ALL. IB HERB, AND HBK rBB NO BIOBBB THAN THOSE LESS COMPETENT I FUEE! rBBBI rBEBI ir MOT COBBBOT. Be positive am I of sat powers ta tall tna peat. prat and future and exactly what yes waat to knaw, that I will make MO CHARGE! MO CHABOBi an laaa you obtain perfect Mtia faction and Ana m superior to all MEDIUMS, CLAIRVOYANTS and PALMISTS In thla etty. Ella Wheeler Wtleol. tne nSfeeaa. aaye: "Badak Raralone ssved me ertou mla takea. Bb la a marvel among man and "Budah Berntqu hi the beat and elavar ast elatrvaraot In th city." -Chicago Rec-ord-Herald of April 31. William J. Bryan aara: Badak Ber nlqu 1 th greatest sdeuHat In bar line. Ba baa thoroughly convinced me." TELLS TOO WHEN AMD WBOB TOU WILL MARRY. Born With Double Veil Educated In Oc cult Science In Egypt and India. The Veiled Prophetess I Tell Your Name This OCCULT WONDER Is placed In a olass by her self, toweling head and shoulders over every rival, and Is recognised by the PROFESSION as their BRIGHTEST STAR. palmist snd eUtreoy- press snd public th BANCS MEDIUM. DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM London' most fanv ant la acknowledged greatest, living DEAD BBS telle what Sou came for before v. .11 utter a word, dee not ak queeuoae. no matter what year trouble may be. Call, aad aha will guide too with certainty higher than human power. Tell you th truth, good or bad. a Th following list show surely and almptv that Budah BrrnUju aa been consulted by the moat popular and moat noted men and woman of the world, and bar reading ot their Uvea waa pronounced meat wonderful: Julia Marlowe President Itarrlenn Sarah Bernhardt Preeldent Cleveland Ella Wheeler Wilcox Archbishop Ireland Helen Uould Senator Depew Boa. O. U. Harrlaoa Beaator Henna President McKlnley Senator Koraker Preeldent Hooaevalt senator Hpooner No man or woman" bus ever bean consulted In more notsbl affairs than the. In Europe and America ahe baa adrlaeti thousanda la vari ous wslk of life, aad always la their advan tage. It any ba of vital Interact to yon to know th outcome of roar present distress. The bapplneee of your future life stay de pend upon tna right eolutlon and proper advice. There are ao mlataka In th prediction made by the great and wonderful dead trance medium. . You may wtah to know tf It I ad v lea bin to make a change In buaineaa. In fcrra, In mar riage. ,7Kball I saccaed In my new undertaking r' "Can I obtain my nope, my wiahea. my amtltloua?" 'Bngll I ever enjoy the luxurle of wealth T" t'Can I treat my frlendaT" ''When shall I marry I" "How often shall I marrrt" "Shalt I ever be dlvorcedf "Doe another share the lava that rightfully baketg to met" "If ao, whom 1" - "Am I loved In return P" "Is there a rival In my krer' "Whan shall my love affair terminate la marriage'" "When anall my domeatlc trouble endr' "How can I maka my life and home happr?" When ahall my abaent friend returnfr "Whr do I not reeelv a letter!" "Is my dlseaee carabler" "Snail I win my lawsuit!" OFPICE HOURS 10 A.M. TO 8 p. If. SUNDAY AND DAILY. .Beginning st tk southeast cor use at stack 10. K) atone addition, running thenc easterly .kVU7W;u rre.t roars, of tti Kriatom sibll t on la lb weal ii , .. I Twenty -jbrhth etreet; thence southerly arena fthe weet line of Eaat Twenty-eighth etretsl ... ., - if nw aa exteanaa as aaa a. utb Hue of Baal Davie street aa laid cut I Keraesa addition, tr th urtkaui e.,., .. bloek 9. Kryatoa addition, throes north -rlr uWng the eaat line of Krreton addition au fast to the pU e of tM-glnnlug. The propoaed opening. Uylng out aad eaub. i i -ft i'.t'i lireet wtu par . and Halting necessitate tna appropriation to nubile aaa 1 following described parrels or trsrts of laaa th All that part of lot 4. block a wme Villa lying southerly ot the northerly Una of the proposed Eaat Davie street, containing 1,13 square feet. Also all that part af lot 6, block Wynkooa Villa, lying southerly of th prepwed northerly Una of East Dart atreet, containing LfgA biinare feat. Alao all that part af lot 4. block 3, Wynkonp Villa, lying southerly of the northerly line of the proponed Baal Davt atreet, containing 1.444 auaare teci. aps tween the itavia atreet and aoiitneriy Una or Wjtaloup Villa; and between the eaaterly Una of Ber atone addition and the westerly line of East Twenty-eighth itreet, eontatnlng no.tflJ srraars feet. AU par a a claiming damag by reaar.a of the approurlatlen of the property above dr. acribed, or any part thereof. In the nropnaad owning, laying oat and eetsl Hsblng of aald street are hereby apeclellr notified to 81 their claims for such damagea with th Auditor of th City of Portland before the Sth day of rk-ptcmber, 1004. the time appointed for the m.etlng of the viewers therein. By order of the Coun. 11. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon, Augnat 2g. 1904. AJso all that parcel or tract of land lying be- rtherlj lln of tb propoeed Bast EAST 291 MORRISON STREET, COR. FlfTLi T. Boston'jSental Parlors. MISS WARDEL Portland's Most Successful Clairvoyant, Palmist and Spiritual Medium OBSERVE CENTENARY OF LEGION OF HONOR (Journal Special Service.) Paris, Aug. 14. One of the things in which Paris Is most interested Just now Is the) celebration of the centenary of the Legion of Honor, which was constituted by the Emperor Napoleon 100 years ago. The celebration formally opened today with a grand military display attended by President Loubet and by the many distinguished members of the order, among them the American ambassador, Oeneral Horace Porter. The exercises of today will be followed by another re view of troops and appropriate fetea on the spot near Boulogne where Na poleon stood when he distributed the first Insignia of the legion to his gen erals, his statesmen, and his scientists. In connection with the celebration It Is Interesting to note that Secretary of State John Hay and Oeneral Porter are the only two Americans who have re ceived the grand cross and cordon of the Legion of Honor. Ferdinand Peck, who waa commissioner of the United States to ths Paris exposition of 1900, snd Charlemagne Tower, the present American ambassador to Germany, have the stars of grand officers, while there are several score of other Americans In various walks of-life who have crosses of commander, officer, or knight of ths order. B.EADT TOM LAUBTOBTXBTO (Journal Special Bar vies.) Newport News, ,Va, Aug. t. At ths yarda of the Newport News Ship Build ing A Dry Dock oompany today a small army of workmen were busy getting everything in shape for ths launching of the giant battleship Louisiana tomor row. Arrangements have been mads by the) company to Intartain a large nam- Points to be Remembered In haying and harvesting time are that we keep a complete line of everything the farmer needs in forks, scythes ana sickles. The housewife can also find everything she needs In kettles, meas ures, scales, dipper a tor preserving and canning time. AVERY & CO. 82 Third St. her of visitors who will be hers from New Orleans, Washington, Baltimore, Richmond and other points. The chris tening; ceremony will be performed by atlas Juanlta Lalland of New Orleans. MISS WARDEL Permanently located at Cosmos build ing, corner Fourth and Morrison. Bight years of unparalleled auoceaa In Coast cities. Hsr extensive practice among tne Dest people in tne city places ner in a class by herself, towering head and snouiaers over every rival. Specials This Week Readings to Everybody $l 00 and 12.00 $1.00 and $2.00 Her former $5 readings reduced to $1. Her past record and strictly honorable dealings are sufficient guarantee for her future work, and have won her the good will of the press and public. Miss Ward el teaches her profeaslon to others. Mediums developed. LOST OB STOLES'. She tells of lost estates, buried treas ures, and. In fact, anything you want to know in regard to loat or stolen prop erty of any kind. All business strictly confidential. Remember. I will do all I say I will, and my terms are within the reach of (Journal Special Servlee.) St. Louis, Aug. 26 The Ramseys of Kansas and the Ramseys of Missouri, with a few from Indiana, Illinois, Ken tucky snd other states, and with others who spell their name in a slightly dif ferent way yet belong to ths same clan, gathered today in family reunion In the Kansas building at the world's fair. The day was spent in establishing rela tionships and in listening to addresses snd papers telling of the doings and deeds of distinguished members of the Ramsey family of this and former eratlona. P re f erred sttock Allen St Iawswla' Best Brand. WHAT DID THE f(iV BUG V LET tl.OO-LOW FEB $1.00 tl.Ou- LOW FEE Si. 00 S3 OO ONE DOX.LABV-ga.00 sa.oo ora POT.TisBi noo Those who wish to take advantage of thla low fee must call at once. A 8BCRET TOU BHOULD KNOW. The power to control How to be master and ruler of your own home and affairs. Ia your husband wife or sweetheart in different to you? Are yon occupying the position In life you are ably quali fied for? Do you wish to possess the Key to the Vaults of Love, Friendship. Success and Fame? Know the secret of Control the power to Inspire trust" and confidence ami win success in dusi ness, social or financial life? "Arise, throw off thy shacklea." Exchange sor row for Joy darkness for light. "Bo Master of Tour Own Destiny. She positively refuses to accept a fee in advance for readings or special work until she Is through, and not then If you are not perfectly satisfied. Has thousands of written testimonials from leading cltlsens of the United States, but she never publishes a name of any of bar patrons, aa she considers her business a sacred trust. JMTM OM OOTJTBH1P. If affairs of the heart or emotions of love Interest you, she gives exact and truthful revelations of all love affaire, settles lovers' quarrels, enables you to win the esteem and affection of any one you may desire, causes speedy and happy marriages, restores lost affec tions, peace and confidence to lovera and dlacordant families, gives you the full secret how to control, fascinate and charm the one you love, and how to make a person at a distance think of you. Tour wish and object in life can be obtained. A secret yrrn should know ths . POWER TO CONTROL. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. MISS WARDEL Building, aeai . Moi Booms sS-Vs-S Bodily pain loses a bottle of its terror If you've Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc OH In th house. Instant relief in cases of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents oX any This is the Only Place In town where you get anything and everything in Ladles' Tailor ing. Ws make all kinds of light weights, silks and cloths, Monte Carlos, Salts. Shirt Waist Suits, sto. A. an 884 T AM BULL Fhona, Bed $5 READINQS 50c PROF. YARMO ZINGLER Scientific Phrenologist, Palmist, Psychometrr snd Mentaltat. Advice on all qneattona pertain ing to human life. Will do what others claim to do. Hour 0:80 to 8. BUU Morrison. Corner Seventh- CITY NOTICES. FOR SALE Either of those new and ele gant dwellings "about com pleted," situated on the south west corner of East Sixteenth and Stark. Will be sold for oaah or on Installments by Parrish, Watkins & Co. HENRY WE IN HARD Propagator of ths City Brewery fcargoat and Most Complete Bhrewasy ta ths Horthwaat. Bottled Beer e Specialty TE LIPHO WE BTo. TB. PORTLAND, OKEOON, CITY NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOB SUPPLIES FOB THE HEALTH DEPABTatEKT OF THE CITY Of POBTLAMD. Sealed propose la will be received at the office ot the Auditor of the City of Portland until Thnraday, September 1. IBM: at 0 o'clock a. m.. for furnishing tb Health Department of th City of Portland with the following arti cle: ' lorpblne sulphate tablets. Strychnine sulphate tablet. Anti toxin (Bteerna). Alcohol. Bichloride of mercury (tablets). Carbolic acid Tacrine point. . , Cotton. MB Bsndage. Adhesive plaster. Chloroform. Rocbelle and Epeom salt. Preecrlptloaa. Blda moat b accompanied by a certified check parable to the order of George H. Wil liam. Major of the City of Portland, for tb nm of fifty dollar tS0.0O aa filed and liqui dated damagea In case auch bidder withdraw hla bid or fait to enter Into a written contract and furnish such bond aa may be required for the faithful performance of tb contract abould the aame be awarded to htm. The right ta reject any or all bids Is hereby reserved By order of the Board of Hearth, THOB C. DEVLIN. Aodltor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. August 29, 1904. 0FOSAL8 FOB HAULINQ CEMENT. Sealed la will be received by the Water Board of tb City of Portland, Oregon, natU p. m., Wednesday. Augnat 81, 1904 for hauling S.S0O barrela Portland cement from th ware house of Nottingham A Co.. at the foot at OUsan street, or other ware house or depot equally accessible, not x rwedlng a dlatance ot 2t mil, to reservoirs Nee. 1 aad 4, City Park. The quantities named above are approximate only sad stay be Increaeed or diminished at tb option of the Water Board. The Water Board reaervea the right to reject any or all bids. The delivery of th cement srast he made upon requisition by the Water Board, In lot to suit tho requirement of tb work, not ex ceeding '100 barrel per dar. For in of proposal ran be obtained at the afflcs of th Engineer ot the Water Board. City Hall. Portland. Oregon. With each bid muat be deposited certified check for $100, payhle to th order ot the Auditor of the City of Portland, and bonda to be approved by the Mayor will be required of tje aucceaaful bidder. Propoaala must be enclosed la aa envelope, endorsed on th outside. "Propoaala for Haul ing Ceaeant," and addressed to th under signed. By order of the Water Board. FBANK T. DOTrOB, Superintendent. Portland. Oregon. Augnat Tfi. 1904. PBOPOSALS FOB BAULlrfo OAS IB0B WATEB FIFE ABT) SPECIAL CASTIBOS Sealed nronoaala will be received br tb -Water Board of the Cltr of Portland, Oregnc. uuul 3 p. m.. v ennes.taj. August si. ivoa, for hauling 1.2T tona of cast Iron wster pipe aad apeclal caattnga from railroad depot or truck to nolnta within Jie city Hmlta ta be dealguatcd br the Water Board. The pip and apeclal will arrive In carload lota between September 1 and December to, 1904, ad delivery of aame muat be mad s soon aa toealul after arrival. Specification and form of nropoaal can be obtained at the office of the Engineer of th Water Board, City Hall. Portland. Oregos. With each bid meat be deposited a certified check for f!00, payable to the order of the Auditor of th City of Portland. Oregon, aad bonda to be approved by the Mayor will bo n quired of the eucceeeful bidder. The right la reserved by the Water Board to reject any or all bid. Propoaala muat be enctoatd In sa envelope, endorsed on tk cmteide, "Pronoa! fee Haul ing c ast Iron Water rip and Special Cast ing," and addreaacd to tne nnderalgnen. By order ot tbe Water Board. FBANK T, DO DOB, Sunrrtnuadeat. Portland, Oregon, Aagast SB, latH, PB0PO8ED ASSESSMENT .FOB IMPROVE MENT OF CURBY STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council ot the City of Portland propose to assess tbe fid lowing described property and "owner or own ers aa being pecLlly and peculiarly benefited In th amount net oppoelte the name and de acrlptloua thereof for th Improvement of Carry atreet from tb weet Una of Oorbett atreet t tbe eaat line of Plret atreet, provided by or dinance No. 18,801. Any objection to the apportionment ot coat for aald Improvement msde In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen days from th dat of tbe first publi cation of thl notice, and aald objection will be beard and determined by the Council before tbe paaaage of the ordinance aaeeaalng th ooat of aald Improvement. . CAB L THICKS' ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND AS LAID OL'T BY THE SOUTH POBTLAND BBAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION BLOCK 184, lot 4. Nancy B Atkinson eatate, helra of, 1210.00; lot 8. Nancy B. Atkinson eatate. heir of, 115.00; lot a. Stunner J, Barber, lot 8, Sumner J. Barber. 1178.47 BLOCK 188, lot 4. William Tar- Cnt. $806. 77 ; lot 8, William Tarrant. 171.7.1; t , First Methodist Eplecopsl chnrch. trua tee. tla.81; lot 5, First Meth.,dlt Episcopal church, trustee. $208.78. BLOCK 182, lot 4, Alice 1. Plimpton, $209.70; rot 8, Alice J. Plimpton, $14.68, lot 0, Ida B. Oore. $13.83; lot ft. Ann C. Baroft. $S.8S. BLOCK 14S. lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigation com pany, $209,827 lot 2, Oregon Railroad A Navi gation company, $14.92; lot 7. Oregon Ball road A Navigation company. $70.80; lot S. Oregou Railroad A Navigation company. SSof.OO. BLOCK 14S. lot 1. Matilda Sand don. $S04.; lot 2, Matilda Sandstone, $70.dB; lot 7, Oregon Railroad A Navigation company. $14 74; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation company. $208.28. BLOCK 147, lot 7. Loala M. Asplnwall, $10.ft8; kit 2. Sarah V Edith and Samuel L. Campbell, $1S.21: east Vk lot T, Adam Catlln, $7.28; eaat V, lot 8. Adam Catlln, $108.28; west t, lot T, Alliance Trust compsny of Dundee. ScotUnd. $7.27; west H lot 8, Alliance Truat Company of Dundee. Scotland, $8U.2ft. Total. $3,014.80. THOS. 0. DBYLIN. A-;. titer ot the City at Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 22. 1904. EXTEBSI0X OF EAST DAVIS STREET. Whereas, the Council of the City of Port land, deeming It expedient to opn, lay out and eatabUsh an extension of Eaat Davis treat. In tb City of Portland, from th eaat line of Keyatone addition to the west Una of Eaat Twruty -eighth atreet, aald street to be So feet In width and an extension easterly In its present course of Et Davie atreet aa mid ent In Keyatone addition, did on the 15th day of June. 1904, direct the City Engineer to sur vey th anae and to mrk the boundaries thereof, and to make a plat ot aach survey, aad a written report containing a fall and perfect description of uch proposed street and boundaries thereof, and of tb portion of each lot, tract or part of either to be appropriated for euch atreet. and the City Engineer having made euch survey, plat and report, and 81ed anrb plat and report In the office of tb Auditor of th City of Portland on th 2d day of Jnly, 1004, and ld report having been doptd by oidlnance No. 14.142. entitled: "An ordinance adopting the report of tb City Engineer In thr matter of tbe proposed opening, laying out and eatabltablng of East Davt atreet. In tha City of Portland, from the eaat line of Key stone addition to the went line ot Raat Twenty eighth atreet. aald street to be 80 feet In width and an extension eaaterly in Ita preaent roar a ot Eaat Davie atreet laid out la Keysets sddltlon." Now, therefore, all peraon lntereated are hereby notified that tbe Council of th City of Portland baa appointed H. J. Morrtano, J. Krlly and ft. Gandereea viewer to vtw said proposed extenalon of aald atreet and max an eetlmate of the benefits and damage oc casioned br the opening, laying out and eetab Ibblng of the earn, In accordance with ecttoa 849 of the Charter ot th Ctty of Portland nd aald vlewera to meet at the office of the Auditor of the City t Portland on Thursday thr 8th day of September. 1804. at tbe boar of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aaM say. - ASSESSMENT FOB EXTENSION Ot FIFTEENTH ST BEET. Notice la ber.ur given that tbe made by ordinance No 14,099, entitled orainanre adopting tb report of th in the matter of the propoaed log, wiuening, laying out and re nrllahlng of Eaat Fifteenth atreet. from the oth Una ot Belmont street to the south line of Eaat Yamhill atreet. making an tststgajint of tb benefits and damagea set forth In said report," approved Jnly 21. 1904, haa been entered agalnat several owner of ana pereoni lntereated Ta tb land herein described as being eevertlly liable uaretor In the Docket of City Liens, which aald aaa incuts are made due and payable at tbe office of th City Treaanror. In United State gold and (liver coin, and unlet paid before September 8, 1904. the same will becon.c delinquent and such pro ceeding will be taken tor the collection ot the aame aa are provided by the Charter of the Cltr of Portland, aald asaeeanaent being aa follows, to-wlt: A tract of land lying between two line respect ively 200 feet and 280 fact south of and parallel with tbe south line of Belmont atreet. and between the east line of Eaat Fifteenth street aad a Une 100 feet eaat thereof and erailel therewith, Harriet B. Mitchell. 1.00. A tract of land lying between two lines re- epxi ii ivij mat leer aim aoxr xeer smrrn or trnrr parallel with tbe south line of Belmont street, nd between tbe eaat lln of Eaat Fifteenth etreet and lln 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith. Security Savings A Truat company, $22.00. BAST PORTLAND BLOCK 32B. lot 1. WUItam Donovan. $28.00; lot 2. William Donovan, $31.00; lot 8, Harriet E. Mitchell, $41.00; lot 4. Harriet E. Mitchell. $48.00. HAWTHORNE PAKK BLOCK 328, lot 1. Se curity Savings A Trust company, $22.00; lot 2, security saving at Truat company, gis.uu; cast it lot s, Mary Kaim r.,.rtlirup. eo.ou: east Vi lot 4, Mary Edith Northrup, $4.80; west U lot 8. Frederick 8. West, weet J( lot 4. Frederick s. w, st. BLOCK 298. undivided Va lot 8. Clemena, $11.80; undivided Vk lot 7. Clemen. $9 00: undivided V4 lot 8, W. il. K. l.yons.; undivided W. J. and H. E. Lrona. $9.00: eaat 8. B. P. Pillahnry. $8.50; at Vk lot 5. E. P. Plllabury, $4.50; weat Vt lot 8, L. H. Bole and 0. H. Beck. S8.SO; weat Vi lot ft, L H. Botae and C. II, Beck, $440. Undivided Vi of a tract of land lying between th west line of Eaat Fifteenth atreet and a lln 100 feet west thereof and parallel there with, and between two line respectively 280 feet and 200 feet south of and parallel with th aouth Una of Belmont atreet, w. J, Clemen. $12.00, Undivided u of a tract of land lying between th weat Una of Eaat Fifteenth atreet and a 'Une 100 feet weat thereof and parallel there with, and between two Une respectively 280 feet and 280 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth line of Belmont atreet. W. J. and H. E. Lyons, $12.00. Total. $139.00. THOS. O. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, Augnat 28. 1904. 1.50: 1.50. J. W. J. J. and lot 7. EXTENSION OF DEXUM AVENUE. Whctean, the Council of the City of Port land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out and establish an extension of Deaum avenue. In tb City of Portland, from the weat Une of Camden atreet to the east line of Van couver county road, said atreet to be 80 feet In width and th north line of aald street to be 80 feet northerly from and parallel with the eouth line of Deaum avenue laid out In Saratoga, did on tbe 15th day of Jane, 1804, direct the City Engineer to survey th asm and to mark tbe boundaalea thereof, and to make a plat of such survey, and a written report containing a fuU and perfect description of aoch prupoaed atreet and boundaries thereof; and of the portion of each lot, tract or part of either to be appropriated for auch atreet, and the Ctty Engineer having made aucb sur vey, plat and report, and fifed seen plat and report in tbe office of the Auditor of the city of Portland on tne 28th day of June, 1904. and aald report having been adopted by ordinance No. 14,103, entitled: "An ordinance adopting tbe report of th City Engineer In the matter of th proposed opening, laying out and estab lishing of Dekum avenue. In the City of Port land, from tne weat line of Camden atreet to tbe eaat line of Vancouver county road, aald street to be SO feet In width and th north Un of aald atreet to be 80 feet northerly from tod parallel with tbe aouth Un ot Dekum avenue at laid out In Saratoga. Now, therefore, all persons Interested are hereby notified that tb Council of tb City of Portland haa appointed H. J. Moartaoa. J. Kelly aad J. P. Menefee viewers to view said proposed extenalon of said street and make au eetlmate of the benefits and da ma gee occa sioned by tbe opening, lay out and establish Ing ot the aame. In accordance with section 849 of th Charter of th City of Portland. Id viewer to meet at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on Thursday, tbe sth day of September. 1904, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. The propoaed "opening, widening, laying out and eetabUahlng of Dekum avenue ia 80 feet In width and la mora particularly bounded tad described at followa: Beginning at a point la the waat Una of Camden atreet 80 feet northerly from the sosth lln of Dakum s venue new laid out; run ning thenc weaterly parallel with th sooth line of Dekum avenue and 80 feet distant there from, to the eaat line of Vancouver county road; thence southerly along the east Haa of Vancouver county road 88 feet; thence eaaterly along tb south Un of Dekum tveuu to the weat tine of Camden atreet; tbenc northerly on th weat line of Camden street 80 feet to th place of beginning. The oro posed opening, laying out and estab lishing of Dekum arena a above described will Inclail and neeeaeltat tbe appropriation to public use tbe following described parcels or tracts of land: All that part of lot 5. block 2. Saratoga, lying southerly of tbe north Una of tbe prop, aed Dekum avenue, containing 4,040 square feet. Also all that part of lot A block 2. Saratoga, lying southerly of th north Un of tbe pro nosed Dekum avenue, containing 4.720 square feet. Alee all that part of lot 5. block 3. Saratoga, lying southerly of tbe north lln of the pro posed Dekum a verso, containing 4.840 equsr feet. Alao all that part ot lot 8. block 3. Saratoga, lying southerly of the north lluo of th pro posed Dekum arenoe, containing 4.920 aqaare feet. Alao I1 that part of lot 4. block A Saratoga, lying southerly at th north line of th pro- Kod Dekam avenue, containing 40 aquare t. Alao all that part of lot 8, Mock 8. Saratoga, lying outbarty af th norih line or tb pro pVaed Deerum avenue, containing 6,iM0 square Also all that part of lot A block 8. Sarator. lying southerly of tbe north Une of the or.' posed Dekum avenue, 'containing n 000 square "Alao all that part of lot 7. hire 8. Saratng. lying aoutherly of th north lln at the pro noatd Dekum avenue, containing 120 aquare aieo all that part of let A block T. Sara toga, lying southerly of th north lie of the pre. ed Dekam aveaae, contain'. 240 ax usee Aia til that part ef lot 5, block 7. Saratoga, blng southerly of the oortb line of the ar noaed Dekum avenue, containing 5.809 sassvr "a'bo M tbtt part of kr 0 cloak 7, Saratoga, lying southerly of th north line ofls pro posed. Dekum avenue, cantslnlug 8. ana Alao til thtt salt of lstr stark 1. Saratoga, Mng aoutberly f the aortal Use ef tbe pr. noted Dekam areas. If tain tna Sts sajsaw All neranae claiming damagea br raes ot the soorui.'ioe .,f Ike srapertr tsave arrihed nr snv pert Ihereor. 'n IB law Cltr of Portland eWtore the 8th September, lM4. ike shw pMate far meeting nt theVwIs. r. therein. By order of the Caasar;; Auditor of the City f portWad. Portland. Oraama, Aagast 88, WSf