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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
TrtE OREGON DAILY , JOURNjl. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AJJGUST 86, 1901 14 ' TTllO assessment for improvement or irv IVO STREET. Notice la hmbr girn that the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, at meeting held ' the Uth day "t August, 1004. declared the ssssesmcnt by unttuaBes No. 14.150. fur tt. le.pruvcmeBt of Irving street, from tbs wl 11m ofitnlh street to the rut line of Sevcn ternth street. In the nisnner provided br ordln sacs No. 13.656, upon .-. b kt. part of lot md Cml of laud, which arc epeclally and pecul rly benefited, to be follow,. tU: COUCH'S ADDITION TO THE CIT1 OF lORTLAKD BLOCK 1JT. tot 1. Blobard Kvaua. (122.34; kit 4. Richard Evane, $25 ..'.l. lot 3 Richard Evans $11 SI lot it. Richard Evane, $110.90. BLOCK 12. lot 1, Amerl n, Trust luveetincul company, $110.34; lot 4. Awnno Truat A pint, $16.76. lot 3. Msrl Caroej. $85.56; Ct i Msrla Carney. $124 BLOCK I2t lot 1 lone and W 8. Buchanan $120.54; lot 4 lose and W. 8. $25 "1; lot 8. Amelia Dorher ratal., heirs of. $M93; tot 8, Amelia Uueber eatate. Bel of. I1bT.IT. BLOCK 14. lot I. Henry Ilrown $IM I; ' lot 4. Mary Prance llghtusr. $.M 81; tot 3. Wllilam Kr.aler. $ J , Frailer. $254 07. BLOCK 138. lot 1. Moeee med eatate. belra of $230: lot 4, Moses Fried estste i belra of, $27.21; lot 8. Auula Mapulng. $2M7 , Kit 2. ABllie Manning. Otr. 46. BLOCK 122. lot 1 J. W. Sm. $117 tl; kit 4. E. A. Ballla. $18.69; eortb 83 IS feet lot S. Wright C. Dunning. $14 M. soot a 1 21 feet lot :t. H. Brown, $7 01; north Id 3-3 feet lot 1 n. Brown. $12 W; oath 33 1-3 feet lot 2. William II. Harris. $234.30. BLOCK ISO. kit 1. Sarah Free born $15557. ,nt 4. Sarah Freeborn. $21.34: lot 2. Bobert D. Freeborn eatate. helm of. 816.76: bit 2. Robert D. Freeborn eatate. Helra of. $147 00 BLOCK lid. lot 8. Ludrer Bolr. $221 50; kit Ik. Lodger Bnlre, $22.11. lot S. Ladd Tllton. (16.17; lot 7. Ladd A HUoa. (113.1ft. BLOCK 117. lot S. August Ljeet $213 13; lot ft. Helen F. Spsuldlng flfsO: lot 6, Harry L. Plttoek. $22 13; lot V Harry L Plttoek. $250.23. BLOCK US. lot S. Gnatav F. Cramer. $12758: lot ft. Guatav F. Cramer. (23.20; lot 6. Ladd Tllton. $54.41: tot T. Ladd Tllton. $203 76 BLKK lift, kit 8. Joaeph Horning. (153.B: north 4 tot ft. Johsnncs Vcgltiils. (98.17; oath U tot ft. H. n. Dlckel eatate. helra of. s-a IV lot A- l.aSn ftorman 114 .SSI lot 7. John Gorman. S1SS.7S. BLOCK 120. tot S. , F W. laherwood, (254 75: tot ft. F. W. laherwood. (87.38; lot 6 F. W. laberwood. $22 54: tot T. F W laherwood. $255 81. BLOCK 121. tot 8. Catherine McGrath. 148 58: lot ft. David P. Thompson estate. belra c,f. $21 94: nortb H lot 8. Catherine McOrsth. $10 54: aonth H lot . Dsvtd P. Tbompaon eatate. helra of. (10.SS; lot 7. Darld P Tbompaon eatate. belra of. (117 08. BLOCK 165. tot 8. George W. Hoyt eatate. helra of. $230 85; tot ft. George W. Hoyt eatate. helra of. $18 58; lot 8. George W. novt eatate. helra of. (18.5ft; lot 7. Oeorge W. Hoyt eatate. helra sf. (221.18: right of way City A Suburban Railway company. (23.52; Port land Railway company right of war. $19 38. Total 15 us tin A atltement of aforesaid aaeeaament baa been entered In the Docket of City Liena. and la now due and payable at the office of the ''lo Treasurer, In lawful money of the United State, and If not paid within 80 days from date of this notice, aucb proceedings ' will be taken for the collection of the earn aa are Covlded by the Charter ef the City of Port nd. T The eboye eeaeaamrnt will hear lntereat 10 daya after the flrat publication of this K"tlce. THOS. C. DSVLlfT Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. A u gnat 23. 1004. EXTENSION OF EAST SALMON STREET. Whereaa. the Council of the City of Port land, dee mine it eipedlent to open, lay out, widen an.l ratal. llab an eztenalon of Eaat 8al Caon atreet. In the City of Portland, from the want line of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet to the weat line of blocka 11 and 12. Sunnralde addi tion, did on the ISth day of May, 1B04. direct the City Engineer to aurrey the aame and to mark the boundarlea thereof, and to make a -plat of aucb aurrey, and a written report con taining a fall and perfect description of. aucb proposed atreet and boundarlea thereof, and uf the portion of each tot, tract or part of either to be appropriated for such atreet, and the City Engineer baring made such surrey, plat and report, and Sled such plat and report lu the office of the Auditor of the City sf Port land on the 5th day of July. 1904. and aald report baring been adopted by ordinance No. 14.101, entitled .."An ordinance adopting tbe report of the city Engineer In the matter of the profaned opening, laying out, widening and establishing of Eaat Salmon atreet. la the City of Portland. SO feet In width, in lis K-aent course, from the waat line of Eaat Irty-elghth atreet to the weat Una of blocka 11 and 12. Snnnjalde addition. Now, therefore, all persons lntarented are hereby notified that tbe Council of the City of Portland has appointed H. J. Morrlaon. J Kelly and J. P. Menefee vlewera to rlew aald pro posed extension of aald street and make an eatl tcate of tbe benefits and damages occasioned by the opening, lay nut and establishing of the same. In accordance with section 34ft of the Charter of the City of Portland, said rlewers t-i meet st the office of the Auditor of tbe city sf Portland cn Tbiiradsy. the 8th day of Sep tember. 1B04, at ths hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aald daj. The propoaed opening, widening, laying out and establishing of Eaat Salmon strict la 80 feet In width and la mora particularly bounded and described aa foltowe: Beginning at a point In tbe weat line of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet where the aame would be Intersected br the north line of- Eaat Salmon atreet aa Laid out In Sunnyslde addition; thence easterly a king an extenalon of the north line of Eaat Salmon street aa laid oat In Sunnralde addition, to tbe Weat line of block 12, Sunny -aide addition; thence southerly along the aouth erly extenalon of the weat line of block 12. Sunnyalde addition 00 feet: thence westerly along the southerly line of Eaat Salmon street a laid out In Sunnyalde addition to tbe west line of Eaat Thirty -eighth atrset; thence northerly along tbe west Hue of East Thirty eighth street SO feet to the place of beginning. The proposed opening, widening, laying out and establishing of East Salmon street will in clude and necessitate the appropriation to pub lic use of the following described parcels or tracts of land: All that parcel or tract of land lying between the northerly line of the proposed Eaat Salmon atreet and a line 80 feet southerly therefrom and parallel i herewith; and between the east erly and westerly boundarlea of the proposed Kaal Salmon atreet, containing 11.713 square All persons claiming damages by reason of the nppr.iprlatk.u of the property abore ds acrlbed. or any part thereof. In the proposed Tnlng, widening, laying out and eatabUahlnc aald atreet are hereby specially notified to Hie tbelr claims for aucb damages with tbe jAndltor of the City of Portland before the 8th Hay of September. 1804, tie time appointed for tbe meeting of the viewers therein. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 23. 1804. ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN FREMONT STREET. Notice la hereby given that ths Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, ai a meeting held on tbe 17th day of August, 1004. declared the assessment by ordinance No. 14.138, for the construction of a sewer in Fremont strest. from tbe east line of Cnlon avenue to a connection with the sewer In Cleveland avenue at Fremont street. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.981, upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly Benefited, to be as follows, via: LINCOLN PARK BLOCK 22, west SO feet lot S. David Shanahsn. (lS.BO; weat So feet lot T. David Shunahan. $3.00. weat SO feet of south ft feet lot 8, Lewie u Hauser (1 On ALBINA HOMESTEAD BLOCK ft, lot 8 Lll ale and Tbomsa O'Dar. $15. 30; lot 7. Llaain and Thomas O Day, $20.30, kit ft. Elisabeth Taylor, $83.30: lot 10. Elisabeth Taylor $20.30. BLOCK 10. lot . George Boeschlln' 835.30; tot T. Oeorge Il.ies. blln. $20.30; lot ft Oeorge B.s-acblin. $.15 30; lot 10, Oeorge Bpesrhlln. $20.80. BL.icK 15, lot 8. John (.lebelbouse. $85.80; lot 7, Adam Yost $80 0, west H let ft. J. Schwarta, $17 85; waat H kit 10, J. Bcbwarti, (HUB; eaat U tot 0. Henry Yost, $17.85; east , tot 10 Henry Tost. $10 15 BLOCK 20, tot 8 Jacob and Lena Nelson. $35.80; lot 7, Jacob and Lena Neuum, $20 80. ALBINA- BIOCK 13, west SO feet tot B, Wil liam Oelsner. $18.60; west fto feet of north 48 feet of tot lift. William Orlaner, $.170 WILLIAMS AVENCE ADDITION --BLOCK 1ft north 28 feet of eaat SO feet lot 1ft, Henry Meier. $2" 54; all of lot IS except north 25 feet of aaat 80 feet. Peter Schnell. $32.55; north 34 feet tot 14. I'nrtlsnd Truat company, $A.ou lot 18. Portland Trust company $20i80- )t ' Portland Truat company, $20.80; rot is Portland Truat company. $20 80: lot 1$ Portland Trust company, $20.80; tot 20, Portland Truat company, $20 80; lot 21, Portland Truat company. $20 .80; lot 22, Portland Truat rompsoy $2o SO; lot 1, tlai aia n Evangelical Lutheran Trinity church. $48 80; north 27 feet lot X Jens r. and Bertha Hansen. $6. no ALBINA HOMESTEAD ADDITION --North 70 feet, let 1. Clara A. Moser. $17 BO; south SO feet of north 100 fret tot I. C. E. and Minnie B. Young. $2.00: north 100 feet lot 2, John B. George. $1ft.ft0; north ion feet of tot $. Jobn K George. $in.SO; north loo feet of lot 4. E. H. Fltaglbbon. $1 50; north 100 feet of lot ft. Jane M. Donaldson. $10 5n; north 100 feet of lot 8. Jane M. Donaldson. $10 ftO; north 100 feet of lot T, Frank V. Caldwell $11). 50. Total $828 70. A statement of aforesaid assessment has been entered In the Docket of city Liens, and la now due and payable at the office of the city Treasurer. In lawful awoey of tbe I'nlted Mates and If sot paid wlthla SO days from dale of this antic, aucb Proceedings will he taken for the collection of the aame aa are (MM vlded by tbe Charter of the city of Port The above assessment win hear Interest in dsys after the first publication of this notice. THOS C. DEVLIN. Aadltnr of tbe (Ity of Portland. Portland, Or agon. Auguat 28. 16V4. CITY HOTICXS, ASSESSMENT FOB rjaTEOYKllXXT 0 TWENTY-THIRD STREET. ((Mas la hereby siren that the Council of tl ... i itjr .if P-riland. Oregon, at a niet ting held on the 17th day of Auguat. 1004. dax-lared the aaaeaameot by ordlbaDre No. 14.148 s for the lu,prorenteot of Twenty-third atreet, from the Borib line of Tburman atreet to the north line ,.f Hhirl.ick addition to ths city of Portland in the manner prnetded by ordinance No. IS Uko upon each lot, part of lot and parrel uf land, which are epeclally and peculiarly benefited, ho be aa folkiwa, rii: SHKHI.OCK 8 AJlDITION TO THE CITY OF 1 1 1 It I l.A 1 1 : HIAH K Zi. un 1. lAmim ami Theodore Nlcolal. (BOM; tot . Lunla and Theodore Mr. lal. $129.13: tot S. laiula and Louie and IjouIs and Th.a.dt.1 e Nl.-..lal, (IK.So; lot d. I bed. .re Nlct.lal. $124 in. tot 4. The.Kl.a-e Nl.-.dsl. $1711.71: bit 1. LtiBla and Theodora Nlcolal. (211.84. BLOCK 20. tract of land lying between weat line of Twenty third Street and a line 100 fact waat thereof and parallel therewith and between twe tinea respectively 80 feet and 100- feet aonth of and parallel with aonth Una of Herd Street. Mary Mncbow. $186 04 Dosi'ilEK'S SECOND ADDITION TOTHECITY OF PORTLAND BLOCK 11, tot 11 Nsls P. and Chrtattnl Abeleon, (so.Ttt; tot ft. Mary Mncbow. (174.48; lot S. Sterling Land com pany. (128.8B; ..t ft. Dora Scbreiner. $128 48, tot 4. Fidelity Truat company. $173 n": lot 1. Fidelity Truat company. (212 15 BLOCK 7, lot 1. Bertha Knoll. $214 25; tot 2. Bertha Knoll. $17S.8; tot 8. Clemens F. Greer, $I7H jn. lot 4, Clemens F. Groee. $218.21; HI., m K 4. lot 1. Emma M. Fetter, $215.55: lot 2 Emma M. Felter. $131.50. NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK 5. lot 18. Henry M. tlanaen. $42.00; south 28 2 feet tot 2. M. E. LaaTaw, $72.11; north 21 8 feet lot 2. Henry M. Hansen. $101.18; tot I, M. H. Laf faw. $21220. BLOCK 8. tot 18. Solomon Hlrsrh estate, heirs of. $188.15: lot 17. rVnlomon lllrsrh eatate. heirs of. $144.50; lot 2. Mar garet Ann Todd. $178.76; tot I. Margaret Ann Todd. $218.18. BLOCK 7. tract of land lying between weat line of Twenty third Street and a line 100 feet weat thero.f "and parallel therewith and between south line of Vanghn Street and the north line of block 8, Wllson'a addition to the City of Portland Security 8a rings A Trust company, $I M 53 WILSON'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND -BLOCK S. tot 17. Ladd A Tll ton. $132.00: lot 18. Ladd A Tllton. $105 50; lot 13. Ladd A Tllton, $74.08; tot 12. Arthur J. F. Garescbe. $128 1ft; lot ft. Arthur J. F. Oarearhe. $113.18: lot 8. Ladd A Tllton. 1.11; tot 5. ladd Tllton. $70 28; lot 4. urge Good. (71.12; lot 1. George Good. (81 48. SHERLOCK'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF . . PORTLAND BLOCK 28. lot 11. Loula and Theodore Nlcolal. $83 52; lot 10, Theodore Nlcolal. $1.11. 5ft; lot 7. Theodore Nlcolal. $12.: 1.7; lot A. Theodore Nlcolal. $127.40; tot 3. Theodore Nlcolal. $173 38: lot 2. Louis and Loula and Louis and Louis and Louis and Theodore Nlcolal. $211.8. BLOCK 10, tot 11. Alfred ingrardaon. $217.08; lot 0. Wll Ham Sherlock company. $175 78; tot T, Wil liam Sherlock company. $03 0ft. DOSCHER'8 SECOND ADDITION TOTHECITT OF PORTLAND BLOCK 10. lot 7. William Sherlock company. $35.37: tot 8. Martha H. Flah. $129.40: tot 3. Sterling Land companr. $174 81: lot 2. Sterling Land company. $213.81. BLOCK 8. tot 7. Jesse H. and Ida J. Brown. $215.11; aonth 20 feet of weat H lot 8. Erik Wlk. $87.08; aonth 20 feet of eaat U lot 8. Carl Peterson. $12.97: north 30 feet tot 8. . Nlcolal Bros.' Co.. TF. a- las flam jB IffF 1 sFl'FfJJ ID I faWTII win el, tlrr rm T Peterson. $32.80: east u lot 2. carl nd 'Josephine Peterson. $88.4(1; west H lot 8. Erik snd Chrlstlnl Wlk. $143 28: west S tot 2, Erik and Chrlatlnl Wlk. $177.10. BLOCK S. weat 4 .lot 7. Led wig Kayser. (174.40; east lot 7. Frederick A. King. $38.30; Ml 8. SterUng Land company. $143 70. NORTH PORTLAND BTCK 4. lot 8, Ed Ward C. Hochapfel. (26 58: let ft. Jacob Marer. $4.42: tot 7. Edward C. Horhappel $822 71: tot 8. Jacob Mayer. $88.15. BLOCK 8. lot S. Mark A. Mayer. $.128.05: lot ft. Mark A. Mayer. $88.04: tot 8. Martin Winch. (Sft.SS; tot 7. Martin Winch. $124 52. BLOCK 1, tot 8. James MrBrlde. (108 5ft. WILSONS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND BLOCK 2. tot IS. Jsmea Mc Brldr. $185 53; lot 1ft. George Krnscher. $157 89; bit 14. Elisabeth Gardner. $127 45; lot II. Edwin and Bestrlce Merrill. $125 87: tot 10. Arthur J. F. Garescbe. $134.11: lot T. Arthur J. F. Oarearhe. $123.71: tot a George Good. $134 14: lot 8. Gnat Holmes. $1241)8; lot 2. Gust Holmes. $87.04. Total. $10,583.57. A statement of aforesaid assessment has been entered In tbe Docket of City Liens, and Is now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, in lawful money of the I'nlti-d States and If not paid within 80 days from data of this notice such raw-codings will be taken for the collection of the same aa are mcrlded by the Charter of the City of Port land, r The ahore assessment will bear Interest 10 days after the flrat publication of this notice. 'iwin. urvi.i.-. Auditor of the city of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 23. 1904. ASSESSMENT FOB SEWER IN B0RTKWICK STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on the 17th day of August. 1904. declared the assessment by ordinance no. 14.1&3. for tbe construction of 4 sewer in Borthwlck street, from tbe center Une of HumSolt street to tbe sea ar In Prescott street. In the manner pro vided by ordinance No. 13.112, Upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are aprclsety and peculiarly benefited, to be as fol lows, via: WK8T 100 feet of south B0 feet of esst 230 feet ot tot N. M. Patton's trart, Tbomaa H. J. D. Piper. $18.ft0; weat ISO feet of south BO feet of east 300 feet ot kit N, M. Patton s tract. William Kllllngsworth. $30.30. CLIKFOttD BLOCK 12. tot ft, First Unitarian Society ot Portland. Oregon. $30.30; lot 8. Flrat Unitarian Society of Portland. Oregon. $30.30; tot 7. First Unitarian Society of Portlaod. Oregon, $80.30; tot 8, Flrat Unl tarlan Society of Portland. Oregon. $30.30. block II. tot 6. Edward Jasper, guardian of Augusta Jena, $80.30; tot 8, Edward Jas- Pr, guardian of Augusta Jena, $30.30; tot Edward Jeaper. guardian of Augusta Jena. $30:80, tot 8. Edward Jasper, guardian of Augwta Jena. $30.30. BLOCK 10. tot ft Addle J. Munlres, $30.80; tot 6. Charles E. Ladd. $30.30: tot 7. Charles E. Ladd. $30 30: lot 8. Edward Jaaper. guardian of Auguata Jena, $30.30. BLOCK 8. lot 6, A. J. Gelav. f30.30; lot 8, A. J. Oelsy, $80.80. BLOCK 8. lot 4. Clifford Real Eatate association. $21.90; tot 3. Clifford Real Estate aaaocla lion. $21.90; lot 2. Clifford Real Estate associ ation. (21.90: tot 1. Clifford Real Eatate asso ciation. $21.90. BLOCK 14. tot 4. Louise J Fsnshsw. $21.90; tot 3. Louise J. Fan, haw. $21.90; lot 2. Louies J. Fanabaw. $21.90; tot 1. Charles E. Ladd. $21.00. Hl.ocK IB. tot 4, Tbomaa H. and W. A. Becblll. $21.00; let 3. Thomas II. aud W. A. Bacblll. $21.90; lot 2. Thomra H. and W. A. Bechlll. $21.90. lot 1. Thomas R. and W. A. Bechlll. $21.90. BLOCK 18. tot 4, A. J. Oelsy. $21.90; 1st $. A. J. Oelsy. $21.90. CLIFFORD LETTERED LOTS: L. First Uni tarian Society of Portland. Oregon. $33.36: J. First Unitarian Society of Portland, Oregon. $33.86; M. Flrat Unitarian Society of Port land. Oregon. (24.10: O, Louise J. Fanabaw. $24.10. Total. $894.90. A statement of aforesaid assessment bss been entered In the Docket of City Liens, snd It now due snd payable at the office of the City Treasurer, in lawful money of the United States snd If not paid within 30 daya from date of this notice, such proceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the same as sre ptovlded by the Charter ot the City of Port Is nd. The above assessment will bear lntereat 10 daya after the first publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 23. 1904. ASSESSMENT FOX IMPROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the city if Portlaod. Oregon, at a meeting beld nn the 17th day of Auguat. 1904. declared the assessment by ordinance No. 14.151, for the Improvement of Seventh atreet. from the south line of Hoyt street to the north curb line of Jefferson street. In the msnner provided by ot dins nee No. 18,842. upon esch lot. psrt of lot ana parcel or tana, wnicn are apeciauy ana peculiarly benefited, to be as follows, vis: CO! CH S ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK 48. aaat H lot 8, Joseph O'Farrell Estste, helra of. J70.3B. BLOCK 50. tot 8, Levi C. Potter Estate, heirs of. $70.89; lot ft. Levi 0. Potter Estate, heirs of. iS7.22; north if, lot 4. Alice Issbells Rate. 2S.81; sooth H lot 4. First Baptist Church. 28 .81. PORTLAND North 'v block SB. let 8. Her man Euke, $88.78; aonth if, block SB. lot 4. S. Morton c.ibn. $71.82; tot 8. S. Morton Cohn. $71.62. BLOCK 214. lot 1. Portlsnd .....rary Association. $38.78; tot 2. Portland Library Assorlst'nn, $88.78. BLOCK 211. tot 3. Dora W. Savage. $73 60; lot 4, Dora W. Savage. $78.SO. BLOCK 210 tot 1. Unitarian Society, $48 48; lot 2, Uni tarian Society $20 92. BIXK'K 20ft, lot I, Meier A Frank Co., $70.38; lot 2, Meier A rrsna i o., cr i CH'8 ADDITION to the Cltr of Portland BLOCK 44. lot 7, Marls Julian PfBader. $70.(8. PORTLAND- BLOCK 84. tot 8 H. W. Corhett ret ate. neira or, gaoa.zz- tot 7, 11. w. Cor belt Estste, heirs of. $71 .02. BLOCK 17 lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co. (80.32: lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co $30 32: lot S, The Title Gosrantee A Trust Co.. $13.02. Total. (1 275 .11 A statement of aforesaid assessment has been entered to tne tmcser or city Mens, snd la now doe snd payable at the office of the City Treasurer, In lawful money of tbe United States and If not paid within 30 days from dale of Ibis notice, sncb proceedings will be fsken for the collection of the asms ss are provided by ths Charter of tbe i Ity of Port kind. The above assessment will hear Interest 10 dsys after the first publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the city of Portland. Portland. Oregon, Auguat 23, 1904. CITY NOTICES. ASSESSMENT FOR IMFBOVEatEsfT OF GOLD SMITH STREET Notice Is hereby glveu lust the Couorll of the City of Portland. Orfuu. at a uueetlus held m the 17th dsy of August. IS04, declared the assessment by ordinance No. 14.14U, . for the Improvement bf Goldsmith street, from the xist Hue of Alblua avenue to tbe south Hue of Uuaoell street. In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 18.728, upon each tot. part of tot and parcel uf land, which are specially aud larculfarly benefited, to be aa foltowe, via: A TRACT f laud bounded and described aa follows: Couiuit uclug si tba Intersection of tbe northeasterly Hue of Uoldsnilth street ' with the west Hue of Alblna ArenUe, thence north atong tbe weat Una of Albiea areoue to a point 100 feet northeasterly from the niirlbcastrly line of Goldsmith street lu rec- .,,.. mttaa.iremeui: thence northwesterly along a line loo feet nortbessterly from snd parallel with tbe nortbessterly una ot Goldsmith atreet la rectangular measurs tusnt to Ita Intersection with a 11ns 100 fsst west of and parallel with tbe wsst Una of Alblna avenue; thence south along a Una luo feet weat of and parallel with the west line of Alblna avenue to Ita Intersection with s Hue 480 feet south of and parallel With tbe aou.b Hue of Russell street; thence west along a line 400 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Russell street to Its Intersection with ths northeasterly Une of G.ldamlth atreet; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly Una of Goldsmith atreet lu the place of beginning. Henry Welnbard. (07V 04), a . tract of land bounded and described ss follows: Commencing at the Intersection of the 1 easterly Une of Mississippi s venus with the northeasterly Une of Goldsmith street; tbe nee north along the eaat Una - of Mississippi avenue to Its Intersection with a Une 100 feet northeasterly frtm and parallel with the northeaaterly line of Ooldauilth atreet In rectangular measure ment, thence soutbesaterry along a line 100 feet northeaaterly from and parallel with tbe northeaaterly Une of Goldsmith street lu rec tangular measurement tv Its Intersectloii with a Une ion (eat aaat of and parallel with the eaat Una of Mississippi avenue, then.s south atone a Una 100 feet east of and parallel with tbe aaat line of Mississippi avenue to Ita Intersection with a line 450 feet south of and parallel with tbe south lias of Russell atrset; theses west along a line 450 fret south of and parallel with the south Une of Ruaaell atreet to Ha Inter-. section with the northeaaterlr line of Gold smith atreet; thence northwesterly akmg the northeasterly line of. Goldsmith atreet to the place rf beginning. F. M. Stotdt. zoo.ii; all of a parcel of land lying between the northeaaterly Une ot Goldsmith atreet and a Une 300 feet south uf and parallel wun tbe south Una of HusaeU street and be tween the weat' line of Mississippi avenue sad a Una too feet west of and parallel therewith. Sanford B. Whiting. $083.01; all of a parcel of land lying between a Hue 100 feet northeaaterly from and parallel with tbe northeaaterly line of Goldsmith street la rectangular measurement, and a Una 300 fart south of slid parallel with the south Una of Ruasell street snd between the west Une af Mississippi avenue and a line 100 feet waat thereof and parallel therewith. Ltssle N. F. Benedict and La Fayette N. Benedict. $218.13; a parcel of land lying between the northeasterly Une of Goldsmith street and a Una 100 feet nortbeaatarly therefrom and parallel therewith and be tween a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel with the, west line of Mississippi svenuc, and a line extending In a northeasterly direc tion dC At Tight auglcl from a point tn the northeuatrrlv Une of Goldsmith street, aald point being 82.1 (set soutSraaterly from the Intersection of tbe aaat Une ot Delay atreet with the northeaaterly line of ' Goldsmith street to' Its Intersection with s line 100 feet north eaaterly from and parallel with the north eaaterly Use of Goldsmith street. Alliance Trust company, (302.21; sll of a parcel of land lying between the northeaaterly line of Goldsmith street and a Una 100 feet ma the aster ty therefrom and parallel there with and between tbe aaat line of Delay atreet and a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel with the west Une of Mississippi ' srenue, ears snd except the Alllsnce.. Trust company's tract. HUmsr 0. Bishop. (867.97; all of a parcel of laud lying between tbe northeasterly line of Goldsmith street snd a Un- ioo feet south of and parallel with the south Uns of Russell street and be tween the weat Une of Delay street and a line 100. feet wsst thereof sod parallel therewith. 71. Welnhard. $1,038.98; a parcel of land lying between a line 100 feet north easterly from and parallel with the north easterly Une of Goldsmith street and s Une 108 fast aouth of, and parallel with the aonth Una of Rnasel street and between the west Une of Delay street snd s line 60 ' feet west thereof and parallel therewith. G. 0. Tennyson. $51.42; s parcel of lend lying between a Une 100 feet northeaaterly from and parallel with tbe northeaaterly Una of Goldsmith street snd a Una 100 feet south of and parallel with the aouth Hue of Russell street snd between two Unas re apectlvely 00 feet and loo feet west of snd parallel with tbe wsst Une of Delay street, Pscific Trust company. $lft8.6: a parcel of land lying between the northeasterly Une of Goldsmith street and the south line ot Russell atreet and between two Unas re spectively 100 feet and 171 fset and 2 Inchea weat of and parallel with the weat line of Delay street. Nicholas C. Merges. $055.92; s parcel of land lying between tbe northeaaterly Una of Goldsmith street and tbe south line of Russell street and between the east line of Goldsmith atreet and a line 171 feet 24 Inches west ot and parallel vrUh the weat Une ot Delsy street, Ernest E. Merges. $807.88. ALBINA BLOCK B9. southwesterly 4 lot B. David and Anna Brown, $24.15; northeaater ly 4 tot B, Dirk Van Rosautn. $187.50: lot 8. Jobn Mitchell. $211.86; tot 7. Jobn Ran kin. $238.39; lot 8. John Rankin, $318.72 BLOCK 68. tot 6. J. H. Rankin, $317 22; tot 8. Andrew J. Murphy and W. H. Foster, 388.82: lot 7, Mary Jones. $44280; lot 8, Mary ones. $478.80. BLOCK 57, tot B. Mary Jones, $475 23; lot 8, Msry and William T. Jones. $440.88; tot 7. Daniel O. Brunger snd Msry Jones. $440.87; lot 8. Elisabeth Kelt $475.73. BLOCK 58. lot 6. Joseph Psquet and B. F. Smith, $477.80: lot 8. Joaeph Paqnet and B. F. Smith $428 90; northeaaterly 80 feet tot T. Joseph Paqnet and B. F. Smith, $410.16: northeaaterly SO feet of tot 8. Joseph Paquet and B. V. Smith. S466 20; southwesterly 20 feet tot 7. Edward D. Bam.'". $37 99: southwesterly 20 feet lot 8. Edward D. Barnes, $48.88: s parcel of land lying be tween tbe southwesterly line of Goldsmith street snd s lire 100 feet southwesterly there from snd parallel therewith between tbe northwesterly line of RSJhdo Inh street snd line 71 feet erly therefrom snd par- sllel therewith. (1.1 138 43. Fries. BOOT. (SJ. Totsl. A ststement of aforesaid assessment has been entered la the Docket of City Liens, snd la now due aad payable at tbe office of the . t Treasurer. In lawful money of ths United States and If not paid within 80 days from date of this notice, aucb proceedings will be taken for tbe collection of ths earns ss sre provided by tbe Charter of tbe City of Port land. The above assessment will hear Interest 10 daya after the flrat publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Auguat 23. 1904 A86E8SMENT FOR SEWER IN KERRY STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the .Council af the ty of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on the 17th day of Auguat. 1904, declared the ss- seeament by ordinance No. 14.162. for the con etinction of s sewer In Kerby street, from tbe onter lpe of Hnmboldt street to the sewer In I'reacott street st Borthwlck street. In the msn ner provided by ordinance No. 14,022, upon esch tot. part of tot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be as fol lows, via: WEST 100 feet of south 60 feet of lot O of M. Pstton's trsrt, M.- F. Brsdy, $18.39; esst 100 feet of south 50 feet of tot N of M. Pstton's tract. William H. Upson, $34.88; west 30 feat of eaat ISO feet of aonth 60 feet of tot N of M. Pstton's tract, Wil liam M. Kllllngaworth. $2.00. CLIFFORD-BLOCK 13. lot ft, Clifford Real Eatate association. $30 35; lot 8. Clifford Heal Estate association, $30.86: tot 7, Clif ford Real Estste saaoclation. $30 38; lot 8. Clifford Real Estate aeaoclatloa. $30.38. BLOCK 14. lot 8. Louis J. Fansbsw. $30.36; lot 8. Loula i. Fanabaw. $30.36; lot 7. Louts J. Fansbsw. $30.36; tot 8. Louis J. Fsn shsw. $30.36. BLOCK 16, lot 8. Thomas Becblll snd William A. Bechlll. $.io33; tot 0. Tbomaa H. Bechlll snd Wll Hum A. Bechlll. $30.86; lot 7. Thomas II. Bechlll and William A. Bechlll. $30.35; lot . 8. Tbomaa II. Bechlll and William A. Beehll, $.10 33. BLOCK 16, lot B, Oscar K. Helnts. $80 8ft; tot 6. Oscar E. Helnts. $30.38; lot 7. Oscsr K. Helnts. $80.36. BLOCK 20. lot 4. K. A. Smith,. $21.96: lot $, E. A. Smith. $21.99: lot 2. B. A. Smith, $21.96; tot 1. E. A. Smith. $21.95. BLOCK 19. tot 4. Theo dore Wvgant, $21. 9B; tot S, Theodore Wygant. $21.96; tot 2. Theodore Wygant. $21.96; tot 1. Theodore Wygant. $21.95. BLOCK 18. lot 4. Theodore Wrgant. $21 05. tot 3. Theo dore Wygant. (21 AS; lot 2. Margaret 0. Wygant, (21.96: tot 1. Margaret O. Wy gant. $21.96. BLOCK 17. lot 4. Oscsr R. Helnti. $21.99: lot (, Oscsr K Helnts. $21 11,1, tot 2, Oscar E. Helnts. $21.93; tot 1. Oscar E. Helnts, $21.06. CLIFFORD LETTERED LOTS: P. Louise J. Fansbsw. $.18 40; N. First Unltarlsn Society of Portland. $38.40; S. First Unltarlsn f cletv of Portland. $2825; Q. Victor Land company. $20 2. Total. (975.09. A statement of aforesaid sssessment has been entered In the Docket of ( Ity Liens, snd Is now due snd payable at the ornce or tbe city Treasurer, In lawful money of the United States and If not paid within 80 daya from date ef this notice, such proceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the aame aa are provided by tbe charter of ths City of Port land. Ths above asaeaament will bear Interest 10 dsys sfter tbe first publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. Portland, Oregon, Auguat 23, 1904. CITY JtOTICES. ASSESSMENT FOB SEWER IV IVY STREET Notice la hereby glvsu that toe Council of the City of Portland, Oregou. al a meeting beld un the 17th day of Auguat, 1904, declared tbe assessment by ordinal.. No. 14,187. for ths construction of s sower In Ivy street, from lb feet west of tbe esst Hue ot Union avenue 1 1 the sewer In Vancouver avenue, lu tbe man ner provided br ordinance No. 13.961, upou each lot, part of tot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, rli: ALBINA -BLOCK IS. tot SO. B. M. Montmss. $1150; lot 29, James II Montgomery tstats. heirs of. $14.00; lut 28. Robert ttouiuiell. $27.00: lot 27, Ids M. Bt.llierts. $16.00. WILLIAMS AVSTNCK till. I I ION BLOCK 16. Jot 12. Prsnk K. Park. $38.40; tot 13. Portland Trust company of Oregon. $20 4o: kit II. Ida as.,; lot lu, uieiia i.iuu.utst, $24.60; tot ft. Cora K. Conner, $24.5o, lot 8, Lvdla B Mitchell 824 50: lot 7. O. F. Wiley. eVM.SO: tot 8. Port laud Trust company of Oregon and James A. Robertson, $24.60; tot 5 Loreaa Irvine. $24.50; tot 3. Elisabeth Hlouut. $17.00; lot 4. A. S. Ellis., $.12.00. BLOCK 8. lot 12, Msrlln Lennsrta, 838.8ft; south 60 feet lot 11, Martin LeonarU. $23 86; lot 10. J. S. Thomas, $29.40; lot 9, C. M. Hlnkle, $29.40; tot 8, Annie D. McGonagle, $29.40: tot 7, Anna N. Jewell, $29.40; tot 6, J. P. Hrlander. $20.40 WILLIAMS AVKNUK ADDITION IN PORT LAND. OREGON BLOCK 8, tot 1. Henry P. Slmer. $29.40; tot 2, A. S. Ellis, $29.40; lot 8, Jobn J. Carey, $29.40; tot 4, Msry I. Emerson, $38.90. lot 6. Msry 1. Emersou. $21.90. BLOCK ft, south 60 feet of tot 1, A. B. Mauley. $10.70; lot 2, A. B. Maulrl. $33.20: lot 8. Caroline McChiey. $28,411; tot 4. Caroline McCluey. $38.49. WILLIAMS AVEN'UK ADDITION BLOCK 14, lot 1ft. Portland Truat Company of Oregon. $42 SO; lot 14, Portland Truat Company ot Oregon, $24.80; tot IS, Portland Trust Com Ray of Oregon, $28.00; lot 17, J. E. ydaton, $28.00; lot 18. Portland Truat Company of Oregon. (28.00; lot 1, H. F. and Minnie Krleger. $28.00; tot 20. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. $28.00: tot 21. C. C. Moore. $28.00; Jot 22, German Evan gelical Lutheran Trinity Church, $0800; lot 1, German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity church, $35.50) tot 2, German Evangelical Lutbern Trinltv church, $20.60. BLOCK 7, lot 19. Portland Truat company of Oregon, $30.00; tot. 1$, Portlsnd Trust company of Oregon. $13.80; tot 20. Rote S. Stone. $23.10. tot 21. William E. Crrrar, $23.10; tot 22. Harriett R. Crerar. $23.10; east 38 1-3 feet lot 23. Rasmus Jorgrnsen, 815 40: west 33 1-$ feet lot 24. Frederick Heatings. $14. 55; west IS 2-8 feet tot 23. Frederick Hastings. $7.70; west IS S3 feet tot 24, Mary Beam toon 87 25 WILLIAMS AVENUE ADDITION BLOCK 7. lot 1. Michael and Anna Lalsner. ( lot i, D. L. Frester, $28.10; lot 3. John M pit trngrr, $23.10: lot ft, John M. Plttenger, $30.80; south 60 feet tot 4. Alwin Stopper, $16.80. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Steuben Lodge No. 4. 0. D. II. 8.. Inc.. $30.60; lot 2, William T. Kerr. $15.80; lot 6. Joba M. Ptttroger. $20.80; Lot 7. A. B. Manley. $20.80. ToUI. $1,440.80. A ststement of aforesaid asaeaament has been entered ut tbe Docket of City Liens, and Is now due and payable at the ornce ot toe my Treasurer, 1b lawful money ef the United States and If not paid within SO days from date of thla notice, sncb proceedings will he token for tbe collection of the same as sre Covlded by tbe Charter of ths City of Port nd. The above assessment will beer Interest 10 daya after ths first publication of this notion. THUS. !. DEVLlNr " Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. Auguat 28, 1904. 1 r J ' ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST STARK STREET. NStlce ta hereby given that the Ooundl of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on th 17th day of August, 1004, declared tbe assessment bf ordinance No. 14.1V.. for tbe construction of s sewer in Esst Stsrk street, from 7ft feet aaat of the east line of East Seventeenth street to the sewer In East Stark street 7B feet esst ot the eaat line of Eaat Sixteenth atreet. In tbe nfanner provided by ordinance No. 18.984, upon each lot. part of tot and parcel of land, which are specially and necullarlT nenentra. to n aa louows. vis: NICHOLSON'S ADDITION OREGON BLOCK 5, Nicholson. $22.20: lot S, son. $37.20. BLOCK , Nicholson. $22.20; tot 4, TO PORTLAND, tot 8, W. T. B. W. T. B. Nlchol- tot S, W. T. B. W. T. B. Nlchol- son, $37.20. STORY'S ADDITION TO EAST PORTLAND BLOCK 1. lot S. Herman F. Varwlf, estste, belra of. $43.60; tot 7, Herman F. Varwlg eatate, belra ef. $28.60. BLOCK 8. weat 4 of lot L C. A. Blgelow. $21.76; eaat 4 of lot 1,V. H. Msrkell. $21.76; tot 2. Daniel B. Bosh. $28.80. Total. $282.80. A statement of aforeaald assessment hss been entered In the Docket of City Liens, and la now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, tn lawful money of tbe United States and If not paid within 30 daya from date of thla notice, aucb proceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the aame aa are provided by tbe Charter ot tbe City of Port land. Tbe above assessment will bear lntereat 10 days sfter the first publication of tbls notice. THOS 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portlsnd. Oregon. August 28. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OT UNION AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council of the City of Portland proposes to aeaeai the follow ing described property snd owner or owners ss being specially snd pecnlairly benefited In the amounts set opposite their names snd descrip tions thereof for ths Improvement of Union avenue, from tbe south Hoe of Alberts street to 100 feet south of ths south line of Lewis Love donstlon lsnd claim, aa provided by Ordinance No. 18.470. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said Improvement must De made In writing to tbe Council snd filed with the Auditor within 19 days from tbe data of the flrat publication of this notice, and aald objections will be heard and determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance ass casing tbe coat ot aald Improvement. WOODLAWN BLOCK 37. tot 4. School District No. 1. $96.87; west 40 feet lot S, School Dle Agi $8.08; lot B. School District No. 1, $10Rflf?rest 40 feet tot 8, School District No. 1. $10 IB; west 40 feet lot 7. School Dis trict No. 1. $9.63; tot 8. School District No. 1. $102.58; tot ft. Mary F. Hanna $101.22: weat 40 feet tot 10, Mary F. and John Ss Hanna. $9.38; wsst 40 feet lot 11. Christina A. Circle. $9.17; tot 12. David P. Tbompaon Eatate. heirs of. $9B.S8; tot "18, Christina A. Circle. g.98; west 40 feet tot 14; Jobn B. Darld. 12: wast 40 feet tot 16. Richard Depue. .H8; tot 18, Olive C. Wheeler, $141154: lot IT. Richard D. Depue. $185.97: west 40 feet tot 18, John David, trustee. $38.48; a tract of lsnd lying between the esst line of Union svenuc. 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith, and between aonth line of Dekum avenue and a line 100 feet north of and parallel with weat line of Alnawnrth tract, J. C Ainaworth. $1,774.47; a tract of land lying between east line Union svenne snd s Une 100 feet east thereof and parallel therewith and between south Une of Ainaworth tract and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel therewith. Portland Railway Company, gono 08. A INS WORTH TRACT BLOCK 8. weat loo feet tot 4, Frank D. Fulmer, $280.90; weat 100 feet tot 8, Angells Bone It. $308.41. WOODLAWN HEIGHTS BLOCK 7, lot 11. Sarah A. Pope. $123.02; west 10 feet tot 12. Sarsh A. Pope. $1.00; west 10 feet lot 10. Sarah A. Pope, $0.99; lot 9, Sarah A. Pope, $122 09; Jot 7, Sarah A. Pope. $108.07; weat 10' feet lot 8, Sarah A. Pope. $0 91 ; west 10 fset tot 8, Sarah A. Pope, $0.99; lot 8. Surah A. Pope, $99.60; west 10 feet tot 4. Sarah A. Pope. $8.71; tot 8, Sarah A. Pope. $120.80; weat 10 feet tot 2. Sarah A. Pope, $3.49; lot 1, Sarah A. Pope. $127.42. G KEEN RIDGE BLOCK 1. tot 1, BenJ. Frank lin Psdrlrk. $02.08; weat 4 feet tot 16. H. M. Underwood. $1.27; tot 2. H. M. Underwood. $89 80; weat 4 feet lot IB. Mannle N. Starr, $1.30; tot 3, Mannle N. Starr. $89.80; weat 4 fret tot 14. Jacob Plttenger, $1.80; lot 4. John P. Dow, $67.8$; weat 4 feet lot 13. Frank Stanber and Gusts v Dreyer. $0.57. tot 6. John Epperly, $71.10; west v 4 feet lot 12. John Epperly. $0.64. tot 8, Wal ter B. Preston, $78.32; west 4 fset tot 11. R. E. Menefee. $1.81; lot 7. William L. snd Maud Jacobean, $76.18; weat 4 feet lot 10. Sadie L. I'r .hi. $1.01: lot 8, Sadie L. Prohl. $81.49: waat 4. feet tot ft, Sadie L. Prohl. $o 1(0 AINSW0RTH TRACT BLOCK, ft, sooth 4 weat 100 feet of lot 4, Harry Howard. $158 18; north 4 weat 100 feet of lot 4. A. E. Flow ers, $202 10; weat 100 feet of mirth SO feet lot 3. Portland Trust Company, $181.81; aouth 78.875 feet of west 50 feet of tot 3, A.. H. Buxton. $177.31; south 78.875 feet ot esat 40 feet of weat 90 fret tot 3. Clara J. Buxton, $41.28; west 10 feet of east 130 fset of tot 3, Potland Trust Company. $10.32. CI.OVF.RD ALE EXTENSION BLOCK 8. weat 100 feat lot 6, Jamea Barman, $143.26; weat 100 feet lot 4. Jsmea Surman. $122.50; wt-st 100 feet tot 3. WUher Campbell. $08.10; lot 2. M. B. Oedy. (132.20; waat 10 feet lot 18, M H. Cady. $13.27; tot 1, John W. and Ssllle Cummins. $142.34. BLOCK 8. tot 4. Eleanor A. Simpson. $138.88; weat 10 feet tot ft. W. 0. stin will. $9.91; tot 3. Elesnor A. Slmpaon. $121.19; lot 2. Harvey F. C.siley, $120 71; west 10 feet lot 18, A. N. Stenjrr wsld. $9 ft8; lot 1. Harvey F. Cooley. $128.38. BLOCK 4, tot 2, Sarah N. Drutnmond. $185.03: west 10 feet tot 8. Sarah N. Drummond. $1024; tot 1. Matilda Brown. $126.96. CLOVERDALB TRACT BLOCK 8. undivided 4 tot 28. William Hathaway. $34.83: un divided 4 tot 25. William Hathaway. $4.98. undivided 4 lot 26. Cbarlea H. Thompson. $34 83; undivided 4 tot 29. Charles H. Thompson. $$.01; west 10 feet lot 24. CO Csdwell. $1.88; weat 10 feet lot 8. C. G. Cad well. $8.83; lot 2, James II. Nlrkell. $48.14; tot i, Dora . ratckell. $188 5 8. BLOCK 2. lot 4. Frederick II. Und. $112 78; west 10 fset tot ft. Adelaide M. Notts. $7.88; lot 28. Nellie T. Brnndell. $8 24; tot 8, Frederick R. Und. $11166: lot 2. Nellie T. Bruudell. $106 18; lot I. Nellie T. Brnndell. $112.00. Block I. lot 4. May E Olraon. (100 07: west 10 feet tot ft. Ella S. Pimale. $8 32; wsst 10 feat tot 2$, Herbert H. Batcbwsll. CITY NOTICES. SI.SS; tot S, Charles Oelsen. $118.27; tot 2. a trick J. Roddy. $98.43, lot 1. C. L. Nlmau. $103.82. WAIT'S CLOVER DALE ANNEX -BLOCK I. north 40 feet tot 1. Mary Knox. $78.18; north 40 taet tot 2. Mar' Euoi. $18.48. aouth 90 reel nit i. Adutun o. a no lsiuiss v. $18o.0: south 90 feet lot 2. Au-lpb O. and Louisa F. Ott, $48.72; wsst So fevR lot 3, Ellen M Walt, $2 in. BLOCK 4. north 4 tot I, Cbarlea E. Grlffllha. $1:10.31; north 4 lot 2. Charles K. Griffiths. $30.80; west 20 feet of north it, lot 8, Oniric. E. Griffiths. $1U.04; south 4 lot 1. W. M. Seward. $127.36; south 4 tot 2. W. M. Seward. $33 04: waft 20 feet south H lot 3, W. M. Sswsrd, $14 77. UOSKLAWN BlOCK l. tot 1, John Epperly. C3 82; tot 2, Jobn Epperly, $01.00; west 10 st lot -6. Mary N. Millard, $8,901 tot 3. I. C. Hlldreth, $52.22; lot 4. 8. C. Hlldreth. $17 48; tot 6. Mary N. Millard, $40.84; a tract or land lylug between west Une of Union svenue snd s line 100 feet esst thereof snd paraUel therewith and between aouth line of Rosslswn and a line 100 fuel south thereof and parallel therewith, Adulpb Luntx. $286.41. AH LET A PARK Lot 147. George G. Blrrell. $130.88; tot 148. George G. Blrrell. $S8.9ft; lot 141, Oeorge O. Blrrell. $18.91; tot 140, Francis M. Galea. $18.91; lot 139. Arleta Land Company. $22.74; lot 142. Phoenix Land Company. $22.78; tot 146, Lucy M. Little. $34.10; lot 148. Laicy M. Little, $148.91; lot 188. Arleta Land Company, $24.93; tot 143. Flora It Grarea, $24.94; lot 144. Joe sukjkl. $37.89; tot 140. Jos Doroxslakl. $150,112. Rl SEDALE BLOCK 1. tot 1, A. 11 and Chris tlna Aieleon. $110.29; lot 2. Axel H. Axelson, $108.42; lot 3. A. Ekluud, (93.88; lot 4. clarence M. Dllley. $78.48; tot 6, Clara Mor- (rrn. $91.12: tot 8. Marls L. Jones, 108.48; tot 7. Maria L. Jonee, $115.16. LESll's ADDITION BLOCK 1, tot 1, William H. Leah, $40.1; tot 2. William U. Leah, $.(0.68. PIEDMONT PARK BLOCK 1. tot 8. Ellas F. Fluinmer, -$loi.47; tot 4. Charles C. Wood rock. $118.00; tot 6. Frederick W. Toraler, $117.93. tot 0. Frederick W. Torgler, $117.28; lot 7, Frederick W. Torgler. $116.00; lot 8. Frederick W. Torgler. $118.58; lot 9. Fred erick W. Torgler, $190.74; tot 10, Frederick W. Torgler. $80011; weat 10 feet tot 1L Frederick W. Torgler, $U.d8; weat 10 feet tot 12. Frsatorlok W. Torgler. $9.98; weat 10 feet lot 13. Frederick W. Torgler. $2.$d; weat 10 fast lot 14. Frederick W. Torgler. $2.52; weat 10 feet lot 15. Frederick W. Torgler. (2.57; west 10 feat tot 16, Frederick W. Torgler. (2.59; weat 10 feet lot 17, Cbarlea C. Wood cock. $2.61: waat 10 feat tot 18, Joaeph P. Menefee. $2.2.1. BLOCK 8, tot I, Charles C. Woodcock, $209.82; lot 2, Chalea C. Woodcock. $261.88; tot 8, Cbarlea C. Woodcock, $167.74: west 10 feet tot 4, Charles 0. woodcock. $11.60; west 10 feat tot 6. Charles C. Wood cock. $11.68: west 10 feet lot 6, Charles C. Woodcock. $3.90. BEVERLY- BLOCK 1. lot ft. Investment Com- E. 740; lot 8. Investment Company, 4ft; tot 7. Investment Company, $160. oil; 1, Investment Company. $166.10; lot S, Investment Company, $152.17; tot 4 Invest ment Company, $161.48: tot 8, Inveatment Company, $166.49; lot 2. inveatment Company, $183. 89; tot 1. Investment Company. $408.81. PIEDMONT BLOCK 60. tot 6, Investment Com pany, (199. ao; lot o, inveatment Company, $202.04; tot 4, Inveatment Company. $143.04, lot 8, Investment Company, $111.81; tot 2. Investment Company, $100.41; tot I, Inveat ment Company, $170.47. BLOCK 41, lot 8, Investment Company, $180.36; tot 7. Inveat ment Company, $129.65; lot 6. Investment Luinpanj, $8009; tot ft, Ellas J, lief ford, $92.64; lot 4. Ellas J. Hefford. $99.(2; tot 3. Ellas J. Hefford. (106.60; tot 2. Inveatment Company. $141.98; tot 1, Investment Com psny. (160.68. BLOCK 40, tor 8. inveatment Company, $149.42," lot 7, Inveatment Company, (182.49; tot 6, Inveatment Company. $99.79; lot ft, Inveatment Company, $99.34; lot 4, Investment Company, $86.89: lot 3. Inveat ment Company. $86.17; lot 2. Inveatment Com- psny. $128.1 128 93: tot 1, Inveatment Company. $142 77 BLOCK 21. tot 8. Inveatment Com pany, $186.10; tot 7, Investment Company. $1 19.88; lot 6, Investment Company, $82.46; lot ft, W. H Adams. $82.69; tot 4, W. H. Adams. $81.81; tot 3. Investment Company, $77.89; lot 1, Investment Company. $115.50, lot 1, Inveatment Company. $132.40. BLOCK 20, tot 8, Investment Company, (131.44; tot 7. Inveatment Company, (118.63; tot 6, Invest ment Company, $92.13; tot ft, Investment Company. $84.68; tot 4. Investment Company, $88.93; lot 8. Investment Oomrjsny. $91.03; tot 2. Juveatmeut Company, $128.21; lot 1, Investment Company, $138.30. BLOCK 1, tot 7, Investment Company, $189.26; lot 6. Inveat ment Company, $119.60: lot 6, Inveatment Compsny, $84.31; tot 4, Investment Company . $90.76; lot 8, Investment Compsny. $84.31; lot 2, Investment Compsny, $120.67; lot 1, Investment Company. $141.13. WALNUT PARK BLOCK 9. tot 14. Wllllnm Kllllngsworth and Frank M. Warren, $135.41; lot 13. William Kllllngsworth aud Frank M. Warrrn. $117 87; lot 12. William Killings, wortb and Frank M. Warren, $87.97; lot 11. William Kllllngsworth and Frank M. War ran, $81 lot 10. William Kllllngsworth snd Frank M. Wsrren. $79 02; tot 4. WU1 lam Kirungswortb and Frank M. Warren, $108.87; tot 8, William Kllllngaworth and Frank M. Warren. $130.39. BLOCK 10, tot 14. William Kllllngsworth snd (Tank M. Wsr ren. (187.23; tot 13. William Kllllngaworth and Frank M. Warren. (121 18; lot 12. Will iam Kllllngsworth and Frank M. Warren, $88.70; tot 11. William Kllllngaworth and Frank M. Warren, $84.66; lot 10. William KUltngaw-ontb snd Frsnk M. Warren, $87.81; lot 9, William Kllllngsworth snd Frsnk M. Warren, $120.16: tot 8. William Kllllngsworth and Frank M. Warren, $144,60. BLOCK 26, lot 18. William Kllllngsworth and Frank M. Warren. $182.70; tot 17. William Kllllngs worth and Frank M. Warren, $119.88; tot 16. William Kllllngsworth and Frank M. War ren. $88.70; tot 1ft. William Kllllnaarworth and Frank M. Warren, $96,111; lot 14, William Kllllngaworth and Frank M. Warren, $83.86; lot 1ST William Kllllngsworth and Frank M. Warren. $88.25; tot ll William Kllllngaworth arid Frank M. Warren. $105.78; lot if, Will iam Kllllngsworth snd Frsnk M. Warren, $141.26; tot 10. William Kllllngsworth and Frank M. Warren, 129.6.1. MAEGLY HIGHLAND BLOCK B, tot I. T. A. and C. C Turner. $58.88; tot 2. T. A. and 0. C. Turner, $39.80; Portland Railway com pany, right of way, $9,264.03. Total, $27, 61865. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Andltnr of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 22. 1904. ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST IRVING - STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting beld on the 17th day of Auguat, 1904, declared the as sessment by ordinance No. 14,184. for the con struction of a sewer In Eaat Irving street, from 60 feet aaat df the eaat line of Bast Twenty ninth atreet to tbe sewer In Esst Twenty-eighth street. In the msnner provided by ordinance No, 13,950, upon esch tot, part of tot and parcel of lsnd, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, rla: . YORK BLOCK 8. eaat 23 feet"oi tot 0. The Hawthorne Estate, (13.2S; lot 10. H. L. Powers, trustee. $28 80; lot 11, H. L. Pow ers, trustee. (28.80; tot 12. M. E. Drew. $28.80. BLOCK 1). ssst 23 feet of tot 4. H. L. Powers, trustee. (9 85; lot 3, H. L. powers, trustee. $20.40; tot 1. H. L. Powers, trustee. $30.40: -lot 1. Boys' and Girls' Aid society, $20.40; s tract of land lying be tween the eaat line of Bast Twenty-ninth Street and a line 100 feet east thereof snd parallel therewith and between a line 100 fe.t north of and parallel with the north line of East Irving atreet If extended easter ly In Ita present coarse, and a line 100 feet south of snd parallel with tbe south line .of Last Irving Street, If extended easterly tn its present course. Boys' and Gtrla' Ala society. $124 80. Total. f3t)4.8T). A statement of aforeaald aaseaament haa been entered In the Docket of City Liena, ,and Is now due snd payable at the office of tbe Ctty Treasurer, In lawful money of the" United states and If not paid within SO daya from date of this notice. Bach proceeding, will be token for the collection of the same aa are provided by tbe Charter of the City of Port land. The above assessment will bear Interest 10 days afta the first publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. Portland. Oregon. Auguat 23, 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF THE NORTH ONE HALF OF HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that the City of Port land proposes to aaeeea the following described property and owner or owners aa Being spec ially snd peculiarly benefited tn tbe amounts set opposite the names snd descriptions thereof for tbe Improvement of the north one-half of. Uawtboroe avenue, from the eaat line of Keo wortby's Addition to Esst Portland to 100 feet cast of the east line of Esst Twenty-second street, ss provided by Ordinance Nn. 18,937. Any objections to the spportlonnient of coat for aald Improvement mast be msde In writing to the Council snd filed with tbe Auditor within 16 dsys from the date of the first publication uf this notice, and aald objectlona will be beard and determined by the Council , before the passage of the ordinance assessing the coat of iald Improvement. HI LLC It EST Lot 11 N. C Ovlatt, $6216: lot II, N C. Ovlatt, $47.86; kit 10. Portland Trust Company rtf Oregon. $47.86; lot ft. Port land Trust Company of Oregon. $47.89: tot S, Ellen Hutrhlns. $47 94; tot 7, Portland Trust Company of Oregon, $88.88; lot 14. R. H. Plgharu, $66.75. SALISBURY HILL, IN THE 8 EL DON MCR- KAV IMINATION LAND CLAIM BI.OCK 8, lot B. Annie E. Oliver, $74.24; lot 8, Annie R. Oliver, $6220; a tract of laud lying between the north Une of Hawthorne avenue and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel tbsrs wltb and between the esst line of Keu worthv'a Addition to Esst Portland, and the west line of HUlcrest, unknown owner. $44.41. . Totsl, $581.88. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of ths City of Port land. Portland, Oregon. August 32, 1904. CITY NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT Or EAST TWENTY-rOURTH STREET. N.ntleo la bsSShy (Ivan that the Council of tbe City of Portland proptairs to assess tbs fol lowing described property snd owusr or owners aa being specially and peculiarly benefited in tbe amount, act opposite tbelr namss snd de scriptions thereof for tbe Improvement uf Esst Twenty fourth street, from tbs north Uns of Tillamook street to tbe north line of Knott street, aa provided by Ordinance No. 13.N75. Any objections to tbe apportionment of coat for ssld Improvement must be mads In writing to ths Council and filed with tbe Auditor within 1ft dsys from the - date . of tbe first publication uf this notice, and aald objectlona will ha heard aud determined by tbs Council before the passage of the ordinance isliaalng the coat of aald lmprovemeiu. IRVINOTON BLOCK T. tot 10. F. 8. Doern- bceber, $11 76; block 9. F. 8. Doernbecher, 114.07; lot 8. Charles 8. Prescott. trustee, 17.01; tot 7, Charles S. Prescott, trustee. ; 10.04; tot 8. Chsrles 8. Preseott. truatee. .8.65; kit 6, Charles S. Prescutt, trustee. i 22.30; lot 4. Chsrles 8. Prescott, truatee, 33.64; tot 8. Cbarlea 8. Prescott, trustee, : 28.22; lot 2, Charlee 8. Prescott, trustee, I 18.63; tot I. Charles 8. Prescott, trustee. IJW.25. BLOCK 0. tot 10, Cbarlea 8. Prescott. trustee. $110.92; lot ft. Charles 8. Prescott. trustee, $129.63; tot S. Chsrles 8. Prescott. trustee, $121.88; lot 7, Charles 8. Prescott. trustee, $115.89; lot 6, Cbarlea 8. Prescott. trustee, $86.73; tot 6, Cbarlea 8. Prescott, trustee, $88.80: lot 4. Chsrles 8. Prescott. trustee. $107.94: lot 3, Chsrles 8. Prescott. trustee, I07.94; tot 2, Chsrles 8. Prescott, trustee. $H3.03; tot 1. Cbarlea 8. Prescutt. trustee. $68.16. BLOCK 5, tot 10. Chsrles S. Prescott, trustee, $70.82; lot 8. Chsrles 8. Prescott, trustee, $ut 30; lot . cnsriee n. Prescott. trustee, Prescott, trustee, Prescott, trustee, Prescott. trustee, Prescott, truatee. 3.8: lot 1. ijnsries n. 2.63; tot , Cbarlea 8. 06.97; lot 6. Courles 8. 59.63; tot 4, Cbarlea 8. 144.10; lot 8. Cbarlea 8 30.03; tot 2. Cbarlea 8. 10.41. tot 1. Charles S. I'reacott. trustee. Presectt, truatee. Prescott. truatee, $10.1$. BLOCK 4. tot 10, Chsrles 8. Prescott. trustee. $4.62; tot 0. Chsrles 8. Prescott, trustee. $3.69. EAST IRVINOTON BLOCK I, tot 10, In vestors' Mortgage Security Company, Limited, $18.01; tot 11,' Investors' Mortgage Security Compsny Limited. $14.70; lot 13. John Barrett. $10.76; tot 13. Horatio H. Parker. $11.98: tot 14, Isaac 0. Davidson, $18.86; tot 15. Agnes Hamen, $33.18; lot 16, Chsrles C. Newcastle. $23.46: lot 17, Chsrles C. Newcastle. $21 02: lot 18. Charles C. Newcastle, $8.86; a tract a tract ot land lying between eaat line of Eaat Twenty-fourth street and a line 100 feet east thereof and parallel therewith and be twVen the north line of East Irvlngton sod tbe south Une ot tot 12. William C. Bowsrtng donation land claim. B M. , Lombard. $1,268.78: William C. Bowerlng donation land claim. BLOCK 12. Dennis F. Harrington. $265.18: a tract of land lying between the eaat line of East Twenty-fourth street snd a line 100 feet east thereof and parallel therewith and between the south Uns of Knott street snd the north line of tot 18, William !. Bow erlng donation land claim. .David Toggart. $4.63; a tract of land lying between tbe east Una of Eaat Twenty-fourth street and s line 100 feet esst thereof and parallel therewith and between the north Une of Knott atreet and a line 100 fset north thereof and parallel therewith. Darld Toggart, $9.19: Total. """ THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oeagsa. AsaTuat PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOE IMPROVE MENT OF DAVIS STREET. Notice Is hereby given, that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to assess the following described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts aet opposite tbe names and descriptions thereof for the tmprovemsnt of Davis atrset from the west 11ns of Third strset to the esst line of Tenth street, as pro vided by ordinance No. 13.942. And objections to tbe apportionment of cost for said Improvement must be made In writ ing to the Council snd filed with the Auditor within fifteen days from the data of the flrat publication of thla notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by the Council before the paalaage of tbe ordinance a at seeing the cost of ssld Improvement.. COUCH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY Or PORT LANDBLOCK 37. undivided 4 tot 1. R. W. Lara son estate, hairs of, $200.46; undivided 4 Jot 1. Msry O Hsrt. $200.46: lot 4, Port bind Seamaa's Friend society. (8T.26; tot 3. Phlto Holbrook, $69.08; tot 2, Pater Taylor, $418.98. BLOCK 34. lot 1, Clementina F. Lewis. $452t; tot 4. Clementina F. Lewis, 64.68; tot 8. Clementina F. Lewis, $60.33; tot 2. Clementina F. Lewie. $421.71. BLOCK 89. tot 1, Jobn A. Brown. $893.68; lot 4. John A. Brown. $96.2$: tot 8. Jobn A. Brown. $66.00; tot 3. Kenneth A. J. MaxkanUe. $892.09. BLOCK 48. tot I, Dennla F. Harrington. $483.08; tot 4. Dennla F. Harrington, $56.48; lot 8, Dennis F. Harrington. $66 77; tot J. Dennis V. Harrington, $484.16. BLOCK 81. lot 1, United States government. $.102.00; tot 4. United States government. $68.00; lot 8. United States government. $166.96; tot 2. United Btates government. $536-58; aonth 100 feet Park block D, City of Portland, (838.60. COUCH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY Or PORT LAND BLOCK 68, lot 1, Peter Taylor, $647.48; lot 4, Clementina F. Lewis. $148.80; tot 8. William H. H. skimmings, $142.84: lot 2. William H. H. Cummlngs, $546.40. BLOCK 63. tot 1, Llxxle and Thomaa Whalen. (600.73: lot 4. TJsale snd Thomas Whalen, $142.91; esst 4 tot 8. Llxxle and Tbomaa Whalen. $29.64: eaat 4 lot 2. Llxxle and Thomaa Wha len, $196 47; undivided 1-8 of west 4 tot S. Antolns Labbs, $0.88; undivided 13 of west 4 tot 8, Antolns I .abbe. $63.16; undi vided 1-8 of weat 4 lot 8, Blaise $9 88: undivided 1-3 of west 4 tot 1 Blaise I .abbe. $05.16; undivided IS of west 4 lot 3. Jobs Labbe, $9.88: undivided 1-3 of west 4 tot 2. John Labbe. $86.16. BLOCK 28. tot S. Breyman A Bommervtlle. $414.70; lot 5. Breyman A Solumervllle. $69.24; tot 8. Breyman A Sommervllle. $60.06; tot 7, Brey man A Horn mercvl lie, $420.48. BLOCK 38. tot 5. Rodney Gllasn estste, helra of. $480.38; lot 6, Rodney Gllsan eatate. helra of. $64.66; tot 6. RadHcy Gllsan estate, helra of, $61.22: lot 7. Rodney Gllsan eatate. belra of, (466.34. BLOCK 40. tot 8, CaUfornla Title, Invest ment A Truat company. $396.81: tot 5. Cali fornia Title. Investment A Truat company, $56.64; tot 6, Percy H. Blyth. $66.28; tot 7. Percy H. Blyth. $398.68 BLOCK 48. lot 8. Msrv J. Oration. $305.28; tot 6. nngh W. Wallace. $66.46: tot 8. Hugh W. Wallace. (56.77: lot 7. Hugh W. Wstlsce. $897.41. BLOCK 61. lot 8, Savings A Loan Society of Ban Francisco, $393.68; tot 5. Savings A Loan Society of'Pan Francisco. $68.23: tot 6. Savings A Loan Society of 8in Francisco. $16S.8B: tot 7. Savings A Loan Society of Ran Francisco. $626.01 north 4 Park block C. City of Portland. $882 50. COUCH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT LAVD EliOCK 67. tot 8, Fred Bolles. $4841 30: lot 5. Onssle Brombe'g, $148 01; lot 6. Samuel Brnmherger. $141.82: 'tot 7. Will lam FT Tnbbeslng. $580 30. BLOCK 64. lot 5 John Konrnd Tnerrk. (644.01: tot B. Ellas Vlckers, (142.10; lot 6, George T. Myers. (56.43; tot 7. George T. Myers. $431.78. Tutsi. $16.57694. THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland.. Oregon. Auguat 22, 1904. PROPOSED ASSFSSMENT FOR FEWER IN EAST YAMHILL STREET. Notice l hereby glvep that the Council of tbe City of Portland prupoeea to aasess the follow ing described property snd owner or owners ss being specially aud peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite tne names and descriptions thereof by the construction of a sewer In East Yamhlli street, from 76 feat east of the eaat line of Eaat Thirteenth street to s connection with the sewer In Eaat Twelfth strset, aa pro vided by Ordinance No. 14.001. Any objectlona to the apportionment of coat for ssld sevrer must be msje in writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within IB days from the date of tbe first publication of tbls notice, snd said objections will be beard and determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance ssseaalng the coat for said sewer. EAST PO RTLA N D BLOCK 2BT, lot 8. Central Truat and Inveatment Company, $46.90; lot 6, Central Truat and Investment Compsny. $30.00. BLOCK 28U. east 4 tot 4, Henrletts Kern. $22.95; esst 4 tot 3, Henrietta Kern. $16.45; weat 4 lot 4. Anna Stockton, $23.99; west 4 tot 8, Anns Stovklen. $18.46. DAWTHOUNE PARK BLOCK 266, tot 8, Catherine H. Beck, $87.50; lot 7, Catherine II. Beck, $22.60: BLOCK 387, tot I, Louise H. Boise and Catherine II. Beck. $37.60; tot , 2, Louise II. . Boise and Catherine H. Back, $22.60: Total, $373.60. TH08, C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbs City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. August 22. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN HOYT STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland, proposes to aasess tbe fol lowing desoilped property snd owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited la the amounts set opposite the names snd de scriptions thereof by tbe construction of a sewer in Hoyt street, from 7ft feet wsst of the west line of Tenth atreet to the sewer In Ninth street, ss provided by Ordinance No. 14,043. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for ssld sewer must be made in writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within IB days from the dste of ths first publication of this notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by the Council before tbe passage of ths ordinance assessing tbs coat for ssld sewer, COUCH S ADDITION TO THE CITY or PORT LAND BLOCK 116. lot 1, Margaret Mar ahall Estate, heirs ot. $39.30; lot 4, Mar tirrt Marshall Estste, heirs of, $34.30. LOCK 119. tot 2. Chsrles H. Carv. $39.20; tot $. Cbarlea H. Cary. $34.30. BLOCK 75. lot 8. Mrs. Bridges Babies. $47 00; tot 6. Mra Prldgea Rabies. $38.60. BLOCK 74, lot 7, . W. Fletcher. $47.60; tot 6. F. W. Fletcher. $.'12 60 Total. $287.10. , THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. August 38, 1804, . CTTY NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IM EAST TSXRTY-roVRTK STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of tbe City uf Portland pro posse to aaaaaa the follow lug described property aud ostner or owners as beiug eiiectally snd peculiarly bens filed In the amounts set opposite ths usmes snd descrlp Uous thereof by tbe construction of a sewsr In Esst Thirty-fourth street, from the north line of Hawthorne avenue to sewer tn Esst Thirty fourth street st AO fast south of tbe south Una of East Main strset, aa provided by Ordinance No. 14,048. Any objectlona to the apportlunmsnt of cost for said aewer must be mads la writing to the a unt il aud tltod with tbe Auditor within 1$ daya from the date of the flrat publication of this notice, snd ssld objections will be beard and determined by tbe Council before tbs passage of ths ordinance assessing tbs cost fur ssld sewsr. aUNNYSIPE SECOND ADDITION BLOCK 68. tot 16, Robert Lockheed, (15.86; tot lft. Hubert Lockheed. (1S.66; ssst 3-8 tot 14. Flsvel L. rlumuer, $1303; east 2-3 tot 13, Flsvel L. Sumner, $13.65; west 1-8 tot 14, D. L. Nichols. $2.00, west 13 lot 18. D. L. Nichols, $2.00. BLOCK 69. tot 3U. Herman $, Beyer. $15.69, tot lft, Herman r. Bayer, $15.66; lot 18, Herman F. Beyer. $15.66; north 53.4 feet tot 14. Anna Scbmlt, $1.26; north 68.4 feet tot 15, Anna Scbmlt, $7.60; north S8.4 fset tot 10. Anne Scbmlt. $16.76; aouth 60 fset tot 14, Florence 0. Webstar. $1.00; south 60 fset tot 15. Flairs nee C. Web ster. $6.90; south 60 feet tot 16. Florence C. Webster, $16.00; lot 17. Sunnyslde Land Improvement Company, $15.65. 8UNNYSIDE BLOCK 83. tot 4, Maggie Oussls Hamilton. $10.90; sot 8, L. L. Curry, $10.80 tot 2. L. L. Curry, $10.90; tot 1, la. L. Curry, $10.90. BLOCK 64. tot 7, William M. Howe. $10. DO; lot 6, William M. Howes, $10.90; tot 6, William U. Howes, $10.90; tot 4, William M Howes, $10.90; lot 8, George Shearer, $1.80; tot 2. George Sbssrtr. $11.30; tot i. George Sbearar, $21.30. Total. $296.50. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tbe City ot Port Und. Portland. Oregon, August 22. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER Uf WILLIAMS AVENUE. Notlcs Is hereby given that the Onancll of tbe city of Portland proposal to aa sess tbe following described property and own er or owners aa being specially snd peculiar ly benefited In the amounts sat opposite the names aud descriptions thereof by the construc tion of a sewsr la WUUania avenue from 100 feet aouth of tbe south Una of Alberta street to a connect Ion with the aewer In Fremont street st WUIlama avenue, as provided by or dinance No. 13.988. Any objections to tbs apportionment of coat for aald aewer must be made In writing to the Council and filed with tbe Auditor within IS days from tbs dste ot tbe first publication ot this notice, and ssld objections wlU be besrd snd dstermlnrd by tbe Council before the pas sage of the ordinance assessing tbe east tor ssld sower. ALBINA HOMESTEAD BLOCK 30, tot 6. Wil liam" Poole. $28.60; tot 6. Charles A. Sullivan. $28.50; tot 4. Edward H. Fltagibbona, $28.50; tot 8, Edward H. Fltxglbboos, $38.60; tot 8. Stephen Stolts. $88.60; tot 1, Stephen Stoltx, $28.60. BLOCK 80, tot 8, Richard O. Holmes, 188.60; lot 7. A. f. Froom. $28.50; tot 6, A. C. Froom. $28.90; lot 6, Laura 8. McFarland. $88.60; tot 4. Horace N. Flanders, $38.60; tot 8. Horace N. F landers, $28.50; lot 2. Peter and Mary Howling. $28.50; tot 1. Pater anil Mary Dow ling. $28. 50. BLOCK 28, tot 8, A. L. Ford Warren, $28.50; lot 7, A, L. Ford Warran. A2a.50; tot 8, UtttfJ ABU Anto Voder berg, $38.50; tot ft, Donald W. AcBnde. $28.60; lot 4, Nora Moore. $28.50; tot 8. Catherine and Joaeph Moore, $38.50; tot 2, Mary McMahon, $88.50; tot 1. Mary McMahon, $28.60. BLOCK 17, lot 8. Elisabeth Bar. $38.50; tot 7. Elisabeth Bar, $28.60; tot u. Margaret Bmmert. $88.50; tot ft. Mary B. Pat terson, $88.80; lot 4. Wallace W. Patterson, $88.60; tot 8. Christ Martin, $18.50; tot 8, Braxll Stephen Stolts, $88.60; tot 1, BraaU Stephen Stolts, $88.60. BLOCK 26, tot 8. J.steph and Catherine Moore, $28.50; lot 7. Frsnk A. and Christina Frankaon, $36.60; tot 6, Jacob and Marguerltta Emmert. $28.60; tot 6. Sarah B. Finch. $28.50; lot 4, Tbomaa J. McNamee. $28.60; tot 3, Thomas J. McNaaUee, $28,50: tot 2. Thomaa J. McNamee, $28.50) lot 1. Thomas J. McNamee, $28.50. 47L08SET. DEVRR8 AND LABBE'S SUBDI VISION OF BLOCK F, ALBINA HOKhV STEAD BLOCK, F. 1st 8, F. ' Hastings, $28.00; lot t, JnUus Stark, $88.00: sast 10 feel of tot 4. Minnie Byrnes, $1.50: lot 1, N. W, Hountrae. $38.00: esst 100 feet of north 4 of block F. William MackroW, (86 20. MAEGLY HIGHLAND ADDITION BLOCK 14, lot h, M. L. Knight. (29.00; tot 5, Jans Hss. tings. $88.60; tot 4, L. J. Hodgklneon, (38.50; tot 3. Chsrles T. Mstott, (28.60; east 70 fset of tot 3, Jobn B. snd Ansa L. Hoffman $36.00; east 70 feet of tot 1. John B. and Anna L. Hoffman. $36.00; weat 80 feet of eaat 100 feet tot 1, Mra. M. A. Oox, $2.50; west 30 feet of esst 100 feet tot 1. Mrs. M. A, Cox. $2.60. BLOCK 15 North 4 tot 18. Mrs. M. A. 4 tot 18, 4 tot 11. to t 18. t 11. J. A. Mary It. Fletcher, $18-00; north Marv R Kletrker. 810 50: south J A Beck $18 .00: aouth tot Beck. $10 90; south 4 tot 2. Ollhert . Howard, $10.50: south 4 lot 1. Gilbert S. Howard. $18.00; north 4 tot 2, Grace. Mc Kenny, $10.50; north 4 tot I. Grace Mo Kenny. $18.00. WILLIAMS AVlCNUB ADDITION NO. 1 . CITY OF PORTLAND. OREGON BLOCK 8. aaat 100 feet of lot 6, John and Sybil M. Bain, $27.96; eaat 100 feet of tot 4. Hiram B. and Lucy A. Searlea. $27.95; eaat 100 feet ot tot 8. A. L. Ford Warren. $27.98 ; east 100 fsst of tot 1. John and 8ybll M. Bain. $27.95; east 100 feet of tot 1, R. W. Planer, (87.9$. BLOCK 1. tot 7, Mary F. Smith. $81.88; tot 6, Marv F. Smith. $31.35; lot B. P. A. Mann, 331.3ft; tot 4c P. A. Mann, $31.35; lot 3. adve V. V'llet, $81.98: tot 2. P. A. Maun. $31.23; lot 1, P. A. Mann, $26.26. AI BIN A HOMESTEAD BLOCK 28, lot 11, George Schneller. (86.90; tot 12. Edward F. and Lena Pletsker. $86.90; tot 18. Wallace Wr Keene. $38.90; tot 14, Wallace W. Keens. $36.90; lot 16. Martin 0. Clancy, $88.80; tot 16. Rutb Gundrrmaan. $86.90. BLOCK 24, tot 9, Jobn F. and Ilelma H. Peterson, $88.90; tot 10. Jobn F. snd Helms II. Peterson, $16.90; tot 11. Jobn F. and Uelma H. Peter son, $36.90; tot 12. John F. and Hehna IL Peterson. $36.90; tot 18, E. H. Warren. 38.80; tot 14. E H. Warren, $36.90; tot 19. I. II. Wsrren, $36.90; tot 16. Anna Stock, (3M 90. BLOCK 23, weat 83 1-8 feat tot ft, Kate Goff, $22.30; esst 88 1-8 feet of went 86 8-3 feet of tot 9, Laura Share, $13.80: aaat 88 1-8 feet of tot ft. C. 0. Bather, $2 SO; tot 10. Conrad Bmtg. $36 80; lot 11. Laura A. Flandere, $36.90; tot 12. Laura A. Flanders, C16.90; lot 1.1. Thomaa Kay, $86.90; tot 14. Mrs. J. Ayers. $36.90; lot lft. Mra. J. Ayers $36.90; tot 16. Daniel Marx, $38.90. BlAJCK 22. tot ft. Jscob Smith, $36.90; tot 10, Jacob Smith. $88.90: lot 11. Donald B. MrBrlde, $16.00; lot ll Donald B. MrBrlds, $86.90; lot 18. Julia A. Vincent, S86.uo; lot is. wii IS, Wll- SolSS- i.ooT'tot llam I.annla. $36 00: lot 15, Michael A IM m: lot 16. Mlrhsel A. FUnn. BLOCK 21 kit 0 Marls Barscco. Aid 10. Maria Raracco. $86 90; lot 11. Henry v. Ellis. $36.98: tot 12. Hermsn P. Llaberman, $86.90: lot 13. Herman F. Lie hermsn, $36.90; lot 14. Donald B. McRrtde. $86.90; lot IB. Donald B. McBrlde, $86.90; kit 16. Martha W. Crew, 836. 90;, west 100 feet of southwest 4 block, E, R. Shaw Smith. $110.40; weat 100 fret of northwest 4 block E, Willis O. Snow, $110.40. . MA HOLEY HIGHLAND BLOCK 11, tot T. John Howard Frary, $18.86: tot 8. John How ard Frary. $86.69; tot 9. August 0. Dibboru. (36.90; tot 10. J. W. Gllmore. $36.90; tot 11. ' Y. 11. Brelter, $88 90: lot 11, J. TL Brelter. ' $36.90. BLOCK 10. tot ft. Jane Hastings, $86.90; lot 10, Jane Haatlngs, $36.90; tot 11. Marshall Lane. $86.90; tot 13, Marshall Lane. $36.90; tot 18. Joseph It. snd Amelia Scherm, $36.90; tot 14. W. H. Nunn. $86.90; tot 16. Theresls Bock. $36.90; tot 16. Martin Bock. $86.90. BLOCK 1. tot 11. Port land Trust Compsny, $25.89: tot 12, Portland Trust Compsny. $25.86; tot 13. William Clark, $36 90; lot 14, Lela L. and Carl 8. Nlckltn. $36.90; north 4 lot 16. Jannls W. Current, $18.46; south 4 tot IS. Ellen Goodnne and Lottie Cbappell. $18.49: tot 16, Martin 8. Tabor, $.16.90; tot 17. William H. Ilethlspen. $30.90; tot 18. Martha crew, (80.90; tot 19. J H. Campbell. $84.90; lot 20, E. B. Holmes and John Hewitt. $29.90. Total, $4 844.16. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, August 22. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 8EWXR IN EAST ALDER STREET. Notice ls-herrhy given that the Council of tbs City of Portlaod -taroposes to aaaaaa the follow. Ing described property and owner or owners aa being specially and peculiarly benefited In ths amounts set opposite the names snd descriptions thereof by tbe construction of s sewer In Esst Alder street, from 80 feet esst of ths esst Una of Prettyman avenue to the sewer In Bast Alder street at East Thirty -eighth street, ss pro vided by Ordlnsnce No. 18,952. Any objections to ths apportionment of cost for said aewer must be made tn writing to ths Council snd filed with ths Auditor within 16 days from the dsts of tbe first pobUcstlon of this notice, snd ssld objections will be hesrd snd determined by the Council before the pnsssge of ths ordlnsnce assessing tbs cost for said aewer. PLAT OF BART8CH PARK ADDITION TO EAST POIlTttAND BLOCK 2. lot 7. C. T. Bowen, $22.30; tot 8. C. T. Bowsn. $22 80, lot 9, C T Bowen. $23.30: tot 10. Bertha Vsn Vlark, $23.80; tot 11,' Oeorge M. Straus. $22.30; lot 18, Oeorge M. Straus. $33.10; a tract of land refng between the west line of Prettyman avenue and a Una 80 feet esat thereof and- parallel therewith and between a Une 100 feet north of and parallel with an easterly extension tn Its present course of tbe north line of Esst Alder street aad a line 100 feet south of and parallel with an easterly extension tn Ita present course of ths aouth Une of Esst Alder atreet, W. H. Pries snd Henry E McGinn. $30.8$. PLAT OF BART8CH PARK ADDITION TO EAST PO RTLA N D -BLOCK 8. lot 1, Mary Frances Hurley, $30.70: tot 2, Msry Frances Hurley. $80.70; lot 8, Msry Frances Hurley, $8o 70; lot 4, a. W. and Msrgarette V. Allen. $80.70; lot 6, 0. W. and Msrgarette V. A Hen. $30.70; tot 8. 0. W. and Msrgarette T. Allan, $44.20. Total. $371.65. THOU. 0. DEVLIN, Andltwr of the city of portlaacs .Portland. Oregon, August 22, 1804,