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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26. 1804. 12 The Journal Want Columns RATES , , One time. c line. ,.,. One week (7 Insertion. Includ ing Sunday Issue). 25' a line. One month (Including Sunday teaues). 76c a lJne. Claealfled advertlserflents are pavsble In advance: minimum charge lie" "Help Wanted" and Situation. Wanted" .'fl menta are published one time free of charge. Advertisement must be In by 12 o'clock noon for the dally 1s aues and 10 o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday issue. Branch Offices ADVETIBE1MTT will be received at regular main office rate at the following places and sent to The Journal In time for publication In the next laaue: WORTH. ft. A. Preston, druggist, 2Id and Thurman streeU. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 680 Qllaan street, corner list . A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Hth and Marshall streets. R. n. Jacks, confectionery, 600 Washington atreet. corner 19th. B. F. Jonea Co.. druggists. Front and Olbbs streets. Cottel Drug Co.. Flrat and Orant streets. EAST SIDE. Tuttle'a Pharmacy, 861 Mlaala- lppt av.. corner Shaver at Nlrhola & Thompson. 128 Russell street, corner Alblna avenue. Jancke Drug Co.. cor. Hawthorne and Grand avenues. J. A. Dick, tobaccos. 224 Crosby (eaat end steel hrldpe). B. F. Fulton.o onfectlonery. 174 E. Burnslde. cor. Union av, Ingram A Bush, tobacconist, lit Grand avenue. UBBIELUB. J. K Worth, pharmacist. 899 Bel mont street. BROOKLTV. Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor. Powell and Mllwaukle streets. SAYS ALASKA IS HOMELESS ORPHAN DIRECTOR OV LIEVES THE ItORTHLANB HAS NOT BEEN JUSTLY TREATED MY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS AMAZED AT ITS While hastening through the city yes terday on hla return from a tour of Alaska, Director of the Mint Roberta took time to express high praise for the future of America'! most northerly mainland. "I am Just returning from a short tour of which I anticipate will become one of the most Important mining dis tricts of the world." said he. "This refers to Alaska. The hidden and mar velous riches of that country have only recently been even revealed, and In my Judgment are now only feebly appre ciated; but' from thla tima on, develop ments may be expected year by year. Thousands of hardy proapectore are scattered over Alaska, with pick and hovel and pan. and despite almost. in describable impediments and. hardships, re opening an empire of resource. "I may not be able to Judge the value of government aid, or many other que-' tlons of that character, but I know an orphan when I see It. and I feel that Alaska haa not had generous or even Just treatment at the hands of the United Statea government." As to what method he might suggest for ameliorating conditions admitted to axlat In Alaska, or whether he would suggest any, the director of the mint did not care to state. He left the Im pression that he felt hla mission one of survey and examination. AT THE THEATRES BIJOU'S PONY BALLET The biggest team of any vaudeville theatre is at the Bijou. Zlnn s famous pony ballet, the pretty auburn-haired girls, head the big bill thla week. For. expert dancing, and light, beautiful movement, they take the palm. There la five of them, and each ia a wonder. They are making the Bijou more popular than ever, which I saying a good deal. Tralnor and Button, the comedy aketch artists, and the Kelleys, wonderful char acter actors, are making a lot of friends. The Bijou thla week present an un usually attractive performance. "CAPTAIN LETTARBLAIR . Everybody Is looking forward to the opening of the Columbia Theatre com pany stock season on Sunday, Septem ber 4. and seats are selling like the pro verbial hot cakes. It Is safe to say that one of the largest audiences ever aasemblcd In Portland will be on hand to welcome Miss Countlsa on her return, and meet the magnificent stock company which will make lta premier In "Captain jLastlarblair." "Tata INSIDE TRACK." Few dramatic events have aroused the Interest which-attaches to the open lng of the Weldemann Stock company In The inside Track," Sunday after noon. From the way the seats are go Inc. it looks as If every theatregoer In town would try to crowd Into the Em plre at the two performances next 8un day. A sure way to get on "The Inside Track" 1 to go and see it aW Tata MONEY. Tonight I when the 816 is given away at the Lyric, SB at each performance. Earh ticket purchased entitles the holder to a coupon entitling the holder to par ticipate In the drawing. The performance this week ia exceptionally clever and strong. "PABIO ROslAMI ' It 1 no theatric exaggeration to say that on Sunday night at Cordray's theatre there will be offered one of the strongest attractions ever presented at this house. "Fablo Romani," aa "are ented by James Keane and hi re markably fine company, will be of a character such as to claim the serious attention of the moat, critical aa well as thought mi memise'S or me community Not only thla. It Is o strong and power ful that It also appeal to those who are Battened with that which appeals only to the passions and tha eye. CJYCLONB' AT Vyrione" risks hi life three times dally to ride up the Devil's Chimney at lb Star theatre. He climb up the per notice or sale or bankrupt rook. tn the District Onart of the United States, for the district of Oregon. In tli matter of Long A Ring ham Lumber company, a c.wpotation. lanarupt. la bankruptcy. Notice la hereby rivet, that pursuant to an order of sale Made by the above court on the ztn aav or Auguat. iw. id, unuerairut-u tm.tee. J. c. Long or tillage ugove, Oregon. win, ob TBusoay, the ato day m Mepicmrier, 1104. at 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day. ell In telk. upon aealed bida. to the hlghi-et Milder ror cash in hand, ail tntt atoca or gooa ware and merchandise of the above bankrupt and also will at aald time tell In bulk all (lie lumber end shingle of aald bankrupt. Bid to be made cn lumber and ahlnglea separate rrom bids on merchandise. A certified, check Darabl to the older of the undef turned eoual to 10 per cent of the amount of the hid muat accompany eacn mo. i . pie or ir.e inventory of the aald merchandise, showing the coat thereof, and also coplea of the lovei-tory of said lumber and ahlnglea are on file and can De aeen at the office of B. L. Bsbtn. la Portland. Ore gos. at the offlo of O. A. Wtntermeler. referee In henkrjptey. In Eugene. Oregon, and at the office of the nnderslgned trustee, J. O. Long, at Cottage IJrov. Oregon. Kald merchandise, lumber slid shingle are. In Bald Cottage Grvve. and can be there examined. Blda to be opened at the office of aald C. A. Wintrrmeler. In Eugene. Oregon, at the hour of I o clock in the afternoon of aald September 8. 1004. Said sale to be aubjict to -ipproval of the above court. Dated at Cottage Grove. Oregon, thla I'ltti day of Augutt, 1804. 1. C I." M Truat. I NOTICE. in. I- will be r Ived at the office of the President. Lewie and Clark Exposition. Sirnrin building, up to Boon of Thursday, September 1 1004. for th electric wiring of following buildings: Liberal Arts. Foreign Exhibits. Eor- elry. Agriculture. Main Entrance and Nneiter. Fire Department ana uunnc I'omrort; awo ror Incandescent lamps, according to plans and specification In toe office of Director of Work a. Bid will be received at the office of the president. Lewi nd Clark eipoaltlon. ap to boob. August 27. 1004, for the construction of haalna. cement aten. balustrades buttresses. tc . for sunken gardens at fair ground. I'laas and specification can be seen at the office of director or rhltccrure, room n. Biearn mag. Sealed bid will be received for the furnish ing of school at Arlet. Oregon. For list, en quire of W. A Schooling. 1ST Bnrnlde treet. or Robert A. Taylor, at Lauralwood, Ml. Scott car line. meetino notice. NOTICE Or STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholder ol tn Mountain Lion Gold Mining company, for the election of a board of directors to aery for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business a may coins before the meeting, will be held at the office of the comiany. room SOS to 810 Mohawk building, Portland, Oregon, on September 14. 1004. at the hour of 11 o'clock . m. JOHN M. G SARIN. Secretary Mountain LloB Gold Mining Co. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED For U. l. Army Able-bodied un married men. between age or 21 ana an. rltlscn of t'nltrd State, of good character and temperate hahlta. who can apeak, read and write English for Information, apply to Recruiting Officer. Third and Oak sis.. Portland. Or. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 320 Third at. Phon Main 1018. Tour order for help will furnish cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, all class help, abort notice; IS factory girl. BARBER trad taught by our new method. which enahle indent io earn wages wnu learning. Call or ddra for free catalogue. AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE CO.. No. S North Sixth at SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOR of an description, promptly auppiled. Free ox charge to employer. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 30 North Second itreet. near Burnslde. MEN to learn barber trade tn eight week and secure profitable positions, .special induce ment this month. Catalogue mailed free. Moler System College, San Francisco, Calif. AGENTS Beat wage ever paid; mnst be well known and experienced, can Between u a. m. to 8 p. m., IOoUj First at., room 4. MEN wanted, to read the "Male Help Wanted" advertlaements; yon ll always nna a nnmner of good opening among them. WANTED A good boy to drive meat delivery wagon; muat be a ruatier. call at an Weidler st. PLT-MRERB wanted at SSS First at., Salmon HELP V7 ANTED FEMALE. GIRI.S! Keep your eye on Journal want col umn; what you want l very uaeiy aaver tlsed tn tbee column today; read them carefully. WANTED Neat lady to do light chamber work in rx-hunge ror good room ana nreasraei The Ruby. 381 tt Alder at. WOMEN and girls .wanted to work In fruit fan any. Apply at va r.igntn ana in vision. Holme Canning Co. GIRL wanted to tt In housework. 811 Klrhy at., cor. railing. Tel. Eaat B72. genera lng. 811 Klrby, corner rail WANTED Ironer. t'nloa laundry. Second and Columbia st. TAILORESS wanted. Birch!!'. ISA Fourth t. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SHOES hlf-oled for BOc at Rnllabaugh'. 287V, Taylor bet. Third and ronrth. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG woman, bright tn office work, good typewriter, bat not stenographer, desire po sition ; ha knowledge of bookkeeping. 0. IS, The journal. EXPERIENCED dres.maker desire, work by day or at home; price reasonable. am College st YOUNG lady wishes position companion or houwork. M. in, care or Journal. WAjTTEIJ TO KENT. WANTED To let yon know that advertising your vacant rooma in journal warn coiumna it th easleat and quickest way to Sad de treble occupant; 10 cent pays for 21 word. WANTED Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, gas and bath; state price. R. IS, Journal. WANTED to rent, two small plane of 6 or 10 acres ob car line. 284 H Morrison t- pendlcular walla of a cylinder at a speed of 60 miles an hour, when a fall would Imperil life and limb. Cyclone rides at 3:80, 8:80 and 9:80 p. m. NOVELTIES AT TRIE ARCADE Paces and ring picture of famous pugilists are flashed on th canvas at the Arcade during the act of McKeever and Sandry, while a song; tells of the prowess of these giants. A humorous boxing bout Illustrating the blows that won and lost fortunes concludes this vaudeville novelty. There are many other at the Arcade. "A RUNAWAY MATCH." It Is doubtful if such a Coamo polltan audience ever gathered at Cordray's theatre as did last night. The management had given th freedom of the house to the delegates of the na tional miners' congress. The night's performance of "A Runaway Match" was marked by special features. Kl Paso and Salt Lake City each in turn cam in for their share of the fun. DID THE BUG 9 ffYLWv2JnTTEU jLFA if Yq n have not already done mimimmmm so, write your ads to day, and be sure to advertise in Journal Want Columns. 21 words for 15 cents at main or branch offices. EMFLOt NT AOENOTXB. HELP of all description furnished nlk, logging camp, xaexonee. irw w mmivir . . Alploc Employuent Agency. Bear Morrlaoa. 133 First at Phon Main IB1T. ALL kind of male help fornlahcd on abort i, tic., free to employer. WILLIAMS A atOL'SH. 3S North Second at. 'Phone Red 151. LAMI -position aecured and fenukt help furnUbed. The Oregon Woman' Employ ment Agency. SOS AUaky building. Phon Clay 408. , ' . AMERICAN Employment Agency. Help of all kind rurnianeu, on nori none; mn orom promptly attended to. IS N. Id at. Main 2118. MOUNT !IOOI EMPLOtMENT AGENCY, fur- nlh fr c to too Itll Mill E HELP. Hunger A Colilna. 270 Burnslde. Hood 114T. FOR LADIES ONLY. PORTLAND Women's Employment Compny. 218 Allaky. cor. ad and Mornaon. nea dubi. JAPANESE Employment mesne, rarmnenaa, Phon Clay 60S. etc. 0B North nrta at PIONEER BMPIJDYMJINT 00.. Labor contrac tor; help free to employer 110 Mornaon. HELP wanted and uprilled. male or female. R. Q. DRAKE. 20fH Waablngton St.. clay ee WORK for sen. men for work. HANSEN'S OPPTCR. SS North WANTED ROOMS. WAITED P.v young man, one or two small. inexpensively rurnisnen muiseaecping rnoui. with ga tnve: cheap rent; within walking distance: cleanliness and quiet tbe mala ob jects. In answering state rent and whether there I bath. Addrese Y 1. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AN ADVERTISEMENT Like this In Journal want column coM S cent a Un each Imertlon It Is ttractlv and reaehe th people yea went to reach. Try onel WANTED The addre of a mall or large , . ti, ...... Aontnruo planing mill ov iiimiHu, . i"'o" for lnlde finish work, and Inclined to tke in th mnufrtur of cbnreh furniture to fill In: Cthollr firm, or uch in cIom touch with Ctholle work nrefered. For prtleulra addrea J. E. H thla office. WANTED 000 hone to reehlngl before th rainy eeaeon acta In. ntlmate given on ail kind of shingling. For reapotwlbl work and reasonable price, call up rOSTER ft KIRK. Phone Union 100S. WANTED Place to keep small rowboa'. Ad dress E 8. c re of Journal. i - -g FOE RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. SITS PER WEEK Large. cla. forulahed bouekep1ng room, with ae of lsnndry. bath, phone; also cheap fnralahed eottagee J, Landlg-aa. 1S4 Sherman. Phone Clay SOS. FOR RENT Housekeeping room in all part of th city. Read thla claadocatloB If yoe are looking fur some. San SIXTH t.: nicely famished boaaekeep- j lng apartments; light front rooms. 0. lieaiy. prop. 8 NEATLY furnlbed housekeeping room, strictly modern; private residence. 218 Grand ve.. Norm. THE Tempieton, 209V Itt t., nicely furnished housekeeping and single room: reasonable. FOR RENT FTTRNltTHED ROOMS. RIVERSIDE nOTEI-84B Esst Oak. rural shed snd unfurnished rooma. single and en suite; lodging, 81 per week and up. Phon Scott FURNISHED room ad In Journal want col ntnna bring results; 21 word for IS cants I the rat. Have you any roonwT THE CECIL, furnlnhed room and hoard, perma nent or transient ; terms reasonable. 91 North Park S Phone Main 4840. THREE or four large, handsomely furnished room, kitchen, with hot water, gas, phone, r.o.'i Yamhill. FURNISHED room for rent; large front parlor; 200 Fifth at., ear. Madtaon. Also room and board. THE TEMPLE Large, nicely furnUbed room; reasonable. S48H T: mhlll St.. cor Seventh. ROOMS WITH BOARD. BOARD with room, well furnished: modern convenience: table board. 221 Thirteenth at. ROOM and board for two young men: reaaon able; private family. 30 North Eighteenth at. NEWLY furnished, room, with or without board; reasonable. B02 Clay. Phone Clay 6086. FOR RENT FLATS. FLAT for rent; 8-room brick flat; bath, toilet, closets and pantry. 823 Williams ave. ; 110 Including water rent. S-ROOM MODERN rLAT. ckiee in. west side. 320: furniture for !. A. 4. Journal, FOR RENT HOUSE. A MODERN B-mom cottage, with rang, carpets and shads. 815.00; no children; or will aell t a l.arealn: Til Grove st , 3 block north Montavllla car line; call mornings before 10 nd after eveninga A GOOD horn I alwaya a Bnnree of pleasure, many nice house that will msks good homes are ccnstsntlv advertised In Journal want column. Ar yon looking for onel Nl-W modern 0-rnom houae on th eaat Id In a good location. 820, 821. Inquire of Hartman Thompson ft Powers. S Chamber of Commerce. FOR rBt or ear. 1011 William arcane. 8-room houae. all mode.-n convenience. Apply John Bain. 224 Stark t. rei. main itw. ai ni-RRAX HOME S acre: vlheyard, orchard herrle. cow. good plac for chickens. Phone Wct ZWl. A S-ROOM fist, completely furnished. bth ... aoo site visa, el., r. S DO KIR, lor ' ' " v. aw. -- - --, - - - $13 MODERN B-room eotuge; bath; delrble; key next ooor. eun pieisou sv. FOR SALE HORSES AND CARRIAGES. I RUY. aell. rent or exchange horse, wagon, hugglc. rubber tire runhout, hrnea. camp, lng outflta; livery tn connection. Phone Main 112B. Red Front Stable. 10th, Juat off Waah tngto. ' FOR SALE Ilorae. barnea. heavy wagon nd rock-bed. team weigh 3.000 Iba. Inquire 84 North Twenty -second at. YOU CAN Mil year horse or waeou by adver tising It la Journal Want Column; try them; 31 word for 1 cents. rOKEST RESERTE tCXtW. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP roB SALS Ap proved, enrestrleted, ready for Immediate reae: lowest prices E F. ft I. B. Ulley, SOS lhamker of OrsiUMrce. i .' . '. o A. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING -HO THE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT ft CO. 126-S Ablngb n Bldg. Phone Main 106. 2S ROOMS Good location, wall furnished. 3 ear lease, rent 6B, now clearing over 100 per month. Price 32.200. hlngtc eyerr respect; bl money maker. 33.000. Pf lag 8 ROOMS Sixth t.. near P. O. ; very netly furnished; rent 330. clearing about SS0. Price only 1560 B-ROOM HOI'SE Right down town, well fer- niahed. lew rent; thla la th neat Bar gain on th lUt. Only 8850. ROOMS Near Portland hotel, finely fur nished, good location, houae up. to data In every respect. Only 87pO. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. NOTICE. WE WANT rooming-houae. 20 to 40 rooma; alao smaller places 0 to 12 or IS rooma. TAFT ft CO.. 12S S Ablngton Blk. BUSINESS CHANCES" advertisement Is Journal Went Column bring big return; If yon want to buy or sell a buslBe. try tbem; 21 words for 15 cents. WHAT have you to exchange a fall payment or part payment for a life Insurance policy In on of the largest old 11b compaale? Addre M. 72. Journal. "OR SALE Houae. lots, farm, rooming house, reatxurants. clgsr stand, ror can or time. 234 Vi Morrison at. SofO CIGAR and confectionery, with Ire cream ana living room. sss rmt t.. South Portland: rent 88. A email dairy and rout for !; also col lie pupa for aale. ana tent. IZXIB. Phone neon wo. FOR SALE Cigar atand; call JOveetlgate; long lease, cheap rent, owner. 14 sixth. 8180 TAKES best restaurant on eaat aide. Call t 3SS E. Morrison. tor PROP1SRTY OWNERS If you have any prop erty tor sate, sovernse it m tneae column. Journal Want Ada are great real estate ales men: 21 Word for 18 cent. rOR SALE Residence close In; 10 rooms: ces n cnt w.i ik: furnace, gaa: suitable Tor room ing or boarding bouse. Address owner, V. Zl. Journal. FOR SALE 8 acres of land 4 mile from court house; fruit on place; all cultivated; for 8860. 234V, Morrison st. RELINQUISHMENT on 180 acres land near Lyle. Waah.; good two-room houae; good well; about two acre fenced. N. 10. Journal. IOR SALE fl-room bouse and lot st Eorty seennd and Division tn. ; hot and cold water; fl.400. Call at 224H Waablngton at., room 10. rOR farm, acreage, city property, choice tim ber and homestead locations, see Mnxweh ft Burg, 310 Ablngton bldg., Portland, Or. T-ROOM cottage. No. SS4 Corbett t.. with fin orchard: lot norioo reet; rent 10 per month. Inquire Frank Hacheney. 040 Corbett st HOMES built on Installment; several new houses about complete: 81. 850 tn 82.800. O. M. Smith, 714 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN, If sold at once; one 8-rnom and on 7 mom colonial residence, all attietly modern and close In Apply 408 E. 17th t. roR SALE 5. 6 and 7-room houses, from the owner and builder. In tbe city or suburb, for a bargain. Address Box 1078, city. 3100 LOT for 875. near Lent. If takes at ore. K. 13. The Journal. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IN roar store room you probably bare some thing of no me to yon. but It' good, and yon may Jut a well get caah for It by advertising In Journal want columns: 21 word for IB cent. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. Visible writing. Tsbulntor. Ball bearing. Light running. Agency SB Front at. Phone Red 1031. FOR SALE Pine kit of talking parrots. Angdra cats fancy birds and pet atock at Portland Bird Co., 304 Third street and 127 North Sixth. Everything guaranteed. BILLIARD AND POOL tahlea tor rent or for ale on ey payment. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE COLI.ENDER CO.. 40 Third St.. Portland. TO DAI RYMEN If you wsnt a good, well-bred fresh cow cheap, see E. A. Hyde, Oak Park, St. Jnhna. Or. BICYCLE closing OSt aale; 340 Wolff-Aroerl-cana now 326. Seventh and Morrison ata. THOROUOHHRED pedigreed fox terrier pup ties, 184 N. Nana St. Phone 13B3. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT you have and don't want b jut what someone else needs and can't Oud. If you'll advertise It In Journal want columns yon can make good trade. Try them; 21 word for IB cent. JTOIlSALEjORRENT FOR RALE OR RENT- Cigar atand la good lo cation. Inquire 248 Yamhill at. PERSONAL. I. J. Hlishhelmer. pension ttorney. coumelloi at-law, pensions; War of th Rebellion. In dian war. Act of June 27. 1800. order No. 78. widow, children snd dependent relative, bounties atrears, onmmutstlone and claims galnat the U. R. 233 Washington st MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globule. One month treatment. 82; 3 month. SB; nent securely aealed by mall. Agent, Woodird. Clarke ft Co.. Portland. Or. YOUR pT"erlptlon are more ceurtelv and reasonably ailed at Eyaeir Pharmacy, 227 Morrison t. bet. First snd Second ara. PERSONAL Your bnlne or professional card In Journal Want Column will bring yes biurtnosa; 21 word for 18 rents. Try It. CATER only to th best people, specialist oe dleeaee nf th hair and aeslp. Mr. JC. De Vcre. 500 Dekuaa. Phon Hood 807. ASTHMA actus II v and permanently cured; all obstinate virulent dleea scientifically treated. Dr. Vonee. 181 Vi First et. ON Slow Train Through Arknw." by Jackson; mil of run and jog; Jo Jones' Rook1or. 201 Aldr t. YOUNG WIDOW desires to meet elderly gentle man of good pneltlon. Address G 0, Journal. HME. H. B. Ely. dermatologiat, aeslp tuataasl. shampoo, electric massage 211 Cnniatisgk I Bi FOR RENT STORES. FOR RENT Good location for barber or taller bop or any a mall bualaes. Inquire 274 First at. LOST AND FOUND. POUND One black mare, alout 1,100 pounda. (Inner call at 733 Waaeo at., pay chargea and take away. Tel. Eaat ICS. LOST Many good opportunities eviry dsy yon fsll to read Journal Want Column. Don't ml tbem. FOR FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for sale Is all parts ef Ore gon and Waablngton- payments mad to ull purcoaacr. ror tail particular ID van- oss properties apply to Wa M Master. 411 orceat er BSSX. SIXTY-TWO a. re farm 20 mile from Portland; 22 arrga In cultivation. 10 In pasture, good lo use and barn. T. 20. Journal. WOULD you like to Uv on live on sjrm1 This Is ntpare often ad- wnere many excellent vertlaed. Loos for M0NET TO LOAJs. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money AO kstn. No eommllon. as la a position te make Immed'ate loan on improved real estate er for be'ld lng par pons: nay amount: ssoJerate Inter est we approve loan from pirae and d Bce money a building progresses. Optloa Is repayment after one rear. FRED II. STRONG. Financial Agest. 103 S -ootid St.. sear Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarled emnlove. ware-earn-, e set en hi sot, without mortgage Month. ., month Week. Wr 00 Repay In a 813.88 or 80 88 or 83 83 82B.OO Repay tn n I 8 88 or 88.88 or 81. 8S i.i -si Kepay to as 8 4.00 er 82 no oe 31.00 ConSdentfaf. 110 McKay bldg.. 103V, 3d- BAIARY .OANS Anv salaried person having a stesidy position with responsible Arm eaa obtain money on the itmj payment plan, wtrs ont nubUctty or del; all hsalneee treated trlctly conAdenttal. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. 331 Ablngton bldg.. city LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN To Salaried People. Strictly Confidential. Office hoars, o a. m. to 8 s. as. EMPLOYEES' LOAN C&. A. Room 71 Th rukasi MAe S. W. cor. Third end Washington st. MONEY TO LOAN on resl. personal and col lateral security: special attsnttoa to chattel mortgage: notes nought. C. W. PUt. 313 Commercial blk. Phone Main 1388. . FROM $100 to 31,000. rates 7. 8 and 10 per cent; and from 31.000 to 128.000 at 8 per cent, by CHARLES HIRSTRL. 88 u. Third t., room 8, opp. Chamber of Commerce, LOANS! LOANS! LOANS' ' Private parties having money to loan from 320O up. call or addreaa 832 Mohawk Bldg., Third and Morrison. SEE THE Dunn-Lawrence Co.. real estate snd o,u. in, ajcrnis, money " iunu nu uiuriasav counties at low rate tn auma fun 3SO0 to 3in.oon. ug ut at. MORTOAGB LOANS on Improved dry and farm property at lowest csnebl rates; baUdls laana. 'lstsllroent loans. Was. MaeMaatsr. 811 Worcester bldg. MONEY loaned on nlinoa fnenltnee snd chattel seen rl tie; all buainee (trlctly pri vate, NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. 321 Ablng to bldg . etty. ss-M.r.i to loss m large or assail amounts ea good security; lowest rates. William O. Beck. 807 Falling bids. MONEY ADVANCED salaried etc.. without security: easy payments; larg est business In 40 principal cities. TolmaB. 223 Ablngton Mas. i CHATTEL loan In arvnonnta ranging frets 829 to 98.000; rooming -house a anerialtv Mew Era Less ft Truat Co.. 208 Ablngtos bid. CHATTEL loan: rooming braaees a epeetatty. loan tn salaried people. New Era Lnaa ft Trust Co.. 205 Ablngtos hid. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved er unimproved city prop, rty In sums to salt Psrrlsk. Wat klna ft Co.. 250 Alder st. LOANS at lowest rate on furniture, piano: any aeenrlty notes purchaser Eaa tarn Loss office. 410 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Clackama eountv land. E F ft r. B. Riley, 808 Chamber of Com ATTORNEYS. PACIFIC Coaat Law ft Collection Agency Portland office, 700 Chamber of Commere. S B. RIGGEN, attorney and couneelloi -at law: notary. SOS-SOS Ablngton tldg. LSHEPBSRD. ANDERSON A CELLARS A timers 810820-821 Marqnam bldg. ARCHITECTS. HODGSON ft CO. Architects and Dperin tendenta. Suite 813 Macleay bldg. cor. Feu-ia and Waablngton st Goodrich ft Gvsidiich. srchltects; Wm. W. CkvmI rlch. conultlng engineer. 180 6th. Front lfifl?. ASPHALT PAVTIC0). THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland! Office 885 Worcester blk ART METAL WORKS. ORNAMENTAL work for .residences, bnalneaa booses, bank and office railing, grill, fire place fitting, ebandeller. eigne, fences, art work 1b any tyle metal and finish; tummered leaf work and metal spinning a specialty; nnnmng -onstrnctnral were. i K. Tuerck. 402 404 Davl. cor Ninth. BABOINO AMD LI0HTERINO. OREGON ROUND LUMREB CO.. St. Phon Oesnt 11T1. 181 Burnslde C 0 AL ANDWOOD GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hoyt. car. 11th; washed lamp eootless coal. 38.00 per ton; nut. 83.00; agent for Cumberland Range, 87.00; Caatle Gate. 88.50; wholesale prices: free delivery; full weights; aatlafac tlon guaranteed. Phon Main 048. STEEL bridge wondyard. Be sure and ee ua before you bay wood and coal ; fall measure guaranteed. Office, 218 llolladay ave. Phone Eaat 421. E. Ismertne. Manager. GfHiD fir enrdwood at 38.75 delivered to any place within 20 block of Eighth and Haw thorn street Phon., Scott 4076. Al.H1 N A FUEL CO., Railroad at. and Alblna see., near ferry; slab and bkrk weed, dry and green. Phone Kaat 574. GORMAN COAL CO. Front and Pettygrov ts. Call na up. PHONE MAIN WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO.. Psoas 1018. Castle Oats coal and all other coal oa th market 164 North Fifth St. HOOVER ft CONWAY. 318 Water St.. tha plac for good 4-foot, live fir fire wood. Pbone Malr. 450. PIONEER Fuel Co. rv moved from foot Mor rises to foot Main at. Phoo Mais 1SS. C. B VEUN. first ctaaa wood and coal: office 83 Alblna are., near ferry. Phone Eat 1833. OREGON FUEL CO ; II kind of coal an Mala 8. COMMISSION MER1HANTB. EVBRDING ft FARRELL. nroduc and eomm lon merchants 10 Front St.. Portland. Or. PssMs Mala ITS. CAFES. IBB OFFICE, SM Wash'.ugti n st-. Ms la 771. Picket ft Vlgneaua. .boa A CAFE KR ATE. 133 Sixth rs at all hours. CROCKERY AMD GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and guiaawar. I'rasL Hegel ft lo.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmist, card teaser; 1 aire facta rellabl nd 1m- Ktsat on all affaire of roal life. Reading 106 Fourth st. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBEBG-G t'NST CIGAR CO. OlsUibutors of FINS CIGARS. - Portland. Oregon. CEMENT CONTRACTOR. HAWKINS ft CO. Residence. 206 Fourth at. phon Front 12SS: cement work of all 3s rrtptlooe; step work pectalty; work guar anteed CHAS. H. CARTER ft CO. (formerly Csrtr ft Ell), cement contractors. 874 Taggsrt. Phon Eaat 1875. All work guaranteed. CARPENTERS AND " riLDEBS. A. J. AUTUOaB ft II. E. WOOD, carpenters od builder; r pairing and tobblag; a tor And office fixture built Shop 200 Columbia. PboB Clay 1861. FANNINO ft ARMSTRONG Carpenter and builder, r pairing and lobbing, reasonable rates. Saop ear. Fourth snd Columbia. Front 1285. G. W. GORDON, counter shelving, house Beilt nd resslted. 208 Fourth. Clay its. C14XR0P0DT AND MAHICURINO. Wat. DEVBNY ft ESTELLE DEVBNY, th only clentlfir cblropodlat. uerlors 2US Drew Kt. un i . rs.... as. I. i soi - kl bldg.. 182 Second at. Phone Mla 1301. I the long-haired gentleman. Ha I man yon ar looking foe LADIES' and children' garment, silk aklrta. walata and sj-.ipper made to order. 188 Eleventh at, telephone Main 3127 MRS. McKIBBEN. artistic dress sad clok- maktng. 551 Morrison st. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. 8. J. CARNEY Veterinary aurgi-cn. 108 North Sixth st. Phon Mala 1484; res. BhlBi. Msln S887. DECORATORS. HENRY BEHGER 180 rirst St.; wllpaper. Ingi-slna tape tries. . apillqu fries. Inter ior decorating DYEING AND CLEANING. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING Work: practical batter to connection; feather boa and plume denned and curled by an ex pert. 211 Fonrth Phono Clay 704. i. HUNTER. 850 Jefferson St.. etsara carpet and mattress cleaning: feather renovating: all wees guaranteed. Phone Main 214. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED tl per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 847 waning- tos at. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and cleaner. BOS JstYsrsoB st. Phone Msln 2818. FRATERNAL INSTJBANOE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON roremoet frater nal society of northwest; protects the 11. lag. J. L. Mitchell, eopreme aecretary S12 and SIS Maronam bid.. Portland, Or. Tale phone Main 842. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. SO Stark St.. Portland: O. K. for everything lo the electrical line. Phone. Main 1888. FURNITURE FACTORIES. FURNITURE manufacturing and apcclal orders. L. Ravsasky's furniture factory. 870 Front st OREGON Furoltur Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of furniture for th trad. MM Flrat at. GROCERS. WADHAMS ft CO. whole le grocers manu facturers and commtaalou jnerchsnts. Fonxta aid Oik at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, eommlaslon and produce mer chants. Front and Davla ata., Portland, or. LANG ft CO.. First and Ankeny at' BATS CLEANED. EASTERN Hst Manufacturing Company .122 First, near Clay; hat dyed, cleaned, blocked BOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan; 83. 8S per day. Belvedere: European plan: 4th and Alder sts. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. UNITED Carriage Co., rubber tired carriages, tally-bos blaln 222. IBS 11th. cor. Morrison. HUMAN HAIR BOLLS. J. J. BORG. maker human hair roll. 428 E. 0th. Tel. Bait 2211. Store. 388 .Morrison at. INSURANCE. JAS. Met. WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual accident surety bond of all kinds. 47. 302 McKay bldg. BL F. B ARTELS COMPANY, fire lassa-sacs. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone Clay 628. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy ft Co.. 231 Bberloct bldg. Phone Main 185. ARTHUR WILSON, fir. tnsarsnes. Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1008. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORHS Engineers, roano factsrer of marine, mining, logging snd w Bill machinery; prompt attention to repair work Phon. Eaat 20. Hawthorn a vs. u E. 3d. RTtnalCAX. VIOLIN, mandolin, cornet, clarinet and sll string afli wind Instrument. Prof. Edwin A. Smith. Main 4703. 254 Twelfth t T. E. LAWSON. 240 Park. cor. Main, piano les sees; terms reasonable. Phon Front til. MASSAGE AMD BATES. VAPOR bsths and maeaage by lady with young lady aealataat. 110 Fourth, room S. MRS. OBROCK. meeaeu, has returned from the eaat. Union Boat MUSIC DEALERS. FISHER MUSIC CO.. 10 Third at. Victor tslklng machines; repairing. RedSSB, VERALLS, BOSS Or THE ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing; union made. Neustadter Brae., manufacturers Portland. Or. PLUMBERS. FOK ft CO.. eanltarj plumbers. 231 Second, bet Mala Sad Salmon. Oregon phone. Main tool DONNRRBFRG ft RADEMACTIER. plumbers removed ti 34 Fonrth et. Both phones. PAINTINO AND PAPER-BANGING. F. B BUTTON, painter and paprbangr. 178 Madison st. west cad of bridge. PATXNTS L 0. WRIGHT. Iiwyer; patents a specialty'. protect voor invention Room r4 Deksaa. FEES CLJPPINCrS. MAKE MOMEII USE PRFJjPcLiiIMNOSI Ring sp Slack 11 and ordJf Booth's service covering ever town In any or all coast statea; dally messenger Br!o: advenes ISSSila Ml sll contract stork. Port la ad ofSc J0 Second t LATINO. I M OUEOON PLATING WORKS. 41 Wash, lugton alr.-et. Pboa 2873. Pullshlog. plat Isg and lacquering. FAINTS. OIL AMD GLASS. r- B REACH ft CO. Pioneer Paint Co.. Mill is J . ' made la paint and general halldlug materials: wlndow-glaa and gluing a apee'alty. I'M Firt t. : phon Mem 1334. BAJ,,n DONNE ft CO. Phoenlg Paint 4 . .Wol:?,; sianu'acturer and Importer Plnta. oils and nrav. etc.: phon 5gT. office A rashu. s- - . ,1. . .k . . ' sBFonia ave. aou niBaiasexo Wv - rULLER ft CO.. mannfactprar 11 as as Fooeolx Paint. Knpallne: a gnsraat alvon with ery gallon of paint manufaetared ay ss. RASMUSFM h ro.. tobnees. pslnta. eta, sssbsnd doors 180 First t. .'RINT1MO. Bt'snoNO ft CO., Front and Stark .ta.. print ing, llthogranhlng. blank hooka and office nni-lle: work don on time: most oomplet printing office In th west. Mala 104. ANDERSON ft DONtWAY COME ANT. nriBtlaw. Ilthogrsnbln. blaik book. Phoss Mala IT, ret Alder at. RO0FTM0. TIN ROoriNO. gurterlog, repairing and jormng. j. xsasn, gig jerrersoB ALL kind of roof repaired nd painted. W. I Farrell. 601, First. Scott 043 ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. ear. nd North rup t Portland Or. RUBBER STAMPS, P f setup wnava sis to Main 710: rahber a tamp, seals, stencil, bag. gsgw. araoe cneca; snq ror ca la log ua. SPRAY.'NO AND WHITEWASHING. pit, vivn .nA in aa menta. barn, dock, etc.. M. O. Moras B Co. Call up Scott 284. w will call and glvs you figure oa yoar work. Th urge, sollne spraying and whltswsshlng osist In Multnomab county. 070 Mllwaukle at. Portland, Or. LARGEST stock la city: Diebnld work: lockouts opened; repair, jail work, steel celling, treats ment and good meriting your patronages J- E. Dart. 88 Third st STORAOE ABB TRANSFER, SAFES, plaaas and fsmlture ssovsd, pseketl ready tor shipping and shipped; all work guaraatecd; large 3-story brick fireproof wsrehouss for t,.rmm urn... toa ekl . a M. OLSEN. Pbop Main S47. C-0- PICK, office 38 First t.. between Btsrsl and Oak at.: phone BOB; piano and furni ture moved and packed for ahlpplng ; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. FrooS snd Clay sts. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of fvery dearriotloa; hank, bar nd afore fixtures made to order. Th Lutke Manufacturing Co.. Portland and Seattle. TRANSFER AND HAULING. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Sixth. telephone Main SB. Heavy hauling an 4 torsgs. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. SOOVa Waah Ington st Phon Or. Main 082. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS sew Mars street. We rent, repair, sell, exchange type writers, 411 (applies for an machine. Btandnrd machines 825 and op to Sion. Do you want a etenographer or typlatt - W ave Hat of good anpllrants. Phono Black 2871. ALL MAKES of typewriter foe rent at Under wood Typewriter Agency. SS Front at TRUNK FACTORY. PORTLAND TRUNK MTO. CO. Wholesale and retail. Phone Clay 38. Cor. 3d ft Pine. Portland. Send for catalogue, . TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, bruah. soap. (1 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply company, 4th and Couch. Phon 420. WHERE TO DINE. BTROCSE'S RESTAURANT, first-class best service. 820 Waablngton st WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-188 BsesssT St. bet Yamhill sad Taylor. Portlard. FINANC1AL. I imtahllshed In looV) Transact a Oarearsl Banking ItintlnsSi Interest Allowed ob Tim Deposit. Collection! mads st all uolsta oa favorable) terms. Letter of credit issued available la Europe and all point in the United States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer Bold OB New York. WaahlngtOB. Chicago, Bt Lout. Denver. Omeha. ban kTfcoclaeo and Mon tana and Britlab Colombia. Exchange old ua London, Paris. Bsrtta, Frankfort, Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu FOIST MATTOMAX, BAMX Of Portland. Or. -Designated Depository and Financial Agent 4t th United State. Pres'deot .....A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NBWKIRK Assiataat Cashier ......W. a ALVORD Second Aaalstant Csshler B F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued avalleM Is Europe and tbc Eastern (Hale. Sight Exchange and Telegrapblo Trsjsafsr old cn New York. IVsitoB, Chicago. St Louie, St Paul. Omaha. San Francises snd the principal nolnt In tbe Northwest Sight and time bill d rasas la mm to salt on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort -OS-ids Msln. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlatlana. Stoekkolmv St Pe ten. burg. Mos cow. Zurich. Hon- lulu. Collection made on favorable term. IT STTTTtTj STATES W ATT O TV AT. ' OF PORTLAND. UgtUUfl. M0RTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. Transacts a uenrsi jssnsutg nuainsss. DRAFTS ISSUED. Avail. .t.r in all cities nf the United Stats asd Europe. Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OB FAVORABLE TERNS President VIce-ITealdeet.... Cashier. Aelataot Caahler. ... C AIMS WORTH ..W. B. 1ISB W. 8CHMEKK A. M. WRIGHT I FRANK WATSON It I.. Ut'KHAM Vice Prerident it. W. HOYT Csshler SEORGR W. HOYT. ....... .Assistant Caakls Tranaacta a Dsaarsl Hanging Buiinaaa. Drafts and letters nf credit leaned arallaMa to an nana or me worio. Collections a specialty. Gold dust iMTJOsT ft BAM jrmAMOIBOO BAMX. laiauxsii. Chamber of Ocmmeree Building, Third Bad Stark Street. Head Office. 88 Old Broad Street. Tvndrm. Thl hank fr;inacf general banking bo1 nes make loans, disccoin ts bill and Issue letters of credit vsllable for travelers and for the nurchaee of merchandlae In any city of tbs world Deale In foreign nd domestic exchange Interest paid nn time deposits. f W. A. MACRAE. Manager. f S" BCU BIT BAVISOB ft TB7JBT CO, SSS MorrianB St.. Portland, Or. Tranaacta a Oensral Hankie nnaineu. SAVTB0S DEPARTMENT. Intereat Allowed on Time and Savings DepraittA. Acts as Trrjatee fee Estates. Drafts snd letters of credit available In all part nf ,h. ssnrld e F. ADAMS President a I VW18 - - Fle-rl VIce-ITealdeot A. L Mlt.l-8 Second Vlce-Presldect B 0 JtlBrrB .Secretary MOBRTB BROS, ft CKBTSTZHSBK. Offer gl't edge rnvestmaet Is Municipal sad Railroad Bonds. Writ r rail. 18TH First St, pnrttnd. MORTGAOE UOAIV8 On Un-tlsnd Rs.i Kstnte at lavweet Rates TTTLK OUARANTHB TRUST CO. So I. Chamber et Coarsens.