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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
v.- I '. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11. 1904. THE NOTED VISITORS INSPECT FAIR MS 0 JAATZSB ' comnMioH inni bat xbsfbctwo uwa AJTD CLAJUC BITS OOYBBBOB VAJUDXB AaTO FAJtTT ASBXYB TO- mobbow. i. - . .1. .' . A party of Japan official, consist ing of Baron Matsudatra, vice-president of th imperial Japan commission to th world fair and coram tasloner to th Lewi and Clark exposition, and W secretary and two other royal commli. loners. Count J to and Too Takavangl. are In th city for th purpose of cou ferrtng with Colonel Down, director of conceaalon of the Lwl and Clark -. position. nd other Lwl and Clurk official, with a view to deciding th na ture of th Japanese xhiblt at th lair next year. . . Baroa Mataudalaa arrived thl morn- 'Ing and th other, arrived yeaterday. All are favorably impressed with tho laea or an eaminv, u - . around with the oftlclala In order o ' obtain a better Idea gof. what It 1 ' and nature ahOuld b. The comml aloner have come from, St. Louis, and If aaUafactory arrangement are made they will go to Japan, and begin work on the exhibit. Th St. Ixul exhibit will probably be augmented by f reah -material, which will be ordered -from Japan. Th . visitor will be taken out ' to th ground thla afternoon. Colonel Vouch said this morning: , "We snail lmply look over ' th ground with them" today. I hall not assign them any apse a yet." Th California . delegation will ar- : rlv tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock. Th party will be made up of nln of th moat prominent public spirited men - of California, headed by Governor Par dee. .Th tourlata will be met at the train by President Goode and other Lewla and Clark official, and will, be escorted to me roruana tor urossmau They will visit the . Lewla and Clark . fair ground during th day, and will . b gueata of honor at an Informal ban ' quel given either at th .Portland or the Arlington club. . . Th object of thla visit 1 to decide the nature and extent of the California exhibit at th fair next year. The legis lature of California ha mad an ap propriation of 130,600 toward this end. Tho fair management I anxious to In duce them to put th entire amount In a California building and secure another appropriation to pay th cost of the exhibit. , ' WHITECAPS AT WORK in rni DRAW) PIMPS 111 VvwUlini J V mil A J (Jnornal Sped at Service.) Oenver, Col., Aug. 11. A committee representing th CJUsena' alliance and ; th Mine Owner' association has noti fied tit DOnaamen tor tne men cnargeu with crlmea In connection with the. Vic- tot riot of June ,. that they will b de ported unless they' withdraw from the - twinriM. All bondsmen exceDt one asked to be released, and aa fast as the men on whoa bond they are .can be arrested their requests are being complied with. wonn nsrper ox v icior, one di id uo ported unionists, and late manager of U miners' union store In that city, r- turnea ana was seiseu ny . a panjr tig masked men and forced to leave town. His zi-year-oia son vu iiw nnin accompany him, but later was allowed to return. He was compelled toj!' Canyon City, from which place' he tele phoned his family that he wa safe, but that he had been beaten by the white caps and robbed of a small sum of money. . ' A band of Ave men made an attempt to deport George Sheldt at Crlppl Creek, but a soon aa they gained en trance to th house he began shooting. About a dosen shots were exchanged, . and th invader left th house. No one w' injured. All effort by th officer to locate the five men were unavailing. Rev. T. 8. Leland. at Victor, ha been ordered from the camp for being active In th Interest of th unionists. His horn Is being guarded by , deputy sheriff and friend. Schedule of Steamer. T. J. Potter. '" Th seaside steamer T. J. Potter will leav Portland. Ash street dock, for Astoria and Ilwaco as follows: . August it; Friday, f a.' m. ' " ." " ' ' ' August 11, Saturday, 1 a. m. - Get transportation and berth ticket at O. H. A N. ticket office. Third and Washington street. ' AOOVBBD BT OIBI. Or 14. ; ' fdpeelal Mapstrk to Th Journal.)'. - 4 HUlsboro, Or.. Aug. 11. Claud Jaek snn, 20 years old, was held yesterday by County Judge I A. Reed under $500 bond to appear before the circuit court for trial on charga mad by Bell Oer rltse, 14 years old. If you need anything In this tine, our ator Is undoubtedly th place for you to visit. We'll mak you happy. : . feXUian Jlrlislk XIf and Tciipcc HaKer fctlifactlon Cuaraateed hefor and After Wearing one of my famoua TouDeaa. ill (VM?i VV1 rittj Krlh mi " v. . oa -Waahlartoa St. rortlaad. Or. READS COMMENT ON HIS SPEECH (Special Dlrpat.1i te The Journal.) . Kaopus, Aug. 11. Parker spent the morning reading the' newspaper com ments on his notification speech. He had nothing to say regarding them and went horseback riding, accompanying carriage.. Jn . which wa a party of hi guest. ,.-. There were no caller of Importance during th day. The nomine haa d rklud to revise hi letter of acceptance In order ttat he may reply to a letter that la shortly to be sent out by Roose velt. He will delay th issu until the president's . document 1 published and digested. A result of th successful outcome rt his notification speech, hi friends are urging Parker to make a few cam paign speeches, and. It la aald. he 1 in Iclrned to yield to this suggestion. LORDS' ACTION HAY i .". CHECK CHURCH UNION (Journal ftpertal aVrvW.) Kew Tork. August 11 Fear are ex pressed by leading Presbyterian divine of thl and other cities lha,t th decis ion Just handed down 'by the house of lord in the' Fre Church of Scotland case may militate against th carrying out of plan for th union of various de nomination In thl country, plana which war expected to culminate successfully In th near future. A union of th Fre church and th United Presbyterlen church waa effected four year ago. Th union wa opposed at theMlme by a handful of minister of the Irs church, who carried th esse Into th house of lord. Th latter body ha now dclded the case In favor of the dissenting ministers and haa awarded to them the entire property and funds tn th-Fre Choretr ofScottand.aggrs-f gating nearly 000.000. The result of thl case, say leading Fresbyterlsn minister here, show that In th church unions now contemplated In America tho greatest ' car must be, exercised as to th legal side of the procedure, lest the minority who oppose th union, a In Scotland, may com Into possession of all th church property. Among the union now being discussed In this country are the Cumberland Pres byterian with th Presbyterian church In the United State of America; th Reformed Dutch church with the Pres byterian church South, and th Associ ated Synod of the South with th Uni ted Presbyterian church. NEW YORK CAMPAIGN , TO LAST SIX WEEKS (Josrsal Special Berrle.) '.'"" New Tork. August 11. Pursuant to the call of Chairman Odell, the Republican tat committee went Into session st the Fifth Avinue hotel this afternoon for th purpose of fixing a time and place for th holding of the Republican state con vention. It i expected that thai com mittee will telect the second weiek of September as the time for the state convention.- During that week th 60th anni versary of the organisation of th Repub lican parity la to occur,' and that fact is being urged aa on of th reason for th holding of th convention at tha time. If th Republican choose that -week th Democrats. It 1 understood, will choose the week following. Thl would permit a six peeks'' campaign In Kw Torky whlch leader on both aide are Inclined to think would be long enough. CITY MAY USE SEPTIC TANKS FOR SEWERS r (Special rHapatcb to Th Journal.) La Grande, Or , Aug. 11. J. 11 Child waa last night awarded th contract for building a septic tank to dispose of sewage In- the high school. The city I considering th idea of thl system of ewerag throughout th. cjty. If th experiment of tho system For th high school Is successful this will probably b don. CAPT. B1SSELL, U. S. A. ENDS LIFE BY GAS (Journal Special gerrles.) Ran Francisco, Aug. 11. Capt Eugene Blssell, Unltad State army, committed ulclde In his room at th Grand hotel last night by Inhaling illuminating gaa. His body-was found at noon today. Th motlv I unknown, unless It wa over th death In the east two month go of hi wife.' ymirrui KBIT. (Joernal Special service.) St Ixjuls, Aug. 11. Philippine veteran,- members of the National society. Army of th Philippine, ar rounding up In the world's fair city for, their fifth annual -reunion, which will be in nrsslon - during the remainder of this week. Th president of th society I Brlg.-Oen. Charles King of Milwaukee. Th delegate to the reunion com from Utah, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Cali fornia, Colorado, Illinois. Iowa. Kansas, Pennsylvania. North, Dakota, New York. New Jersey. Nebraska, Michigan. Mon tana, Missouri and Minnesota. Th big feature of th reunion will be th cele bration of Philippine day-at th exposi tion tomorrow. There will be a parade of th veteran followed .by exercises In which prominent member of th so ciety, army officer and official and th world's fair will "take .part ,'..',., . V JMOXZTBB lOB SYOKAsTB TOIL (Journal Special Serrle.)' "" Spokane. Aug. 11. O. M. Annls ha been appointed receiver 'of the Nelson Dry Good company, and ha filed His bond to the amount of 10,000. Found an Old While workmen wer making excava tion for th Improvement of fh Chi cago, th big clothing store, (I and 71 Third, they wer compelled to go down bout six feet below the old basement level for supporting foundation for th freight elevator machinery. Th pickax of on of th men struck something that seemed hard snd of hollow natur. Further Investigation proved it to be a bowl or box of ancient Indian de sign. 1'pon opening it a collection of arrow head and. queer, round atone, beside th skeleton of a bird and some teeth, evidently wolf teeth. How long It has been there is hard to surmls. Bom of th "wis one" say f 0 to. 400 year. Th curio were shipped to Chi cago to a curio hunter, who I a friend of Mr, Leesrenaan of th Chicago Cloth ing rompany, who will no doubt send an opinion to Portland .of th ag of th relic ' SAYS ROBBERS FIRED AT I Just after croaalng the stl orldg at 10:0 o'clock last night. E. A, Jones, a brakeman In th ervlc of th Northern Pacific Terminal company, wa attacked and shot by unknown peron. H re ceived a slight wound Irt th leg and la confined In th Good Samaritan Hospi tal. H declares that there -wr thre man. who crossed th tret Just In front of him and ordered him to throw up his hands. He thought they wer Joking, h' says, though on wor a mask. H failed to obey nd one of the men fired. - The three nurriea away and made no effort to earch him. - Detective who ar working on th case declare that Jones wa attacked by a man whom he knows well. Resident In th neighborhood declar that a wom an creamed a th shot wa fired.' ' Charles Pfluger and John Driscoll wer held up by . three maaked and armed . men at Eleventh and Hoyt streets at midnight. Neither of th victim had money.- ' , v George Miller, 675 Umatilla avenue, Sellwood, reported to th police tody that he heard soma on trying th door and window of his house. early thl morning. .He said he secured his re volver and lay In wait for them, but aftar.remainlng In readiness for an hour retired to bed. ... s BELIEVES APPEAL V IS IMPOSSIBLE If th law I as C H. Plggott.-attorney at law, realty agent, poet, dreamer, philosopher and constructor of castles. Interprets It. Mr. Xarlfa J. Fallng will hav no recoiir as regards th support of her brother. ...Cornelius Barrett. Anticipating an appeal to th circuit court by Attorney Thomas N. SlrongTrepresehOng-Mrs. TmtlngT AV torney Piggott has spent considerable tim recently examining th law cover ing th matter, levying trlbut on many ancient tome at th law library la th courthouse. . "No appeal can be taken from a com' mlsaloners' court," he stated thl morn ina. "The order that Mr. Fallng must support her brother or pay Me a month to the county, to be used in hi support. was signed by Judge Webster and Com missioners Barnes and Lightner. T.h law permit no appeal from such a count. Mrs. Fallng' counsel may ask th circuit oourt for a writ of review. In my opinion th 'circuit court cannot even grant a writ of review In uch a case. If It can, th proceeding would be o unusual that I do not oenev tne higher court- wouliL grant-the petition for uch a writ." Leading attorney, on being ques tioned, oolncid with Mr. Plggott' view that th law allow no appeal from a commissioners' court. They are, gen erally speaking. In doubt ss to whether, a writ of" review of a commissioners" court may b granted by th - circuit court. JUDGE FINDS SIGN LANGUAGE USEFUL WJien F. ' ' W. Roaander p pea red be fore Circuit Judge George thl morning on application to be made an American citisen th court addressed him and re ceived no reply.' ' , . "This roun, your honor, is dear and dumb," explained Theodora Wells, deputy clerk of th court. Th Judge looked, surprised. Then h spoke to J. F. Tolson, a witness. ' Re ceiving no answer, he raised hi vole nd repeated - the question. Tolson leaned-, forward and placed his band to his ear. "Th witness Is deaf, your honor," said the deputy cleric. ' Leaning back tn hi seat, with a help less expression on his face, the court wanted to know how he could examine the applicant and his witnesses. Th problem wa solved by handing th oath to Roaander and Tolaon and letting them read It They raised their right hands and subscribed to th oath. No trouble was experienced with H. H. Held, an other witness. Questions put to Rosander and the answers mad by him wer written. It required almost a half hour to make a clttsen out of Rosander. He departed, bowing hla thank. KIEVE PUSHES HIS CRUELTY CHARGE In th municipal court this morning the case of the city against Assistant Starter Ed Duk of th Irvlngton race track, charged with cruelty to a horse. wa postponed till tomorrow. As published yesterday, Joseph Kiev. th complainant, allege that the de fendant struck Mis Provd on th whirl bona Just a she wa entering the rac Tuesday, rendering her Incapable of win ning, and that ha and hi friend lost 200- By action of th presiding Judge of th track and th board of . stewards, Kiev was yesterday ruled oft th track and will not. be permitted to re-enter. They declare hi action were for spite; that he placed but ISO on Mis Provo and has no reason to complain.' This morning Kiev stated 'that h had been Intimidated by membara.of th rac meet, and told h had best drop his case, H refused. DETECTIVES CATCH ALLEGED BURGLAR After several weeks' search. Detec tives Kerrigan and Snow this after noon captured Thomas J. Bryant, who Is charged with- the burglary of th residence of Mrs. Marlon Lan at 474 East Washington street. The robbery occurred on July SS, three silk dresses, an opera cap valued at tSOO and about 1200 worth of other property being tolen. Detective Snow and Kerrigan recovered th stolen clothing several days after th robbery, but ss yet hav not secured th other property. Bryant, ay th detectives, Is an all-around bad character. He was captured at 1:10 o'clock thla sfternooa , ; nonzB'i Totm or coast. (".pedal Wapalrh te Th Journal.) - Colfax, Wash., Aug. 11. Prosecuting Attorney Robert M. Hanna, accompanied by ft M. Hanna, Sr., left Tuesday for an extended tour, of th coast. They will visit Pesttle, Taeoma, Olympla, Portland and McMlnnvllle. Or. Mr. Hanna 'waa on f th first whit men In Portlsnd, the population of which consisted of on family when h arrived there, Jn 18S0. v ' PERFORMS FINAL RITES FOR MOTHER FB1ZST BBTTTBB1V0) TOB TAOA TXOW CAX.UD XWTO Mt OW BOMB TO ADMIBJJTBB BZTBBMB VBCTXOB 'TO XXS 9TXVO . TA- BZsTT. ' . ' (Sseelal Dlssstcb to Tee Journal.) : Salem, Or., Aug. 11. Mrs. Louisa Stenger BaTr died In this city yeaterday of heart dlsceas. Sh ,waa th widow of th lat . J. G. Barr. - wua 1 born la Baden. Germany, March I. 1817, and cam to th United Stat with her pa rants whll a girl. Sh was married In Wapakoneta. O., October 1, 186S. to John G. Barr, and that year removed to DeWitt. Clinton county. Ia. In 1886 th family cam, to Oregon, settling at Sa lem, where Mrs. Burr has, mad' hr horn since. Mr. Barr was tn motner of 18 children, 10 of whom survive her, they being John Barr ot Kansas City, Mo., Dr. M. Teresa Schoeth. Mrs. Car rie Petsel, Theodore M. Barr, Herman W. Barr. George J. Barr and Charles I Barr of thl city. -Dr. ,r. J. Barr of Portland, and Rev. . Father Raymond 1 Barr of Mount AngeL Father Raymond L. Barr, her son. ar rived at hi mother homo on Monday to pa a brief vacation, and h It was who sdminlstrd . tn rue, oi .extreme unction to hi mother. ... Th funeral will tak plae from th Catholic church In this city tomorrow at I o'clock a. m. Th-xcutlv commute of th Ore gon Stat Good Roads association mat yesterday at th orric or boc rotary n. B. Thlelsen. Thsr " wer ' present ' Messrs. J. H. Soott, president, presiding. T. R. Ryan of Oregon City, C. J. Tren- chard of Astoria, County Judge Rhode of McMlnnvllle. and ax-County Judg Palmer of Llna county. Tha-commlt te decided to hold th state good road convention at Salem next December 18. ii-and 1V Th program was left to th president and secretary to arrange. Th president was 'directed to appoint a committee on legislation for th pur- pos of preparing legislation to be con sidered at th meeting.. T. R, Ryan of Oregon City proponed that two of th subjacts to be dis cussed should b th enactment of a law permitting count court to con demn prlvat property for th pur pos of changing or establlahtng new roads, and to requlr petitioners to pay the cost of survey and viewing roads snd to glv bond for th sam before saras will be considered. PIONEER OF OREGON EXPIRES AT COBURG (Special Dtapateb te The Joaraal.) Eugene. Or., Aug. 11. Georg H. Murch died at his horn in Coburg yes terday about noon, aged 8T years. H waa a pioneer of Oregon and wa well known in the early day all up and down the valley H was -born near Jay. Essex county. N. Y., February II, 1817. At the age of 14 years li left his father's farm and worked in a nail fac tory. In 1888 he removed to Hamilton county, Ohio, and In 1840 took up a tract of government land k in Piatt county, Missouri. H bcam Interacted In : western emigration, and with a friend Joined a party bound for Oregon in 1848. Four of th party. Including Mr. Murch, war brought down th Snake and Columbia river to The Dalle, and from there o Oregon dty-4n-Jn41s oanoesi Mr. Murch stayed at Oregon City for a short time and then want to Tn Dalle and Joined the First Oregon regi ment of mounted riflemen for service In the Cayuss Indian war. After th trouble wa eettled b moved to Hub- hard Marlon aountv. and In 1840 went to California In a sailing vessel. Coming back that fall he engaged In the ateamboa business on th lower Willamette river, at wnicn ne mad a mall fortune. H ' then ' removed to Corvallls, then to southern Oregon, and finally to Lan county, settling - near Coburg In 1864, remaining there till hi death. From time to tlm he has sdded to his farm until at th tlm of his death he owned 1.(00 acres of land- Mr. Murch was married to Miss Bar bara A. Cooper In 1864. She died five year ' later, leaving cn ion, Hrac Murch, who la now a merchant In Idaho. In 186S Mr. Murch married Mrs. Mary C Stone, and to them eight . children were born, only four of whom ar living. as follows: Lucy, wife of F. D. Cham berlain, a Portland attorney; . Phllura, teacher of French In ' Annie Wright seminary, Taeoma: Jessie, teacher in tha Portland public schools, snd Herbert 8- graduate student at Tale. WIFE WILL ESCAPE CHARGE OF MURDER After lying In a critical1 condition for more than a month at St. Vlncant's hospital, th victim of a bullet fired at him by hi Jealous wlf. Jim Whit to day left that Institution and was re moved In a carriage to th home of hi brother, Harry . White. (7 . Seventh street. Dr. Gaorg F. Wilson, th at tending physician, Is aimost certain th patient will recover. Mrs. Whit, after following her hua- bsnd all ovr th north end district on night, shot hlra for ' keeping company with Jennl Hamilton. For a tlm it was feared h would not recover. Mrs. Whit I living with hr sister, Mrs. Davis. 821 Pin atreet. xirsAjra xajt txbkxtcts. An Jnsan man, whose Identify ll ifn- known, created a disturbance thl after noon at th end of th Waverly car line. frightening the resident and creating a general hubbub. The matter waa. re ported to th sheriff, who sent a deputy to investigate. , TO BBXAJtOB BOTOX . (flpeelal Diapatck to The Joernal. " - ' La Grande, Or., Aug. ll.-r-Th Foley hotel will hav an addition of rooms within th next thre month, owing to th Increase in travel and th steady growth of th city. Th contract wa let to 3. L. Mars thl week. Th cost of thl addition, including th furnish ing of the rooms, will be 8(0.000. Telling the truth: Schilling's Be?t . . tea . , baking powder . aoffee - flavorlnf utract ' soda contribute to comfort and save money. ' . ' , , Mosevbark; tt yor greeer'; , 4'C 1 ,IL m,,l.,U xJL L II' 8W. IIHHIIII II 1 1 Ti Tr 1 ' ' w ' 1 The Kind Toa Have Always In use for over 30 years, and baa been made Tinder his per 2ZJ' sonal supervision since lta Infancy 1-&sCC4t Allnw no one to deceive von In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Tnst-as-tTOod are but : i ISxperlmenta that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Iperlence i against Experimenss , .What is CASTOR lA '" Castorla Is a harmless anbstltnte for Castor Oil Fare gvrlc, Drops and Suothlngr Symps. ' It la Pleasant. - It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio , aubstance. Its ajgre la lta guarantee. ; It def troys Worm! and allays FeYerlshness. It cares Diarrhoea and Wind . Colic. : It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures ConstJpatlont . and Flhtulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha -stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tha Mother's Friend. ( . CEI.UINE- C ASTO R I A AL7AY0 Bears the The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought : In Use For Over 30 Years. w9ej eiesajTai the BEST ' . . . THERE ! contuntly grow ing demand for better, limpler . and more tasteful printed matter. " No progressive house should think of using the product of the amateur's -pres orenTfustihg its producti6nlr njr but men of , recognized ability , Our service as writers, designers and printers is at your disposal. The cost is no more than you are piying now its value it many times greater F.W Bafos Co First and Oak Phtnt Main l6j I ASTORIA AUGUST 24, 25, 20. 1904 Greatest aquatic event on the - Pacific Coast BOY BADLY HURT IN LOGGING CAMP (Special Disnetea to Th Joaraal.) Eugene, Aag. 11. Max . ataudaeher. aged II rears, a son of Louis fitau dacher, whll working In . tho Booth Kelly Lumber company logging camp several miles east of Saginaw Tusaday, mat with a serious and probably fatal accident. In aom manner a "dor' ud danly flew out of a log. and struck th boy on th head, fracturing th skull and in lower Jaw bone. i j H wa rendered unconscious' snd has remained In that condition since. He wa brought to Eugene yesterday and placed An . th hospital for treatment. Th doctors think that th Injuries ar fatal. - - -.' Th Eugene school board ha let th contract for extensive plumbing work at th OeaVy achooL After this work Is completed th sanitary conditions at tha Geary school will qual th high standard reached by tha other thre public school buildings of th city. ' TahTS' examinations. A class of IS applicant for teacher' certificate la tsklng th regular quar terly examination In this city, which began yeaterday and will end Saturday. Blxty-nln of th class ar desirous of securing county papers snd th re mainder stat certificate. ' County School Superintendent W. B. Dlllard Is assisted by Professor W. M. Miller and F S. Harvln. .. '. saooms Mia nAiraraa. A warranty deed was recorded at the court house yesterday, by the terms of which W. L. Morgan snd Kate M. Morgan, hi wlf. transfer property to the Apartment Building company for a conalderatlon of $60,000. Th property In question Is all of lot I, block 10 of the city plat, and a parcel of land, at Sixteenth and Jefferson streets, REGATTA Bonght and nrhlch baa Item has born the sls-natnre of Signature of EAST PORTLAND FENCE & WIRE WORKS A. CARLSON. Proprietor Manufacturer of ' ' WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING ' ' And tn Universal Combination Fne ELEVATOR -BNCLOSUKEa-. ; EVEKTTHirJO . IN WXRB. 89 a. Korrlsoa St- Vortaad, OMffoa. , . Telephone Union 174, , SEASIDE RESORTS HOTEL GEARHART HAI orZKXS'TOa TEX HAtOX. The siieat sumnMt Naort oa the North Pad Coast. It eosatata eC 840 am -wttli statural inn, pur. spring Water, ele-ant so If srounila, tanals eoart ssa croquet ground, boating, Sb lng, hnntlnf ana One aurf bathing. Tb hotel has been antlrely roaoratod and n.w aldewalk. thronshoat the pvk- Trlecraph an tanipbos. la sotrl. ror rati ana sccnmntoaaiinn. mppij to P. H. gCHULDERfcUN. Mar.. Oaarhar. Or. HOTEL, MOORE roraterly Xew Orlme Hotel. laaaHa. Oregsav NOW. OPEN Th nly hotel ea the eeaat ererlooklBg th ma, Klneat aarf bathing snd tab hatha. Matin-, hasting and tablnc. The hotel Is hard anth.d with raraae brat, ror rates aaarea PAN J. MOORE. Prop.. BMstde, Orroa. McGUIRE'S ' Seaside, Oregon Zea la tk vry eaf of th city, onvalrat to railroad and frash-waUr boating oa ta BTsoanloam. Tlaaly rax b1sb. Vollt atWadaata. " Remodeled, rebuilt and ' furnished. . . Open for' th season of 104. THE HARVEST HOME Jos. sfoXaaa, rros, ' Prices; ' II. . I per day, $t00 per week, bed Ito and iOc, meals SI cent. Children undr 10 years at half rate. XVOVO BBAOX. WAaX. Seaside Livery & Fuel Co. UTEBT, rSBD, Mill "' BTOBAOS AsTJ TUBIi Braying, Expr llBf na Qnral Jobblsff a si pa. vuttus,. Xaadl All Kinds of Dry Wood. ' tag to Ilk Crk aad C annua Bseh- The Driftwood XCr. T. Zoralff em wna mmoBfUM in k VBIUB OOTTAOB OM TXB . Hot and Cold Bait Water Baths la . , . Connection. trOVO BBAOX. WABX. - Oriental Rugs AT SIMMER CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ' W hav th most eelect stock of Oriental Rug and Carpets,' Turkish Embroideries, Cluny Lace and - Antlqu Brass War ver ihown, W ar selling the now at summer prices much be low value. '. W . Import our . own. good and sav buyers all middle men's profits. A Atiyeh & Bro. 411 Wash. at. jmon. BUla 1000. Woman ftDoiH u womtrnii MARVEL Whirling bprar Th sew Val Srfkirk Mm Mm as Hum. n nai- Mt .M oat :onr.ntnt. U (I I laauaUf , MmnitMar, it h fannnc an ppy th UlftL, no f'Mmr, bu t anq tump for lluttrawd boot-MM, ItstvM fall narttmlara sndnlrM-Mona tn- ramabif to lantita. SAavUi wis suagw a.w l.rhu . , Kor Hal Ity WOODiBD, OUBKI B CO, XOWa BLABXtB Aidrlok aaaa TEETH SPECIALS ' KXTatNOED UNTIL, SEPT. I )rv4.n rk2lk nunlSele uumuu rduuc uciuou Will make special low school rates In ordur. that all achool children may com nd hav UieLr teeth cared for.durtng vacation. ThlM in tha nnlv dantlstS In Port" land having th lat botanical discovery to apply to th gum for FalnlMS kx-tractlng.- Filling and Crowning Tlh nd guaranteed for tea years. iTCTTTf tmucrf fxtrtctlat .......FREE ExtmlnttJoB...M.FRE8 Cola FUUrJs.a... Sold CrowBi $1M Silver Fillln. 35c fall Set T Teeth fJ.Ot Crowns snd Brldg Work at low t Prlca a polalty, Oar Patent Bouhl . Com In at one and tak advantag of low rat. All work don by specialist: witnout - pain ana guaranteed xor m years ' I - SPO. a' P-a. l ' BPSa. a a Boston painless uentists Fifth and Morrison treeta, antranc tlH Morrion- TROY LAUNDRY "That's All!" 1 WEST SIDE OFEICE: 129 FIFTH STREET troy Laundry y . LAUNDRY: WATER ST., EAST SIDE Umbrellas $1.75 The Umbrella that we of fer at $1.79 is not the ord inary kind. By manufactur- lng "our own goods we are ' able to make a great saving in the cost - of - production. The way in which we finish ." these umbrellas adds much ' to the weai ing v quality i well as appearance and you will be surprised to see what a handsome, durable umbrel la you can purchase for this small price. ,'., . ALLESINA ' Two Factories: 309 Morrison 286 Washington PAINTS ; f HAT Look well Wear well Spread well 'And well adapted to this climate. ' . , - I , Fisher, vThprsen ; & Co; EVERYTHING IN PAINTS 160, 162, 164 Front St. N Cor. Front and Morrison The Mem? Durable 1 iScttie factory Company . Tor Sal By . . a.' HAiABxxT ft co, :t: rirst BW t. t. XAPDIaVl.T...,..,..Hl First St STBOWBUSOa FAUTT U Oil CO, . 121 Grand Av. -'.'''-, " .1 , ' ' ,' Ft of erred Stock Cans aoeda, -Allan Lwls' Itesi Brsat . - ' " i - ' I ' ' . a ' ' ',,' f