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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
J - ' nn5 OREGON DAILY 'JOXTRNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 11. 1904. , f Ssncntlonal golg c? c ric?:pC3s3 Tomorrow at the Reliable Old Homestead Store of Store I L zPWZ:iC.VJy. Washington Sts. II 4 JAtfQftimil&J j j anaiity shop" ' WHERE- THE. WALLS ARE, COMING DOWN '. ... .. .. ... . - . : .. : .. . ,. - 1 PAY mil AND DIG AUGUST FAIR We have prepared for tomorrow's selling an array of money saving opportunities the equal of which was never before offered by any other store in the northwest and which will, without doubt, make the biggest Friday's selling in the history of our business. Thousands of dollars worth of seasonable merchandise will be offered at prices so remarkably low that you will wonder how we can do it. The truth is. we've only a short time left in which to dispose of the remainder of our summer stocks, and now to do it, and do it quickly, we have applied the knife so mercilessly to prices that the remnant of our summer stocks will melt away like snow under an August sun. This store .will be crowded all day tomorrow with a throng of eager buyers and from early morning, until the closing hour at night a stream of bundles will flow out of our doors. Be on hand and get your share of the bargains that here await you. , '" 4,', '' :,".'",,: :' : ,' ' ;-.::,', : ," s ,: .. ', S. ';:- - 4 In thd Millinery DepV Great .Specials for' Friday We place on sale tomorrow morning abou 10 dozen Rough Straw Shapes, in a great assortment of shapes and styles, all staple colors are represented in the v line ; value $1.50, ; SpeciaL for the - day ........ . .15 Dep Friday Specials in the lartment main floor. : i . $5.00 PATENT KID SHOES $2.83. New patent kid, welt or turn Shoes, plain : : or tipped toe, military or Cuban heels, extra choice style; regular $3.00 ' values. For Friday' only... $2.83 , Li $3.50 BEACH SHOES. $2.38. ! Here's a bargain that comes at an op portune time, box calf, vici kid or patent "colt Beach Shoes; regular $3.50 quality, for ................... $2.38 v FRIDAY SKLCIALS-.SILK DEPARTMENT ' - FIRST FLOOR ANNEX. . ' Monster All Day Sale "on WHITE INDIA-JAPANESE HABUTI AND PONGEE. T,hese are the . coolest and best wearing Washable All Pure Silks made; and at the regular prices cannot be duplicated elsewhere r 27-inch, regular 60c. Special..;.., , , .431 27-inch, regular 65c. Special r.;77v48- 27-inch, regular 85c Special. ....... .58 27-inch, regular $1.00. Special. ..... 72 -27-inclvTegular-$1.25. Special..81 27-inch, regular $1.50. Special: .... .96 38-inch, regular 85c. Special. . .......58 36-inch, regular $1.25. 38-inchr regular $1.50. 36-inch, regular $1.75. Special. .....81 Special." .'...'.06 Special. ...91.22 REGULAR 85c 19-INCH ALL-SILK BLACK TAFFETA, our well known durable kind. Special, Friday all day. .,..,.,....54 FRIDAY ALL-DAY SPECIALS --- COLORED DRESS GOODS, new swell French Silk and Wool Crepe de Chene, Novelty Twine -Voiles, Lace Etamine and Lattice ... Mohair Voiles, in tans, navies,' browns, champagne, pearl gray and lots of good wanted colorings; our regular $1.25 and $L50 values. Special, all day Friday. ..... . f . . v. V. .'. . . . . . . .... . .' ....... . V. ... ... .............. 69 38-INCH ALL-WOOL ALBATROSS, just the fabric for this weather, colors are light blue, pearl gray, Nile, lilac, pink, turquoise, tans, modes browns, royal, cadet, Kesada and navy; our regular 60c per yard quality, bpecial, all day Friday. ............. ..41f BLACK DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Our entire stock of all Silk Black Grenadine, in fancy neat stripes, figures and floral pat- terns; all at half price. $1.25. 62; $1.50. 75; $1.75, 87yaf; $2.00, Sl.OO; $2.25, $1.12; $2.50, ?1.25; $3.00, 81.50; $3.50, 81.75. AU at HALF PRICE, for Friday ONLY. : -v' . ' - ' ' - - ' -. , Friday Specials in the . lartment Dec ; ; ' SECOND FLOOR.'; , For Friday only, we place on sale our en tire line of Cushion Tops, in stamped m and tinted, in conventional, floral and i Dutch designs on different art materi als: values to 65c Special at ................ .............19 INFANTS' SOFT' SOLE SHOES. ; Red, blue, white and pink, in all sfces; regular sue graae. opcciai, xor rn day only ....... ..21 Notion Department - r MAIN 'FLOOR. V ; ''77 The following items, gathered at ran dom from. our- Notion Department, . give but a hint of the many saving opportuni ties presented in that department ; ' ; . .; ;r, : 75c BELTS, 29. : .;; Ladie' Crushed Leather Belts,' black and a . . 1 f . . colored . learners, an . sues, in patent leather and calf; values up to 75c. SPECIAL, FOR FRIDAY, . . . . . .29; . , 50c INK STANDS, 29. Electrose Ink Stands, very handy for desk : use, colors black and cherry; value . 50c Special, each ., 29 85c CLOTHES BRUSHES, 59. ; f Extra fin solid wood back, Bristle , Clothes Brushes; 85c value. Spe cial, for Friday.,.. .............. 59 DR. GRAVES', TOOTH POWDER. In metal boxes; value 15c box. ' . t Special ................... .....; 8 30c SILK ELASTIC, 19. . ! Fancy Silk Frilled Elastic, colors, in black, pink, white, blue and yellow; value, V per yard 30c Special, for Friday. .19 HAIRPIN CABINETS. v J 100 heavy and invisible Pins to box; ' value 9c box. Special. ........... 5 - $1.25 BELT PINS, 79. . Gilt and Gunmetai Belt Pins, assorted de signs, with rhinestone settings ; val ue $1.25. Special, for Friday.. .. ..79 , GILT SILVER AND GUNMETAL , . PHOTO FRAMES.1 In small and large sizes ; values 35c to 50c each. - Special, for Friday... ,.29 ' In the Suit Dept. Second Floor $3.75 to $ 1 2.50 Silk Waists $ 2.98 Just think of it Elegant Wash Silk Waists, in all the newest shades and colors, at only ONE-QUARTER the usual prices. Such store news seems almost too good to be true, but true it is, for we've the goods to back the statement, as we always have when we quote such phenomenally low prices. Some are beautifully trimmed with fine lace, some are hand embroidered in front; all are new and nobby. Colors include light blue, tan, black 'and white and white. We advise you to call early in the day as the choicest will be first to go. . $7.50 KNIT JACKETS $4.95 Suit Dept. Second Floor All-Wool Knit Norfolk Jackets, colors red and white. Just the thing for coast, mountain or outing wear; regular $7.50 quality. For tomorrow only t w. $4.05 $3.50 LAWN KIMONOS $ 1 .69 Suit Dept. Second Floor Tomorrow morning we place on sale a lot of long Kimonos, in all colors ; values $2.00 to $3.50. Your choice .................. .$169 $ 1 .50 Negligee Shirts FURNISHING DEPT. MAIN FLOOR A rare opportunity to secure Shirt Bar gains. Men's Negligee Shirt, with de tached cuffs, good pattern and made by the best shirt makers in the country.; Come early Friday while the assort ment Is complete; values to $1.50. ; For ona day only. ............... .79 . BOYS' 50c TIES, 19. A nice line of Boys' 60c Colored Ties (Buster Brown). ' Your choice, for Friday ........ 19 GREAT FRIDAY SPECIAL. 5 1 .50 Bedspreads $ 1 .05 DOMESTIC AISLE MAIN FLOOR. Full size crochet Bedspreads, Marseilles , patterns; $1.50 values.' On sale Friday at. . . . . ; . . . : ; .91.05 51 Waistings25c - MAIN FLOOR. Imported Novelty Waistings, white and colors; values 48c to $1.00 per yard. Special, for the day.; ....25 FOUR GREAT SPECIALS FOR FRI DAY'S SELLING IN THE Underwear Dept. , MAIN FLOOR. WOMEN'S 75c LISLE PANTS, 45. .Women's fine white Lisle Pants, knee length,' lace trimmed at knee; regular 75c quality. Special, for Fri day ..jfi.. ....45 , WOMEN'S, 50c HOSEj 29. 7 Women's black, all lace, Imported Lisle Hose, assorted, patterns; our regu lar 50c' line. Special, only ..29 , J. INFANTS' 25c HOSE, 15 Infants pink, blue, black, white and car dinal lace striped mercerized Lisle -i: Hose, . very, beautiful regular ?5c . - 'value. For Friday only.... .15 "A Big'Lot of MISSES' WHITE, FINE RIBBED COTTON PANTS. ' All sizes, prices to 25c Special, per pair .V. . .-. .... 12 In the Women's Underwear Department MAIN FLOOR. Closing sale of Ladies' and Misses' Bath ' ing Suits, Shoes and, Caps , $&00 Bathing Suits, now.'. $2.50 Bathing Suits, now, . $3.00 Bathing Suits, now., $3.50 Bathing Suits, now. . $4.00 Bathing Suits, now.. . $4.50 Bathing Suits, now. . $5.00 Bathing Suits, now. . $8.00 Bathing Suits, now.. $7.00 Bathing Suits, now.. $7.50 Bathing Suits, now.; $8.50 Bathing Suits, now.. $9.00 Bathing Suits, now.. $10.00 Bathing Suits, now. $12.50 Bathing Suits, now. 15c Bathing Caps, now.... . 25c Bathing. Caps, now.... 35c Bathing Caps, now. . , , 50c Bathing Caps, now.; ,. $1.25 Bathing Caps, now. . 25c Shoes, now. .......... '' 35c Shoes, now.... 50c Shoes, now....;...... 75c Shoes, now. .. . ....... ?1.39 91.60 .......92.00 .......92.25 .92.50 .......93.00 .......93.59 .......94.25 .......95.00 95.39 .......96.00 .......96.75 .......97.00 .......98.50 10 ., 15 .........20 .........30 70 .........18 .V.......25 ......... 35 55 Great Sale of G(h7l f7fo: Cafts"P" FOURTH FLOOR. Without question we carry By far the largest stock of Go-Carts in the city. All have reclining backs, adjustable foot rests, patent foot brake, reed body, anti-frktion wheel fastener, enameled automobile gear. For Friday we will give you your choice - of our ' . ' ; for........ for......... 87.85 $10.00 $11.00 $15.00 $16.50 $18.50 $20.00 $21.00 $23.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $36.00 $35.00 Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts Go-Carts for... .....911.06 forvTT... S12.25 for...,...tfS14.00 for...:...; 915.50 for........ 816.00 for........ 818.00 for 920.00 for.. .821.00 for..,....;923;00 for...... .82T.Kft Go-Carts . for. . . , . . . .939.00 Specials for Friday Only $5.00 SHIRTWAIST PATTERNS,1 AT THE EMBROIDERY COUNTER I , MAIN FLOOR. v In order to make room for our new fall ' stock, which will soon begin to arrive, we wish to clean up the balance of our summer stock of Shirtwaist Patterns. They come in the embroidered mercer-" bed Oxford, 'also embroidered Swiss; regular $2.50 and $5.00 values. For Friday only....;..... 91.98 20c RIBBONS AT 9. . MAIN FLOOR. A line of Fancy Ribbons, in plaids and stripes, 3 inches wide ; values to 20c per yard. For Friday only, per yard .4 9 $1.65 LACE COLLARS, 69. NECKWEAR DEPT. MAIN FLOOR. A fine lot of new, bright Lace Collars; values up to $1.65. Special, for the day - . ............ .69 " PERSIAN APPLIQUE. AT THE LACE COUNTER. . An assortment of Persian Applique, in all the popular oriental colorings 75c to $1.25 values for. i...... 39 $2.00 to $5.00 values for I.....;... 91.29 WHITE ALLOVER LACES. We place on sale tomorrow morning about one thousand yards . of White AUover Laces. The lot includes some of the best patterns we have had this season. Note the' prices .-, . 75c to $1.25 values for.............. 59 $1.50 to $2.00 values for............69 Extra Specials for Friday's Selling .FROM THE THIRD FLOOR. 20th CENTURY FREEZERS AT HALF PRICE, v . . , We are closing out at half price our en tire line of .. 20th Century Ice Cream Freezers . , : 3- quart sixe ; vaL $1.75. To close. . . 85 4- quart sixe; vaL $2.00. To close.. ,91.00 6-quart size; vaL $2.50. To tlose. . .$1.23 - DINNER SETS. Brown or green decoration of small flowers and sprays ' ou-piece set; vaL $4.80. special.. .oa 60-Diece set: vaL $8.40. Special. 100-piece set; vaL $9.60. Special. . 112-piece set; vaL $12.00. Special. . . 117-piece set; vaL $15.60. Special.. DINNER SETS. "Green, border patterns with center decora tion of gold 50-piece sets; vaL. $7.15. Spl... 9.29 60-piece sets; vaL $9.58. Spln.. T.".75 100-piece sets; vsL $1123. Spl. . "3.57 112-piece sets; vaL $17.63. Spl. ..$U0.r.' 117-piece seu; vaL $22.5,2. Spl... 913X3 95.70 87.20 99.30 .r::i... i ' "T