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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 11, 1&04. ..I-, : EASTERN HOGS WILL COME TO PORTLAND Large Run - of ; Salmon Appears in Middle Co lumbia - Scarce . Here. TODAY'S MARKETS Abaence of Ships of Oriental . Line Causes MUlers to Make HowL ,. Entered at th poatofflce af Portland. Or., for trnnsportstloa through tha Bulla a second- claaa lutiar. ' rwiaia i single eopieei For am s. 10 e is- C8 pewer. 1 cut; 14 to 10 pages, a eauUl U 44 tti I cent. nuraom, i Business Office Mala 600. Editorial Kaooai aula 280. : FOXKIGW ADYZBTIBIBO BF-TBISErfTATIYX, Vneland-Beng araln Special Advertising Agency, 100 Nassau street Maw York; Tribune Build' .-, . fFM. WilcmgOi . y SUBBOBIrTIOST BATES. , Taima Osrrisr. . Tb Pally 7ouniaL with Bundav. 1 vr....$T 60 . Tba Iiallf Journal, 1 rear....... . 4 "0 2Ja Vtllf Journal, with Snnday, months. $ TS The Dally Journal, months iou The Dally Journal, with Sunday, a own tba. 1M - The Dally Journal, a monthe7... ' i t""iJ Journal, with Sunday. I month.. The D411v. Mr Wfc. Hltvared. Sunday' , Included. .' IB 7 0. IJatljr, par wsek, . dvllrered. Sunday . i. eeptsd ....... .....V..... ..,..,..' tU . h if.!'- .... . . The Pally Journal, with Bandar, t aar....$T-00 . . The Dally Journal, 1 year - ? The D""' Journal, wltb Sunday; month. $.78 ' Th r,n' Jol, inootbe S-JB The Dally Journal with Sunday,, 8 njontha. l-o Ths Dally Journal, a months , 40 ' J?8 J?""' Journal, with aunday, 1 month.. ,68 ' ii V."" Journal, 1 month...... .-J Tha Bumla lnn.n.1 I . 8.00 v Tba Bunday journal. months...... .. 1.00 The Baal-Weekly J Burns, Tha Beml-Weekly Journal. I to II par". . OB, tn. 1 1 1 ...-- , lt Ma porta. 1 year t.B0 Tha Weekly Journal. ..The Weekly Journal. column f tesd - . Ira Mih luu iiiB.tMtAeL full aaark a t : reports. 1 yaar., 100 Bemlttancee should be nada by drafta. portal , -antes, express orders, and smsll ajnounta ara ; acceptable Is 1 and S-eeat pnaug atampa. v THX JOUHBAi. fl' Bolt Portland. t)r. ubaprlhrra to Tba Journal who Bay. war j town ft tha aaojnMW rau bar tha pnpar (nrwardrd to them to any addreaa without ; ritra rharc. paynnt for to aame to ha I wiwn tiwit muni. T-THjowaiiUT8nrouin; . Tha Jouraal (aa ba found aa aala at tha M - V-wliia; nlarra: . BO 1KB. IDAHO Plan hook atnra. ' CHICAGO Paatof flea Krwa company, 1T8 aay norn atrat. DBNVBK. COLO. Raadrirk Boo BtaMouary rompany, 612 HoTrataonth atraat i J. Black. Blrtaanth and Curtla atrrota. . JCAS8A8 1'ITT Vaa Nny Mawa ootnp.ny. - l 1 I H ivniftH ii v 1.. m fA a.wH. Hpnlna ttmti Ollraa Halnua. , South nrtn utrjwt. MINNEAPOLIS M. I. KaTaaaoirh. SO Soath Third KEW VORrT CITY Brantano'a, TJolsa Or.lIRS Oad.n Nun mmivBT. OMAHA MlUard hotal nawa atand; Mrcaatb rraiionary company, liww ramum arrf-jx. ALT I,AKB CITY Kanyna hotrl uw atand; Barrow Rroa.. 4S Weat Srond atnrt South. ST. LOn PhlHp Rod-r, locnat atrr-t. BAN rBANCIBC'O W. K. Anllna. Palaa botl nawa atand: Ooldomlth Km., t80 Suttar .twftt Frrd TV. pitta; inn Market atret SPOKANE. WdXrT John W. Orahan On. TAOOM A, WAHH Cantral Nawa aomaAny. 11 SI Plflr avnna. ... Aucxioar baleb tokobbov. . ' By t. T. Wtlaoo, Sixth and Bnrnalda atraat, ' .at 10 a. n.. aala ( ovaaa furnlahlnta, I. T. W llaon, auctlonaar. By Am. Baker A Co., Park and Alder atreeta. -4 at. S i. m., aala of furalahlnta. Heo. Baker A Co., anrtlnreera. T xzzmra boticx. IdlNNERAHA TRISC. ka. . laprwrad Orde . Red Wen. The recular wieetlnau will ha held In tha new wigwam. Wlllametta halL No. . , 1T0 Second atraat. at S 'elock a. a. each Tharadar aranlna. PAOB CARTBB. I.. rASSTRNSFN. fTilef of Bemrda. . BB! nrvxBAi. voticb.- BANCKOKT In thla city, at tba family real oetlM. 1 Itt rrenftllVi UMt. Anna ITnn. uf T.ann wife of r.ed A."Banft. mother of Arthur U.. uenrca W.. Harold and Alan Banernft, daiiiihter of tha late A. 0. fun-nine-ham. . ruueral notice later. Saa Fran- eleeo and St. IrfMile. Mo., panera plcane copy. VXATHEB bipoxt. , Weather crndlttoaa and rvnaral forecast for Oreron, Waahlnston and Idaho. Showaia and thunder ' It rmi oocurred laat alicht In aooth aertera Id ho, northern t'tah and northern - Arlamia, and aloca yeatarday mornlni heavy ralna hara fallen In tha middle Atlantic elate. 3 00 Inches being reported at Philadelphia, 1.82 Inches at New York and 1.42 at Scran ton. Three ralna extended to Mew England and tha lower Lake ireino and the Interior of the aouth .Atlantic autre. Where kaaer amounta ara re ported, (tood ralna hare also fallen la. tba weet Gulf .rates. It la cooler this morning la eastern Oregon, ncrthera Nerada, Idaho and weatera Montana, and much warmer la tha Dakotaa. Nebraska and Kanaaa, The indication arc for fair weather la this dletrtrt Friday. It will be warmer tonight went of tne Cascade mountains, aad generelly warmer Friday la eastern Oregon, see tern Wasa lngloa and Idaho. ObeerTatlooa closed TKMP. Max. Win. Preo. SO M O M M . T. M M 0 e ' so .as ko T4 , e 6 M 0 j2 , . m . ,na 4 6d 0 TO 64 .a o i'i ," 6 ' 41 . 0 tm o S2 ftg T. 74 e 4 . 48 0 T4 - (12 ' 0 it eo o S4 60 . 0 m , . it .oo so ., . l.OU d 62 .0 74 M' . '0 S4 M ' inn 84 64 .11 72 ,) SO , , 4S S2 64 , 0 7 SO , 0 M ,64 '..OS 74 66 '. 0 61 62 0 TO "60 , 0 SO M .6 , - 4S '.0 82 40 , 0 ' S4 , 61 " .; 0 m . to . : .at HS 62 ' o 10 , . T8 Baker Cltr. Or . Blemarck. N. D... , Bolee, Idaho ........ Boeton, Masa Charleaton, S. C...... t, IU (Inclnnatl. Ohio. iNnTer.'Colo.,..., K.I Paao, Tex Kureka. Cat -r ... . ....... Kreeno. Cat . Helena. Moat 82 Jhrkaonmie. rta. ......... Kallepell. Mont. Kaniloops, B, 0.... Kansas City, Mo Lea Angeles, Csl... ...... ' New Orleane, La......... New York, N. Y......, , North Brad, Wash .Omaha. Neb Philadelphia. Pa Pocatello, Idaho.......... Pert land, Or......... . Rneeburg, Ol SrcrameiiR), Cat St. Louis, Mo Salt Ue. I tab Han Diego, Csl..... Saa fYam-leco, Csl St. PanL M:nn.,. ......... . Spokane. Waah. ... Ircnma, Wseh. ........... Victoria. B. C .Walla Walla. Wash Waehlngton, 1. C, ...... Wlnnemucca, Nee......... Yuma,. Aria :: MABBIAOX tlOTHBEB. Ty Fook, 82; Onm Ynp, ft. ' tenter fl. Tottrr, 28, Los Angeles, Cal.f Iry T. Vnrberk. 22. N- Arthur B. Weyont, S2, Spoken ' county, Wash,; Marls Thomaa,. 24. . , , . -i'. BIXTH8. -:'y-' Angnat B, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Patrick, at Woodlawa. Or., a dansbter. July 23, to Mr. aad Mre. J. B, Thoma, at BOM ..eviiname aeenne, a aaugbter. , July SO, to Mr. snd Mrs. N. M. Moody, at Itia L'ntoo ntenn, N a son. July 2B. to Mr. snd Mrs. T. It Bailey, at 825 Oanterrheln avenue, a ana. i July 2H, to Mr, and Mrs, T. A. Or! mm, at SW Height atreet, a daughter. July. A., ta Mr. and Mm. A, Serlsg. at T84 MlMlaslppl reuos, a daughter. ',! , PI'THB. '. . . Angnat 10, Ethel Oahrlel, a red 18, fears, , a: Good Semaritan hoecttal, causa perltonltle. ' Burial at Hood Rleer, r. August S, Harry Moore, ared 2 months, at Kern Park, retire cholera Infantum. Burial at Lone rir cemetery. Crematorium oa tiregoa Ctrl ear Ba. Boar Bellwood; modern, adaatllle. complete. Charges Adults. M; children. OH. visitor 0 a. as. to 6 p. m. Portland Crematloa esoclatlea, PortlaaA, Or. ' Tha Bdward fTolmea rndertsklag company, funeral directors aad ambalaears. 820 Third Street. Phone 60T. I. P. tinley aV Sou. 1 funeral . director and embatmera, her rcmoead t their new eotaa llibmeat, corner Third aad Madlaoa streets. Both phone No, B. Beller-Brmes Cos, funeral directors and eat- balmera, 278 Ba well. Lady asst. Psoas Bast loss. Oark Bros, for Bower. 888 Morrlsoa Street. SALMON APPEAR IN THE MIDDLE RIVER KBroBTBj : noK ' that aionox Txa uornxva rxu. or xBmoBB CATV TBBTXXO)AT 9KXXBTXB TO Bit TXCB BTJBT Of TS V BATS aoo uuna wastx Bxzrs. V, Front Street. Augnat 11. Tba principal fea tore af the Portland wholesale caarketa today are: - t ;,.. Middle rlrer seta run af salmon. . .. Millers clamoring tor ships. lorelga demand for flour Improves. ' . . ' Candles advenes Ha pound, ' Excellent demand for tomatoes, ' Ureea ears la eheaper. . , y ; New bey has a fair ton. ' ' Veal and bog eagerly sought. - , ' Toultry market continues active.- - '. Two ears af pot a tne arrtv la, . Car onions from WslU Walls. 'J Baimea Oat TJp the Blrar, Re porta from tba middle Columbia river In tha vicinity of Kagle Cliff thla morning etat tha. late y cetera a wrga rua el aaimoa ap peared la that vicinity, .probably tha remains of ths large rua which made Ha appearance at tha mouth of tha rlvar about 10 daya ago. Tha eannerrmea of that vicinity now seed extra help and ara making all sort of bay while the salmon ' rua keep up. Tba and of tba aeaaoa la but four days aff and If tba run continues aa It baa of 1st tha past aeaaoa will g-' sows In history aa. on at- the worst la ths history of Ashing along tha Columbia rlvar. Ia thla city tba receipt of salmon are very light. the principal shlpmsata continuing from tha Btuad. Thera la. a much, bigger eaten oi cat flab, bat tha demsod la yet alow.- No change In prices. . .. ... . MUlers Clamoring for Ships. ' J Otders tot floor, aoatlnaa to pour Into tha local aallla from both China and Japaa aad tba miller are doing everrthlng la their power fill them aa, but ara held ap oa account of thera bains no oriental nner saw tearing una port. . Wheat Meremeat b Improving. ' The movement, of wheat .to the xullla and warrhouoea la showing a material Improvement aad by tha close of tba week It ta expected to be la fall awing. Price 1 wheat are vary firm wltb no changes. Oaadies Aivaaea V Cant. ' Local maaufacturers of plain and Bostoa mixed candle have made aa advance, of Mo a Dound In their former Quotations oa account of tha a vera! lata advance la tha cost of sugar. Bom of tn better gride ara also enacted. . Excellent Demand for Tomatoes. ' Tha demand toy-tomato la showing 8 vaat Improvement oa account of tba lower price and eves wltb the very .heavy arrivals tba mar ket la not showing any surplus. Ureeu sore t good quality Is not. coming too faat, but poor stock I,-and prtces ara down to Inc. Crawford peach ee from local potato ara la mora liberal supply sad ss demand Is good price remain etathmary, Tw Can af Pstatosa Arrive In. ' Two can of potatoes wore ths receipt per rail from lbs aouth this morning and stocks found a good call. One ear at onions strolled lu from Wills Walla and sold st 11.76. ; Jfew Bay Baa Talr Toa. - Wltb ' farmer too busy to bring V Into msrket, tba receipts are not large, and tba market baa a rather good tone wltb un changed price. The entlrs feed market la strong snd unchanged- Teal and Bogs Xagarly Sought. Thar la good demand Its- both veal and hogs, with the receipt too amall. . Breeding A Kartell say: 'Thera ara practically so bogs or veel -coming and tba market ta very firm." " : Poultry Demand Centfnu ta Xroprev. ' The demand far poultry eoetlnoee to Improve as better prlcce ara th oatcem. Chatterton A Co. say: "Spring chirkena are moving off a lightly- better aad old hens sra finding ready selv----DncJiara--rsme ei"W sua tne same ctadltioa cxlata la geeee. No bogs to speak of arriving." Fair Demsad for Stora But tor. There Is new a fair demsad for store batter. but receipts sra amall. Creamery butter atllf n telna its mixed sltuatlpa aad dealers them aelvea are- la doubt aa to tba pries. - Today's wbolcssla quotations, sa revised, ara aa tulUwsi arrala. Flour and Feed. WHEAT Export Nwice New and old Clnb. Tec: hlneetem, 7Ho; valley, SOc., BARLEY Feed,- 822; rolled, 82S; brewing. l2A.rrfX424.riO. OATS Producer' price No. 1 Whits, 124.6019 26.00; gray. $23. 80 ti 24. 00. FLOUB Eastern Oregon; Patents, 84. SO; stralghla, $3 Vl8 0- valley, 83.8603.80; gra ham Its. 83 5;im, I8.M. MIIXSTCFFS Bran. ia.oo per -torn mid. dllrga. 820.00; ahorta, eunnlry, 822.001 chop, $18.00. e HAY Prodccers" price Timothy, Wills mm ta valley, fancy, f 15 00ll8.0n- ordinary, 112 00', 11 on. 1 Mai, Mi i . ft0.oo13.oo; clover, o.00oio.00; grsia, 811.60 V l-UUi cneei, luvoiu,ls.w. Bops, Wool aad Bids, . HOPS Nominal. 89028 for rholcat SBet2SUa for prime contract. 1BQ4. 20ifjt2lc. BXAL I8TATI TBABBFEXS. A. S. Ellis and wife to J. Walab, tot . block 1, William Aveaua add... $ SftO Andrew B. Gullberg to V. P. Nsavoa at si. lot f, nioca i. tiignisna oou William U. Hadden and wife to J. O. w . 1 . a. ,n LI i . , ' - .k , , . aw mi, .-.ii, w ' to, .. , .ruiim. eou vie Multnomah Real Eetste ksaoclatlon to Ed- - gar tlopkina, lot 4. block 4. Wlllamatt - a . W Multnomah Rral Eefnte aaaodatloii to Ed- ar llopklna, lot T and north 80 feet lot . block 4. Willamette aft). T. 8. McDunlel and wife to Edward Ma- . Lees st si, lot 4, block 6. Parkview... (28 Portland Truet company to Lore.n T. Ir vine, aouta xs-a iccc lot n, Diocg jo, Wllllama Avenne edd.... ' H J. R. Scott and wife to Llhbla 0. Black, ' oi i, DiocB a, - uiovsrasM j.x tension No. 2 1 J., B. Scott and wifa to 0. J. Bobertsoa, lots 8. io, block a. Pltteager's add t Albln 1 Annabel Gamble Short and ku.bend to Net tle G. Petere. north hi of eonth H of snntbesst qnarter ef northeast onarter section 20, township I south, range 1 eaet. 10 scree AOOO Benry Bensel snd wife to John Benwa, lot 11, block 8. AIMna Helghta - 250 William P. Hlatt and wife to Oreos H. lllstt, lot 14, block 4, Stanley' add No, a , ou S H. Beswlck snd husband t J antra W. minis, bti 8, .10, block S, Fox Cbss add ' ISO Oregoa Water Power Trw-nelt company to peter vises, lot 10, block IS, city view Park 2nd Park Land er.mpany to B. J. 0, Gordon, lot IS, block K4, I'nlveraltr Park 8 W. C, Joon and wtf to J. ft. Stoddard, undivided H lota a, B, Clock 800, Couch sdd - inoo Seme do same, block 8, Waverly Tract.., 8600 Ola, E. Mel lo To jams Kertcbem, lot T, - S, block 71, Sellwond 000 Pacific Realty A Inveetment company to T .1 n-bu. e kLb m B . ... , l. . nm , ' '-., wr . wMia ,, ..ii. mw rare ji Arthur W. Jemes snd wlfs to W. A. Vlg- sera, lot IS. block 2.1, Snath Portland . 1 John F. Ptllmaa to Nathan Bard and , wire, 20X100 feet beginning 130 feet weet of eeuibwest corner Vuurteenlh snd Mar ket I860 P. IT. Marlar and wife tn B. 71. ngllbro, Ints 8. 4, Mock 228. Hulledey's sdd...., 1 A. M. Wltlism to Wsltcr Fecbtsr, lots it 1 to 21. block 11. Harlem sdd B W. L. Morgan nnd wife to Tha Apartment Building company, lot a, block 100, city 60000 ' Oct twar Insurance saa abstracts to real tat from tba Title On are tee Trust . pa ay. Chamber of Cummer Mil ding. , . ' build nto piamta. Anrnat 10. B. Phil brook. two-torv dwelllna ou Tillamook atreet between Twenty-Second sua Twentv-tblrd streets, Coat $4,Mo. i Ancuat 10, J. Wooda Smith, two cottages nn Halaev near Beat Nineteenth 'Street. .Coat tO.OTIO. . Anguei in, a. b. bici array, repairs tn awen nc.ou PreeCvtt near Ksst Sixth atreet. Coat 6"0. Anguet 10, M. Kane, anttaga en Vanennver between Fay and Preecott streets. Coat $100. Angust 10. T. A. liana, cottar en Mln neeota svenue between Palling and Shaver street.- Ct 1.700. . ' .Augnat io. o. E. nlnar, repair en nnuse on Third between Taylor aad Balwoa streets. Cost TS. . ' .... August ii, r:ii reterenn, cot tare an Alhtna avenue hetweca Prsacvtt and . Uolug atreet. COSt $1,000. , ; , , . t . WOOL Nominal. Valley, coats to medluas, 17(tlN: One. luc; eaetera Oregua, HiiilQc 1IDH AIM New. 80c.. SKbKI'hKINS Shearing. 101820c; abort wool. Buttle; medium .. waul, lotuJwo; loag. weui, 6u each. TALLOW Prima, per lb, 4t.Sc; No. a snd greaae. zmzhc. ( 1IITT1M BARK So pet lb; buying pries. HIDK8 Dry bides. No. 1. 10 lbs and up. WWHilfto per Id; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 16 Hie. ISo; dry calf. No, 1, ander 6 lb. 16Vtc dry salted bulla, and stags, .! less than dry Olnt; salted bldee, steer, aoand, 00 lbs or aver, Ml7e 60 to 00 lbs, 6c; ander 60 lbs snd etwe, 6'iiflc; stage and bulls, sound; 4t4e; kip, 18 to 80 lbs, 6Wc; sound, 10 to 14 lbs. 0Hv calf, sound, under 10 lb. 8Uc greea (ua salted) la pec lb !;.. culls, le per lb 1; horee hide, salted, secb. $1.2A!1.7R: dry, each, $1 nottl.&t); colta' bides, each. 2606uct goal skins, asmmon. each. 10016c; Augurs, with wool on. each, 26cf$1.00. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. i BrTTEB FAT Sweet, 88Me: sonr, 81V4e BUTTE a City" creemery, J-JH4.26c; outalds, fancr, VHdKHe; ordiuary, 17ac stora, 12Vk CDlc. " - , BUGS No. 1 freah Oregon, XlfflJlHc; aav endlid. 20c; bsxers. lc. CUKESB New Full cream, twin,' 10UQ lie; Young America. 11(4 O lliuc. POULTIiY Chlckena, mixed, HHOIV Th; hens, 12 He per lb; rooster, old, 8c per th; yonng, 11 He per lb; broilers, 18c per' lb; fryers, 12S pot lb; durka, old, llHc lb; young, 12e per lb; geese, 0M7c per. lb; turkeys, 17a ltto per lb; dressed. ll2oe par lb. . Fruits aad Tsgstabis. POTATOES New Oregon. .81.00411.78 nee cwt; burets, pries, 8l.3uUl.4S; sweets, 6c lb. ONIONS Walla Wlla. -$l.Tj yellow vDau- aM at V. 1- , ' T FRESH FRlllThv-Applea. fanVt-Oregon, 41.29 01.60 per box; cheap grades, 2.',iTo per box; oranges, , Mediterranean sweets, $3.00J $.B per box; lata Valencia, $4.230160 box; bananas, Oc per lb; lemons, choice. I.IOO per bog; fancy, IS.oCii3.7S per box; limes, Mexican, 06c per 10O; plneepplea, $S.0(i) 8.60; cherriea, 6o. par lb; apricots, Oregon, ' per box; plums. Burbanks, OuatMO per box; peach plum. iodtTBc per box: peaches, Oregoa, 6Oiit70c per hoi: Crawford. 80OH6c pet box; .pear, $1.2S1.60 per box; grapes, white California, flMl .26 per box; bUek Hem. burg. $1.60: black I. per bus; black. berrlss, $1.28 per Crete; watermelon. S0s)o per cwt; muekmelons. 8Sc0$l.OO per doa; nut megs, California, $1.60: Oregon. 2.00 per crstel nectarine. 76c box ; . hacklebarriss, 13 H lb craoanulr. leiSa iter lh. YEGKTASLE-TuiTiJb?, $1.28 per sack; ear. rou. per aacs; neeta, .Z9 per aerlj Oregoa radlahea. 16 per doa: cabbage. Oregon, 2e per lb: lettuoa, head, 16a per dost greea pepper, 20c per lb; celery. 76c doa; to matoes, Oregon, 8O0oOs per box) parsnips, T8J 81.26; greea, peas, 0c per lb; green onion, 12iae , per . do: . local . greea com, loo d.wi pi ptant. Stt24 per rb; string baans, 4ftSc; cucuml-er, auu&Or per box; hothooee, lo brni MuUf' $1-204,1.20 par doa; butter DRIED FRUITS Apple, evaporated, TO Pr lb; prlcot, 8Mtlle par fbi aacka, H f " peach, THiUO per lh; pears, SO 10 per lb; prune, Italian. 8H4Hc o lh; French, 8mrt4o per lb; Oga. California blacke, STH per lb; do white. 0HCI7 Per lb; pluma. pitted. 84 t per lh; dates, ,0Ld"!-. "V oer lh; tarda, $1.80 per 16-lb box. RAISINS Seeded, fancy 1-lh eartona. 80 tek'm, to . TH pkg: eeeded. 12-ea car "" 0VC loose Muscat. 60-lb box. 6t6VI Pr lh; London layer. $1.60; clusters. $2.00; "Si.??" o0e dvnc over peune) cartons. FIGS Ten l ib cartons, choice brand. 80c; J, J-10 eartona, fancy brand. $1.00; 10 I -lb bricks, a-crown. The; 10 'I -lb bricks, 8-crewa, 8&c; 48 H-lb bricks, per bos, 82.00 44 brick, ' to casa, 33.00; 6-row Uyers, per 10-lb box, 70e: Ineee. 60-lb boxes, per lb, 6 He. Calleymr. l-crowu, io-lb eartona. per box, $2.00; f -crown, no-lb cartons, per box. $1.T0! a-crowa, Ito0. P box. $1.76. ' ThmaarUf, But. Xta, SH0AR Sack baala Cuba. $0.80; powdered, $8.20; fruit grannlated. $8.18; dry granulated, $d or- beet grannhi ted. $0.80; extra 0. $0.06; gc4da C. $0.4f;'bbla, 10c; H bbla, SSc; boxee, foo sdvsac oa aack eerie, leas 26 Cwt tor cash, 161?J"Jm,J,,, "4il0J per lb. HONBT l4HOl5c. COFFEE Oreeo Mocha. tl028e: Java, fsaer, tSi?'; 3va. good. . 2002.V; Javs, ordinary, lfflZOe: Coata Blca. fancy, 192"c; Costa Rlcs. rd. 1618c; Costs Rlcs. ordinary, UOlec per lb; package coffee. $12.76013.76. TEAS Oolong, different gradee. 26t6Bet gut' powder, 2S082(Jf'tic: Engllah breakfaet, dlf ferent ffradca. UHOSSc; spMerleg, ancolored Japan. 80065; graaa Japaa (vsry Scaro). SO Otic per lb. SALT Find Balea, X. 8. 4s. Ba. 10s. $1.20 471.60; table, dairy, on. 8B.00Oll.60: Vrm, $4 1BO ; Imported Liverpool. 80s, SlSOntl 16.60; lOOs, $!4.7ri18.00: 224. $14.6001660; wrt-rsr-Sner-bhl; 2: S; Ba. Mar-AaJU: balk, 820 lh. $3 80; sacks 60s. flOc. "uu : . SALT Cosine Half ground. 100s. per tea, $f .2000.80 -, Bo, per ton. $A.66OT.O0: Liverpool lump rock. $16 6016 60 per tout BO-lb rack. $a.2hn.75; 100s. $.17504.25. . (Abov price pply to en lea of lees tbaa car lota. Car Into at special prices subject to fltictnation. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta.. $S.TBO000 per 100 RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. Scl No. 2. 4,e; New Orleane head, 4H04; Adjack, trt Creole. 4H4,cf. , BEANS Smell white, 84f,0.! tarn. White. 8Uc: nink. 4Ue: baton. Sue- Unas 4Hc: Mexican reds. BHe. NCT8 Pssnuts 7Hci Jumhoa, 8He per Th! raw, SOlOc per lb for roasted: eocoanats, 86a ooc per do: walnut. MHAlOtla per lb; pin nnt. 10QI2HC per lh; hickory nut. 10c par lb chestnuts, ssstem. lAttlor per lb: Bra all nuts. 16 per lb: Alberts, 166e per lb fancy pecans, 14CI16 per lb; almonds. JSQlOa peg lb. Basts, Fish aad Frevialons. -FRESH MEATS Inspseted Beef, steer: Sa per lb; cows, 6ClHc per lb: mutton, dressed. 4"6 er lb: lambs dressed. BOSo per lh. FRESH MEATS Fmot street Beef, itana 4Hi6c per lh: pork, block. 8c per th; packer. 7H?Sc nr.- lb: bulls.' 2Ue nee .lh- cows, 8H04HC per lb; mattou. aresaeO, 416 per io;, vesi, exir. w per lh; ordinary, TT7He per lb; poor, 6c; lamb. 6 416 He T tb. i HAMS. HACOT4 ETC;. Portland neck rw.1l hsms. 10 to 14 lbs, 14e per lb; 14 to 16 lbs, 14c per lh: 18 to 2o lh. lee per lh: cottage OH Pr lb: breakfast bacon, 18H017HC per lb; picnics. 11c per lb: regular short clear, anamnked. 8 He per lh; amoked. 10 Ha lh: clear back, nnunnked. 0c n.. amoked, 10c per lh; Pnlon butre. 10 to 18 the, unemoked. Be per lb; amoked. Be per lb rleer belllc. namoked, 11 He per lb; mokd. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf! 10 li Tb: Ke. 10H mt lh; no-lb tin. 8t,e per Th; steam rendered, 10. $Hc per lh; 8. 84e p lb; BO. 9H per tb: empo-i-id tierce, 6He per lb: tub. 64e orr th; 60s. 6 He per tb. CANNED SALMON Ooltimhla river. 1-lb tatja. $1.M; 2-lb tall. $2 no; fancy 1-lb flat. $2 00, H-ln fsncv oata. i .xi: fancy 1-lh ovals. $2 70s Alaska tall. Dlhk. SJtlOOel red. 31.60: nominal 2s, tall. $2.00. -. riHii Rock con, B per mt Bennders, 8 m lh halibut Be nor Tb! crab. 81 9 im . striped bees, 1041 12HC Per lb; eatflah. c per th; aslnton. Chinook, Se per lb: ateelheads per lb; btaehscks, Se per lb! herring. Be per lb: aote. A per lb: shrimr-a, 10 per lh; had dreecj. 8He per Th: perch. Be per lb: shad to. 12HC per Th: me ahad. 8 per Tb; black eed. 8c p-r lh; silver amelt, 6c per lb. OTSTEB!--"inosiwater. nay. per rtl, 82 IKi par sack. $1.76 set: Olympla. per aack, $.1 26 CLAMS nrd thell. pee box. 8X0O: clams, $1.76 per box. Patau, Oaal Otis, Eta, R0PB Par Manila. ItHci atssdard. Ifsi., SImiI. 10HC. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caeca, 21 He per gal; water white. Iron bbla 18e per gsl, wooden per gar. neenngnx, Jiu-oeg. 83U gal. Iron hhls 17c pet gal. INSEED Ollc-r-are rsw. In hhls BSe nee ni. We per rsl: genuine kettle boiled, c She per net gl. bbl One per get; ground eke. Iota $26.00 per ton, less than ear, $20.00 ear V ml. a- OAHOLINB A6-de. euaea 82c 'per gal. Iron bbla 26c per gal; stove, case 24 H per gL Iton bhla lc per gaL BErVZIctK B-I, Me per gal, lroa btl inn per gau PAINT OIL Its PAINT OIL Raw, hhla Kle per gat eaeea 3Sc per gat: holled, 40e per gel. r gall ttolled, eaaee 4fV per gel. PEMTINB la caeca afte per gat, teondea UR PEMTINB la enec Mc nee eat bbl, Sic per gel. Iron bbla TBe per gsl, lo-lk see Vf 4c per gal. WHITE LKAn Tea mt, Te per tb, 800-Ib lot Be per lh. less lots A Vie per th. WIRE rtAIL iTeeent base at $2.80, f- ' BstsO Lumber Frio. . ("V : ' ' . t Com, Select Clear ' P" Per . Per EILUrillrt Songh, dlmenelwMi regalsr alaes 2x4 to 12x12, 88 ft..$ 8 60 $18.00 $28.08 Buth, dlmenelme regular -else to Vlyi. M-40 rt... S.OO ,17.00 24.00 Rongh, dlmenalcn regular t slas to 12il2. 42-48 ft... 11.80 18.00 Mna Cetgh, dimenalona regrlsr alses to 12x12. 60-60 ft... 18.60 23.00 80.08 For sach sddltlrmsl 8 Inchea In width add.. 1.00 - 8.0 -. IM For odd and fractional alaes sawed soo not leae then 1.00 8.00 AOS ror sawing vertical grra to 4x12 add 8 60 aoo a oo Common rmigh boards, regu. let else to 11 In. wine to 21 ft., lac., sssorted ' length 8.IMI 11.00 ' Suceined length of bo roe $1.00 Bar M feet additional. Board to constat 01 lumber lee than 1 I acta In thick New York Cask Ooffee, New York. Augnat II. Cash eoffeai Ma. t Ble, T 18-14; No, 4 Bantoa, 810. PRICES ADVANCE IN : . HOST OF THE LIST (Furnlabed by Ovsrbsek, Stsrr A Conk Co.) New York, Anguet 11. Logan A Bryan Bart Tha atork market wss strong through ths early part of th day and advanced rather sharply through most of the list. There) was quit aa Increase lu tha activity. Later la the day, however, advance la wheat aeemed to throw a little chill on tha market, and much of tba Improvement waa lost. Ther waa alao soma talk af gold export. 'We are still of tbs view that ths damag to urhest will not ba an Impor tant factor n railroad earning and that It Influence on th market will be only tempor ary sad antmportsnu There Is no reaaon, ws think, to expect that the efforts of ths bears will be say mora ausceaaful at this tlm tbaa they hava been, i . Today official stock market: '' J. CBSOBIPTION. lnacond Mining Co... Afnal. Liopper Co. Atchlaoa, common, do preferred. . . 63 H T9H B2H 12iu 62 70 V !S 77 lVs Am. Car A Fouadry, a. 1SH ao prrerrea. . . Am. S)tgr,rommon. Am. Smelt., common do prefarrad 134 60 H 1324. Don. I'll u..1iak, HiaiU 84 MKlRB-aS Baltimore Ohio, com do nref erred . Brooklyn Rapid Tranatt Ceoadiaa Pacific, eoraA toicago m Alton, com do .Droferrsd C A G. W., esmmon. IH i ni.. am. at at. r. . . . C. at N. W., common. Cbeaspesks A Ohio.. 140H'14N !HSHllH Colo. Fuel A Iron, com Colo. Southern, common Oo aecona preferred,. . oo nrat prererred.., Pelawara A Hudson..; D- R. O.. common.. do preferred. ...... Erie, common .- do second preferred 22 22TA 22 25 H bttI do .first prefer red Illinois uentrnl Iulsvllls A Nashville.. Met. Traction Co.'. Manhattan Elevated.... Mexican Central Ry.... Minn.; Bt. P. A St. M. do preferred. Mlesnurl Purine M. Ik. A T,. common.... do prererred New York Central...... hkCIhth 124 i 1122 I60H T8H 128 8HH !' 42 110 02 119 . ttlO Norfolk A Western, ooan 08 I 82' riorta American N. Y Ont. A Western. BiHriiH Penney lvsnla By P. . L. A 0. Ca. pressed Steal Car, Com. do preferred.. Parlfle Mall S. B. 0... Beading, common do second preferred.. do first preferred.... Ben. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Bock Island, common... do preferred Southern By., com mod. . do nref erred...... !l21t,ll&4H21 . 1011. as Southern Pacific St, L. a B. P., Zd pro. bt L. A B. W., common do preferred.... ..,.. Texas Paclne... ...... Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Toledo. St. L. 4k. W., C. . do pref erfed . . Union Psrlflc, common. . - do preferred. rt,, 0. B. Leather, commoa. . do preferred 42H 26H U. n. KUDDCr. do preferred C. 8 Steel Co., common oo prererred. . . ,. Wheeling Lake Erie. c oo aecona prererrea,. do flret J referred. . . . Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred. ....... W. ft. Telearnpb....i Wabaab, common..... do nreferred... American Ice, preferred Money, '4ll per cent. ToUl saka for dsy. 747.100 shares. BOBTOB-OOVlUXXXT. Boston, Angust 11. Ooppr close: Bid. rnlted Fruit .1"0H Advsntara 80 Aak. 108 86 18 1 .... , -. an 64 i.i 4H 43 00 . 8 8 So 24 H ' 4 Zinc 12 Arcadian ...a... Atlantic ' St Bingham Conner Rang Duly Weat - 12V Vl.hlea 4 Mohawk 48 Oereols 03 Phoenix , H Santa r ........ ...... ......... 1H Shannon ...... 8 "lamarack .....a........... ........ 8HH Victoria 2H Winona T Wolverine TO Old rviuiinlon. IS Arnold Calumet 477 Ontennlal , 24 . Mbsa Mining.,... 1 Wyandot ft . CHICAGO LOCAL BT00KS. ' Chicago, Aug. 11. Local stocks: e Bid. National Rlacull 474 do preferred 108 V. . Aak. iSo1 4H American Box ,. 1 do preferred ...... ::::::::: 13 American Car C.,. do preferred. ... ......... 42 National Carbon 8.1, do preferred 1-no THamood Mtch ..... 132 -i-1.18- ..102-A, - 102 Swift Co Union Trsctloa .. do firernrred . . , , zv . , , T2 4.1 46 S 80 1 North Slda By.... Went Side Ry..., South Side Hy.... : ABXXIOAV BT00XB IB I0VDOK. London, Agnt 11. 2 n. m. Anaonnda de clined H, Atchison advanced 4. Baltimore A Ohio sdvsneed . Canadian Pad tie advanced , Cheupeak A Ohio advanced' , llllnol Cen tral advanced H. Denver A HI Grand de clined H. Krla advanced H. firsts sdvsneed H, Lonlarill Nashville advanced H, New York Central declined Vs. Missouri. Kanaaa Texas sdvanced , Ontario Western ad vanced H. Pennsylvania sdvanced H. Beading declined H. Soutbernt PeclBe advanced H. Sonthera Rallwar advanced 14. I'nloa Paclne advanced , United States Steel advanced m wanaan anvancea . console Bits. ascuuM tsi rest unchanged. SAB rXABCiaCO tOOAt ST0CXS. San Franr1co, August 11. Closl, 10:80 A. as! -Local stocks; '. rtld. Aak. Spring Valley Water 38X 87 S. F. Oaa A Electric 61 02 Hawallaa Sugar ,. 62T4 63 Hcnokea Sugar 124 12 iiiicrniiiBoa riiigar. ....... n Makawall Sugar 23 Onomea Stigtr.. ........ .. "is" Paauhaa Sugar. ,, 1RT A leaks Psckar' Ass'n ........124 ' TODAY'S (7LXABIBQS. Th Portland clearing boas report today: Clearings $068, 2" "J. 84 Balances 78.IM0.68 '. a " B1TVP T0XB 00FTXB BABBIT. Bevy York. Aug. 11. Coffee today ctoeed $ to 10 points higher. Today official market I ". ' Ttld. Ask. in net .- $8 AO ' $8.H6 September ....:,,.,... 6 40 6 60 October 6 60 6 68 November 6 60 6 86 tieecuiher 6.70 6 TB Jinuarr , 60 68 Faliruary 6 00 6.06 March 7.00 T.0B April 7 10 ,.7.16 May ....... T 20 T 26 Jon T 26 7 1 Julr T.36 T.40 . Heat act 1 While tha export receipt are much behind tset eoni Santos la larger and the total deficiency In th enmparsttv move ment I emeUer than st tb sad of July, though tha total reeelpte nf Rio and Sant for 10 day nf thla anrmth, 848,0m bag, hardly Indicate 1,760,00m baga far tba mouth a predicted. ' Faraiga Caff etarketa. ' ' New York. Anguet 11, Havre coffee advanced Ml Hamburg advanced H. Bw recelpra, )4. 000 bag: market steady. Saab), 63,000 bags; market strong. ' . n. STARTLING RISE IN WHEAT VALUES ohoaoo rrr orami wxts aio, ot TI0BS Z.0WZm, 9VTX OBT TOWABOI TXB OZ.OBB OA TB SXSSXOB AVD BXTZOBAU PABCA.OB BXWS OATJSB , SBABP ASTABCB. , (FnraUhad by Over beck, Starr Cook 0.) Chicago, Aug.' 11. Logea A Bryaa sdvleet Wheat opened rather aaarply down an th govarnmeut rapnrt, bat auon urosd strong snd sdvaacad rapidly. It was on tha asiu Influence , ss ' heretofore. Tba northwest eon Unuea to nd crop damage reports. A great many coaaarvstlvs people la touch with th northwest sra of tha opinion that tha dams I being aversstlmated, but from th nature vt tha cause of tb damsgs It la pretty hard to hava a aatl. factory optnloe aa to tha aetusl aamunt. Tha aaarket Is extremely nervoaa aud with th light stocks sdvsaciiig readily on a modarata volume of buying. Tha caab altus tlon wn Mrhi a little batter. Tha foreign market do not follow oar advance and at today'a closing, prices wheat la higher la Chi cago than la Liverpool., The whole el t us t Ion Is sa unusual one snd we think, lavltea very oonsejrva tire advice aad action, ' Would Prohibit b ports. In eora, the government wss fully a good aa a,nMtai ,M a,naa a llttla) eaaler ruwn. Ing. . The eonflrmstloa of the previous rumor' mat Austria-Hungary has proniDitsn exports of eora and barley, a considered a very bull Ish Incident and eontrlbuted largely to th strength. Temperatures ara little lower. There war a little larger receipts, yesterday, Induced probably by the advance la price, There la, however, a prett good cash, de mand aad tba demand seems equal 4a tha supply. -The Price Currant apeak of a leea confident view of the corn crop bcu of th dry weether. It is a broad and active mar ket and It general tone aad action ara strong. - Banes Bullish est Oste, In eats. It waa a goad, strong market and buying wss of a general character. Ther sra sign of offering and there la a good demsad for each eat. Th govrnmnt re port was mildly bullish. Previa tone BtlU Dull. It Is atlll a very dull market In provlelnrte with nothing In tha trade but scattered apec elatlve activity. Today's official market prices 1 . WHKAT. Onea. Huth. Low. Close. I 1.0HHA 1.06H 1.02 HA 1.04 Near SerrtA BK- V l.O t V .UK OldSept. 1.01 H 1.004 l.OBtZ 1.04H CORN. .644 ' S'l OATS. .86 .861 .BTH ' POHK. 1202 12.12 TO .6.SO RIBS. T.66 T.BS .J.VI-a, 1.00 Dec Map.... .88 ta a-W Sept. ... Dec..l. May.... .BS .40H .48 Vi .86 .63 .40 .B444 B .61 H .834 . .B444 .soii 11.82 12.00 Dec... May.. .86 JI7 11 88 1200 Sept.... 11. PT Oct 12.0T Bpts Oct.... 8.62 : 6.70 8 60 6.70 6 70 t 6. 80 A Sept. . Oct,.. T.B0 T.4T 7 BIB T.&0 PXIKAXT, aHIPMEBTB AJTO, CIXABABCEB. Chicago, - Aug. 11. PrlfaarF receipts t - Today. Year Ago, Bosh. - Buah. Wheat Sr.2.ia0 604.OOO Corn 817,000 848,000 Wheat 646.000 202.000 Cora .X. 661,000 226.000 Clearance were! Wbet , nd floor, 27.0ii buahela; corn, 128,000 . basbela'e eats, 11.000 buhl. CHI0AB0 CASH WHEAT. . '. . Cklcago, Ana. 11. Crt wlwati . v , Bid. '. Ask. No.t rd. new.. 102 .. , No. 8 rd. new. 80 -, 102 No hard to" 102 Na7 8 herd winter M No. 1 northern eprlng a... .118 No. I northern spring .........106 "Tl l.f CM 101. No. 8 spring. 106 0HI0AO0 OBATB 0AB LOTS. ' ' Chicago, Augnat ll.-lral car lots! m Cr Orads Est. Wheat 112 . 8 , t Oata ...rttev-..2T8 HT 4 268 Wheat ears today: Minneapolis, 123; Duhith. 23. Year ago; Minneapolis, 89; Duluth, 11; Chicago, 81. . ' . .' BILL BAB SATS DAMA0X. . Chlcaee Aamat 11. Th Trtban asy:VMr. McCsul, the Minneapolis elevator man. wired I 'Until tha laat few days I wss optimistic, but I now concede serious damage in South Da. knta. In southern Minaesots there le ne serloua dan-age. North Dakota Is in doubt.' " Berlin wrain Market. Berlin. August 11. Close! Wheat, Septem ber, lower. , . ' Bsdapart Or is Msrket. Budspast, August It. Close: Wheat Octo ber, 2H lower. ''. ' Leodea Brala Marks. London, August 11. Close: Wheat Augut Hd lower; October, 44 d lower. I lvsryoel Orals Market. , TJvarnool Auauat 11. Close: Wis set, Sep- tn,tw 11-a.d. tad lower: December. 7 1,Co-e-tomber, 4 6jd, d lower; Decern, ber, 4 d. unchanged. Saa Fraaoisos Brala Varket. Bsa Fraoriaco, Aug. 11, 11:80 a. m. aasslon. December Wheat opened at $1.464(, wss klgk st $1.474 d tow st tha opening mark. Tb Close waa st $1.46H- - December barley opeaed st $1.08 and eloeed at $i.w. . . Pari -Orala Market. Parle, Aug. 11. Close : Wheat and Bout Arm with spot wheat H centime lower and future H tower. . ' Flonr nuebsnged. ' Antwerp Orala Market. . Antwerp, Aug. 11. Close: Wheat Option er. , s ; . , " - S MUwsuks trraln Market Mllwsake. Aug. 11. dose: Wheat New September, $l.oa;; eld. $1,064,; December, $1.02H. Corn September, 64e Deeember. B00 May. 60. " . , I Vew York Orate Market Beer York, Ag. 11. Close; Wbet Septem ber, 81.07H- .1 Corn September, BOe. ' '. Dulath Oram Market Dnlntb. Aug. 11. Close; ft beat September, $l.oo bid. , , , - Xamws City Brsla Market ' Kanaaa City, Aug. 11 dose: , Wheel Bep tember, 4SH. . Bt. taut Orala Market Bt Louie, Aug. 1L Close; . Wheat BepUn ber, 81.00H- Corn September, 63 He MA REMEMBER the BIG SALE " At the STATE MARKET goes on all " . " tliis" week." " Lay in armonth's supply of groceries at fifty cents otj the" dollar. We 'v'" " deliver $5.00 purchases to any point within ' " :- '. the city.; , PORTLAND PACIiING COMPANY PortUnd Union Stockyards, August 11. Thera Is a new tendency la the local bug situation. The price of Log la this city Is over lo higher then tboae ruling lu Chicago snd ether ssstem centers and tbs news new comes thet suae, of tha ahlppera who generally seed to tha eaatera markets sra about te divert their et'tprncnte tnd sand them la this direction. This would hare the effect of esuslug tbs prices to go to a much luwsr level than vsey are at present, but uutll the shipment arrive tha msrket will keep' sa to the present price. This Is considered by all, except of course the al'llipera, much too high. The reeelpte In this msrket today ea boga aad sheep did not ma terialise only .28 cattle arriving .during tbs peat 24 hojrs. . Ths cattle market is fairly su edy with tba demand and the supply about on a par. Tha sheen msrket Is quiet, Today'a official ruling prices; Csttle Beat eastern Oregon steer, $3.00; beat valley steers. $2.7Bi(-,3.uv; medium steers, $1.76; cows, $226; bulls, $1.78; stag. $2 00. Hogs Beet heavy, $4.00; block. $6.00; Chins ftta, $3.604,4.78; stackers sad feeders, $4.16 tl 6.00. Sheen Bast grain-fed wethera aad Iamb, $Zw0ait.60; mixed sheep, $1.76tfX0O. XABTXaB BOOS $ TO 10 CEBTS DOW. Chicago, August U- Livestock receipt: Hog Cattle Sheen Chicago , , i , ; i ,, ,, h b.0i0 12.0U0 Kanaa City 14,0iO ' B.OnO 11.000 Omaha ,. 1,100 800 8.2H0 Hogs opened 8 to 10 lower with 1.000 left ever from yesterday. Receipt year ago were 20.000. Ruling bog price ra; Mixed and butcher. $S.10'(1B-0O; good. $8.2603.00; rough, $4.7004.06; light, $3.2uw6.0a.. t attle 10c lower. Sheep Steady. ' The close af hoc waa weak, SO ta . V k wer. Cattle and abeep atxong. - BXw Y0XB C0TT0B BAXXXT. ' New York, August 11. Cotton dosed 4 to $ points lower. lodsy's ofnrial aottoa eaotationsi Open- High. Low. Close. January . . . .$ S T0 $8.80 $ 8.T1 $ 8 Tti74 reoruary . e e , -tt . .T0'(X7 -sarca .aa Aprtl e e e e ..... ..... Mey , 8.88 8.80 August . ... 10. IT B 10.26 September ... 8 .86 10.00 October . . a . 8. NO 8.83 November . , December . . . 8 77 0.78 . T. A, Mclntrre A Co. B.78 8B8 10.10 8.88 . (-.82 8.7ano 8.80'2 8.D4UN6 10.1oxl8 8.87 8.74WTB B.6MS70 a T2 ..71 8 68 .Bar Speculation seems to hava reeolvad Itaelf Into bet. large. ir on tna immediate weather condition, as ( feetlng th cotton crop eltuatloa and outlook. For this reaaon tha msrket la llkelr to con tinue erratic and apsculatlon nsmew .until something dsvelope to make the outlook more assuring. A subsidence of rains wltb the de velopment clear aettled condition would exer cise a bearish Influence oo sentiment ss it would go a great way towards nullifying ths reports of deterioration which ara now .com ing In from all quarter. Such Indications would facilitate stocking and Increase the prospect! of heavy receipts, tbs latter part of this month and thay would also check the spresd af boll weevil aad boll worms, further shower occurred' In various sections of ths cotton hell today esst of the Mlsslaelppt river snd ralna ara indicated for toanornsw. Con ditions sra more favorable In Arkansas and most parts of Texae snd the territories have had clear weather for the laat three daya and the area of low barometer bsa beea passing off In a northwestern ly direction. The market Is likely to continue to receive eupport on the week days sufficient to bold It from breaking, but sa sny adv. nee above 80 for October, De eember aad January option there ecema to be plenty el cotton fnr Bale and the dlaposltloa of auust traders aad Important Interest Je te ell en all Bulges rrotn tna I , esvei psaoug furtbe owvelopmenta. OPIUM LICENSE MUST BE PAID ' Drugglatg who hava bee. In tha habit of elllna opium In th crude form, pen ahee.-or any other preparation wltb tha thlckanad juice of tha poppy aa It base,- without a license, sr llkelr to hay troubl with tb county offlcisJa. County Clerk Field has been looking Into the matter for oma tlm and baa learned that many local druggists, have never observed th law. It Is reported by Mr. Fields that about 40. drugglata have secured licenses. CrtfacraIhvPevor-takcn th trouble -to aeour tbem, Th price ' of aa annual license la $1. A Hat of those holding licenses Sraa handed Sheriff word yea terday, . All othera who. sell opium or lta compounds will be arreared oa de tection. Th penalty Is fin. BOOST TOM TBB sTAXB. ' The latest lisua of th New York New Letter, aft Insurance periodical, la termed the "Portland, Oregon. Number," thla distinction for tb olty having been secured by C M. 'Wood, agency director at thla point for the New York Life In uranc company, who with O. R. Jk N. company co-operated In aeeurtng special articles, and Uluatrations. There Is a very Interesting article on "Portland,'' written by Rinaldo M. Halt and the number contain many feature of dis tinct value to the city and state, includ ing a page picture of the Lewis and Clark exposition as It will sppear when completed. , BAOXXBO OOMCJfAJrT FOBIIZO. Artlclea of Incorporation of th Pa- ctflo State Packing company were filed with the county clerk thla morning by J. H. Cook, A. W. Cook. 1. AC Neal, Ed ward Cooktngham, J. T. Beach and T. w. Bigger. The capital atock la $10,000, and the purpoaea of the company are to cure, pack, dry and smoke meat flab and vegetables and to conduct a wholeaale and retail bualneas In such artlole of food. .. OIUD O.' SPICES ,Q C0FFEE,Tfietv BAKING POVDEI.. nxvon;:tOEXTi7ACTS rxksluhrhiiry. lines. Flivor. jCLOSSET 6 DEYERS PORTICO, t-?tC0N.' US km Mill I 1 f pr. We Norton Davis. IN A WEEK Wa treat anrciss fully all arlvata nmvon aad chronle dlssssea of men, also blood, stomach. aeart, liver. Sidney sna uirosi troueias. wa cure BYPHILLIS (wltbont mercury) to stay cured forever. In 80 to OO days. We remove 8TRICTUBB, without operation eg pelo, la 18 , Wm a ton AVatna tha vaault ettT self BbeMae. Immediately. We can restore th exnl vigor of any man ander 60 by mesne at local treat meui pecuuss to e-nrssivea. , We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week Tha doctors of this tostltsts are all regular fr ad us tea, have bad msnr yssrs siperlence, are been known la Portland for 16 year, bate reputation to maintain, snd will aadr take aa case sales certain ur en be wf. fected. Ws gaaraate to cur In every case wa ander. take or charge no fee. Cejnswltatlin free. Let tors eoortdeuttai. lsatrnctive BOOK FOB MUM mailed free In plain wrapper.. If you cannot call at office, writ tor . tioa blank. Boa treatment Bllcreeafal. . Office boar to $. and T to A Bundaya nnd Tb leading apedaltata In the North west KstsbUabsd 18S0. . . Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co. Tti lr SvH a. Oor. Thlid rnxui' - 1-tnn Btrswta. - posTXaAarsv obboow. . ' . Mineral Springs 01"BB,BTBT PAT Vt TBB TBAB. To Whom It May. Concern-" ' t cam to the above prtna ori April $ to take troaUnent for my eywa. I bad a very never attack of catarrh ef tba ayea, waa almost blind after treating wltb the beet apeolallat that could be found, avnd auffeiing for nine year. I have at laat found a cure ber at. tb FAMOUS TUSCAN 8PRING8. I aa not prals them too highly. I bop that other that are afflicted will give tivna BUbU. H-Ptf - ,K.' Room $0S. Commercial Blag Portland, Oregon. Mr. t. C Pahner. of Palmer. Or, waa enred of rheumatism. If you ar elok writ to aa; w will give you the Baun and addreaa of aom on cured of a Imllar complaint . .', Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. ' TVSOASr, OAXa. ' BBS SO TOM BOTTZ.B or BTOBUitTJI An OATABBMC BAI.T. HENRY VVEIN HARD " Proprietor of th City Brewery t-nrgesk u$ Mtosrt Oomplete ' Brewery Im th Be-rUawaal. ' Bottled Beer a Specialty nuFioia Bo. tx OTSo ISth aaul Bai-aalde StT-B POP.TI.ANEl OREOON. MEN ANOWOmES. Mtnania E I CeeBhtl lamXI diaehsrges,la a4 U IrritsUoos at anaia, tt ri. alalia, Fslalssa. aa I for aaaataml iJaOammstioss. er niesrauoaa Pila- ui ee eaarlm. tttasaHKnnaiba, seat er i , MSUBUTlff P REE LAND IN ORECO'i In tb richest (rain, fi-uk aad stock ssctioa k the world. Theiswnda of acmof huj tsctal cost ef IrHesrion, Deed direct from Beat tt Oreton. WFtlTC TO-DAY. BOOKXET snd MAP FREE. Deschutes IrrirxtJoa and Power Cexn- sanv.i lo-i i -i McKat BuUdini.PortJai-d.Qrcgoa, ' A Boynton Furnace In your houa aoon para for Itaelf la comfort and ear In a of fuel, "Let ua fig ure with you on the ooat mt InalallliK on In your houses J. O. Bayea liii-ae Co-' ' $$ Second Rt Tel. Mala 4L COMMISSION CO. (L-xrpxntd) - Caprbal aaul Bmrpla fSOOrSOaoO, : ' Brokar la " GraJn,Provislon$, Stocks and Bonds E. Kes AL.DLSIV. ManaKSP Member Chicago shmrd Tnd. CHAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS. " BONDS And COTTON nThlrtlSi. Near Start rhos. lUia JJJI Wa are censected by 8-rtti at wire e-trh his Leean A Brvsn. 1 Cbleage and Bew Vera I Walker Sees., K S. Baene Oo, Beat York Stock Biehaogei ilasoard Bre to, hew York OM toe Birhkngei lalrchll A ll gout hew Oriean lottos Etehaagel II. e llerrh A Co., New York Coffee Sarhaegal falne, Webber A C. ! Beetoa Cei-PeT Bad Sleek ka. Change; Pick Bens. A Co.j hew Ye.8 ssd I'hlas daiiihls Sue BicSeegee. ' B0WBTTf, BOFBTWB m C (Jkatablkahed H.l l WBBAT AJTS STOCTX I Boons 4, C -- ' CXAAvA3 I - v TUSCAN ' i 1 M M cofi rvBBnTan Jov seal tm pisin vrsfrer, by sxprees. srspsld, tog 81 80. or 8 botilee to T8, Cieoalsr mat aa laiiaaaa. mmhh. Largrat Privet Wlr Bystem ta Aaatlas, , I - ' Sieaiiasfble snd (uaaai.arl.b ' Wa Charge Be Interest for Csrvytog Lea ' Stocks.