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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
V ... .(.- . r ..' I- ' , ( :" . : . ' v . v. ' . " THE OREGON 1 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST ' A 1904. THw CLEARANCE SALE PRICES CONTINUE DU.HNC V AUGUST. ; ': : i " , '. Ns " . Positively Every Article in the House" (contract goods -alone ex cepted) Is .Tremendously Reduced in Price During This Month I t'.-xi-tr-fti- f-''A'.yr j'.'tO-'.'; Tttl M I fr JTJ Si A jMM v v r rYW mjr( vr ' 7 "WHERE THE WALLS ARE - COMING DOWN" "THE DIFFERENT I ' STORE" ' FIFTH. AND WASH- INGTON STS. " PORTLAND'S "QUALITY SHOP" TOMORROW AT 1 P. M. - THZ TEACHZRS' COrV - TEST ENDS. This Store Closes Every Saturday uduring August At 1 O'Clock.,1- PICTURES THAT TALK! look oN this Picture AND THEN ON THIS Ami . IIAA jfrimMn ' tor r - ALDJ iff 1 H I k. wee EACH . nuance i i ; The Olds, Wortmaa & King Store ' Modern BusImm Methods n4 HiimaniUrUa Ethics ExmbJUW4 toss ox.oxi a x . as. o sArvmsATS bvsw ZVO . AUO0ST Employ oft on healthful reratlon rttlnr tacultl) and trenrth for next week' dntlea. It makes a better Sabbath observance not only possible but probable. The "OldTogy" Stores . om 4u dat Airs arasnara roa ma ; SfUm1 (?) Where, oh where are the. "masses?" off on healthful recreations. Note the cob ' wehT ' Where mossback Ideas are, there grow ' oobwebs. No wonder stocks arow ancient In suoh stores. See the poor, lonely clerk I There' .more you don't see. Pit? 'tis, 'tis true. Reader, are ou helping It along? V " AS OTHERS fSp US" f ' We append below a letter (Mm one of Portland's leading and most tnflneatlal eltlaeaa, ft prominent and aale attorney, and respected, raised sneaahec ef th city gorernment. X speaks for itself. We hare hundreds ef J similar nature reoetreft Cnrlsg tke yart asonta. Words of eneonragememf that are deeply appreotatedK' . MESSRS.. OLX)S, WORTMAN A KINQ. CITTl PORTliAND, Or Aug. t, 1104. Gentlemen: X have your note Informing your oatrons that, during the month of Aua-ust. your store will close every Saturday at 1 o'dlook. thus affording your employes an opportunity for a half-holiday during the vacation . period. I believe you are on the right oourse. It might cost you some money to do this (I hone It won't), but ' X -desire to express my sentiment In regard to the matter and to Inform you that during August no trading will ' be done by my family on Saturday afternoon in line carried by you. Very truly yours, . t . THANKS I : - -v':- - - ' - (Signed) V : AN EDITOR'S OPINION ' (Tm "eaide sad leva Toeles" XdltorUl, Aarost. Xstse.) ' -.The following la rained because it Is a stralght-from-the-shoulder Mow, in the Interest of right, from bright Intellect and manly soul. These words are from the pen of a man whom neither eoax, cash no cudgel would n fluenoe, whose opinion and that outspoken- hag no pries . an. A. X. aAXAAJU)! It Is a pleasure to speak frankly and in strong terms of ppreolatloh when we see some deed of exoepttonat merit. The simplest terras are usually the strongest ones. In as simple and unequivocal , language as possible we want to say that the Saturday noon closing rule of Olds, Wortman A King's Portland department store is the best, wisest and moat meritorious deed that has yet been accomplished among this city's business firms. ..The., humanttarianlam indicated cements the affection of the employes and Insures even a more loyal servioe In the future. The courage displayed la all of a piece with the qualities of leadership that , are becoming household words for this establishment " . . In this age of rush the clerk's hours must be long and strenuous. When hot day come the house that says, "On Saturday go at noon and recreate yourself for Monday morning," Is a food, a trustworthy, a wise house, one not only to be respected by the community, but to be upheld and applauded by- every, legitimate -method of patronage and appreciation.- we do not think It amis in a newspaper of our class that talks out Its opinions utterly regardless of fear or favor to speak openly In this way of the good acts' of Olds. Wortman A King. We mean last what we say. We speak of it. for we desire general publicity for the fact. Kindness snd decency are not dead yet among the higher class of merchant. And the day is drawing nearer and nearer when this very kind ness and decency -will be recognised as the soundest business policy for such great establishments as depart ment stores. Only the very highest of their class are now In the lead, making precedents, as usual, for others to follow later on. ..... - ; . - ' ' .. 8 AM. to 1 P.M Bargains In Little Everyday Necessarle ' Tlrst moor. so oaxxv CASTixa soa 8dC - Large slse cakes Green Olive Oil Castile Soap, hard-milled, value ' Ic; special, oaks 30 sse aATX sposroas ' is. ' Large slse Bath Sponges, each. 164) see waxTtaa VAPXS 200. Cabinet Box Writing Paper, in J as- . sorted tints. 4t sheets bond paper ' and 41 envelopes, value Sio; spe cial, box .20 soo soissoms so." " Ladles Scissors, full nickel-plated, guaranteed, sires I, H and 1 In., value lOospeoiaU palr 30d p axvica: arm aooas Aas btss 14. Black Hump Hooks and Eyes, X doa. ' ' on card,-medium else, value 6c; 4 specia, card ld : sso oim x.xaxca 35d - Men's Fine Oold-Plated Cuff Links, plain- or eweled,, value 6c; spe cial, pair ,..i...i...3B4l 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. Women's and Children's Annex Spedats 2d Floor woaonra satxxv rtm. , s COATS 70.' , Black Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, deep flounce, with t wide ruffles with hemstitching, regular price 11.60; special at 9Td caTT.raae ass AJrmovs 240. Children's blue or brown and white Gingham Aprons, Mother Hub , bard style, with sleeves, large , wide string In back for bow, ruffled yoke, collar and sleeves trimmed with lace, ages I to t Tears, regular price t&o; special f 240, 50c Dresden Ribbons 17c. . Tlrst Tloor. ' A line of very pretty silk Dresden Rlb . . bona, with satin edges, also a lot of fin Cushion Ruffles, regular 16o to 60o yard; special, yard ..170 Oelnr awayt Better asop In at the Ken's Shew em yen way through the store and seleot between S a u. and X p. m Tirst Tloor . Maws oe xaxsM tnrsa XAjroaxaoaxaTs 250. Men's Pure Irish Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Richardson's make, all widths of hems, regular 0a value! special, each 2S0 arava sirs rxnaa nirm saxara 91.09. : , Man's Summer Tlannel Outing Shirts. In gray end bhie striped flannel. swell outing ahtrt,. regular L7l; gpedal, each 91,09 a BAaoAxa roa yacati ovists am TOxrmtSTS--e aim oasbs 95, Suit Csses, In gun metal shade, nickel trimming, extra straps, very service able and sightly snd n genuine snap, regular. II.Mi special, each. ..95.00 8 AM. to 1P.M. ' Bargains In Our SHOr DEPARTMENT Tint Tloor. Boys' Box Calf Sewed solss,full round toe Slses 11 to II, reg. 11.76; spe cial, ' " $1.11 ' . Slse: II H to i, reg. $1.00; Pacini, $1.31 Slse IH to. 6H. reg. 11.60; special, $1.61 ' Women's $3.50 and $4 Shoes $2.63 Women's Pat ent Kid Shoes, welt - or turn solos, military or Cuban heels, stylish and sen sible, reg. $1.60 and $4.00; spe cial, pair, $2.63 . Women, 60c Lisle Hose . 35c .' Tlrst moot. ' ' "tTomn,d"rinBlack" Lisle Hose, light weight, very fine and soft, double sole, high spliced heels, regular 40c; special, pair.... 850 Boys' 35c and 35c Waists 17c -' . . Boys' Blouse and Shirt Walata, dark and light shades, very good qual- - lty. regular 26o and I6e; sperinl, i each i. . ' ii p 4 .,.... 170 1 ! : Vm Mm ' 1 wmm . :V;i;-;':.'.v--:-;-,--A'.. A GRAND HALF-HOLIDAY SALE TOMORROW! THE 1 3A HOURS OF BUSINESS OF THE "OLD FOGY". STORES I CROWDED INTO FIVE AT THIS MODERN ESTABLISHMENT ! .S announced some time since, this store starts tomorrow upon a step that mea'ns a gigantic stride toward betterment in store service, by taking the lead, not only among Portland stores, but among all the stores of the northwest in adopting the Saturday half holiday custom in voarue among all of the large eastern houses of any orominence or standing In the commercial world. Our position on the early closing movement question is too well known to need further mention. In another column we append a few opinions of others, opinions that have vast weight in the community. We are. 0 glad of such encouragement, we have hundreds of letters of a similar nature as the one we publish. Thanks, friends, thank you -alL- The early closing movtment adopted by ua, in the face of what seemed almost ingurmountable obstacles,' five years a gor has borne generous fruit. We are so well satisfied with the commendation received as to go a step farther now, and start.' tomorrow on the SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY during the hot summer months. We trust the move may meet with universal public approval, we sincerely hope we discommode none In trading at their favorite store. As will be seen by a faithful perusal of the items below, we have gathered an aggregation of genuine bargain attractions, such as to leave no doubt in our mind -but that WE SHALL DO MORE BUSINESS FROM 8 A. M. UNTIL 1 P. M. TOMORROW THAN ANY OTHER PORTLAND STORE WILL DO IN THE EIGHT AND ONE-HALF HOURS MORE THEY COMPEL THEIR TIRED HELPRS TO LABOR, THRO THE HEAT OF DAY, AND DARKNESS, OF NIGHT. If you -. would find the greatest values in Portland; if you would shop in her greatest, busiest store; if you would really enjoy every mdment of your shopping; if you would profit handsomely at the same time; if you have a fellow feeling for . the thousands of patient store helpers. who serve you faithfully and well all thro' the week and year your brother and sister ' workers, come to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S and Jio your Saturday buying tomorrow before .1 p . m.--when .the store, closes. The Teachers' Contest Closes at 1 P. M. Tomorrow '? . . - ' t All votes u must be in our ballot boxes at r before that time-in order ta be counted. Result will probably' be made known in r SUNDAY PAPERS. SEE OLDS, . WORTMAN & KING'S SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. .: ; . ' ' Tcachcrsf Educational Contest"- Brisk rottng eharneterlsea the last days of the eonsest. The relative standing of the lenders has not ahamred, bnt ne one ean teU yet Jnet what the Snlak wlU be. The eenteet ends at X p. sn, on shttnrday, when the store closes for the week. We append the list ef lea lets with steading at 10 a. nv. today, alae total rots I Winifred Moshsr, Harrison.. 101.07$ Kate Padden, Atkinson ....181,401 Mrs. N. HUtabldel, Alblna Central 176,080 Suaa Jones, Highland ltt,76l Mral Esther Kane, Williams Avenue . 111.110 Total role , ,i ...X.17Sao4 8A.M.tolP.M. Wonderful Economies in the Silk store and among the DRESS STUFFS Annes -Tlrst Tloor. ooiBZH1 " BAaaAnr wooaf s roa txxs stobb's BATtmoAT BtnrXTBS S A. X. TXXA X T. Bf. Regular $1.00 grade f 1-Inch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, splen- did wearing grade and good vahi at the regular price; special for Saturday morning at, yard.. 690 f L00, $6o and 76o Foulards, In navy and black grounds, in neat- dots and figures; special for Saturday morninsC ynrd ...... , , .470 - Ksgular $0o grade of Corded Japan 'ee Wash Silks, In all colors ex- , . eept white snd black; special for Saturday morning, yard ... .240 Colored Dress Goods (treat Saving on Cream BngUsh ' Banoxaarnras abx sjcxxxabts An event to commemorate our Sat urday 1 o'clock closing- - Our regular $1.00 grade for. Our regular $1.14 grade for. Our rerular $1.16 grada for. ...870 Our regular $1.26 grada for,...AO0 Our regular 11.50 grnae ror....Sf Oar regular $1.76 grada for. .$1,13 Our regular loo grade of Heather Suiting Mixed Mohairs, 'splendid, for children' end seaside wear, a a good color assortment to select from; special for Saturday morn Ing only, yard ........820 Regular $1.00 grade of Scotch Suit ings and Mixed Voile Rtaminee, all good staple street colors; spe cial for Saturday morning.. 940 . . Black Dress Coods . 14-Inch All-Wool ' Vienna, regular price $1.60 per yard; special Sat urday morning, yard ,.,.,.790 $t-lnch' English Black Brllllantlne. , In plain, end fancy weaves, regu lar too quality; special Saturday morning, yard ...390 A GREAT HALF-DAY SALE OF;. ; - WomenVHandsoiTi Summer Tomorrow at HALF-PIUCE $6.50 to $35.00 SUITS and DAINTY SUMMERY COSTUMES HALVED! clean sweep of all our bewitching, fetching Summer Street and Calling Costirnies.?. Every, one in the house at and between thse -two prices included of the alpacas, linens, lawns, organdies, China) silks and net tings.; In the swell -whites in beautiful lace trimmed, effects, blacks also, and tans, blues and linen colorings, in pfeited, stitched and in shprt .every.. style xt -trimming that's favored, by. fashion. Many . of these swell suits form timely offerings, as they are especially adapt- efl-tor rivear atTiext wecKs- ikvikuiuin ii-lf n: RACES. i Choose as you will, from any and all, I IH I PrirP ?6.50 to $35.QO -values at just...,.........,.""" a aivv Shirtwaists Women's Silk At HALF-PRICE, Too ! L EVERY ONE IN THE HOUSE INCLUDED!' Desfription would be useless, because the offering Includes every Silk Shirtwaist here; whites, plain and fancy colors, including blacks. In every variety-of rich and beautiful trimming effect known to this season s au thoritative fashion .'makers. Splendid White Wash Silks; but--every Silk Waist-'-you know the superb stock this house shows too well for descrip tion at further length. ALL -for one-half day 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. on Sat urday $3.50 to $38.50 regular values, at HALF-PRJCE! J ln. .660 .690 25c and 50c Medallions 16c and 34c . Tiret Tloor. White And Black Laee Medallions, for trimming, regular t5o; pe dal, each .'....160 Another line of lce Medallions, regular 60O speriai ...... ..840 Three Exceptional Values In i' We Millinery Sliop 'for a Half-Day Bargain Rash - TOMORROW Extra Specials for Women and CbSdren . ' ..-.' . i. New. and very stylish Chiffon Shapes, in black, white, violet and i pink, for , dresy women's, present wear; regular $3.00 values. Special, from 8 a. m. until closing time, 1 prhvp ' at a choice for.... ........................ ......... ............ $l.CO 7 $5.50 SUMATRA STRAWS $1.49 Only about 30 in the lot, don't blame us if you come late and find these bargains gone. These Hats are of the finest grade of Sumatra Straw, edges bound with narrow black velvet. Just the hat for outing wear, may be easily and quickly blocked in any shape, will wear for years. A high grade hat at a very low price, until sold. ..r,.;...;.i. ...... .$1.40 CHILDREN'S 50c CAMPAIGN CAPS 22c ; : ; For Saturday, buyers, handsome Flannel Caps, In navy, cardinal Snd white, with ! black enamel band and candidate's name in letters of gilt; regular 60c values. Comely caps lor outing or campaign wear, 8 to 1 o'clock tomorrow, at, each........'.... ...,...........22f 8A.M.tolP.Me 25c to T5c Veilings 19c . Yard Tlrst Tloor. Iffon or Net Veilings. In black. black ' and white, gray, brown. blue or white, regular Zoo to 7.lo; special, yard ...190 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. , 1 2 c Figured Dimities, . , Lawns and Fatittes 5c . ' Tlrst Tloor. I.KOO yards of Rattatea, Lawns and Klsured IMmttles, so popular for , hot weether dreiwies. r'gulflf 12 Via and llSo good; special, yrd 0 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. ' SATYTBSAT StAXB BAT IW TT ABT SHOT SSOOHO TZ.OOA. $1 TatJa Covrs C7c Linen Burlap Tlie i nvtri, ith 4 H -inch bordr of ttm-v n't irnt. terlnl, H h f "' T ' ' ' stitch; col'ir re 1. i t stiea Mti; r-K' rt. . t Speclnl . , . . . . M ".r. 7-