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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
.'. . ' ,r .- . . . . ' ' - , , j THtt OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', ' PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 5, 1004. Tortlarid's ' Qreatest V: High -CI ass Clothing rrr aft BDkaHafiSoErssDE St. Stores a K i ! ! I'D) I k I i I . x ' f U UJ1U) JJ WASHINGTON STJJ I '7 71 Allied PRICE oh Everything at STRAIN'S and THE HUB Tomorrow .and Tomorrow Evening - NEVER AGAIN WILL THIS OPPORTUNITY OCCUR TOMORROW, SATURDAY, will be the last day of the great half price sale at Strain's and The Hub, the two splendid marts Bof fashion that have won the confidence, and esteem of this community. . . Mr. Strain has had a wonderful business experience idc past ten ciays. never reiore minis ciiy were ciotning estapusnmeius so compieieiy pacueu wun customers, ana never before vvere so many satisfied ones served by salesmen in these lines. But an end must come to all things, and this monster sde vrfH? close tbmorro figures recorded; here and remembering that they are for the best that's 'made on earth, be convinced that our HALF PRICE claim is absolutely true; i 7 ( ; HATS , At Half Clearance Sale Prices ' v $3.00 Soft Hats, that sold during our 1 grtat and successful Clearance j Sale at $7.00 each, may 1 A A be carried off now at... 4)1 UU HANDKERCHIEFS 20c- Hemstitched -Handkerchiefs," white and clear as the snows of the mountains, are selling' J"L it, each; fc. ............ Uw UNDERWEAR i Tor Almost Nothing I Half Price Clearance Sale Prices on CLOT NO $12.00 and $15.00 were the Clear- ance Sale prices on 500 Sack Suits, in fine .serge and clay .worsted, also big assortment of fancies and single and double breasted garments. These go at this Half Price Sale, without reserve, afpthe suit . ' $k95 $17.50 and $25.00 were the Clear . ance Sale prices on Fine Imported AUPoLJorjsteduitstrirtly hand-tailored . throughout, carloads to pick from, at the insignificant Half Price of, the suit t ,1 All Pants Go at One-Half Clearance Sale Prices ' $4.00 Pants," on" which the Clearance Price was $2.50, go at $7.50 Pants, on which the Clearance Sale price was $4.45, go now, during this butchery of values at -T; ':y, S3 .23 . Humiliating Prices on Top Coats $20.00 Top Coats, very best in the land for that ; money, on which the Clearance Sale price was $12.50. These go now at 80c, 75c and $1.00 Summer and - Autumn Underwear, in fancy col ors, silk finished, for the "mere pit tance of, the gar- , , IT merit.............. $1.50 to $5.00 Wool Underwear, in liht, medium and heavy-weights all sires, during this less HtZft than half price sale at..... OL . Slaughter of $1.00 Negligee Shirts, in neary all sizes that sold during our great Clearance Sale at 75c each, now yours at 1 ; . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00 Shirts, of all kinds, in negligee, silk, Wilson Bros Monarch, Cluety Gold and Silver, -and Imperial, in dress, semi-dress and outing, in all sizes. These shirts have no superiors in this market, and yet we offer them to .our friends at the infinitesimally low figure of, each- 75c Work Shirts, that sold during our Clearance Sale at 50c each,, yours now for v '. ,' : , CENTS ' . ' V ' .'.V $1.00 Work Shirtsj that sold during our Clearance Sale at 50c, each, go now at ' ', '...' $1.50 Work Shirts, that sold during the Clearance Sale at $1.00 each, now - 50 CENTS . TREMENDOUS STOCK OF SHOES "flTPrTri.M . At Half Rate ; Prices' $3 Hand-Sewed Shoes, on whkh thedear- ance Sale 1 pricewas .' $2.50, to all who want -them at any time be-.;- fore midnight Satur day at, the ( ' pair ..$iLo Boys' Shoes at Next to Nothing $5.00 Shoes, on which the Clearance .Sale price wa4 $3.95, may be had for the next two days C f OQ at, the pair..........V.yO 500 pairs of Boys' Shoes, sizes up to 5's, worth $00 a pair if they are worth a cent, yours at d JTA this sale for, the pair,'. )10U SOX At Less .Than Half Prices! 20c and 25c Black and Fancy ' Sox, gq, af ......... . .'. . . . . . 7M 40c and 50c Sox, .10 ' ; MEN'S TIES I f fl T II I. 'VT AID SUSPENDERS 10c and 15c Suspenders at..... 5 25c and 50c Suspenders. .lQp 60c and $1.00 Suspendersr.T77;25 OVERALLS -All-our 60c- Overalls go it ihis great. . sale at, , j" Tremendous Overcoat - , ...... .,, jt . , ,. . . ... .. . $30.00 Tailor-Made Overcoats, garments "ip-to-date in every particular," fit for the president to wear at any function pf state, and on which the Clearance sale price was $19.00, go during this unparalleled (pf r( ......... t i . . . .v. ....... ii7.UU slaughter at, each. SUIT CASES Every Suit Case in the house, and we have, plenty' of them, fit for a king or appropriate for a peasant, and all shall go at. half our Clear ance Sale prices. v , - , , UMBRELLAS $1.00 Umbrellas.-, , .39 25c Bow Tics'. . i . . ........ 5 60c Teck and Four-in-Hands..l5 $1.00 Teck and Four-in-I lands. 25 HALF PRICE SALE OF GLOVES , 60c and $1.00 Work Gloves, 700 dozen of 'em, for the little 'J rn ' price of, the pair. . . . . .... .LDL -rr7: A