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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1903)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOTJBNAL, PORTLAND, TOUBSDAY EVEK1NO. AUGUST ' 0, 1903. VANCOUVER 'V PAY-DAY FIGHT. .OREQOIS CITV SAUEAl euqene: GRANTS PASS BREAKS no SEWER CASE IS UP . AT OREGON CITY; OREGON SCHOOLS While Trying to ' Arrest', Two , Fighting Soldiers Vancouver twicers -i., Are . Attacked by ."'Their, Comrades, ' .. Attempt Is Being Made to Force Connection of ' property. ... Awkwardly Situated,. ARE PROSPEROUS i LUCKY-BOY MINE CRUSHED TO DEATH- VERY PROSPEROUS BY FALLING EARTI Excellent Report froni Mining Young Man of Grants Pass Riot Call Turned in and Stern ; , i ' I i v rt' I ran win attract gooa aeai oi alien- OirUggie CnSUeS -oeVerai tlon. ;UM. Newton. was arrested, but , (Journal Special 'Service.) 0RJ3G0N CITY. Aug. 6 The esse of Oregon City against Mrs. Newton for railing to make proper sewerage con tracting parties were present to witness corder Bruce Curry late today.'; The esse will attract a good deal of aften- State Superintendent Ackermani Has Made' Public His Report - for the Year- Teachers' - Pay ; is better . .Center About Eugene Other News. Meets Fatal Injury Other Southern Oregon News, Journal Special Service.) EUGENE, .-Or- Aug. 6.-A little more than 111,000 la two masses of pure gold wae displayed all day today In J. 8. Lucky! Jewelry store. The ' gold was the July cleanup , of the Lucky Bey (Journal Special Service.) - GRANTS PASS, Or., Aug. O.The body of George Hall, a young man of this city, waa brought Into town yes terday from the Hall mine on Grave Creek. Young Hall was caught beneath a heavy "oave-in" at the mine Tuesday 1 Sore Heads Result from Fra casArrests Made, : to I J J WIIIVU ' filUOU I rf 1 - v-- I ' ' W y - 1 I AAn several arrests, a rlof call and at least ! property shs owns. H. EL Cross made Instruction, has compiled the statistics I ""5 " "e open km t- ANCOUVER. , Wash.. Alia- A I pulo . fight between two members of the Eighth, s Battery . which ended in three mutilated "visages was the inct ; dent that marked the windup. of pay air nvrs last nignu .- This morning the oi the town and garrison what the outcome will and from 10 ' eye-witnesses to the affair .there . are as many different stories. " . 7 From what can be . learned' of the trouble It started In the De -Martini "saloon when Privates Williams and Mosher of the Eighth Battery grew quarrelsome and began fighting. Prom ; the saloon the melee waa adjournal to Main street and on the fighting soldiers Policemen Gassoway and Blesner landed and attempted to take them to the eity ' Jail. At this time the real trouble be- ran! ' Some witnesses say the officers , forced the ' issue by unnecessary . vio- lesir: ' others relate that a big' band geant ' slipped up behind Gassoway nd hit him with a rock. Whatever the was released on her own reoognlsanoe and the ease was set for last Saturday, but was postponed until today., . Mrs, Newton will produoa testimony that her house is so situated as to make the prescribed sewerage connection al most an impossibility. The expense would be. greater, she , claims, than Salaries In East of Mountains Ar6 the BeSt 1 Otal tnr0H-lM,nln" Company of the Blue River dls- end crushed to death. Four rlba were mflni ne Piinllo PmiA ATltrtct i Tn oW attracted a curious fractured and an arm broken, besides IllCllL Ul rUUIIo riul-pU al rwd ill div and nunh auVnriaa was this he sustained severe Internal in- manlfeat at the work the mines In the J"""- uaorge Man was woraing wiw Blue River district were doing. 100,064, (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, Or., Aug. t.Jrof, J. It Ack- would be Justified by the amount of city I erman. State Superintendent of. Public his father in the development of taster via Ivto ttisaw vawtaavtrltf trinlr tin An Frank Sharkey, In a talk with The I rjrv. rv.k Tna unrnrtunata vouna journal representative, aaia mat tneimaa waa w,u known here, having re- average cleanup of the Lucky Boy was I sided nearly all of his life In Grants 110,000. . He has come down almost Pass. The funeral occurred this after a statement to the city council last night to the effect that the house would tn ha v.r IUI fmm the rannrta r. I Wlto mac mucn SUUlon aDOUl Dim. lue celved from the eaveral countv aunerln. I m p flourishing oondlUon. " ' wvijrvv A a vim ' aw sw vs m vvwaeej-y ewava se s ul.. . . , . . . .. . f , . have to be raised several feet or else t-ndents The statement shows a total I . Ml th"r u about GRANTS PASS, nly occupation of the connections -would have to be laid at th- ?i awk!a more Lucky Boy mines.- re- Josephine County is in wonderini a distance of 100 feet to the mala Mrs, TVt -5rk Prominent business man. "And season were brou, Newton Is Quite wealthy. Promiaeat People Wedded., . OREGON C1TT, Aug. a.- The mar riage of Llewelljut Adams and Miss Ins Chase, . was solemnised last evening st :I0 p'clock. The wedding took place at the home of the bride on Seventh street Only a few of the most Inti mate friends and relatives of the con racting partis were present to "witness the ceremony. Rev. .- S. Bollinger, of the Congregational Church, officiated at the wedding ceremony. Immediately after the wedding party left for Port land on the El ec trio line and to begin s Journey to Yellowstone National Park. They will return to Oregon City about cause ItSJs certain that the police wersj the 15th 'of the month. The groom Is one of the most promi nent young men of Oregon City. He is Interested with his brother In the Golden Rule Basaar, one of the largest Veew w vva wMaa aaa mw yviivw w wa aj not allowed to take away their men r without a struggle, for the fellow sol diers of the men under arrest Interfered and with a yell .tried to make a delivery. : ! One of the police fired ( several shots at Sergenat Aminger, who IS supposed i to have bandied the rock,. and a gen ; Iral rush was made for shelter. - A " stranger rang the fire alarm as a riot 'call., : Sheltered persons began to throw v stones and clubs at will and a general Struggle ensued. The result Of the affair was that Wil liams waa arrested with some other 1 (soldiers who happened to be entangled iin the fight 8ergant Aminger Is to day being tried before his officers; an ' other band man , with serious word of bla comrades, and, search Is be- lng made for other soldiers, not yet ap ' prehended who were In -the fight v The men of the Nineteenth hold thai , the blame rests on the Eight Battery ' for Its desire to rescue comrades. Of ficers state that the Infantry was not ;-' wholly free from blame, . and , battery . men lay the. cause of the trouble to re cruits who had not yet learned the, ways 'of the service. The affair will result disastrously for Williams, 10 all probability, as he waa guard duty at the time. , He as mercantile establishments here. He Is a prominent member of the Congrega tional Church and has many warm per sonal friends In the city. I The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Chase, and is one of Ore gon City's best known and most highly respected young ladles. . Council Sid Business. OREGON CITY, Aug. . The monthly meeting of the City Council was held last night The business tran- lng year of S.lfl. The total enrollment I that development work, there would be of the schools is shown to bo 100,014, 1 many fortunes for those who tried.' while 1 KIT under the are of six Years I ' Conservative Capital. . tnrA niiiA in th. .rhAr.i Th-1 The fact is, conservative capital la teachers employed numbered . 81 4. of lttVJ, t',hTZ ,1!!! . m.mimtmm "tmt ot oompaiuss nave the hardest time whom 1,161 held state certificates or mtariA M nomn.n h diploma t The number of persons within trouble in making expenses and money mm age unm si .svnj i aside after the early sure Is passed. school, aggregated 12.145. while ,SS4 Lucky Boy property has been worked awenaoa scnopi ouuiae omiocm, gp from an insignificant cUlm to a and- the average daily ,auenaance was bunch of the best paytn mines In Ore- 14,129, as against 64.771 last year. The fon. The capacity, of the mills Is at whole number of days' attendance was present limited, and as soon as the new 9,877,189, plant with the extra stamps, power and Districts Increase. so on, is established, which wiU be some The districts In the state number z time this fall, the capacity will be el Hi, it more than last year, and 47 of I most doubled. The cleanup of the mines these failed to report During the year then will be double what It Is now. 14 new schoolhouses were constructed, I There Is room In the Blue River dls- the number of school buildings having trict ror all Unas or development on reached 2,159. The legal voters of the -property which looks Just as good as state for school purposes are .shown to the Lucky Boy. Assays have been made be 90,070, but as they are in several on other claims which run higher, to cases "estimated" by the county super-1 the ton than the average Lucky Boy ton lntendents ot district boards, these flg-1 but It Is not being developed. ures are subject to modification. Lastl Blue River will some day startle the year the number of legal voters was! world with a rush which will remind e-lven aa 85.144. The Dubllo school libra- old timers of ths days of '49. The Blue rles contain 70.891 volumes, and of River fields will be the goal at that time. these 15,495 were purchased during the I There Is room for many. nast vear. The financial report shows receipts Wood tfoaree la Xogene. for school purposes rrom an sources ioi etjgENE, On, Aug. (.Lane county have been 12,157,926.40, and disburse- haa more atandlno- timber than anv ments, ll.678.907.07, leaving a balance otnM. locality of the same area In the First Watermelons. GRANTS PASS. Or., Aug. 6 The first watermelons for this brought in yesterday from if capital could be Induced to Invest in one of the larger fields below town. The melons were not for the market but were presented by Mr. Lee, the grower,' to the Crater Lake excursion party, which passed through the city yester day on their way to the new park. . Blfrest STagre of - Teas. GRANTS PASS, Or.; Aug. 6. One of the biggest If not the biggest nuggets found this year waa picked 'up on a Gallce Creek mine recently. The nug get contained 8190. The nugget was found far up above Gallce Creek, In a slide of red dirt and broken sandstone. It seems remarkable to miners that so large a piece of gold could be found at such an altitude, as there are no ledges above the spot where It was found. Miners, however, have long ago learned to take the gold wherever It la found and not bother themselves as to Its source. Annual Cleanup. GRANTS PASS, Or., Aug. . The Simmons, Cameron A Logan hydraullo placer mines of Waldo are undergoing their annual cleanup. These mines en Joyed a long run this season and ex pect to realise a good harvest Senator Cameron of Jacksonville, one of the owners of the property, passed through here a few days ago on 4ils way to the mine. an rests in the hospital I -acted was of the usual routine nature, on hand of I3n,866.40. The total value United States and there is almost a Bxtenslvs Improvement injuries, according to the I , jr-m chief Rucontch came before the of schoolhouses and grounds is i 88,470,- famine of wood In Eugene. Wood is GRANTS council and asked that the city purchase hydrants similar to those used in Port land. The council decided to' donate 1100 to the Fire Department to pay expenses of t team sent to the As toria Regatta. ' ' Chris Bluhra was appointed sexton of the Mountain View -Cemetery. Judge Ryan's elevator franchise was read and ordered published. A committee' was instructed to advertise-for bids for 87,44, worth of im provement bonds. PASS. Or.. Aug. 4.- On ae- 505: furniture and apparatus, 8428.574 scarce and the Drices are stiff. There count of Its greatly Increasing business, Insurance, $1,410,883. I seems to have been a neglect of cutting which has extended to all cornera of The teachers received average wood In the mountains about' here and I Southern Oregon and a large part of monthly salaries Of 851.80 for men, as I Eurene is left with but a few cords atlNorthern California, the Grants Pass aralnst 847.58 last year; and 840.98 for the best Peonle are demanding their I Laundry is building a large brick build women, as against $87.91. In Eastern autumn suddIv of wood and will have a i"K iR this city Into which the exten Oregon the salaries run much higher hard time securing their winter wants. lve machinery and plant will be moved than the figures given, while west of Every family burns from six to 10 cords oon as the new quarters are ready, the. Cascade Mountains they are much! of wood and many more than that from lower than average for the state. I year- to year and this means that at least 15,000 cords of wood are consumed Saloon Fight Xs On. I annually. This estimate would include hat.ttm rr Aii. Kreba Bros., me university supply ana me wooa Hew Chair Factory. GRANTS PASS, Or., Aug. . Cald well & Howell, who operate a planing mill In this city, are installing a chair When you see this label ; i . ;. ,, . ( . 'j i '' .. ,- .".' J: ?.1' ..:; ''f ..." .- ' IN GREEN AND GOLD ON A BOX OP CIGARS. IT IS A GUARANTEE THAT YOU ARE GETTING AGeouiine Garcia Known wherever fine cigars are sold. FOR SALE AT ALL DEALERS. SIQ SICHEL & CO., Sole Agents An ordinance was passed calling "for of this city, dealers In hops and large ud by the mills and manufactories as factory out on Williams Creek, where jaaulted the arresting officer with his re-1 k nuiiAina- four-foot sidewalks, on a-rowera with vards at Brooks, appeared fuel. Uvnlvtr nil did not nrnnerlv attend to I .11 1 .u.. . . I t .rvinrt vl.rdiT af-1 W hla dttttSSiiS-'W'-V i WVlWf' I An AMInanfla. waa naaaeA Mttarlna- the f private wunams wjh oe inea eeiore purchase of 1,600 cubio yards of Justice 8teward st '4 O'clock this after- f crushed' rock anda5.000 vitrified brick i T - . ..... j. a 4, geant Aminger will be tried after the result or tne court-martial is Known ana 1 other soldiers Involved will be prose cuted when their names are discovered. SUNDAY CLOSING IS THE CHIEF ISSUE for Street 1 improvement Considerable discussion arose con cerning the cleaning of Main street It wss claimed that the whole street had formerly . been cleaned for a Sum less than It now took to keep clean a part of, th street The committee on streets and Improvements were In structed to advertise for bids for the cleaning of the street The sale of lots 6 and 6 in block 16, was ordered. before the County . Court yesterday af ternoon with a petition, asking lor a saloon Uoense for the- month of Sep tember, during the hop-picking season, the saloon to be established at their honvards. near Brooks. A large num ber of the residents of that neighbor- wood . is the only, fuel in use and a famine this winter would cause much Inconvenience, they have an extensive tract of hard wood timber. This will be the only! chair factory In. Southern Oregon, and Is to be operated on quite a large scale. It's Easy to Trace nit WHOLESOME GOODNESS of 7 i SHIELD, BRAND Hams, Breakfast Bacon and -Lard The use of Shield Brand Goods insures good ; X health to all who consume them. Made from Oregon wheat-fed hogs and government in spected. Por sale by all first-class grocers. ! UNION MEAT CO. J Yew Xoad Ordered, EUGENE, Or., Aug. 6. The County Commissioners Court met today and Another Alchemist GRANTS PASS, Or., Aug. 6. A crank by the name of La Rlx, who resides at hood, headed by former County Clerk I ordered $1,000 paid toward the building Merlin. Bear here, haa created conslder- w. H. Eean. also appeared and remon-1 of a road from the City of Cottage Grove strated against the granting of the I to the Black Butte Mines, a distance of license, on the ground that a saloon 16 ft miles. The residents of that part there would draw all the. lawless and J of the county had subscribed $1,100 and able excitement by his announcement that he has found or manafactured a metal from which he can make gold.,JHel has oeen experimenting ror some time, Both Factions Seek to Gain ; - General Sympathy for ', , Their Interests. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. . The Sunday closing controversy is still on and each -party to ths struggle is making-known its position. The saloon men have determined to discover whether the business men of the town are for or against open houses on the Sabbath. The W. CA T. U, min isters and church people generally are with the Prosecuting Attorney In en forcing the law, at least on the liquor men, and yeaterday a delegation from the Temperance Union visited many of the business men and . asked them to promise toot to sign the petition of the iquor dealers. The business men not directly ax ed, by the closing laws have decided vtoTemaln neutral If possible and state thafOthey do not desire to -become -In volved in the contest and from business reasons- will-, not allow themselves to sign any paper which will determine their alleglence to any causa The par v- ties openly In favor of a Sunday open- - town do not relish this stand of the merchants and hope to enlist them by persuasion and even by business consid erations, a secret Understanding having been reached, so it Is said, to the effect ' that the trades of the "open" customers Is to go as "far as possible to the busl- jaesamen favoring an open town. - o Flsb. Xay Climb. OREGON CITY, Aug. 6. At last the long-talked of flshway over the Wil lamette1 Falls will probably be estab lished. State Fish Warden Van Dusen was in the city yesterday. He had Just returned from Salem where he at tended the , monthly meeting : oi the Stats Fish Commission. He says that the commission has directed J. W. Mof fltt of this city to prepare plans for fthe fish ladder -that is to be installed by the state at Willamette Falls. 'He thinks the ladder will be constructed this fall, and that the work will begin Just as soon as plans can be adopted. An appropriation of $6,000 has been made for ths construction of the lad der. The fish ladder means a good deal for the upper Willamette. Only a very few salmon get over the falls at pres ent, but with a fish ladder the upper Willamette will become gbod territory for salmon fishing. teiious his laboratory was raided by government officials for the purpose of I ascertaining whether he was a counter-J felter. rough element to that neighborhood, i tne county wui iurnisn tne remainder 8nd hls action, bemff .omewhat mys causing serious aisiuroancea. jduui i ui mu,icjr. Darties are provided with legal counsel, and the case will .be argued before the Pountv. Court late, this afternoon. , The rpmonstrators are determined to pre vent the establishment of the saloon at that nointv while the. Messrs. itrets in sist that they have a moral ngni . to conduct such a place on their own ex tensive larms ior Kjiumwi.wuo , , , , , of their own employes, and that a 11- tilgineer TiammOnd b3yS Ui K. cense enoutu iucicwi. m e ' The result Is awaited with considerable interest here. STATE OF OREGON WILL CONDENM ROAD NEW HARVESTER IS GIVEN FAIR TRIAL HIGHER WAGES FOR RAILWAY WORKERS Si N. Cannot Block Port age Road at The Dalles, Pendleton Man Designs Im proved Combine Machine Success Believed Assuredt i i Employes in Northern Pacific the following Interview v., T - a I T hunt tnnvAd m v na snops ax lacoma uei More Pay. (Journal Special Service.) THE DALLES, Aug. 6. Before leav ing this city for Balem to confer with mnnd muHnAor in rhnrrn of th Ilnea hn. I ronuuoiuii, auk. . ajm cno ing run for the Portage Road, gave out ?' thls clt?'1haB eBlKned Vnew ,model T have moved my party of surveyors from Seufert's Cannery to Celilo to com plete the survey for the Portage Road for a combined harvester that is ex pected to do great things for the far mer and incidentally for the Inventor. By a new arrangement of the gearing Union Made SAY THEY SAW BOY FIRE A BOATIIOUSE (Journal Special Service.) v TACOMA. Aqk. 6. All employes In all departments of the Northern Faclflo car shops in this city are now receiving from 10 to 20 cents per day more than they have been earning In the past Cir culars have Just been sent out by the company announcing that beginning with Aucns 1 1 the wages of blacksmiths. pipefitters, tinsmiths, carpenters, uphol sterers, car inspectors and , other branches of skilled labor would be In creased 6 per cent while helpers in all j miA all tinstlrltlAfl .mnlnvAfl District Chief Holden, commanding are to get a fasse of 6 per cent, This new tha flra feria-adea on the East Side, is in- I schedule, which affects over 600 em- Youngsters "Tell :firerfien That a Strange Lad Caused East Ash Street: Blaze. ,..n.fHM s. saytAf thar rtisi flea vr)lh I nlnvAa In TfUMlTTlfl. fllOnfi. Will be 111 10104 ' 5sD 'D FRS ARF C0NTFNT t destroyed a boathouse at the foot of in all of the car shops of the company. oul.uii.iio nnu yuniuii, i . . h Btrwt , yesterday -afterrioon The increase comes as a surprise to I waa of incendiary origin. I the menv as no committees were sent to How Willlmr to Patronise Home Ker (lants and Believe They meoelve Fair Treatment, 'VANCOUVER, , Aug. .--Whlle many Whed Engine Company No. T arrived headquarters, as In the case of the ma ths Interior of ths building was in chinlsts and bollermakers of the com- flames. Several small boys told the pany, who secured an increase recenwy. a itv. ti.M.,.t. a . winAw .ai- . I TACOMA. Aug. . It Is estimated by or 'the soldiers of the garrison "PAn" I lighted candle on a bed and then run officers of ths Department or washing thelr nonth's wages in Portland yes- away, saying to them: ton and Alaska, Grand Army of the Re- luvuay, Biiu ,ine inreatenea puycon umi .. -vil shOW' yOU What Sn Alblna - boy I puoiig, inav uyor .vv u.w.u a.,u mi can da" will go from this state to auena tne a- -The boathouae was occupied by a "onal Encampment at San Francisco bachelor" who was away atlthe time, this month. This being the first time SnTtt.E.M ZIL ronaumad that a National Encampment was ever Patrolman Isakson who covers a portion of ths East Side; reported to headquarters that a gang of boys con- V caused such a f uroue among, local mer ... chants did. not materialise. Members of the Nineteenth' Infantry who re matned in town this mornfng state that s they were well received by local busl ,.' ness men and that they are satisfied with their treatment here. "Much of this talk of boycott and bad g-regates at the barns of the City V treatment came from recruits," said one suburban Railway Company, at Powell , soldier today, "and In my opinion the and East Twenty-sixth streetsv At . regiment will And that the town people night tramps sleep in the building. The ' are willing to come half way. I am policeman suspects that some-of these content pcrpunmij-, auiu inosi oi me Jtei-1 hoboes are - responaiDie -,ior me at lows are. held on the Pacifle Coast many old sol diers, as well as representatives ofthe i Women's ReMef Corps and Sons of Vet eranswill grasp the opportunity to at tend. , . I REDUCED BATES TO TXS StEA- Go to Newport on Taqutna Bay m hfn. ir la nMnmtni- T.rv nniw . . ta tha r-11nM V.llw EaWI I .... .... -j irL.'i.. uno ming is certain ana mat is mail jn the vicinity anoui ten aays ago. xneirat or ss.vv nas oeen maae oy tne ; a aecreasing - numoer are; going eacn I policeman nas. ssaea ui oia oarns pay-uay .Avrvsa m jivtr w spent tneiripe kept jocaea. . s. surplus cash.. Kay Cat Off Leaves. ' VANCOUVER, Aug. 6.-A rumor that; could not be verified was . afloat this morning to the effect that, night gar rison leave' would be discontinued for the. time and that soldiers would have to discover , their amusement In post bounds after nightfall. This action was supposed to be the outcome of the s trouble .last night While night leaves may not be cut off It is probable that the officers will take steps to prevent another breach of the peace at next pa time, icket office, Z.OW AUGUST BATES. O. B. Again Gives XVong-Tlme ZUmit - and Stopover. August 18, If, 45 and .6 ths O. R. & N. again sells long-time tickets to points in tne assi, win aiopover privi leges, t irtiouiara at city tica Third and Washington streets. Journal ' friends . and reaaers when i traveling on trains to and from -Port- i land should ask news agenU for The I Journal and. Insist upon being supplied ! with this paper, reporting all failures la obtaining It to the office or publication, adi.-eisics The Journal, Portland, Ore, Southern Faoifle Company In connection with the CorvaJlis . & Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trip, irom Port land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday. - ; A aeiigntrui riae tnrougn tne Dean- Ifiit WirimAtta Valla-v- with nHvllao-a of going up one side of ths WUlainette River, returning ths other. - , , , j Ask any S. P. Co. or C It B. R. R. agent for a beautifully Illustrated book let describing the , seaside resorts at Yaqttina. ? , , . . t Journal friends and readers when traveling on trains to and from Port land should ask news agents for The Journal and Insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining, it to the office of publication, addressing The Journal, Portland,. Ore, ' in that vicinity. At present the survey and th internal mechanism of the ma- of the new road passes over the O. R. & N. right of way at four different points. "As soon ss I know exactly what win be needed, which will be within the next few days, the state will commend condemnation suits against the railroad. chine he has made a combine that Is of much lighter draft and Increased threshing capacity. The new machine has a larger cylinder In proportion to its slse than the standard now in use and the cylinder is placed at the front end of the machine Instead of the mid- The O. R. & N. Is trying to run a bluff M516 f tne wor,k commences as soon on the state, but I think we will soon call it when It comes to trial In Wasco county. If they should appeal to the Supreme Court to cause a delay 1 think as the straw feeds into the machine. The recleaner is done away with and the grain is cleaned by a system of double fans and a longer riddle or screen. This the gearing of the old machine and in sures its light draft. The model that has been at work in the fields around Pendleton for the last week is a 12-foot the state will be able to have It ad- uw. a.wy .ui, j , vanced on the docket, causing little de lay to the work. "From all appearances at present I mill .niwu tn hiilMIno- thta mnA within the appropriation, regardless of the ad- machine and has , been worked with tion of the O. R, & N. Co. In attempting tram 10 to 12 horses. The standard 14 to throw obstacles In the way of the foot combine that has been in use here WOrk. - I yum BcrciM j?ai. is a. guvu iwu ! .a nmn fcflra th I for from 18 to 20 horses so that it can in th naiH n tha r I be seen from that alone that the ma- TL & Vt. has taken on different occasions, enme Put out oy icttae ougnt to oe a TKa flfeiwam, A-f OrAKTAn Cl n IT Si frtf FlArm 1 Sill Intl I 8UCCe8. to use part Of the road's (right Of way, . macmne wm do given tnorougn because it is unable to build Its road in tr.Ial il r this harvest ana at the end the Columbia River at these different places. Mr. Mohler replies this Is a very valuable piece of ground and can not be parted with at any price, in tne past when tne company nas cnangea its ck or obtained valuable property it has set up in Wasco county that this land wss entirely worthless and without any value to the Owner or the buyer, giving tha owner almost nothing for the land. The company will, no doubt very soon have to explain to the people of Oregon where this vast difference In price comes n." . Salmon Season Ended. THE DALLES. Aug. . The spring nlmnn ....nil fmm tha CIoamAm in fA. lilo is practically over for this year-lhlhA The river is so low tnat nan wheels are unable to run. Fishermen report that It makes little difference as there haa been few fish in the upper river for some time. Why not make-the trip to the famous Tellowstons National ParkT Tou can do so at a very moderate expense. Sne. oial excursion tickets are on sale dally (expected to have all of the exterior work litJ.fAt" tJm,tri J done by the time the fall rains set in. avw of the season if there are any changes or modifications to be made to make the machine perfect in Its work they will be made and next year the machine will be put on the market for sale. McRae Is an old harvester man and knows his business and the two men who are in terested in the construction of the new combine are confident that It will be a suecess. JTew Business Building. Purl Bowman, one of the monled men of the city, has decided to erect a mod ern three story brick on Main street near the depot. The building will be built of pressed brick and will be three stories above the basement which will make It practically four stories in It will be erected at. a cost of $40,000 and will be begun as soon as the workmen and the material for the foundation can be procured; The lower floor will be occupied by store and ware- rooms and the upper parts wilt be fitted as a lodginghouse. When It is finished It will be ths largest business house. In the city and will be as modern in fur- nishment as can be contrived. It Is Made "A Little Better Than Seems Necessary" BY The Best Workmen The FROM Best Material Morrison street This is the beat month la the year to visit the Park and the Park Association are fully prepared to take cars of all tourists desirinar to make ths trip.- Call St the office. No. 1SI Morrison street, for Park literature and run particulars. aii arrangements will be mads for you prior Ut startiu- en the Iv-,.. s ' Death of Child. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Willjams( of Flat woods died yesterday afternoon. The funeral will be held front the family boms, WITH The Best Machinery NONE CAN BE BETTER! Fleischner, Mayer & Co. MAKERS irr: