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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1903)
DO NOT FAIL TO READ, THE SATURDAY EVENING JOURNAL yol; 5t 3of)3. ' price five cents.' STORE EVIDENCE 'SSUSPEGfS RREEDOMcBY- VJfrffnout Anything, to Base His Action on the Countv Guard A Ian .Locked Five Men in Mail and Refused Advice,. '.' Even the' Police Had Investi gated the Case and Had He Followed The Journal's Facts , Would Have Known Different Airthe Men Had Alibis, but . Could Not Present Them as -Sheriff Would Not Listen Damage Suits Follow. ' t -. ; - ' , Sheriff , Store? was administered a olar-plexus blow when the caie aralnst "tearl Mcintosh and Dave Simon. - tor compllcltr Jn; the Sellwood car holdup was dismissed without a hearing in the Municipal Court this morning:. - . ' Sheriff-storey's stunt In arresting the Alleged streetcar bandits was the most glaring bfunder 1n the criminal-captur- f jug iimmi vi mo cuy. BKXKlTr ItOUT, WITHOUT AMY tvftovn nrrstrtttATioir. - wxtx ovt , m suqxtzst afabct ?ASXS rOB XXS AbTXOV, WITHOUT xa axHXBiTzosr or ah iota or jvdoksht ox orrzozAi. XJTTCUU- OSHOB, BBAOOED rZTX XHHOOXXT Usx to rax ooxrxTT jau, aho TXZKS TO XAZXXOAB TXIK TO TXX rsxxTxxTZAXT rox XOXBXXQ TXX RLIWOOD OAX. Sheriff Storey was given a tip that the city police were Investigating, on cer tain lines, to try and clear up the Sell wood car robbery mystery. He heard that the police had asked Mcintosh some questions, and at once jumped at the bungling conclusion that Mcintosh and his friends were guilty. He could only find two men who were acquainted with Mcintosh to arrest, so he went and picked up two' more on general prin ciples . to make up the Ave who were 'supposed to have performed ' the rob bery. . - xxxzrr stoxst xuxxbs txxm r TXX COTJXTT JTAZXn. AHD XT BUUBOZZHO, TXXSATXXXXO AHD WXATZXa, TXXXD TO 70XOX TXXM TO 00HTX8S. XX F&AOE9 TXX MXH XH BXrAXATX COXTXHZKXHT AHZ xJcrtraxo to xotztt txzzx rXZBXDS OX ATTOXHETS UHTZZt XB AW TIT". Sheriff Storey declared that ha had men1 who robbed the Sellwood car the evidence with which to convict He heralded his capture in the ewspapers and. according to : his stateiTRnts, was about the only thing in this section that was In the running when it came down to the -Sherlock Holmes class of business, and the land In In llmhn tha men who nrev. , oneria Biorey, wiinoui a Boa-rcn war rant, ' entered a number .of rooms and rummaged through trunks, carried away articles without giving receipts, bull I ... V- '' '' " fs I '; Ifl1' ' i f i t. ' t ltr' -'il - -"rv" I a 1 1 ,vi Wilt i t v L3 1 1 j 2 ' i . ii THE COURT Tins PANICKY CONDITION - CAUSES UNEASINESS Order Said to Have Been Is sued to Disband Portland Aerie Because of Continued Internal Strife, Clyde, Sullivan and Senofsky Were tjected, but Still Re tain Positions as Trustees of the Aerie. ANCIENT WOMAN REPENTS Louisa Barnes, Aged 78 Years, Who Married Dr. Barnes, . Aged 32 Years at the Time, Now Wants Separation. The Bride of Three Years Names Two Co-Respondents, One a Chorus Girl and the Other a Young Miss of 12. Funds of Organization, Lease of Hall, Title to Furniture and Insurance Policies Held by Them, XAXXX CXT7, Aug. 6. Acting umder orders from the Oraad Aerie, rratenal Order tf Xaglee, District Deputy riynn haa notified Thomas MeHamee, district deputy at rortlanoV that the Portland lodge ot the order has fceea dis banded. MoHsmae la instructed to collect charter and paraphernalia at once. , Dr, Barnes, Living at Los An geles, Has Only $5,000 of His Wealthy Wife's Money and Now. She Wants that. Copyright, 1903, Burr Mcintosh Monthly. . , MAXT MAHHXXIHa AT XOMB . A new photograph of the Xeautlfnl actress by Burr Mcintosh Vancouverferry and headed toward the Sound.1 To bear out this . fact,-, three men robbedS a saloon in' Seattle the next Sunday evening, shot r a man and an swered the , description . so . accyrsktely, that it was a cinch that they .were the dn.i ltnoA into malntnlnlne ailenca ert that operated In Portland. mvh.. with th All of thse facts war made public inimi RTOSirr rOROXS thx 4 ooulo? hava- been, corroborated y AIJJ50BD trSPEOTS TO JJCATX tt wrUr U lxa had any doubt, aa to nrm vvnmnai m vmTAn their authenticity. In spits of these to omb inp sir ronnoi xab ' Storey arrested flve men that oom. txem rxnrrxo nr sxrsoxrrxxi.x V a" HEWBPAPEM. XKAHDZXa . XHHO- a ajthlnr to do With the robbery, or OXHT XXH AB CXXKXXA&8. Bhrjtl Storey, refused to listen to any exudations from his victims who could all Vindicated themselves beyond uoubt In a Vive-minutes' conversation. axxxxrr btoxet kaox xo zh- TXSTIOATIOH AMOHO TXX PASSEH OEKS WXO WXXX HZU - tpP, OX TXX 00XV0HE8T XOXSB SXH8X WOVXJD XATX IHOWH X3X THAT XX WAS XX TXX WXOXO AS TO XZ8 XXX. V i-.... . Sheriff, Storey made a, serious mis take, which was r utterly ' unwarranted and inexcusable. He JH be the de- even if there had been a slight suspi cion a Uttle Investigation would have removed it and shown that the nan were innocent. Had' a White Elephant. After the rash arrest,- Storey realized that he had a . white ' elephant on his hands in the bunch of suspects, and found he had absolutely no evidence. He, however, made a pretense that he had a case to let himself down as easy as possible.'- He kept the men separate and succeeded in having them ' held over until public -Interest in his capture had in a measure subsided, ..and the hum Hi fendant in a suit for .damages by the ity of having the men dismissed would i'. ... - I . - v- - .... . men who sutrerea tnrough nis lgnor-inot do so acute, v-ne jorowDeav mreat- enea ana aouaea' ma" prisoners in uie hope that., something rmight' develop which would, give 'him an opportunity to get r out -front under" his; load;-f of ance. f-'- Stersy'g Xlunder. , The Sellwood car was held up on fne night of July 14. From , indisputable facts published by The Journal, se errors. cured from the passengers on the car. It : was ' made public : that three , men Case rail to Pieces. The -case against the suspects fell- to were engaged In the robbery. All were pieces before it even ent; to; trial. One accurately described. - The ' one ! that of the Hve mf n arrested was dismissed came in the front end of the car had a without even making his name public, pronounced Roman nose and yellow hair, as the mistake In hia arrest was so avi ans one that operated In the middle of dent that he .was dropped. by the'Sheriff the t car was far below , the medium like a hot .potato, as thef man had influ- helght and declared by most of the vic-lence and showed the disposition to make tlms to be-a very young boy. " The man a,' flght for redress for the Indignity on the rear platform' whp shot Day, was heaped upon: him by the Sheriff. After ft large man, who weighed t fully 180 1 Simon succeeded in getting, an' oppor- pcunds. 1 The men were traced through j tunlty .to make an ; -explanation.. ; and rhe country to the Sandy-and back to showing beyond ft doubt that he was at he Columbia, which they, crossed on the I La Grande on the night of the lith, the charge of. robbery against him was changed to that of having received stolen - property, which - charge was basfd on the flimsy pretext of Simon having, a pawn ticket for a watch on his person .when .arrested. .On Straight Alibi. Because, while they strove one With another inside their own variety, their chattering was heard on the outside and the flutter of their wings cast aside the veil of mystery and permitted the un known to become the property of the world at large, the Grand Aerie Fra ternal Order Of Eagles has decided to put a clean paper in the Portland cage. Believing decisive measures to be best suited to obtaining the desired result. District Deputy President Flynn, head of the order in this state, has issued or ders to the local representative of the grand lodge, Thomas McNamee, to with draw the charter of the Portland branch of the order. , This assertion, made In Baker City, is denied by E. D. Johnson, president of the Portland lodge. This new feature seriously com plicates the situation, which was al ready far from being free in this re spect. A short time ago several mem bers of the Portland Aerie were expelled by Mr. Flynn for what was alleged to be the "good of the order." Politics,' per sonal grudge, spltework and many ether reasons were assigned, but those who remained within the fold after the purg ing, felt, reasonably safe and tolerably well satisfied if stories from the lodge room are to be believed. The order from the s Grand Aerie, which became known today, practically expels the entire membership of the Portland lodge, both rank and file, leav ing those who were instrumental in forcing the removal of those recently ejected in the same plight as their In tended victims. Lodge Kay Appeal. The officers of the local lodge have the right to appeal from the order of (Journal Special Service.) CAMBRIDGE, Aug. 6. A sensation of more or less Interest throughout the East, and, in fact, all over the coun try, has been sprung here by the ac t'itn of Louise Barnes, aged 78 years, who has applied for a divorce from her husband. Dr. C. N. Barnes, IS years of age. now living in Los Angeles, CaL .. In 1600. the. unusual, marriage cf the aged woman to Dr. Barnes occurred, and many were the comments on the occa slon. It was said that before three years, or until the doctor had gotten much of the wealthy woman's money, would the marriage last. Now comes the climax, when the bride of three years sues for absolute divorce and namea the co-respondents one chorus girl in a Los Angeles theatre and the other a 12-year-old girl. Dr. Barnes, although living in the Call fornla city. Is riot to "be found today, Is said he has only $5,000 of his wife's money, and this she asks for In her suit for divorce. (y jj X. X. A factor In Paelflo Coast Development It STRIKE AVERTED BY AN INCREASE Rock Island Conductors and Trainmen Meet a Surprise at Hands of Company. ' Ira Landers, a waiter on 'tfie Dalles District Deputy Flynn, but as a portion City, -showed that he was or&the night pf the local lodge officials were ousted of ; the : .robbery ' at The Dalles on his in the recent expulsion it remains to .be boat. Arthur Hicks was also at The seen whether a legal appeal can be taken Dallas,' registered at a hotel there on without their sanction. That they that 'night. : would not agree to an appeal is con- Theonly one left to jTace the charge ceded by those who class themselves as of the .Sellwood-robbery this morning "regular members." was. Earl ' Mcintosh. . .' His attorney ' had ah absolute ' alibi for him which would have1 shown - that he could not have been . identified with the Sellwood car robbery: " His : case was dismissed by District.' Attorney Adams, the prosecution- having ; nothing on which to try the case. ' , $10,000 Damage Suit. After Simons .and Mcintosh Were dis missed they went to the office of At torney Pague, who had defended them and took; the .-preliminary .steps for the bringing of a damage suit against Sher iff Storey In the sum of 110,000 each. The papers will; be- filed in. the Circuit Court and make claims (.for v the dam ages on the grounds of injury to char acter,, physical and mental suffering and persopar indignity. " Looked Vp V.lth ft Chinaman. Dave, Simon made the following state ment;' ''Sheriff. Storey picked me up on the Plata Block,. and without any ex planations dragged., me to the county Jail-and locked me into the condemned murderer's cell. . He later took me Into a room and threatened and bulldoaed me in an effort to make me confess that I had 'robbed the Sellwood car, He then put, roe In a oell with a filthy China man," and for .several days refused to notif y , my friends or 1 send for an at torney,; I was later handcuffed and. like r (Continued on Page Two. -, t ,-; (Journal Special Service.) CHICAGO, Aug. 6. Rock ' Island of ficials are today conferring with Clark, the head of the conductors snd vice- grand master of Railway Trainmen. A strike now seems imminent. Out of nearly 2,000 members only 17 are op posed to the strike. General Manager Goodnow of the Rock Island this afternoon announced that all conductors, and trainmen has been granted an Increase of from 12 to IS per cent. Lee this afternoon says the railway company has made a com plete surrender. DARING DEED OF A LONE ROBBER Enters Gambling Rooms, Holds up Faro Dealer and Gets $495 in Gold. FALL OF WELL KNOWN WOMAN ' (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 6. A sad scene wss enacted in the Po lice Court here today and many were the expressions of sympathy that were given from persons in the crowded courtroom. It was an early hour of court when Madame Barrios, the widow of the President of - Guatemala was brought before the court charged with drunkenness. She -pleaded -"not guilty.- and the -Justice let her go. When asked If she were drunk she answered in a maudlin voice: "No, Tour Honor; but I have been 111." x The late President's (flow is an American, born at New Or leans and was noted for her beauty. She has lived for some time quietly in San Francisco. Since President Barrios' death four juve nile claimants have cropped up, saying they are children of the late President. This ' fact haa caused the senora much annoy ance and grief, and it is believed has led her to commit wayward deeds. SLIP i mi STMT Uncertainty Prevades Stock Markets of Metropolis Today and Very Low Records Are the Results. One Firm, Regarded as Solid boes by the Board and Other ; Failures Are Expected by the Wise Ones. James R, Keene Gives State- ' ment Remarkably Congratu- latory to Great Pacific Coast Industries. . Hot times are expected at the meeting of the Portland Eagles on Friday night Interviewed at Baker City by a rep resentative of The Journal this morn ing. District Deputy Flynn said: "This action is the outcome of the publicity given 'lodge matters in Port land." He had no comment to make upon any of .the troubles of the Port land lodge, but said that any differences In the order should not have been dis cussed outside of meetings of the lodge itself. ,f - - ., He said he had many friends who sup ported him In the action taken by him recently in reading out certain members of the Portland lodge and admitted that there were many others who opposed the course he had pursued. He was deeply grieved, he said, that the Portland Eagles should take, their troubles to the press. He admitted that he was acting under orders from the Grand Aerie, and said the Portland lodge bad the right to appeal from his de cision chose to exercise It. ; ; . KcWamee Zs Xetloent. ' - When seen by The Journal . in this city. Thomas McNamee,. the representa- tiv of the Grand. Aerie, whose duty It i Will M.-ivf wiiuufaw urn viuiiicr, was fcegatfcrely positlv. , , T will not admit that I received any (Journal Special Service.) TUSCON, Aria., Aug. 6. A lone masked robber entered the famous Cabinet Club's gambling hall at 3 o'clock this morning, and placed a six shooter against the head of a faro dealer." and then gathered $495 in gold from the table and made his Escape be fore the crowd realized what was done. The club is located in the center of the town. The barkeeper fired three shots at the fleeing man without effect The police have no clue. . , ' (Journal Special Service.) NEW YORK. Aug. 6. A feeling of great uncertainty pervades Wall street ( today. In some quarters the complex ion of the situation assumes that of abject f,ear. Not since the calamitous days of 1893 has such an undercurrent of dlssatla-" faction stirred the usually calm, waters ' of stock speculations In this metropolis. The exchange opened In excitement . this morning because of the extremely weak condition of the market manifest everywhere. Gilt-edge securities ' de clined on the Jump, and sunk from 1 to ltt within three minutes after open ing time. ' . Low records were reached In ft re markably short period, and before noon the failure of Sharp & Byron, well- known commission dealers, was, an nounced. This Arm was organised in 1891, and was rated at between $250,000 to $300,000. It was considered a staunch ' house. Panicky 'pulsations could not be con- - cealed and a few minutes after the " statement of the Sharp ft Byron fail- . ure, fears were openly expressed that " others would follow. ' It is learned here this afternoon that " President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay, Is deeply interested in the movement of Wall street, not from "any pecuniary in '. terest but Mr the effect a general slump will have on the administration.. That he and high officers of the ad ministration are anxious over the con ditions is proved by the fact that con stantly today have telegrams been sent and received from the present seat of the national government James R. Keene. the veteran specu lator, in an interview . this morning. stated that it was idle to suppress the 1 fact that financial matters in the East are perplexing. Continuing, the statement was made that it was a remarkable fact . that - s Western securities were as firm, and i v even firmer than ever before. - ' "Particularly on the Pacific Coast Is this found to be true," continued Mr. Keene. . "Industry on the Pacific Coast is progressing admirably. Railroads are all making big receipts. Everywhere are factories going up and the thousands -. of acres of land are being made produc- , tive by Immigrants from the Middle- west and Eastern States. "By the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways the great extreme ; Northwest is being put in touch with He Is -Cheerful and Says the umon pacmc system, with its gate-at . . ... ; I . 1 . j. yv . V ChargeS AgatnSt HlWl Will 14 N.;iuw! Into California over th.Sl.rr YOUNG MAN KILLED; ASLEEP ON TRACKS ieorge Bolker Met Death under the Wheels of Train . Last flight. (Journal Special Service.) TACOMA, Aug. 5. George Bolker, 21 years of age, was killed on the Tacoma- Seattle Interurban track at 2:40 o'clock this morning by a freight train en route from Tacoma to Seattle near Edgewood, nine miles from Tacoma. He is thought to have got off the train at Edgewood at midnight and walked up. the track. He was lying on the track when the fi eight came along. One leg was cut off and his head was cut WHITAKER WRIGHT LANDS IN LONDON Be Easily Disproved. .(Continued on Page , Two.) t 1 GLENCONA ABANDONED (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5. Advices received from the British ship Glencona, previously reported ashore at Ensenada, Argentine, while en route to Newcastle, England from. San Diego, are that she has been abandoned by the salvors. The ship is' completely submerged and the seas are breaking over her. The cargo consists of fire-brick, coke and pig Iron. MIMIC WAR ON (Journal Special Service.) ' BAR HARBOR. Aug. 5. The defend- ntr sxruadron in 1 the big maneuvers sailed from the harbor at 6 o'clock this morning In a. drUiltng rain. It la now petroling off-. Frenchman's Bay. - The mimic war is now on, " I ' (Journal Special Service.) LIVERPOOL. Aug. 5. Whltaker Wright arrived this morning, accompa nied by two Scotland Yard detectives. He went immediately to London, where he will surrender to the authorities. He eaya he is positive he can clear him self from charges of fraud in connec tion with the defunct London Globe Finance Corporation, and seemed in a cheerful state -of mind. VESSELS COLLIDE ,:- AND ONE IS SUNK Sharp Work Saves Crew, but valuable cargo is a1 . t - Total Loss (Journal Special Service.) , . 1 , LIVERPOOL, Aug. 6. The steamer Emerald, en route from Glasgow here, collided with the steamer Kllmore, off Bishop Rock lighthouse this morning, and sunk. 'Quick work saved the crew, but the steamer' and her valuable cargo are a complete loss. . v Nevadas over the Southern Pacific. Tap ping the fertile Pacific Coast on the south are the Santa Fe and the Southern Pacific roads, and all of these great transcontinental lines are doing such business as they never did before. "I can say this." concluded Mr. Keene, "the vast Pacific slope is not In this dis tressing flurry. It is the one district In the Union that can stand alone." The firm of Sharp and Bryan made a general assignment, and account 1 for their failure directly attributable to, the sudden shrinks ge In securities. The liabilities are placed at $5.000.000.. The asets comprise almost exclusively stock: exchange securities amounting to sev eral millions, whose valuation is depend ent on market conditions. Unless the market shows further decline the assets Lwill cover the liabilities. . - . (Bulletin, S p.' m. The stock failure of Hurlbutt, Hatch & Co. is announced this afternoon on the exohange. ' Hatch has been mem ber of the bosrd since 1899. The mar ket Is greatly disturbed at this time. FLOOD IN CHINA BERLIN', Aug. . Advices -fr-i.n r Fon. China, report mat 7'H) r r--- : were drowned In .1 flood on J y, 11, 1 1 thousand are bumoK'. ,