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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1903)
THE ' OKEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TirtTHSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 0 1003. 10 CENIRALf OREGON: TRADE QUESTION Business Men Are .Alarmed a ADoarent Intention to Drain Interior of State to San Fran cisco. Responsibility for Neglect of Development Is Blamed to Portland and Harriman Sys tem Alike, (Br John E. Lathrop.) if Portland and Oregon business In terests feel alarm on account of tha ap ' "parent disposition on tha,jpart of tha ; Harriman system to drain thjq Central Oreron country toward California, tbat ' alarm Is only natural. It may be cauaed by a misapprehension. That which Is keen upon tha surface may not ba the reality; It may be only tha misleading .Appearance- Railroad managers usually refuse to take the people into their - confidence, and avoid statements that project prophecy far Into tba future. At any rata, In theaa days, four or Ave decades since Oregon's settlement, with the remainder of tha coast In possession of histories of forward movements al ready written. Central Oregon la wlth . out, rail transportation facilities. On ., two sides of the state north and west run railroads. Tha eaat and south are ' ' not even fringed with tha ateel bands. '- f Tha great interior la virgin aoll for tha construction fang. , Short Spur Unas.. i Jl few spur lines run Into tha Into ' - rlor much as a pin runs into one's An ger, for the great body of natural in- ' terlor Oregon has not yet felt the blows of the weapons of Industry that shall soma dar slash her Into f ragmanta and - from them build .a modern Oregon with modern facilities for communication and conveyance, The Columbia Southern runs' a few - miles south from Biggs, on tha Colum bia River. The Sumpter Valley Railway peno , trates from Baker City a few miles vest' ' -. The Corvallla A Eastern leaves tha main Una of the Southern Pacific In "Western Oregon nd goes Into the Caa cades to their heart, but stops therej it floesnt reacn central uregon. ' -A .logging road follows the Klamath River up from the northeast comer of , California, a very few miles Into Ore- 1 gon, 1 And these ' constitute Oregon's at ' tempts to develop Central Oregon. Tna unaereiopea xegion. Hi Is never devoid of human weak nesses, and perforce Is Influenced by eg' presslons that reflect upon his reputa- tlon for good faith. Hasty Jumping at conclusions will be not only unwise. but disastrous. First, let It ba known whether or not Harriman capital will be expended, not alone for Improvements, for those way be expected when some of the younger men have opportunity to apply their progressive Idea on tha Southern ra pine, as they already have on Jhe O. R. & N. . But It should ba learned defi nitely what mean these projected small roads that, when completed, win cer tainly drain Central Oregon Into San Franclaco. Perhape tha apparent In this respect Is not the real. Perhaps Portland haa been expending breath In condemning what does not deserve con demnation. Interested Portland should find this out THE THIRD TERM . AND ITS HONORS UNUSUAL SUITS ARE SETTLED FOR $5( - ; j .4 ' , i t Woodmen ' Association arid Painter Miller Compromise With Mrs. Whalen, CUT MOTICM. C1TT NOTICES. CITT NOTICES. BAILBOAD TIMETABLES. Cleveland. Van Buren and Jackson Thrice Nominated for President. ,For the sum of 160 tha damage suits against tha Woodmen . of the world Amusement Association and Ernest Mil ler, a painter, Instituted by Mrs. Theresa Miller, has been settled. ' The painting of the entrance arch was done by Miller. Two days before the carnival opened, Mrs. Whalen attempted to enter the grounds. As she did so one of Millar's men fell off a ladder, striking the woman and spattering her with paint. Two suits for I2&0 and 191 re spectively were tiled In Justice Reld's court Among .the damages claimed were: Loss of a hat, 110; Injury to dress, $70; gloves, II; lost purse, $11; pbyslclan'a fees. 11.60; 'hack, $1,60. Although neither the Association nor the painter considered themselves liable for the accident but to avoid a lengthy suit compromised for $60. . 1 " " Blk . lot T, Tee Hawthorne Batata.... . 83.00 Hlk 0, lot a Tha Hawthorns Batata.... : . 62.10 4 tract of land lying between the eaat , . line oi dik a, lork, and a line lug feet eaat of and parallel with tha eaat I tna of Eaat Twenty-ninth street, and " - ' between tha eouth Una of Orwgoa tract extended eaaterly la lw preeent coorae. and a Him HPT. 8 feel north of and para lll therewith. W. a, Ladd , Estate. Heirs et LIT A tract of land lying batwaaa tha seat . Use of Raat Tweatr-ulnta atreet and a line luo feet eaat of and parallel, tberenrltb and between tha aoatb line of Oregon street extended eaaterly la ' It Dreeent course and tha north Una of Raat Hoyt atroat Boys' Olrla' aid Society of Orcgoa WH lore Blk 10, lot 8, The Hawthorne Batata... TO. It Blk 10, lot I, Tba Ilawtbnrne Estate... 13.01 Hwthorn'a rirat Addition to Boat Portland . ;.. Blk a, lot 11, The Rawthorne Batata.. . 4.4s Blk 2, lot 12, The Hawthorne Batata... TS. P10P0BES .ASSESSMENT .FOB .IMPtOTX- MINT OF BAIT MAIN TBXXT. - . Notice 1 hereby glrea that the Council of tna City of Portland propoaas to aaaeaa the following - described pro party 'and owner or owner as being specially and pecuUarly bene fited la the aiuounta at th. um and description tbaraot for tbaf Improvement of Baat Vlala atroat from the eaat lnaof Baat Thlrtjr-fourth street to the west Una of aai jnirry-nintn street as provided ay oedl nance Ne.' 13.367. , Any objections to the apportionment of coat for aald Improwaent muat M made la writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within fiftees days front the data of tha flret publication of tola notice, and aald objections Will ba board Bad detrmlMl he tha tfnanell lora in paaaago or toe ordinance easing 5!S 12- I- War 'iey........ i n.n nil. JJ - i i . m . . . k 71 mn a, orn a ung Blk 1M, lot , IWld B. Toung ....... Blk 1M. lot T. Tvld R. Toons , Blk i. hit S. R. a. Ulnaarr. axacutor.. : Hlk 12ft, lot S, Hoaa A. Nl'Uon Blk 125, It. Vi lot T, Amelia Dueber tate, Helra of Blk 119, B. H tnt 0, Amelia thiebar Ea- tata, Ilrlr of Blk 12S, W, H lot T. rboabe A. Bark- oarni a,, nttw i a Blk 124, ot a, American Laandry Con- Bl! ......... .a... Phoebe A. Burk- 101.1T 101.80 near Ik 134, lot 0, American Laandry Com- panr IT.Ta WV .IHI .1 M , U HIM J VIB- panr SS.04 Blk im. lot T. Aaierlcaa Lanndrr Dotn- pan , , S00.04 ri; If A 1 k lit Jii v:TTortTr.i.iTJia, mm 18.41 100.80 iDiiCGOHv' ToUl Total ..,,.., i, . ' THUS. V. llf.VLin. Andltor af the City of Portland. Anguat 4. 1003. , TBa moat delightful trip across the eontlnent Is via the Denver A Rio Grande, the scenlo line of the world. Applv at 114 Third at. Portland, for rates. Mr. Cleveland's third term aeema still to be the stock in discussion of the po litical situation, says the Bt Paul Dis patch. It atrlkea a contemporary who haa lived through three Cleveland cam paigns as somewhat amusing, the sober ness with which this candidacy la re ceived, the solemnity with which Mr. Cleveland is advlaed that tha Father of hla Country never considered a third term; that Indeed, when auch Luper- callan honor waa offered him for tha third time, he refused. George Wash ington IS held up for Grover Cleveland's Imitation. . Like entangling alliances, tha third term la decided according to the opinion of the first American. Tet Mr. Cleveland haa run the cam paign gauntlet three times already, and he has such Illustrious predecessors as Martin Van Buren and Andrew Jackson, all of them honorable Democrats. And one distinguished Republican. General U. 8. Grant would not have scorned a third nomination If the Garfield dark horse had not proved ao awift a ateed. Jack son and Cleveland,' In fact, have each been elected three times to the presi dency or tne urn tea states u; or course, ours wss truly a popular and not a rep reaentatlva government Jackaon waa elected In 1824 with an electoral vote of 89 against the 84 for John Qulncy Adams; but with Clay of Kentuoky and Crawford of Georgia to break the solid South, he failed in getting a majority of the electoral vote, and the House seated Adama In the presidential chair. By popular vote he won out by 60,000, in creasing that to 188,000 In 1828, and by 187,000 In 1832. This gathering of mo mentum doubtieas gives apocryphal oior fatly level, all cleared and ready rn th tttnrtf thnt In thai mrtimto. (na tt I Over and over fcgaln, the question Tennesnee and North Car61ina they are for building, water piped In front NEW HOUSE ..FOR SALE.. At a' biz discount by the owner. Mxrooms; ail modern conveniences. Terms easy. . Phone East 646 ' 888 East Tenth, corner Mason. Take Woodlawn car. This Is a bargain. Three Dollars Per Month NOTHINO DOWN Buys nice lot 40x100 on good car line, 5 cent fare, high and per- lias been discussed. It. must- be dla mussed over and over again. That un developed region oners soma Interest' ing study for the boomer, who Is look' Ing for opportunity to apply hla art a WTOm Shanlko, the terminus of the Columbia. Southern, to tha southern boundary lino of tha state, a bird would be compelled to fly more than 200 miles. That same bird would have to fly mora than 200 miles. In passing from , Jdanha, end of. the Corvallla A Eastern, to Sumpter, end fit the Bumpter Valley road, the course -being from west to eaat, across the state. From the Jogging road that makes into Southwestern Oregon from Cali fornia, the distance across Oregon to Pendleton, In. the northeast corner, la more than S00 miles. Theaa flrurea convey soma .Idea or tha country that awaits tha energy of the developer before joining the com munities that are furnished with mod ern conveniences. ' . - ; " Whose XeapoaslbUlty? As to Who must bear the responslbll Ity for failure to build tha railroads that would develop this . vast region, there can be only one correct answer the people of Oregon and the Harriman system 1 it is a question 01 nice aistincuon tc declare which Is tha more, to blame for the present -condition of crudity In a region that possesses unlimited possl bilitlea 1 Portland owners of capital have been ultra - conservative In the past They have been more than that prone to truckle to the railway domination. The natural desire of. the railway corpora tion to keep a controlling band.on public I manaer Joshua U Chamberlain. Stops affairs has been humored by tha leadtfl win oe made en route at Niagara Falls, Jnir men of Portland. Portland Is the Chicago,. Kansas City, Albuquerque, Los voting for "Glneral" Jackson yet. Cleveland presents a similar case of' having Increased hla popular plurality In three successive elections from 23,005 In 1884 to 09,524 In 1888 and to 380.0(0 in 102. The electoral vote of the mid dle contest did not answer to the popu larity of Mr. Cleveland, Harrison getting Z33 to Cleveland's 168, whereas In the second struggle between them Harrison won 145 electoral votes, while Cleve land carried oft 277. It is evidently then permitted a man to be thrice elected President of the United States, but he must not be three times President The fatea will with out doubt take care of this and man may cease tils worrying, and if it aeema good to Mr, Cleveland and to the Democratic party he may be permitted to make the run for the fourth time. Hla third plu rality reu a trine short or 400.000. Mc- Klnley's pluralities over. Bryan both ran near the million mark, so that there Is a possibility of Cleveland making a 600.- 000 plurality and yet losing the confir mation of the Electoral College. If this ba comfort, we would make the most of It should 1904 present the phenomenon 01 a rourtn nomination. .; MAINE, VETERANS PORTLAND, Me.. Aug. . Desnlte Its great distance Maine is to be well rep-1 resented at tne coming national en campment or uie u. A. R. in San Fran cisco. A special train of Pullman car left this city today ' en route to the Pacific Coast carrying several hun dred veterans and their friends, the party being headed by Department Com- of each lot. Price, Including- J A'A Improvements piUU The Best Bargain in Portland POTTER & CHAPIN, 346 Stark St. lxoax nonet.' hlef city of Oregon. Hence, she Is expected, and justly, too,: to take tha 1 lead In all, public enterprise that con cerns the commonwealth. Portland In trse matters stands for Oregon's re sponsibility in failure to provide ade quate rail facilities. Tba Crucial lClstaka. Considering for the moment a bit of history, it will be admitted that It was a strategic error for Portland to permit the control of the O. R. N., as originally formed,, to pass to Wall street in New York. Possession of that system at this time would mean to hold the key to the situation. Per haps It was fright at approaching finan cial troubles that moved to the sale. Nevertheless, It was a blunder so far as I'ortland and Oregon is concerned. But it is suspected that there was an ele ment of truckling to railway domina tion, followed by an awakening to the truth, that those who were responsible for leading Portland and Oregon 011 ward to its deserved place among com' monwealths, had committed a groes - mistake, irreparable throughout all time. The one road that would have given Portland and Oregon immeasurable ad vantage over other coast cltiea has been added permanently to the Harri man system. Probably It is to cry over spilt milk to deplore it but it is a ' part of a thorough discussion of rall- '. road issues at this time. Independent Action. Accepting the Inevitable regarding the future control of the O. R. & N the Portland and Oregon man Is face to face with Just one proposition: - Shall this city, as the responsible sponsor for Oregon, await the will of i tha Harriman people, or snail it pre . oare for Independent action? 'One of these alternatives must be chosen, for the very simple reason that there are nsj others. If Portland is to await action by the Harriman people, . then it is Incumbent upon it to expect that Portland will be ilwad uoon the list of cities served by the company, to receive ita share of at tention. It must expect that -the man ager of the system's destinies will ob serve no sentiment, but will apply busi ness principles ' to the conduct of his them yield a margin of profit to satisfy other motive will govern him. ' M tha Truth Mm learned. It would be well, ' first -te learn truth concerning ithe intention of Harriman people. It may be that much of the alarm now experienced Is un necessary; that everything will even tuate so as to conserve Portland's and Oregon's interests - It certainly Is un- Angeles and other points of interest WtlTTT SATE MJJUB TO OO BT. When there Is a feelln that th k.. or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerves are diseased, at once commence to doc tor ma momacn. mat m tha munai . of the trouble in 90 cases out of every 100. Commence to regulate the digestive organs, get them in healthy working condition, and the other troubles will leave or tnemseives. Diseases which have their beginning in the stnmanh must be cured through the stomach. The medicine for stomach disorders and nan tne iua 01 me. is Dr. ounn'n im proved Liver Pilla These pills put all the digestive organs In good condition so mat disease nas no Dasis to work upon. They are sold by all druggists for 25n per dox. one pill is a dose. We will send a box postpaid on receipt of 25c, or 'to anybody who wants to try them we will send -2 cllls free. Send name and address to rr. Hosanko Co.. Phtlada.. Pa. NOTICE la hereby given tbat there la pending in ma omce or tne Auditor or tne uiy 01 I'ortland a petition for the vacation of tba portion of tba atreets hereinafter ueacribed and that at tbe regular meeting of tbe Coun cil of aald City of Portland, Multnomah County, State of Oregon, to be held on Wed nesday, tne 3d day of September. 1803, at tbe regular hour and place, aald petition will be preaented to aald Council by the under signed praying for the vacation of all tbat part of North Eighteenth atreet In aald City of Portland Included between tba north Una of Vaughn atreet extended acroaa aald North Eighteenth atreet and tha south Una of Wllaon atreet extended acroaa aald North Eighteenth atreet. excepting therefrom tba right of way of the Northern Pacific Terminal Company; alao all tbat part of Wllaon atreet in aald City of Portland between the weat Una of North Seventeenth atreet and tha eaat line of North Nineteenth atreet, ex cepting therefrom, however, auch portion of aald atreet aa la owned, naed and occupied by the Northern Pad He Terminal Company; alao that part of Wllaon atreet Included between the weat line of North Nineteenth atreet and a ' HOC drawn acroaa Wllaon atreet connect ing the eaaterly line of block two (2) In Sherlock's Addition and block fourteen (14) In Blacklatone'a Addition. MACLEAY ESTATE COMPANY, By R. L. Macleay, prealdent. MAUliEAI KHTAie, By B. Llrlngatone, aecretary. IN THE CiuCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon, for tha County of Multnomah. James E. .f age, plaintiff, va. John A. Ben son and I". A. Hyde, defendants. To John A Benson and F. A. Hyde, defendanta: In the name of tbe State of Oregon You and each of you are hereby commanded to ba and appear in tbe Circuit Court of tha 18 tat e of Oregon, for Multnomah County, on or be fore tbe 14th day of September. 1903, and make answer to the complaint died by tbe plaintiff In thla action, and In default thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment againat you for the sum of 88,500.00, with interest thereon at 0 per cent per annum, and also for tbe further aum of $2,410.00, with Interest thereon I line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and at o per cent per annum, ana xor tne costs PBOrOSZD AMESSMXVT FOB fTWXS IX XA8T AVXXjrY STZXT. S . Notice to hereby gives that the Council et the City of Portland propoaas to aaaeaa tha following deaerlbed property and owner ar owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited la tne saoants aet ppuelte tba names and descriptions thereof by tha eanatrnrtloa of a sewer la Caat Aakeay atreet, from IS feet west of tha eaat line af Burhtal avenue to a connection with tha newer In Eaat Twenty-fourth street as provided by ordinance No. 18,240. Any objectlona to the apportionment of east for aald sewer mast be made In writing to tbe Council and filed with tha Andltor within IB days from tba data of tha first pobllcatloa of tbla netice, and aald objections win be Beard and determined by the Council before tbe paa- aaga or the ordinance aaaesaing inn east lor ssta newer. Mayor Gates Addltloa to East Port land -Blk , kit 1. Oens Haawlevlg sad Lad-. wig Madlaon I M.M Blk 0. lot 2. Edward Kraeger 24 15 Blk 0. lot 10. Harry W. Scott 4A.60 Blk . lot 0, Harry W. Scott . 13.83 Blk s, lot 2, Theresa and Vincent ' Hchmld M M Blk 8, lot 1, A. Related v 48.S0 Blk T, lot 1, Nancy R. McAfee ...1.. 4a.fiO Blk T. lot X 1. H. McAfee SS.8S Manning's Addltloa to the City of Portland, Oregon Blk 1, 8. 100 feet lot 0, S. A. and Lil lian M. Manning 28.10 Blk 1, S. 100. fet lot T, S. A. and Lil lian M. Manning W.10 Rlk t H 100 fet lot R. 8. A. and til- ' Han M. Manning S&10 nik t a 1111 feet lot a. 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning SS.10 Blk 1, 8. 100 feet lot 10, 8. A. and Lil lian M. Manning BS.10 Undivided H of a tract of Und lying between tha north Una of Eaat An keny street and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, and be tween the eaat. Una of Eaat Twenty eighth atreet and the weat Una of Manning's Addition to tbe City of Portland, Oregon, Thos. M. Anderson 80.00 Undivided H of a tract of land lying between the north line of Eaat An kany atreet and a line 100 feet north of -and parallel therewith, and be tween tha aaat line of Eaat Twenty eighth atreet and the weat line of Manning's Addition to tbe City of Portland. Oregon, Chaa. Van Winkle. 86.00 A tract of land lying between tbe north Una of Eaat Ankeny atreet and a Una 100 feet north of and parallel there with, and between the eaat Una of Eaat Twenty-sixth atreet and the weat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth arret. Isaiah Bnckman STO.OB A tract of Und lying between the north line of Eaat Ankeny atreet and a line 100 feet north of and parallel there with and between the eaat line of blk T. Keyatone Addition to tbe fitv nt Portland, and tha weat line of Eaat Twenty-aUth atreet. Iaalah Buck man. 820.00 Mayor Gates Addition to Eaat Portland-Lot lettered B. Unknown Ownee 84.80 Blk 4, bt. II. MrKeaa 28.00 Blk 4, lot 8. II. McKean 18. SO Blk S. lot 10. Louie Peterson 40.85 Rlk S, lot U, John E. and 0. Relnke.. 20.10 Blk 5, lot 8, Mary Torkey 24.10 Blk 8, lot 0, Carl Schnlti 40.85 Blk 0, lot 0, Solomon Oppenhelmer, trus tee 40.88 Blk 0, lot 8, Solomon Oppenhelmer, trus tee 90.10 Manning's Addition to tha City of Portland. Oresron Blk 2. lot 8, 8. A. and Lillian M. Manning Blk 2. lot 4, S. A. Manning Blk 2. lot 8,'. S. A. Manning Blk 2. lot 2, Bert 8. and Edith W. Franks Blk 2. lot 1, Andrew I. and Georgia A. Hplma Undivided U of I tract of land lying between the south line cf Eaat An keny atreet and a line 100 feet south of and parallel therewith, and be tween the weat line of blk 2. Man nlng'a Addition to tba City of Port land, Oregon, and tbe eaat line of Anderson .83.40 Undivided of s tract of land lying between the south lne or tast An keny atreet and a Urn 100 feet south of and parallel therewith, and be tween tbe weat line of blk 2. Man ning's Addition to the City of Port land, Oregon, and the eaat line of ir.ast TwDntT-ela-hth street. Chaa. Van. Winkle 3-0 Pleaaant Home Addition to Eaat Port land . . Blk 4, lot 4. Sidney M. Mann 11.80 Blk 4, lot 3, Sidney M. Mann 28.46 Blk 4. lot 0, John M. Lewis T.40 Blk 4. lot 5, John M. Lewis 10.40 Blk B, lot 4, C. J. Garner T.40 Blk 8, lot 8, C. J. Garner 18.40 Blk B, lot 8, Amanda J. Bennett . , 11.80 Blk 8. lot B, Amanda 4. Bennett'. 25. 46 Blk 12. lot 4, George W. Galloway T.8B Blk 12. lot 8. George W. Galloway 23.00 A tract of land lying between tbe south Une of East Ankeny atreet and tbe - north line of Pleaaant Home Addition to tbe City of Eaat Portland, and be tween the eaat line of Eaat Twenty elxtu atreet and a line 200 feet west' of and parallel with tbe weat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth street isaiaa Buck man -60.80 A tract of land lying between the sooth Une of Eaat Ankeny atreet and tha north Una of Pleasant Home Addi tion to the City of Eaat Portland, and Between two lines reaoectlTely 200 feet and 100 feet Weat of any parallel with tbe west line of Eaat Twenty Agbtb street! John M. Lewis ........ 2S.8B A tract cf land lying between tbe weat and Lillian M. 'and 'Liiilan M 80.85 80.85 80.60 80.65 80.85 I Blk 48, north H lot 2, Frieda LandbUd Blk 40, lot 8. Frieda iLondbladT....". Blk 40, lot 8, Jennie Matscnek Blk 40. lot 8. M. O. Ambler Blk 48. lot Jt, Alberta M. Proehetet... Blk 4A lot 18. Abble J, A her ne thy .... Blk 44. lot 14. Abble J. Abarnethv.... Blk 44. lot 18. Abhla Ahavm.t,v Blk 4T, lot 1. Friends' Church Coroora. Uoa, trustees of .................... Blk 4T, lot t, Mamie Rollins BUt 47, lot 8, John A. Johnson Bl J. lot 8, Tha Title Gaarantee Trust Company Blk 47. lot 8. P. 1. ram.ll Blk 47, lot 12. T. H. CUne Blk 47, lot 16. Charles r. Lindegger..,. Blk 47, lot 14, G. P. Schreeder " Blk 47, lot 18, Rudolph Dlrlwachtor.... Blk 48. lot 1, Sarah Wentworth ...... Blk 48, lot 8, Sarah Wentworth Blk 48, lot 8. Sarah. Wentworth ....... Blk 48, lot 10, Andreas V stack Blk 48, lot 11. Andreas Vetarh Blk 48, Andreas Vetarh Blk 40. wast 44 lot 1, Lea Pa Yarawnd. Blk 48, weat H lot 1 Lon IX Yarmond. Blk 40. eaat lot 1, Roawell R, Patch and William D. Plus But 40. eaat H tot 8, Roe well R. Patch and WllUam O. Plus Blk 40, tot 8, Edith E. Srnhba ' Blk 40, tot 8, Mary R. Gilbert . Blk 48. lot 8. Mary B. Gilbert . HunnValde Addition Blk 8, tot 8, Mary B. Ollhert Blk 8, lot t. Ida M. McMonlas Blk 8, tot 1, Ida M. McMonlas Blk 8, tot 1. John Good Blk 8. tot t, Jobs Good Blk 8, tot 8, John Good Blk 8, lot 4, John Good Blk 8, tot B. Joha Good ..... Blk 8, tot 8, JohotOood Blk 8, tot T. Hattle Wlhma Blk 8. lot 8. Hattle Wllaon , Good's Addition Block Ne. 1 Blk l, lot 1, Joha oooa Blk 1, tot 2, John Good Blk 1. lot 8. Joha Good Blk 1, Mi John Good Blk 1, tot 8. John Good Blk 1, lot 4, Joha Good Blk 1. tot T.John Good Bunnyatds Blk 88, weat U tot6. Sarah I. Wetaler, Blk 68, weat H lot 8. Sarah J. Wetaler, Blk 6S. eaat H tot B, J. V. Coleman, trustee . Blk 63. east tot 8, J. D. Oolemaa, fTOrltDV , ' eeaeeaaeaaeoaeeeaes Blk 68, tot 4, William H. Bayl Blk 63. tot T. Ett Rankin Blk 63. eaat H tot 10, Victor Emrlck.. Blk 63, went H tot 10, Erv. Rankin.... Blk 63, lot 11, Victor Emrlck Blk 63, tot 18, A. U. and Joha H. Hens- tla Blk 63, kit IT, Clara B. Evans Blk 63. lot 18. CUra B. Evans . Blk 62. tot 4, May R. Bryant Blk 62, tot 6, May E. Bryant Blk 62. tot 4, R. P. Plews . . f)J pi, ioi i, v. n. rairsn Blk 62, lot 10, Clarence H. Palren.... Blk 62, tot 11. George J. Helmberger.. Blk 52. tot 18, Mlnetta A. Carson Blk 62. lot 17, Mlnetta A. Carson Blk 82, tot 18. Mlnetta A. Carson Blk Bt lot V Cleveland Rockwell, trus tee Blk Bt tot B, Cleveland Rockwell, trus tee .'. Blk 61. tot 4, Cleveland Rockwell, trus tee - Blk 61. lot 8. Frank L. Huston and James J. O'Keane Blk 61, tot 8, Prancla J. Dunbar Blk 61, tot T, rrancta J. Dunbar Blk 60, weat 88 2-8 feat lot 8, R. 8. Whits i Blk 60. west 88 8-8 feet lot 5, R. S. White Blk 60, west 80 2-8 feet tot 4, R. B. -White . . . Blk 60. east 83 1-8 feet lot 8, W. A. and L. E. Dalnel Blk 60 eaat 83 1-8 feet lot 4, W. A. and L. B. Dalmel Blk 60. eaat 83 1-8 feet tot B, W. A. and L. B. Dalael Blk 60, tot 7. Elisabeth Roth Blk 50, lot 10. Elisabeth Both Sonnyalde Addition Blk ft, lot 4, R. L. Cary and L. J. Gary . . ..' Blk 5. tot B. T. t. and L. Wilson Blk 6, lot 8. William Rnek Blk 2, tot 14. D. Horton Blk 2. lot 15, Charles E. Stewart .... Blk 2, tot 14, Charles E. Stewart .... Blk 2, lot 18. Lille M. Stevenson Blk 2, weat tot 12, Lillla M. Steven son Blk 2. eaat lot 12, J. P. Booth Blk 2. lot 11, J. F. Booth , Blk 2. tot 10, Lelda E. Straua t.. Blk 2. tot 9, Lelda B. Straus 1.45 T2 . 143 14.42 18.17 16.02 .8.82 4.VT T2.47 80 ' 0.80 ' 4.20 28.2T 88.77 81.20 18.41 24.08 118.00 64.77 11.18 8.74 8 81 8.74 47.17 80.88 .,... ."-"v.vv ( , . ,, : ' THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor of the City ef Portland. n August 4. 1P8. - , - BOP08ID ASSESSXTITT FOB WrROVX- MIMT Of tTMATIIXA AVENUE. Notice Is hereby the City of I'ortland following described pro are aa being aneclallr la tha aaaounta set opposite tba names and acrlptlona thereof for tbs Improvement of I'matllla arenas, from the east curb line of Baat Eleventh atreet to the weat curb Use of East Nineteenth street - ss provtoea By oral naaco No. la I MX. . - - . Any oblertlona to tbe apportionment ef cost for aald Improvement must be made la writing to tbe Council and filed with the Andltor within fifteen days from the date of the first nahllratloa of thla notice, aad aald objection will be heard and determined by the Council 3 TRAINS to .'the EAST; DAILY Th roach Pallsus stasdard sna roorlst seea Ing ears dally to Omaha, Chisago, 8pokaaf siren tbat the Council of Vfl"' Tr'..r". --J propones, to saaeas the I .uV7w!acill weaklr to CUosae. tunau 23.88 184 3.84 24.73 24.40 87.01 46.40 27. S2 25. TV 28.8)1 23.37 23.85 24.57 28.20 20.08 14.24 11.70 4.21 1.61 1.45 160 8.20 .47 ISO .04 410 .TO 23.73 12H7 12.87 36.24 8.10 T.78 80.23 87.2(1 8. 88 6.02 85.07 28.77 88.08 20.30 26.33 110.83 BB.64 10.TS 8.43 1.01 2.15 43.38 80.81 10C 165 18. IT M I 1.20 18.45 2X60 I ....... before tbe paaaage of the ordinance the coat of said Improvement -The Town of SeUwood - Blk 48, tot 10, Siiaaa Herbera. ....... ,. Blk 48, tot 11. Btman flerbere , Blk 48. lot 8. C. R. Pendell Blk 4M, tot 8, C. E. Pendell............ Blk 48, tot 7, O, B. Pendell. ..,.,.... Blk 4H, tot 8, C R. Pendell............ Blk 48, tot 8, 0. B. Pendell........... Blk -44, tot 8, Frtedonla Wolf... Blk 48, lot 4. Frledonla Wolf Blk 6T. tot 10, C E. PenoVIl Blk 6T, tot 11. C B. Pendell Blk BT, tot 0, T. A. Wood. Blk 6T, tot 8. Alfred W. Robertooa Blk 6T, tot T, Amelia Stelbrecht Blk 6T, tot 0, Mary A. Ray....... Blk 67, tot a, Mary A. Hay... Blk 5T, tot 8, Mary A. Bay., . Blk 67. lot 4. Mary A. Ray Blk 88, tot 10, J. M. Nlckam...... Blk 88, lot 11. J. M. Nlckam Blk 48, tot 8. Hadda L. Undeleaf ...... Blk 48, lot 8, Anthony Curt la Blk 88, tot T. Oliver Olaea Heirs. ....... , Blk 48, tot 8. Llsbeth H. Onrtla. Blk 48, lot 5, Llsbeth H. Curtis Blk 48, lot 8, Frank A. Torpelmana...., , Blk 4H, lot 4. Frank A. Toepelmann..,,. Blk 77. tot 10. C. F. Petarh Blk 77, tot 11, C. F. Petarh. Blk 77. tot 0. Fannie Sayre. Blk 77. tot 8, J. M. Nlrkum Bfk 77, tot T, J. M. Ntckum , Blk 77 j lot 4, M. Sharping Blk 77, lot 6. M. Sharping Blk 77. lot 8, rraokUa Building A Loan Aseodatloa Blk 77. lot 4. FrankUa Building Loss Association ......4. Blk 47, lot 18,, Mathilda Lennox. Blk 47, tot 12. Mathilda Lennox Blk 47. lot 14, John W. Mauldlng Blk 47. tot 15, John W. Campbell.,.,,. Blk 47. tot 18. John W. Campbell...... Blk 47. tot 17. Mrs. K. L. West.,..... Blk 47. lot 18, FrankUa Building Loan Association Blk 47, tot 2, D. M. Donangb..... Blk 4T, lot 1. D. M. Douaugh.. ... Blk 68, lot 13, Isabella J. Sellwnod Blk 68, lot 12. Elisabeth D. 11. Sell wood Blk 68, tot 14, Isabella J. Sell wood. .... Blk 68. tot IB. Tbomaa R. Sellwnod.... Blk 68. tot 14, Tbomaa R. A. Sellwnod. . Blk 68, tot IT, Joaepb A. Bellwood...... Blk 68, tot 18, Joaepb A. Sellwnod Blk 68, tot 2, Emma V. SeUwood Blk 68, lot 1. Emma V. SeUwood .'. Blk 47, tot 13. Chaa. F. Stelnleln...... Blk 47, tot 12. Chaa. F. Stelnleln Blk 07. tot 14, H. 8. Allen Blk 47. tot 15. School District No. 1..,. Blk 47, tot 14, School District No. 1.... Blk 47, tot 17, Suaan A. Wllla.. Blk 47, tot 18, H. M. Bingham ........ Blk 47. tot 2, W. S. Kerne Blk 47. lot 1, W. 8. Kerns Blk 78, R. H ot 12. Thoa. Ane Blk 78, E. V, tot 13. Thoa. Ana Blk 78, W. U tot 12, Louis Bopp Blk 78, W. il tot 13, Louis Bopp Blk 78, lot 14, Jane Carter Blk 78. lot 15. A. E. Barrows... Blk 78, lot 16, Kate Sinnott .......... Blk 78. lot 17. Jules Roataln Blk 17. lot 18. Jules Rentals Blk 78, tot 2, Jules Roataln Blk 78, tot 1, Jules Roataln 'Total log , 48.T0 1104 ' 24.32 : 24.83 . 25.24 27.16 27.43 81.11 47.21 . 18.03 27.1S 28.73 25 28 Set .87 23.12 41.00 71.03 ' 24.8 27.15 20.78 24.82 23.87 22.43 22.10 60.00 68.41 22.02 21.64 21 08 21.83 31.03 20.81 10.04 80.88 49.38 11.04 24.83 26.24 25.73 24.21 PNIOJ DEPOT. 1 Laaves. Arrives. ClUCAGO-FORTLAMD 0:20 a. SB. 4:80 a St. atPKClAU iMUf ltail . . fat the Kaat vU BaaO- , ' n8to8 ' ' ' ' , - ' ' ' SPOKANE FLYER. 4:00 . SJs, 7:88 Sa aj got Eaatara WaahUg- Daily. , Daily JT ton. fValla Walla. Lew- . iatoa, Ooaar -'A Una ' , -. " T and Great BorUera c,: yoints. .. . . ' ATLANTIC BZPBBBS. 8 To a. as, 10:80 a. BV Fur tha Baat via liuat- Daily. , Dally. . logtoa. . ,. . ' OCIAB Art BITKB 8CHXDUH. FOB BAN FRANCISCO, I From 1 6:00 f. ax, g. 1 Oee. W. BMer Alaska') Aagast 10, 20, 80. Dock, ... , B. S. Columbia ' ' , . August 8, 15, 28. ,-. OohHrkla Blvnv Dtrialoa. FOB ASTORIA aad war points, eoaaactlng with ftnr. f.a? llwaes aad Nortl Beach, sir. Uts- Ash-st Sock. - P:0. sa, uany. x BundaP Saturday iu:w s. av StOO a. a, ex. Sunday. AseeiT POTTER BAIUNO DATES (Ash St Dock! Anguat 4. 11:30 a. m. August 4, 12:30 a, a. Auguat 8, 1:15 p. aa.; August 7, 8:00 p. m. August 8 (Saturday). 1:30 a. so. . - TaaaOl Blver msata. FOB DAYTON. City aad Yamhill Hirer points, ate. -suBssrs. aaa-ec - sera. Wsfr permuting. 70 a. av, Toeaday, Tburadar. Sa tarda. 8:00 Monday; Wed a Lrrlday, Bnake Blvar Bents. aOaVl '-v7' FOB LBWI8TON. Ida ind way polnta. from R I parts. Wash., steam an Snokaae aad Las- Iatoa., 4 :05 a, as. Dally. as. Sat, . Abeat 6:00 B. SW Dally ax. Friday., TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washing. TslaV paose main iia . , . . 24.88 20.87 80.23 43.48 18.00 24.48 25.78 25.73 25.24 2:1.37 23.08 42. R8 71.78 24.47 27.42 27.24 24.32 23.37 2143 22.44 60.72 10.05 28.18 10.05 20.00 21.64 22.08 21.82 21.03 20.50 10.44 80.44 PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hons Ran. aalltM .a Kobe. Nasaaakl and Shanghai, takloa fralaht via eonnectlna stsamera tot Manila. Port Arthas aad Vladlvoatock. ., nrCKASAhtHA SAILI ABOUT TUtT 23. For rates and full latormsnoa can aa ae aaV arass officials a agaoU el the Oak, 4k M. Caa .-A.... $2,223.18 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Awmst 4. 1BQ3. 84.02 41.18 44.11 88.68 86.23 28.1t 23.21 12.74 13.30 27.42 2B.02 80.13 RAILROAD TIMETABLES. Total . . .82.800.87 THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Andltor of the City of Portland. August 4. 1008. of HAY FEVER, CATARRH oppression, Suffocation, Neuralgia PROMPTLY CURB D BY Espic's Cigarettes, or Powder w - H E.F0UGERA t CO., New York, and all Dragglats Far ITanatural Discharges, Btriotures, annum. and dlaburaementa of tbla action, aa demanded In the aald complaint. Tbe relief demanded In the complaint la to recover the aald sums of money and interest and coats and disburse ments of tbe action. Thla aummona la Dubllshed once s week, for a period of stx weeks successively, prior to the iitn any oi neptemncr, n.i, in accordance with the order of the aald Circuit Court, Hon. John B. Cleland. Judge, made and en tered on the 17th day of July, 1003, requiring you and each of you to tfppfear and answer the aald complaint on or before tbe laat day of the time prescribed is tbe aald order for publication, to-wit: the said 14th day of September. 1003. Tbe day of the first publication ef this aanunona Is July 17, 1903. Attorneys for Plaintiff! CITT NOTICES, Especially . In old eaaes where doctors fall, one a non-poisonoua, vegetable CURE for ulceration and Inflammation of tbe mucous membrane of the uretha, all private urinary diseases end weaknesses of men and women. IT-HO GUAR ANTEED TO CURE OR MONET REFUNDED. Cures new . caaea In 48 hours without Dain. Especially advised for old. obstinate caaea. Drug. gists, or sent pastpaia. i. Aaaresa ur. iiay Co.. rio. lis) rrager Dim.. Boston. Msss. Free medical advice given. Write for book aent sealed FREE, ET-MO aold In Portland by The Laae-Devia Drug jo.. sa ana lamniu sts. Every Woman PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF EAST TWENTY-. NINTH STREET. Notice is hereby given tbat the Council of the City of Portland proposes to aasess the following described property and owner or ownera aa being specially and peculiarly benefited in the amounts aet opposite tbe names and descriptions thereof tor the Improvement of East Twnty ninth atreet. from the north line of Eaat Itllsan street to the south line of the Sandy road, aa provided by ordinance No. 13,283. , Any objections to tbe apportionment of! .coat for said improvement must be made in writing to tbe Council and filed with the Auditor within 15 days from tbe date of tbe first publication of tbl notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by tha Council before the paa aage of tbe ordinance asseaalng the coat of said a Une loo reet west or ana parallel therewith, and between the south Une of Eaat Ankeny atreet and the north line of blk 4, Pleaaant Home Addition to tbe City of Eaat Portland, Isaiah Buck man A tract of land lying between tbe south line of Baat Ankeny atreet and be tween the north line of blk 12. Pleas and Home Addition to the City of Eaat Portland, and -the north line of blk 6, Dalton's Addition to the City of Portland, and between the eaat Hue of blk 4. Keytone Addition to tbe City of Portland, and tha west Une. of blk 12. Pleasant Home Addition to the City of Eaat Portland, and the weat line of Eaat Twenty-atxth atreet Isaiah Bnckman Dalton's Addition to Portland . Rlk 5. lot 1. Samuel H. Parrott Blk 5. lot 2. Annie E Archie R., Rich ard M. and Armond G. Parrott Blk 5, lot 8, Samuel H. Parrott Blk 8. lot 4. Annie E., Archie R., Rich ard M. and Armond G. Parrott Blk 6. lot 6, Annie K., Archie R. and Richard M. Armond G. Parrott Blk 5, lot , George A. Pease... 23.85 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWER Uf ZAST WASHINGTON STREET. w.,i ! berehv 1tb that the Council h. ntw nf Portland nroDosea to aaaeaa the fol lowing described property and owner or ownera aa being epectally and peculiarly benefited In tha amounts aet opposite the names snd deacrlptlona thereof by the construction of s sAVer in-East Washington street from 100 feet weat of the weat line of East Thirty-seventa street to a connection with the sewer st the weat tine of Baat Thirty-sixth street, ss psoviuea oj orai . v is AniL Any objections to tbe apportionment of coat for aald aewer must be made In writing to the Council and filed with tba Auditor within 10 days from tha date of the first publication of ki. fwttiea. and aald obiectlons will be heard and determined by tha Council before the paa aage of tha ordinance assessing the cost for said M8unnyslde Third Adldtlos to Portland, Blk 61, lot 11, The Title Guarantee Trust Company Blk 61. lot 11 The Title Guarantee Trust Company Blk 41, lot 13, Tbe Title Guarantee At . Truet Company , Blk 44. lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee Truet Company Blk 44, lot 6, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 04, lot 4, The Title Guarantee 4 Trust Company 13,05 18.03 21.46 18.48 18.08 80.48 Total ..8118.80 Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Anguat 4, 1008. 100.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total .$2. 404.00 No the tbe U Interests dssa . , , W .111. . I IPHIi WIS ID fflRQIHIW. UVVLUilJ Vtt UtV pOUt'l fc . ... TIeW1 YmwVm fhS jail war. xnansret W PrecMCnt.. . w WnVf ar, riiir. a ox KB MARm Bvd;'TKSViVS insnaw.M" A yaswsaaglst awh fo. mrffftJv'm If be cannot supply tha yRjd''Wt(" aSAJIVBL.aeceptno . ? -JCj- ' etbar, but send stamp for II- - jTT luatrated book Mi. It gives . W., y full oaitleiuan aad dlrecuons In. (LB. W ' improvement York. Blk 7, lot 1. Matbaht Becker .$ Blk 7. lot ZT Matbala Becker Blk 7. lot 3. Max M. Smith Blk 7. lot 4. Max M. Smith ........... Blk 7, lot 8, Jamea Lngg itnf T, lot 0, J nines Lngg , Blk 8, !ot 1. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. . Blk 8. lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 8, lot 11, H. L. Powers, trustee.. Blk 8. lot 12. M. E. Drew Blk 8, lot 1. The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 0, lot 2. H. L. Power, trustee.... 11 1 it n, lot 11, Hara llandle Gratton. rleni wonderful I... ,. . I ' . tot ii, oara viauaie uraiion..,. Whirling Spray Blk 8. lot ll Boys' A Girls' Aid Society yap i ma II, lot 1. Tbe Hawthorne Eetate -M' Blk 11. lot 1 The Hawthorne Estate.. Hawthorne's First Addition to , East Portland Blk 1. lot 8. Tbe Hawthorne Batata..' uit)TJot 7, The Hawthorne Estate Xorx Blk a kite 1, The Hawthorne Batata Blk 8, lot 2, The Hawthorne Estate oi. o, e 'v o, j u niwiminif uiuis.., iiis o, lot , ine iiawtnorne rotate Blk 4. lot S. Tbe Hawthorne Estate Sic 0. M fi Xbo Hwuwrn Estate,.. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MEKT Or SIXTEENTH STREET. Notice ia hereby siren that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to aaaeaa tho following described property and owner or ownera aa being epecially and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts aet opposite the name and deacrlptlona thereof for tbe Improvement of Sixteenth street, from 12 feet south of tbe north Una of GlUan atreet to 12 feet north of the south Une of Hoyt street, as provided by ordinance No. 13,380. . Any objections to tbe apportionment of a I cost ror aaia improvement must be made in ao.os i writing to tne council ana mea with the 4.34 I Auditor within fifteen dare from the date of 80.86 I the first publication of tbla notice, and said 29.21 J obiectlons will ba heard and determined by 24,77 tbe Council before the paaaage of tbe ordt- 100.75 nance aasessing tbe coat of aald improvement. 71.72 Couch's Addition to the City of 10.00 Portland t . 61-64 Blk 4001 weat lot 2, lone and Wll- 65.43 lieu 8.1 Buckman . 840.53 m.w nix iisj. west t lot a, -tone ana wir- 10.54 ' llsm S. Buckman ................... 2m BIk.100, eaat H lot 1 A. T. Smith.. .... 102 10 Blk 100, eaat lot 3. A. T. Smith .... 41.23 Bk lno. lot 8, Frank and .Thomas B. 10.78 1 Klchet . Blk loo, lot 7, Frank and Tbomaa B. Ricbet.. , ....... 8.20 1 Blk 154. lot 1 Max Smith and Mlnnto 103.781 Aner Smith.'. Blk 164. lot' 4. Mas Smith aad Minnie Aoer Smith 60.14 7.28 S.85 84.08 87.84 67.84 42.74 43.38 84.40 28.n 83.6) fi0. 04.98 Total 3388.48 r 1 ' THOS. C. DEVLIN. .. . Auditor ef the City of PorUasd. Aagast 4. UKO, - . . PROPOSES ASSESSMERT FOB EMPBOVE MENT OP JOHRBOK STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Council of tbe City of Portland proposes to assess the follow ing described property and owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited In the amount set opposite the names snd deacrlp tlona tnereoi lor ine improremeni ox j on neon atreet from tba weat Une of Tenth street to the east carta line ef Fourteenth street, ss Pro vided by ordinance No. ib,;ho. Any objections to tbe apportionment of coat for said Improvement most be made In writing to tbe council ana mea wim tne Auaitor witnm IB days from the date of the first pubUcatton of thla notice,' and said objections will be heard and determined by the uonncu oerore the paa aage of the ordinance assessing the cost of said Improvement, Couch's Addition to tbe City of Port land Blk 134, lot 1, Domtna Fefvre ........ I 202.27 Blk 134, lot 4, Louis H. Tarpley 12.30 Blk 134, lot 8, George Hartaeae........ , 24.81 Blk 134, lot 1 George Hartneas. ....... 88.88 Blk 135, lot 1, Ellsa B. Hartneaa ' 73.51 Blk 135, lot 4, Ellas B. Hartneas...... 22.80 Blk 135, B. 25 feet lot 2, Emma G. Bob- Inson - 62.25 Blk 135, E. 28 feet lot S. Emma G. Rob- lnson ., .j....... . T.43 Blk 135, W. H of B. H lot 1 Bertbold Kretacbmar 02.28 Blk 135. W. of B. H lot 8. Bertbold . Kretschmar ' 7.43 Blk 486, W. lot 8, Investor' Mort- gage Security Company, ef Edinburgh, Scotland '. 14.88 Blk 136. west lot 1 Investors' Mort- ' . gage Security Company, of Edinburgh, Scotland. . 104.70 Blk 134, lot I, King Estate 142.83 Blk IBS, lot 4, King Betate ............ ; Bl.iM Blk 134, lot 8. King Estate ............ . 19.74 Blk 134, lot 1 King Estate ......... - 134.07 Blk 137. lot 1. German Savings A Loan Society of Saa Franclaco, CtL ' 184.80 Blk 187, lot 4. German Saving A Loss v V- Society of San Francisco, Cel......... V 23. 12 Blk 137. lot 1 German Saving A Loss Society of. San Francisco, Cat........ 11.30 Blk 187, lot 1 German Savings A Loan ' Society of Sao Francisco, Cat ...... 175.84 Blk 127, lot 8, Isss Kaufman Estate, , - Heir of ......,j..x. - 20107 Blk 127, lot B, Ieaae Kaufman Bststs.. , Heir ef ........ 1 1188 Blk 127. lot 4, Margaret C. Houghton.. 85.77 Blk, 127, lot 7. Margaret C Honghtoa.. 228.01 Blk 128. lot 8, Bea Selling, trustee.... 233.25 Blk m., kt 6, Bea Bsiuiif, trusts ... 84.T4 TMC BTBT Of tVIeTYTHIsiq CKLY H0U3J PORTLAND TO Tift the 0. R. B. & N. Co., Oregon Short Iin Union PaciBo and ' Two trains a dar, with throngh Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). , connects at Granger with . the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious, train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. Ba gars voar tickets read over flht -. Chicago ft Morth-Westera, A. & BARKER, ain. Am 0, ft H-W. Rv, ISS TMMW 477,. MMTiAND. 088. , EAST via. SOUTH a. g, I MO a. 114:60 a, aaJ VX1QM DEPOT. I Q lOOOIH nJl I . I Airtvaa, I OTBBLAND BXPRESffi trains, tor Salem, Eoaa-j burs. AahlamL . AmrmJ manto, Ogdea, Saa Fraa-raB a, 8s Cisco, mom,. Las AaM - geiea, si rasa, Mew orH teens sua the East At Woodburn - oallyj laxoeui ansmri. i Ing train for ML get Bllrertoa, rowas-i vllis, SorlngnelaTweaaH ling ana natron. Albany psaaenger, conJ necia ai noann witai ML Assal sad Silrerj tea local. Corvallla paaaengsr.,,,.1 Sheridan saaainger.. 70 a, V10:10 a. at HALTIMORE tr OHIO R. R. jUj TRAINS VIAWASHLNGTON TODAY'S f. NEWS, TODAY SiaO p. as. IISJB a. at Dally. . HOally except Soadsy. . , sNailaad-Osvrega Salmrbaa Srrioa sad TamkOl .- . ; .. avivuua. . Depot Feet ef laffaraoa atreet. . Leara Portland datlr fn Oaareea T;8A aa. tm.m, a.w, m.o,, o.o, o wj, j:iu p. m, tally (aaeept Sunday) 8:30, 80, 8:85. 10: a. m.( 4:00, 11:80 p. at, Sunday aaly, m s. sa. Batarnlna from Oawean. arrlva Portland dan 8:80 a. so., 1:60. 8:06, 4:85, 4.16. 748, 8:65. ii:iu p. m. uaiiy (xept ounoar) a:go, i.30, 10:20, 11:46 a. m. Iicept Uoatmr. a. m. aunoay only, jo:oo a m. Laavs from same depot Tor Dallas aad lata mediate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 a. as. Axrivs Portland 10:20 a.m. Tba . Independaaca-Moamoata Motor naratas dally to Monmouth and AlrUa. aactlng vrlth Soptbera Paelfle Cempan'a traaag at Dallsa aad 'Independence. Ftrst-claea rebate tickets on sals from Port, land to Sacramente aad Saa FraacUoo. Nat rat 41T.OO. berth 86 saeoadlaas fare fls. witnovt rsoata . ar oerui aaoeaa-eisss 160. - , Tickets to Eastern points aad Europe, J a Ma. China. Honolnla and AsstnUa. City Ticket Offee corner Third and Wi Ban streets, rnena. Mala tu. 0. W. ST1NGEB, , W. BY COMAJI, van. Oty Ttckat -Agaafc Paa. J sttfaavV 1 M- -at s ttHjeK timp rAi?n SE ...... J 1I - AC J; J . TRAINS k'VaaasTvW, LAlCV XMI PODTI Aisrrtt 48 SJ v ana vasav Pngrt ' Bound Limited, for Tacoma. ' Seattla, niimnli. South Band and Gray's Harbor points. . 'i North Coast - Limited. for tacoma. ' Seattle, Butte. St. Panl. Min neapolis, Chicago, New York, Boston and points Eaat and Southeast. Twin-City Express, for j acorns, Seattle, . Spo kane, Helena, Bt Paul. Minneapolis ' Chlcaro. New York, Boatoa and ail points .- East sad oontbeaat t. Paget Sound . Kansas Clt--St. Louis Special, for . Tacnma. Spokane, Butte. Billings, iTBfir, vuui, tiansaa City, St. Louis and all points Kaat sad South. eaat y, , , All train. srancs. dally Departs, 8:80 a. si, 8:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 8:80 a. o. Arrives, . 0:80 p. n. 7:00 a. aa," 7 pi THM a as, except en South Bead A n CTTiatTnM ::' u ,M,t""t General Paaaenger Agaat , 228 Morrison Bt, eornar Third. Portland,- Or. Astoria & Columbia . mver naiiroaa:bo. Leavsa. :ao , m. : Daiiy. , ; 2:80. p. m. Sat only. t.-OO n. aa. Bx Sat a.. UNION DEPOT. For Mavarara. via csaauia. Balnler. Clifton,. Aetorte. War. reotou ' Flav, - Ham. mond ' Fort . Stevena.1 Beerhart Park, Seaalda.! Astoria aad HeaahoraJ axprsas, usiiy. . Astoria Xxpraaa, Dally. .. o - Arrlv Dally. 11:10 a. i 0:40 p. sa. I ' - r. C. MAYO, : ' a. P. and P. Astoria. Or. B. L. LEWIS, ommsrelal Agrat, Sir aider at rnoB auia svu. - - . . f I: I