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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1903)
TIXE OI.EGOIN' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY ETENHSTO, JULY 28, 1003. 10 , if." ; j C1TT MOTTO'S. COT BOTICES. flOPOBED IMPBOVEMlHT Or MABSBAXL I UN of Et OllMB afreet, of vitrified -ewer uifw Kllfl ail Br J Cflltliwiiw. .. I. mnhnlaa .nd hMnithu I U lit aearar to M Of ' Notice If hereby given lhet at fhe meeting I u, following dimensions': Of eight Inches clear f tb Council, of the City of Pm-tUnd. Ore- ,i,i diameter from point In East Twenty- gB. held OB to iota oy uiy. eighth etreet Ifid feet south or tbe eoniB lino following tooololloo woa adopte: of Uio Bund road to point In Eaat Tw.Btr- UanlMl That th Council 1 Of to City I alakth atn t B-..t trains .treat thence of of 1'ortland, Omgon, doom It xpodlont nd inches clear Inside d I. meter to a point In nremeeS to Improve Msrsball rtf eet from the I ..t Twentv-etrhth .treet at Kaat Ilort street. mat Una of Twenty-second atroeg to the ea.t I ,nd tbenc of art Inrhoa clesr Inald diameter CUT KOnCXS. ' CITT VOTICEB. 1 . m v.'- CITT- B0TI0IB. r ClXt WOTIOES. i BAJXBOAD - iv ) u-.7--n n i , - i . ' i ... ' '' ' " : ' neer Bird In the offle of' tha Auditor of the a point af It iBtreflor with tba waatorly I ASSESBMXaT 70E nPBOVIalEBT VT UI rxorOBXD Of KOVEMXflT gr IllI JIU and on (ki 27th da or J una. ivu. i una at uioca no. tUL caratnera Aaaition w . imr irnin I ifT IT1TTT. t t- . - . . i f .i .j .... . . ... .. . i . i , ' wvma a aiHVjh . v I ...,- , . , . " Cltr Enslnerr a bians ana ui-t- i tanuini aqqiiiud w tne vi rniiiiN i ivtlima trm m m, in Kf TwaBtT-aoTODlb I thonco ooatbcrl blnna tba waat Una of aald I ' Nntlaa Ja harab vtvaa that rha rVninHI and Ldwrcoca atreoU from 100 fiot Booth of I block No. M to a point at ita Intoraortlo with I of h Cl'y of fortland, Orrm, at moot' lha Hand mad tn aww la Kaat KarOtt BtraOt I tha DOTth Una Of block No. Mk. CarUtbora Ad- I In hald II tha I nth da nf Jul II VIA da. and tba oatlmataa of tba work to pa dooo aad dltloo lq. Vanitbara' Addlttoa to tba City of I cUrad tba aaanaanxnt by ordloanca No. lha mihahla tnlal mt thwnf " ll'ortlaBd Bt tba waatarl . Una of Bald blOCk I lha lmnMn. U. hdimj o, lurar aoauiraatcriy la a raiBi una 1 rrooj tbo aoulb lino of liawthorna aranua to tba I IMriiano, ureion, unvuia n. Anuiem anu pro. a point la tha south Una of rtnlca Carothora' I Brrtb Jlaa of Illaloa at root. In tbo maoarr poaca' to Impmra Baat Markat atrwt from tha wear lino ni a.aai -iuiru unri to in wat uua ..... . . . . & wit it S Twn ty!.7htb a.raJr Bad tS " P"Ib of land llnf bolwaaa'a Uoa 100 10. JmMji 1 Wuth. ran.a 1 oaat. Wlll.matta .Wf.ii, nd pearly b.naflt to Ix . w a caul iirroirinin -i fan ani.rh h ui( it u aahd mad and I Harldlan: thanna a.mtharl a Inn tha dlrlalon I (. " r' JM.90 1Z.H1 o ninairueiva in h-'wiiiict wiim Darod b tba Oltr Enalnw and nlod In tha ortb Una of Baat Ewratt atrwt. am b-twoja and 83. townahlp 1 aoutb. rjnfa 1 aat. Will- tot 86. H. Lonirmy .......I ?oV of tb Audl'or ol tha City "f rortl.nd 100 fort oaat of apd parallal with tha amotu M-rWUao tha aoatbara boondry Una Ix,t . U?oJy! " ."" I " I. ihi nih Jii. lifWl Indoraad' "City "no of Eaat TwaotyaT-ptb and Law- of tbo City of Portland; tbonea aaatorly aloac Et 100 faat lot H. riot H. Padf- En.ini7?nb?a and .JKflmitai BowX "IK atroota and Una loo ft w-t of and tha. aoatbara boundary lino of tba City .ot bum , . T. . . 7. . .T?. . - !TV .... . TT. lnE7 Twn P"W '.-''. Waal Un. of Eaat Twaaty- Vorttond ,.-,, ,t It. .Intorlo. with E.. lOo'i jot W FloVa a Pad. r . a -i u w 1 wrniif iuio an Bywa, in'iu v - - i - . i . . aonth of tha Bandr road to aawor at W M """" ""B,.',. aouth of tha north Una of Eaat tillaan atroot. Una of Twoatyflftb atroot . la bo followlnj niannar. to-wlt: - . ' 'r i.-iratAtl that nnrtlon of aaW atraat azcant that portion tccoplMl by tno j-oniana nan aar Company rlaht of way at Iwanty-thlrd atroat in tba rniiowin manner; ial Br r.llii tha atrvot full Tflflth with i fall lntTBectlMW to tba proper auk trade. ' . l i .. i it.. t 1,11 a IHh talth IO iJ nrinaina "r ai."-i " " . -. - - mil IntaracptloDa to tne proper araoi' ui var Ina with Dltuiiiiiic pavrroant. J -1 . ....n. ...Il.l.l alnna Mlria (dl lir couatructUit atone block header i aouni row. . .1'" Bt " aain aewar to o itnn i""- i' --iA - k- k. adnnlad -Hr.ti1 -I"" " L "KS,.."; !l...V-JI'?.?Er. "J2w.2r J'TES. Rld7 That tha Auditor of- the ty of Railway Oi.mpana'e rlabt of way aha! be In- dWIarwl to be all the Iota, narta of lota and fT'1. J - .b .ta "'" .a'.i. nr...nrf a. r.,ll..a. . - narnal. r land I. In. ha..Mn a Una 100 fact ' Propoaoo COnairucilon l .n .k . nW ranlanln lha rail BOW In OBa With ! anil IS nf and n.r.ll.l .Ith tha annlb Una nf BB PrOTldrd by the .rlty rbartfT. "ralla 'not ln than aaron Inchca In depth tbo Rand rami and tha aonth Una of lot 1. . -nMtrance afBlnat the abore Bower may and wrlahlna not leaa than amy pounoa to n ork 1. Wrnkoon villa, and a Una too taei tb yar!. ' , ' ., I nor,n -ns parallel with tha north line of b) HJ parinf tne apare oetwrm tn rnna. Kaat Uliean atreat. Ban Petween a line luu ran i brtwaan the trarka, and for a dlatance Of ona went of and parallel wltti the west line of Kaat Twenly-elrhth atraat and a lino 100 fret eaat of and parallel wltb tba eaat Una of Eaat The coat of aald sewer to be aaaaaaad aa HM.I limji . Ik. .11. M.nrt IIM lha nTOO- erty apedally benefited thereby aad which la donation land claim, where tbo name la later, j provided by ordinance No. 18.8S, upon oacb hereby declared to b all tba lots, parts of lots I Bected by division Una between aeotlona and Jot, part of tot and parcel of land, which ' Notice ia hereby aln that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore. eon, bold on the 13th day of July, 1003, tba (ollowlns reoolutldu waa adopted; Heaoivaut juai tne loiidcu ot ine t ny oi tha VMnwa K..L M .. Urill-n.In Ulana at I vino aim irrpn tinviii ... . . , I , " .. . m m vi tua nii"i '- " 4 I Bam ....,....... The Enalnaar'a aailmata af tha Dmnahie total I low water mark I thence northerly alone the I b ton raat In a Km V. Unahar. the nrohahla total coat tberaof." .. '. .'""-. --''"-- - "Tr-'rf".ri!2 iwania nenaan. ThV coat of ..Id sewer to be aeeeaaed at pro- ?nlZLJ7 . TJT 1 1, JT. ... '.-IL.VH . H.M TS.91 of Eaat Twelfth atroot In tba followUf man ner to-WK! . Viral Br aradlnc tha street full wldUi with Interaectlpns to the proper anh-erada, , Heron d By brtnclng tba surface of tha treat frill width with foil Intersection to proper crade with apland bank travel. . . , Third or evosiraouiia; arunciai aiona aiae- I walks. rourtb Mr ronatractinf atone rarpa. "lfth By cooatructina . wooden eroaawalka fix feet In Width. at lie inieraeciioB wnn Charlette Henaen abreet ettended Eaat 100 feat lot W, Jam f. Dat- easterly la Ita preaent couraa, tba same beUif to place or Peainnlna. The Engineer's e.tim.te of tha probable total coat for the Improvemeat of said Corbet! Street Is flO.R30.00. ins .wit. improvement Is to be elaaaed aa a na inn feat I filed In writing with tb ander.lfned within Plank roadway Improvement and shall be main h line of 9 day from tba data of tba flr.t publication ialned by tba city (or tbe period of tve yearst w-iwmi ilia ui aim 1 " a ' - font on the ouUlde of the outer rail wltb stone blocks. ft.ld Improvement to be made In accordance Twenty-elyhtb street. of thle notice. By order of tha Coancil. TH08. C. PEVLIW. Auditor of tbe City of . Portland. July IT, 180S. .t 100 feet, lot St. JuUa it Brad ford Eakt 100 feet lot 3, A. A. Bowman.. Kaat 100 feetjot 37. A. A. Bowman. East 100 fee tlct 30. kferlaaa Stark.. Eaat 100 feat lot 2S, Ueohart Uatoy BOB ' Fransel. V .a. Hald Improvamant to oe maae in aceordane I c , Portland and the plana, apecincatlnna and et. 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY r? r m TOlM, 80.47 TN.80 n.08i Bast 100 feet lot M, I. PI0P0KD EAIT IBTIHO BXWEB IV BTKEET. . Notice b hereby alven that st the meeting Tbe Enslneer'e eetlmata of the probable tntal met for tbe construction of sstd sewer Is $1.- 193 no. Tbe plana, anactflcatlnna and eetltnatea of the City Enslneer for the con. traction of tba sewer ! In Ra.t Twmtvltfhfh alraat ara harahv adonted. iteaoivea. That tbe Auditor or tne city oi a, nrra on ine into oay oi uiy, iw Portland ha and ha la harah diraeiad tn aiv followlna roaolutkoa waa adonted: ' Twenty-nftb etroet, and tha oetlnmtea ot the notice of the proposed conetroctton of aald Keaulved. That the Council of tbe City of ' . . a . i ...i.l . I . V . , . . . . i . I t,tfilB.. Jt I, - - m i, ri nan. WOT. TO II UOR IUU tU WVtJaVI Wta VW-I I aowT B. pTOVIOea HV lO C1IJ ' CnprilT, I .n.WMW. uiiiui, HIl III! l, an-r,. - thereof." Ilemonatrance aaalnat tha above Bewer may P"a to eonatrurt a sower In Eaat IryUia Tha enat of .aid Imnenrement tn b aaaeaBM I ha Alad In writlna arith tha nadaralenad within Street from the eaat line of Eaat Tweoty-niotn aa 'provided by tbe city charter npon the prop- j 30 daya from tbe data of tb flrat publication street to a connection with the proposed newer or tnia notice. with (he charter and ordinance, at tbe City of Tertland and (he plana, .pecincacione ana eati . matee of tbe City Engineer died lu tbe offlee of the Auditor of the City nf Portland na the 15tb day of July. Jnos. indoraea; "Ciry r.o- alneer'a plana and apeclllratlona for tbe lm- firovrment of Marshall afreet from tba west Ine of Twenty arcond .treat to the eaat Una of provided, that tha - owner, nf a malorftr of the property benefited by aald Improvement or Kaat 100 feet lot 23, Richard Price., any portion thereof shall not petition for a Kaat 100 feet lot 33, Richard Price., new or different Improvement before tb as- Kaat 100 feet Jot Si. aad W. T, plr.tloa of aucb period. Joplla Tba plana, apeclflcatloaa and cellmate of tba Eaat 100 feet let 30. Aaron It. Bray.. City Enatneer for the Improvement ot aald Cor- I jtaat 100 eet lot 10. 3. U. aad XelUa inrit nrwi nr nwrruj soopiea. Resolved, That tb Auditor of tb City of rortiand be and he la hereby directed to five Thraarh Pallmaa ataadard aad TowUt sloe Inf ears dally' t Cblcaco, ajpokaasi tourl.t sleeuloc ear dally to Ksaaae Olty tnrouan ruilmaa luuriai Bieepina earn tperaoai aUv aondurtadl waoklr to Cblcaao. kauata Eaat Twelfth atreet and tb eatlmatea of tha h"V (,7,C,'UMU u" wm" ' " w T". wnrk to bm oon. ana in. nronania uitai anat i of tbo Council of the City of Portland. Ore- ,mJ7.n' 01 M,a nc against tbe above improvement forty apecUlly benefited thereby and which la I hereby declared to be all the lota, porta of lota and puree la or land lying oetween a una ion feet north of and parallel wltb the north line of Marshall atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth i or and parallel wltb tbe enoth Una of Marshall i atreet aad between the west line or iwenty j second street snd the east Una af Twenty' 'fifth etroet. The estimate of tbe City Engineer ror tbe By order of the Conned. Tiios. c. nnvMif. tndltor of tb City of Portland. July IT. Iwoa. . rioroszs snrxs u east vii'th btkezt. Notice la berehr aiven that at tbe meeting Of tb rVmnall a tha flta nf tnatland Oea- tn-miaun- till! cmt PI wr imurvTnuni VI aiu I on. nam an tha 1 laeraball atreet ia tl7.003.oa folk.wing reenlntlon jn aoove impmremeni j to n riaaarn a. I Haaolved, That Mtnllthla pavement Improvement snd shall be Portland, Oregon, maintained hy tbe city for tbo period or 10 1 noaaa to miamvi years: provided, tbat the owner, of a majority I .treat from rn mail, n ThnnAann atraat of tbe property benefited by aald lmprovament to a connection with tb sewer In tlllamook or any portion thereof, shall not petition for street of vitrified sewer pipe with all ncceaaary a new or different Improvement before tbe ratchbaalna, manholea, lamphnlea and branrbes. ernlratlofi of such period. Kald was; to be of eight Inches clear Inside lor ip . im, ' iwiliri ifia ana i raiiuwirt ne uty engineer for the imnrovotnent MsrakalL street sr hereby sdophrd. Resolved. Tbat the Auditor of . the Portland be and be Is hereby dlrtrted notice af tbe yroriosed Improvetwnt of street aa provided by tha city charter. Remoastraore against the shove lm prove. Went may be Bled la writing with tba under signed within 30 dsya from the data of tha rt publication af this notice. By order of tb Council. THOfl. C. T)TLI!. 1 . Auditor of tb City of Portland. IT. 1003. In Eaat' Twemy-elrbth street of vitrified aewer pipe with all neceaaary catchbaalns. manholea, krapbolea and branche. Bald aewer to be ot 10 Inchea clear inside diameter and to be con structed In accordance with tbe plans sad peclflratlona and tbe estimate, therefor pre pared bv tbe (It EoBineer and Bled la the office of. the Aadttor of the City of Portland oa tbe 37th day of June. 1008. Indorsed: "City Knglneer'a plan and apeclflcatlona for a Bower H. Cook Park View Blk ). eaat 100 feet lot 1, Tbaddeu g Vrcst Blk' 1. eaat 100 feet lot S, William IMvmnrfaM ..... ... .......... ' may be filed la writing wltb tba aoderalgned Lot 1 eaat 100 feet lot S, CUaa llaak- within 30 daya from tha data of tba Brat pub- I neu , V. Uratlon of tbla notice. Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 4. W. F. 0.1a- By order af tba OoanHL . I ler . THOfl. 0. DEVLIN. I nik t a..t ino faat lot . Auboa N. anaitor or ua city oi rariiaaa. i uedvlna ruir IT, f BOS. PH0P0BEB or Hijroocx UfPEOTEsIEET TXEXT, Notice la herebv alven that at tha meetJna of tha Council of -the Cltr of Portland. Ore gon, held oa tbe 15th day of July, lOOt, tbe Blk A, eaat 100 feet lot B, loimwing reaoiution waa aooptea: I and T. B. West nesoiveu. inai ue council or ine city or i Blk A, eaat 100 feet lot', u. at. tAeavina , Blk 1, eaaOOO feet lot 6V Mra. A. K. Htanabery Blk A, east. 100 feet lot 1, Martha Bonn Blk A, east 100 feet lot t, Henry Witt Park Vlaw Vhrtendad - ' O. St. .iu i.- ... .1.- ... rirst nr graaina tba street run wifltn wita imru vw in u i miiiir uihiii iu uiuuc. ij i . . , , : , - - - pHtllbnefltrtbrbr and which Id berrby ,UiLLntjrr"jrttonB ,?f prtvTLIn , U-tan4 to b all tb loto. parts of Int. .nd L,BS?d-Br. a!?"11?9 odo"( 7tt" parciii or land yiag otwNn a una oo mrJrr " '""" aiaiaau ti'UtU UkUHf PWUVH KMVWmvW I ataiBir itf anB &-. .. ,av aval at f llaa Ae w... 1 I alllU CtnirU-a ID -ewCXrTUJI BCW Willi I " . " . " . - . " ' . " . . . . M I ! faat In tarlrlth. " tXg&XrAV MKY-ljM-iw U, b. mad. la accordance Oty ot 1? trainee of the AadUor of the Cltr 'jfbth atreet and between a line loo feet north J" h 'hrer snd ordinance of the City of toaiv. Sf P?..'7 .CVhhd.t''ne,7-nV ooaC -'. Uf.nd parallel with tb. north line of Ea.t ' . iplana. apeclttcatloM .od etl- 2?.- .Enl?2L, ?n,."a ,CZ?.K Lsrsllel with tha south Una of Eaat Irving ?! ln Auditor of tb City of Portland on tba Irvln 27th dar of June. 1W0S. Indoraed: "Cite Rn. Tha' Vaalnaae'a aatlmata nf tha nenhahU lofit I glneer Plana and BPeClflcatlonS for the 'lm- coat tor the con.tructloa of said aewer U proTement of Hancock atreet from the eaat Una 1317.00. ' f E" Twenty-fourth atreet to a point 300 Tha nlini ananlRnatlnna and aatlmatea nf tha feet Mil of the ea.t line Of the COUntV rtnld. J? ArTLJZ Cltr Enalneer for tbe construction of a aewer " the eatlmatea, of the work, to be Cone and d which thereby 'n ' ,rT,n hr'b' P"- "V01!! f"1 brr;' t i n.7ia of lot. Ind Resolved, That tbe Auditor of the City of The cost of said Improvement to be assess I, part nr lots ana ., . . . . . i v .i.u,.a a. .1.. aa nrnvliled bv tha ellv charter iiai tha nan H0P0BID Mr0TXatrTT OF HAWTH01M iTf.'jLl' "L?";":1 !h. S iKTth "If ?! iiiiiiuwi .iiwi auu a nil in, iixi awiu wi and parallel wltb the aouth Una of Thompson street snd between a Una 100 feet west of and parallel wltb the weat Un of Eaat Ninth street snd s Un 100 feet ea.t of and parallel with the east line of East Ninth street. y , . .. avrarrrc. Notice la h-reby given' that at tba meeting f tbe Council of the City of Portland, Or-' eatlnna . fa a In Eilt Ninth I Pan afm.t fen-. IUI annth It TKiaiam .(reel. street to sewer In TUlsmook street, snd tbs estimates of tb work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." Tne coat of aald sewer to be a as ess. 0 aa provided hy the city charter aperiany oenenten tnereny SareenT o ilJrfd Ivln betlrV fI Um S00 fact Portia ad be and be I. hereby directed to glv as provided by the city charter npon the proo paroeia or land lying, between a llne nm reet . . . ..,.n. t ...... ertv necl.llr benefited therebv and which 1. lur.N lln. nr I "'.- ''-" . ... v- " I . - . - . . " . . . .. . . ' . aa provided by the city charter. hereby declared to be all tbe Iota, parte of Blk 10. east 100 feet lot 8, C M. and T. a. Weet Blk 10 esat 100 feet lot 4, 0. M. aadrr. B. Weat Blk 11, eaat 100 feet lot 1, C. M. sod T. B. West Blk 11. eaat 100 feet lot S. andr T. B. Weat i.. Blk 11, ea.t 100 feet lot t. and T. B. Weat.. Blk 11. eaat 100 feet lot 4. and T. 8. Weat A strip of land lying between tbe south Una of block 11. Park View Extended, and tbe north Un of lot 1. Park View Annex and between tbs west line of ktarguerette avenue and a line 100 feet west of and parallel therewith, Tbaddeu 8. tVee ........ JWii, Park View Annex- Lot 1. Carrie M. Weat. matee of tbe City Engineer Bled In tha office lot tbe Auditor or tne city or rortiand on tbe I2fith dav of June, 100.1. Indorsed: "City En. gglneer'a plana and apeclBratlona for the Im provement ot nasi uaraei Biroei rrom ue west Una of IC.t Third street to the treat Una nf TS.VI T8.0T 70.KT th-raof." 8.1S I Th, coet of said Improvement to be aaeeased I nnwlnln h tha elt lllllll. IDM th. . I7 It artr aDeclally benefited thereby and which la hereh declared to be all tba lota, narta of lota 1 .m.1 n.M.ln nf lvln hllaiii a Hn. I . ul TI'Mfeet weat of and (araTlei with the weat line of East Third street snd the weet una of East Twelfth street and Detweea a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north of Eaat Market I . . fn. tOO tut mhIIi . 11., n with the aouth Un of East Market atreet. I T tTWI.Ul. uHm..I. . Ik. n.Al. 1. 1 - . a. n. I " 'i' -- - v. v . ... pvmuii witat " mat or ue improvement, oc aaio atreet la flO- aoi.uu. Tbe above Improvement la to be classed aa a I . I MKb....n....I .h. .K.ll lu 1 IA 19 I aH'," iiniiiii,-iiiFm anu mum 11 inr lueiulslBBO. 154 , 1 not petlrloa for a new or different lmprovament 'UU' I hafnra tha atiitrattna at .uch na rind The plans, apeclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tha City Engineer for the Improvement af Eaat Market atreet are hereby adopted. ' ' Resolved. That the Auditor or tbe City of Portland be and be. Is hereby directed to at. nntlna nf tha .neonoaad Intnnnvaniai. Ai .... street sa provided by th city charter. I FOR ASTORIA aad way nr. against the above lmprova-1 Polnta, connecting with ment mar be Bled In writlna with tha nndar. I l?r. t"t Uwaco and signed within so dsys rrom tba data ot tba own, sir, ta Brat psoiication or mis notice. hv oroer or in. uDunru. , iiv.i. v. ui i uin. Auditor of th City of Portland. jciy IT. iMoa, J41.T1 84.83 1 br th city for the period of four yeara, pro ,' .. vlded. tbat the owners of a majority of the ' " I property benefited by aalrl Improvement. abal I 151.83 i.t 148.00 163.01 158.08 155.81 J 167.88 , UNI0.1 DEPOT. Laave. Arrive, . CUICAOO PORTLAKO 0:30 a. a. 4:80 B, ah PKCIAI. Dally, IDally, ' fa tba Eaat via Baat- Ingtoa. 1 - ' J SPOKANE IXYER, 9.00 a. at. T:88 a. J. ' for Eaatera Waablng. UaiJ, . Dally ,X too. Walla Waila. Uw. . Is ton. Coeor JAUaa , , V and Great AierUera . ' point. ' ATLANTIC i EXPRESS. ;!' p, a. 10:80 a. BV Fur tba Eaat via Uout- DaUy. bally. . ' - Ingtoa. ' l . 00EAJT AUD RITES B0HEPPU. POR BAN rRANCI8CO,Prom . iBiOO P. BV S. Oeo. W. Elder.. AUaks , - , . July I. II. tl, tU Dot. . 'S. 8. Columbia . BiOt B am, July o, i,,a.; .. .. .. . , Oolmrkia River ZHviatea. aalo. 8:00 p. g. Dally, ix Sunday Saturday luiov p. as. 8:00 p. as. ex. Sunday, a m. c. hi. 13T.W 138 84 3.58 P0.S0 Ash-st dock. POTTER SAILING DATES V Ash St. tWhk July 3S, 8:00 a. m.; July 80, 8:00 a. tn-t July 80, 8:00 a. m.; July 8L 8:00 . m.l Aaxust 1 (Saturday). 1:00 p. a. Re monstrance agalnat the above aewer may J"ta and pareela of land lying between the eaat lt 3. Mary E. Weat aon. held oa tbe I5fh day of July, 1008, tba V X2A Tth.WCnilT of" ih. Cit, of Tb. Engineer's Mtlm.t. of the pro.abl. total inrtland naa It a.nll.nt .nn I Cnt TOT IB COtHtTUCUOB of said aewer la t'MI IA in aald East Ninth street are hereby adopted. rirat R. aradln tha ateaat tn tha nniap I nesnivea. ID ml ID AUaitOT or tne l lrj or rZB'e.. Il"r.h,netrntl ,?J.h.frr Portland be and he la hereby directed to give he Bled In writing with tb undersigned within 30 days from tha date of the flrat publication or tbia notice. By order of tha Council. THOS. C- PKVLIIt, Auditor of the City of Portland. July IT. 1008. Lot A Maiv E. Weat I4t- 4, Eva McKenala Lot 5, Carrie M. Weet. ...... Lot , Carrie M. Weat , Lot 7. Carrie M. West....... Brook dole PKOPOBES TJfPROVEXZVT STREET. ' OF C0BBETT I aub-grado for a width of Bv feet between the south curb Una snd a line Ave foet north erly therefrom and parallel therewith and be. tween the north curb Una and a line fire feet southerly therefrom snd parallel therewith. ""l"' l"t pnwaoi rnrairunun UI Hill HIIB .1 IV,. rVtnnnll n th. film n W- I tWtl.nd h. and h. 1. h.n.hw illnvl -I gon. held on the 18th day of July, 1008, the notice of tbe proposed Improvement ot said eat 10 Ofeet lot 8. Clifton T. MUler line of Ea.t Twenty-fourth atreet and .: Una 2V) rret eaat or and aaraliei with tbe eaat Una of tb county road, ana between a line 100 feet north of and paraUel with the north line of Hancock atreet and a Una 100 feet south of snd parallal with the south line nf Hancock atraat. The Engineer's estimate of tbe probable Liongeoy f coat of tbe improvement of said street Is 85,-1 Lot H. Long coy. 464.00. Tbe plans, speclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of aald iImiiI ara h.r.h .d,nt.d . . . .. . . . . . I r . inn 1... T till.. 11 T.t.a ueeoivea. inat tne Auaitor or tne city er " ;"V s,, irtlaod be and be la hereby directed to five hft. 100 1 feet lot 8, Ellaa H. Jeter.. Weat 100 feet bit t, H. Longcoy.... West 100 feet lot 4, H. Longcoy . .. . West 100 feet lot 5, H. Longcoy Weet 100 feet lot o. II. Longcoy. Notice t. tlerehv lan that at rha meetln immiMl ennarrnervin nr aald liwit I I T ... - . as provided by tbe city chsrter. Remonstrance aaaln.t the above sewer nit t.T. r." "7, " 'ri.n'KTi "."ri"i. " 'u I vl., too nt in atanUv a. . . ... " ... ............ . . ... i loinm iiiBE rnniuiuin wbbi lannuu i irtM ornTiuva dt las cut rnirwr. i ' w " .-- nt, in wrmng wnn rn annrr.i;nviwiiniD ft-.ia-d. Th.t thm Cnnoil nf thm fHtr f fln1n,t tha -hor. Imim.s. BtTna Mtlinif' 1 1 s-l VJ 1 1 Ml ajiiu lagimivi VIIVJJ VW I lli. I n .-i il. s al-. . I rVI TTU, 1UBI IUO tVUUCll IK IU" t-.l I J I rVfUJlllIB U St ltV7 BIBIIIPI I UBJ elllWTV laUPTvTBP I . . '1 .i . a. i tVcond-BT bringing Jilbe atreet full width ?J ?m? 'T," 1 h d,U ' th M,DUe"uB Portland. Oregon, deem. It expedient and pro- ment may be Bled In writing wltb tbe undeT I W fM M 11. Marfaret A. with, f nil intersections to tba estsbUsbed grade with gravel. - Third By constructing artificial stone side walks.' Fourth By constructing wooden sidewalk on the north side of block 131. Stephens' Addition to Eaat Portland, lying hetwen two line re spectively on feet and 123 feet easterly from of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. O. DEvLIlf, Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. July IT, 1008. poses to Improve Corbett street from 85 feet north of tbe north line of Graver street to 230 feet north of the north line of Orover street. In tne rniiowmg manner, to-wit: First By bringing the atreet full width with run interaecuona to the proper grade with earth, gravel, rock. Band or other suitable material. Hecond BT constructing a plana roadway run PROPOSED BIWXE I MISSOURI ATOTtTZ. Notice I. herehv aiven that at tha maetlti and parallel wltb tba east line of Eaat of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore- width with full Intersections. ?nn, neia on tne iota day or July, loo, u ollowttig resolution was sdnpted: Keeoired. That th Council of tha City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro pnaea tn construct a aewer In Mlaaoorl avenue from 33 feet south of the aouth line of Pres- alaned within 30 dsys from aba data of tha flrat publication of tbla notice. By order 0the Council. V' THUS. O. DEVLIN, idltor of tbe City of Portland. Jqly IT, 1008. Klneelev Weat 100 feet lot 13. Margaret A. Klngsley Writ 100 feet lot 13, Margaret A. Klngsley Weat 100 feet lot 14, John B. Frost... Weat 100 feet lot In. Jobn rJ. Frost. PROPOSES IMPROVEMENT Of EAST STARX I North H west 100 feet lot IS, Jobn Eleventh etreet Raid Improvement to. be made In accordance wltb the charter and 'ordlnsBcos of tha City of -Portland and the plans, specification, and estimate, of the City Engineer filed In the office of Jhe Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 15th day, of July, KMiS, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans snd speclneatlona for the im provement of Hawthorne avenue from the weat line or Kaat Kievcntb street to the east llns of Stephens' , Donation Land Claim, and tbe estimates of tbe work t bo done and tbe pmname total cost thereof." j ne cost oi saia improvement to be aa- sesaea as provided nr the city charter npon the property specially benefited thereby snd wnicn is nereny declared to be su tbe lota. Darts Of lot. and narnel. of land irtna K.K.... . a line 100 feet .west of and parahel with tbe weat line or eaat Movents atreet and the eaat line of Stephens' Donation Land Claim, and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Hawthorne avenue and a Una 100 feet aonth of and parallel with tbe aoiiiQ line or nswtnorne avenue. The Engineer's eatlmste of the probable total coat, of the Improvement of said Hawthorne avenue la IS.fXW.OO. Tbe above Improvement Is to be classed, as a travel Improvement and ahaU be maintained ov ine ,eny lor tne perion or four reare: nro vlded, tbat the owner, of a majority of the property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion tnereor anau not TM-ntlon for a new or aiqrerent. improvement be lure the ex pi ration of anch period. Ibe plana, specification, and estimate of the City Engineer for the Improvement of said Hawthorne avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved. That th Auditor of the City of . v, naim ue tuu ue i. uprpuy airertea to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said arnnue ss proviaea ny tne city charter. Kemonatrance against the above improve ment may be Bled In writing with the under- signed within 30 dsys from tne date ot tbe nrai punncation or tn. notice. By order of tbe Council: THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City ot Portland. July 17, 100S. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT - STREET. OF OVERTON STREET. . Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting of the Council of tne City of Portland, Ore- ?on, held on the 15th day of July, 1003, the, ollowtng resolution wss adopted: Resolved. That the Council of tha City of Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro oses to Improve East Stark street from the weet line of Esst Water atreet to tbe weat braacbea. Bald aewer to be of tbe following provement of Corbett street from 85 feet north J ,. Vi,w ZiY, ,, h a.Z-Itl. ..a?" I ot toe norm line oi urover aireei io zou leet . , . . ...... - Third By constructing 13-foot wooden side walks. Bald Improvement to he made tn accordance with the charter and ordinance, of the City of Portland and tbe plana, specifications and esti mate of the City Engineer tiled In the office eott atreet to a connection with the sewer In I of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the Beech atreet of vitrified sewer pips with all 14th day of July. 10O3. indoraed: "City En nereeaafy catchbaalns, manholes, ismpbolea and j gineer's plans snd speclficstlous for the Im- street tea alnt estimates of the work to be done and tha prob- beuta. In accordance with the City engineer's with. Eugene Itwt: tbincV of able total coet thereof." plans specifics tlons and aitlmstes Park View InM ssonrlave. The coet of ssld Improvement to be assessed ,K;'lum,r0Tn?nt.U if "a L" .oe?Id"1 S J 2 !. I' t treetTnce'Tf . provided by th. city ch.rter upon .heW with the chsrt and ord ".nee. of th. ,, of Blk & W from a point In Missouri svenue 35 feet south north of the north line of Grover street and tha tlf iVir. luhll vJi or tne south una or Fresco tt street in nneaoun avenue si M..QB .ireei 13 Inches clear Inside diameter In M one to a point In Falling street! 14 Inchea clear Inside dl. meter to a connect! with the sewer In Beech street, snd tn be con etnicted In accordance with tbe plans snc pecincoaion. a nil iiih esiimsies mereior pre- I ,v v .Uu urmium - iuihikki wuri , , ... , - " i niw n pSred by the City Engineer nd Bled In the m-ndng at a point In tb. west bank af tbe Plana ri icUk tlona JmPnvemrat of Blk B, office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland Willamette River at low water mark where the Stsrk street from the west llns of Eaat " "l on the 27th day of June, 1IK)3. Indorsed: "City Kngineer s plans sna. sneriocationa ror a sewer In Missouri avenua from 35 feet south ot Prescntt street to a aewer In Beech street snd the eatlmatea of the work to be done and the proti.Die tot.i coat tnereor. - Tb vlded aneela declared parcel, i Preacott and pa and between a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with the west line of Missouri svenue and a Una 100 feet east nf and parallel with tbo east line nf Missouri avenue. Tbe Engineer's estimate of tbe Probable total coat of tha construction, of said sewer Is 3,- 085.00. The plans, specifications and estimate of the City Engineer for the construction of aald aewer In Missouri avenue are hereby adopted. R. Frost South H west 100 feet lot IB, Eugene C. Comstock Weat 100 feet lot IT, Eugene O. Comatock '.. West 100 feet lot 18, Eugene C. Comatock A tract of land lying between tbe aouth line of lot 18. Brookdele, and tbe north Una of block 3. Park Vlaw Annex and the eaat Una of Marguerette avenue and a Una 100 feet east of, and parallel there with, Eugene C. Comatock aame would be Intersected by the south line of Water street to the west Una of FJnlon Avenue Harrison street ex course : thence ot Harrison street nnlnt at Ita IntnraM-ttnn of Seventh street snd thence southerly slong I erty speelslly benefited . thereby and which Is John Voonger. John Younger. ,i l. vi.. w....a..t extended easterly In Its present nJ tb f tlrostes of the work to be dona and J , Carrie M. West , westerly along the sooth Una the probable total tioet thereof." . k B. lot 10, Carrie tt. West.j.... treet and said extension to a The coat of ssld improvement to be assessed B tot . 0. M. jnd T. 8. West., ntcrsectlon with tbe esst line provided by the city cbsrter npon.the prop- Blk 9, west 8 feet lot 18, J. L. Barber .at and th.nn. .,tv,..i. .inn. ertv aDectsllr benefited thereby aad which 1. et ai ri-" ... ivl. "v.. JzrTt. l.:rr. r ". 1 h..nt.w to ha .u th. int. n.t. .t t... I Blk 0. lot 3.. C. M. and T. s. west.. cost of said sewer to oe assessed as pro- eireet to a point si its i r- r r"m i nlk q w a r. u and T ft Wn.t by the city charter upon the property Inter.ectlon wltb, the division line between and parcels of lanri t? V. D I BUt J tot 3 0. M. and T. B. West. . il u.iiait.d tharai, and whinh la hanaha Flnlc carutbera and Stephen Coffin Donation I " p"""-! "i una or -j. "; - - to be all the lota, parts of lots and land Cl.lma; thence west along such divlalon Eaat Water street and the west line of Union ."v"?'' 'i,' '''I' .' a' "w'aai ' f land. lying betweenPthi wtt TlTn. Tf n between Fl.dce Caruthera and Stephen ".'.fthVT atreet and a line 100 feet north d P Donation Land Claims, to a point at psrallej Lwlt$nn .T "? J AV-f!ir,k.,tref S S it w C M rallel with the north line of Beech street . Intersection witn the, .westerly - Una ol "T.. I' r" t an.-- block No. 8S, Cnrutbers Addition to Caruthera' Addition to tha City of Portland; thenc south erly slong the west line of said block No. 88 to a point st Its Intersection with the north line ot block No. a.10, Caruthera' Addition to Caruthera' AddltlorTto the City of Portland at the aonth line of Eaat Stark street. The Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost for tbe Improvement ot aald atreeet la 14.41)6.00. rrViA aKnaa lmnMAfMt fa W jb1bI - an elevated roadway sod shall be maintained B1S ? fe t ; M" ,Bd T 8" Weat 100 feet lot 14, CarrieM. West. snd T. S. West. Blk 13. lot 3. C. M. and T. 8. West.. . Blk 13. lot 8. C. M. and T. 8. West.. Blk 13, west 8 feet lot 5, C. M. and T. 8. West.. naaniwad Th.t ha in.iitna nt th. fit.' nf divlson line between section. S and 10. town- Portland be and he la hereby directed to give hlP 1 aouth. range 1 east, Willamette Meridian; notice of the 'proposed construction of aald thence southerly slong the division Hue between sewer as provided by the city charter. sections 9 snd K), Id snd 15, 21 and 23. town- Remonstrsnce sgslnst tbe sbove sewer mav hlp uth, range -1 east. Willamette. Me- be filed In writing with the undersigned within rldl.n. to the southern Boundary Un of the 20 daya from the date of th. first publication C"' of JT9r . : h 71 T a,n".,thS the weaterlv Una of .aid hlnek No. Di th.nna I br the city for the period of three years, era. soutbessterly in a straight line to a point In rided that the owners of a majority of tbe the aouth line of Flnlc Caruthera Donation I property benefited by aald Improvement or any Land Claim where the same Is Intersected by I portion thereof, ahaU not petition for a new or itinerant iiuiiivitiuviii utiuit mi .iiratiott OI such perioo. otlce la hsraby, given, that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, beld on the 15th day of July, 1003, the (ollowtng reaoiution was adonted: Resolved. That the Council of th City of Portland,, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve Overton street from the west line of - Front street to the esat line of Cornell road la the following manner, to First By grading the street full width with full Intersections to the proper sub-grade. Second By bringing the atreet full width with full Intersection, to proper with macadam. Third Bv eonetrnctln sidewalk, iiui and stone gutters In scconlance with the"CKy j w,tn all Necessary i -iiKun-,-r . i'iaiia. ifiri-i nra iiuns mo eatlmatea Fourth By constructing and relaying the rrosawalks In accordance with the City En gineer's plans, specifications and eetlmatea. Said improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlona and estimate of the City Engineer filed In tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on fh l.ttb day of July. 1903. .ndoraed: "City HnglneeWs plans- snd specifications for the Improvement of Overton .treet from the wit line of Front street to the east line ej Cor nell road, and the estimate of the work to b done and tbe probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of aald improvement to be ...eased as provided hy tbe city charter upon the prop erty apedally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots snd parcels of land lying between tbe westerly line of Front street and the eaaterly lln of the Cornell road anil between a linn J00 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Overton street and a line 100 feet south O' and parallel wltb the south line of Overton atreet. The Engineer', estimate nf the rrohahle total cost of the Improvement of said Overton street Is (44.364.00. The' sbove Improvement Is to be classed ss a m.csdam Improvement and shall be main tained by the city for a period of fire veara. provided that the owner, of a m. loHtv n in properiT neiif-nit-n vy saia improvement or any part thereof, shall not petition for s new or different Improvement before tbe expiration VI alien jK-riuu. The plans, specifications and eeHmntea of the City Engineer for the improvement of said Over ton etreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That th -Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice, of tbe pronoand,. Improvement of said street aa provided b"be city charter. Remonstrance against the sbove Improve ment msy be Bled In writing with the under signed within 30 dsys from the date of the Bret publication of this notice. By order of tha Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Joly IT. 1903. of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tbe City of Portland. July IT. 1908. southern boundary line of the City of Portland I notice of the proposed to a point at Ita Intersection with the western I street ss provided by 1 oanx or tne wiiiametre niver at low-water mark; thence northerly along the western bank of the Willamette River et low-water mark tl a point at It. Intersection with the south line of Harrison street extended easterly In Its Weat 100 feet lot 18. Carrie td. West. West 100 feet lot 12, Carrie M. Weat. West 100 feet lot 11, Carrie M. West. West 100 feet lot 10, Carrie M. Weet. North V, of west 100 feet lot 8. Carrie II west South H of w'esYlOO feet lot O.' oito e Ahdltor of the City of . .H1J2J? V V. ilU' V" xihW Is hereby directed to give 8 0110 nd mo,e L Hlrch PROPOSED BEWER IN TWENTT-THIRD present course, tbe same being the place of be STREET. Notice Is hereby, given that at the meeting of tbe Council ot the City ot Portland, ' Ore gon, neia on tne mtn aay or July, luos, the following resolution was aaopteu: Inning. Tbe Engineer's estimate of tbe probable total cost of the Improvement of said Corbett atreet la 810.508.00. The above Improvement Is to be elaaaed a a plank roadway Improvement and ahaU be maln- Tbe plans, speclflcatlona and eatlmatea of the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Eaat mark atreet are nereny aooptea Resolved. That the Portland be and be Improvement of aald tb city charter. Remonstrance against the above Improve ment may be filed In writing wltb the under signed within 30 days from th tat of tb first publication of this notice. -' By order of tha Council. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of tb City of Portland. July 17, 1908. 35.30 109. T4 17020 178.04 186.98 198.04 163.03 19T.T8 145.85 13.01 72 65 74 43 82.83 78.63 83.62 8H.87 82.57 76.80 Tt.33 7149 T2.70 T3.60 87.87 48.48 154.68 94.T5 78.83 303.13 T3.88 84.81 .134.08 155.90 886.43 T9. 17 S.34 130.93 148.11 154.06 8.86 149.15 148.88 9.06 141.84 133.39 8.50 138.88 106.93 B.8T 100.88 75.45 104.80 168.88 174.10 307.90 .80.23 84.8T .194.84 PROPOSALS FOB ITATI0VIBT. Sealed propoaale will ba received at tba office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland until 8 o'clock p. m., Auguat B, 1903, for fur-1 nlahlng atataonery supplies for tba several of fices and departments of th city. Lists of ssld suppllea may be bad from tbe Auditor. Bids must- oe accompanied by a certified check paysble to the order or Usorre H. William.. Mayor, for a sum equal to 10 Per cent of the aggregate of tbe bid. aa Bxed and liquidated damagee In case aucb bidder ball ran to oauver the auppllea -as specified la bla proposal abouid tbs same be awarded him. Tha right to reject any and all blda la hereby reaerved. Dy order or toe executive Boara. THUS. C DEVLIN, Auditor of tba 'City of Portland. Jnly 35. 19TW. - Tamhlll Elver Eeof. FOB DAYTON. OngoalTMW a. g. 1:00 a. ta. City aad Y.jMll Mirer Tuesday. Mor, points, Btr. . KUaors, Thursday. Wedisj. daJL Aab-SL Bock. Saturday. rttdajNT Water permitting., I ,X Bnak Blvee Bta. V FOR LEWISTOft. Ida., 1 4:08 a. a. I About ' ' md wag point, from Dally. 6:00 a, at, Klparia. Wash-, steam- ... gat. - bally era Spokane sad Law .x. Friday, TICKET OFFICE. Third aad WaaMagtaav Tea paoae ataia riav . PORTLAND ti ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. PH0P0BED EAST COUCH HaanWad That tha Council of rha cita nt talned by the city for the period of five rears: Portland. Oregon, deems it expedient and pro- provided, that the owners of s majority of the SEWER nr STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at tbe meeting of the Council of the City ot Portland. Or., held poses tc conrtrurt a sewer In Twenty-third propwn bot u.r asm miiruTruieni or any i u m il, u, ot auij, juw, ui .ouvwiu treet from 150 feet north of the north line Portion thereof, shall not petition for a new I resolution was adopted: of Thurman street to a connection with tha or different improvement before the expiration Besoived: Thst the Councy or the city or iM n .1,. in.. . ,in. I of such period. I Portland. Oreron. deems it exDedlent snd nro- y-'"11 "V."1. T"" W 1 "n..".,:.. ......... ... ..... . . . . I ".1 .mim- .Tftn,rfi ..t. . 1. w ,i.ii, LiuL.iiiiua auu coiiimici UI tue I I" ' vvuau u,:. a ' " n u. j.n . wu.h mrei , aTOoTesTTamBI bolea and branches, aald sewer to be of eight Inches clear luslde diameter and to be con structed In accordance with the plana, specifica tions sua estimate tnereror prepared by the City Engineer snd filed In the office of the Auditor of the Cltr of Portlsnd on the 27th day of June, 1803. Indorsed: "city blnglneer a plans snd specifications for a sewer In Twenty- City Engineer- for the Improvement of aald from the west Une of lot 1, in block 6. and lot Corbett .street are hereby adopted: H'. In block 5, Buckman'a Second Addition to Raanlvad That the Auditor of tha Cttw nC I Portland Oraann tn a . nannaetlnn with tha Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give sewer in East Eighteenth street, ot vitrified notice or tne propoaon improvement or said I ewer pipe with all neceaaary catcnoasins, man . .. ..-.... .I., 1 hn It,. .It !,.... I V- . I . - I - 1 A . -1 . 11. I .1 Total , 110.193.70 A statement of aforessld assessment bas been entered In the Docket of City Liens. and is now due and payable at tha office of tbe City Treaanrer, In lawful money of tbe united Htatea ana u not paia witmn inirty days rrom tba date or this notice, such pro ceedings will be taken for the collection of the same ss are provided by the charter of tne titv or i-ortiana. 'The above aaaemment will bear Intereat ten daya after the flrat publication of tbla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon,' July 24, 1903. ITT TBEABCTJB'J0TICE-0r BILB Of BXAX PE0PEBTT FOB DELINQUENT AS- SEB8MINTS. I W TUB ByltTT OF ryiWYTMIMQ CKtY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO via the 0. It. K & N. Co, Oregon Short line, Union Paciflo ana mi Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room eleep'iig cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). 'x jvnp-.SPECIAI connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxririous train m the world to Chicago from the Coast. Da tars your tJekatt raad avar Hkt Chicago ft NoltlVWaalara. af. O. BARKEft. OlR-t AST. 0. N-W. HY, 188 TMIM aTt., INMTUNCk OMt Rob. Nagasaki and Bbaagbal. taking freight via connecting steamer fat "!' Part Arthae and Vladivostok. tSDEABAalHA BAJXt AB0TTT XtTtT tt. ror rates and full In tut ma won eari aa mm .a. drees officials or ageata ot tba a 8. M. C. EAST via. SOUTH Laavsa. () s. wtWBJtSt. fisoaag. jmOM DEPOT. Arrtwsa. OVE&LAHd kiprkhhI trains, for Balena, Bo, burg. Ashlaad. In . - - meuto, Ogdea, Baa rrs. TrsB a, V aUK. Maja, Lea Aa- Kea, El Paao, New Or a aad tba EaaC 1 , At Woodbora dallp (exeept Sunday), mora- o log train for U t. A a- gel Hllvertoa, Brown. ! Ci, Sprlngfleld, WaaaV and Natroa. Wwa'-.'-' M- W yar. , , OarvaUw paiMogr..M. BM p. at. SbarMaa paaaenger.... J IrliBB a. av ; ALJL TRAINS yiAWASHLNQTON street as provided hy the city charter. Remonstrance against the above lmnmve ment may be Bled In writing wltb the under- third street from 150 feet north of Thurman "Utned within 20 daya from th data of the street to sewer In Vsughn street, snd the fl"? publication ofthia notice. estimates of tbe work to ba dona and tbe probable total cost thereor." The coat of said sewer to be aasessed a. pro vided by the dty charter upon the property speelslly benefited thereby sna which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota. part, of lots snd parcel, of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Thurman .tret snd a line 100 feet south of Br order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City ot Portland. July 17. 1003. PB0P0SED OE C0BBETT boles, lamobolea and branches. lie constructed of the following dimensions; of eight Inchea? clesr inside diameter from a point In East Couch street at tbe west line of lota 1 and 6, In blocks 6 and S, Buckmsn's Second Ad dition,' to a point In East Nineteenth street; and thence of ten Inchea clear Inside diameter to a connection with the aewer In East Eighteenth street at East Couch street, and- to be constructed In accordance with the plans, SDCclficatlons and estimates therefor prepared br the City Engineer and Bled In the office of the iT., . Auuiror ot tne uiu oi fortianu on tne sun usy i worth AThlna 1U a InilMiuili "I 1,1 Kn.1n...r. I . IMPH0VEMEKT 8TBEET.. Notice 1. herebv riven that st tha mmtln. I of June. and D.rallel wltb tbe scnth Une of Veurhn of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore- Plans and specifications for a sewer In East street snd between s line 100 feet west of and gon, beld on the Ifith day of July, 1903, tbe I Coucb street from the west line of lota 1 end 10, following resolution wss adopted. , oiocks a ana o, isue.rosn s oecona Aaauion. to Kesnired. jn.t tne council or t,.e city of I sewer in user, uoucn nireei si siaac siignieemn Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro- street, and tbe estimates of be work to be done Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of o , .. . i viia .... j v . v. ... in. mhv . . ........... ..... n, u.q . il.!iI! I? Ht of the delinquent assesments for the lm- nrnvement of Marrund avenue rrom the north line of Preacott street to tba north line of North Alblna, and pursuant to section 412 ot the Charter or tne city oi rorusna, I will, oo the 24th day of August, 1908, at tb hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the west door of tha City Hall, In the City of Portland. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cssh, subject to redemption, tbe following described parcels of real property, to- undlrided 1-6 lot PB0PO8ID SEWZB IB- EAST TWEBTT y :. JXIOBTH BTBEET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of tha Coancil of tba City of Portland, Or., beld Ota the loth day of July, 1903, tha following resnhittna was adopted; Heanlvetl. That tb Council of th City of , fertland, Oregon, deetna It expedient and nra ma to construct a aewer in Esst Twenty eight street from a point 100 feet aouth of ta aonth Ira -of the Sandy i read- to a ma yetloa) arira the aewer la Eaat Twenty-eighth B4ut at A polut It feet south of tb Earth narallel .with the west line of Twantv. third .treet and a line 100 feet east strand parallel with the eaat line of Twenty-third street. The Engineers estimate of the probable total cost of thee construction of said sewer Is 1197.00. The plans, speclflcatlona and eatlmatea of tha City Engineer for the construction of a sewer tn said Twenty-third street sre hereby adopted. Reaolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and He ia hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of said sewer ss provided hy the city chsrter. Remonstrance against the above Bewer may be filed in writing wltb the undersigned within 20 dsya from ths date ot the first publication of this notice. - By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tbe City ot Portland. July 17. 1903. undivided 1-0 lot Ellen .....I 4.86 Ellen PB0P0SED 6EWEB IB EAST TWEBTT- sevevtb; AND LAWRENCE stbeets. Notice is berehr given that at tbe meeting ot the Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, beld on tbe 15th day of July, 1903, ths following resolution wss adopted: Resolved. . That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro pones to construct a sewer In Esst Twenty seventh and Lawrence streets from a point 100 feet south of the south line of Sandy road to a connection with tbe .ewer In East Everett street, of vitrified sewer pipe, with sll neces s.ry catcbbaslns. msnboles. lamphole and branches, of the following dimensions: Of 10 Inches clear Inside diameter from a point 100 feet south of the south line of Sandy road to a point In Lawrence street at the aonth Una af Loran'a Addition to East Portland: thenc of 13 Inches clear tnalde diameter to a connec tion with tne sewer in Eaat Everett etreet. In accordance with the plana, apeclflcatlona and estimate tberafor prepared by tba CKy Engl- poses to Improve Corbett street from 31.4 feet south of the south line of Pennoyer street to no feet norm or tne north line of Pennoyer street In tbe following manner, to-wlt: Flrtt By bringing the street full width with full Intersections to toe proper grade with earth, gravel, rock, aand or other auitable material. Second By conatructlng a plank roadway full wiotn wirn run intersection.. and the probable total coat thereof." The cost of said sewer to be assessed aa pro vided by the city charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and which Is heceuy declared to be all the lots, parts of Iota and parcels of land, lying between tbe eaat line of Buckman'a Second Addition to Portland. Ore gon, and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the east line or East Kignteentn street. undivided 1-6 lot 8, Ellen 8.70 1 8.45 1 8.00 I Third By constructing 12-foot wooden aide, land between a Une 100 feet north of and parallel walka. with the north line of East Couch street, and Said Improvement to be made in accordance a Una 100 feet south of and parallel with the with the charter and ordinances of the City ot south line of East Coucb street Portland, and tbe plana, specifications and The Engineer's estimate of the probable total eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer, filed in tbe cost for tha construction of Bald aewer la office of the Auditor of the City of Portland 729.00. . on the 14th day of July, 1903. Indoraed: "city Tbe plans, speclflcatlona and eatlmatea of engineer iiwui .auu yrcinuauuo. ror tne tne city Engineer ror tne construction or a Improvement of Corbett street from 81.4 feet sewer In said East Coucb atreet ara hereby south of tbe sootb line of Pennoyer street to sdopted. 110 feet north of the north line of Pennoyer Besoived. Thst the Auditor of tbe City of street, and the estimates of the work to be Porttaud, Oregon, be and be is hereby directed done snd tbe probable total coat thereof." to give notice of the proposed conatrocrton of The cost, of said improvement to be assessed said aewer as provided by the city chsrter. as provided oy tne city cnarter upon the prop- Remonstrsnce .gainst tba above sewer may erty specially benefited thereby snd which Is be filed In writing with the undersigned within hereby dcclsred to be all the lots, parts of 30 dsys from tba date of . tbs first pubUcatlon " i.- . . itJiv :,. oi.- i or tnis notice. trlct bounded snd described ss follows: rvm. mendng st k point In tbs west bank of tbe Willamette River at low water mark where the aame would be Intersected bv the aonth line of Harrlaon street extended, essterly In ita Jiresent course; thence westerly along the south In of Harrison street -and ssld extension to a point at Ita Intersection with the esst By order of tba Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. July 17. 1908. , STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. llo ot Seventh itwt and. thence tout her It THE ANNUAL MEETING of the titockholderf -, . . , . .. . . - I .f -1 'h . fei.l. Ah....... m. m... . Ia...... ,11 lone the East Une of Secenth street to a point at its Intersection with tbe division Une between Ftnlce Caruthera and , Stephen Coffin donation land claims; thence west along aucb division. Une . between Flnlce Carntheta and Stepbea ' Coffin dona tit claims to of Th Titl. Guarantee A Trust Company wlU be heldat the offleea of tha company. In tha I oertods n. i... U.. 11.11.. Dm.U.1 I . , Block IB, Oroner . Block 19, fiierw -Groner .... , Block 19, undivided 1-6 lot 4, Ellen Oroner M. Patton'a Tr-ct consisting of division Into lots or parcels of land from A te T Inclusive, and M. Patton'a Addition to Alblna Subdivision ot lot 0 in 14. Patton Tract Block 2. lot IT. 8. P. and Augusta Rosa. Block 2, lot 16, A. L. Helasn Block 2, lot 15, Lionel A. and Mra. L. A. Twining . Block 2. lot 14, Lionel A. and Mrs. L. A. Twining.. ' M. Patton'a Second Adldtion to Alblna Block 31, lot 4, M. Bchuaaler. Block 83, lot 1, B. A. H. Webber M. Patton'a Tract consisting of division Into lots or parcels of land from A to T, Inclusive, and M. , Patton'a Adldtion to Al blna Block T, lot 4, Benry M. Chase Estate, 'heir pf .- . Block 7. lot S, Benry M. Chaee Estate. heirs of 27.09 Block T, lot 2. Benry M. Chaa Batata. helra of 48.81 Block T. lot 1, Benry M. Chaaa Batata, heirs ot 40.14 - Each piece of tract of landSrkVb Bold separately and for a sun not less than tha un paid assessment thereon, and Interest and cost ot advertising and sale: it more than on bid la offered the land will be aold to tha bidder offering to take tha same for the least amount of -penalty and Interest; competition will be: First Unon the oenaltv for tha first nerlndt Second Upon the penalty for tha succeeding For Unnatural Discharges, Strictures, 11.26 8.23 2.58 8.86 4.92 2.60 6.62 I Especially In old caees where doctors fall, ose a non-poisonous, vegetable CURB tor ulceration and inflammation ot tba mucous membrane of tbe nretha, all private urinary diseases and wesknessea of men and women. ZT-MO 0TAB- ABTEED TO CUBE OB-MONEY REFUNDED, Cure new cases in 48 hours without pain. Especially advised for old, obstlnste esses. Drug' gists, or sent postpaid. 1. Address Dr. Day tc Co., No. r 100 Prager Blag., Boston, Mass. Free medical advice given. Write for book sent eaied KKICK. x-MO sold In Portland oy Tbe Laus-Davla Drug Co., Sd and XamblU sts. Every Vcman la Interested and should know -about the wonderful i ' MARVEL Whiffing Spray J inanew tafaaiajtBa. ycv. turn and auction. iwtni. St SI ok von venienii U Chsmber . of Commerce .Building. Portund. Oregon, oa Tuesday. Jnly 28. 1903. at 8:30 1 p. m. "I. x. vuKKUiir, . Secretary, rriima, .... . Third Cpoa tbe rata of Interest: -1 J. J. E. ' WERLBIN, 1 City Tresurerof the CJty of PorUaad. . Portland, Oregon, July 85, 1908. iiVavss.$HJysx fy iWPy laauaus Sat ravenrrlilnH-n. 4. w: r'i : " ' '" - Jmm Ub osnnoi supply tha ABVEI accent no other, but .end stamp for IV - lustrated book gives . -. fall BarUcuiarsaad dire-tion. In. mlaabls to tadlav ItAgtvm. CO., Ba It X. Tiaua Bid.. T.w York. -atat la tt,, WOOnttft ri.tlTK jCCW. Dally, UDallr axcapt Bunday. aSrtlaa) Oawaga ubarpaa Ssrrtoa aaul Taankiil Dlvlslsau Depot Eeot f Jsft-sraoa BtrMt, .! Portland dally (or Oaweae 7:80 a, B. 12:50, 3.06. 85. B.L 8:25, 8:80, 10:18 P. av Dal lr (axoeot Bundsri 6:80. :8a. 8:80-10 ai a. m. 4:00, 11:89 p. as. Bandar , only, tmt a. as. Return! na; from Oawaga, arrlv Portland dally 1:80 . m. 1:56. 16, 4:85, 0:15, 7:&5, . 8:54, 1:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) Bits, f :3tL :80. 10:30, 11:45 a. w. EicvTUooday7 jlajj . m. Sunday only, 10:00 V m. Leave frora aama depot for Dsllaa and lnsas. aaedlaU points Bally (exoept Bunds y 4J n. as. Arrlvs Portland 10:20 a. a. Tha lndepsdo-MotunoaCa Motor Idaa perata dally to Moo moo th aad Alril, as. Msetlna with aaothara . Pactfla Oomnanr'a naaaa at Dallas aad Independence. . rtrat-clsas ibsu tickets aa aala traaa Porta land to Sacramento aad Baa VTBaclaco. N pat 117.60. berth . 85; eaoead-cUss fara flB. without rebat or borthi laixHad-elasa . partlt ., . . . . . . - Tiaassta ta sTaatern aomta ana anaonav aama a span, uoina, noneiuia ana trmu. City Ticket Offee corner Third snd Wi tea streets. Phoa. Mala IU. O. W. BTlKOEtt. OUy Ticket Agaat, W. EL 00MA1 (Mav , Paa., THitV'TIMR CAPD araaVa.' VP BBtaav' avats a -TRAINS PORTLAND: Pnet Sound Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Olympla. South Bend and Gray' Harbor points, North Coast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Butte. St. PsnL Min neapolis, Chicago, New xork, Boston and points eaat and. Southeast, Twla-Clty Express, for Tacnm. Maattla. Una. ..m. tteiena. Mr. fani. Minneapolis - Chicago, new York. Boston and all Dot nr. , Baat and Boatbeaat. : ..y Puget Sonnd.IChn.aa Clt'-St . Louts : Soeclsl. for- Tacoma . fla.ttl.. Spoksna, Butte, Billing", i-renTer. vmsna, nsosss Cltr. St. Louis snd all point Eastland Boats east. , . ' . Departs. 8:80 a. m 8:00 p. m. 11:48 p. to. 8:80 a. a. Arrivaa, 6:80 D, as, T:06 tv-V All . train, d.n. . . a . a....k . waivui on wmia awv branch. ; .'a, cnimwDl. tni-r",Ht General Passenger Agent' 225 Morrison St. corner -Third. iVtland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, . UNION DEPOT, t": Arrlra. f?r Maygsrs, Balnter, Daily. - ClataksBle. Wsstnort, -a .An a, - Ulftoo. Astoria, Wsn it .in a. ta. Dallr '""S0 v leraL Ham- JU , "ally, pjnnd rort Steven, 1 2:80. p. a. Bearhart Park, Seaside, Sat. only.' Astoria aad Heashor Express, DaHy. , , t 7:00 p. a,. Dalit.'"0'1 1 8:40 a. BV ; , MAYO, ' O. P. and P. A.. AsrnHa Oe. BL L. LB WIS. Commercial Ag.ut, 848 Aider tU, a mm aim tvt, . . .