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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY' EVENING, JULY 28. '1D03. 11 -1 ' jroriral KALI XtLV WAHTID. & B. HANSEN CO., EMPLOYMENT AQTA m nortn Beeosa at. OfBce. lit- Baa Francisco tod tea Angeles, ! Ocden and Snokana. ' ' Help free to employers. .-Free baggkg toon aad reg istrstkia. . Work eecared foe ppUcaols EStAPLWnEB ibta vy r i nnp 1 n -air n a rnn uvm smw m n "AND OTHER 0UT8IDB WORK. DAILY PHirMBNlB TO HKVAUA IOC Uia big B. P. K. IB.' tunnela; NORTH on tba new R. R. work la Waahlngton: EA8T oa company aad vomrsri wort) rprirj in "regon, ana many ether points. FREE FARR os sU B. R. Work. . C. B. HANSEN A CO. M North Id at. WANTED. Ratchet-setter, rot-off sawyer, mlllmen. yard mm, heoktendere, tlmherfallera, backers, 'Darin, awampera, tea maters, etc. Sawyer, small mill, near city, 13.50, Boys for box factor In city. Wa bara a large Uat of work la all lines , of lumbering. In and out of city; several Jobs out 01 cny wua ires oouae reiu. JttV 01 Office fee for common labor, BO cents. Office open evening!. ne, uiaeg whi. Sundays, O'to 11. PACIPIO COART MILLMKN'8 LABOR BUREAU. 2o5H Morrlaon at SKILLED MEN OP CHARACTER, energy sod ability, to represent tba Imt savings Investment pmpoei. tloa In tba Northwest: unnaual Inducements for food man. 810-811 McKay Bld(. WANTED Traveling mm; aalary fM.Wf par Biontn. ail expenses; 00 caan security re quired.- can or address L.. v. ADeott a v., Temploton, a08Ve First St.. Room . I.. 1 HOUSES FOR BEBT. 1 15 PER WEEK, large furnished bonsekeep- ing pmmi who nee or laundry, nam; rurnieneo cottages, cheap. Mra. Baure, 184 Sberasn at. BOOMS WITH BOARD. BOOMS WITH BOARD, wall furnished; all modern conveniences; tabla board alao. 221 Tblrtacatb. JUSTta WO NICKELS Make one dime, and a little dime boys TO JOURNAL tor one week, at . your house daily by carrier. Or der it. v BVBnrzsB chajtces. A BCSINEriS eonMr for S etorea aad roorolnl house, 4,HO0 11.000 raah. &4 Ooldsmit BATHS. ornlng MASSAGE, Turkish, Huaalitn batba; Battla Creek naraaa. SoO Oregoolan Bf. I'bodo Mala 19.W. SOO ABD MORIB HOBPIt'aX. bH. 8. i. CARNEY. .tortoary aarfaon. lBoTC lotn. Pbon. Main 14H4. Im. pnrni.. rront I'w. wKzsssrzsxsassssxxzsixxggaiKgxgxgaisa FOB BXBT. BXOUE. SSo Unloa ar... lit DM uontbt food loca tion. rortuaa sraat vompaa .( vra on, 100 Third at I0H STARK ST.. aloaly faralab rooawirM' BoaaDM raati traaaiaaia aauciua. 1 aaam rront IfiWI. CASH BEOISTXBS FOR BALE. ONE HALL WOOD cut raflatar at balf arlaa, uall Btat. Markat. Fh-at and Balmoa. FOB SALE, TWO BITS A DAY will buy a Ilall'a Safe, tba original, tba brat aara mad.; lar,nt atoca la city; over B0.O0O Iba. wrlcbt on floor. Nor- rla Saf. A Lock Company, TO Firat at Maka do mlatak la nam, or nnmncr, FOR BALE B-room boo.. lot Mi 100; lawa aad fruit trM. BIB. Eaat Tw.ntylxtli at. pear cilntoa Kaliy acywlj wooaatoca car, FOR SALB Fnrolahad fMr-room eoHaaa; ocoaa vlw, good wall, warm and romfortablo, at Wya Crack. N.wport. Ml TBlrtcntn. FOR SALE Two work borara, barawm aaB wifna: I froak oowa with calTM. tour blocka wcat train atatloo, Woodatock. A 006b family Jaraxy eowj flrca abont 3H yallotta milk per aay; win n. rroaa in tout nwntba. T. Btoart, car. Sprlnc, oa Moaot labor car Una. FOR SALB A few blfh-rrada tyrtawrttara, $80 oacn. i ana M, ikunw, w laum FOR BALE Fllbodrd Llewlyn papploa. Call at boo uoromcrcial at. KINOSBURT PIAMO for Mia. cbaap. rourta at. .108 ATTORBETB. EMhiONB A EMM0KS. attorMy. at law. U S. B. RIOOEN, Attnraoy and Cnnne.Uor-at Law; NoUry. BOB-BOO AMnftoa bldg. PAXTOM. BEACH A SIMON B10 Cbambor of Oommorca. I. T. TA COBB It- Room 18. Alnawortb Balldtnf. sfiuisi jo, smipwurm matiuma) . B. DICKINSON. Attoraay-at Law Vad No tary Public BQ8 frunmcrclal Md. IROB WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS manu- factnrora of marina, mlnlnf. loninf ana aaw BilU machinery ; prompt attention to ropalr wort. Phnn Enat . Hawihoma arc A K. M. MEDICAL. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. Oil Dckum. Cutm woman a con)plalata; quickly. CAFES. XATBS' PLACE, SSff Waablnftoa at. Paoao fl. Mala TT1, i. W. Talbott prop, rortnaa. uc, E'VI j ypx HPHAT this season you are go- X UU VG 1 ing to do a bigger, better, . TWTorlp more profitable business than 1V1CIU.G ever before, you must place your T Tfl Vni If avertsnS n The Oregon Daily wjj X yUl Journal, because people look in IVTlTlH columns when considering 1V1111U. the subject of buying fcaaggKggsagassaaaTOTOCTK OABrXBTXB. I.' F. LCCT. anceoaaor ta Oordoa Mff. Oa., rarpratw, bnlldar, faaaral aoa tractor, hnaa. ramodcllnf. altaratlooa. at. ) eablaat work aad Jobbluf a apwlaltri conatar ah.lrlaf. tea boiaa. .to, 1 ator. and offlca BztarMl ap-to-dato and orlfinal carpaator work of all kind: aofhlnf too larf. or too amall for toar Immcdlata attantlon; no 01m am aa; wa mak. aad pot ap th. boat fly arreana la Portland. Bhnn. foot of Tamhlll at. phone. Black SWT: realdanr. TT Baat Stark I raaldc-i. phono. Wblto Til AUTHORS, carpenter and builder; repairing and johMnf ; atora and omco flxtnraa oaiit. Bnop Columbia. I'hone Ctay IftBl. 0I0ARS ABD T0BA0OO. EBBERO-OUNBT CiQAK. CO. DUtribatora at FINB CIO A IIS. Portland. Arofloa. FVXBISBED ROOMS, LOU AN BUILDINO. 108H Unloa ara. Elafaat rooaaa for boaaakMOlnf or tranaleat faralabad ar aofornlahed; rate reaanoahlo. CASK RvEOIBTXRB. UAlXWOWD CASH RBOINTItR J Bn Rtark at OARFENTXRB ANDlBPILDXRB. JOHN A. MILTON, carpantar aad bulldw, BUT Stark at 1 eflkea and atoro flituroa built aad ramodaledi altarlag and repair kunaaa. pboaa Mala T4T. Al'THORS A MARTIN, earpaotara and (will arat repairing and jobblnyj atora and offio. Sitoroa built Shop SuB ColambU. Pbono Clay 1861. SBV00I8TS. FRANK J. STRBlBlO. drufa. toilet artlolM. CKRIAX MILLS. ACM It MILLS Acme Pereahv CO., Manufatarera Halatoa Bo and 3t North rront at. JXWILIRB. rUK Q. UKITKEMPER CO.. maaufaaturlof JjJJlfOMorrlamat FRATERNAL 1VSVRAB0X, OEiii K OF WASHTNUTON Konawat fratar aal of Nortbwaat: orotecU the 11 r. laf. J. L. Mltcb.U, aupramo aecr.tary. 01S and BIB Marqnam bldf., Portlaad. Or. apbooa Main M. Tal- H. F. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing and Jobhlnf ; office flirurea. Realdeac. phone, Waet TB2; abop. Mala 1941. 4MV Waab. at. HOTELS. OORBICX SKTUOBTS. METAL SKTUOHTS, galraaued troa alaea. M. V. Bayer, M Bacnna at 0KIB0P0DT ABD MABIOOBIBO. TUB DEVENVS, the only actentlfle ehlropodieta la tba city; pariora aua-2, AUaay aiag.; thla la the long haired goaUemaa yoa waat to ae. Grant 10. L. MITCHELL. Chlrononiat TOS Marquam Mdg., raoaa Black JHBl. SB CREAM ABD CREAMERY BUTTER. BEST creamery batter and par. cream promptly oenrereo 10 an parr a 01 we city iron Moun tain View Farm, Oreabam. Oregon. Apply ta W. W. Cotton. Bid Worceeter Bldg. Tele phone, Mala 668. V.KIA. VENTILATED alnglo rooma, Joe. 90. and S6 a night; beda, 10c. The Krerett Bona., ear Second and Da rla. COAX ABD WOOD. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO Dealere In all klnda of ooaL eoka aad cbareoaL Pknoo 101S. VULCAN COAL CO., wboieoal. dealera boat ' eoala; fonadry and amelter coke. XLXCTRICAL WORK. PUHTLAND ULAXIaUCAL WOkk O0loaeZi Stark at DTETBS) ABD CLXARTBO. CITY STEAM DTEINO A CLEANING WORKS. Herman Enkla, proprietor. Phon. Mala 1T18. . No. 06 Stb ft, aaar Pino, Portland. Or. FBEI SEIBES. CLOTHES CLEANED aad preeeej f 1 moata. TJalqao Tailoring Co., BT Waeblag ton at INSURANCE. i. PHILIP KENNEDY. Ineuraneei reeldent agent Norwich Union Fir. Inaoraaee Society. 14m. aH.k .net aa i - 1. JAB McI. WOOD, employer.' liability and In dlrldaal accident; aarety bcada of aU klada. Pkoaa 4T. Concord bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY. lira Inearanee. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon pboaa. Clay Sid. ISAAO L. WHITE, nr. Inanranc E Sherlock uiu.. inryne pnooe. aiaia ono. MIBDIO AND MIKE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining aad mine pro aiotera. Roona 1. Chamber of Oommerco. LOCKSMITH. A. L. TiBETTS. Xii YamhlU. aaar Second j 12 yeaxa with J. Barbey.' BABQIBO)' ABD tlOXTEBIIIB). OUtBOON ROUND LUMBER CO.. 181 Bara- v.dt. - a rw m.a aa mw pi. r annw ursinK 1111. KOBXT TO LOAB. FRED n STRONO, FINANCIAL AOBNT. Money te loaa. No mmmlaalon. I am la a poaltloa ta maka Immediate Inane an Improred real eatata or for building poe. , ' pnaea; any amount; moderata lntereet. W. approeo loana from plana aad advance mooay aa bslldlng prngraaaea when deal red. Option la repaying artec one year. FRIO ft. STRONO. Financial Agent lot Secood at. near Stark. THB STAR LOAN CO., 110 M'KAY RLDO. KISM Third at. la tba recocnlaod bank o! the wage-earner. W. ad ranee money to teamatera. trainmen. ahoomen. motnrmea. enndurtora. etc., without BMrtgaga. andoraer or eoiutaraL Amonnt Month l lino repay (MM I BO repay I1B.M I ts repay ( d SB I.M or 11. 1 Bnalceaa eonBdantlal. Nn anpleaaant Inqnlry H Monthly. Week I or 110 ce IddS or I OB" or B.1.M or II MONBY TO LOAN nn real, nerannal and col lateral aecurlty; aiiedal attention to chattle mortgageai aotea honght 0. W. Pallet SlS Commercial blk. Phone Grant BAO MONEY TO IX) AN. amall amnnnta. abort or long time. J, H. Hawley. 1 Cham, of Cum. MONEY TO LOAN on dty lota and Improved nrma. w, a. anaw Co., ts star at LOANS on auhorban mortgagee; low rataa. t ara, in Aiiaiy mng. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-ri.ABS REPAIRING go tn Andy rrlta. macblnlat and model maker. 110 ata. FERBONAL. MR. ELMORB KICK Vlnllnlat and teacher: alao piano harmony: room 1. x.O.U.W. Bldg.; boura 8 to BBO dally; phono, Union. B48. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are mora accurately aad reaaonably Iliad at Breaeira rharaaacy, 1ST Morrlwa at., bet. Flrat and Seeoad eta. Hilt STORIES aad noeela tor aommar read Ing. 10 oenta. lonea' Book Store. B1 Alder CAPB KRATE. 122 Bltth at A Saa lunch erred at all boura. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALB FARMS Improved fame for aale la all parte of Oregoa aad- Waahlngton; payment, made to aelt purchaaera. For full partleulara aa ta Tarleoa propertlea apply to Wa. MacMaatar, Sll Worceeter bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Boom 2. Cbambor of Comaacrco bldg. MAJBAOE. MDMB. II. B. BLY. aermatologtet maaaag electric treatmenta. 1BSH Ftrat at BOBTBWXST HOTELS. Haul Fertlaad. Aaartoaa yUai porjay Sommera Hotol, La Orandai traealara' homo. 4th aad Alder eta. MerrUon ate.. PortUad Beleedare 1 Earopaaa ylaa St Caarloa, Flrat and Mar ' tODOmS HOTBtB. ' ' TH OtmMOIarflirtk aidMerrliriKv'd booaekeeplaf aoltaa. aalta aad atagka fwtaraj 8 per weoi aad an. -. . TH B AatLJP:27W ..U.aua 'a. 1 gentlemen 1 tranetent. Tel. Seath Tel. J ... OVERALLS. BOHS OF THB ROAD OVRRALLB aad aaerkaa lea' clothing. Unloa aaoe. NeoeUdUe Rroa. Mfgra.. PortUnd. Or. REMOVAL. DR. FRANK B FERRIS, DR. OBRTRUDB B. Lamheraoa. Deatieta, re me red ta kUeUa bldf. rtk Boor. ROFE. I'OHTLaNI) COKDAOB CO. tor. FoarMMt FIANO LESSORS. W. oimihD NABH. n lutb at 1 term awa apnlleetlon. Beainner. takea. ' PLUMBERS. DONNERflERG A RADEMACHER, plambora. removed to B4 Fourth at. Both phenaa. STORAOE AND TRANSFER. C. I'. PICK, odlce S t'lrat at. betweea Stark and Oak ate. phone 6M; piano, aad furaA. tare moved ana packed for aklpplngi aoav Biodloua Breproof brick waraboaaa. iroot aadJ flay eta. 1 SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Davie; yam rw pelre and lorkouta earely dona, aa Thlrg at SLOT MACHINES. THANHCONTINh.MAL MACH1NB CO. Blut machlnaa. S. B. Park aad Oak. Beta Phonee. Mala IM SPECIAL DILIVEXT. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. H Waeb. Ingtoo at. Phonea, Or.. Mala lea. Uoi.. mi. WHOLIBALE HARDWARE. i. E. HAHKLT1NK A CO., Iron, ateol. coal aai hlackamlth'. anppllea. 4H-II Second at. ' WHERE TO DINK. STROUSE'B RESTAURANT) Irat-claea am la. beat aervloe. ZW Waahlngton at WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. UllHAiN WALL PAPER CO.. 1B4-1BS at. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland, oe. WBOLESAXX 0B00XB8. WADHAMS A CO., weoleeate grocera, rnaaa- facturera and aommiaaioa Baereaaaca, m aag 00 Front at. ALLEN A LEWIS, waolaaaht grooeeo. Park land, Or. MASON, EHRMAN A CO., who lee I. N. W. cor. Second and Pino eta. LANG A CO.. Pirat and Ankear eta. WHOLESALE CROCKERY ABD OLASBWARX. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OtASSWARB. Prael Heghla 4k Co.. 100 to 10 ck. oor. star g DENTAL ASSOCIATION (Journal Special Service.) ASHEV1LLE, N. C. July 28. Promi nent tnembera Qf the dental profeaalon. together with atate dental examtnera and publlahera of papers In the lntereat of the profeaalon, mnnuracturera of dental suppliea and othera. are hketo a total of geveral hundred for the anrraSl meet ing of the National Dental Society.- The eeaalona were formally opened today a,nd will continue through tho remainder of the week, being devoted to papers and dlscuaalona dealing: wth the latekt discoveries and Improvements In den tistry. Among those taking a promi nent part In the proceedings la Contract Dental Burgeon William H. Chambers, V. 8. A., detailed by the Secretary of War as the representative of the dental corps of the army at the meeting. MEETING OF FRIENDS (Journal Special 8ervice.) RICHMOND. Ind.. July 28. The In- r dlana yearly meeting of Friends' Chris tian Endeavor convention began Its ses sions today at Earlham College and will continue through tomorrow. The at tendance Is large and representative, and 'this, combined with an attractive pre gram, promises to make the meeting One of more than ordinary Interest to the members of the sect Following the Christian Endeavor convention will come the annual Bible Institute, which Is also a meeting of considerable lmpor .tance and Interest to the church. Dur lng the two meetings a number of able speakers will be heard. arf erred Btoek Oannad OooOa. Allan At Liewls' Best Brand. CTTT NOTICES. SCHOOL WARRANTS FOB SALE. The Board of Dlrectore of School. Dlatrlct No, 40, Multnomah County. Oregon, will receive blda fnr araixil warrant for the earn of 84.000. 8ub- ocrll'r may hid for any amount from g.V) up vr iwr lot. ruiur sum ui lur KHmiu . will bear lntereet at the rate of 6 per cent pit annum, ami ei win run ror orw year and 82,000 fur two yekra. Blda will he received up to Saturday erenlng. Auguat 1, 1003. by either tbe director, or clerk 01 aald dlatrlct. Dated July 2S, 100.1. THOMAS JENNY. Clerk H. J. MICKELSON, Chairman of Board of Dlrectore. BIDS WANTED. GETHER with advance re porta dally on all tiding, water and newer eratema. railroad atriictlon, lumber and logging campa and lilvSkoaala ror new machinery, covering entire NoTOiweat. Addreaa Piiset Sound Preae Cllp- ptturv Bureau, inc. Waah. Thuea Bldg., Seattle, CITY NOTICES. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Of WZISLEX 1 BTEZET. ; Notice la hereby given that at the meeting Of th. Council of th. City of Portland, Ore- ?on. held on the ISth day of July, 1903, th. ollowlng resolution wa. adopted: Reeolved. That the Council of th. City of Portland. Oregon, derma It expedient and pro poeoa to Improve Weldler atreet from the cen ' ter line qf Eaat Twenty-elf btb atreet to the writ line of of East Thirty-Brat atreet In the following manner, to-wit: Flrat Ry grading the atreet lull width with full Intereeetloue to proper grade. Second By conatructlng aldewalks ten feet ' wide with els-foot covering placka and wooden ear be. Third By constructing wooden croeswalka alx feet In width. Said Improvement to he made In accordance wlUtpthe charter and ordlnancee of the City of UaMaTrand and tne plana, apecmcationa ana eati WjKvt of the Clfy Engineer (lied 1h the office f-T the Auditor of the City of Portland on the fTfTth day of June. 1903. indorsed: "City En gtneer'a plAna and sneclflcatloua for the Im--pruvement of Weldler atreet from the center line of East Twenty-eUbth atreet to the West line Of Eaat Thirty-Brat atreet. and the estimates of the work to be don. an,d th. probable total cost thereof." The coat of aald improvement to be asaeewed aa provided by the city charter upon the pro erty specially benefited thereby and which Is aereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lots and parcels of land lying between the east line of East Twenty-eighth street and .he west Une of East Thirty-first atreet and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north Une of Weldler atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with th. aouth Use of Weldler atreet. fhe plana, epeetflentlooa and estimate, at the city Engineer for the Improvement of salt Weldler atreet are hereby adopted. - Reeolved. That the Auditor of too City d Portland, Oregon, be and be la hereby dlrectet to give notice of the propo-ed Improvement of Bald street aa provided by the dty charter. The Englneer'e estimate, of tho probable total coat for th. Improvement of aald atreet la ll.8T2.00. Rnaoo-rrraace agalnat th. above Improve ment may be filed de writing with tba under algned within 20 days from the date of the Srst publication of tbla notice. . By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor of tba City of Portland. July IT. 1903. 1 . ASSESSKXBT FOX IMPROVEMENT OF EAST SEVENTEENTH BTXEXT. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet lug held on tba 15th day of July, 1008, de clared th. assess Bient by ordinance No. 13. 440, for th. Improvement of East Seventeenth atreet. from th. center lln. of Division street to the north curb line of Powell atreet. In tb. manner provided by ordinance No. 12.T7S, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, rla: Madeline a Blk 1. lot 10, Bernard L. Stone f 1TB. 52 Blk 1, lot 11, Bernard L. 8 tone 62 07 Blk 1, lot B, Bernard L. 8 tone 41.80 Blk 1, lot S, Bernard L. Stone 104.16 Blk I. lot T. Bernard L. Stone.. 70.61 Blk 1, lot 0, Bernard L. Stone ON. -IS Blk 1. lot 6. Bernard L. Stone 0B.6B Blk 1. lot 8, Bernard L. Stone........ 81.38 Blk 1. lot 4. Bernard L. Stqn. , 164.79 Tlbbett'a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 10, lot B, Charles W. Booat 81.27 Blk 10, north 10 feet lot 0. Charles W. Booat t 1ST8 Blk 19, aouth 40 feet lot 0, Jobo Huher 02 62 Blk 19. lot 7. Charles W. Booat 102.81 Blk 10. lot 8. Jobs Bonadurer 118.07 Blk 24. kit 6. William E. Pettlnger. . . . 111.70 Blk 24. lot 0. William E. Pettlna-er 102.01 Blk 24. lot 1. Walt Lancaster 100.20 Blk 24. lot 8, William 8. Overlie.... 10H.07 Blk 3.1. kit B. Ellen L Farnawortb. ... 110.14 Blk 33. lot 0. Lola A. Roder 110.28 Blk S3, undivided V of lot T, Joha B Brldgea , 60.77 Blk 33. undivided U. of. lot 8. Joha R. Bridge. 01.28 Blk 83. undivided U of lot T. Mary Brldgea 86. IT Blk 33. undivided Vi of lot 8, Mary Brldgea S1.2S A tract of land lying between the aouth lino at Brooklyn atreet and a line 100 feet south of and parallel therewith, and between "he weat lln. of Eaat Seventeenth atreet and a line 100 feet westeelv therefrom end narallel there- with. M. M. Brooks 243.38 A tract of land lying between th. aorta line of Tlbbetta street extended west erly In Its preaent course and a Una 100 feet aouth of aad parallel with the aouth line of Brooklyn atreet and between the west lln. of East Seven teenth atreet and a line 100 feet weat of and parallel therewith, Leander B. Brooke 140.07 A tract of land lying between the north une or Tlbbetta street extended weat erly In its preaent course and a lln. 86 feet sooth of and parallel there with and between th. weat line of East Seventeenth street and the north eaaterly boundary Une of tb. Southern Pacific Company'a right of way, Chae. II. Dakln 62.43 A triangular tract of land lying be tween a line 36 feet south of and parallel with th. north line of Tlb betta atreet extended westerly tn Ita present course, tb. west Use of Eaat Seventeenth atreet and a line extend ing from a point in the weat line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet which la 40 feet north of ita Intersection with th. north lln. of Powell atreet to a polpt In the north line of Tlbbetta street extended westerly In it. present course, which la BO S feet west of the west line of East Seventeenth street F. A. and-A. E. Blanck 187.23 A triangular tract of land l'lng be- ' tween the north line of Powell atreet, the aouth Westerly boundary Une of the ' Southern Pacific Company right of way and line 100 feet weat of and . CTTT NOnCtS. parallel therewith, Harriett Kennedy 837.48 Right of way, City A Suburban Rail way Company 8.04 Total 86.601.61 A statement of aforesaid aeeeaamvnt baa been entered In the Docket of City Llena, and la now due and payable at the office of th. City Treaaurer, In lawful money of the United Statea and If not paid within thirty daya from the date of thla notice. uch pro ceeding, will be taken for the collection of the same aa are provided by the charter of tbe City of Portland. The above aMeaament will bear lntereet ten daya after tba flrat pubUcatlon of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th. City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 24. 1903. OF -- , SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CODNCIX. Notice la hereby given that a special meeting , ef the- Council of the City of Portland will be held on Wednesday. July 29, 1903. at 4:30 o'clock p, at for the transaction of general -'boatneaa.. .-, - . ,- , GEORGE B. WILLIAMS, IrOyar. . Tortland, Oregon. July 27, 1903, parallel with theweit Tin of East Seventeenth street M. E. and A. E. Vaughn .. 83.27 A tract of lnnd bounded and de- acrlbed aa folio wa: Beginning at a point In the west line of East Seven teenth streef twhlch la 40 feet north of tbe intersection of the north fine of i'owell street with the west lino . of East Seventeenth atreet: thence northwesterly along the northeasterly boundary Une of the Southern Pacific Company right of way to a point at Its Intersection with a tin. 100 feet west of and parallel with tbe weat line of East Seventeenth street; thence southerly along a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with the west line of Eaat Seventeenth street to a point at Ita Intersection with tbe southwesterly boundary line of the Southern Pactfle Company'a right of way; thence south easterly along the aouthweeterly boundary line of aald right of way to ar point at Ita Intersection with the northerly Une of Powell atreet; thence easterly along the northerly Une of Powell atreet to a point at Ita Intersection with tbe west Une of. Eaat Seventeenth atreet; thence north erly along the westerly line of Eaat Seventeenth street to the place of be ginning. Southern Pacific Company... 81.18 Madeline- Blk 2. lot 13. Gertrude E. and Tbomaa Callaghan 173.06 Blk 2. lot 12. Gertrude B. aad Tbomaa Callaghan 1 62 02 Blk 2, lot 14. W. H. Gordon and wife.. 87.77 Blk 2. lot 15. W. H. Gordon and wife.. 92.02 Blk 1 lot 10. W. H. and 8. K. Gordon. 70.23 Blk 2. lot IT. Fannl. I. Lorlng. 0T.4O Blk 2. lot IS. Fannie I. Lorlng 07 .'88 Blk 2. east lot 3, Hesperian In vestment Company 11.43 Blk 2. weat H lot 2. Mary Helnse 11.43 Blk 2. lot 1. Mary Betas 100.22 Tfbbett's Addition to East Portland Blk 20, lot 4. Andrew E. Trogcn W 77 Blk SO. t 3. Harris BroWn 82.71 Rlk 20, lot X May C. Sn.ll... 90 29 Blk 20, lot 1. May C. Saell 109.27 Blk 23. lot 4. Charles W. Boost 110.10 Blk 23. lot 3. Charles W. Booat 102.08 Blk 23, lot 2. Anton Block........'...' 98.40 Blk 23, lot 1, Anton Block..:.;....,.' 104.14 Blk 34. let 4. Minna Behrena and - Chris tun Menrena Estate, aetra 01... Blk 84. lot 3. Hlnna Behrena and Christian Bebrera Estate, heirs of.. 100.11 Blk 84, lot 2. Emit and Annie Foche.. 100.70 Blk 84. lot 1. Enrll aad Annie Foebe.. llft.82 Blk 87. lot 4. William D. Proadfoat.. JM 74 Btk ST. lot 8. William D. Proadfoot.. 113.81 Blk 37. kit 2. Patrick Mnrray 113.10 81k ST. lot 1. M J. Smltk..' 122.87 A tract of land lying between the seats line of Tlbbetta street aad tbe north . Uhe of Powell street and between the east Uaa of Eaat Seventeen th atseet and a Una 100 feet eaat at and , 229.96 401.21 ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT KILUB0BW0BTH AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, let a meet ing held on the 16th day of July, 1008. de clared th. assessment by ordinance No. 13,430, for the improvement of Kllllngswortb avenue, from tb. east line of Commercial atreet to tbe east line of Michigan avenue. In tb. manner frovlded by ordinance No. 13,036, npon each ot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly oenentea, to Da rollowa, via: . A tract of land lying between the eaat line of Michigan avenue extended northerly In Its present course and a line 875 feet eaat of and parallel therewith and between th. north line of Killlngaworth avenue and a ll(e 1111 reec norm or ana parallel mere wlth. A. E. and C. V. Gantenheln. .$ A tract of land lying between two llnea respectively 876 feet and 820.6 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Michigan avenue extended north erly In Ita preaent course and between the north Une of Killlngaworth avenue and a lln. 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, James Park. C. U. Gantenheln and A. B. Gantenheln. A tract of land lying betweea two llnea respectively 820.6 feet and 1.268 feet eaat of and narallel with tbe eaat Une of Michigan avenue extended northerly In Its preaent course and be tween tbe nortb Une of Ullllnga wortb avenue aiM a Une 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, Emery Olive.' A tract of lan! lying between a line 1.266 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Michigan avenue et tended northerly in Ita present course and the West Une of block numbered 10, Piedmont,, and between the north Une of Kllllngswortb s venue and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, Dnknown owner Iledmofct Blk 10, lot 1. Investment Company 1 Blk 10, south 37.4 feet lot 2, Invest ment Company Blk 0. lot 14. Investment Company....' Blk 9. sonth 28 feet lot 13. Investment Company W. J. Patton's Bubdlvleion of block I In M. Patton a Tract Blk 1. lot 1. Michael F. Brady Blk 1, lot 2. May E. Swlgert Blk 1. north 6.8 feet kit 3. May E. Swlgert Blk 1. north 6.8 feet lot 3. May E. Snrlsert Blk 1, lot 9. Hay E. Swlgert Blk 1. lot 10. May r:. Bwigert Blk 2. lot 1. John Nolta Blk 2. lot 2. John Nolta Blk 2. north 6.6 feet lot 8. John Nolta. Blk 2, north 6.6 feet lot 8, John Nolta. Blk. 2, lot JUohn SojU CITY NOTICES. 86.88 2 87 18.49 .83 2.10 A3 1808 2.30 .25 Blk 2. lot 10, John Nolta Blk 8, lot 1, Henry Albert. Blk 8. lot 2. Henry Albert Blk 8. nortb 6.6 feet lot 8. Henry Albert M. Patton's Tract consisting of di visions Into lots or parcels ot land from A to T. Inclusive North 100 feet lot J. Lena C. Patton.. A tract of land lying between the east line of bl -k numbered 1. W..J. Pat ton'a subdivision of block I In M. Pnt ton a Tract and lot lettered J In M. Patton's Tract and between tbe aouth line of Ktllingsworth avenue and a line 100 feet south of and parallel therewith, Robert PaMon Estate, heirs of A tract of land lying betweea the east Une of Congreoa street and tbe eaat line of Commercial atreet It extended aoutherly In Ita present course aa laid out tn Piedmont and between tbe south line of Killlngaworth avenue and a line 100 feet aoeth of and parallel therewith. W. M. Killlngaworth and F. M. Warren , . Right of way. City A Suburban Railway Company 1.41 12.20 43.70 66.06 14.26 1.63 1.66 13.80 65.88 71.87 18.61 Ewalt Blk 4, aouth 86 feet lot 2, R. G. Hamil ton Blk 4. south 30 feet lot 1, R. G. Hamil ton Blk 4. north 24 feet of south 60 feet lot 2. Wm. B. Glafke and Frederick Olafk.. Jr Blk 4, north 24 feet of south 60 feet kit 1. Wm. B. Glafk. and Frederick Glafke. Jr Blk 4. north 8.7 feet of aouth 83.7 feet lot 2, Josephine H. Russell Blk 4. nortb 8.7 feet of sonth 63. T feet lot 1, Josephine H. Russell Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 12. lot 2. R. G. Hamilton Blk 12, kit 1. K G. Hamilton Blk 11, lot 8, Tb. Tltl. Guarantee A Trnst Company Blk 11, lot 7, Th. Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 11, lot 6.- Tb. Tltl. Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 11. lot 6. Th. Tltl. Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 11, kit 4. Th. Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 11. lot 3. Char lea H. Preacott Troetee John Irvtnar'a Flrat Addition to Baat Prrtland Blk A lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Tniat Company Blk 3. lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8, lot 6, The Tltl. Oaarantee A Truat Company .'. Blk 8, lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8. lot 8, Cbarlea H. Preacott Truatee Blk 8. lot 2, Cbarlea II. Preacott Truatee Blk 8. lot 1, Cbarlea H. Preacott Trustee Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 11. kit 2. Charles H. "Preacott. Trustee Blk 11. lot 1. Cbarlea U. Preacott. Trustee Blk 10. lot 8, Charles H. Preacott Truatee Blk 10. lot 7. Trustee Blk 10. lot 8. 6.25 12. 78 15.68 8.62 10.88 1.33 1.60 44.81 48.71 67.85 09.94 Charles H. Preacott. ' Charles' ' H." ' Preacott II. Preacott 67.98 64.72 64.00 60.44 81.49 27.88 B.57 8.97 8.19 9.29 81.06 86.60 71.76 71.30 01.25 69.98 CTTT NOTICES. AA8ES8KXBT FOX IMPROVEMENT OF SEC OND STXEZT. Notice I. hereby given that tba Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet lug held 00 tbe l&fh day of July, 1903, de clared the assessment by ordinance No. 13,457, for the Improvement of Second atreet, from 12 feet north of the aouth Hue of Iiavla atreet to a point 12 feet south of the north line of Jef ferson street, in the manner provided by ordi nance No. 13.142. upon each lot, part of lot and parrel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited,' to be aa followa, vis: Portland Block m. lot 8, Lloyd Brooke Eatate, helra of $ 102.22 Block 29, lot 7, David P. Thompson Ea tate, heirs of 9.24 Block 41. lot 8, J. W. A V. Cook.... 102.H0 Block 41, N'H kt 7, 1. W. & V. Cook. 49.40 Block 41, H lot 7, Henry W. Corbett unmie, neirs or D0.BT Trustee Blk 1 10. lot 6. Charles Trustee Blk 10. lot 4. Cbarlea H. Preacott, Truatee John Irvtng'a First Addition to Esst Portia nil Charles H. Presoott, 7, Charles II. Preacott Preseott, ' 5, ' Charles "il." ' Preseott,' ' 4. ' ' Charles' ' H. ' Preacott Blk 2. lot Trustee Blk 2. lot Trustee .. Blk 2. lot 6. Charlea n Truatee Blk 2. lot Trustee Blk 2. lot Trustee Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 7. lot 13. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 7. kit 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 7. kit 15. f. Wagner Blk 7. kit 16. F. Wagner Blk 8. lot 9. The Tltl. Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. lot 10, F. Wagner Blk 8. lot 11. r. Wagner Blk 8 lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. lot 13. The Title Gaarantea 61.20 61.41 49.74 83.43 29.08 8.83 8.36 B.0S '.9 62 81.27 119.47 130.08 151.19 144.08 113.04 118.13 1.90 T9.07 20.21 23.10 102.90 Total 11.331.85 A statement of aforesaid assessment baa been entered In the Docket of city Lien.. and la now due and payable at the office of the City Treaaurer, In lawful money ot tbe United State, and if not paid within thirty daya from the date of thla notice, suoh pro ceedings will be taken for the collection of the same as are provided by the charter of the city ot Portland. The above assessment will bear lntereet ten daya after tbe Brat pubUcatlon of tbla notice. THOS. C- DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 24. 1003. Trust Company ' . . . . . . "117.89 Blk 8. lot 14. Lotta Chaae Smith 120.44 Blk 8. lot 1.1. Lotta Chase Smith IH0.K6 Blk 8, kit 16. Lotta Chsse Smith 181.32 Blk 9. lot 9. J. Woods Smith 164.81 Blk 9, kit 10, J. Woods Smith... 140.18 nik 0. lot 11. J. Woods Smith 97.07 Blk 0. lot 1Z J. Woods Hmlth 103.01 Blk 9. lot 1.1. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 100.69 Block 41. NVt lot 6. Henrr W. Corbett Eatate, heirs of 48.08 Block 41, N 1 ft of lot 8. Henrietta E., Mary F. Falling and Emily V. Cabell 1.68 Block 88. lot 8, Fred Blckel 107.07 Block 88, lot 7, Fred Blckel 1O4.0T Block 10, 84 lot 7. Henry W. Corbett Estate, helra of 87.28 Block 10. lot 6. Louis Woon et si.. A6.8O Hlock 10, kit 5. Louis Woon et al 99.21 Block IS, W 75 ft. lot 8. Kim. Ark Co.. Won Kim Kee 101.00 Block 16. W 75 ft. lot 7. Kim. Ark A Co.. Wong Kim Kee J00.40 Ulock 13. K 20 ft. lot 8 Charlea lie gele 1.08 Block 10. E 20 ft. lot 7. Charles He gel. 1.69 Blocs 11. 8 36 ft. kit 7. Ferdinand O. Smith 80.88 Block 11, lot 6. Leander L. Hawkins.. 86.86 Block 11, lot 6. Lesnder U Hawkins.. 80.00 Block 10, lot 8. WllHam II. llarrla ... 89.01 Block 10, lot 7. William H. Harris 86.86 Block 10. E 67 ft. lot 8, William B., Clara A. Fechhelmer, Alice M. Hers and Elisabeth A. Elchengruen 8.60 Block 10. lot 6. William H., Clara A. Fecbbelmer, Alice M. Hen and Elis abeth A. Elchengruen 8.12 Block 10, W 38 ft. kit 6. laam White. 82.56 Block 10, W 88 ft. lot 5. Iaam White. 83.64 Block 9, lot 8. Joseph 8. Keller 114.03 Block 9. lot 7. 8s rings A Loan Society of San Francisco 10.88 Conch a Addition to the City of Portland Block 2". H 16 ft. lot 5. Joseph Closaett and William Mcintosh 86.36 Block 20, lot 4. Johnson Estate Co... 117.79 Block 20. lot 1, Johnson Estate Co... 66.11 Portland- Block 17. S 22.6 ft. lot 2, Charlea P. nacon fz.vr) Block 17. lot 3. Cbarlea P. Bacon.' 93.97 Block 19, lot 3, David P. Thompson Eatate. helra of 98.70 Block 10, lot 4, Zepbanlah 8. Spald ing 2.77 Block 20. E 79 ft. of N (4 lot IV Man hattan Heal . Estate Co 61.17 block 20. W 18 ft. of N(. lot 1. John P. Price Estate, beira of 80 Block 20. 8i kit 1. John P. Price Es tate, neirs or CTTT NOTICES. United Statea and If not paid within thirty daya from the date of thla notice, eoeh pro ceedlnga will be tsken for tbe collection of tbe same aa are provided by tb. charter of the City of Portland. Tbe above assessment will bear lntereat ten daya after the first publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 24, 1903. Total 13.401.48 A statement of aforesaid assessment baa been entered In the Docket of City Liens, and is now due and payable at the office of the Pity Treasurer, in lawfnl money of th. United Statea and If not paid within thirty days from the date of this notice, such pro ceedings wilt be taken for the eollectkin of the same as are provide J by tbe charter of the city of Portland. The above assessment will bear Interest ten daya after the flrat publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 24. 1903. ASSESSMENT FOB OfPROVEMINT OF HAL- BIT STREET. Notice la hereby given that th. Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet- Ins held oa the lstn day or July. ion, de clared tbe aseraemeat by ordinance No. 18,437. lor tbe improvement or Halaey street from the weat line of Holladay Park Addition, to a point 2V feet east of tbe east Une of Eaat Twenty-first street In tbe saaaner provided by ordinance No. 18.104. npon each .lot part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peeullarly benefited, to be aa followa, vis: Holiaeay ran Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 12. lot d, B. L. eneaa $ Blk 12. lot 3, . L, eiiaan Joha Irvtng'a First Addition to Esst Portland Blk 4. aotto BAT feet lot A L. H. aad Aaaa H. Maxwell. Blk a, aouth 8J.T teat lot t, Basnet B, 8351 84.03 ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IV EAST SECOND STREET. Notice Is hereby given that th. Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet ing held on the 15th day of July, 1903, de clared the assessment by ordinance No. 13.44.1. for the construction of a aewer In Eaat Second street from a point 12 feet aoath of the north line of Broadway to a connection with the aewer In Sebnyler street. ln th. manner pro- vioen ny ordinance .10. is.4in. upon eacn kit, part of kit and parcel of land, which are aprclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa fol lows, vlx; Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 243. eaat H kit 5. C. B. Bellinger. . 32.13 Blk 245. east V, kit 6. C. B. Bellinger.. 32.15 Blk 246. west H kit 3. Frank 8. Parke and William B. Chaae 23.65 Blk 245. weat V let 6. Frank S. Parker and William B. Chase 23.65 Blk 244. lot 3. C. B. Bellinger,.. ...a. 04.2O Blk 244. loj 4, C. B. Bellinger M.30 Total 1240.00 A statement of aforesaid assessment has been entered In tbe Docket of City Liens. aad la now due and payable at the office of the City Treaaurer . la lawful money ef the United States and If not paid within thirty days from tbe date of this notice, each pro eeedlnrs will be taken for tbe collection f the same so are provided by toe charter ef tbe City of Portlaad. . The above assessment will bear totcreef ten days after tbjr first publication mi thla notice. ' THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ef the City of Portland. Portlaad, Oregon, JalJ S4, ISOBV Block 20. N V lot 2. Cornells Burkbart. Block 20. 8 loS2. A. V. T. Cardwell Eatate, helra of Block 20, lot 3, Ellen E. Kay Estate. belra of Block 20. lot 4. Ellen E. Ray Estate, heirs of Block 22. N 18 23 ft kit 3, Cather ine Mtewart Block 22. 8 83 1-3 ft. lot 8. William . L. Starr Block 22. and. 2 3 lot 4, Elisabeth L. Wood Block 22. und. 1-3 lot-4. Rebecca B. Henness Block 24, lot 1, German Savings A Loan Society Block 24, kit 2. Mary Ruth Hawkins. Block 24, lot 3, Mary Kath Hawkins. Block 24. lot 4, Agnes H. Schumann.. Block 25, lot 1. Emma U. Ander son Block 25, lot 2, Emma H. Ander- Block 70,' ' kit 1. wVlilam' F. and Frank A. Hummel Block 70, kit 2. Cbarlea M. Cloee Block 70. lot 3. The German Savlnga A Loan Society Block 70, kit 4. The German Savlnga A Loan Society 102.90 61.03 (1.01 94.50 154.35 28.77 57.53 66 h0 28.35 88.18 7.93 7.03 88.13 88.14 86.15 116 40 2S.20 102.10 103.40 Total I3.62U65 A statement of aforesaid (assessment baa been entered In the Doeket of City Liens, and la now doe and payable at tbe offle. of the City Treaaurer, in lawful money of the United Stares and if not paid within thirty daya from the date of thla notice, such pro ceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the same aa sre provided by the charter of tbe City of Portland. The above assessment will bear Interest ten days after the first publication of this notice. TTIff?. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the (Itr of Portland. Portland, Oregon. July 24. 1903. ASSESSMENT FOX IMPROVEMENT OF EAST HAXXIS0B BTXXET. Notice Is hereby given that tbe ConncU of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet ing held on. the 15th day of July, 1008, de clared tb. aaaeement by ordinance No. 13,442, for th. Improvement of Eaat Harrteon atreet from the eaat line of Eaat third atreet to tb. esst lln. of Eaat Twelfth atreet. In tb. manner provided by ordinance No. 18.008, ppon each lot, part of lot and parcel -of land, whirb sr. apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa, vis: Stenhena Addition to Eaat Portland- Block 46, kit 4. Anna Escbelbacber f Block 45, lot 8, Giovanni De Psull.... Block 45, lot 8,. Alex Wannemacber. . . . Block 45, lot 6. Tbomaa Hall Block 66, lot 4, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrsch Eatate, belra of Block 66, kit 8, Jacob Mayer and Sol lilrech Eatate, heirs or Block 66, lot 6, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrsch Estate, heirs of Block 56, lot 5. Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrach Eatate, helra of Block 65, lot 4, Jamea Olsen Block 6A, lot 8. Jkmea Olaen Block 66, kit 6, Job Hatfield Block 05, lot 6, Job Hatfield Block T6, kt 4. Cecil Matblot... Block T6. lot 8. Rachel L. Ray Block T6. lot 6, MlnnieBLuchest Block T6, lot 6, Minnie Laches! Block 85. lot 4. Sehool District No. 1.. Block 86. kit 8, School District Ne. 1.. Block 86. lot 6. School District No. 1.. Block 85. lot 6. School District No. 1.. Block 96, lot 4, Mary J. ParrUb Estate, belra of Block 96. lot I, Mary J. Parrlsb Eatate. belra of A.... Block 96. lot 0. C. F. Pearson Block 96, kit B, Alice E. Wilson.... Block 105. lot 4. Goldie Goldstein Block 105, lot 8. Joseph Cohn Block 105. kit 0. Samuel Kinder Block 105. lot 5, Samuel Kinder Block 116. kt 4. Darld L. (louse Block 116. lot 8. Dsvld L. Clonse Block 116. kit 6. N. O. Waldmao Ea tata. heirs of. and El ma E. charmaa. Block 116. lot 5. N. O. Waldman Ea tata. helra of. and Elma E. ("barman. Block 125. lot 4, Charles Uussey and F. C. Forbes Block 125, lot 3. Charlea Hussey and F. C. Forbes Bkick 125. kit 6. Tbomaa Green Block 125. lot 8. Thomas Green Ladd'a Addition to tbe City of Portland- Block 11. west 100 reet 01 lot a, w. o. Ladd Eatate. belra of Block 11. west 100 feet of tot 21, W.8. Ladd Eatate. belra of Block 11. aoath 14 feet of weat 100 feet of lot 20, W. 8. Ladd Eatate. helra of Stephens' Addition to Eaat Portland Block 46. lot I. George W. Miner Block 46. lot 2. George W. Miner Block 46. lot 7. Benjamin F. Campbell. Block 46. lot 8, Benjamin F. Campbell. Hl..ok 56, lot 1, JuUua F. and Sadie 139.09 14.31 62.04 185.87 191.46 66.33 21.20 147.99 05 6.1 9.36 14.T2 66.04 122.46 22.32 6.06 61.76 114 At 19.31 23 83 120.48 139.11 27.42 27.41 76.75 142.73 .41.63 42 .28 144.47 145.23 42.23 8.86 100 31 11X52 10.55 03.05 193.06 mrAaxiAx. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers EaUbllabed in IBM. INTGRGST ALLOWGD ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made at all points on favorable term.. Letters of credit issued available la Europe and all points la tie United States. Sight exchange arid telegrapble traaafers aold In New York. Washington, Chicago, St Lonla, Denver. Omaha. San Francises and Mow tana and Brltlab Columbia. Exchange aold Frankfort. Hong and Honolulu. on London. Paris, Kong, Yokohama. Berlin. Manila 83.00 27.13 8.40 138.78 14 42 63.14 166.61 United States Nat'l Bank OF PORTLAND 0RZOOV, BOBTBWXST COR. THIRD ABD OAK BTB. TRANSACTS A GENERAL X AUXINS) B17SINEBB. DRAFTS ISSUED Available la all eltlea ef the United Statea aad Xarene, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms President .............. Vice-President Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier ..... .J. 0. AlNSWORTT W. B. A TUB ,..B. W. BCHMEER ....A. U. WRIOHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BTTLOXBO. THIRD ABS STARS ITXXXTS. Bead Office 68 Old Broad atreet London. Tbla bank transacta a general banking basnV m. ma has loana. dlseonnte bills and tssoe. letters of credit svallabl. for traveler aad for the Borrbase of merchandise In anv city ef tbe world. Deals 'n foreign and domcstle exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. II AO SAB. Manager. Merchants National Bank R. R. Geo. W, PORTLAND. 0XE00N. Frank Wataoa .Presides L. Durham Ylce-Prektet W. Hoyt... .....Cashier. Hoyt. .7.. ...Assistant Cssbisr Msyer Block 56. lot Mayer Block 55 Msree 2. Julius F. and Sadie lot 7, Julius F.' ' and Sadie ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF EAST FLANDERS STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet ing held on the 15th day or July. 19113 de clared the assessment by ordinance No. 1.1,438, for the Improvement of East Flanders atreet. from tb. weat -line of Esst TvreSty-foorth street to the west line of Bronaugb'a Addition, in the manner orovlded by ordinance No. 12.. 930, upon each lot. part of kit and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly bene fited, to be aa follows, vis: Bronangh's Addition to City of Port, land. Or. Block 2. kit 4, Earl C. Bronangb 1113.32 Block 3. aunts 4x0 reet ot lot s. Earl C. Bronangk Block 2, kit A Earl C. Bronaugh Bburk J, lot 0. Earl C. Bronaugh Block 2. lot 7. Earl C. Bronangb.,:' Block 2, lot A Earl C. Bronaugh Block 8. lot 1. Earl C. Brooangb Block A kit X Earl C Bronaugh Block 8. -kit 12, Earl C. Bronaugh. Block A lot 11. Earl C. Bronangb.. Block 8, lot 10. Earl C. Bronangb Block 8. kt 9, Earl C. Bronaugh. Total i.......r.......t51.14 A statement o( aforesaid assessment baa bees entered fa the Docket of City Liens, sad Is aow doe sad paysbks at the atDee of toe at? Treason, tm lawful bsocwf e the Block 65, lot 8. Julius F. and Sadie Mayer Block 66. lot L John H. Johnson Block 66, lot 2, John H. Johnson Block 6. lot 7. Paul and Delia Polrer. . Block 66. lot 8, Mary Holfcnbargcr and ' Catherine E. Stephens Block 75. lot 1. D. C: McLellan Block 75. kit 2, D. C. McLellan Block 75. lot 7, Sara Lowensteln Block 75. lot 8. Sam Lowenatatn Block 86. north 40 feet of lot 1. Rose Hamilton . . . . Block 88. aouth 1 foot of kit 1. Edward Doerlng Blek 86. nortb 40 feet of lot 2. Edward Doering Block 86. aouth 1 foot of kit 2. Samuel Morrow Block 86. lot 7. Mrs. A. A. Burt Block 86. lot 8. Mrs. A. A. Burt Block 95. lot 1. John Harklns Block 05. lot 2. John Hsrklns Block'05. kit 7. Martha E. Hyland Block P-5. eaat 60 feet of kit 8. Caro lina Welsa Block 05, weat 40 feet of kit 8, M. Ot tensen Block 106. lot 1. Katie Sinnott Block 106, lot 2. Kasper Roth Block 106. lot 7. Christ Hansen Block Kl. kit 8. Christ Hansen Block 115. lot 1, Frank Brunrer Block 115, lot 2. Frank Brnnger Block 115. kit 7. Amelia Lnther Block 113. kit .8. Fred Forbes and Charles Hnssr Block 126. lot 1. Harrr Meyer Block 126. lot X Harry Meyer Block 126, lot 7, Stephens Land Com pany 4 Block 126, lot 8, Stephena Land Com- 192.81 66.52 68.28 113.73 28.12 6 13 18.00 79.60 83 .68 23.27 12.84 115.71 114.66 .44 19.17 .39 23 44 110.06 124.86 25.3.1 27 09 4624 31.15 147 47 46. OO 36 51 137.01 143.80 41. 12.S2 106 14 115.2 14.12 83.00 232.73 Transacts a GrenersJ Banklnr BnstyaasiB, Drafta and let era of credit leaned available to all parta of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold tmt bonrM. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTE1MSEN faocessors to MORRIS A WHITEHEAD, BABXsZBB, FIRST AST) AI.DEB STBEIT PORTLAND. OR. BXrxmBBTOZB. Ladd A Tilton.-Portland; U. S. National Beak. Portland; Bank of California. Saa Fraa Cisco; Crocker-Woolworth National . Bank. Saa Francisco. Bolton, deRuyter & Co. Chicago Board of' Trade, Saa Francisco Pre dues Exchsnge. San Francisco Stock and Bond Excbangs. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS. BONDS and COTTON. San Francisco OSle. 490 California St 10B THIRD ST. P0ITLIND 0B MORTGAGE On PnrvTand real eatate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstract, tarnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. I Chember of Commerce. 13.47 44.24 66 07 51.88 32.93 111.61 18.98 44.42 46.96 4187 31.10 psny Ladd'e Addition to the Cltv of Portland- Block 6. west 100 feet of kit 24, W. S. Ladd Eatste, heirs-of 34.56 Block 6. west 100 feet of lot 21. W. S. Ladd Eatate. belra ef '. 23.75 Block A north 14 feet of west 100 feet of lot 20, W. S. Ladd Eatste, heirs of 0.00 Bight of way. City A Suburban Rail way company ,......,..... 1,360.30 VOTICB BWALABUTP FEOTUI Do yon seed money before ray Say T CkB en ns. We caa advance mosey eo yowr wages ea abort notice. Yoa pay sack swath iy. swear monthly er weekly. THB STAB ZjOABT CO 210 McKsy B Idg.. Third and Stark Stay m nNew York Loan Office T N. Third St., M. Miller. Presv Loan, oa collaterals; low rates; sa redeemed pledges for sale: wstek aad jeweaty repairing. Phone, Red 987. ' Total 87.109.97 A statement of aforesaid esse earnest fess bees entered In tbe Docket or Cltv Urns. ami Is sow doe sad payable at the oflV. of the nty Treaaurer, in lawrru money of the United States snd If net paTd within thirty days from the data ef thla notice, aacb pro ceedings will be taken for the collection ef tbe seme sa are provided by tba charter of the Ctty of Portland. The above assessment will hear Interest ten daya after the ftrat . PuMtiSttoa of this notice. . - . , 'rutin, v. PETLi.1, i '- Aad! tor of the City of Porud. ' rorUaad, Oreguu, July 24. l&iO. ;-, XfOBXT ADTABCHD. Salaried eeonte. tesssstsrs, etc.. wit heed Ity. sy psyavKau targes baaiussa Is 40 principal cities. . 1 ''?- - - - TOX.KAW. MS AblnsrfcvsjBMw. MOBTOAOB LOANS. ' f tmeressd sit sod fsns presett. al lew. eat earresl rates building Ivaaa, iasUllases loans.. :. !-' '" iBfaatev, Hit Wneesstee If You War; A partasv I yonr sswlaew: f-t - t -. this, advertise la zaj ),.:.. i