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About Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1891)
J .1 1 THE GRANT COUHTYHEWS. Thursday, thin. 2. LOCAL BREVITIES. Wratlmr prwwnt like spring tJ 1. O. 0. K. Social.! ntnl Boll Frtoay evening. Jan. 2.1,halwmpnst- "Htiuttor UUckntan it wwkitiK liartl ftir wam riwd up prop lions for this nountr ami 1 1 it rimy. leo moiunm r full People Upkeep '! nmt summer ne.titli..taniliiig jioHUenl or other tjnostiwts of ititrnt-st, Thwe, U room yet for hundreds of fatuities In Grant comity, and mp should T ) 'iit ihing to i. 'itinvc hn inlgvn'n ti. li i you hoar that man swear! Nev er min I, though, hn h.ut oily fallen flown M.iii i f tlx numerous steps in the shlt-walk. Tt .!-sw in to Uitf that Mr. I). It. Ufnehtrl iImm not allow whijIo to S M mitif at ft owe without apples nml Tib excellent cider. Oirotiit court for Malhmir county lvsted only two days, and all the husi Jm wr wound up. Not a criminal chargs npnml on tho docket, yCj I is surprising to i the groth tliftt grnst hiti attained in thin vicinity where tlif ifmiuiil it moist. Anil this in tntd-wiutnr, loo. A petition umi ilmft of n charter for the incorporation of Utnyou City hits been forwarded to Otir sotutor mid representative at Salem. 'Ilio present legislature in making for itself a record for prompt dispatch of btt&iimKK, man though it nmy ilo something foolish Iwforo adjourning, .Mr. John llollis hai gone lclow to secure treatment ty n specialist for deafness. Ho was undecided whether to stop in Portland or journey on to Son Fmucitco. Mr. violin liny him lioon suH'oring from it enncer on his face for .i your or two, hut lie in now pronounced enroll. Unulien Fields gave him u promrutiou that knocked it. .lohn ilurburgor's family whoso nioiubcrs were uflliclod with it mild form of dipthcria Imvo recovered and tlio disease hits notlieou communicated to any neighboring family. Solitude, where nro thoso charm that sages have scon in thy foeol If tho sugos had been running uow.Mpa pars in a snmll town thn Kolitudo would not hiiii nppoiirud to charming, hut rathor their agony would havo htnukod up. Mr. .lohn SVgordahl informs us that hn saw two dill'urunt llroks of wild grow living scuth ouo day last wi'iik. 'I'lipy were loinowlmt hclatt'd in thuir jnurni'y to the Runtmor land, ulthough they wuro not such rcoho hut what they knuw tlunr Imsinoss. liy tho inooiionition of Uatiyon Oity, I'inirif City and Long Oiifk, llrant county will loso the lovonuo dofivod from the liccnso of six naliKinti, uniouiiting to $'2, 100 annually. Tho city government will hau all liipior liettiuo lnihinesH nt their own dinp)Mil. Our lUuidhud coms)onili:iit t!iin!;s tho ('anyou City iiiuruhauU hIioiiIiI roiluco their iricM. Well, wo know to n i-i'l Utility that during tho past fow nmnthti our mnrchauU liave m.tde groat reduction in tho prjen of thuir fjOod proUibly since Mr. liuukhoru uus in town. 'I'liii ri'inonstmiu'iig nguinst the jmw ngo of an enabling net nlrmidy forvuir dtxl to our Kunator and reproxent.itive oontainoil tho nainoi of over wiven hun drod U'gul votw, representing ?i(?7, 000 of taxable property. 'o undnr kt.uul there itro other lemoiihtntneeK btill out tlwt will bo M'nt down. W'e nro in itn-eipt of a l!ttutiful oomniunieittion from l!nr valley. It i not piinttnl in this iKuo for the huoi t rending reuou that the writer's (until doun not tt'.'conipituy tlm manu oripU NVe hIihII iukixt on knowing who our I'ontiihutom aio, an by that ooumi) alutie cult publikherH protix-t tluiiiinilv.'s nguiiut fraud. Ilitiuiltoii Shephunl who was in jail awaiting trial for larceny g.tte ciuh Uiil louie tiinn ago in tlm sum of f-UO mill ktarttxl on foot to claim on HUde eioek over on Middle Foil;, lie wni mn by the tngu tlii tor about tho pltM'i! ti hero ho would leave tho I'ox valley rund for the trail dcrotm tho ni'MinUiiu, and rn'iieo thiiii nothing tav 111 hu.trd of him. An ho had ojKMnio-i a tragody lnui boau tmrinUod, Men are nlwoy prone to bono w ''j trouble from the futuio. If it don't , , tnow or ruin the country will dry up . noxt summer. Some tiimw one oxti erne J follow aiiutlnir. The winter thus far lin boon ttiti'in and dry, but tthnt iu ' hinder tho pring from ldng unusually niluyl Ut us lioK) it will In, and not worry over tho prolmbility of a dry wt son, always ruiuemUiing that line ymtr ago the Know wo doup and ninny utoekiiien in liastorti Oregon lot nil timy lutd. Many Uxiwiyeni and totr in tlrunt county did not sign either tho M'tition or reuionstntnue, but stinxl neutral. And a groat numU'i- of taiNtyuro, o poeittlly in the John Day valley am women, and of course not voters. 'I'lienfoie 700 tottir roprnsuuting A07,OOO on the remoiutroneo has uoiisidf ruble weight when tve take in to uni.leratioii th" f.ft that tvomeu from h ie to th htd of ihe t alley are t.tpaeis, w.ine of them ri-iresenting as hi ih a- '.',0ii0. COMMISSIONERS COURT. Tho Court honso wns rdnsurwl Cw tho sum of 10,000 for tho term of throe year, premium $-120.00- Now bouiHliuiiH wcro crentetl for roml (liBtricls No. (t, 7, 20 and 21. Tho following rood suHrviora tvora ajKintl for the vnriotiH dia tricte from 1 to 21, in tho order unmet, and amount of bonds: T. J. Smith, Canyon CUv .VX) S. V. MorKim, John Dttv" 20J II. Uhmon, Ilig Pino ' UK) Cnl JohiiBon, Straw lwrry 200 Snm Hough, 1'rnirif City 200 Wm. hue, f.urp Hist. 2tX) U. 1C. Damon, Middle 200 Tom llylnnd. South I'nrk 200 W. It. Wurren. Itock A- Mtn. 100 J H. Huller, Shoo Fly 100 Warren Cnrsncr, Haystack SNX) Jon'ph I'lttnnin, Monumont 200 J. X. Hamilton, Hamilton 200 Dnn Morrow, Long Cmk 200 W. O. (iontrv, Vox 100 (!. L. Skinner, Kilter 200 John Morrison. Suiinnvillo 2tK) James Difl'rn, Olivn 200 I'nul Vnllin. (Iranito 200 David IHantoti, lkar valloy 2lK) James Wii-kicr, Rosebud 2K) Tho juiy lift lor IS'JI, consisting of 2W naiuoft, watt drawn. Inlln amounting lo?7,lSS. :t wero allowed ami warrants ortleted drawn for tho same. I'RAlRlli CITY NEWS. I'k.ukii; Citv, Jan. folks aro all on Tho sick the mond. Sheep are looking (hie in tlnwo parte. Al Slmw is talking of making his homo in our town thin winter. lieu I'arret is di.thingout whiskey and ciyarH to the boys at Joe'n. Joe Itates has got in a good Hup ply of ice for next summer use. AIox McKenna in in town to night. Ho in very handy with the cno. Miss Minnie McKntiro took her departure ti fow day a ago for Haker LMty. News is Hcarce nround here. Times are dull; no money in the country. Mrs. J. K. Masterson and daugh ters were up here visiting relatives for u fow days. Chits, (lunther has oponotl up his blacksmith shop in the Haseho building in Prairie City. Major Magono has one of Mo ll aloy's pigs that ho intends to fat ten. It only weighed live hundred K)iinds when tho Major took it away last week. CoyoteB tire plentiful in this part of the valley. A good trnper could make a few hog dollars trapping them for the bounty on their scalps. Hut he would have to bo an expe rienced baud at the business. Dave Taylor has ipiit the detec tive business and gone to work at hard labor for tho balance of the winter. The detective work par took of too much of a daring nature anyhow, for a man with a small constitution. I did think that I would toll come of the readers of your valuable pa per how tho winter was going to terminate, but I have made up inv mind not to say anything about it until spring, and then I will tell them all about it. The citizens of this place aro talk ing of organizing a company of statu militia to ward oil' any hostile In dians that may come prowling around next summer if there is an outbreak. So the loys concluded they wouhl try their baud at the soldier business last night np in Chinatown. They llretl a few shots to keep the town from having a dull apHuritnco. Jon Lots. Judgo Sols deHtitHl for Salem last Monday. .Miss Maggio Daly of Prairie Oity is governess in Mr. Joo Oliver's family. Mj. Miione is attending the legis latuio, a delegate from tlm Iwautiful John Day t alley. Thus far 1015 monntires bavo been . i i . .i i ... i iiurouiieou in me iet;isiauiro ami f l.'l,(HXJ asked fur wugon roads. Some of our obscure country uvehau guii soeiii to U terribly agitated Uioauite tint News did not "take sides" in the late agitation, Mr. J. M. lluUdiiugx informs us that while Miming brush roeuutly a SiO gold wiiU-h drnppml from his pock et into tlm lire and wus ruined, yA stock company has Umiii formil In this city, wo are Informed, for the erection of a public- hall :lUKU fiet, as soon as himlmr can bo obtained in tho i spring. Sherilf Ciena p slotted below Satur day morning with Judgo Clillbrtl. UnsHip will attend tho slierilfN omit en. tion at Suleiu mid Clillbrtl will hold oouit at Pendleton, Cattle know their enemies, A ly and horse and a calf came through the street. 1 he Ixiy was ridmi; the horse and loading the calf. The ealf saw Butcher Hill Gray unit took after him. Hilt turnud to run and the calf assault ed him. The horse laughed. The matched hunt it few weeks ago was it pleasant affair fur the Uys nugngod. We loam, however, that two whoso field of operation was down the river, hired u couple of fellows to help them make a score. 'e hope this is not true. LEGISLATIVE LAWMAKING. Mitchell for Oie U. S. Stnatc.DItpestnK of limine KapUly-.A few Of The IHlls. As soon its an organisation wm ierfected tho member vototl them selves ent-h tho usual $f worth of stamps and paper to match; also n copy of 1 1 ill's cwlo to each tnemtwr, price t:i. Jo Simon of Portland tvm elect etl president of tho Senate nml Ciecr of Marion county swnkcr of the House. Almost the ilrat work done was that of choosing the I'. S Senator. A joint caucus committee nominat Oi J. II. Mitchell of Portland by 1 acclnmution, and the usually Hilb cult job was over. l'ollowing are it few of the hill introduced, particularly thoso affec ting thin jtortion of Oregon: Hy Watkins To maintain jwrl age railways at ceitaiu ointson the Columbia river. Hy IDackman To provide 15000 for wagon road from Monument to John Day in (Irani county. Hy Hlnckmau To InenrKrale Prairie Citv, in (Irani county. Hy Jennings To create the office of precinct assessor and nlwdish county nssofwr. Hy (lanilwo Kopiiring plilion for new roads to bo published. Hy (lamhec Asaenient bill, ex empting indrbtetlness, except mort gages, similar to the California htw. Hy Harneti To tax stock teiniK) rurily graeti or pasturetl. Hy Moore To display Oregon' rtWurces at the world s fair, on it half mill tho first and the snmo the second year, about $1 1 l,(KHJ. Hy Thomas Itttjiiiring a $o do jKMii't bv the plaintill' and i2.50 by the defendant InMore county clorkt could be recpiiretl to file jMijiers of proceediugi. Ilv Story To establish the atato mining bureau. Hy Welch Amending the license law allowing no license tor Ices timo than one year. Hy Mousdorfl'er Making theaale of property on the installment plan a misdemeanor. Hy Welch Making tho legal rate of interest li per cent. Hy I Justin To incoqiorato IJtig Creek. Hy McCoy To prevent tho herd ing of stock on tho public highway. Hy Dodson To incrense tho com pensation of judges of the sixth jit' dicial district. Hy llichey--Kor S'Jo.OOO (which is surely an error) for a wagon road from John Day to Long Crook. Hy Jennings To make the kill ing of deer or benr, etc., a peniten tiary ofl'enso. Hy Hutler Creating tho oflieo of countv instead of district nttornov. Hy'Dustin For .f!0,t)00 for 'a road" between Malheur and Ilaruoy lakes and a bridge across "tho nar rows." Hy Carlield To tax church prop el ty" - Attorney Punish ami ttifo sUiUtl on a trip to Poitland last Tuesday. It looks as thoti;h snow would lw as scarce this tt inter as it was plenti ful last. Uollin .1- .McKarlnnd believe in the use of pi inters' ink nt all seasons. See their new ltd. Don't eMvt the cry of hard tiniM to cease till we produce our own staple hi tides of food. tio to tho Red Kront Billiard Hall, Canvon City, for lluo wines, liquors and cigars. The hostile Dakota Indians have alxiut sun endured to lien. Miles, An Indian generally knows which side of his bread has the buttor on it, espe cially in the winter time. If Drowsey precinct and Silvies t alley hato uimniiitotuly jwtitionwl -at we learn they hate to be wt hack into tlntnt, etery tnxmyor should de light in seeing their doniies gritutotl. Wo need moie UunbLt pi'ojtorty. People who contempUte working hydntulic diggings in this section next summer will come out in the fall with a sure cure for the whiskey habitno oali -we are afmul, unless the aspect of till to uoutliur soon chanues. I'lie mountain Utck of Marysville is drilleil inU) by Mr. J. A. Whit man who is iudusti iously eude.ivoiiug to roach what n remises to Ui a rich I golil-boariug ledge. Mr. Halm in also doing home projecting in the same vicinity. Kemarks tho ICansas City Star: ''A (ircen county fanner who deeded all bis properly In his children is hauling rails for :i living." A fath- ; er can support twelve children, but twelve children sometimes find it quite dillicult to support one small father. When you send away for goods remember the firm of Collin A- Mc Karlnnd at Heppnor. They not on ly guarantee you first elasa'goods at lowest prices, but they pay mail or express charges on same to any stage olhcu m Grant or Harney counties. See their new "ad" for further particulars. ' There will bo services at the John Day M. K. church next Sunday January 2.'), nt 1 1 a. in. Hev. C. 1. Luce will conduct the services. In this city at 7 p. in. the Pastor will deliver a lecture to the young. Sub ject, "Hohoboani." The choir will furnish imiMc appropriate to the oc casion. All arc welcome. REPORT I'KOM ROSttUUU. W. I). OIHccr, Jainea nrilibteaiMl vent I more of the Uys aro looking after the wild ami wooly long homs that roam the classic brakoe of I5in igrnnt creek. Air. U. C. Btucgs, foreman for D, : Magill, sUrte I last Krhlay with a ; crew of men to ride tho lower Honlh j Fork and Murder creek country, af ter stray cattle. I Mr. V.-et. Gilbert in comixuiy with I Mr. Boston Dunton has Wn buying j some rattle in too Hpner John Day j country. Wo failed to leant tlio number purehaned. Mr. Joint P.iinton who has been afllictetl with rheumatism for tiro jmisI year, will leave soon for Port land to consult some eminent Phy sician and try to get relief. Mr. C. K Iswis, one of the jolli est Wys of llosebiid, has erecteil a neat little cottage on his ranch near the mouth of Smoky creek. Dame Humor y that ho contemplates sleeping double ere many moons. Mr. If. Snmnierville, Host-bud' heavy-weight, is off to the Willam ette for the winter. To judge by the many improvements which he has made of late one would suppose there would ho a change from a "Hatch ranch.'' Mr. W. P. Lewis has sold out his interest in the cattle business to his brother, and is now gathering up the hand of horses ho has been run ning on tho shares, and will turn them over to Mr. C. W. Honlmtn. A FKW TUINOH WK WOl'I.I) t.IKKTO HE):: The merchants of Canyon City show a little more enterprise. The fees in Justice court cases come out of litigants ami not out of the county. Tho Court house stay whoro it is till we get out of debt and become better able to go to tho expense of building another. Tho News boom Grant county nnd try and induce soma of tho many emigrants to settle in Ibis part of Hod's country. The assessment list go higher nnd tho rate lower. It wouhl do more for Grant county than the rojwal of the mortgage tax and usury laws. Some citizen of Canyon City do something unexpected to relieve the monotony we would suggest to the men hauls to mark their goods down. It would certainly bo a sur prise to their customers, ami an agreeable one, too. Try it Thau Blvkoun. Ur.tsp the opjioituitity mid subscribe for tho Nkws. Tlm Pacific Brewery's Celebrated Boor, the best in ICastem Oregon, is now kept constantly on tap at the Red Front Billiard Halt. In the recent prize fight at New Orleans Jack Detnpsey was knock ed out in tho l".(h round, the Aus tralian proving too heavy for him. The late run of measles treated Mr. Chambers of the New Restau rant very badly. For several weeks ho has scarcely lcen able to leave the house. England has submitted the Behr ing sea dispute to tho supreme court of the r. S. for a big bluff or otherwise. The supreme court, it is thought, will dispossess itself of the case without action. The old Indian war claims will eventually all be paid bv the gov ernment. An order has been made allowing tho heirs of old man scrtig gins of Ung Creek something over seven hundred dollars on nn ancient bill. Tho proprietors of ICastem Oregon will be eomjielled to try tho cfllca cy of artesian wells to secure water for irrigation after a fow more dry seasons. John Day valley farmers even will be looking for water else where than in the river. Tho secretary of tho Interior says it is all I to in about the In dians boint driven bv slnnation to hostilities. lie Miys "for l'J tears have tho while people been taxed to support these Indians in j idleness." - That they sH'iid their ! time in idleness, t icioutdy fiielii,r fault with the got eminent ami in dulging in d minis ofiapiueuud slaughter, and it is about r i mi. that the government houhl cease to fostor idleness at the cxju-tise of the white laborers. Don't be n chump. Subscribe for your home pajH.'r. There may occasionally he things in it that yon do not' like, but these same ar- j tieles will please some one eUc who ' has the wimo interest in the paper that you have. Would you lefiue to trade at a storo because they had some goods that you did not wish, 1 or quit boarding nt a hotel becaiiM there was a dish on the tublo that j other boarders wanted but you didn't like. Don't bo a clam, i Tako your home por and keep j k'.tetl on what it going on around you. 1'KOGRIUSS. It is vsry lmjoraUit in this age of I vast material progress that a remedy j U- pleasing to the eye, eusily taken, acceptable to the stomach and heal thy in its nature and effects, Pos- ' nesting these qualities, Syrupuf Figs ii. tie oin p. ifi it 1 1 x.ttit c and ino-t gentle diuretic knottn. I I'ltTITIOX.- -Tho people of Drcwoy ami a jwrlion of Silvio valley who wcro mturested in mi 0ft more bewuiiitf roi'donts of Grant county llavo circulated tho following petition in their neighbor hood, which wo iimlcrfitnud has been almost unanimously signed: TO THIS HONS. H. BLACICM AN JOINT SUNATOH FROM MORROW, GRANT AND 1IAHNHY CODNT1KS, STATIC OF ORICGON, AND C. S. DUSTIN JOINT RICPRKSHNTA TIVH FROM GRANT AND IIARN1CV COl'NTIKS, STATIC OF ORICGON: We the undomguod your jwtitionors must rcscctfully represent as follows: That we aro each and all inhabitants and legal voters and the large majority of us taxpayers of that portion of Harney county herein asked to be cut oil' from said County and placed in Grant County. That the present boundary line between said Grant and Harney Counties is indefinite and uncertain by reason of the Act creating said Harney county being ambiguous and on account thereof cor tain of us are unable to determine which of said Counties tve are residents, legal voters and taxpayers of. That to the majority of us our interests and means of communication with tho County Seats of the two Counties are such, that we greatly prefer to be residents and taxpayers of said Grunt County. That if the line between Grant and Harney Counties was so changed and established an to commence at the present South-west corner of said Grant County at tho South-west corner of Tp 18, SR 2(1 KWM nnd run thence ICa-4 on said Township lino between Townships IS and PJ South to the South-west corner of Township IS S R 111 1C and run thence South on the Twp line between Ranges !I() and III 1C to the South-west comor of Tp 21 S R .".! 1C and thence run Fast on the Tp lino between Tps 21 and 22 South and on said lino extended to the ICast lino of what is now Harney County, the same would include our homes in said Grant County, and wouhl be of great advantage to us financially and of benefit to us na a community. That tho present line between said Counties as well as being indefinite and uncertain cuts in twain tho Silvics Valley and Drowsey Settlements which aro comparatively large, while the lino herein des cribed nml tho establishment of which is asked, will avoid such division of settlements, and will in the main follow tho unsettled mountain ranges and water sheds. Wherefore your Htitioners most respectfully pray that you our representatives lo tho Legis lature of Oregon will introduce al the USUI Session and most earnestly supxtrl and cause to bo passed a bill so changing and establishing the lino hot ween irnid Grant and Harney counties as hereinbefore desig nated, And embracing us in said Grant County. There nro no delays of justice in Canada by enabling murderers to carry appeals to nil tho courts, as is tho etui) in this country. When a criminal U convicted by a jury in Canada there is no appeal except to the I'Aceutivo power, which interferes with the enforce mciit of the laws only upon the pltu'im-t necessity. Caul of Thanks. To our friends who so kindly aid oil us during our late illness we ex lend our heartfelt and most sincere thanks. More especially do wo thank Mrs. Hachenv, Mr. and Mrs. Segcrdahl and Mr. John Luce, who, forgetful ol self, manifested their friendship to us. JuiiN I iKitni iioKH iv Family. Canyon City, Or., Jan. 20, I Sill. NOTICIC. I inn now prepared to furnish the Clerks of tho various school districts of Grant county with the necessary Isxiks and blanks for their olliee. Many of the rural. districts aro so small in school imputation that one Record !ook ami one Register is sulliciint for two or three years. Therefore, owing to a scarcity of said ImhiIes 1 shall send them only to those sending Bocinl orders for the same. All other blanks will be sent in due time. M. N. Bon ii a. m. Co. School Supt. of Grant county, Oregon. Long Creek, Jan. 12th, LS1. County Supirtlntemlcut's Report of Institute I'unJ. icei:ivi:! or Mrs. Mary J. Wnddell for .'Id Grade Certificate f Mr. Waller Seward, 2nd " Mrs. W. F. Dollina, erniit Miss H. Jane While " Mr. J. L. Collins Miss Addie Kicfler " Mr. W. V,'. Wood Mrs. Lucy Armstrong " Miss Annie Brierlv " ':! Gr. Cer. " Rowciui hasswell " " Addie Kiellor 2nd " Mr. W. W. Wood 1st 1.00 1.00 2. .10 2..r0 2.."0 2 f.0 2.. VI 2.. VI I (XI 1.00 I.IK) 1. (HI 2. .10 Miss Ida Limbeck crmil I'olal $2(5.00 Tho abovo amount received mid paid to tho countv treasurer of Grant county Oregon, as required by Sec. 2.1 ol Oregon school laws. I hereby certify that the above report is correct. M. N. Bo.MUM. County Supt. Dated at I .mi Cn i k. Or , Jan. 1st l-'.M Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken j it is pleasant ami refreshing to tho taslo ami acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, difpcls colds, head aches and fevers and ciucs habitual ooustipatioji. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever iiro ducod, pleasing to tho tnsto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action ami truly hem-ficial in its eflecU, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It Is for ado in .10c ami $1 bottles hy all loading druggists. uHuf AoiuHto ONiy ur mi CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. iAM IHAMISCO, CAt. lovmiiu, Ht. - hlW )VM, H. 1 Y-.-u. Ay m .-." lfc. r. HAlM'Y MISS NELLIE KUOWN. Of the Hotel l'ottUml-.llow She Was Cured of Rheumatism hy Urn, Uarriu'a Klcctiic Cute. A C.titn. I have been sullering for a long lime with rheumatism in inv right shoulder and arm. It be came so bad it was with great dilli cultv 1 could use mv arm. It was helpless and painful. In this con ditiou I came to Drs. Darrin for ic lief. 1 went under treatment three weeks since, and am now happy to say I am completely cured by elec tricity. Can be referred to at the Hotel Portland, Portland, Or. Nim.i.ik Kkown. An Open Letter. Drs. Darrin Gentlemen: I now take the pleasure of writing youthat after a full course of your electro magnetic treatment I am entirely cured of pain in my chest, which has troubled me for over eight years. Having been under treatment of doctors of LiverK)ol, Glasgow, Cal cutta and Sun Francisco, none of them did me any good until 1 came under your treatment, which I am sure has permanently cured me, for which, gentlemen, I beg to re main yours gratefully, William Lirn.i:. Seattle, Wash. Ocafncss CurcJ in Ten Mlimlei. Mr. ICditor Dear Sir: I reside in North Yakima, Wash. 1 con sulted Drs. Darrin for deafness over three years ago. My left ear was totally deaf. With one opera tion of Dr. Damn's electro-magnetic euro, often minutes, I was made to hear as well us ever in my life. It remains permanent to this day. I was also cured of a fleshy growth over my eye. Can be referred to as to the truth of my statement. C. V. Fowi.Lit. Drs. Daiilue.iti bo consulted free at 70 Washington stiuot, Portland, ftom lOu. ui. to K p. ui. daily. They troat all ciiiiihlo chronic, acute and piivnto dinea-es, and will send their circulaiH, question blanks mil reme dies to any mail or express iiiIiIichh. Drs, Dsn in Imvo lecn pniotjcjiif; their peculiar olnetiiu tieatmetit fir twonty-Hovon years, ami that thoy do euro tvhuio all other moth ods fail is shown by the above ro uiai kablo cures. - NOTKJK. AH tliso knotting theiiiseltiMi in debted to the I'Utnte of II. It. Holt by note or account wilt please settle the tame at once, or cmts will be added, Mas. Lotns.t Snus, ICteeiitrix. Flour, Gnihaiu, Barley, (either ground or whole) ('hicken feed, Rye, Middlings, limn, SboiU, Ac, Ac, at Gliudlach's, 'utility win mitts taken at jwr at this olliee for suhsci iptiou and ailtcr tiling account. s, Call and Settle At Once. This is to give notice that I have placed all my accounts in the hands of S. S. Denning for collection. So como settle the same at once and save costs, lli'iin Smith. Canyon City, Or., Jan. 10, lsill. DICPITY STOOK INSPKUTOHS. Notico is hereby givui that I have Ibis day appointed the following per ionn deputy slock inspectora for Grant county, Oregon; NAM KM, L II. Jollll'iOII,, win-on ici:. Dayt illo. Caleb. John Dav. ... . . Lon;; Cioek. Fox. IVnhio City. Hamilton. Shoolly. Wagner, Sfewatl Bitter W. W.Hintox. for Grant Co., Or. John II. Bukor, John C. Luce,. . , , John Blaokwoll,.. Woods Carter,., . Wm. Hall, R. S. Black well,. L. M. Johnson. . . ISenj. lliiusakor, . Lovo Bailey WmOilliH K(fwl: InunrtMm- I May 7th, 18U0. lloliiiOH ltUMlnrxM ('Ollrgtt Of Poitlamt will upon SopL 1st, J. A. Wcsco, tho leading penumn of tho coast, has bocouio a p.trtuor in thin school and will muko it tlm loading Business College. Send for catalogue li -m jy.' ix tt x x xi x a n , Canvon Citv Ontoos. IUhiIi at Muni m.,U tu ucjfr. ar nxll) t.( lit.l. All Work WurmuUiI Flnt-tiluu. First) NflTioNAL )Rank? or xxoppnoi'. O. A. I1IIIU, KI1ANK KKI.LtXlll, l'lvsidenL NMco PiMident. (humoi; W. Oonbi:u, Cashier. J. V. Illll-.A, T. A. lllll'.A, I. T. D0D80X, Directors, Transacts a (Irueml iluiillnir Buslncs. M.rchange on alt pai Is of the world BOUGHT and SOLD. Collections made at all points on Reasonable Terms. Money loaned at from one to ten per cent. ($500 REWARD! ) I'or anything in Blacksmithing that Bill McChuo can't do. At the Sam French much sot on mill's ulioto Piai- rio City. Horse .shoeing u Sn'OKtlh- '(igon Jinking Done. ALL WORIv G MARANTIC HI). CITY HOTEL MAIS HTIIK1.T Canyon City, Oukoon, II HOT 1 1 $ TJOM 'iSUV Proprietors. Travolmi; men will find this a pleasant ami desirable place at which to stop. (Jlto iih a Cull BREWERY SALOON Canyon Oily, Or. - 77 .v popuhtr resort has been reopened lo the public, and note, its in the past, keeps nothing but the best Wines, Liiuors f' Cigars- ti. I). ICM'K.iltl), fropr. NEW RESTAURANT. Canyon City, Or. Jackson Cham tiers, I'ropr. This Restaurant has recently boon opuucl, uud will furnish .Meals or bod ying at living rates. A tpecial feature about this house is that no Chinese cooks tiro employed in the kitchen. Give the Restaurant a trial, Jackson- Ciiamuuiis, Proprietor.