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About Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1891)
AW BRATtl'H TOlli OF TIIK WORLD. l:-Myor I lime I F. lUatty, of llrjtty's CcWbraUtl Orjn Jntl I'unut, Washington, Nffw jM-y, hat returned Lome from n ti. im ud I ur of t. wnrtJ l:.i! Ml ntlvir I ft 4 ...! . -tti ting ila, '(If I Haft, U 41. I '. Jf t-r ! b4-Ht VMAI 1UH u. r blsriT. w :,m til tm, U VI I t tuu ! Il Mtlr U lit r r real-' M M u r4 rMtbM4 ,. .., ajl m 'I t-ftsr tt'l I ( . M i. - lIUf tl III IMHIkk4lrt M-lwr - ffi4l ! n II tVn (... m .fn h I. u-i M nf !, m vi 4i'i w it rt, i .it i i I , c,4 q -ft hotn v 4 aawfclrt tUr w n'!7 cm) bnr t it m n4 jf IMlf' rtftai t m in mm Ml ? U vfefU. Iftti y (.- B.A ifl,3 c mM nl feai Mil M V iril.l w.l r.-rtttnl Mol 7-h ati'1 .! i- l.ia. ii -i. m 1 1 t.oif i.r. ami. 4 fc Uil -r. I.i - r.. f. , ri tit tlt mWtutrMtfkt ru, -r (vol .-., muttuy. X 1 " ! l.U'r. JS'S.S Vi"- VVN N'S'V E. E. BURLINCAME'S ASSAY OFFICE N CHEMICAL U LAUUHV I UK I - Gold a Silver Bullion iu:r tiii: V lLtwt' Inrffl ill ' ' ini ii'i. . '.fc lt v !y CiU'.U!' ttir t ti . l Hi ciroclll.yh T.f Till 't:M I Mi, hj.ik i.i i vi i ' i ,. , v ti : , c IMlfXIIi. HI, I Ti v L V if' I M.ilnr-1 H.I nil l'l- rut liuii'r- ri i..: i. -I br Mocinnc ruo oim Ofi-.r 't n-t ji-r ii a i'iimt Oi fitr Mttl HO III. ,' 1,4!' "I 1U lltM ttJl'l lUaM leci iVi fi i ii U i ' I .1. i hailij II' at I i'r I rt '. ij i,r illrlln , vi lib il(Krl thin. W.' it t .iii-iiui-le tr uU lif' til ihtrjfl. Our ' ' itun ml I fltrhi U tiruiid. ACAMPHLir "It" I I'l (H.llll. Pjlilll.," villi hami't i.r i in it r. ni In . ui Matr, c uut,, t ion ii, r tit m. i ;.'i,-, C.A.SS30W&CO. np, PAff nt Orricr, WttiiiNCTOM, D. c. irvrw ti - To ruro Illllor tic L llcml u he, t . ntu iation, lnlaiia, I I rrl .ml., tn!. e Iho aufu nn.l rc:ncil", SMITH'S BILE BEAMS linn llii. HM,I.I.HIr intittlr ltiiiiixtotlia buttle). Till r Alll'. Till. MOtr I VKNItNT. Mllkll0 tltt' fall Ul'M. Irlro of t'lllirr lti, prr lliittlc. KISSING!'7-.!7.;70'1 fHOICniAVIHt 1 ANU. NI7.I 11 riaiiianML j.r.suiiH.ta.ut ,ii i jr.ioi'it ho. 3!jIUX3raaBSUSI THE 'CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN 59 JLir nttnlni'il n rtnnlftrit of oxrolli'iico ulilcli niliiiit'i of no i ui i rior It coiituliiH i vrry lM! imi mint dial1 Inventive ei'iiluu, bklll uiitl money uui jnxluco. TlifKo pxclloiit Oirnlin nro ml for tlielr volume, quality of tmo, itil. I; leHiioimo, variety of coiahlimtli.n, nitlHilj iIhuIkii, lieiiuty In IIiiIhIi, perfect cuiiHtuit' tluii, iniiii tluuii tlto most nttmcllvo, ornamental mid di'Blmblo orgaiiH In tin. i voi hi for lInmi'H, Hcliuols, Cliuiilit' Jitltiua nml KuvlOtlOb, Cutulogiiea 011 aiilleatlon, I'jim:. Giiioap SoKaje Qmw go. 223 WABASH AVE., CHI0A00. ILL. for urn mm m iffnlOeoeril .r J NF.UV0U3 PCWlX .11 1 1 owe mnq Kino, t.L'CU of Erioriorti'jtm.inCUiir Vourj.. .t aaaai a....,, rM aa aianiaa. r Mi I aaaairiaa. Hifl. k.a lMrlt4l. Uaak, hl.aUS4 laaf. toall.4 (M a 1.4 1 f9a AM. ERIC MEDICAL OO., UUffALO, fi" Y U ESfl f c n" axle" rnAEH GREASE t j mtcT. lo ctirr. j t "' .l3;2r.5a::- oilVr JUDGE'S BRARY IV lnSM.TIliV WITH THE NEWS In on!fr to y,- new huIihi'I'IIhts ami to indtii'v i). iiiicft lo :iy ii. Vi Uu ri-foro (dJ'i r ( all rtiil." iilf era who t:iv llirir milwi riilit)i cvrn lo (Into n in I ;t for one yt'iir ahi-ml, a fi'M Mijiy of .IiiiIjc'h rnry for oniyeur. (Inml imluri im iiln ol! i nl to jiw mhcril:i'ri. Humph nii h of ".Miilni'V l.iltrn ry" can U; teen n( tltin ofll. c. Cull intlv nnil iivui'l tln nixli. Oil TO Til R 'mi!oii:()iiy:iiiii'iiiii':iiiioii.' .7. . Kfciini.s, - I'ropr 1 run A Piii ir i:i. " i it rii. muvk, suasi rim on nun err ii tiik i .trnsr srvi.K TIIK S3 i nicy Stao Lino. I. .luwo'wl, Prop. Hlngi' h-ntca Cunt on .n Monday, Wfiliiiaduy anil l'T.ihiy nt I u. in",, mi'l infH HitiiiK mi Tiienl i, Tl.urs il'ty find, nrrivi'ig it Can .Mm City aiinio day. Pai cn'r-i and l?rnlglit. a loasona bio late. VICTOR MOWERS. 77; i it xt to nrv, llcratlsi1 ll.t mi ,i'. llilrlity i', an. I w, i motion. lot d le a. tin all iiIi-ih in Will ru:i iivi i nit kind of gr. uml poHMiblo fin .i iii.'ii'lniii' lo inn over, and Vnii ini.-,l to ml; wrll in the honvicit i'.iiihm'!), niul will ho sold for Cihh. Delivered in John Day for S70.00 Km- puiticul'irs call on or mid man D. 13. F1SK, Agl. .IiiiInoii .lf(. Co , Cirv - Ou-jjou j vrxiii"' . v-is .. I Man't .'-..I .t:.t . ' .a.1. 1 1 in . ur.t v JW:.i... ..h;,.i ui (iirt-l :u(ui. itiiii i-i ur all whai ui.r- tSt I 'l - lUo I..M.I- t ... a . -iO SS- i ..Hittinit if tit.,. Wo ei clottii yutt .ul nttv.i:b yvu with nil tl.ii n m- i y ..!; 1 i:i.noot'iaU n),.i..-i : . u.i:tv., i leep,, llilt, I, i ;, .ii';, i.j to church or i I.i . I lun u . ,1:1 l i.t vi.riiuij i o.n.i, myliii mi l 'ii'tnu:ot. Jul ilu.o eut wlmt-1 1 r.xim.i.,1 !, ..j o!l tho UiIiibi COMrOI.Tft.llT '-! ' " eauui'saial txllnutiiii 'lu .ulii.m i '.a nt.'YWRH' (HlOfc:, .. 'iK' I a. lit l,a Uatlt UIKMt ri.ooip' 1 I I.i ..irt 1 1 lay . ..UiC, MOIMTCiOMu.-?VVVARD .ft CO. Hl-nt Wiohmuii As mio, Ch. mo, 111. fore ihroat, Ailhrnt, -nj ,,,"., .f' Ihroal. tuej.,4 Chit.e..h.a. Caaiumptlii bKUy IKllal.auail.l. Cu.uu.MiWd..! "1 iff L5TTLE Ksjl DO HOT CBIFf, SICKEM 03 ViS; COSSTiPATE. Sett Ct;:t rat ScfHuouHr, ul i kui m ftMtlif iron! Ikrfif it '19 r CcfettlMtlea. w tfili f am nfr b jr a -lo. it la m i'k vuttx' 4 in nr- M l4 Ulrb t - rr -t in Pt Kit A 1mI raM ( 1 trlva t4 f!il Mr. V (J H l " W-4 lrf br. Ii. Will on. HAWTKa n inoHTomo. v Q til kii'Hrn hxA .ttttjk ih i i mi trTf tj t Mr 1 If . t VHjl ilH ATI R"i .TH .(T--r tkc ca. i;aatr tuoicira co. sr. louis, ua ZntolUffent ller.dcro will notice that ro not "irnn mr M rnr" nil clni nT IIiik ., I.nt only Mirti on rotull I rout a ilUoritiTcil M cr, in Vcrtiuo, Headacho, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costivcncss, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. Tar IIipo llioj nro ' nrruutf! tn nl'ili . lint tiro n lioir'y no u-i It ljos kllilu ti innlav it re iilixl a I't Ire. Uoct om i:vi;i:vni:uji. SCOTT'S SCROFLSLA BHOHCHITIS COUGHS COLDS wmim CORES Wondorful Flosh Producor. jrnuy lnivo gnincd ono pound por day by tn use. KootlH Etutiljiion in nol n aci'itt remedy. Il contain! tho Htianilut ing proprrtioH of iho irypoplios jiliitiH niul jiuio Norwegian Cud Liw Oil, tho .ototioy of both being laigi'ly inru'ituml. THhiimoiI by-rJiysiciaiiH nil ovci- tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. .Soii hi all DriitjtjMr. BOOTY HOWC, Cliomlslo. H.Y. FOR SALS'- LOTS IN PA8ADBHA. A iiioiit nl triii live, L it'ilifnl mi'l di' lightfiilly loo.itfd Hiibuib of PORTLAND Km' fnilliii' infui'iii iiioii and pllli-lillHO niiv to P. C. fi M. I)., lout A;. nth n' 1 anvi'ii Citj, Or., or In lli:.s .v I. D..1.111. (ien'l Tiimtte, '."J Stmk iliee!, Pint hind, Oregon. P. C.SELS. j A ASRKINHH'H NOT I CM j To nil whom in: No- , tine is Iteiihy given lltnl C. M. Sntith , It is made n gouenl tnwiguiuenl to mo ' for Iho hcnofU of all Ida cruditoif. ' All eHtlilnm of C. M. Smith, aii lieio ' by retpiiicd to j i"aeiit llitir t'luiiua iindi'i on I-, to 1110 at Cnloli, in (bant I i".iiiiiy, I'icg.iii, within thmo montlis fu tn the dnt hrivof. .1. II. lii-KKii, AMMignee, Cah'li. Criuil ooimty, f Ireuoll, Dee. IN, l.S'.MI. ftjjOTlCli Td CltlJDlTOIiH. In the C mnly Cunt of Iho lllaln of Oicgoii for Crant county. In the 1n.1l tor of Hi 11 I'latntoof I'. 0. Iloislcy, decOaiKetl. ) Not v.' in hereby given to all whom it may concern that on the 1'iid dav of eeiolier A I Ir-'.K) Iho uiuleraigiutl was by coiiHiibiralioti and older of the llmi. iIim County Coin I of the State of Or. gon for ( comity, duly appointed Adiiiinihtrator of thn Hatat "f I". C. Hom'oy deceased. All piiHoim linving just e'aiina ngninut Maid I.Ntato uiv hmrhy noti linl to piencnt the Hiimo duly veiilled aa by law tctpiiud, to the' nndcr Mgiii'd ut Ciinyoit City, Or., or to M, I luhtin, attorney for said Untitle wii bin ait luontha from the date of this noti o. V, l Honai.rv, Adiuinistraloi Dated nt Cnnjon City. Or., d,,.' JOlh dny of Heii, A. I). IKiiu. ftv is b a a Qjy in j D.MINIHTUATOlt'S XOTICK. , Nolioo is hcitdiy given tlmt O, ! I'. Chhbp wan on i I'm I Cnli dav of I Oi'tolmr IM'.K) by the County eomt of i the Sinte of Oiegoit for the county of I Grunt duly n pointed iiiliiiininiiiii.,1 I of llic cslnlo of Jim oa T. .Mitel Jo ' ceased, ami all pci.tona having elainiK j agaiitht mid estate me i i-ijnit .1 in , pi' sent ihcin to said t lw. i uit i :tl. .t , w ith tho proper voiicheia tli. rnfoi at his residence or plain of businiHin Canvon Oily in said county within ix moid hs from (ho dato of this nolioo, ' Hated this the Slat day of Decem ber, lK(Mi. O.I'.Cbksm-, , Admiiustt-atlor. NOTICE l-'OH , I'UIILIOATION. 1 Uad OMae it Hun, iVwun I . IV. . iwm I Vnij. r It h.Khy lii llul Iki lnl..lhi( ii.ui.xi . Illrr hi Ilk J l.ivltiv of hi I'llenllM f u.ttta linial i r..f lu AiMtxt ut hltrltim, and lk.1 il.l hu.4 ll If IIiihIs bfuHi IM nMUil (Ink .1 Omul i it. ii'.i iv at i 'nut uti 111, Or. mi lh I 'l ui. IMMKI. I UK. 'i, IIHKu I i. fur Hi.. tt aw qiau Mm-, au, Ti 19. MH.I!l; i lit- iiuiMt lltr Mltnlny ulUmnn lo irvii hla ei.lillnu.iU. 111- ' llalll, Mall rillllllllOII ul u.i.1 , til J c Ohixr, J.ilui W V.r I. Uku I u ' bUlln, Jut Hall Oil, ti' ( John OlJ o. I i i. i'. ltititm, lutl.ttf. 'TWAS A OOINOIUENCE. ' A llnjfr'oili Acfiit llMttnilmliln IJrtwm Hill U'lmt Ohiiki r II. '1 nived Va trarol aroaiiil the dottntfjr with n Mlnt buy-fork," MtWI tlm tnn with Brucn jmlch en hta .!t)li NowYort Hun tnuti, II otn lit lo tc!l Ury. "1 am not gn' nit to aajr any iblutr aUut tint (mtiit more tban thot uo fnimcr ever fot nny briifflt from IL What 1 .vib tobrliig Dut U wlmt inlffht bo ca!l a n u.nUijt coin cU-iiM', mM one Uwt 1 ktckad mj n lf ovr a humtril timet. It w In thlt wjf," he continued, an ha Kot nottU-il back on til Mt- "Karmer have thrlr wink kiU I he mxat aa otbr fotki. Yoti can hit noma of them br jtrati.. InK their liullUiniro, other by admiriDR their home, oHMra, affkln, throuRta their Iiorii or canrcn. 1 had a way of blltinK them all, and It worki-l to my gr-M proSI cvrry lime. Vbn 1 irot up in tho loorniaf , utter aUyinic all iiibt with i lartiter, I not oft,aa follow: " 'I bml a rerr our lout droara tart night. 1 ilreainoil Hint I waa iliiiliitr out Iwhlnd your hum, Jut on a Una with a hitt Ktiol linlii in tho clxtb board from tho vtant rnd, and I unriartlioj n tin bos Otintalniiiir tno tlu.uMiiiil duliiun In froeobot'li. Thodrcam wan io vivid that I almokl fx'l tho b. In my l. ai. lt. Tbore'a nolhlii( In dreamt, of ti'iirte, but I never had one which aeeraeit NO r-l "Miml you, I had tnkon notleo of tho Vni.t ho!o the evening bnfo.-rt. Hoatotimia I HjihI tli'j pi.. behind a turn, and aoma tiini' iirar a mump, or ao many parea frtnii n ii-rtaln lne or atraw MW'tt; but It wan all ottli'il on boforchatid. It watirtoi;o titni.' In twf-ntr that a farmer wmilil rltaitro nic for my tndinnir after tfvln him thla dream. Ithit'mi plumb center, and they were oolr loo anM.u i to g: :;c out of the way, no thoy couhl bt'gln illi;,Ting." '(in on," said aevcral roicoa, aa lia made n hii'K ptiuae, -Woil, ouo morninir, after IxlsioiT with a !."r,'riI-nlfJii ""LlrllL"8 . "1". . "."2? & II. UUIUH I V, w iiHj Bulla, A rvfjlavvi HIV uaunldroam in the unual way. Thuiunell wut tiuried trCHturo beneath a atump bear hit ham. I i.w that ha va hard lilt at one and ho left me eollnif break faat and vcnl down lo dlif 1 wt rliurkllng over ill Krcenne whoa bo came waiklisa; in with a tin box under his arm." "You don't any I" 'Hut I 9o, and II waa a ln Im bad dug out a fiMilor o bolow the aurfaoo. It wae In ..ken open right then and tbeio, and may I be drowned for a yeller doa; If IhooontiniU't out) out H.liaS m Juta good r.y:i. bii' kt aa you over aav.' llut but " - "There woronotwta about II. He f. m '. thn mom y niul k -;it it, n waa bin 1 .ch. ' .1 no 0110 ever einie 10 eloini It. 'I hit : .' . . wn n purl of It He gave it to n u .1 .1 wur.l f r in.v dreftm, ur.l 1 1:1 I.i , r .. a n'lla! lo ahovr what afoot n tn:.r .' .1 of lilinaelf Tliat'a all, gen'teei : 1 .1 r?pt that I w int iKiino of ; 1 hi. h :i-. noon ft li'nveiiieiiU'' -. If Yea he u .. -1 V.:'. la l ill" . 1. 11 ii,' iry i.' ' tai.t:i"iiii a, m , 1 1.' 1 1 1 1 n ' 1 1 ' ' OieS f'.Wfor le 1 .iim i,'..r..'i. ' , rlf, v.hilt w 1 i i. I i.' ' "it ' " 1 K llil.l J,H llllai W a I I, ' I 1 I 1 nhiiui. ..r iniMire ou .1-1 n " it 1 ' illel ,al t.iliii:uunl. II ).,:: i.n. e I terx. k. em n in.. 1l.1l .. 1 .'fUi:. iK-ta Slid In wilior to.: nr., . mi it iiwmi of iI!'Uiiiis Ou' m-iiiirfcc. and roiiMtiit It of ' '1 Imlui-ii." '. fi i.nly ,l.u. 11 (erlily t:. h, i,i.rH.lnu IU, hut ovi-i i. 'i;..Urily nl .llifi'Minn. Ihe Ivrr :m 1 I '.. .II..I ' elllllei Hl lll 1 l.lnal''i nvei I'li'ili'iu. IhmiiIv unit men-til t" ' . .ih weMlirl, 01 '' I 1.1'i.n, in" el auHUi aud ti'.. i.i 111 a. I'M lllllOll.'IM Ol Utlll.l H' 'i'l nml ..,r,-t,,,u m.. I i'ivji bavo in It .1 v. Hi','.ii! .'. rulijhle uiullutry. 1HK M.t I a J. I l: aiwt. f- v. I. . IWU.ll. I'M! ... OU la M (.ram ftvaiatfci" .'II, ,al tM'H. . J " , .11 ft, t. Ii, aa. n . I t aahwai. .1 I .! . H f . r, mm ab 1.1. ...I. Iw . l.'..r'IUIi'. , ..11.1... 1 . i.i l I 1 AIL A.Mi'.. a. .It., II.M. IO., IlifcllaMi, KOJIt. Ijft (trance -Denlom jSBr-.'. ."r.'.:;. Prairie City, ''.cpon. AlJlo AliKMTS I'olt T1IK I'rank Iho a lmileincnt Co'h .Mnehiueiy, Consistiiig of Mowora, Iloap-ei-M, Self llimliii'4 HarveMtcr.. It ikci and tvn.oiia. A full lino of Ag ricultural liuplimeiiiH nml extras for all .Machine hhciI in this country, Which wo will kII cheap for Cntdi or on tini'i with approved peeurily. 3a. "El Washington Stiect, Canj.m Oily, Oi.';;.m. CRAY A KAOS, Pinpclatw. HlUj.nnsl ik All Kinds Of nwm M MATS II) tMinlcsale ami Itetall. III orders Jillctl on Slmr! .Xolicc- A'. A. ISlilBljiXMK, Forwarding & UOI11II USSlOil Bakor City, Bakor county, - Oregon. Cooper's Shoop Dipping Powders For Salo al Wholesale Will iiIh.-ivk euilenvor to uhl.iiu the lulii hi Ik i i ket pi iees on wnola, etc., for (tallies consigning to me, store, hold or foiw.ud the anno accordii. ' i tlieil desiut, ' Llnrlc all o-ootls Crei I )IM)'-. nr.v Ml iXU('rl l:ii in ill. I I.I ... f , , a, HIS " it in I'"' I'. 1 il II. i II It ia tin Omtaieiit, of ulneli to llio oiwtrili sVai e 11 by tiuul, AUUtciu:, jiXAL BKTTMjaifiKT. In tin CunntT Court of 11m SlaU of Oregon for Clraiil ooiiiiIj. In (lie ...fitter of tho ICntatn of ( .Mni-y A. Wilnoa tWfmwl. j K.iiec In hcrolir giren to all whom itumy concfin Hint Jobn T. Hun-! mnck, ftiltulnmtrntoi of iL slur nnmed ontnto Iim filed in Uie nlwre ntitlrd court lit dual Apfotitit n ' kucIi itilmiiiiHtmloi', mxl Momlnr tlto , '2m dnv of Mnrch Will at 10 o'clock A. Jl . of aaiddny bna lwan appointed ij mM court tlm time for licnring of objoetioni to mid settlement otaii.i final acconut. l)lol tliii 18th day of .Tantiary, 18l. Geo. 8ii tunrti, ur.u OtxiHlr Clerk of (Irani i-ounly, SUato of OitRon. A'liiiniftrntrr. ptNAL HhTTLEJIKKT. In tho County Cotnt of tho Htnt) f Oregon for (Irani cotiuty. In tl.n nutter of tho liatate of ) Charka K. Ili-jnolda ditneasctl. J Notice i Iierohy (jivon to nil whi m il may concern Ihtil John Luui;iiico Adminintmlor of the alovo lit iml liatitc has lilcl in tin' nb;to i ntithd court hi. final account as S'ich m! c.rl m the time for hoarinc of ol- ,, . a . a . Jl UMIIHII IU HUM KlilQIHVHI VI I nccoun', 1 Oattd this 13lh da of Janiiiry, 181)1. . -. (It:o. Siii.viiKit, I si:ii,. j County CWk of Cuntit to. 1' Hintc of Oregon. John I,m ti'M i', AduiiiiiHtialor. 1' vnniHii .V Cozaii. Aid rmvK f'r Ai!tnii.i'.ir.iiir. MOMtwxc2v.rvtjx.'tivia?jLiVjwrsi'. . 7 R IK Si VEGETABLE PANACEA PHt RAKED m"M ROOTS Ifc HERBS, rortTiic tunc or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARlilNO mOH A DISORDERED STATEcfTHi STOMACH OH AM INACTIVE LIVER. row 3ALC BV At L DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALERS. IHJnicell. Market. use, .7. ffl BAKER CITY X. J UlflLXIfU, l.e ill it I . :.. iii-iimII parlielc n. ; U C JTTI v.l.l.r a' I a ..1!' laVaSv ?a t I AK 1 tiVJJ" 10' cvilil l.y iliiiiiuiats or Wil T. lI.v2r.i.Ti.Nt, warren, li. tl'ATlON. I Tim Cotnrrr coevror ttreSTAtie or Ommeir roa Otuirr cxnxrr, ' In iho matter of liittlSaUte of I K.W. AidHclt.deetMaetl. To Jennie Fulkclloti, f. J," Once nd B. K. Aldrieb, beiraat law of IS. W. Aldrich dcceatMt) above named, Jn (lie Name of tho Stale of Oregon: Voti and each of you nro hcrtdiy citrnl lo aitar in the County court , of the Stat of Oresjon for Oram eottitly at the county court room in Canyon City in aoid county oa iloii day Iho 2d day of March 1MM atlU hour of 10 o'clocl A . 11 , the fame hetiip the fiml ju lieitl dr of tho reg ular March lt'JI term of raid court. and then and ther show cntiae if anv you hav why an order should not lie made authorizing. t'lnpowennif nail granting license to J5. F. Aldticli nd- i tutniti,itor do bonis noti of s.iid Es , talc, lo sell the roal propm'y of sitd ; Estate, tho mime loinaitualtd in ihu ! town of John Day City, Ormit conn j ty. Htato of Oregon, and hmugn por tion of tho NK J of NW j of Beotivn j SO. Tp 13, 8 n 81, IS. W. M and j ho'intkd na follows: CiunmcticinR at tho Botith eiisl corner of the let w owned by V. II. JJmsou in said John Day cilv and nuiniuR then: a Ho illt U the South Hue of s tid MJ If SI a poll. I due west of the North-went comerof said V, II. Johnson's said lot; tin. nco East to the North-west i corner of said W. Jl. Johnson's lot; , the tire South to the South-west cor ner of said V. II. Johnson's lot; aud thtntx' KuhI to the placo of beginning. Witticaa my hand anI ibo tal of I said County "com t a Uxcd this 13th .Iny of J niiiary, A. 0. 1801 . - ' Gk. HlIFAKRIt, n:i j County Olerk of Orunt . county, S'UU of Oregon. UTATION. I ,1 1 1 n-tv cofET or the State op 1. ... Milt TUli OjI NTi l'f QRVKT. i e M it' or of iJu I t ..f .Martin Dilation, (iu.iill.tch, D.coasod. I To Max Gundlacb, Christ iana II .it nil,', Mario Doorr. baira of said t 'd , oil otheis iuli'tosloii 11 . 11. Oi rooting: lu the name of tho 1 1 of Oregon you are Loreby cited I ' -j in d lo appear in llio Coun- mi ..! the Ktute of Oicgoti for . of Crant nt Ihu court I I tie ii of nt Canvon Otv in tha t'i i . 1, r 1 a 1 i '' M,.i tie' !i tl.t "iii'y f Grant, Slat, of Oi-c- i!i Tufsday tho !td dav of Ii. A. 1). I Ml, at 10 o'clock in lenoonof said day, then and 10 al.ow CHiibO if nnv there bo !i on oidcr shall not bo innda by k;ii. court for thn s.ile of the ioul ptopeity of naid Estatd uccei.liug to tin' Uiier of IheAduiiniatrntor of mii.i Kstuto by his petition filed herein. Wiliics. tho Hon. 0. I. Uarjltinc, Judge of tho Uomtiv court of the J S'ato of regoti for tie oouutv of Grant with the seal of said cuilaf I fixed 7lh day of Januiry, A. 1). 18!ll. 1 Attest: ska 1.. Ouo. SliKAkKH, Olerk. g)!SH0LUTI0N NOTfC'M Tublic notice is hereby given that the linn of Kniith & iMcCuIlough, do ing busitioss in Crook county, Wyo ming, and the Btate of Oregon, is hereby Jinsolvel by muiail cons nit of the umlorsiyijuj inemLets f said firm. The said dissululiun ia on the fol lowing terms: Tim entire properly of said firm is dclivcrod to .-.nd liulougs to John J. MoCulloiigh, and he, tiio naid Aic Oulloiigh, hcrel y nssumca and pgi-cts lo jny all tho firm drbts and i hero by given full authority to collect und receipt for ail actomits and sums du. the H.tid linn, and tho proceeds of mini collections it, nml alull U the piop Hity of said AlcCulloiigh pomiuuliy. Tho said McCullougti ncccptt nml agioc to enrv out the uui couliuct ul aaid Tboiuu 0, Smith, Uiluroou SuudatKic, Wyoming, nud White wooily South Dakota, m il No tl.e mail contract beiwocn Sundance uml Mciino, Wyoming, ou the terms apiciiied therein, nml shal'. rcucive nil piymonts earned thereby after January I, 18'.) I. The uui I '1 houias 0. Smith u io pay the cliiui of ilf-my A Smith against said firm, in bin individual cipiuiiy. All otlior 1 1 lima ng.-iosl inid liun re ii'sunicd and slmll be paid l.y aid Mc Cnllotigli aa hereinbefore "set forth. All expiest ii.-rouiitH due said tit in through the Whitewood, KjienilUh and Suudnuce Stage niul ICxpiosa liue, ahull be the rop. rly und may Iki co'kcU'd and receipted for hy the Stid Mi Ciilloni'li. nml nui.1 Xl 'nl. lough shall pay nil claims owing by aaid firm in sid express buuiuoas. lu tcstiiuonv whereof uo hnvnlir iv. unto set our hands this 27th day of Dwcunibor, IS'.H). Titos. 0. Hmitm, Join J. Mi"t xi.oton, lu pieseuco of ) W. Jl. IUiiiii. T. S. Nkhuan. I J..L , B. VIAL & SON U'.l'IVIIM.Ih'KltS and J RlMLtiNS, IS.VKCIt Uitv, - - Obbuox. Dealers in WATnuas. CLOCKS. ' JIWZLRY, KlUVSRvVAnr. violins nmi cuiTAnta. M.'iii y b. Ltuu mi ( 'ollUravW. Svr 0h silo Union Jloat Jlatlot, JIniu S in t. THE GRANT COUHTY HEWS, PtBLUItKn EVEKV Til I USD A V UonNINO -nr jj. r..'tSB0RY Udltor lint) Proprtator. 8ubription I year in aJvanco ? J fiO If not paid within 3 months . S1 Months I no Tbrea .Months 7'i AIJVfiHTISISG RATES. I inch 8 mo $1.50 I year f tl.'.OO a inoh 3 roo 9'J.W ! 1 yor tn2.Q0 icol i3 mo! 12.00 1 Tenr III. (hi j I col ; 8 mo ; f.00: 1 year , tM.Oi) I ool i 3 co 40.00 1 year 140.dll T For standing diapiay ndt only. All livtdiuj Notices in Ijixnl "olomu will l chrcl at Hip rate of 20 aenU per line for lint, and In eta each subeaquent insertion. Hpedalmtca to regular tulverlixeix. W AM aUAMtiU 10 XSUCfTK- IV. - or every niacin pnox, ciiivafi.v l'oslera, Dodgers, UillheivlR, Lettci heads, Noloheads, State ments, Invitations, Tickets, Card Etc, ofe, raixTKn to oani'Jt. OlMMCIAL DIUHCTOUV: Co. J udge . . . .' Clerk 1 Treasurer Conimiuioiiers - Surveyor Sheriff Assessor .Sahool Hupt. . . Stouk Inspector Goronet' .. G. T. llazoltiiie. , . .George Shenter. N. II. Doloy. W. II. Johnson. II. II. Davis. J. W. Mack. , ... O. T. Cresnp. ... Clias. Timm". .... M. N. Donlium. .... W. W. Ilintou .Dr. A. J. Thtbodo. TV , . , . f 51. IX Clilford Dist. Judges , IiUJ0) A Ve0 Dlst, AUouicy C. F. Hyde. l'lvOKJiSSlONAL OAltDS. W. II. li(LI.T, Naum l'uhlir. CliV ToMn.'erim, luiitil,!.- tullyf Tod hit ntcr. Canyon City t : : Orpgen. COLI.KCTOHS OK Witt, nil Ace.niiiK. tKcvl, ttorlt'Sf.K. lill't of lUh1 ilrmil. 1'cimIoii ml till mi.-ih n -qnlrint Seal -r.mi.ll)r aitemlwl to, (Ii... 11. a ..til r W. HA1IIH5U, IM. D. "jr. I'lij hlclivii iV Huruoon. Oanvon Citv : : Oregon. rj oim, m. d. Canyon City, Oyn. (Ifllc on llaln Slrwl lit llonua formerly n.a pi.t.1 1.) Dr. MowarJ. Q I. IIAZliLTINIC OAKVO.V CITV, OBKllON. ARRISH it COZAI). ATTOl.NliYS AT LAW. O.vnvok L'itv, - Okkcok. g S. DliNNING. .l((o.-iiL'y-:il-!jii . Iaino Ciikkk OllKCON 7 Proprietor of (he John Dy tV3 i I k Ran si Troi li miik ib-liveieil-daily to my , cUNtomt-is in J.ihn Day nml Cnii)on cities, Giveino your orders. i II. HOU.V, rOSK INT 'VX.'M 'X' . (Ollice i ppiwite M.iM.iii Mall) Csnyon City .... Orogin. jfi- . If VA- U'amtitled. IIllRIIOMOOll aV Co, I'roprH. Catiyim City - - Orcjoii. IIAKi:it nml l('A.V0. CITV STAGE LINE, VoCUEN i. ORirFIN, Projir.. UimhI Iraoia, ytl ruiirtyantcg a'.ul la.t tliur Ei.Ty atttnUoii tlieil to Ilia- conlurl of a.'iii i'. Chnrsoa Roiakuuahlo. 4k Job Pfinlif 4 " -.m a - ri.