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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1902)
Till: MORNING ASTOKJAN. TIIIKSDAV. JANL'AK V 21. Il()2 NOTHING HDTTKIl U kt'pt hy miiv inn cry linn n tlu I'ncilic count limn run lie fiiiiiul in our Mi. n Whiil V(' want iti the lnt j;i H nit fur llio leant money Thai it win ic wo ahinc R08S, HIGGJN8 & CO. The Morning Astorian TICI.WIIoNE MI run wbatiiijii. I'l 'llTMN'l'. Jet II V. Wl'i'ein Ore. (on and Wr.inu Wnliliif;l n. Thurs day, Illi'lmalng i-liiudlties I jiTII iiirg.iii. !: t n WaiMnsl nd Northern Iduli'. Thru lay. gmeially fair AROUND TOWN. (all Main 1 fr your coal requite ments ordei r MM Walltid liltt III ll.l Inline wink ply nl tl I'uano street. Ap- I'mmiilK. Ii.iiiii" Industry and buy ynur I'd. liar and a"ialti I ilaalnli lulu Till! t I hr i up in ilnir 'tk ..r Idi'iit I artiT ltf for Three fltal-i laa bar Tiy il i- lull I i ' 11 r n.l laiteM, hams Ii'ii and you will nin-ly be I'll ' I J..iii..ii li. Ii is a,,f,. I., imi-,11, t inl Af (i f ihn fi.mi II. iv u ma, at Herman Wis.. it I prim a.. I.- ami ki-i-,i dry. ' Mil' llllKl ..It It.mlni n.ttl lam. i.iiVrr. la ilraner and liiuk.-. trouble with slow anil rliliiiiiry Hui than any mtirr. i Irirte V, SanlHitn. agi-nt. telephone 131!. J.'hii A Montgnmeiy, at No. :S Hnnd alirrl .Lie. all kinds of tinning, plumb In Km ant lram fitting promptly aii.1 aklllfiilly and Ml Vrry iifxlrratt pilre lli'iii v llni. i In- ..K(j. r. will uH-n a . nin. ..n ii,r ii.ii Hi twiir Loimi n Hi.- .ill Kmt; t 11 mnniry nn. the nliiitil.l i mil! I),- I, , i-uii l n.. 4 an iiiln - fi i ' ' M,iii'iii. A lltti chilly! You hiiv ul ufT liuylnic ni'W utidrn lothi-; cmld nut af fiint t Ixiy ollir. You mil affotd It now. CI' In WIimi' and ask f"r price . Hn-ilul mtl.rr llan-y, of iln- I'mt Innd Iti.yn- mid ill In Alt Po'd-ty. Ii f I fur I'orl In n-l laal evening, having In ihiirgi. Willi,. Hi'ii and Willi limn III. hi. Ihn two runaway boys Tli--y will ugnlu Ih i.liii'i't In ihi- I'imiIuii'I llHllllUl'lll ,.... k nt yniir i-hii I n in a vie tie rHit mi. I Vest urn pi"d enuuiih, u nl with a A, new .ulr nf Iruii". i will make a K'""l mill. I'i"i In ut II. -'1111111 W.-'s IIk - v loihlnii nloii- liml 'n h.w Hi" price .,, itn- r-'Hi' -i rutin wur it new pair In fun- y-iii leave tin- l.r-. N. Knifed, oiii" "I tin WasMiig alii lii li.iiinl nf illot r'inmlitliin-ri, ui In III., illy ' nl'ir 'I jy a ml lulki-il ulmilt tlii- ill-lay 1" lili.tnir nl h i inn, illi nf Itn- rlvrr. iitrunliiiilotn-r I Km f'-'l il'i lari-n Unit Alukt-vr il'-lny in- in "tl"in-'l an- H"t flui? to the .m i--i It of I'llut", thi-y hiiV'- ii I v. ii t Ik-i-ii nu'ly in diki- hhlm i lili'i- In or out ttliimu r tin- W'lilhrr ii I in (uiiillll"nn Huiil.l i.rimlt. Thi nii ' f.r i-ln!lnif iomiili,n. Mi Koi f'-'l nu y m. I ii .ii " r Imr i hun iiH .. I il li. tii-r Imr Iiik m-rvln- Kur ' I lilt ri'ii -ii. Il- iiy, Il will' I not In-, A arinourwcil yiini Mini! ao. Urn l(i(li Ciiiipuny Hill p'tnlillah mi ln'.i' kIi-iimi't Mm. Ix-iwi-in i roriluml ii ml Hun r rmu.-iiK-o, Two mi iniH-rii, Ihi- Lnkni'- nnl CI rli- Ni-. wn. Hill In- oK-rati-il. It la the ln-ii-ntluii nf thi- corniiany to m.ike eiiult-iihli- rate tn Attorla inerrhant-i, and the iii-w liin- will (li-llier nii-rch:iii1le in. Attiirlii from Hun Kranrl-K-o f..r a mnalli r fur limn will ty; i har)ti-i rortlaml iihti hiinla. Thli hat nevr Ik din- hi-en 'iIiiih'. V'-Bii-irt.-iy M. ' tii-ul. uf the Frank Wo ilm y I'l mi any, I'-Ttl" ii'l. "hi In thlM rily, rank nic ar-i'iiiiii-iiii-iitN fur wharfai(i irivli-it'-. "ur- Tl..- ) .li.i .--in, ill.'l nil. "Ill ,t m-r!ll;-i t,l I , - III- ill".'.- ., th.' I .."HI.-Ill In I- HI --f II ', mi rt.llla .11 .Inily ilf tiniii We inrry iniiny kin. In uf Hi-hlllliiKa Hint liMtrit Cnffi-i-. We I, live thi-lr iVnirul Aiin'ili mi ati'l lluwiilliiii l. n.l 'I'h. Ir r.iiiililn.ili'.ii hi. iii nf Juvn mi l IIii.miI:hii Tl.'-lr Mm-Iiii i.ii. Jaia lili ii't, ami many oih.m too niimiToua In iiu-nll'in. Try thl roffi-e. We will Itlmlly n fiui'l your nion-y If the ijiei-la In not five t-nllii ainlafa tlon Juhn ni'll Urn. Jun! n-" dr. I A no I In-1 aliltuiii-iil nf Km k hi'iliiK" iWyitiiliiKi nul. Thl Int l n liini knl.l) fri-i- frmn ilual, ami i li iiii'-r. If I" I.I'-, than lh- Ut lot . 'I'lnre It ni i"iil liiitiilli-il In A(rla t hut It i-'nml t-i K'M k Hirin fur k-'H-.nil liuiu'hi. univ I'liK't- u t rln I nr I. r llh Ann ii-1 Klinoti- It ' . uf-nti. T. l' h -in- d'l i 'ftl' -. i ..rii'-r Ti-nlh ami i 'niiiiDi-r. lut o iil 'i "i nt f.-nl of Hi' nit h lri- t 'I in i,."ilnl ni w mi l In-xi'i-! I'-m i-.J 'I In. in-ill lii'-' IIiik "f the Mr. 'hi-nl him rei-'-Ke'l niu. h m el . 1 1 , k ' " i li'.ni'l hIi in- In-:, I K.tir-u- I "K'-iiiinl frmn the rnerrhuntii. i. nl whi'h i Inn- 'Ii - ii-i- nf I'll. it i., h inn I..- .'.'i.-H'l',.-! ., I., the A --ommiiiil.ail'in Hit r r-lv-'l at .-.iliiuim-.- ..r hli h I11'" , l'y au'llior' olllie yeat.-r-lay frrnn I'r Krrul t,rn. ('hli..ii;.i, inr'.iinit n or nii.-.n'-e wnlrn Ihn routv II I re- ) -nfii-v k .t nf ..Il kin 1 rlirai' l the Vi'k'iliaiim H.iciar. t ' llrr! Ill I ' ." Ill, I i'l Ail in'i-ira'iiiK Im.hIiik .1 -l.i v iitti-in-Min '.-It. in. i'i r-tl.-l , Ik ill" ii a' h " rut -I .-ikn-. il a in i n iiml a A .-.nil -M-i'lliiK "I Hi" l.iin)'-r . t rl""il .11 .irl' l No I III he hH1 ;n Hi- iii v -'y ii h i -l h ii i- 'hli "on line h li'-n tin- tut Ii-1 y ' I'l h" llxeil mil thi fliiail'liil ri- in l of i In- die. tili-t i niml I'-n-'l A MuMinu i.f :he mh'ii-l I ."in I --HII ala-i l- lnM In the near future, lilnrnr K'-n-lill ha not yet temlerej lil relifuatl-n ami the 'liir-ail'in of a.i.ilnlltiK a illreidif to auivi-e-l hlin will prohalily he ailed ujmn The law ,rovl'li-- that when a a. hunt illn-rtor move nut-l ie !he ill trlrt amt hn le-n ahm-nt two mnnthi hla nrtli e ah ill lie .li-i lar-il varant. and iiii-mlii-i of the luiard feel 'hut under that law the tminl ah.iul'l till 'he va i iiiry Another iiui-ailnn t" t ' .l.l.-r.-.l la the hull.llnir of a whnol hull'"- In Went Aalorla. a-nd ihia mat l.r Mill atai he I at the iii.-.-iln'.t in the Hhlvely h ml thla -..-I'liU- H II " .1.11 .' :.!!!. Ii'inin. an aa TVi- in.. I of Jl.'l-J.' K-r It n' ful'a rlo-i I. M itll I" HI I . 1 llllllr Of onma with S nlli ami If uu nam i-lhi-r nirnim-l triinirrr ii an ..U w.i.-t. lnli W.M.,1 nr l,.ih..i" K'-lly. tin 'I'll, ii" ::ti t.ia. k i Tlie S I.' ' ' II ..I V I' Wlii'ii I!, I'"'1 l.r ' I -.1 1 1 ii-.- ,i I. Wi ill'IM I .' 1 niit I' f.- i'I'I'I'i 1 Il ;.. II-. '. . u'! I'll .in .V .- l-.-l I.IK'- .1 1 t to I I lot ' .1 Mie - II I'.' : I I I." r it - I l hi l. j nr. i loll- I j '- ! . I,. i i -. ii h " r il ' 'i- of Inclne-a la lt"l t' i:".i inii.-i fr-'in li e i 'I t.-- ' tiniii vi .ia ln tt'd ui !..:! - v- i ' .-.' hi, -I, In It. k a-iin- -it, In I of II a- .-i-i-le I the In . !, . Il'li i I n 11 1' I tl." ii,!. ! in .1 n .-( r I i Mi" ii.- It '--e t-a i- ii-rt. 'I ii" l'ot .hi; nil, ' h w ai It. i I l-'i'-n H' tirv Xl ir. i.i'". a-l- r "f tin- ',e -l.i n-r an Inir.-h ii-iurn. d flay fii'i't a i" I'-'k"' -l-li at i Inn If oil . Alt liar a i-:a i alt mi I are J ht.aoii I'r a in w I'll-' f "r a'e at a "kiltK alovo . h t.n htive ry lo in ire 1 ' ,.f f It An- "i r "ii i "f rife'ni:. i all an I Hi Irll )"ll nl' 'til '. !. Ii'- I ati k Iti.- Ir-I 1. l-e haJ III tia Jiililia..n III. -a K. r rViU i Hie Jna. y mw i I r . or mm! 1 m tiaiih'" f"r a I n. w iitll.'lt niw .Mlt. -a - r ai'i ly i" :' url III-j mote A t an l-e h.-i 1 ni. r- I'll' mil n, -i d tie nt. I ant, Manual lit. al f .r If, ri-iiia at CII r.uti t Tlu' ltl nit Hon Id I... i a I TH. U i r i jMi. rl I. I. r : I' l !.. I M fl.llll HU"I III ,' Il l :i ti ; r !.) ' ir ii' iiliiu f--r- t tllli-1 'It Hi- ' i -u ' Ii Tin y , nti'l i-i" ' -l it t'-ii liny ' he ' lliuei i- I i.i'i.-n d -if . ',i. h i. i .1 in ill V' ll Hi.- mm:-i-'i lii in ,il!' III.IH l I. . i j .-li.t f. H III", i-. Ink' Il I " m- i.C tl:i.' 'K. - I.l'l -i. nil, . ': "" I "I ' i -ii." Mi" r. I.. li lt ii' Mo-" Ii a' M. "- Sun I I ,',. 'll'.. t " M . : ii-lii.i.- a , .- Mr M,r. Th-t- ii- I' ' yl.- I ill will, .ut :i in. .ill i .lite ,' , h ut :i '.idir niti N' xi - k el f .r tl ' 1 II "i- , l,. Vo" ' l-a.-a , i lv. ; it -. :ia i i'U ii:. r 'i,'.-i:.-l to - I ut tin. I Ii- : Mi- It ti J ' -n'nii I f"i II e tie at' "1" ' 'i'l '" l .itll nil", a- .it . -Il-'i' a ,,f i .itn -;i' .i I n -iy The I 'a! , mi' ta!lt 1 a!il it" y--ui:K t" . on ii - nt el I 'II 'el - I ' l!r, I' In'.. Th. iii-hi J -i-lay arr-ii f hla .I.uikIiii i i m . ri --ti-litet 1 1 mi l n- tin it,rf. r.ti l.l.'l th-h.'del.-h-. i-nli ii I ,,. in r.. 111! ..(.. Il-.l I" .lltl -111. el l-M I .IH 'l, .11 It li rai'l ii lii.-n'tu. I 'i a 1-1 I uii'l Hi- it .- li ft. 11 in. K I hi - Tlu ! . al nn 1 ;.. 1... ilia, h i ai' fi- i::U Mar ,- !,.., ,!! a I 'all' -l.ll Will'. .1 r. v In r. :-i a . .f Ml" l-.. 1. I Ih:r l . r ( i- li. . 1- ,r I- I ! I a ii: 1 1 .1 alikfn! . Ill tie -ilitv - f'l I - :i; Id- y. 'M OM'. . ettell- a h id f.--ni fu;lv " Wh. n r.a.Hn-n K, I tiah- -1 ..f I ill- In a- I I'm- 'le in. in y in., it. i'. h. .Ii . a, i.. ! f'l' !, I.'. I'.'i -l. n I tl tl ii'll.l.'ii Hn- nine I Mr. d I I I..- it- I 'lit ! nt' hl'.-ri. of I "11 l't,!t Unit I'llltl. fif th" "l-ll-l.- ttlll I" ll .V Kii"l..'l ill. urn e I o IV i .' nn I ,,r Mi II i in, ,:ll h 'i , h 'rue 1 ' ll I I-" II l' T.ini'l. ! win. h " i Tin- .eln.-'eri l.-'U- -I'd 11'.! 1 No lie. in nt M "Mi '11-1- Ml. K ll.i-llje r .if f .'.!, i h anil ill.- I Ai.o ll. he III 'll-l .1-1.' in he K ', I .'I . , di limii.' Iii.lin'ri dy rtnoklni; ..f Aal-.i 'a ' i-1 f -i I e lilirat I ,f ii-tiii r l I y Mil' Fal lane li (Oil ll! -f . !i - e a . tl 1 li I lit 1 1. Athei it. I;a j tn .ik'ii- m a'-' a 'u .t I-- , l'.,,l"l I OV Id "I ' fiolll ll' I'l f .1 1 1 'I'll. ! '." tl 111 . I'.' lie .-fell. f"t I ' 'ill-h'fl--e n - I in V"l ..I.', Inill-i A '.",' ,.t,'l i . -nil ii i; i Itl'llt'e l : n: n! I" f"i I"- j n-itn- i I. U' -.11! II III. ( t , -h ..-hi I r . .nn I. 'in . -.nt in t' i'l 'rr: i i i) WMe Tile , "! ." mini" . I .'IntiK -a ill.; ,.i Mi ll, nl-. M-.ll Tl. in I I : II :i(. I Mutual 11 "lie i '. 'iinnr t - i 1 1 St -I, It' nr ' 'i k n " i ti i v t.i : 'i ' 1 1. ,1, i. I r , in I'll. I, oil. '.-Ill Ml- ' I" a. -t 1'llll-e lo h. ll dill i li.aii K'i"-li l Hn' tnninait- a.d. j l-ul Hu tu it to lillltlll K lire, a li I ler-jthal a "in I hall. I mil. l-a a' "U! ..nn 1 1 . i- . id, dn o lli'dl ly an 1 nl In I' ll a i ami vi h I a 'i m Til- ; If II I! i l d ud 111 ' i -.,1a v vveiil ii;er.l!!"!i M Nil'. Sun ! il- l-i a ii itn- .1! - S'. dl !n!U: : ! Mr nl y: W" .l'1-r't'.i; inan Wi-..- s 1.1.-. Kital . I I. d f dull -HKj-.-n-dii : I . an-- it -nl irtii-m !,' i -ut vv a.-i k .in.l dr Is :-l I Mr i ' If UK. It .. Mr ..lid'!-., i.l 'l to jn .Ml i f.e.'d !1 . 1'llli llU. ,.f'. i m. ',! l-ll -ll'.,- .', If ll '-' !),a- -I. II !he i ltv "' ' and ("I a Mi 'Uiihi n k n a IK'e I J !y , very . er-.isy -l i .-, II t M il .-iun nar-' d, dlim Til.-n'.il ..fa IIIK ,111 I- T! af I' In i-i! ' ll Ml-,1-r - Silvia r.t lf.i!;!v r M.-s -r Uf, Ir I 'The ll - i rr i iiik I.. ia!l"!i !,.'l... I, .ti it lift fi an tlfU'MM Mi, it i i an a; d nd'i'l'l-i. Ii"i i"i-d '.In- r.n t I .1 drl" M I1 1 ! I Mi i-lt ! I't-Millu- Sal'-. ni"li. v and w. I Ml If :-. N .1 tn '1,'liMon IT Hi ! re, rt- EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Annual Clearance Sale Clearance Sale Prices tells the com plete story of our great Our stuck nf iiicivlmiiilist' contains many tliiuiMinils nl" ilill'crciit nrliclcs llfiv it means cvt-rytliinj; in wt-nrin niMirtl for woiiion ttml cliililron. Kvcrytliinj; litTcs-sary for coni'!cti Inline furnisliinj; willi 0110 exception, furniture. There's luinlly a want but what wo chii satisfactorily suj'ily and tint olFcr a uving of from 10 to 2.r per cent. This important event, which comes but onco a year; is now approaching the end. Buying becomcij more active ns the days goby. Hero and there stocks arc be coming depleted. If you want to select from good varieties shopping nhould bo done at the earliest possible moment, and mornings, if you want quick service. The 2.30 to 0 o'clock p. m. crowds reach such proportions that comfort and prompt service are almost out of the question still tho great majority like to trudo in a busy placo. I!e A. DUNBAR CO. 1 "1 in t M-:nl.iv .ol i 11.1 1 1 i-l will'a 1. utt j h- ate .lnhn Kur. ,1'altl.k I'.in-I. h ' a-, tii. -I hy S. N ( : hi -at. 'ii I In ink ! .i..:,!.v.n Tii' all 1 dif v 11- 1 hi. 1 . !" iih, I In J'.idce Tlf ,1 r-ll'dillin lo ll and .Ian, s ..ll.l -"'Ifi. M If I illi' .I.'liiia.-it !' h i .ni; ' Mi- MT- .f Mil ni l-'t'd .11 a il I" ... Iv v. ,11 n!n v.- ; i ,,!' d. do' ' 1 uiHi-ir .,1 !h- i K. in "V -a 1. ' -f I'.ii' t : .' j. it.. . 1 t' " !' . ni:.!i- ' d l!.e 1 Id-nt .-4 1,11 af. ty I,-' M S ili-.fl f .a 1" f I'-ti I'h-' rr knv n i -i..n iVV nd. 1 n y li-.l ex- 11' t. one -. ho an -li-il f Me v. a h d if' ay . ; :-l I.; the ii-i It r a s a: ok n il -" t : he il.l't Y.'S- .-...'i- I 1 I "I" rititnkiKiv Int: hall at I'inry ami the 1 11 in. tile the 1 1 l!.i 1 11 Iiif; vvii- t'- 11 .1 flf Still 1 1 1 a.M I hr I threat la aa.. t . liav -di'.lnw Itm' da . Tii- . -in aa, John-, in. has al.-, mi n rhiiiK'' nf ifi.iuM ' j ,1 I hi nd lark -iii r l.iy. t i-'iaiinntn ll. vkiu.l sii telaty Aniong aiik- in fiivt'r m' I'vimp'e- ,-1,- IhriiMh,-,! Palrli k l-"an -ll ' 'v'ttsd.l.U Kelly hiii summoned 1,; witti-SM-s and the ran- Mill douhll-ss he nil- nf ll lull Inlen-sr In niinylda At a reunliir nn-i-llnit nf Aatm- l"dKi' No. 6. KnlKhla nf rylhlns. tin- fnllniv Ing ofrici-ra were Installed hy P. D. (I. t.'., W. Mi-f riwki-y, iitwlslod dy the fnllnwIiiK Corp of Kiiind Inilge iittli'i-rn: ll. V. C A. T. Seven: iri'iind pre Inte, A. A. tTi'velnnd. and (rtatul V. at A., Herman VIe: '. C, ileorje Noliind; V. .. J. K. Welch; M. of W.. J. II. Uumen; M. of K., P. T. Oerde; prelBite. F. M. Uerdea; M. nf F., AllK UHt Panlelson; K. of U. nnd S., P. H. Itlount; M. at A.. Nate Jone; I. a.. U Anderaon; O. O., Alfreil lHtvls. Four new member were Initialed and the lodge Is In a very nourishing con dition. Loral treasury official were- very much plca-aed yesterday to learn that the house foreign and lntertte 'oun meroe committee hart decided to report favorably on Senator Mltihell's bill approprlatlna; 110.000 for ruitrtm Intinoh at thl port. It tenelon an appropriation of $500 u made, and whether the 110,900 la In addition to the Aral amount or constitute th en tire sum to be appropriated Itu not yet been learned from Wa-shlnafon. Peputy Collector Parker said yeater day that the effort to secure launch for this port had been commenced In 1891, when I'.TiOO was asked. Eventual ly tho aum named was appropriated, but later tho amount waa doubled. It was deemed advisable to mnke a Inrg-er appropriation and Senator Mitchell's bill was Introduced. I ll! " 1' l i : a . I'll ll I I'ii-v.!,:,. ',!;, h.,,.'.., t ' .1 in,-. : .ri !-.i- tu a ' .'.-lllfie! I i'l Of 1 he i.-.t I vv.i-. h-l I -ii ' William mi and W. J Mlnsi- Will linn nf lh, iMiid Were W. .1. IiikuII. Wllliiini l.aiNnn. li. M. lias nn nnd Id'a.lnia-lei- Fi ve. Il Mas dt cidiM at tit- mei'tiiii: that. If the county could in- Induced in loan Its sawmill, the n-slili iits of Hie Lewis nn.l Clark would do everylhlnit else neii-sMlry in plank the tvtul lo Mr. I.lhke'a pliun. The fnlliiMlnK i-nmniltlee was npi'iiiued to wait upon the county cnurt and make the reiiuest: W. J. Heckuni, W. J. ItiKiills nnd K. F. Llbke. The people there expect to spend considerable money on the rood, and Olof Brlck snn, of Melville; J. W. Heckard. of Chadwell; Andrew Johnson, of Tucker Creek, and W. J. Pyer, of Frospect I'ark. were named to solicit funds, ltecently a niaskeil ball won given for the purpose of aeslstltiK" the niad fund, and nt yesterday's meellnfr Mr. Llbke reiwrted that $50 had been realleid. Another dance will ahortlyiJe held. At the Tush Club meeting last nlg-ht Mr. Gaston made a full report of the road meeting;. Koadmaser 'Frye stat ed to Mr. Oaton that the county 4w mill would soon be Idle for time, but that the engine would be required to operate the rock crusher. Mr. Gaa ton suggested the Idea that the county court be asked to purchase a new engine, a that now owned IS too smirtl to successfully run the mill, though It I large enough to operate the rock crusher. If thl were done the cost of lumber would be materially lessened, he stated. The county win be asked tn place Its mill and two men at the disposal of the Lewis and Clark peo ple, who In their efforts to secure bet ter roads will have the hearty sup port of the Push Club roads commit tee. The Lewi and Clark people have already spent $100 on their road. I j'l'J"'(ed di paaa The nnllnan Kianta I in .Mr. Dorn a twenty-five year fran- j i hli.- fur a t"li-ihiine nystein fur thl j -My. The meaaure ay, among other j ihl-igi. that the system must be In ! working order within 13 mon'h after ' the paaaage and approval of 'he ordl n:irr or the fran- im would he void. It also say that not more than 13 Irf-r month would be charged tur tele phone In business house or more than 11.50 for those In residences. The a hole thing look like toke or elre the doctor ha wheel In hi head. Away bark In IKil a representative of the t'nlted State negotiated a treaty with thirteen tribe ,f Indian living near Astoria for lands held by them In all a vast domain exceeding :"S.0fO arr- The treaty was never pmiH-rly ratified and the Indiana are now seeking to recover that whl-h Is due them. They are repres nted by JJarrlsnn Allen and Silas Ft. Fmlth. Testimony la tw-lng taken before Coun ty Judij" firay, aa. a matter i.f conven l. n. . to tin- Interested jarii-s, and when the hearing Is en lul-d the e di nn- will he forward-1 t th- c urt of ilaims at Washington. The idaim ants nsk that they be allowed II an a n- f..r th-lr land, and Mr. A'l n tie. Ii-iea they stand an excellent rhan. e of Inning their suit. The taking of tes timony Involves murh ancient his', ry. and the nanators. them -lvs well along In yeais. are quaint old charac ters The hearing will extend over a l-rl..l nf s.-ieral days. NOTtCK.; -.1 wh- at oif S. S. I'epibroko-h!r..- Abotit K-t r.n-k, d imai,-.d an I partly damaged wheat oT th s steam -r will U snld by auction at ;h-' i e-h.-ii ,,f the i.iumhia l:iv-r 1 .ick.T' Association. Thur-diiy, the r?rl Inst, a ' I') a. m. In lot nf li sa ks. with 1 l'ti"ii of taking KM sacks. JOHN KKXXr.DV. Master. A t .f a. Or-., J.,n. :'l, 1.02. The ,-anal srh-me has teen pending since the year r;-. While In n-Mis.- res; onsihie for ds in.-, p:i,,n. in- rv.' nt century should make dl-l'oslMifi nf tlie matter. .-ally I I A SNAP Tuesday, Jan. 21 We will place on s for one ci k four lots ale AlEN'S SUITS Good Value nt $12.00 FOR $6.50 Look at display in window s. &co. $1 $ iti iti iti Air iti m iti iti iti iti iti ti iti iti What Shanahan Says "When othfr al-t. from I)ry Ooods .Stores Their tale of valui-s tell In languacro whost: sui.-cs impart The FK.U;i they know too well There will I know when in uch scenes rii;COI.LKCTKJN he (f HAKOAIN.'i aot from fell ANA1I AN'fc', Then vou'll remfrnber me. Our Great Slaughter Sale IS STILL ON. See Window Displays at 576-80 Commercial Street. Expansion Contraction In a few dnys the contractor will coin iiH'iice eiilarcinp our huildhi'. We have come to stay and will exjiand as conditions warrant. To reduce our stix'k while Luil'l inir we will make some redm tions in prices that will .sur prise you. PRICES SHRINK OUT OF SIGHT Fine Oak Sideboard 119 50 Klegant Mantel Bed Lady's Oak Desk .. Oak Chiffonier n.ik Extension Table, Window shades I.lreileum. best, 4 yard wide Hair Mattress, 301b ft. 00 4 SO 7 60 5 00 65 10 50 -i'-j per rent off on Picture Framing. Everything In proportion. H . H Z A R F Special Silver ware Sale Some Excellent Pieces Fancy T o i 1 e t - S e t s a i a ti l e w a r e. at l n a ii 20 PER Hull CENT OFF ii s t t Fail to Make election. Sale o ii 1 v this week FOARD & STOKES GO. 1 HERE1 Si !J&&1 SHOE ! mM I THAT'S J J MONEY J DOfi'T filAlT Tin- time to tiuy rini.t now. VV 'E AI!K sacri- ticinif Shin's this mouth, so that you can buy un extra pair witlt tut t'celini; it ... . Peterson & Brown We load, others follow. QUIT PAYING RENT Own your own home Don't pay Interent. The Oregon Mutual Heme Society Will buy you a home for 1100. or pay your mortgage for the ame amount. You can repay them at Jo .35 per month, without Interest. Send for leaflet ex plaining our plan. Home Ofnce, SO Commerchl Bldg., Portland, Ore. Tel. South 1091. Local agents wanted In every town in the state. Contracts matured as follows: December il, .Ml. No. 1. January IS, 1902. No. . BrtncB Office: 414 Connierclal St, J.A.FASTABEND erBfsTntat cxntaactor AND BUILDER. Fisher's Opera House L. C. S ELK). Leasee and Manager. FRIDAY, JAflUAHV 24 Buhler & Mann's; Immense Production. W. L. ROBHRT8' Ptotureeque Colonial Drama. Dr. t. L. Ball DENTWT. IM Cemmerelal BU. Astoria, Cm. Andrew Asp, ffigti liktr, Ilirkmilk Mi lrMir riRST-CLAae work at REASONABLE PRICB8. Special Attention Given to Shtp atd Steamboat Repalrlng.General Block imlthlnf, First-Class Horse shoeing, etc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUflflti STS AT VALLEY ,9 t FORGE A play of Intense Interest; Btupenifoii 9cenlo Production; Cast oi Unequalled Ezcellene. Reserved seats. 7o; gallerr, a' Sale opens Thursday morning at Grtf! fin & Reed s. 1 Cream pure rye, America's fines whisker. The only pure rnna.- -ri: anteed rich and mellow, Johm . CARLSON, Bole Agtnt -