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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1902)
nil. MOKNINC. ASTOK1 AX. Till KSDAV. JAM'AKV vU VMY2 Telerbooe Main U TERMS OF 9rSCRirTlON DAILY. mark..! uve, anl !'r- s dent l'arrls.n managed In ihe Interval le- twven his rvtlomcn! from the Wlut House ami his d.-ath iNut eight yean t to amass the bulk of ;i c y t m- '..rtahle fortune. In fact the i r. sttge I .sua. bed M him as former p:.'S..lent f the I'nliiM Suifi enabled h-.m tn I'jri on.- (f as an attorn, y ..nsM r tDt hr mll. Pr year f-!sh!v larger than the aggt. gate of his ... ! Hilary f.r four irs Of imui'. the ! various tttvl constant calls n a piesi- dent's purs.- .1.1 nit. its a K nival thine. xV J'nitltns to he iC'Voned with. 1UI nly a f. hundivd Kutop.-ais The experiment of i!M'rnltn li IU Imolve iiiohlems which a distant Icm t a. y .an lu: Itnivif. .'lly ,-.-mpr. hend wr Wil l, SIM' VK tont by mail, per month ttrved by carrir. per month. .50 Acvpts Imitation t.' of SprmiiM.'I.I 1 lUmiuol v,l of Tr .! SKVl-WKKKI.Y. tot by mall. pr year. In advance. B.i: enm vtn ! imw nut. h if a i thing SI-KlVi'.KlKl IV M.i. .Uil :.".' Wu Tmg tvliiKt.r t, til- r lilted States f:or. I'litca has mf-' m d the 'Sptirigrlcl-.l hard of trail.' thr ugh 1 i" ; i T I t of !r.s a tp fi'ii't Ifrum his pay--and that night wlth,,.f 1., t'.i.'it i i?.v.l reason lo increased I'm ill' I If Th Atorian guarantee to In J"'"' . ; ,,x,i ,vtm . : t t ratn.r tvpag. ar th arget clrvuiatwn or any; , u .s.,..,Ku i -i:' ! ' llr demo--: atic n 'i . newspaper r-'Misni'a on ine , i bolter suits 'iir itv't:in i: th.- 'n- It ','f tho ! a'.l f.'v I'f .imiua! ban.nii't ! tv..' i ..! i ..f ti.iv .'t.'ti.i .I i" iiwitat .;i t'l-' ill" liuutn'i. I 'M-ia-i'i i'i .. as ' I ! .n.';aftv.' i.-i 'v .it. a '.vim' th. tlirn prisi.s-; i' a. :t.i! 'U thi' ."'mils.- r. iluniin i!t!.'M in .vniii'i 1 aat 'w.vk. h...'.T .: am.- ainat.-nt tta- t'v r'iiti.'.' .'X.-lu-l n 'l attor r'e frm .'lit th.'ir .n ranks sti.niM ..,,i ,,.m,. n;i mini.' I. .!: anil pncrtinu'tit Is unj.-r ay. unkn..n U . (f hj, rev l a. k !.h). .nvltatim . vr si . !lil PAYINM OFF THK PK11T. A l.'al f .I'l't raying I'y the iil.-iu y an ! tti.' 't.'nu! rt'.iu ss if ihins 'that tho lii.'iinih.Tit .f that !kh o ! c. t'!.'a!.sl th.-r.' 1-y tti.' tv"..' .f ih,' )v.- the country. Th.' tr.'aury hail a l.'.rse : at again ani'!!!; the i,."i't.' anl tak' h'.s 'I'm-' with a fax.-r aurriu fh -horn as he .1!) !-or..r.- keP d..n by the .f laying ( N, m w. ,hnH::!v tnterst-N a:ins NnJs am can.Un ' )y AmiCH vuw f ,UtWtl Amt them. thuseri.nRU.shmsavrv-ivnil. w).h ,.,. ur Ing amount of debt. Th gov.mment x.plV!,!,,n()l ,on. ou,,, .. ,MniC Im-om exce.!.M its or.lmaiy outg. MlCht ,,, ,a ... hav even the oal'.emlar year W to the extent ., ,vn,.Hb, ,hl. ,,., of aN.ut $!VXV'V To storv this big ,hu h;lv.. .:lh !,h. a mm of extra caah in the treasury in f ,.J.(.KlV.h;,,lR: A.( .,vra v ,.. such VrJ of t usm-as a.-nvity ? . N, ke: th.- .s.ti'.m-'n i- -!' ii.'i.p mi:mikim. si:i; i 'V. STW V.T.K J. in .. . as. n tV.. i!: arm v .. a-!i en Vi i .. i the .s-. a v .f the i. in. ni t !al er- I l -( ix er e t I'.m: . a a I ii V ' ;! s ' .n i- I .: v a- I ,.!! -ti le'.l at W .., i. , n .I t a ' '' w.ufiJ sen 1 the rates f r m ney up to cxjrbitan: ftcur.s anl 1 a s.r' menaee to the tntile. S.vr'taty i5as this reril by laying out Uige sums for ;sn.!s not yet due thus re- I- n.v during 'he government oh'ig it'.ons. i"iti a! From :he beginning of Apr.l. :'!. to :he . i the end of IVi-emlter the par xa'.ue of 1-itt the bonds 'iii.-ht by Seors-tary i!ae Kn'gh: as. in round f'.c'.ire.s. CJ'.'VM and ' ,v; to purvhase thee he had t" ay out N' A JT2 i n 0. . n .ii.sHint of the lug pre- '' mium whl. h bonds bear at the pr. sent ;'"i' time The debt '-'as :ht;s ,-ut .'own ' TH- ! 1.. .1-1 ! :m!:i!.r Abby. . ! .- Kr !... re. ; '! . T: i' line i-s.. b ' t... !. I U th Vug a-. I !'. ;".. . s i f : .h'l t " on . EVERYBODY KNOWS T M I- I A C li ' mill everx loI kniis,llif'iii:ili- t V il' j;mN !i !i:lf liln.lo i'iirtiiii' inn. us" t' r iiiaiiN IlllllS linnlll.l. f s, ,,iy tln';liioh, ;. o,,h!,s i iUi. I ul int i li'i'ii' i t ;iu n. ( in r aiimiiil S.ltl s ,1 ',1, :H, u MiipriMi oly rnluml. Yi'ii ii;!ii .!. Wfll to mi'J'I Ni'iir III ll.slllli' Hill s;lC nu'iicy mill I't t tlif I'tst W mII ft i'uIiiiio to wtnr lor nu n, w. tin n ninl t luliiitn. I.alt-M s ,s. ('iiitliiy tlif l i st. I'RICltS CANNCI Hi; I I All N. r H . COOPER ffei8x? )1fH IVpHl. Fifth n.l lrae tl'tllig (. I'mtl.n.ll Anlv. t'VM-, K'lPtTM Tialna for Halvin, K.webuig, Ah land. M.-raiiidilu. s .lii tn tiHd.'tt. sail Kiaii- a in tiaeo, M.ijave. m Ang. r. Kl !.. s Ji a ml New iirran and ,; :o p in in i ui. At U'.Mi.lhurn litally rt.Tpt Hull- I ilavl. morning I lialu tttiin. t with I train f,.r Ml. An ' ui. Hllvert.m. I II r o w n a v 1 1 1 , Hprlmneld. and Natron, and vm Ing train fr Ml. Angel and Hllvr- Ion. 7 30 a m t'onnltli paan- I 1 tl m I ger 1 t M p ml Hhrildaii paj-a. -n- l :1a in 1 tsally I Imlly ,t.-,pi Htin.Ur. ?iv:u i." i: I ., ai1 i"-. a" r - aith as-- ha I'.?1 . th !' tti- . I -h K ti t ; 'ti a-. 1 i'-:r-.l r.i;a :m w'.i km; i, tr'-ri :' . : . ! X' ' !'. ! Te W.-k- 'II ! . o s ... . irv n I FINE TAILOR - MADE SUITS T.i order during the nunth of J.uinan. a' TWFNTY FIVK I'KXT KKl'l't " Tit N i l. inir.g and Itei ai tin at Inivent prl r Tlif I ailnr." . Ixll .llM N. .i-'.! i t nun. it litl-sl. C. J TRBINCHAD, lteir iKkrU on ante b"'wrn IVtl land. Ha.-tanieiit,) and Han Frani'laoo Nrl rates llfW fliat .'U.i. II hunt U'Mh and lltM rend ' !. liu linllng IUt. and ll.ketn to Fastern lilnli and Furopr Al. Japan, t'tiliw Hono lulu and Australia, t'an be obtaiu'd ' hilling. Third and Wa.h ll:i,'t'.n Sle.-ti VAMIIII.I. iVIStiN I'aasei-g-r 'I'I ': f ..( of J.(Trr.ii St l"ae f -r ttsarg . ,adt a! ; ; It mi i: 5 i v i ;i, j iv t .j . II " i' in .n I I ii p in i i Hun lav ' V In n j! I' i M ind .1 il r al 1 St x t" " it ui , I j i u, t, t : .' I'i l i ) . m , ; .i ., ni lu: . n'rpt V. ii 'a. " i an i i:, a :n 'it Hun I . . ..! ') t'..- ( 'f I :!. s dtly I" 't Shi I t I '' i. in A- r, e at r i tali 1 ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I KAY .ii in , i . hi ? I in li' p ' s 1 1 . Ill 1 1 o III I. I '. (t III ) Ml . I'tilt I I AM Itilll I'i ilm.'.l I'll 1.11 IK Ih I I II III a M 1.1 t.l ill and NS ! I ) f M "h'l. Y I'.. til I'.'li'l. asl.'ltl A I . II. I t I II 11 III l M H H'K iVIlllN ..i.'ii.l.r tt .ti r.iit.'ii, i 1 mi a 1 1 ....I I .'! is cum. i l la II. i I oi l Atiniis i 'in t:. . m ...'i.l. t'.i n. nt. -ii. u nop ta I l i . Il.ii.iii i"l " .i. 7 iv in -i. I. . mi I A .t. i 1 a . v e'i m Siill.liy oil All . utsthe . .ad .oiili.".f 'n a tl lil" Hh 'l .Nnrltiru raeiflo Iralna i.i and fioin lit l ul and H.ninl pomlt (Iu'l FKigltl anJ ri'lr AgliL ..Foriland - Asloria Ifouie.. STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." ii'ly H 'und Trli'i Ki.ept Hunday. IIMI. LAND V rttaiit l.rat.- A.ti.i'a . T a. 1 li, u. The Dalles Boat STR. " TAllOMA." l.-tcrn I'.'i lali t. Ttt Ie and w I' MU'.a I I Ml CAHO Commission. Brokerage. Insi rance ani Shiccins. CtaolOits Hi.. ifsc ll'-okir ASlUKlA, OFt 4'H W f . .. . i ' .. I" - . ... at ' : r.i v tr.'ii.'.o atvl the surplus as re-luoed XI ; bank-ii: ' X'.i 1 w l T . .1"! -v'-- with h.T -h- lr..k,-i. .ir.l a' ', r P i r-n.t at-. It ITi.frAC'Xi. A monetary atringenoy ! avert. d in this way. and at 'he aam 1 1., time the p..ple' b-b: tur'ens er ' ti-re-lueed The amount of th.- rah in the treasury is k.-pi at a flg.ire h:..'h ' makes ihe government master .f the. situation, so far a-s regards its ability j .-v-ry "n." to meet ai! sorts of ilerran Is whl.'h i ' i ...t i- can be made upon it at any time, while an abundance of money is left In tra 1- channels to meet the re. e-sdiea i v, .,; ... j,r: ,, of an a.-tite and constantly in. reaslpg Th-:- h-t- busin. .. a'l "ter the cun-ry. Naturally the .-ash in the !,v d f the t.-.ip- ha-i in- rs-asl tti x l.; r- ex tent in th- ..Lit f-.v T:. ri'iitts ar- b-jsy. s'.-l in m. st years the i un try i:--;s fr -n 'h- ou"i l" '.'"t'.l rt -.. g !! than it z:-t u;.. T'r. . I- ;'.'i n n h l 'in- .!.. I -f -h- 1 I tl-l 'A V- -- at I'-.- e n Th - n ' a-"' ias - r, . rh i r '- i ; ':; e:- d: - vas 1 at ! ' '.i"'-r i.if rmr-e ihe :t be. t M 11.1 i' ' '.; ,i i" -at v -.. . 1 ! : '-f. 1 K.i- i i; :. i- l' s ; : r .... M ! . II .11 at.a I '.r'luid. Monday V.-.iirday i: I I'i ' I ' I 1 .it ,' A III ; All ,- llir Ptllfi 111.- lllf dir. 1pm, I-.i. ii Tlr I'atlr., Ttrn.U. Tllltr- I .!. it'll ''si'iij.iu at .' u ill t: train !e,.r, lu'li. f'.r, A,, " ,'- "' ','- n M. -li),. We In -'a., ml , ;.. , ., ', f, gnndsi vri:,' a". p in l;-tinn I'u slit. , ,, j t. .... ,'tt c.r'h l.uillng (diol I. mil ::i:u!.p , ,r , rrfi , .th H'' pit nr. Ma:n Jil U II Mlt.t.l It tin. I; till'a-is Aft 1 J TVIlt Agt A-loilx J.'ll M l-'ll.l.i'i'S Agt The lll I -! t III' l; A III'MXI S Ig's I ( . - -.1 ,'VIIIW Agts Will. ii I HOTi-.L PORTLAND BEST OF tVERYTKING..'.K'J. j . u m r A In t -, 'I ti T-.' f ii- I' ut igi ' j; ye i lit. ' i . Sei 1 1 a t a ' The Northesicrn fcino..:c. W. BARR DENTIST PORTLAND. ( )lx!i:r,( ). Tlio Only I'lrMl-ChiNM Hotel In loi-tliinil . U t I' Agt Van tit r W i lil -'I 1-i.N. Agi I'.'rttand t - ' T. . lit 1 as-. - a. uid M : !:r !- : IP-INT!!-n:i r'-'-itn f-h-v.-! him r-! t -1 ! s s-i.t an ! h s .;-..- . . :n; I U-vel l'l.-t ;' 1 -.. SVN KKS"' 'I l 1 ho "1 J '1 i.v r. f n- i . y We .-an 1 1 1 I th rnt -it ! a t-- I i ...1 u : 1 '1 b - - - I ' .1 .1 I in Ml V V' M : I ' The .--in in .tie of o- his A ! IS H Is . Slops Ihe Ctwtb I ml Work the laid Oil Iiix.ttivo Itronio yuln n.. TuM. ts cure a .old In .me day N' j cure. No I'ay l'rl.e 2Z cents. Kink Alexander .-f f n i.l " ants a !:-. ..- e Tile inf. I tr.. It "tl ..tu ht to h-r Ins W ife. ! Ni'TI.-i:. P'lr.llg 'lie .ll..'ll.e 111 l"l,llli .'f All T 'I'.'k'k' "In.- I'.u tii' r mi. I mall- l.U". of the II p llliu I.U'lg I'.imi any. 'he afnlta of II" flim lll be managetl by Jil V.'Uiig. il'ii'U,.h mi ail bul i.. -s nm t I . ir.iii-t.i.- t. T II. if li'vi i ' n : ... J.t llond :( . A oorln K'g'tt T ah a Pa ie.n h; an I i'Ii !., .iii i i.uif I'juI NI' MT was Ti-:i:i:tu. M.i -a In i Would 'UkIi ! ' urtl't M s .'hi itlrlv !:;!. ''ii i . -v.-;. 1 ha I h r i ' 1 ' I 1:1V !N i 1. in- h ni' ent-- l;.-t ubl' n n ; J! f" C i " a:: ! 'h.s I an!-! to ...'..:,. r.T.? "f P- :t 1.-- If a.s far f.,so - thsr tr'in th in ; 'I'a'.i'.rv in ul:f i"i a: t !i- a C3 H. tthll- it -a a- ! tini". sevtn r-b ag- irrula'.iun is even sr-,ir than this W n iw. for the tr'-asu-y I ?! ur. m.-n'.s af'-r and the ai tivity ' th" n.!n amount hand I i IV It'-, a'-tli:il--, '' . I a ! 1" rl Par ir!y nil night . A "li" git ', f I .'."!'V n 1 iu"t ! oi ..ii I ! k 1 '. o ii 1 i II .1. I -at. r ',.. ii i... - .- P.-. d . - r.'-d ' V I .1 Lot" tl." h f I . . ! l. I. p. f I .' j'e! I'lltlltl't . S't-rp-rs, I ! i P n iig i iri, I. I. a y in I i n.i.'i v i I mi t'ara, Kr-'e li.'. lining i'iu r t 'ar. The .nth ih niu'v Tr tins lluis I- f' j- I i.n rro- Vrr The Finis I Tnun ,n tho M'urfo rir.Uik LniliKd Mrt'til IIP It U-lllit SI TK K.N I'Ii ..- tv I'' l I 'nt . Tr tin !!) It t I' ' " .-' r ' ii. hi i 'ti a ', ,i ii s. . 1'3 i' -ni'ii'T. a. Tl I.I I'M. iN! II ii: ling A HP 'III A. 'lt It I IP 1KI1 jPRAEL & COOK ls-N.M I V COMPANY ' T-i i 'i n- r:i DRAY ING AM) LXPH1 SSI.NG . ii-. i.i' s 11 ' III! . s I.- "t s fr ' !r W- i I T ,.. i II- IIS I'M'll 1.' 'i .1 I' V. 'It I'l'I'ltN AM' XN'Ai'lAN I Af :K." It VS At: l. I' . A !!: iKITX'it.K !NV! ST M l-'.N'T I h.v L.iilv ''; A.i A A i s r ijni: i. ' . M r. .i. ..i, T- -:. ti M.i ,.l tl l; I- W .1 ITIiM.H. n- 1- J F-t't"-!,. ' I'-n ! -tr'i l ..'-'i.i t .r; tl r. .n;i i of tl I'.-t ul 1. an fa to several tim-s th. whii h has lje.-n " ii.i tent g dd eXIl .rtit'i'.n. I on ,.f in n-y ti"n. has I n a :; uhll an n-1 by the re- , h-n h- dw lined :. s !' This is a on- p-ti.". r at a- ff sil-"r hill. T' "In. -The - ' "- . S - ,T tVI- I'-iv '' - k is n-il'-. k. n -ai'h p'r v. -n r-i 'i."i .. ! as r in - ; .' . - r tf-r". r f'orn irt liz'1 ris. i;.ri' i. n t! f u'-ri. y is ?.. .1 !J.-.- y.,tj ll.l'.. f y u v 1 i- v i r s t' Iti't- '-s 1 as th- l.-s- i ... I-r, .in !.-..; a - a i -r-la n- r . u n- is v-r tr;-l r Am !:. a' rail n ui a i 1 1 ' .' i- r s .'. , I.. I I.l I-- . I Oil a lo n tate its-lf. At th" sain- time st 'us Ki ii: i.i;. ;. i. s k r: v r 'h iead-r in 1'mi'ilin 'ouuty i steady in'-rease i( the g'-. e'-nrnent's ' .,, be a v-ry xealthy income over its outgo is an unna ural 1 condition, which congress would if H" hi said anl re- ntiy it a-s reported 'hat h w-.uld , MIpr'l.MIlPWN. N. y. J.,n r.'1'l'..-r 1:. Mar-h has f:l t a . 'a.n, f .r A.' .-mains' th- est.i f Mrs ''larissi J. Huyier, his d :.-. m... ! v. i . P'.'ib'"'! r r a' o i' -. - i s ! Ji niv s'liin i- h and In h-d i. " ri.y time." "Uts I'.. Pem'ik. Soiiif -. ill--, I . " T Hi'i-nf about II o anl i:.-w-r ..'ii I t,-.-f anything to lo-li ni" un'll I tri. I K ..I I Pysp-i sia I'lir-. I have tak-n a fe'.v bottles and am i-ntlr. ly a -11 ' Y. .u don't live l.y wl at you eat, but I.v what you digest and n slii:'.!rite. vm are ri al y g.arylng K-l-l ! ,!" w"rk' '"' K'-.g's N. w I'll! I ivsp. r.sla f'ure does the som i' h's ork by digesting the food. You don't l ave to db-t Hat nil you want Ki I .l Pvpet "la f'ure cures all s'omarh i uM' . CIIAS. It" ;r.KH. i ni li... The fio;ihwtmi Line -DR. m.TiHFW phtton . I 1 ' ' -i'. 1 " IK n. I" (. I 111 I i . i I N 1 1 , '.v ii t : 1 1 '1 n r ii A.; lit .'I. V I-. H r II I. 'llSI.Illt. Til' Agenl !" -1 ti j. i i;r( n -s 1 1 u; r r I 'i 11 I airy WnUKIN-i :i Hunts A PV Tla-r-'s n i-.-st for those tl'.-l.-s II' Millions are alitnvs .uy. u Ing Tor pid I.lver. Jllllll'lbe 111 I-HISII'-S Tei-r and Agie . They banish Hi. k Ilea la. be an I drl e oa' Malaria Never gripe or weaken Small, taste nl. e. work TICK B I S i " ui Points East 1 1 Klther MIsh I!ooh. v.-U ih a y. ting vtond.-is. Try thein; n-nis al Hart I'Aoinan of strong rliar.n ter. or her Prug'it'ire. s ...l o. ..i AV..f.ll..r. i r-nd-r-l dur- ,"'-" -. --- - ,,,,. rrl. ,, .,.. i. - 1 - ',. TJ . V, . , . a. r . . rs. . .1 i n (H V,.w I 1 ..t t . i . . ' I eu in ena .m a ,....... . . is worm wituep i '"" mso cnr.IRnN ESI'ICIA I,I.Y I.I A HI.K. 1 hiut le-n engaged In nniitlier the president and the secretary of the tro.v-x. His eandidaey for 'he I:,- "r"u,!nt :l, t "' r-'"V"r -he Itistir;,,,.-. , ,, u .. . I"'"' hit llf" amounting to fH . treasury have called th- att-nt on of ,.,lWi, an nomination is not le-ing kind- l-( w h h,. j,, t i n congress to the necessity for the r- , v e,, by some of the r;e( , duction of the revenues. Secretary . ,.an ,,a)er. an the following from th j SAys HK WAH TOI'.TL'RBI. age haa shown tnc reasons ior uoa ; s;iiem Statesman would Indh-ate; , suffered auch tain from cm. I The Iiaker''lty Herald lsadvoe,t!ng "Uld hardly walk," write H. Itohln-th- nomination of W, J. Kurniah for V,1111!?!'1 k'-n - In an effective way. I'.epresentative Hartholdt has Introduced a bill for the abolition of the remainder of the war revenue act of 1W, which Is meeting the favor of the Republican leaders In the house and which is championed by many prominent newspapers. Re publican and Democrat. Rond buying is one way to keep down the treasury nurplus. but a wiser course would be to keep down the surplus by p-ducing taxation. It is rather doubtful If Representa tive Ltverlng's bill providing for a sal ary of I'jS.OW to be paid all ex-presl-dents of the United States during life meets with much favor among the na tional law-makers or with the coun try at large. It Is true that such a law would not be likely even to make very heavy drafts on the treasury, for we have rarely had more than one or two ex-presldents living at the same time. And there Is really very little In the argument that after one .r more terms as chief executive of the nation a man finds It difficult to re sume his former profession or bunlness without some sacrifice of dignity. President Cleveland did It, however the governorship on the Republl- , Acts like magic on sprains, l,ri-eH can ticket, basing an argum-nt In bis, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers' behalf on the fact that he has not en- ''''rfect healer of skin disease and i.i,. . '.i .u r. pile. f.ure guaranteed by Harts tangled himself, any f the Re- i pnigstore Pr).. 25 rn, 'y " publican factions of the state. N'elther j . ; has I'ennoyer been mixed up In any of the Repuhliian factions, but this Is no reason why a Republican conven tion should nominate him for governor. New-fJulnea will be the first t rrl tory of the Australian commonwealth, and as such entirely subject to the control of the federal parliament. Its residence will b entitled to no .-hare cither of the privilege or obligations of the Australians except such as may be granted or Imposed on them. It tariff, its taxation and Its laws will be left to the dls- retlon of the federal legislature, In which It will have no representation until It Is specially con ferred. The country is rich in tropical products of all kinds, In gold and In pearl shell fisheries. The prejudice against chartered companies In strong on the mainland, so that the ;.edy means of development which they af ford will only be employed under strict eondl-lons. There are some f;5o,- Ii T UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL The "Northwestern L.'mlvd" train electric lighted ihroughou', both Inside and out, anrj te:,m heated, are with out exception, the fine: trains in the world. They eml,dy the Ulest, fewest and bst Ideas f'jr comfort, convenjeic and luxury ever offered the travelling Dubllc. and altogether ire the nict complete and splendid produ.-tl jn cf the car builder' art. Thw iplndld Train Connect With The Great .Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUI- FOR CHICAGO and the KAST. No extra charge for these r.iperlor acommoda lions and all i las-M of tick et are available for paitge or. th trains o 'his line are proteotttd by the Interlocking Mock Ky;em. W. II. MKAP, H. L. SISLEU G'-neral Agent. Traveling As't Portland. Oregm. Hum, bruise and cuts are extreme ly painful nnd If neglected often result In blood poisoning. Oilldrcn are especi ally llnble to uch mishap because not so careful. As a remedy PeWlti's "Witch. Hazel Halve I unequaied. praw out the fire, stop the pain, noon heals 'he wound. Ileware of counterfoil Sure cure for pll-s "DeWltf Witch Hazel salve cured my baby of ecu-nut after two physicians' gave her up," wrlt-s James Mock, N. Webster, Ind "The sore were so bad she soiled two to five dresse a dny." ClfAS. RfKl-BRA '"on-Ill ho had another fit of temper. After a while he will be as temptu oijM as the non-aeoharlne Pulda "Napob-on" I'hllllps has eclipsed the great original- he has already had two Waterloo. A KBW CANNi-JRY OMIIINR. Has been formed at Beattle, but not In the way you may take the heading of thl article to Infer. The combine here spoken of I an Investment where in the small Investor from the poor fisherman to the most prominent man or woman In Atorla can became in terested. It Is In a company where everything 1 honorable, and Is a ure winner; and all that they ask Is that those wanting to take advantage of such a chance i-n! for their prospec tus at once. The to. k I now rapid ly going at 12V4 cents, and positively on the 2"!h goes to 15 cents per share. Investigate the Inter-State Fisheries) '"ompany, 302-303 Taclflc Hlock. Seattle, Wash. ngagi-d In another fake fight Th.-ie was no f.r be ing so S lib- When Shaikey Is en gaged In n fight th" lest Is under-st.sel A I' lltKMAN S '"IWI-: CAM.. "I shi'k to my engine, although ev ery Joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writ" t". W. Itrll amy, a locomotive fireman of llurllng ton, Iowa, "I was weak nnd pale, with out any appetite nnd all run down. As was about to give up, I sot a bottle of Kleetrlc llllteis and, after taking It, I felt as well as I ever did In my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Hat isfactlon gunranteed by Hurl's Prug store. I'rlce M cents. A woman Is suelng Russell Sage for ITfi.OOO. Hlic will Iw glad lo compromise for 7.ri cents before the rose ends. The town of Weeping Water, Neb., has chosen Henator Teller to be Its principal Fourth of July orator thl year. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE . TO !st.Paiil.r)ululli.Mii!nt'Hiolis,('hlra('() and All Point Kit:, I Through Palac, and Totirlm Hleeper. Pining anl HufTt Hmuklng Ubrary Car. DAILY TRAINS; KAHT TIMK; HER VII "B AND KC10NERY UN KQUALKI). For rales, folder and full regarding Kastrrn trip, Sail in i r d lire H. DICKSON. J. W. H!AIN. City Ticket Ag't. Trav. I'a. Ag't. Portland. A. 11. C. IIWNMrN, O. W. P. A. (12 First Av. Beattle. "VTaah. 7 TrTi rs f)i '.fr1,Tfof. ' I0 ormgon ShoIxt Line CHILD WORTH MILLIONS!. 'My child 1 worth millions to me." ays Mr. Mary lllrd of Harrlsburg, l'n " yet j would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minnie Cough Cure." Ono Mln- Jt! Cough Cure Is sure cure for cough, troup and throat and lung trouble An absolutely safe cough cure which ai ts Immediately. The youngest child can lake It with entire safetly. The Utile ones like the taste and re in ember how often t helped them Kvry fam ily should hsTe a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season es pecially It may be needed suddenly CHAS. P.OiKRS. Prompt Deliveries Of C'lioiwHt Frowli and On red MEATS New Simp. Hunt of Service,. Phono Main CI. BOSTON MEAT MARKET anu UilOii PACIfiC iTIMK Hi'llkll i ll'irl I I'l.KH I Arrlv I Fr in Portland t'bli'iif.i ! Porllnnd Halt Lake, Deliver. Hlso'tal Kl. Worth, t una i oo a.m. ha, Kaneas Cily 4: JO p. m. via llunl- 'Ht Lain. I'hicugoi and Knst Atlantln j Hull Uike, Denver' Ml press Kl. Worth, Otna fi P. tn. !h. Kansa ("tly.! :10 a. m via Hutu- HI. lyiuls. 1'hlc.tgol ngtoti nn, K.ast. Walla Walla, I fit. Paul Iwlston, Boo. Ft mail kune Mlnnepollf p.m. Ht Paul, Dululh 7:00a. in via Mllw.tukee. Chi Bri'difane gtifa anj Fjiji I 72 hours from Portland lo OhloafO. No Chittigit of Car. OCEAN ANI) RIVfCTl HC1IEDULB From Asloria All sailing data, subject to change For Han FraneTs oo every five day Columbia Rlvr To l-ortland and Way Landing 7 a. m. Pall ex cept Hun. 4 a. m. xc. foniUy Bteamer Nahcott eTa Aatnrta ibbx dally, eiefpt Hunday, for llveasn, connecting ihere with Iralna for Ig Reach. Tioga and North lleaoh ptA R.-turnlng arrive at Astoria am tvi- lug. o. w- liOrrNflnpntuT, apl Astoria. A. U CHAM, Oinernl l'anengnr Agnt, Portland, ftregmn. PAWNER 8ALVEf the moHt heollnii nmlvm in trip vvorM. Foley's Honey mi Tar tenia lungs and Mop th coufh.