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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1902)
NOTION ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. fro HOt 10 &S WU K.KY Y withoull"' m,i trinity ' ' r i ran ASTOKJA. OKUiO.V, TIH'KSDAY. JAM'AKV 2:1. YM)2. NO. 157 VOL 1.1 V 1 if 1 1 I IfyClKt T II 12 ELECTRIC UNEEDEM CLOTHING SALE 44 Electric " ",'i'fti""' 'l "'""i"' Clil('tl(ln 'lllnl I'M- Iij;IiIiiis luirj;aiii hooker. Unccrfcui ' '!,''n",M' wi' (lie iimiii'V iiinl Vnll nri-'l lilt' elotlies, rY W O of Attuna's yoiinj; iuii "Ui'it ' tin' iilmvi' iih Niiitnl'lo imiiH'H fur ur (iriut rlnlliinn Sali' iitnl win rirN of $" mnl 1 .'id. You, too, can uii frmii f.'.Vi tn $" uii u Suit or i hereout, fiuin "iiif tn $ 'J .' nti a pur nf pant from .'i.r- to $1 mi U liut fmill '.'V t I nil II Milt of Utl'llT llutlie. flolll I'll" to J .Vol l sinks, tie., llllllil- Li-h liirf-. i tf. But You'll .Have to Hurry. jtttitafrltit 7PT Blank Itooks. Office and Pocket Dairies, Desk Pads, Memorandums, Calendar Pads, Tide Tables, Etc. QRIEITN & NEEI)0 OKH. rs fuwvuuui n on rvn rut annmi n rvi nnjrufru nnru iaaai aaiaaaai c rtrinnrip Finest Restaurant in the City Kt'Kulnr Monl.i 2." routs Siimlay Pinner ii Specialty THE FAIACE c rnuuiD-n c tVERYTHlNG THE 11 W UllifilA S MARKET AFFORDS IT. !T HUiyyiV. j Drop Head Sewing machines $17.50 AT. FISHER BROS. How to Hake $i.oo Work Like Sixty It u y Your II u s o V u r n i s Ii i n g (I o o d s uf . . . . Chas. Heilborn & Son New Line of Chtiir-i jiiit;roooivn.l. TImi .Ih" w ri J. Ic 1 ii v i I in Iruiiail. We urn now nirering Ilium nt jtrt-iitly rolin'o.l riiv.. IKON Urii)S. Wo alill lna.l! Wo have jiist ri'ooivo.l six now patterns wliinli n ro hIi'iii witnlera. DININIJ KOOn rURNlTUn.;-;S.M.;3wii..l.iw tliaplny. Wo liMti), nlliiirH follow. Our linn of Hi.lnliiiiir.lM IuimIooii BrtIy i'n larjjoil, likewise our 1 1 mi of liox-soiit dining .elinira. OPFICB FUKNITUKU At roduooil prices. Hull top desks, flat top desks. Imok knoior' stumling (leaks. OftVo olmirH of ull kimli. Chas. Heilborn & Son THE FART GREAT BRITAIN PLAYED her Intervention In Spanish American War the Same as Other Powers. RUSSIA T(X)k ITRM STAND (omit Mora lilt' Itlunt Iti ji i -Hull of Propositi llrniiulil Oiln-r I'lirti rn Into Line I'rmirf Hi lil Aloof. PARIS. Jan. 22 In ilew uf lb "Int. Mi. Ill Inude ! lord i 'r.inli .urfir, und-r MMTiMury nf ot.Hr f.r IciilKii affairs. In (lir lloiou- of com- 111. .Ill Ml II III). ll Ii"' SUbjU't i f i.-p- i i'm.'Ii I it 1 1'.iiit made lu U n-al I'rilalll ImIh.' iin. I nil. i' tlic i.u Ij...iK "t 1 1. 1' SMiiiili Aiin ri nil wt, a n-, r. n. lilii lli. of Ho- Ao. lutil I'ik- lu niiiry lii-ri. mi l r.rlvi'il Uh- 10. lowing . ;. Willi I. .11 "III' II llltUD U 'III'M hui lilt. n iil lulu on Ho. inu'tir: In ilu- Hint I'lui i In tin- .p inlMh n. k- .Uiii .nit a; tin- i inl i.f Sl.u. li, ltn, to mini.' nil. r .nli. .u ..( Uir ...rn In li.r f;t..r. liriiluin l ..H ill" .iiii' ullilul.' Kinii.i' uii't lh' .illiir .uri mulirr ii'lu.J r cm- . nii-1 to Join In lolli-i-ih union. All tin' piiwi-m wrri' hr-l.illiiK tmill th- urn t-l t.iilii'.l lh' llii-li'.luim ( t tie ..lh. m. n. llii' m.i:l.r I ) l.ilr i'.. tint ii-fT lnum n j. tl.n ..( tin' ..i...ii!. A fr .t.i) tx f.iri. tin. ur. lio It uiia i.- lurtj llul Mi 1 . it 1 -l.iiir Im l i ill.. . I un obji. tluu ut&lnai .iii ii. .1.- U.lUl.l IlilVi- I I.f tlp- I'lui iiiii... of luillni; .iinU( on ttie l'nll.. Snitm r oltiTliit; "it opinion on iln- I'nlli-U Siat.'i mtltuili'. 'l'lila nn ih" t-M. iit of lin-Al Hi I. uln a no il . it In faMir of Uic I'nllc.l Suirc." Kruru b lhr..uhont iiiii fil.-t.ll t.. Hi.- I'nlti'.l Sliitsc im well t o S;ain. In-r unlriil iltniri' Ixlng; In Mie look no initiative In uit) nuKh't'i'l"i li-n.lInK (o pin I'rrii- tir i Hi.' rmt.-.l Stiitr n r t any tlmo rn. ouiiIkm J .jiln lo rt-mii!. Her liiflui-tirr nn bIii illrt'cH l lo mnln inliiliiK -u (ntliti)'. Th'-y lioth .i-li-'l Kullty wlii-ii urrulKni-il l'"'y. Tli.iiii. .ri, mIio Ii only 21 y.m oil, ii.iifi'i. I tint In- Iik'I li'l'l tip ililny ppmoim In uml nnr linn illy iLi'lng tin- l:uit ihri-i- montti" 1-rlM.KV HTAflTH TOMOHItuW. Will I'ttv- In I'rlvat Car for ttiicaco. WAHIIINilTON. Jun 22 U.; ami ilrn. H. Itliy lil l.iiv.. In r Kil.liiy inurnlnir for 'hirK' In pri vate ir furnlli "t Iy 1 Hiililinor ft otil i rnllroii.l. Tli.. ii.liiiinil 'cfiiafii iiuik pulilli; liu appful fl 1 l'.h Hi'' ri-.. nt Tin. pr. nlij. nl will tuin the lioiir iimil'-r out to Alorm-y ; Knot for hl fport an. I PARTISAN VOTE IN THE HOUSE Spirited Debate on Appropriation Establishing Military Post at Manila. a.i;Vi-:i.AM (iv iNi. I'lllN'.-KTiiN. N. J. Jim ;2 V.f rr.-xl li-iil I'livlunil l-f t i..ri itht f-.r th" Konih. ulip- In- niiiuln v ml ilnya ImritliiK with K ' l'.rii-!tit, j I ! .-.i r - A I in l. nn. (Ii-iit.i: Anrun ii!. M'-i'ook u ii-l May. Tli I l iitly will a t" ' ii-k .-t .n ? '. Mr ('ti'Vi'lan'l .ipiM-ar A to l;ave re-IkuIii.'-I IiN n.iriii.'tl ln-iilili DEMOCRATS FIGHT MEASURE niiHlniiiKS r Nw Vork, Nrorra IIIn I'olitlriil Jtntliri n Ap propriation iirrii d by a Vi.ti'or I1-'" tit I (Ml. Me . a c,uln of the rountsa of WaJ(lra-e, wlff of the prime mlnlnier 'if ';Ttnny. He waa a ;rn'lua'e of I'nlon f-ollc. and of the '"oluin'ila ,Hh'.l uf MlnM. For the .at two yr h- hal ten oonnerti with the 'imt'im houe hire. KVr'Kll'H'. VVII.UAM.M GIFT. Will Vr.nuni Jra1 Thou a'd Bronze i 'ant to Harvanl Unlve.-it. It.-riin. Jan 22 -The ttlft .if Kmi- ror William to Harvard" y T ill lie mop- than wan at flrt auppoif-d. The emrf-ror' ulft runln'a ot raitt ami aome bronzes, Illuatrl'I!? .very phaae uf the Oermap. plaatl: ar. firm the llomaneaijue perl.) I to th- Hen-al-mime. Th raata numher ..".-'il thoinvtnl. Kntire rot of the collection will be P-fraye'l from the emperar's prii.itc rurae. and I; la eatlmi.! u: sixtit ha!f a m'-lion m irc. IIISl'iiKIi t'ASN'.S Kills, r Will rr. . nt S-rni.-iii-Am.-rl. an V-t -r ti With Cannon ' aptur.-d From Fran-.-. Nl-:w V 1 1 1 K . Jan run- lli'iiry will lake wild him lo the Cini.-I Slatea I a l.r"tiz- raniioti a a pim-nt fiom the jkam-r to the Cen I'nlon of ijer- Am-rl-an eterana who f'.uifht In the war of lf.tS 1S70. ratil'-a ih- Berlin . o:r. n.l. nt ..f the World Th- . ami. in win -apturel from I-'tun.e i In iiiine. for I'lil a li lphla jwh.-ie the prim-.' will .roi.nMy tn.ike a ji-l if. h In pri'si-ntlng it to the veier , ana It lit announced that the prince will trnM-1 In civilian .r.-n nh.V he li In the I'liiled .--.tali's I'h. la It'll hla j in the latent addition (- th- lis; of I I itiei which he will vlalt. The prince will one day In 'im. h of the clllta, except New York ant Waahlnirlon. where hi atay will Ih- lunifer. Aa .n aa the Imperial lloh.-iz ollern. r.-a -h.-a New York alii- will be painted fn-ah iv..ry color. Fi-.niniT Hint the color could nit he obtained In New York the paint ia be In taken over on ihe H .henioll-rn. FATAL FACTION Fl HIT. Three M.-n Killed and Three Wounded at ll. llellle. Teaa. UFI.1.KVII.I.I0. Tex . Jan. ii.- Three men were killed, one fatally wounded and three other allshtly wounded In a lit; I" t the railroad stall. m here thla eveiiliik' The ilcad tre: KAYMoNli WIIITK, cotiaibU' lit Wal I la MILAN nl'O.M. haf biflth.-r of tho . OllNllllllc. IIKNKY IMITKllT. a by s' under. Waller I '.tin lu k toll wan nhot iIiioiikIi Ihe Uiwela. the bull i;o n tiittrtly ihrottKh the hody. The wounded are: l-'llhu reimlliKlon. c.ili Wound Anotne Plppvrt. of IVIIevlll.'. ii hy- auitnler. John llavkvali. a oy-atund.-t'. bullet IhlX'llh'll Hie fool. The ctiae of Waller I'. lining. en, un ler liidlclniiMit tor tho imn'i'or of J. C. I'lloin. a lirolher of MHun Odom. and n half brother of lliiyiii.ini White, na t ailed today and a I.ii'ko i an hor of people ciiino hcte Iroitt WaMla na lliii-axoa. amoiiK them Ihu rel.ittvea of J. ttdoin. Th. iwo fnotl.iiia mot at (he hi. ill. .n and t;o: Into a .ui. tr ie I. PASSED BOGUS DOLLARS WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. Some of th- old partisan lire waa Injected In to the proi v llnff" f Ihe house to day when an Item In the urK-nt de ll. i.-iii y bill approprlaiiiK t'iA.' for a military pout at .Manila, which the I '.-iii'H rata have leen ualnic aa a text f..r np-e h a In opultJ.n to the Phil ippine poli.-y of the administration for ihe laai tlm-e daya. waa reached. Cannon. In chartfe of the bill, ecn feawd that the approprtail-in waa aubjecl to a point of ord-r and It waa out. In lieu thereof he offered an amendment to appropriate the aame auin for the "fhelter and prot.ct.on" of the oftlcera and enliated men of the army on duty In the Philippines. Tina the chair held to be In order, and It at once became 'he -ubje.-t .f very eplrl'ed debate In which Rirhanl son. the minority leader; Williams, of, and D'Armon 1. of Missou ri, were pitted against Ihe chairman of the appropriation .ommlttee. 1'artlaan applause rang out on each aide to cheer their respective i ham pi. .iia. and there semed to be a folld line on -ah aide of th- aiale. rtut when a volj came to be taken Cum mins (Pom.), of New York, voted wlih the Republicans, turning; angrily on lila political brethren, and as he did ao. with clenched list In their fa. es. cried out that he hoped he might be paralyzed when he refused to vote to protect an American sol dier. The vole on the adoption of the amendment aood 127 to l'O. I:KNOCN'-E- AC8TRIAN THP.ONE. 1 'Coining Marriage of Anhduch-as Kliz- ab-'h Th- Emperor's fSifta. I VIENNA. Jan. 22.-Arohdu. hess E'iz-iale-th. In anticipation of her marriage i January 2.1 to Prince Oiho Von VVind ' la'n 'lraet?. w ho la not of royal blood. ! today took the oath renouncing ail claims for herself and her descendants t. th- Austrian throne. The emperor's gift to An hdm heas Fi.zal.eth Includes Jewels Valued at J1.6"0i"i, a yearly allowance of ii. a p .ld dinner service and several i royal residences. WILEY GIVEN SEVi'CN YEARS. PORTLAND. Jan. 22-K-lly Wiley icloredi wa-s today aen'-nc-d to s. ven y ara In the inltentlai-y for robbing Albert Lowenthal of tlO.OOO worth of diamonds at the Hotel Portland two niontha ago. "Wiley wat not the j-rin-i ipal In tho robbery but hcliej di of the Jewels. MATCH COMPANIES TO COMHINE. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. According to the London correspondent of the Trib une, negotiations are on foot for the formation of a European union In the matchmaking Industry, headed by Bryant & May and the Diamond Match Company. RIOT m A STEAMER I.ONO IJfT OVKKPl Iv Several Chilean Lumber Schoon. is l'o- llen-d to He Lost. SAN FRANCISCO, .Inn. 2.'. -There Is Utile doubt ihnl scernl Chilean vos sela which aniled from nor. hot n const lumber pons for S.ttili Ainct-ici hnvo been lost nl pen. The list includes tho Chilean hark TogclthoIT, now ..lit 101 days from Cheiiinlnus for An(.fitms in, nil. I the Chilean ship Atilolucttil. out 'JITi tin m from Chciiiulnii. for the it mo port. Tho Chilean bnrk F.iiiinii t.-mlsa, 107 diiys from Port Hl.iliely for Y.ilpiir.iiao, li.ta not boon reported and lite miiiio la I i n-' of the Chilean bark India, out 1115 days from Hlnkoly for Valpatal h.i. The I nk.' Irt iiuin. n !tlp. Is out lid ilitys from Taeom.i, for Vitlpnr ilso, mid Ihe Peruvian bark Santa Roan, Is out MO days from Port Hlnkoly for P-yle, Peru. Tho ordliuiry p.i.s-mgo of any of these- veaaola Itftincil would bo tie or 75 days. lltOMIM-:NT IT.OIM.i: AK- ic i:s in ritis( i. I lisso ;. Kliiir unit W il'- Tnkon I lulu tiNttiih lor ( Hiinl- crti'ltiiii:. SAN FP.ANi'ISCD, Jan. 22 -flyases ti I lair and his wife have be. n dr iest. -.1 for passing c miner eit cln. In their handsome home at Fruit Vale was found a complete outfit for mak ing bogus dollars Hlnir almits his guilt and says that his wife assisted him In passing tho coin, getting rid. ho said, of about dollar a tn mth. Hoth San Francisco and Oakland have been llo ided with spurious silver dol lars, the most perfect counterfeits that have ev.-t- been seen In this part of the country. For the past three years Rlalr has In -ii netting ill of his money In the pool boxes at tho Oakland ra.e track. Hot ween $10 and $20 was put In'o cir culation every day. lie was caught in tho v-ry act of paying bad d dlnrs to a bookmaker and over loo similar pieces were found in his parlor. To day man and wife will be arraigned before I'nlt.d States Commissioner llea.-ock and charge of making and .lisii ibmliig counterfeit coins will be placed against him. Hlalr p.-s d aa a capllaltsi and lias boon popular socially. Ill YEN LONO TERMS. Hoiinett and Wright Sentenced to 20 and 10 Yenis. PORTLAND, Ore., Jnn. 22 Uennett Thompson and Charles Wright, who were arrested Monday for hlghwuy robbery, wore today sentenced to !0 and II years respecively In the enl- j PIKP IIY THEIR OWN HANDS. Two Young Women at McMlnnvlIle I'le of Arsenic Poisoning. J M MINNVILLE. Ore.. Jan 22 -Two young women, Miss Nannie L'ng.rmin and Mrs. Ollle daunt are dead at the j home of the latter here from arsenic l poisoning with suicidal Intent Mlsa 1'ngerman was employed at the cent nil telephone office last night and ' her frl-oid. Mrs. i.aunt. was staying w lih her. About 9.3 o'clock Miss j t'ngerman telephoned a doctor that I Mrs. Gaunt was sick. When tho dji-mr loaine they admitted having lak-n pol ' son. Restorative were administered ! but It was too late Miss I'ngonnan I died at 2 o'clock today and Mrs. Gaunt at 5. Itoth wjmen had good home and their families are prominent. Disap pointments In life and desponl-niy iare said to be the cause. Mrs. Gaunt 'had been separated from her husband for several months. WHEAT MARKET. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 22 Wheat, cash, inllj, PORTLANP, Jan. 22. Wheat. Walla Walla. fi!fit;:!V. bluosteiu, fl'-.-. CHICAGO, Jan. May, opening. 7,.i,4i'3; closing. . TAt'O.M A. Jan. 22. Wheat, blucslom til, club ill SEN ATM CONFIRMATIONS. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 The senate today continued leh following nomin ations; M. A. Oltero. governor of New- Mexico. Posiatnstcrs Idaho, D. C. Logg. Roxberg; 15. Frost, Wardner; J. C. Harbor. Grungevlllo; F. G. Have ntann. S.ilm in; M. J. Gray. Stanthony; I. F. Mason, Couor tl'Alene. WHERIO PRINCE WIIA, VISIT. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. It has been practically settled that Prince Henry of Germany will visit Chicago, St. Loul. Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Mil waukee and Boston. ENGLAND NOT Sl'RPIUSED. Selection of Panama Route by I'nlted States Waa Expected. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. According to the Tribune's Imndon correspondent the decision of tho Isthumlan commis sion In favor of tho Panama route d.vs not occasion surprise In England. The Pall Mall Gazette says; "Tho French company could not well help themselves, since they succeeded to an Inheritance which had boon mortgaged beyond redemption by the rascality of another organization or disorganization. When the t'nited States takes tho business In hand It will not tolerate party poMics which lake the explosive form of a pitched naval battle and the killing of a governor." TKOriU.i: ON liOAItl) CO j I.I'M III A AT PANAMA. j i iS'wa! MciiiImts of ( rew 1 an I porously Wimiirti'il -Hail I in I lilol FroHv of Wino. j ' SAN FRAN'CSCO. Jan. 22. News has been received by the steamer Argyll 1 that a riot broke out on the Pacific 1 Steam Navigation Comjuny's sie.tmer ! Columbia at Panama on Christmas j.lay and that several members if the ere perhaps fatally, or at least dan ! gcrourly wounded. The Columbia was on tho way d,.wn the coast to Valparaiso fiom 'his port and thraugh the kindness of Captain Hughes, nearly every member of '.he crew, composed principally of Chileans and Peruvians, celebrated Christmas by Imbibing freely of wine. Details of the fracas on board the iiig passenger steamer will not be available for sometime but people on the Argyll and on shore at Tanama heard many shots tir-d and saw the Hash of many knives on the Columbia and Captain Hughs Is reported to have rushel along .he docks armed iMth a gun. lviklng efforts to quell the riot that had broken out. There is no report of any deaths as a result of the lighting. CLEVELAND ON CUBAN TARIFF Ex-President Deplores Argu ments Used in Opposition to m Cuban Concessions. OUR DUTIES POINTED OUT Obligation Cannot IJ Ik-tter IMIm-il.Tlian In Pros-Went Koosoi fit's Mwoige to Congress. YORK, Pa., Jan. 22.-A. B. Farquhar, of this city, head of the Farquhr agricultural works and prominent In national Democratic affairs, has re ceived a letter from ex-President Gro er Cleveland in answer to one sent him by Mr. Farquhar relative lo the relations of the United Slates with Cuba. Mr. Cleveland says: 1 he argu.-nents used in opposition to the tariff concession Cuba Implores, based ujvin our material Interests, are fallacious, mistaken and misleading, while their source and the agencies of their propagation and spread cannot fail to be recognized by every honest, patriotic cltlz-n with shame and hu miliation." "It seems to me, however, that thi subject Involves a morality and science higher and more commanding than, all oth?rs. Obligations arising from these considerations cannot be better or more forcibly defined than was done by President Roosevelt In his message to congress, nor better em phasized than has been done by Sec retary Root, and yet congress wait, while we occasionally hear of conces sions which rich sugar interests might approve in behalf of trembling Cuba. "I do not believe that nations, any more than individuals, can safely vio late the rules of honesty and fair dealing. "Until there Is no escape, therefore, I will not believe that, with all our fine words and lofty professions, our embrace of Cuba means contagion of deadly disease." AVERTED JERIOUS ACCIDENT. Heroic Work of Engineer Rooney of Denver & Rio Grande. SALT LAKE, Jan. 12. Engineer Rooney. of the Denver & Rio Grande, saved a notable party at Gunnison, Colo., from possible serious injury by sticking to his engine as the special train bearing ex-Senator Wolcott and Lord and Lady Lennox ran an open switch. The special was bowling along at over forty miles an hour, when enter ing the Gunnison yards. Rooney raw where a careless yardman had left the ice house switch turned from the main line. Rooney Jammed down the emergency brakes, applied sand and reversed. He stuck heroically to his post as the engine and train sped over a vacant space of one hundred yards. No one suffered more than a shak ing up, but Rooney's conduct averted a serious accident. MISS BENJAMN DEAD. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. A cable mes sage Just received from Paris an nounces the death of the correspon dent and traveller. Miss Anna Worth end Benjamin. She was born at Ss lem. Mass. Coming to New York a few years ago she contributed to news papers and magazines, and was a cor respondent at Tampa and in Cuba and later in the Philippines. She was 27 years of age. WILL INCREASE TAXES. HELENA. Mont.. Jan. :2-Hlnnks now being sent railroad companies by the suite board of equalization asi .ns for the report of improvemi ins and extensions made during 'tie Mr. It is understood that tho board of equali zation contemplates making -an In crease In the valuation of railroads paying taxes in this state. From a member of the Ixiard il was learned that the board will propos.- some no table Increase In tho valuation placed upon Ihe railroads of Montana. DEATH OF STEPHEN CULVER. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Stephen B. Culver, a great grandson of Col nel Stephen Lee, who was a member of the Crown Point expedition of Queen Ann's war In 1806. Is dead at his home In Mount Vernon after a brief illness. The Eclipse flaFduiare Gompany luinm.-. ... urn" A l; K P 15 K V A R K P TO 1 O A I. I. KINDS OF PI UMBINQ AND STEAM FITTING in a ri r s t - c 1 a s s manner imiiMkViViViViVllVn S T E A M AND GASOLINE It H A T W O K K A S V E C I A L T Y VimYiV None but first-class workmen employed rU7 TO "ai BOND STREET