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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1902)
TIIF MOUMNi; ASTOKIAN, TIU'RSDAY. JAN VARY 2A. W02 imi i:tn oit tiii: u n Nitl si'iinli I'm- MisMtiK tin l bos PKi n !,..,, 4Aj i I 1 1 r U I iJi J , j nr t ninlor, I The Itruish s.o ,'ti.l , '.l-s kit I ship; I ph-i-tan ilrnlcd off t'-.c mT cstci-. ; from .'s.r.nnuu't Sin' i ! 'in , s fr,.m the ".-.'., tfl til ! . tint st.!'.!i Tito I " ..-: 1 1 It 1a ' !. i .-.!. -.1 w .'! instruct ! ! ' t pi.vci si !M sc.ii.h .". !V m'as n t",',N'i '.! . '. .: " ".!.;, h'.vtl ,lca.;cl from ..;t:'.:ii.;u'.: I'.vciub.r i I for Ibmo'uhl nr. I ".c-. n'l. h- .I her ' 'I'll - !' i ' "' '!at I ih. .Vnd.-r ',- fli .I m ore th. 7 ' !i " in- uiii't I'" i d : Pa. lib-Yc-ict-da) . . ! c I he r! . "Va : ; . and ; I Ho r. I n h . -v.-. . the :'. "'I-. .:i item aim .! .lie- 1 "1 GoitVGfS. Ill tV I'U I.' 1, t, i ! Ii.h-! l.i, ; i ,1 . n llll' ANM'AL Masquerade Ball Will l nhri' 1 r M I SONS 01 II KM ON I'll ;!u Kiiili if Monday, February 10, T MUKII MOWS IUI I. I I II Mil IN I: v 1 1 yr uluii.i..' inic mill be atnM lor bti !iiiitu aim dim lur bftl mmMiikJ WtlrtllltOH Hill c cncd pjhe bbclmcss of Monday is for- gotten when the housekeeper Jj views on Tuesday the snow drift of linen that has been washed white with Ivory Soap. It floats. . .!.. . I It t ' 1 . .-I 1 i ... I CALL IT fllE PUSH CLLB CI'SSIOX LAST XKillT. u .!: i-.. .ir. ' t .i: a i-.!nmlt;.'e may inirt ju' tiw ,;; - l s.-. - tint tti 1'ir.t. 1 'u'.l.i h t! ' v .I'.-.h t ' n. I n I r.i-r. i . k. .Morse. . J. iw-R.mi ..r ,ws . , t Sew nn-nibfrs i'tv a.lm.t!! ;i f'l Frank raf.on. F. J VayW. T. T. tl Jt I. H.-n,!,TSn. S '. Tur- SUiJKSTIX I AISF.1) Dls.. ,, ,v , H,,kiri of I: ir..iKt i ! i r. I r t; 'i- ', : u :i. u :ti r u! .1 . :h , .!-. in ::.t -M 1 ,i.( -'I I'-'t- w '. I tu r 1 ' i- '.'ti.t-T, ' ,ri . r :v f.'Uti.I -r l.i .if .: :'.. 'Hi , -r :n tu .i j t ! t r-'tHir', -,..l:: I i . n ;li. A IIMIT. IS A i'OKKKi: mi Fniiiiin.M ii M.n.'f r Ji ..f Mis m.-.' With M i h V g -r A. Tr-.::'.:n.-':- .in 1 Pr Mat tor of Interest. ' Pi'.kir.irMn. j irMnt i'a-naha:i i ami-1 hi now 'vommitt'W as fo'-l-nvs: Kftort to Atlopt Nickname Miiile .;5i!.itiv. i ;. r Fu'.; m. liar :-!5.n I " In llarriooii Allcn-Ollicr A !en. John Ki. F J Tayi r i.r.l J. j i 1 h:. i.5ratkf. ' l.nn ; Trar.fp.irta-.! :i F U rarM-r. Mar- ! tin I P-ter.n. P. A. S:oke. ' - 1 J:int P. ib:nn Aa r!?-Tt ihar.g the name of the Kih-r-. s . ; t-1 K. li St.-kr. A:..r:a IT.-gr-sslve Oomn:ro!at Asso- Siimu-! S. h:v. I'. A !. F x An- iAti. n univi.kl a ?pirlt-d discussion ,lrew" Y 'un'' . , M.iii'.tf.i. ui: and ', a- .. at ias: night s mating of that body. ,, ,r. Th- m- as nude by Harri-on Al- , r K.. v w;.; I-n !i i uffert-d an am- ndm-nt to the ' -rt Dunbar. " I i-i - .! at. -r.i ::e-3 r" Ira-ke. J. N 5-i-tir.. W:l Mad - r. "harl- H-;;t.'t-n ml J '.int.-n. ;..;i..i and ncri-u t :r- -P.. M" t;,s r:-'!:i is.u. i :s rb N '.-v. K-i;:.i!: : ,i r .5 :ti I I ' !-an -.vai b -i lay. a 1 -i a i Ks' r ith- V: Ail-n. ;- a:: 1 Ab v lib'. b.MV b : fonstr.ut: 'ti that would alt-r the nam lo th-' At ria Push Ciub. Mr. Alien '..lined that the present name was altMe-ther tiw Ions and ruinbersome, ,,,n. Aucu-t H. Id-bran 1 J I' Fry- A , ... l . .l...l - . ., 1 l-IT l ... T a -ztn anj that tne an-iation as unuwu .nji s .m-j ..n.i. a. the Push Club throughout the!n and ought to be prup-rly ' 1 N ii. I.:..- F.: Ways and n.- ins- 'W W W h.pfie. W. H i'.. t-;ar'.d E '.. F-rg is n P. II. S-vev and II. P. Thin,' knun as surb. Objection was made i-a!th and sanltatl-m -. U H-n- by members on '.he ground that the d-rxon. KA llai!"' k. J. S. I'lsh T niw 'Puiih Club" would lack dignity, 1'a" and Ir. Piikinst .n i which brought f irth the rejoinder Mr. Allen that lark of dignity was responsible f t the successes of the club The discussion wagjhe warmest ever precipitated in the association and memb-rs aired their views quite fr lv in effort to rpf-r the amend ment to Mr AH-n-s comtn:tt that Kri- k...n -li-l at h-t home m Ham- z-l t .,n li-Ki.i :I -m as votr l d .(, and after a ling-ri.-ig illn-s. She :n !' ' WK.-T ?IDK HP.EVITIES In'T.-s-.Itiif Ne-As Hu Iget New Astoria anJ Warrn!on. i n V- ln-sday af'-rn.-.n Mrs Henry l-'.; I-- 1' :! 'I .... ' t::- .-ar I . '. a lav- t.-f... 1 th..r..;i ,niv i . i. r. c in- th- . ' I u ili -xplain : i - n- I .:i ii. r... .irisMiui- I i ii ii.. h is u oi k.iu' " a' i. p s '.i : i ti..i In ' i . .f ' oi n;.-:i 'i'b..- i man 1 ..f Maj c . i b ! i h. .11 th s niy . .iv -'tn- .. ..I " ci SN FKAN'ISi" Jan. .' S:ii.-e !.. ir.iiuiiui a' l.Hi J.nuiarv !at law-tic 1-: S.'!iinit. . iUt unio ii..i.t of tills ilt. has i:.-!,b. Ills .'.'Hclai . 1 ll t ulll such U-.t as tc rr.u'.- .'oi t.o n.i:i..n In the i ii c is 1 1, al k'ov.-riiineiit ..flics Imme "la .-ly afi.-r !h- . !-,.imir .i-Mtimv t "lb :h- new :ti.i.r institute 1 a s a .'nio; in- 1 1 '. it i ; n l: v . th idu. ..f -" cr " a lie- res i.; tb.i- - i . ; v. r 'i .il .re al ! t . i- I'cl- l."s a I - ill ' I I'.-. I l -etl 111.1 b' Tod iv K V Wl ' .i:i' 1 a - s ;: ... n is f.u. ib'v -) I ' : ' .. V t'ie ...h if" Ir.K be. n ...M,. I the , !.l-.e li. I' ll- ! elil ' ',t:m- -t hi- ..file! 1 '. ill 'I t! e !.!.. ... k 1:1 t-.ld ei .1 h s !'! e 1 hat ti.. ii-n iiui.T is -Mo;. .a : 1 1 . in ' arn t as sliown t -1 in. a !c 11 h- V t.. :at.-i lis '!- 1 a t.-mp r.n in 11:,. ...!! secured by tt'i! iiiun fi in tl.-ui'.-i : t . .mi t to : si aln Ir.m fi "tn us' int; Iii 111 from 'be ..(11 - DIAMONDS AH kub! .'i in. ! .11. -I. 1 . s, M-l .lll'l llll-i I 111 ll I H.I..I , 1 .it, j-: .-. - I I, c l.i:, .i,, ittt-t 111 tin' j. m !cr'- tift III Si 'I !l t Kllll'li Ills. I'll-. 1 ";!!.;' . ct.'. S...l N.llllc nibl cil.ll .ll.lcc. i ill.lV ill stilllll.U il V. tlll'llt s -llbl I Ini ks Kmc n-pairuiu v J. H. SEYMOUR. ... i .1. , en 3 I 'A e it s'a! 11 .it -. : 'h n Central Meat Market 042 COMMIKCIAL S I . .. , ., 1... f,,. c 1 1, I- l: l. s ii s I. 1 a '. 1 1 .1 ' 1 I -,i - . . ,, ,U ti. . M(Kro. Prop. .. r s.. .1 in 'VKI'.V "I'T i'oNTII It Will Pay Vou... to will., for our rules before you pur- ' Iiuse 11 tl. ket to any point hi thn K VST Throuitli Tourist Can from the M-:VV OI!h. Jan :.' a:u"IH in- . Chicago and Cincinnati Pr-sj -r.' ''arrahan still has the mat-t-r tin!-, a ici m-r.t. H- ill send th- rr-as-ii- , d.iy lou.mltte- chosen by him .1 -s-. I 1 . . P. Tn mson ..... ;-. ! :' '.Va-n-e m An Ir ...s. of Mit.-.e.,;... :-. w!,.. a-k-1 'tif or.-, a-Ion i.iiL' foni.oM. l.i nd.s n th s . m-rn-it.i-y Ti.- '.:,. d-s'r-d 'y 'hem .v- to b- u 1 n.z ition fur- 1 . ; ! i-.'-nno.i a ',ar$ fsu-iili-r ' I- - ' io. a'.- in the r'.m n:'ini! :r,i? "tie l-st inilucem -nts. At. t i-- oioi-.'Ji,;. a-ion 'rom Iais.;n Sc Ici.-,r, ., it-a -r Dam. Mich.. :,. iv .nr- informa l ,n "as also r-. : 1 I: ri.rt-r- have b-"n re-f-.i-l - 'h- ' itrir::lt'f-e fm aitrirul tufe. P'e-'cietit ' 'a: t::i;...n r-p'red that i.-av-s a husband and -1Kb'. Ir-n to it .-urn ' -r a i-o'-l ui:- un i : ... :i -r Tic iti'-i :r..-n- u is in i -at.-. ' -i:i-t. ry t F.-.d iy ..r.d a a K-'y a-.t-tiJ-d. M 1 ' - 'alii h.s '' Vi.s.tlni . r. I- in A -tot 14. Mi- Foi.l, ..f As-..;- a is a l; i--t f Mi s Ki ikK.ii of Wa: : -n'oii Ms V-rb.i,a I' of A.-'o-i i a- a tiu-st of Mi-" A'..-- Sm - i.-y a : c lay- las' e-k. J S. P-ilinu-r mad- ii i vs.i,. -s tr : , W.irr-fiton Inst Satarlay. Mi-s FI ,r n-e ''airiah.n sj.ti' .-. f-'.i la! ith Mau b- U.u'.non !a-t a k. 'in :h- :l'n in-t th- Wat ! tit .11 s h.H.I t'iv- a drama fo: th- b-in-tit of cassetufi s who s.ilb-d for Kurop. the Kaiser Wllhelm l-r 'ii '-se as .-I. ..... r V..el..k iihn 14 1 1 .11 n I iii? t ' ' ., , , ' c.iiiiie. iinif with Uir..ui!li trnms f. r all London to carry out his '..ntr.ii" r"r ,.,mts m the far i:ST .mn'TII . th- undernrimnd elc ti lc 1 .ads Mr Si il'TM K.VHT. Fust mi l Ihiii Isnmuly V-ik-s sai l: e.ul p-d s'l-am he.i'e I train 1 in ttisr ..... ' ' u s ItutT-t v Cam Sl-ei.tni , ,, r.-t...i..n .0 l,,d n ., I.ii -h ,.,., ., Kr, ,;., , lr u-. nr. I iisin. ss I i as t.-i f c ..ti y x ,lr,n.t,m f.illoa lm: -intra. 1 .nation A in- it- .1 -1 pr s,.. ,ry p.V IM'IVNV. WI-li'i iN'SIN MIS- . 11 1:1 i'i-:NM:s-i!-:i: ihisivna 1 1 . 1 . 1 N : .-1 MIWKS, i'1'V. Si'I'TII li-' I..I' VI. 1. VJl I.' 1 -v -el -t- V ....I n r f n misshsh-pi -asinir and lias coin- t A i Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. ".1- j ..tit ' otr.'i,:-app., .0 a-sist .4.n,.i library. ir, v-curin t.'-a -nt-rp' is-s was now ),. y. .Munsoii sp-ni unday wi'h rn tint' Iii." i'. I 'hit .' .b-nt pro- m,,.nr and sis'-r .11,,n v. as b-inif ma 1-. Se-.Tal new (ru j M-gl-r nas il-itl-.i? r-i.i- ; - ,0 . ,r,e -ji-jr May and h :j.Ms in .-'kipanon this .k. th .'iifb; :," v.. ill 1.,. land I. Mis ''lay-ton and daUiht-r il. Mr H.iii.b -- r-ported -hat the cum- .,,..! 0,.. w-.w-r in A -t rt.t. tn". f. ;: jf.i -ures fVLS -orT- .t:s Al-x i'ampb-1! has r"ti n-d to -!!'';-' - '.'.'. i!.jrin? mil1 Io- r..r ,-,,i tan- at Seri-bi-. ' -ii:- '.-v. dr- an I "'! rs. "I'h a m.,!- 'Jrid-r an I .-on - in .-in ' - ltd .--,.1 : .. -,, - .y ii r . .: I ,rc Tn- 1', ,ff S, e, I - V, ! l .in' , r- : tin 1 'A'ii-n y-.ii l.ix .1 ,1 -P 'il 1 ' and '! i' ', ' Pb.:!pp.r.-s Tlil't r-'piirnti'iti cotiiao,.- n'l I He dik-estatils and (liu'--t- a. I k -nl- i l ,..,,r lllirl(, ir,nll(5 f,,.Ki,i r foml. II . iflvi-s iti-.latil .."li. f and ni'Vi r : i nsneni;. ,. mi,., un. s,.rvlc.. call ,,n or filil.-i tn 1 life. Jl. all'.w - all a..r.-s. J. 1 '. I.l N'l 'HI-:V. tint f'l it'll want, 'l ie lm.-; -cii-ilivi T V 4 P. A sloinai'lmi.ui t;.l." It, I y itsii-e' 11 H TPi'Miu;,.!,, thniisaiiils I,! (I. -'x-t, 'a s liavc ln'i'l) I Cuni'i Aicnt c;!r.Vaf.crovcrvt,in;' 'Ncf:,i!c,l. It;": Thi.d St.. I ..KT...VS. ..'N 1 N ula'iii'i!i' 'l fur al! oiiiai'h I ruiitilcs. I . rriii YOU'LL BE LEFT Ir v o V fnil in tuko iiilvMiiiit.i nl' lln' i'i m'IiI i Vlli'Ml'1 li 'ltli' tli'll siilc Only a Few ll llllllll 'f "HI' Hi'' III ('Iciiliiiii'i- Sal'- I'll! lli'lc ill' Mill 11 Hi' Ml many Lai :ai ii- Icll Save 25 Per Cent ( n I'lniliiiic iiinl '.' " r ' nt mi I uiiiisliiiic; (iimils i.r niiy tiling vim j 1 in Iiiisi- limii n lb' to II till" lillli'f III. I'll' sllll, r- t J it III-.', ullly V. A W i nll.U S 1111, 1 i.ii mnl tiil'I'iT ,i""ls We Are Clearing Out I lur H111I1T Mm' t" liniki' Iim. in tu' ii Iare-,1' I'li-iiilui iit id Sprilic; (i I - -i"'!i t" ill I lc. 1111, 1 mc ilmiif: ll siiivcsslullv I.ii iiiisc i.ui (inn s mnl iinilily i iiniiid lo- rvM'dci! P.A.STOKES 'IjjS-' A Hold Up We h-'ld up "ur ll"" f Slovd mi l Haiise. to ih 1 ub lo for In ,.i tl , n Pit. rt on a I lli-atlng St.-. i-s lie hint- ,,o! to pie. IS. W. .1. Scully, 4.1 1 HUM) 5IWI I T. Itwet-n Mnth and Tenth Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Siijiplir of all kiii'ln ut lowest nitci, fm iMicniu'ti, t V AII-r3Ni Tenth nnil I'limitirrilnl Mrrcli :!'!:! S -in . io a'- her- M11 I to R-t tl - : r m. rent urr.-y and iiop-s - n- .r.i.i-. 1' is f .;. - 11 ,'y i- .1,1: rru-n : ti T . 1 i : h- rn ,'. I'j-ii . 1 :: J i ,r h: C , t . .k it v. .'.- b? ie ri(k f- r:. t he .'';r .r mill ...x- nc -ting, P ears No soap in world is so cheap. No soap in all the world is so good none so lasting. o Sold fill over tlA world. nc 1 for a f-iv iv-eks vvstt. -Mrs. ; !a l'v -rs. '.iho i- -io.-ly r- 0 -rifi; : 1 ,.';, .1 s-ve. f illne-s Mr. Wiil Ii.-tin 'ci.s 1 ur-i..m d Xn r'v of Mr Fled Prt'c; ri lias '.',: , : -i-,,n Mr. I i.-an and . " 'j!! ; -''.- in th-ir !-oii.. Mr- , -. H. Ji-an 1ms b- n v-ry iii f .r ... i o '- !: I'" ''-r!n i- - .1 - " -i. . f rl,t;'!.i : nd - ire !, f '' - I as b--n Improving. Mf. ''oibu.-n iir.s r-'urn 1 '. ' , . urs.'. He lm- ient1 hi fem 'o '1 ! Wirt. It- v. W' n. S .- h r- id s 1 v a' 't. '! ii .n a ' by-'ii- S- 1 -1 y I '.i-riinx M. Amy I- ,t. !- t'n ' " ' 1 Ware. 11'on. Mr. lock HaP bom ti .-'in- omoo d-itinif iiLnt of tic- A. - '' It ,'jf. Wat t-i.toi.. is in Po; ' t .t.-l i- ' " k all the 1 "" a'l''"-"!'"''''"1 ''' "'';f'' -vho is vis'tllK I'-la -ivec. Saturday evening the A O f. W . Ay nt Wan-riton t'aie a i.ub'b ln H'alla'l'.n in ili"1!1 had. folio. n-d by a dance and Buff--. I a- an xceed Ingly pleasant affair with th- ex ception of the Juvenile atleml-ne.. They should be coii-picilous by IheJr absence. l'..r' 1 ' a Hill. II'. I' i in,;. ; -arty f '-! .in.' 1. is . I' ll l sent... I ' I . 1 lent ., , It can't hz'a tut ilo you floodimTCDPQTIMn llll U1IL.O I 1 1 1 U kia : FACTS Par nv.'.v ty ! t . f it . i.. hc , unit htufwe. KOPP'S BJST ADeliciouts mid I 'ilntnl)le Drink Absolutely Pure Tim Northern Psclfle flrwery, of which Mr John Kupp Is proprietor, make le'er for domestic ind nporl tra,'. lbiltlrd beer for family ut or k'g heir upplb', at any tlm. Delivery In the city free. North Pacific Brewery CHOICE MEATS 1. id, ili-.- I'M IV l;f. p'l' tV 1 r. iol, n. 1 we. Fresh Meats Fickled Meats Cured Merits Prompt Deliveries Lowest Pi ices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STHfLT. r,ur flret Hhlpment of 1'jOj Wall i'a ;a t JijHt arilvi d and more on the way. You Must Look Pa-fore you mn S'-e our new coloring ami designs, the Mean are as bright ai a summer morning, and suited to every kind of room and atyle of fur niture. 'I here Is nothing piettler on nailer than these varied designs. 'live us a call. C. M. Cutblrth ASTOUIA. No. 127 7th street; 'phone 2088. r mill il'll lllllll ii'Mltll 1 111 in ll'V. 11.11' '1111 II llll 11 1 I li 1111 1 1 1 I1 I' I'l i 11-11 i-npie nie cni-inpl iIiiik j 'up. whether ,,n bumnens a- pi-Mui-, iley naturally w.nn iii- li.-m 1 1 o-e obtainable as far as sj,- ., , . mf u t an I s.lfe'y is con "..rii.-d Knil'l yei -r tl.e WISCONSIN' CKNTIIAI, I.INKH in ,a. I t ' s-rv,. the public m l .,.. ai- op, 111., 1 H. 1 a , :o in iu- .-Ins,. 1 .,ii. ii -cll .11. v l.'i d . ii; ii :in , an ,ts .',;::::,tw h-r 'unlimited liahimtv of siiakkiioldkks I .ii, in; ear .'.'1 v m-x e;i ..1 M,.,,. I H 11 llll II I l 1 )f New Zetilnnd V. P. THOMAS, Mr San l?rnncisco. i v. - J a !,i c iri In .1 ! r t . 0I1 a n i'i- IPs!-. I r.s . v.c. a.-k it,,. -ie ,.- .g.-ni 1 , M.-t: vou 1 I I-.- ! v-r .. 1 The Wisconsin Central Lines. nil. I you iilll rn k . .II1.-1 i oiine,-;!,,!,, , it i-' I' ml for C'l.'-ag ,, Ml. .vaui;-,. 11,1 J .1' i.o'nv I'-iet ; For iiny fur lier Inforoi i'l m .,iH on I a- v !l k, ' 1 , . r .1 ,,-, 1 nj , j .IAS. C. PONIi. i;e ,Kt( ! ,r JAM. A. CIiCi;, M.!wiiik"e. W'.s i .TEAS... I -at' at Importations In TKA, Itli.'F. and all kinds of CHINA MKKCHANMBIC. Contractors for Chln-aq LABOR Hop Hingr Lung & Co 378 Ilnnd Street. SllliMi rilii'il Cllpitlll, I'aiil-iiji Cnpitnl, yssi'U, Ah.s( l.s in Dniti'ii Stalt'H, .Surplus t Policy IloMi ni, f'),l)()(i,li(l(l 1,(1(111,1 II Ml a,ft l-l.l 1 4 ;:i iii.i 11 11 1 l,7K,7:i2 llns Iicpii IJiiilciwritiiij,' 011 Hi" I'lifilic CoiimI. (ivci hvciiiy-t wn y'iir We Rent New Typewriters. Many new iiiihroveini'iiU aililcd. Sio our latcHt No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter Now Art Catalngno Frin . , . L. M. ALEXANDER A CO. Kidliieivii pHrille Const Desiers Sin KlHik HI., I orllainl, On, F .M'KKCIIKIK. 1 1 1 1. 1 A K