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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1902)
TUB MORNING ASTOIUAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19. 1902 COItVAIXIS FLOUR Till l an Oregon llniir l ha I In . .mi-l 11 i.pi, with, ninny of lb ml fuiuoii (loura In the w.uhl Hint ituanti- Himiiii. I'tUrnt ihr lluf. fttlo l:i..llull. It I made fioin Ii.ik,., .I tuti Wlllmnrlli' Valley wheat Wit me iig;.-lit In Am., i la. Inn nl, k,.,.(, ,,f tne ..o,,., wi ll K ! l In ami. are pretty niirx In null you mi flour 110SS, HIGGINS & CO. The Morning Astorian TBI.IOI'IIONB 'il thw wkathkii. IlillTI.ANl'. i'" W .' n "l" (Pni. Winii-ni Valiina"Hii cloudy. , aloil rain. ln.l nnwilv " I . Kaamni ri-l'iii. fi ri .ml.liiKi.iii an. I Idaho. mranl-nal Until mill ,.r .. md iiixiiy "iiilirily AkOUM) TOWN all Main Ml fr y.nn nial rniuli nt "t.loi a promptly lllbd Wanted 'ilil I""' 'nk Al' nl tf. Iiiiane street I'alroiiUe him" In.luali) ami buy your fed. hay an. gialu al (inaiult a till Tin- alraini-t Ku" II IMmore will aall for Tlllunwoa .n w-l Tuesday aftm nil a( ll.r o. rl.lrni barber ahop fur U I" dale .nk Tlnre Hill i laa bar ter Japanr .! of all kind cheap al Ik Tokolinnin ll.rtaar. V.S atlecl. r..r II. tt HuHc uf i.Miim wlih .limri. with hoard, 'iht Sinih and I iu ll n e Tlir ii-amrm '.. limit. :a llu'.h ami l.kliie departed yralrnlay for Hull Kiaii.l"..' Tbe Kuth aii.l luknie took ulinUr cm If you want ! wood alnt. wood nr thr flrca.Mi.1 telephone Kelly, th transfer iiian. 'I'lune 1311 black If ).u .an ue a r ...k,n- alove . all an.1 nrr Johnson llr-' . lo havo mi" f .r sale al a v. ry low price K.-r Huli One Jrra'-y I'lryi. r moil I rt liBlig-- ( 'i a n n. iv inllrh . .. A.htrv, ..r apily ! lid Cl lll.'lr A t tiol.-Vuii" an. I uti'lamlal niral ran h" Iind f"i IS ieii'a al II I'mil nnr. l it tie.-t Tli" Illume Hun lira-laurnnl 110 wckll dial'" '!' f.-tuftl. npyiim li-Heli III hull. wllti app!. .11 ii..ii.. rt.ti nK H"ii.1 two aatupa r.-..plra supply HuMiik ih" iil...-ii.-.- XI li.-l.ln. j IH.-MI.-.-I ' I'.xv will t.. In rhal'i; i ..f liH ..111. ,' ii -t "il l K.-I..w' l.ull.lllih' j I'iiIi.iiiU" li.'lli.' Iii.Iii-.Iih l.v --III. .K 1 1.! thf ' Pi I.I" ..f AM..i in ' i l.n tin. t j Miiiiiirui'lili" I l lo. Kai lun I . Kn.'l.rl. Th" Hil'Uli hlp Win Mil. li 11 haa ! rtniKli.-.l loa.llnij wh.-al al I'.n tlan.t. j Hhi In i..m (ivl In l"av.- tl.iwn Ilia ilv.-r I. ..lay. Thr Hrllhh nlilp lliir.liiw I", w lii-al la ilrn T Kiirnp". nrrlvr.1 .Inwn fnnii I' .li-nliv Hln- fiurl.-a U".i. ii M l.nh.-U ..f wh.'iii. v.iln.'.l nl s l . i Tin- fiui.iiil ..f Mm wa li.-l.l ymii'i'.lny ill i'lnlt..p Til" Inlrr- iii. -n( wim In K -f it Vli-w i-..ii....iy. Ttn fun. nil Win muli-i III" niiMpl.-ra ..f Hi.- lii'Krc" n(. V. hn ..iil a f"w inor.. i.f ihi " 1 'tpl l' " ;vi a J..linnn Hi... Nl " applrn. rating nr king. ,:. ..-ma ir wdll.. Ilu-y limi. Jolltia.Mt llrna Try mil, I urnl Kimlnri hatna and I..... ii mil y,m will ur-ly lw pkani-1 J.. Inn. ,n lit . llBH" JUKI rrrrlvr.l a lllpllirllt llf N'niway an, I, m I. mi l l.t-rrliiy. nf tt lia Ilii" ntinltty J.,nt.n llr... Tli.-i" will I..- tin- iimnil n.-ir.. pxluy III lli .llll l.ipln-raii rlmr. h Tli" "niliiK .-rn... I .-.ti.iii'ir. III th l.llKlltll lltllli)K" Ii u mtr i.. pinli.i rain aftrr lha fr..i liny n nia.'kln'nali at H.-rrtmn Wlx. rut t i l. r anlr an 1 ki- p ilry, mi" Ihlr.l .iff Tli" Iiii; V'ii.iiK In .hi the hhji nl l..-iiili.. hlp ,ii-. An . I. till. hi ! lo in I. Mill I., li.-i ii.niv- an. I a . ul.ln fur -.iw. iik.-i flit, -1 up I'll- ..f li M, ma.- K t. ii I -ri will l- fi"l I ttil" aft. in, -.ii from Hi.. frtinih nl.n. Tli. iiii.-iin.-iil will In- It. llrtW.i. . .-ui.-t.-i Mat'l.ini- lii.-ni." u.-ir Ktan't'l - In lay 1. 1 IMuai I. I'arll nn l I., na W illi.- aii.t J .lin I) J,-tiim,.n .in. I Ahmi l i;ta.i"r nil f 1nl..i. r-uniy lt-ih n r, nl tn.i I -nijrr. i .t.mi.T nn l iiiak. " I. with tnv. ami . tilinnry flurp tlian any nllirr ijrnriir W Hlitiln.t ti. aK"HI. tr!rpli II" U11 John A al..nlKinriy. at No. t:i Itonil ii.- I ,1 r nil klii.1i. uf luinlng. pliimti liw na' an I Irani flUKiK proinplly mil aklllfully mid al vrry m..().-rai plt.-ra 1 1.-. i if. t.hniuii. wtiil.- il-.w n in lli-l.utlin.- .1 .. k ' "i.-r.y ll.rl an. I f. ll .ui th.- ll ul.iliiinK a fnl.'tul. f 1li" I' K II" a tak"ii tn St- Mif Ii. Mai f n ti . Mtni.-nl .1 Jl It Mll'HI. lit ull.i ban tw. 11 ..n th,. Maniatilta f..r i.-t"T,il l.arjt li.m I r n appoint". I aiNl-ttillt k""p"r ut ill.- I l I IP! I HI UlStll II" I. ft f ! Ill" II. w p. ft of lll ".'. I-.l!. ..ll..l !. U U k -11 olll pl'- ;. tuii.iM .1 n k iru.i! .ml.-.-, I xi-.i I. Ii-" umi". y S.-li.l nlilnpi.l "ir.i... I.. Mi Mill ( N- .-.II.... nk l. pi . I I" .1 I'.. . i 'hi. ...' on th.- I'.-ml.i ,.k"-lill " li.n li.-.-n I. ii.p -i i- Ii ii"p.-li..-l ..ll ll. . . nil-1 of ii.- u.-a'h.i I'v .-It. -ii' proili. t. li.ii thiii I--, n ma I" an. I tli. I. It! Ht.-nni ,i;ip i. ill , nil.!!. h .on I -"-i I'.. i tin- tin!" in .-!"ial y.iin. n . I n H,ni:l" Iiimi i iiiii.-nl win III-l t.u t.-.o 1. 1 "tl"i-,liv Th-r- i n-.irlv it niin ii inortmin" or two mi, I a f.w ,.-...h luit v.-ii,.t..n th.- f-.-.-u In k I. .,k no ti .in-u.-tlotii wlial.-v.-i-. .lloli ..n.l plotv.hl" .I..I .l.-ll! o Mill.-, I to M l'.ill"OV. nUlit .iiiv,-i- of th.- l.iitliii" Ft 1.1. v hIkIii i. hll.. Hi" i . a n .-f tins inakliii; a Inn. I mi: at loiinP r. i'oiii.-i'.y iiiihk-.I Inn f-.otlnii In tin- kii.-.i mi. I f"ll frmii lh" i.lniif in tin- li.liotn nf 111" "lip. a .liBinii " of nl. .in I', f. "I Hit. In-n,. nnl l.n.l w.-i" .-..iiMlil.-iiihty i n .! 1 1 ti . I II. . w.i.'i t.ik.ii In hi'! honi" In lliilnl.-i' mi. I iii.-illi-nl nl. I iiimiiinii.'l A Hill (lilllyl Tou hv put off Iniylnu nw unrliT'lutb; cnjld not f fnnl to buy olltrra. Tou can afford It now On In Wlw'l ami Mk f'T prlran. Iw.k at your panla; mayta Ilia eoat ami V"t ar f'i1 riinunh, Hiid with a nrw pair nf IMuarra will make a f.wxl mill. Ir.ii In at lliTinaii Wlai-'a bite rlnthlnij aimi. an.1 a.-a how llm piicta nr" ri'lu'fl You'll a ntw pair lirfHt y.ill Imiva th Inri'. Tin- KniiM A Htnkia t'onipany ha til., I ii llh'-l "'ill Iii I'.n-t liiii.l aKultiRt th.. . h.Nuir Wlii Winn to n--n.t.-r f 1 ;n (7 for r.-palm iim.l" In th" vi ""l ami a.liBii'-ra umi piuvl fur h-r Th" WIiiic ami Wing l ,n.,i. , in VniitiK" Utiy ami w.ia nrn-a(-,-, i-it.i.ny by iH'pu'y ''nil"'! Hint"" Maihh.ill ll.ib.Tla. A. . in illnic In rrpnrt" r.-i rh'i-.l yi airr ...y from Hi" iiiitrnllli" atiitlnn. tin mllili row th.T" Kavr birth Hi twin i iilv. a ilurlliK Hi" wi-k Th" i-iiiploy.-a ill Ihr mall'iil IniV" llir twlna Toin ' umi J.-rry." Twin culv.-a an vrry rarr II la an hi, ami Ihla la th" dial .." "f t In- klii'l rtrr i.-;.rii"l In thli a-"ll.itl nf III" amir. Wr rarry m.tny fclmla "f H. IiiIIiiik" II. al IP.aatr.l f.iffrra. We have thrlr ( Vniial Ainrrhan ami It iwiillnn l.l n1 Thrlr .-.iinlilniilh.n hl.nil nf Java and llawiilimi Thrlr M'ftia t n-1 Ja bl. ti.1. an.1 many nllu-ra mi niniu roiia 1., ninitlon Try thla inn"' Wr will KlM.11 v r.fuml your tnofiey If the kxI" di) not Kin. mill" .t'l'B i.nn John m.ii In n I r .i a r.-i nrm tlml hl Kit't A--l -ria .,ir:.t f-wr jail.-iiia th" ihrrr S'..t -i ik . or.- ic"'tlk' itl""it 1. 1. .-l . ti..- a lull- Iflr'. I 'I'll1" u hip th" .lo.-tor .-upr.ta I" P'lU '" !il nikh Ai H"pa hlt" brrli taken l' itu,it,l .iK.illi'l apr. i l of Hi- itl-B.-. ii l thoiik-'il th.-i. will Ik in further .,ii In th.- Iji: 1 'n-1 nwrii Sit. .up i.f K. in . W .ili ami III. hm, I M.-.1I' k "f ' iitllii Waah , ii,,- .o . who inn .iw.iy from li-mi". n,-t" ahipp.- l h... k .-a:.-r.l..y in nninK on lh- l.iitliii.- Th" l.i-li up' 1 ami T. t .-tti of nil" r.-ip---1 iv I v , ami l"fl honi" l i't Moii lnv Th" .' ll. " i"iev.-. worl !li- fniliiri thai tli" l"" noiill I.- in.-t ut Kaliim. Some llcmi al Sole from our Ttnly l ourlk Ainuil . . . . Clearance Sale that Ki'.t.a iKi: immi i i ai i-: ni:Nii'N OH. SI I.I.INd $1.-. nml SiiiU ut !MS iiiul 1 I.1IH alrmik'ly ilcti alrntiw nnr pnln-v nl iiiiikiii' eiii'li Hfiinmi anil it own hoiiiIh, TIii-mi' hiii t h iiii-aniiir nl llita i iiiiin' mntitti'Ht alyli-M. Millennia nml cnliirM iimal popular. ( lili' linlf nf tin' Int wiim hoI I I lint wi'ek, lint hien nml alvlea reinnm iinlirnkon. Thia ih iiii extninr.liiiiiry i liiiiii! fur ymi N0TI0N5 HX'IRA CHHAP M liRIi Kllll N K T W K K h II I t It 11 a liivisil.lp IJnii- l'ins, wuitli LV, al ! ( r Imx. Knjjlisli Hair l'ins, wurlh .Va himt, now 2 lor ni .'n' Allllllililllll Tlllllllilrs III 1 1' t'lli'll. Wire Hair l'ins wore fie n cal'ini t, imw 2 for 5o. Milps' Sai'i-tv Tins were fn-, now IU: it iloen. - Ntrilli! lU.k at ir.f. Iti'si SjkioI ('niton, white ami Miit-k, 7 for '-Tn I'loiie (Jasiuf;, worth 1 Dp, now He a piece. tVVrVV ' THE A. DUflBAH GO. T v l:. llnn.i l i iU ri( pait.n of tli.. l.-th lt ihur.h will i"i-nt t.. hl r, .lll-i. !.itl-.lia th" follow IliK Uli. ),, ti- At 11 ll in . LnUlK 1" thr iimt.t i:i. in. nt " ' p in . lfc' i' ' ' Hutiilav a. ho , al 1! n i'l " k. Kpwoitll (.niKUr. Th" l llol". Ull .. i- th" .In.-, no ii ..f Mra. rk will pll-a. tit t-V .ll.llt tlill"!.' , ..pv ..f th" Kuifp. .in i. Ill ion of th.- N.-w Yot k II. nil I publia!i.-.i at I'm la, wita n. . It.'.l h. n- l ati nl-iy ll ; . otltllllli .ill "V.'lll.'.l .l-.-'lltlt "f the i.i!.K.-l pt.i,'ii"i "f lumbla rlti-r I. ntiil .m l .pi 'L i ! (-! f i"tn b't- !.. wiitt.-ti I i" by Fi'-n.h Mplnlin jl.anv Siillltun Ii .h-pl. t"! In nnvlli'iiK' Inn a . ..inp'iin.'iit.iry Iik'iI. j j..hii "" ' '.'I' u .1 r w ..a up ' i , 1' . i- .In k" V-.-.n "li-r lay j ., , .,f Itii-k men The I ,,. i. ,ii. p...'. -i.-.l t:--:.- v .i ii . 1 1 ii m the j h.ui;.- w Ii. ii iik. I tn ml avowing I -h.ii i,.- .is ,.V h.iif -Iriii-k ' nil I !:r". . ,.t!. i tr '.i k. "i . . "ii k. i'l. I Ii-' t" p it I. i in. of -I' "' ' h"w ,.i-. w.ii -in. -lin' i'lt'i nil If tin, illy j.t.lti.lti. I !r. Kill!! .in I '-'.ti l-K.'il 'he lull f !'. in .I, fault of which 1 r j w.-nt t i .hill Thr WililllllKlnn pilot .iillllllilloU' rH 1'iipnilii Iut'i Staple": wim w.ii ivni,,vi'i by :h.- or. bonr.1 on ii,.-.uiiit of !lltn!!.a i still u pilot In'l alamlmi: until i-hiirc-a tnotv wr Ioiih .in- pief.'iitsl milium! hlin. When I'liptnln llRhton wii iippoiut.,1 a plbn by the Wnahlnct'in Nunl n almrt time m i p w.n IhII".. that ht wrta In iiii.e..l rnplaln St.ipl.i. hut h 'at lev N "i r.-. oi;!il.'.l nf ,i iluly llernaej pilot na f.n- iii llie Wi-hinntoll I'mii-lltlMilolli'l-i life .'nil''.' I'll'' 'I 'I'lie I'.tl'l-li li:iik f.iiiilir.iiii W.ui' well kii 'W n In thlx pmt. nr. veil ' t.-iil:iy ei. tiiin; from ai'iiis.i ufier i lini-.l lu. U paiiiik-". '"apt.'iln tiun.b :' 1n.hi bi'.iiii lii Iii i- 111. Tli" Ipi.1 j i very fair piif-nKc In 3d nnrih. w hen She .-ii.' iiiniei.'il litiht wliula whtrh .lel.iye.l her She wim mi, lei- .hn'ler i,i "ti'ii In here, but her ohnrter explvril mi J.niiiarv l.r. Nnw she Is li"iiu:ii; an.1, on in. mint nf tile iiiiniber nf Idle "hips here nl present, will doiibtl"a hnve i InnK slay In purl. Th- Salem Statesnmn pays A-rromry lumbiir the fnlliHvliiK iinniillmi'nl! 'The wliliiliawiil nf Mr. Williamson from the raee for seeretary of stat I. aves Mr. Ihinlmr wlthnnl i rival for the tioiiiltintlon before the next Hepub llniii iniivenihui. This Is it splen.lhl li-stltni tiliil t-i the lilk'h i sloem In whli-h Mr. iMinbnr Is hel l as an offlrlnl nnl one entirely deserved. He has administered the affairs of his otllcv III n sntlsfuetiiry manner, and a re and re-election nrc duo him na n rewnrd." The attention of Astoria merchant, upon whom the Skamokiiwii EhkIc de pends in lurKe niiiisiire for upiort. Is din-etui to the follnwlni; "knin'k" ap-lii-ai'liiK In tills week's Issue of the luiper: "We notice thai the flsh com mittee nf the Astoria Tush Club has petitioned t'overnor Mcltflilo to retain r-lsh I'otiiiiilsslnner I.llllc mid Deputy Melleavy. If the Rovprnor cannot find lii'tter nuiterliil fur a llsh comnilsskin r In his own party well, till we have ttot to say Is that the parly Is hard up for men. The governor will have no ilHtlcully In flmliiiK several kooiI men for the position, however." All member of A at or la A"rr, fra ternal Order of Eale, are re uu.-atiM to at lend the nnetlna' today. The new by-law a will be submitted and other ImiMirtarit bualnraa will i-oi-i- b.-fore the llieetln Albert Thl"l, of this rliy, who took Ihr Koverriinent examination f .r abort hand wrlllntf III I'rirtlmid biai ai Imt, received notice by wlr from Her. n-1 try Ihik yalerday that h had an. .faafully paaaed, and la now on the IIM f eligible for appointment In the J -u i-t iik-ii i n I arrvbe al Wanhlnifton. The Hi Itah ship IxH-he Haive, uhh li Biihr.l Friday evening' report tli hia of an able a..,iniin, I'.-ter Vaaluio, who died J.imiary 5, u day after the t-aae rem In. I the rlvri mouth. The l.rlie (iiirvr waa audly In inv-d of re pulra when she arrlvnl. her Herrli.K .ur la-Inn nut of nrdi-r Five of her iii.ii weie III with minor ullim-nia and lin apa luted from duty, urn! Oiptnln nitehle had it trylUK experience while off the rl. er. lie waa here before ua lliaatrr of the rVll'llballyinore. Th" Ia he il.trte haa tn-.-ii ihartered to I. mil Kialn. but h.-r tae hua not y.-t Im ii learned. At Valley K.TKe." Win. K llnbvrt' piny, d.nlliiK with ihr 'ontlm ntu per-I-nl In tin lountry. i-iii.-a to l-'inh-ra' npeiii liouae next Friday The i Irer la "al l to In; ulivr with air ,tn( altua llntia and replete with un ex. rptlonally orlnliiul i ..mi dy element, whh h un -tiiat.-a the In ii m if ul love aiory In a way luiplra.-ra It Pidellbly U mi 111.- inlii, la of It audl.ti"-.. Tue . asi la reported u brlliK u 1'iajv.l u( aln liKtli 111 lis Indlvidu i.ltt ali i i i.. wiiilile and Ihr an-nle appurt.ini . aic a spli-ii'li l adjiin. t to lin play luelf. Ill a., inuih na they n.rry Hie ery iitmoiphi'iv f old Villey I iirij'' and hlat .il. Trillion Into he realim of niliiili ry with a i..ui li 'ewllmu thai is nt nunc i onviiii-liiK- Th.- ink ta auiil In be . f yi- i.nd euli-r whlrli bi-ea:h-a :h" '.ery .-.-n'e uf the alat.-ly mlnilet'.e of ! n. ral WaahiiiKton a Java .it Mt V-rn tn. Th" French bark luiUesnr itcpiup'd M-sterday inornlni; for Sim Francisco, there to load (train for the I'nlled KliiK'loin i'liptnln Cuiiilerson. who t.Kik her out. went by way of the south hnnnel and n-ports thai the bin wus rry rouifh It was stated recently that thr I Hniu.-im- was or drrr.l ! Hun Frani ls. o aus - of the el iiiipini; methixla praitlnil on lh I'olumbl.i by lh" sailor bnordmit-house Is-opl". but this atitletiieiit i d nbsl. The lIHUeslie Is Koini; San Ftan i ls o le-i ituse she can K"t shlllinK their, while h.rr thr charter rat- haa fall.-n In :T ahlllliiKS There are set -eral diM-iiK.iKcd ships in irt and the chances nr.- that the rale will drop still further The fharles tlotinnud was ..ffen-d .I.". ahlllliiKS when sin- ar rlted. bill the owners d.vllne.1 10 ac cept the off.-r As a result, the ves sel Is still unchartered, and. as she could now i:.-! only shllllnKs, th failure of the owners to accept the rat.- hit resulted lu i-onslderable ! s I., them Th" teasel will carry almit PMCES. s M A 4 hZZf H E D AT WISE'S I Do It Not Because I Want to But Because I MUST ! ft'a a filiamt! I know it, to throw good, rr putahle clothing away at S U C II PRICE S! Hut I hnve to do it. Why? Because lat July when fish came in well I became enthused and bought enough Men's and Bovh' CLOTH ING,' HATS and FURNISHINGS for two Stores. Now! In order to reduce this big stock, I started a sale the other day which was taking well enough, but not fust enough to suit my purpose, so HERE SHBGOBS Another Drop Until further notice I will sell this handsome stock, except Carhartt Overalls, Monarch Shirts, collars and cuffs, so low that it will be impossible for you to resist buying. rrl Trio Snnnpr Vnii Hi tlK Jtifitafrlmz Buy the JJftmattimt 4,))lfJ!nilUr Better the Assortment r.),MmuUJr l 'at ai iiJ al 4i al p 'A.' A SNAP Tuesday, Jan. 21 W- ill !lit (' (HI Milt' i'l r tun' wcfk U'Ui Ii't- 't MEN'S SUITS timnl Valiio at .?1-J.ii' l ' i r, $6.50 Look nt display in window S. DANZIGER &C0. m m m $ $ $ i ifr $ i & :no0 tons, and If she takes the pre- I vailing rate the owners will receive JiTUn less than the amount that would ! I have b.'en reallied had they accepted L: shillinBS. The Fulwood Is even 'worse oft than the Gounoud. .She" ; oitniL- hi re awklntf and refused 3S M. The difference lietwen the rate ofT r 'ed her at first und that now offering ! would aftKrvTttte something over jyflo. 1 Short age of grain Is largely responsi ible for the demoralized condition of i "barters. Al tsan Francisco llie pre ! vailing rate Is 30 shlllinBS. or 3 shil lings more than is offered here. You ought to rail your sale the po- llceman sale said, said a prominent cltlxen to Hennan Wise yesterday, be- j cause It arrest attention. This gives me an idea, said Herman Wise. Since there is so much wit abroad. I will offer a reward of 15 for the best name for my great cut price jsale. Everybody that wants to may send In a suggestion and on the 20th ' Inst. I will have a committee award ! the j to the best answer. ' t'tit nut and fill in tUIs : II suggest the following as a ( proper name for lleim-'n Wise's ) V Hi. at Clothing S.l . Some Excellent Pieces i Op6Cl3.l in Fancy Toilet -Sets and Tableware at SilV6T 20 PER CENT OFF Don't Kail- to Make WciTC a Selection. Sale lasts only this week Sale FQARD & STOKES CO. I.eoause (Signed.! !J,HERE,S DOfl'TttlflIT CUMr Tlie time to buv i j rJ OnUu risht now.' I I l 1 tins mouth, i llf 11 J I f" tll:!' J0U C!1D I VI v I an extra pair with- I yv' money I ,utlt,t'!ing u j I Peterson I The following answer hnve be re ceived: No. 1. Herman Wise's "Peach Ooih lng Rile." because everybody Ukea It. Ko. 1-IIerman Wlse a "Twin Cloth ing Sate." because you get almost O worth for $1. S. "Cyclone Sale," because it makes things move so fast, and no other store can compete with It "Electric Sale." because It shocks competition and enlightens bargain seekers. "Theatrical Sale," because every body has a show to get good goods at low prices, Herman Wise's 'IFlood Tide" Sale; Sale; because It draws all Bmart buy la on. Herman Wise's "Magnetic" Clothing Sale; because It draws aul smart buyers. a 'Nn Our first shipment f 1W2 Wall Ba rer just arrived and saor oa th way. You Must Look Before you eaa sr oar saw eoloriag and design, th trie am a bright as a summer inoruiua, and ultd k very kind of room and styl of fnr alture. There Is nothing prttU raDer than the varied dtslgna. Civ us a al). C. M. CwtblrtH Wo. H7 T str; 'phoa Wm. J.A.FASTABEND Andrew Asp, nagon. naitr, Biirksuui tu lotmUtt GBNERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIST. 624 Commercial St.. Astoria, Ore. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Atterftlbn Given to 8hln Steamboat Repalrlng.General Blank mltblng. Ftrst-Claas Horse. Shoeing. t. COMER TWELFTH BKD DUflfUi STS